Saturday, October 5, 2019

Children's Motrin Oral Suspension, Pain Relief, Ibuprofen, Bubble Gum Flavored, 4 Oz

What causes headache? Symptoms and treatment! What is good for headaches?

Children's Motrin Oral Suspension, Pain Relief, Ibuprofen, Bubble Gum Flavored, 4 Oz

Headaches are due to many causes. In order to find the right treatment for your headache, you should first learn about the type and cause of your headache. Likewise, if you have a headache with nausea and nausea has started after a headache, you may suffer from migraine headache. To find out what is good for nausea and headache, it is useful to read the migraine treatment section of our article. There are basically two types of headache types: tension type and cluster type. Tension-type headaches are often caused by stress. Many people have this type of headache once or twice a month. These pains usually last for several hours. Sometimes more stubborn pain can last for several days.

What causes headache?
Typical symptoms of tension-type headaches are continuous pain on both sides of the head, tension in the neck muscles and a feeling of pressure behind the eyes. It affects women more than men. Cluster headaches affect one side of your head and can be very painful. Usually they wake you several times at night, causing you to interrupt your sleep. There may be inflammation in the eye on the affected side and blockage on this side of your nose. Cluster headaches are rare and affect men more than women.

If you have these symptoms together with a headache, always consult a doctor.
If your headache suddenly occurs
If the intensity increases with time
If you cause double vision, increase your weakness or cause loss of sensation
If he showed up after 50
If a blow or accident occurred to you
If your neck presents as stiffness or fever
If it creates an unusual situation
If you think that you have never had such a headache, you should consult your doctor.

Causes of pain according to headache types?
The structures that cause headaches are large arteries and veins that feed the brain, brain membranes, teeth, eyes, nose, ears, sinuses, nape and back muscles. The brain, which is the structure where all sensation of pain occurs and is interpreted, is a painless organ. The reason for distinguishing headache symptoms by type is that you can determine the type and apply the appropriate treatment.

Tension headaches cause constant and pressure pain (tension) around your head. You may feel pressure behind your eyes and tension in your neck muscles. Headache is not associated with nausea, vomiting, or hypersensitivity to light or sound. Tension headaches occur during the day and can last for several hours or longer.

In cluster headaches, the pain is extremely severe. However, the attacks are short-lived, with a maximum duration of one or two hours. Pain starts quickly and affects one side of your head, especially the eye area. The eye on the affected side may have inflammation and nasal obstruction. You may have headaches that start several times a day, usually at the same times and last for several weeks or months.

Causes of headache and triggering factors
Tension headaches cause constant and pressure pain (tension) around your head. You may feel pressure behind your eyes and tension in your neck muscles. Headache is not associated with nausea, vomiting, or hypersensitivity to light or sound. Tension headaches occur during the day and can last for several hours or longer.

In cluster headaches, the pain is extremely severe. However, the attacks are short-lived, with a maximum duration of one or two hours. Pain starts quickly and affects one side of your head, especially the eye area. The eye on the affected side may have inflammation and nasal obstruction. You may have headaches that start several times a day, usually at the same times and last for several weeks or months.

Diagnosis of headache
If you have occasional headaches, you do not need to visit your doctor. You can usually understand the cause of these pains and know how to relieve them. However, if you have more frequent and severe headaches, you should consult a physician. Tell your doctor if you are experiencing blurred vision, nausea, vomiting, confusion, or insomnia, or if you have severe headaches that suddenly get stuck. You may need to have some tests done to see if there is an underlying problem.

Keeping a headache diary can also help you in identifying possible causes. Every time you have a headache, note how severe the pain is, where it is, any other symptoms you are experiencing, and what you are doing at the time.

Routine biochemical and hematological examinations are performed once in each patient in order to be a part of the systemic examination and to monitor the side effects of the drugs to be used in headache patients. Lumbar puncture is performed in patients with suspected meningitis, cerebral hemorrhage, high or low CSF pressure syndrome. Cranial MRI can be performed in patients with new onset, atypical features and neurological examination is not normal.

Headache and treatment according to types
Although there are 2 main types of headache, there are also different types of headache classifications. Knowing the six types of headaches listed below will help you to reach the right treatment. The most well-known of these types of pain are:

Tension type headache
Horton Headache
Headaches caused by drugs
Ordinary headache
Dangerous headache
Tension type headache
It is a very common discomfort. About 80-90% of people have experienced it. It is also seen in young people and children. Daily headaches are unfortunately seen in one out of every four students, especially girls. Mild and coercive headaches are slowly settled, gradually increase and disappear slowly. It feels like a tight strap around the head or a very narrow cap. The pressure is felt on the forehead, temples and neck. Sensitive spots may occur on the jaws with hair bottoms. The neck muscles may be tense and aching. The pain can last from 30 minutes to seven days.

