Friday, October 25, 2019

Claritin medicine


Claritin medicine

What is food allergy?

Food allergy is that the immune system perceives a food that is actually harmless as a harmful substance. In response, the body activates the defense system.

Food allergies can be seen starting in infancy and even in the womb. Infants with a history of allergy (allergic rhinitis, asthma, food allergy or eczema) in at least one parent or sibling in the family may be as high as 20% at the age of 5-7 years.

Babies give symptoms immediately when they have allergies. When you try a food for the first time or for the second time, you will immediately see traces of allergies in your baby. Allergic symptoms may include redness of the face, mouth, tongue or body, swelling of the lips or eyes, constant flow or obstruction of the nose, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. In more severe cases, wheezing, difficult breathing, weakness may also occur in the form. In this case, you should seek help from your doctor immediately.

Which infants have a higher risk of food allergy?

Does your family have food allergies? Before you worry about your baby, it's worth looking for the answer. Because children in the family with allergies are more likely to have allergies. Besides, babies with eczema may be more prone to food allergy.

Infants with a history of allergy (allergic rhinitis, asthma, food allergy or eczema) in at least one parent or sibling in the family may be as high as 20% at the age of 5-7 years.
Since infancy is a very sensitive period in terms of the emergence of food allergy, allergy should be prevented in infants and the necessary steps should be taken immediately after birth.

How does food allergy progress?

When the baby has an allergy, it gives immediate symptoms. When you try a food for the first time or for the second time, you will immediately see traces of allergies in the baby. Allergic symptoms may include redness of the face, mouth, tongue or body, swelling of the lips or eyes, constant flow of the nose or congestion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. In more severe cases, a child's allergy may also occur in the form of wheezing, difficult breathing and weakness. In this case, you should seek help from your doctor immediately.

Different allergy types are available. some allergies are more insidious. We can call them delayed allergies. Symptoms occur over time. Therefore, they are more difficult to detect. Because they do not give symptoms immediately, the child continues to eat these foods. In general, milk, soy, egg and wheat products can cause allergy. Allergic symptoms can also be eczema, reflux, stomach pain, inadequate growth, diarrhea or constipation. Even if you stop giving the allergy food to the child, the symptoms do not completely disappear, but they are alleviated.

If you suspect that your baby has this allergy, you can keep an allergy diary. Make a note of the food and allergy symptoms you give your baby here. And make sure to write these notes for at least two weeks. In order to detect such a food allergy, you should seek help from a doctor.

How can allergies be diagnosed?

If you suspect that your child has allergies, go to your doctor first. There's a lot of allergy tests. They will try to understand what your baby is allergic to by skin tests or blood tests. Don't forget to tell your doctor what foods you suspect. The tests will be based on the foods you suspect, but can also test common allergies (cow's milk, wheat products, soy, fish, shells, eggs, peanuts, nuts, walnuts, etc.). If you wish, you can ask your doctor about allergy medications, but it is best to detect and remove foods that your baby is allergic to.

What are the symptoms of food allergy?

Allergic symptoms:
Abdominal pain in cramp style
Cough, wheezing
Recurrent middle ear problems
Flu (nasal itching, sneezing, nasal discharge)

For many people with food allergies, these reactions are more uncomfortable than dangerous. However, in rare cases, more severe reactions may occur. In such a case you should go to the doctor urgently.

Risky foods in food allergy

Cow's milk: Your doctor will decide whether products such as cheese, yogurt, butter, cream can be included in the diet of children who are allergic to cow's milk.

Egg: Since it is consumed frequently and is found in many foods, it is easily allergic. Egg white is more common to allergy than yolk. Egg allergy is more common, especially in infancy and early childhood. Over the years, the effect is diminishing. It ends completely in adulthood. Symptoms of egg allergy can occur in the form of eczema or itching skin and eye lesions. Egg allergy can be manifested by redness, wheezing, vomiting and diarrhea following the ingestion of the egg itself or the foods containing the egg. When allergy symptoms occur, the egg should be given a break for at least six months.

