Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Balance Complex Vaginal Health Dietary Supplement, 60 Capsules

Vaginal Fungal Infections

Balance Complex Vaginal Health Dietary Supplement, 60 Capsules

What is vaginal yeast infection?
Vaginal fungus is an infection caused by “candida” microorganisms in the vagina.

Known as bilinen vaginal fungus, vagina fungus, candida infection arasına, this condition is referred to in medical terminology as aj vaginal mycosis, vaginal mycosis, mycotic vaginitis, vaginal candida infection, vaginal candidiasis (vaginal candidiasis) isimler.

In English, vaginal yeast infections are referred to as inal vaginal yeast infection..

What is Mycosis and Fungus?
Mycosis is read as mycosis and means "fungal infection." "Fungus" is the name given to the fungal microbe.

Fungal infections can occur in different parts of the body. For example, vaginal mycosis defines "vaginal fungal infections", while onychomycosis means "nail fungus."

Drugs used against fungal infections are called antimycotic or antifungal drugs.

What is Candida albicans?
There are many fungal species that cause vaginal fungal infections. Candida albicans is the most common fungal species. (Read as ”Candida albicans ans).

Candida albicans is responsible for approximately three quarters of all fungal infections.

What are the symptoms of vaginal candidiasis? What are the symptoms of fungal infection?
The most common symptom of vaginal yeast infection is vaginal discharge. It is a typical feature that vaginal discharges are shaped like milk, creamy portion of milk or cheesey (cheese cut).
Vaginal discharge may sometimes be accompanied by vaginal itching and vaginal burning.

In some cases, complaints such as burning in the genital area and burning while urinating (dysuria) can be seen. Rarely, swelling (edema) occurs suddenly in the genital areas and may cause anxiety in individuals.

Some of the patients with vaginal yeast infection also have a burning sensation during intercourse. (Dyspareunia)

There is no vaginal odor problem in vaginal candida infection. If there is a smell coming from the vagina during vaginal discharge or intercourse, the presence of another vaginal infection is also considered. Especially in bacterial vaginosis and trichomonas infections, vaginal odor problem also arises.

The continuity of vaginal candida infections causes some psychological problems in people over time.

Regular gynecologist checks prevent the disease…
Cheese cuts can be "asymptomatic" because they do not drain out because of their consistency, which means that most patients do not show any symptoms at all. For this reason, it can be seen incidentally during regular gynecologist controls and treatment can be done without spreading the disease.

In chronic (chronic) vaginal fungal infections, treatment is difficult.

What is Candida vulvitis?
The outer genital area is called “vulva.. Infections of ida candida vulvitis ”(mycotic vulvitis, candidal vulvitis, vulvar candidiasis) develop with the transmission of vaginal discharge to the external genitalia (vulva).

Vulvar candidiasis may cause tenderness, redness, edema, itching and ulceration due to itching (skin irritations) in the external genital area.

How is vaginal fungus recognized?
The diagnosis of candida infections in the vagina is quite simple. During a routine gynecological examination, plaques on the vagina wall that look like lime (cheese-like) indicate fungal infection.

Although the patient's complaints and gynecological evaluation can be easily diagnosed, in some cases the diagnosis cannot be certain. In these cases, potassium hydroxyl is dropped onto the liquid taken from the vagina through glass and examined under a microscope. The diagnosis becomes clear with the presence of typical fungus-related se pseudohyps ede on microscopic examination.

The findings of fungal infections can also be seen in the pap smear test, a cervical screening test.

Vaginal culture tests are not important for vaginal yeast infections.

What are vaginal flora and lactobacilli (bacilli, milk bacilli)?
There are a number of microorganisms in the vagina that do not normally cause disease. These microorganisms are called “vaginal flora.. These microorganisms include yararlı lactobacilli (milk bacillus, double-bacillus bacillus) yararlı useful bacteria.

Lactobacilli (dederlein bacilli) both suppress the growth of other harmful microorganisms and maintain the balance and acidic PH of vaginal flora.

Here, harmful microorganisms, which arise as opportunistic as a result of the decrease in the number of lactobacilli, can reproduce and cause different complaints. Fungal infections are one of these opportunistic infections.

How is vaginal fungal infection (Candida infection of the vagina) transmitted?
Vaginal fungal infections can be transmitted by sexual intercourse from partners, unhygienic toilets or pools.

However, the main causes of fungal infections are not in the form of ingestion, but rather the changes in PH in the vaginal tissue or the decrease in the number of lactobacilli.

As a matter of fact, vaginal candida infection may also occur in a young girl who has never had sexual intercourse (virgin).

At what age do vaginal fungal infections occur?
Vaginal fungal infections are most commonly seen in reproductive ages. Because of the estrogen hormone secreted in this period, the vaginal mucosa developed and prepared a suitable environment for fungal infections.

Since estrogen hormone levels are very low before the first menstrual period or after the menopause period, there will be no fungal infections in these periods unless there is another reason.

How common are infections of candida?
At least three-quarters of all adult women are exposed to vaginal candida infection at least once in their lifetime.

In which cases does yeast infection occur more frequently?
In some cases, the fungal infection is activated, ie triggered. These situations:

Antibiotic use: Antibiotics kill beneficial bacilli in the vagina and pave the way for opportunistic yeast infections. Especially in penicillin group antibiotics this effect is more.