Causes of tension-type headache?
The muscles around the head, face, jaws and neck are stretched for a long time, causing pain in the head. You probably don't even know you're nervous! If you have frequent tension headaches, consult your doctor.

How does tension-type headache start and how does it go?
Different types of stress: Family life, relationships, worry about failure, etc. Rest and act regularly.
You grind your teeth or you squeeze them wrong: Get a biting device.
Fatigue, insomnia. - Keep your room cool, change your pillow.
Working in a bad position. - Move from time to time, five minutes per hour
Staying in front of the computer for a long time. - Use the terminal glasses for the computer.
Defect of vision. - Get an eye test.
Poor / poor lighting - Get enough lighting when reading.
Any medication used. - Investigate the side effects.
Depression. - Talk to your doctor.
Headaches can be seen as body warnings that you need some peace and quiet. You should try to find the source of this uncomfortable pain.

What to remember in tension headaches
Be very careful and alert to the pain in your head;
Finding the source of this, controlling side factors;
To see your doctor;
Trying to help yourself and applying for physical therapy;
Doing regular exercise exercises for at least half an hour a day;
Do not forget to take enough liquid. Plain drinks are more useful than colored ones.

Migraine is a discomfort that occurs in different forms. Migraine is called the “most severe headache”. It is a recurrent and severe headache. It is common between 20 and 40 years of age and tends to decrease after fifty years. Migraine, 60-80% of women in menstrual periods is exacerbated. One in five women has migraine attacks on a continuous basis. Migraine is an inherited disease.

Migraine symptoms (Headache and nausea)
Visual disturbances may occur prior to throbbing pain, usually on one side of the head, followed by nausea and vomiting. Pain can be heard around the eyes, forehead or temple. Although the first migraine attack is normally in adolescence, some of them experience it at an early age.

There are two types of migraine:
Pre-stimulating (Aura) migraine type. This type of migraine is less common and occurs in 10-20% of all cases. Before migraine with aura, there are different visual phenomena (flashes of light, zigzag lines, blank spots, vibrating images). Inexplicably speaking, numbness with pins and needles (signs of paralysis), thirst and stretching may also occur. This may take approximately 30 minutes. This severe headache after the aura may be accompanied by or before the aura.
Migraine without aura. There are no specific symptoms before this headache. Many feel bad and get angry quickly. Some have changes in appetite. Migraine attacks can last from half an hour to three days.

What causes migraine and how does migraine go?
Stress (psychological and physical), migraine attacks are frequently seen in the morning.
Sleep (more or less sleep)
Irregular meal times and abstinence.
Foods with excess tyramine (red wine and hard cheese)
Foods such as citrus and chocolate.
Blood sugar drop.
Factors related to hormones (menstruation, ovulation or birth control).
Environmental conditions (changes in hot, cold, light, sound, odor and air pressure)
Pain (tension type headache)
Physical strain.
Excessive drug consumption.
What is good for migraine?
Adjusting working hours as needed may reduce seizures.
Try to sleep reasonably and regularly.
Don't ever go hungry, eat often!
Stay away from tyramine.
Watch this food!
Check the blood sugar once in a while.
Consult your gynecologist or doctor for advice.
Do something if you can edit it !!!
Relaxation is good.
Don't force yourself with migraine.
Protect yourself from allergens.
Apart from these triggering factors, moisture, mold, some paints and inadequate ventilation (inside the house) can also cause headaches !!!

Migraine treatment
Since there are many causes of migraine, there is not a single drug that benefits every type of migraine. The best thing to do is to identify the causes of migraine and take precautions against it. It is therefore important that the doctor examine the situation and recommend appropriate medications or other forms of treatment.

Other migraine treatment methods
Avoiding initiating factors
Anti-seizure drugs
Drugs that suppress seizures (triptan and ergot alkaloid)
Other treatments (eg speech therapy, physical therapy, and anti-stress methods).
Other alternative methods.
Treatment of migraine and headache in pregnancy
Immediately before menstruation, a major decrease in female hormones affects blood vessels in the brain and causes seizures. In others, migraine occurs in the middle of menstrual periods and during the formation of ovaries. Birth control pills can help to some extent. If you experience such a problem, contact your doctor! During pregnancy, migraine can be troublesome, but miscarriage does not increase the risk of baby death or disability.

Although 70% of pregnant women get rid of migraine due to the high levels of female hormones, they may know that there is a change in migraine during pregnancy. Many prospective mothers use alternative methods of migraine, e.g. like relaxation movements, ice bags and rest in a dark room. In about 3 to 40% of women, headaches recur within the first week after birth.

