Thursday, October 17, 2019

Boiron Avenoc, 10 Suppositories, Homeopathic Medicine for Hemorrhoid Relief

Hemorrhoids (Hemorrhoids) Causes, How to Treat?

Boiron Avenoc, 10 Suppositories, Homeopathic Medicine for Hemorrhoid Relief

Hemorrhoids, also known as hemorrhoids, are not only physically painful but also mentally weary. Especially those who suffer from constipation frequently complain about being hemorrhoids. So what causes hemorrhoids, which leads to quite difficult processes for everyone who happens to them, and how is it treated? Here are hemorrhoids and hemorrhoids and treatment steps for those who are curious about ...

Hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids disease is one of the disorders that are tried to be solved by ear-filled information. This disease is caused by varicose-like swelling concentrating around the breech; pain, itching and bleeding. Patients on the one hand while experiencing painful days, on the other hand on the grounds of hemorrhoids can not hesitate to see a doctor. However, in order to prevent the treatment of hemorrhoids which have various stages, it is necessary to get expert opinion and take action as soon as possible.

In particular, people who see fresh blood in their feces may learn that they are hemorrhoids when they investigate the cause of this problem with panic and think about possibilities such as cancer. However, for the definitive diagnosis of the problem, a medical examination is absolutely necessary. To better understand the causes of hemorrhoids, it is useful to take a closer look at the body's excretory system. Therefore, it is important to learn hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids, to develop awareness of their symptoms and to be able to proceed to the treatment process without losing time. Let's start with exactly what the hemorrhoids are.

What is Hemorrhoids?
The so-called hemorrhoids are actually pillow-like vessels that are naturally found in the anatomy of every human being and are collected around the breech. Their hand, sag, pain and pain is called hemorrhoid disease or hemorrhoids. Painful swelling located on the outer part of the anus under the skin is external hemorrhoids; The collections in the last part of the large intestine called rectum are called internal hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids may be accompanied by a painful blood clot. This condition, which leaves the toilet in blood, usually causes panic among patients.

Causes Hemorrhoids

1. Chronic constipation
Sitting in the toilet for a long time and straining are the main causes of hemorrhoids. This is very common in people with constipation. Hemorrhoid symptoms can often be added to the discomfort of constipation. This vascular ball near the breech swells, itches, flushes and causes pain. It is also possible to inherit problems inherited from the vessel wall.

2. Pregnancy or confinement
Women in pregnancy and childbirth are also at risk of hemorrhoids due to radical changes in their bodies. Increasing the amount of blood in pregnant women, the pressure of the uterine region to grow vessels, changes in hormones and constipation is frequently seen may bring with hemorrhoids.

3. Excess weight
Overweight people; they may encounter hemorrhoids more frequently due to both their physical structure and the negative effects of weight on metabolism. Hemorrhoids can be seen after sudden weight gain; malnutrition at the level that leads to constipation also triggers the problem of hemorrhoids.

4. Intestinal disorders
Serious disorders such as bowel hernia and even bowel cancer can also bring about hemorrhoids. Symptoms of these diseases may also interfere with bleeding disorders. In this sense, the diagnosis of the disease must be made by a general surgery specialist.

What are the symptoms of hemorrhoids?

"How is the onset of hemorrhoids?" The answer depends on whether the source of the question is internal or external (external). So the symptoms of hemorrhoids also differ by type.

External Hemorrhoid Symptoms

Severe itching around the anus
Painful swelling near the anus
Discomfort and pain in sitting position
Blood in stool
Internal Hemorrhoids Symptoms

Bright red blood in stool
Hemorrhage from the rectum

How is hemorrhoids treated?

"How does hemorrhoids pass?" The answer to the question, often embarrassed to go to the doctor as a result of people trying to find indiscriminate home-style treatments. However, for this disease, which is divided into 4 stages, it is possible to get more simple medical supports in the first stage; surgery from the second stage is added to the options. Therefore, it is beneficial not to delay the treatment of hemorrhoids. Rather than be ashamed of this discomfort that has happened to almost half of the society, professional support should be the first choice.

Since more serious health problems may be present behind the hemorrhoid problem, they may need to be treated first if necessary. Before looking at options like herbal treatment of hemorrhoids, these bad possibilities must be eliminated. In addition, if there is a small amount of continuous bleeding, the patient should be checked for anemia and treatment should be started if deemed necessary.

1. Seating bathroom
This method, which is recommended for hemorrhoid patients other than pregnant women, involves sitting in warm water after defecation. The sitting bath is recommended for its comfort rather than therapeutic nature. It can be applied up to 3 times a day depending on the pain.

2. Drug treatment
Especially for patients diagnosed in the first stage, medication and cream treatment may be recommended by a specialist physician. These applications provide short-term relief from complaints such as itching, burning and pain, and help to recover swollen breasts in the long term.

3. Surgical method
In some cases, hemorrhoids cannot be treated with medication or cream. Especially in advanced cases, the necessity of surgery can be mentioned. In classical surgeries, it is possible to cut and remove the flocculating structure; In the surgical method called De Longo Method, without cutting or removing; nozzles should be moved to the point where it should be. This treatment, which is much simpler, can be applied daily and it is possible to return to social life quickly after hemorrhoid surgery.

4. Laser treatment
Laser treatment, which is preferred by those who avoid surgery, is carried out in the form of etching of the problem area with laser beams. It may not be applicable in all cases and stages. It is especially recommended in the first stage and in the case of bleeding in the foreground.

What can be done to avoid hemorrhoids?

To avoid this problem without having to deal with hemorrhoids; especially mistakes that lead to chronic constipation and decrease the quality of life should be avoided. The following measures can be avoided completely or the risk factor can be minimized:

High-fiber foods may be consumed or fiber-containing food supplements may be used with doctor's approval.
Drink at least 3 liters of water per day.
Living a physically active life and exercising regularly can help relieve constipation.
Those who work for a long time sitting or standing should take a break every 2 hours.
When there is a need for defecation, you should go to the toilet immediately.
It is important for the health of the excretory system that defecation becomes routine at least once a day.
If you have a hemorrhoid problem, avoid spicy foods.

Boiron Avenoc, 10 Suppositories, Homeopathic Medicine for Hemorrhoid Relief