Pregnancy: Cellular immunity (immune system) is suppressed during pregnancy to prevent rejection of the baby. Suppression of the immune system causes the growth of opportunistic microbes such as fungal infections.

Birth control pills: Fungal infections may be seen more frequently in those taking birth control pills. This is the same for people who wear a spiral (Ria).

Immunosuppression: Fungal infections occur more frequently when the immune system is suppressed by factors such as intense stress and the use of cortisone-type drugs.

Synthetic undergarments: If nylon or synthetic undergarments are used, the genital area remains moist, causing the growth of fungal infection. Therefore, the use of cotton underwear is recommended.

Chronic systemic diseases: Vaginal fungus occurs more frequently in patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes and thyroid diseases.
Especially in diabetes, the increase in blood sugar leads to an increase in sugar in the vaginal fluid, which results in the growth of the fungus. Regularly regulating blood sugar levels in diabetic patients may prevent this.

Irritant substances: Perfumes squeezed into the vagina, pads, wrong vaginal tampons can cause allergic effects and cause fungus formation.

Vaginal douching: Washing of the vagina with pressurized water can cause a number of bacterial and fungal infections with the rise of acidic PH. For this reason, it is recommended not to wash the inside of the vagina with water or soap.

AIDS: Vaginal candida infection occurs frequently in this disease which decreases body resistance.
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Frequent and forced sexual intercourse: In frequent cases of sexual intercourse and vaginal dryness during intercourse, the movements of the penis within the vagina can create a rot microtrauma ”effect, causing small skin cracks in the vaginal mucosa. Among these skin cracks, the growth of fungal infection is quite easy.

Other causes: Obesity, chronic cervicitis, radiation, hormonal drug use also pave the way for fungal infections.

What is the treatment of vaginal yeast infections? What is antimycotic (antifungal) treatment?
In the treatment of vaginal fungal infections, both oral (systemic) and vaginal (local) drugs are used.

Drugs used to treat fungal infections are called “antimycotic drugs (antimycotics, antifungal drugs)..

Antimycotic drugs taken orally (orally) first pass into the blood and then enter the vaginal tissue and destroy the fungal cells.

Oral antimycotic medications are usually one-day treatments. Itraconazole and Flucanozol are the most commonly prescribed fungicides.

In order to improve the effectiveness of oral medications, it is useful to supplement them with vaginal route. Vaginal fungicides can be in the form of suppositories, ovules and creams. If there is irritation in the external genital area, antimycotic skin creams may also be added to the treatment.

What is chronic fungal infection?
Persons who have had four or more attacks of fungal infection within one year are diagnosed with mantar chronic fungal infection.. Chronic fungal infections are more difficult to treat and more time-consuming.

In people who have chronic fungal infection, the reasons that may cause the fungal infection (blood sugar measurements, HIV test, etc.) should be done. Treatment of their spouses is also recommended.

Particularly effective in chronic (chronic) fungal infections, even more important than treatment is the elimination of fungal conditions.

Can fungal infection be treated during pregnancy?
Yeah. As mentioned earlier, fungal infections occur more frequently during pregnancy. The reason for this is that cellular resistance during pregnancy is suppressed in order to prevent rejection of pregnancy material.

In fungal infections that occur during pregnancy, some fungicides (antimycotic drugs) may be given locally (vaginally).

Since these drugs are administered in the form of suppositories, creams or ovules into the vagina, it is safe for them to be used from the first three months during pregnancy. However, it is still advisable not to use random drugs without doctor's consent and consent.

Oral antimycotic drugs are NOT used unless they are very difficult during pregnancy! .. Because mycotic drugs taken orally may pass through the blood and damage the fetus.

Is co-treatment necessary for fungal infections?
Vaginal fungal infections generally do not cause problems in spouses and do not require spouse treatment routinely. However, if sexual partners have complaints such as itching, redness and itching in the genital area and this condition shows fungal infection by laboratory tests, treatment is essential. Otherwise, only if the woman is treated, the male partner will be re-infected.

Again, if a woman has chronic (chronic) fungal infection and this does not persist despite ongoing treatment, the male spouse should be given antimicotic (antifungal) treatment.

How Can I Protect From Vaginal Fungus?

Choose cotton underwear, not nylon
Wear your underwear by ironing after high boiling
Choose not tight pants
Never wash the inside of your vagina with soap or water
Rinse the outer surface of the vagina with water, not soap (otherwise the acid mantle on the skin will deteriorate).
Do not apply perfume containing irritant to the genital area, do not use unsuitable vaginal tampons
Use condoms as much as possible in sexual intercourse
Avoid unhygienic toilets and swimming pools
If you experience vaginal dryness during intercourse, you should use water-based vaginal lubricants.
Go to regular (every six months) gynecological examinations (Gynecological examinations can detect and treat vaginal discharge without any findings).
If you are experiencing vaginal discharge problems, this may be due to many infections, such as bacterial vaginosis, trichomonas infections, ureaplasma and mycoplasma infections, chlamydia infections. Cervical wounds (cervicitis) may also produce vaginal discharge. In this case, it will be useful to perform your smear test.
On the other hand, in some cases we call "mixed infection", a few species of microorganisms may have grown together. Medications taken directly from the pharmacy without examination can benefit you, not harm. Therefore, it is recommended that patients who have vaginal discharge have a gynecological examination.

Balance Complex Vaginal Health Dietary Supplement, 60 Capsules