How do you know if you have migraine
When your head hurts: Yes or No

Do you know in advance that a seizure is approaching?
Do you see flashes of light, zig-zag lines before the headache?
Is the pain coming to one side of his head?
Are you sensitive to light or loud sound?
Is your headache throbbing?
Do you feel increased pain in physical exertion?
Do they sometimes have nausea that can throw up?
Do you have a watch that lasts from three hours to three days?
If you answer örd Yes örd to four of these questions, you may have migraine. It is helpful to contact your doctor!

What is Horton Headache?
It is a rare headache and occurs mostly in men. It is five times more common in men than in women. In Sweden, almost 8000 people have a Horton-type headache. The first seizures usually come between the ages of 20-40 and can be alarming. Frequent seizures come periodically 1-3 times a day. Each seizure lasts about an hour. 15% of these people have these seizures every day.

The pain is always located around the eye on the same side of the head, and on the side where the pain is located, redness of the eye, tears in the eye, nasal obstruction, fever and forehead and sweating on the face occur. Although pain is severe and distressing, it is not dangerous. During the pain period, alcoholic beverages invite new seizures as they are sensitive to alcohol.

Nowadays there is effective treatment against Horton headache. Talk to a doctor if you are in doubt that you have such a headache.

Drug-related headache
Drug-induced headaches are common and occur in about 3% of the population. If you have taken pain medication pills almost every day for a few months, there is a risk that the body will get accustomed to these drugs. When he stops taking this medicine, he has a new headache that is nothing but a sign of withdrawal. To suppress the pain caused by the drug, you are using the same medicine again. If you use painkillers regularly for more than three days a week, you are in the risk zone. Excessive consumption of pain medication causes more headaches.

Symptoms of drug-induced headache
You wake up with a mild headache that doesn't go away until you take a painkiller pill.
Concentration disorder
If you have these symptoms, contact your doctor!

Ordinary headache
If you have a cold, disrupt your meal, or drink alcohol in the evening, this type of headache. Pills that can be taken over the counter against this type of pain, for which you know the cause, will help.

Dangerous headache
Although most of the headaches are non-hazardous, they can also be a symptom of a more serious illness. A sudden and very severe headache is a symptom of some kind of cerebral hemorrhage. The reason is that blood leaks out of one of the brain vessels. The patient's condition is vital and should be treated as soon as possible.

The types of headaches listed below are considered dangerous.
Inflammation of the brain and its symptoms

Severe headache, especially on the back of the head.
Neck eclipse
Brain tumor and symptoms

Increasing headache
Personality change
Epilepsy attacks
Balance disorders
Headache treatment in general
You can usually relieve tension headaches with relaxation techniques and mild painkillers. A painkiller such as paracetamol usually provides relief of pain. It is best to take a full dose as soon as headache starts and take another dose if necessary after a few hours. You must always follow the instructions on the packaging.

Cluster headaches do not respond to ordinary painkillers. A medication called Sumatriptan is usually used to relieve cluster headaches. This painkiller, 5HT in the brain called the chemical acts by interfering with the chemical. Changes in this chemical are thought to cause cluster headaches and migraine. Sumatriptan should only be used on the advice of your GP. While other medicines such as Verapamil or Lithium are not specifically made for the treatment of headaches, they may be prescribed to you if you see a specialist (neurologist) for cluster headaches.

What is good for headaches?
1- Organize your lifestyle;

Be sure to sleep regularly
Eat regularly, do not skip meals
Avoid known triggers in your diet
Regular aerobic exercise (swimming, cycling, etc.),
If necessary, do not forget simple treatments such as relaxing, taking a hot bath or icing compresses.
2- Reduce your causes of emotional stress as much as possible;

Identify the strongest and weakest stressful causes and rearrange your life accordingly
Learn biofeedback assisted relaxation method
Learn to practice meditation
Take time for individual activities, such as hobbies and social events
Learn muscle relaxation and cognitive relaxation methods
Get individual and family psychotherapy support if needed
3- Avoid environmental triggers;

Wear sunglasses
Avoid smoking, strong odors and noisy areas
Avoid excessive caffeine consumption
Take care to ensure and maintain proper posture
Avoid drug overuse
4- Take advantage of physical therapy methods;

Properly apply hot, cold, ultrasound and TENS applications
Consult your doctor for massage and cervical traction
Perform properly planned stretching and relaxation exercises on a regular basis
Apply stretching, compression or injections to the trigger points if necessary
5. Review alternative therapies;

Topical applications (piroxicam, ketoprofen, etc.) 6-Get advice for training and supportive group treatments.

Children's Motrin Oral Suspension, Pain Relief, Ibuprofen, Bubble Gum Flavored, 4 Oz