Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test with Smart Countdown, 3 Pregnancy Tests

I Hamilemiy? How do I know if I'm pregnant? What are the symptoms of pregnancy?

Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test with Smart Countdown, 3 Pregnancy Tests

What are the symptoms of pregnancy? Those who want to learn the answer to the question here ... We have prepared a special news for those who suspect that you are pregnant. We are with you all the information about pregnancy symptoms and pregnancy test.

All information about pregnancy and pregnancy test is here! Those who wonder about pregnancy symptoms can easily reach all the details from our news. Citizens, how the pregnancy test is also researched on Google. Here we are with all the details and more.


Symptoms of pregnancy in women often manifest as nausea, fatigue, increased vaginal discharge or a feeling of tension in the breasts. In addition, darkening of the nipple color and delayed menstruation are among the most common symptoms. Although the symptoms of pregnancy vary in each candidate, the most common ones are;

PRECISION AND PAIN IN THE BREAST: Sensitive and painful breasts, darkening of the nipples and even more pronounced vessels on your chest may become one of the first signs of pregnancy.

Nausea and vomiting: One of the most common symptoms during pregnancy is the feeling of nausea. This symptom begins to manifest from the 6th week. You are most likely to become pregnant, especially if you feel awake in the morning and feel confused and even vomit. The reason for this is the changing hormone secretions in the body.

EMOTIONAL CHANGES: Since the first moments of pregnancy, there are changes in hormones, it is very normal to see emotional changes in pregnant women. Symptoms such as hypersensitivity, crying easily, irritability can be signs of pregnancy.

Dizziness: dizziness is one of the most common symptoms encountered in the first weeks of pregnancy. The reason for dizziness during pregnancy is that the uterus does not pump enough blood as a result of pressure.

ABSTRACT: It is one of the most common features especially in the first 3 months of pregnancy. However, not all pregnant women experience signs of ovulation. If there is an average of 3-4 months of pregnancy, cravings may start. This symptom of pregnancy ends soon.

SMALL BLEEDINGS: This is one of the most definite signs of pregnancy. This situation, which is described as üstüne over-sighting arasında among the public, is not like normal menstrual bleeding. Rather, it manifests itself as "small spots".

CRAMPES: You may experience pregnancy similar to the cramps you have during your period. Because your womb expands and prepares itself for the baby, and such cramps may occur.

FREQUENTLY TOILET: The need to go to the toilet frequently is among the symptoms of pregnancy. Because when you are pregnant, your body produces extra fluids, which makes your bladder work more than usual. In addition, if the color of your urine is dark or dark yellow, this indicates pregnancy.

Breathlessness: Shortness of breath is another symptom of pregnancy. Because the fetus that is growing in your uterus needs oxygen, which means that the mother needs more oxygen.

Fatigue and constipation: Increased progesterone secretion due to pregnancy can affect the digestive system and cause constipation and bloating.

SENSITIVITY AGAINST SMELLS: Sensitivity to odors and food during pregnancy occurs. Therefore, you smell the slightest and your nose becomes extremely sharp and you smell more than normal.

If you have not yet seen your menstrual period in your expected menstrual period, you are very likely to become pregnant. It may also indicate pregnancy when a lighter bleeding is encountered than is normally the case. It is the first and most definite symptom of pregnancy.

Tiredness and fatigue: Due to the increased levels of hormones in the body, you may suddenly feel exhausted. This symptom persists for most women during the first trimester and disappears by the second trimester.

DIFFERENCE IN TATTING: You may feel as if you are tasting more than ever. This is one of the symptoms of early pregnancy. As the hormone changes occur during pregnancy, the nose feels the sense of smell at the highest level. Especially the smell of perfume and cigarettes can increase the nausea of ​​pregnant women.


Pregnancy Test Step 1: Pregnancy tests are sold under the name of different brands in pharmacies. However, when taking a pregnancy test at the pharmacy, it does not matter what the brand is.

If you are unsure about which brand of pregnancy test to buy, you can purchase the pregnancy test recommended by your pharmacist.

When taking a pregnancy test, check that the expiration date printed on the box has passed. Make sure there is no wear and damage to the box and that it is intact.

Women who took the pregnancy test early in the absence of any signs of pregnancy; pregnancy tests with two test strips. This way, when your pregnancy test is negative the first time, you can try the second bar after a week.
Some experts advocate taking a pregnancy test at pharmacies on more busy streets and with continuous customers. Pregnancy tests sold in pharmacies with plenty of customers do not wait on the shelf for months. Likewise, using pregnancy tests that have been waiting at home for several weeks may give you the wrong result. If you do not follow the pregnancy test storage instructions, keep it in a hot and moisture prone place; this may affect the results of the test.

Some pregnancy test brands; They claim that they can detect if they are pregnant at the beginning of the delayed menstrual period. It is true or false that these tests are sensitive enough to detect high levels of hCG in urine; In very early pregnancy, the body may have produced high levels of hCG. At the same time, women who rely on these tests may be disappointed if the test is negative even if they are pregnant. It is useful to try again in the following weeks.

Most pregnancy tests sold in pharmacies and have generic brand names are actually produced in the same factory and using the same technology. If you've taken a pregnancy test to fit your budget, don't worry about brand quality.

Pregnancy Test Step 2: Take the pregnancy test at the time it will give you the most accurate results. Most experts recommend that menstrual delay be waited for at least another Day before taking home pregnancy tests.

If there is a delay in your expected menstrual period, you may want to know with excitement whether you are pregnant. Since hGG levels start to increase rapidly in pregnant women; Waiting for a few more days and being patient will make the pregnancy test give you more accurate results.

After fertilized egg implants in the uterus, women develop the hormone hCG. Implantation of the fertilized egg occurs 6 days after the merger of the sperm and the egg. If you take the test on the first day of menstrual delay; Even if you are pregnant, you may get negative results because your body does not begin to develop hGG.

In the morning, urine is the most intense and hGG level is the highest. If you do your pregnancy test after waking up in the morning, it may give a more accurate result.

Before Pregnancy Test Step 3: Carefully read the instructions on the pregnancy test box you purchased.

Most home pregnancy tests have almost the same instructions. However, brands may also have different instructions on the box and may change details such as the urine collection method.

Pregnancy Test Step 4: Prepare yourself for the result. Pregnancy tests at home can sometimes be a frustrating experience, and you may be worried about performing this test.

If your friend or partner is waiting for you in front of the bathroom door while you are doing the test, you can share your concerns with them after the test. Wash your hands with warm water and soap before performing the pregnancy test. Carefully remove the test strip from its packaging.

Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test with Smart Countdown, 3 Pregnancy Tests