Fish and shellfish: Allergic fish and seafood include: Mackerel, tuna, lobster, cod, sardines, crayfish, shrimp, crab, snails, mussels, oysters, squid.

Shelled and oily nuts (such as nuts, peanuts): Allergic foods in this group are peanuts, almonds, coconuts, chestnuts, walnuts, pistachios, hazelnuts and walnuts. Many doctors say that babies should be introduced to nuts for 12 to 36 months. If you do not have an allergic baby, if your family does not have a history of allergies, you can introduce your baby to dried fruits for around 12 months. But if you have an allergy-prone baby, maybe you can wait between 24 and 36 months.

Cereals: Corn is less allergen than wheat. Since wheat has an important place in every diet, it is very difficult to remove it from the diet. Those with wheat allergy (gluten entropathy and / or celiac) may also have to remove bread, bulgur, couscous, crackers, starch, durum wheat and durum flour, gluten, pasta, noodles.

Meats: Food allergies to chicken and beef are also common in infancy. Lamb is less allergic. Infants susceptible to milk may have an allergic reaction to beef, and individuals with egg allergies may also be susceptible to chicken meat.

Fruits, vegetables: Fruits and vegetables, especially strawberries, kiwi pineapples, tomatoes, can cause allergies in children. Oranges can cause symptoms in childhood due to frequent consumption. Vegetables such as zucchini and tomatoes can cause various clinical symptoms. While there is a sensitivity to the peel of vegetables such as potatoes or carrots, there may be no indication of edible parts.

Spices and condiments: Ginger, celery seeds, cinnamon, cloves, coriander, coconut, mustard, black pepper, red pepper, poppy seeds, sage and vanilla can cause food allergies.

Mustard: A strong allergen, especially in children can cause asthma or urticaria.

Chocolate: Allergic rhinorrhea, migraine, flushing itching and digestive system disorders may be seen especially in children due to frequent consumption.

What should I pay attention to?

-Do not diagnose yourself; this may deprive you or your child of a very important nutrient for growth and development. Always seek help from your doctor in the diagnosis and treatment of food allergy.

-Get the habit of “label reading için for each product you buy (ingredients, production and expiry date).

- A sick child suspected of having a food allergy should not be given food suspected until the tests are completed by an allergy specialist.

-Food allergies after diagnosis is confirmed treatment, your child is allergic to food or nutrients to remove from the diet. Absolute avoidance is essential as severe reactions can occur even in very small amounts.

- If an important nutrient is removed from the diet, it is necessary to regulate the diet to prevent malnutrition.

- If the person diagnosed with food allergy or that person is a child, his / her family, carers and school staff should be informed of the symptoms and, if necessary, emergency treatment. The importance of emergency treatment should be emphasized.

- An emergency action plan should be given to the family and should be trained in the use of adrenaline automatic injectors in serious reactions.

- No food should be taken from children who are allergic to food, from strangers, or from selling places.

- Processed, frozen or packaged foods may contain hidden food proteins; nutrient labels and their contents should be read carefully during shopping. Food eaten in restaurants may also have hidden food allergens; information on food ingredients should be obtained from the food preparation.

What should be done in the nursery for my child with allergies?

The most important step is to inform all the staff in the nursery. Your doctor may write a special article for the nursery. Here you can find out what the symptoms are and what should be done when symptoms occur. All medicines should be at hand and employees should know how to use them.

Try to make sure that your child does not share the food of another child.

Check the school menu every time the list changes. Be sure to see if there are foods that cause allergies.

Are food allergies persistent in children?

Food allergies tend to improve in children and adults. For this reason, the loading test should be followed at regular intervals to see if it improves. Allergies to milk, eggs, wheat and soy usually improve over the years. In contrast, nuts, fish and shellfish allergies are not expected to improve ...

Claritin medicine