Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Alaska Bear Natural Silk Sleep Mask Keeping Moist for Chronic Dry Eyes (Navyblue Stars)

I Can't Sleep Fast, How Can I Sleep Now?

Alaska Bear Natural Silk Sleep Mask Keeping Moist for Chronic Dry Eyes (Navyblue Stars)

The secret of a quality life is through quality sleep. People who do not sleep well invite many diseases. Our body is not a robot and has to spend approximately one third of the day resting. Intentionally or unwillingly preventing this will cause the body to lose its balance after a while.

Sleep is still not a scientifically defined concept, but the effects of insomnia are well known. During sleep, although our body is still working, our muscles and many organs take it to rest. Even the brain that doesn't stop working even for 1 second works better after sleep. Sleep not only affects our physical health but also positively affects our mental health.

Effects of Smoking and Alcohol Use on Sleep
Cigarettes and caffeinated beverages are the main factors affecting sleep. It is also possible that some medications used may cause sleep loss. People who smoke constantly, often have difficulty falling asleep. The reason for this is that the amount of nicotine in the body decreases and the brain arouses the person to take new nicotine.

inability to sleep

Alcohol is one of the sleep disrupting substances. Despite this, many people drink to sleep and even exude, making himself completely drunk. This, in fact, will only make the situation worse. Just like sleeping medicines, alcohol makes the person unable to sleep without alcohol after a while. During sleep almost all of our bodies are repaired. Cell regeneration and tissue repair are less common in people who fall asleep after alcohol consumption. People who live in this way continuously get older and get sick very quickly.

How many hours per day is required to sleep?
When a person is born, he sleeps two-thirds of the day, 16 hours a day. As age progresses, the need for sleep decreases, and the daily sleep requirement of an adult varies between 6 and 8 hours. Young people should sleep for 8-9 hours.

Mothers who are present in the first months of pregnancy can also sleep for several hours longer than normal adults. The human body loves habits. If you sleep for 10 hours every day, you cannot switch to 6 hours of sleep at a time. Even if you manage to get up and sleep for 6 hours, the body will do what it does to get the remaining 4 hours.

As one gets older, they need less sleep. Insomnia is therefore more common in older people.

What are the harms of under-sleeping?
Insomnia people have to face the negative side effects after a while. First, a person's mental state will deteriorate. If you have had a chance to see a patient suffering from depression, you will notice that they wake up very early. This is not because they get their sleep, but rather the problem of insomnia. They want to go back to sleep, but they can't. The reason for not being able to fall asleep may be that the thoughts of stress and depression keep the brain constantly occupied.

Depression and manic depressive persons may cause insomnia after a while. Although they are very tired, they may be overactive. Of course there is an end to this, after a few days they can be completely exhausted. This situation is definitely in need of treatment.

What is Sleep Apnea?
Sleep apnea occurs in people who snore, and snoring is called stopping breathing. This leaves the person deprived of oxygen at night, which naturally causes headaches. Oxygen is the reason we sleep all night and get up vigorous in the morning. People with sleep apnea wake up very tired in the morning because they can't get enough oxygen.

People who experience sleep apnea are also reluctant sexually because their performance decreases. Blood pressure increases, heart rhythm disturbances are seen and mental problems begin to emerge. Sleep apnea is a very dangerous disease and increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. Even breathing in sleep may cause death if the patient lasts longer. Attention loss due to mental blur causes sleep apnea patients to have more traffic accidents than normal people.

How Can I Sleep Now?
Now let's get back to our original position. First of all, people who have insomnia should consult a doctor. This may not be a simple problem. A very powerful disease may be behind the insomnia. Such cases are actually symptoms and should be considered.

In addition to your treatment, you can go to sleep faster by browsing the following items.
Avoid gas-producing foods. Excess gas in the body increases organ activity and bothers you.
Get rid of your excess weight. The fatter you are, the more uncomfortable you get. Overweight people can wake up with the urge to eat at night. This prevents fat people from sleeping deeply, just like smokers.
Avoid unnecessary medication. Even the most useful drug has side effects. Do not use any medicines that your doctor does not require.
Music is the food of the soul, eat from there. In the room you use to sleep, listen to beautiful instrumental music that blows your soul when your sleep time comes. I suggest you turn on these music about 30 minutes before sleep, so it's already playing before you go to bed.
If your feet get cold, wear a thin bed socks. Do not put your socks on the bed during the day, as this will cause bacteria to grow. Some people are awake because their feet are cold, even if they are not aware. A thin bed socks that will not disturb you will increase your comfort.
Cut off your relationship with the world 2 hours before bedtime. Keep away from electronic devices such as phones, televisions, tablets and computers. Stop eating and drinking and read a book or chat with your loved ones.
Start reading 30 minutes before going to bed, and reading naturally brings to sleep due to eye movements. Do not resist when you sleep, and immediately curl up on the bed without doing anything else.
Your stay and departure times are always the same. As we say, the human body loves habits very much. If you make radical changes in hospitalization and departure times and do this almost every day, you are far from a chance of quality sleep.
Use the bed only for sleeping and do not sit on it even during the day. Go to bed before your bedtime. For example, you can read your 30-minute book lying down on your bed.
Efficient sleep time accepted worldwide is 23.00 at the latest. Be sure to be in bed between 22.00 and 23.00, the most efficient regeneration times for the body is determined between 23.00-02.00.
In the above time zones, poisons are excreted from the body, if you are awake during these hours, they are sent to the liver without being thrown away.
Keep your phone or TV at least 2-3 meters away from your sleeping area. When these devices are very close to you, your brain constantly unwittingly waits for a message from them.
Your bedroom should be asleep. It must be rich in oxygen and should not contain any electronic devices.
Your bed linen, bed and bedding should be clean. The bedroom must always be cool. So if your living room temperature is 24, the bedroom should be 21 degrees. The low heat makes the body more comfortable to sleep and also provides a little fat burning throughout the night.
Do not talk to your troubled friends or family members before sleeping. Even stop talking with any people 1 hour in advance.
A warm shower will work before sleep.
Exercising exhausts the body and empties the mind, allowing you to sleep more comfortably. Exercise at least 2 hours before hospitalization.
Stop caffeine intake at least 3 hours before sleep, and drink your last cigarette 3 hours in advance.
Avoid sugary foods and fatty foods.
Do not sleep during the day, if you are very tired you can take a nap for a maximum of 30 minutes.

Alaska Bear Natural Silk Sleep Mask Keeping Moist for Chronic Dry Eyes (Navyblue Stars)