Friday, November 15, 2019

Mountain Falls Advanced Hand Sanitizer with Vitamin E and Aloe, Pump Bottle, 67.59 Fluid Ounce (Pack of 2)

Did You Wash Your Hands?

Mountain Falls Advanced Hand Sanitizer with Vitamin E and Aloe, Pump Bottle, 67.59 Fluid Ounce (Pack of 2)

It's a noon in west London. Location in a shopping mall. The center is full of students who came for lunch. Did they wash their hands? No. Why is that? Da That's where the toilets come from, Shel Shelley says. Ayn I wash at home, but here's no, at home, my mother constantly shouts to wash your hands, ’says Sumayn from behind.
When I first arrived in England 15 years ago, one of the things that went to my most strange was the warning “Wash your hands now arkasında behind the door of all the toilets I went to. They didn't even settle for that, they were hanging behind the exit door like ünden You didn't forget to wash your hands, did you? ”. What was that?

Though their toilets didn't have a faucet attached to the toilet and all the toilets you used would have toilet paper, but couldn't someone wash their hands when they left the toilet? He wasn't washing. They didn't have the habit of washing hands before going to the table in our culture, leaving the toilet - and even entering.

No bathing in cultures

In their culture, there was no way to take a bath. When the Romans invaded Angles 2000 years ago, they established a city of baths in the Somerset area. This city, now known as Bath (Hot Spring), was heated by hot water pipes passing through the underground in its time. After the Romans left the country, the baths were left to their fate. Because the Angles had no bathing history. Even during the Victorian period, they would try to remove their bad odors in layers and powders.

In the intervening 2000 years, there has been a relatively change in cleaning habits. With the introduction of running water and heaters into the houses, the habit of taking a shower in the morning began. But their relationship to water all day was limited to this shower. They weren't washing his hands outside.

5.5 million food poisoning per year

When you don't wash your hands or just keep them under cold water, the germs in your hand can easily be carried to your mouth. This prepares the ground for food poisoning. About 5.5 million food poisonings are seen in the UK in a year. It is possible to halve this figure by washing your hands with hot water and soap. But even washing your hands sometimes isn't enough. When your hands remain wet, germs in your hands can reproduce at a rate of 1000 times that they normally do.

According to the Foodlink Web site, half of men and one-quarter of women do not wash their hands when they leave the toilet. However, when you leave the toilet, the number of microbes on your fingertips is doubled.

So how do young people wash their hands? The Food and Drink Federation (FDF) last week investigated whether young people were washing their hands when they left the toilet and before eating.

According to a study conducted among 500 young people aged 11-19, 40 percent of young people did not have the habit of washing their hands, even if they did not use soap.

There was no soap, I forgot, the toilets were dirty, I didn't have time

Of course they know they have to wash their hands. And what happens if they don't wash. Two-thirds of the youth came out of the toilet, 40 percent said they had to wash their hands before preparing food or sitting down.

They know the general hygiene rules, but they don't have such deep knowledge. For example, only a quarter of young people know that they should wash their hands after handling raw meat. The ratio of those who know that they should wash their hands after handling animals is one third.

The apologies of young people who say that they do not wash their hands are very diverse. “School toilets are so dirty that even if I wash my hands, it will still get dirty when I touch the doors, birisi says someone. Another said, zaten We are waiting in line for the world for lunch. If we go to the toilet and wash our hands, we lose time. We don't have time for dinner. ” One of the most common apologies was yok There was no soap ”. Liquid soaps in the toilets run out quickly during the day. Soaplessness is shown as a leading problem in narrow budget schools. What about outside of school? The biggest apology is that the toilets are paid.

Martin Pateson, FDF Executive Vice President, said, ama Children's habit of not washing their hands is an invitation to disaster. Jud many problems will be eliminated, he says.

Chefs don't pay attention

However, even food industry employees do not pay attention to this basic rule. According to a study conducted by the FSA in 2002, 39 percent of kitchen workers are out of the toilet and 53 percent do not wash their hands before they start preparing food.

The Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) said in December that cooks on television did not comply with the hygiene rules. For example, Nigella Lawson, who admires everyone, especially male audiences, cooks food with rings on his finger while Jamie Oliver, who has become the idol of the youth, sticks his finger in his dishes and licks his finger. CIEH official Jenny Morris, TV cooks should be an example for everyone, saying: “Hygiene rules in the restaurant, food controllers will lift a big load,” he said.

According to Hugh Pennington, professor of microbiology at the University of Aberdeen, it is odd that even this has turned into a problem. “You don't have to be an atomic engineer to know the handwashing technique. It's something that everyone knows, but somehow it doesn't do. ”

That's why there are warnings on the kitchens behind the toilet doors: ın Have you washed your hands? BB (BB)

Mountain Falls Advanced Hand Sanitizer with Vitamin E and Aloe, Pump Bottle, 67.59 Fluid Ounce (Pack of 2)