Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Miconazole 7 Miconazole Nitrate Vaginal Cream (2%) 1.59 Ounce, Treats Vaginal Yeast Infections

Fungal Infections in Women. WHY HAPPENS

Miconazole 7 Miconazole Nitrate Vaginal Cream (2%) 1.59 Ounce, Treats Vaginal Yeast Infections

This infection is not a sexually transmitted disease, but sometimes occurs after sexual intercourse.Vaginal discharge is one of the most common causes.


Often the cause is a yeast fungus called "candida albicans". This microorganism normally lives on your skin, mouth, intestines and vagina without causing any harm to you. fungal cells proliferate rapidly and cause symptoms of fungal infection to occur.

· If you are pregnant

· If you wear tight clothes or fabric synthetic laundry

· If you are using some broad-spectrum antibiotics

· If you are receiving chemotherapy

· If you have uncontrolled diabetes

· If you have AIDS or similar illness that suppresses the immune system

· You are using products such as deodorant or excessive perfumed foam bath that will cause irritation to the vagina and surrounding tissues.

· Have sexual intercourse with someone with Candida infection

In some women, "stress" can be a triggering factor.

There is no clear evidence that birth control pills facilitate fungal infection.

What are the symptoms?

· Itching, redness and tenderness around the vagina, vulva or anus

· A white discharge from the vagina; this discharge can be fine viscous, but it can also be in the form of whey milk.

· Burning while urinating

· Pain during sexual intercourse
How do I know I'm a fungus?

This can only be confirmed by tests, so contact your doctor as soon as possible. If this condition has started after a suspected sexual intercourse, you should tell your doctor.

In order to confirm the diagnosis, your doctor will perform your examination first and send the sample to the laboratory for examination.

Sometimes pap-smear reports report fungal infection. In such cases, if you do not have any complaints, there is no need to provide treatment.
Fungal treatment is usually a discomfort that can be easily done.

· Antifungal creams, vaginal tablets, oral antifungal medications or various combinations of these may be recommended to you.

· It is important that you take these medications as recommended and do not discontinue treatment early.

· Some antifungal medications can cause latex condoms to pierce. If you use condoms for contraception, you should ask your doctor what to do.

· Tell your doctor if you are pregnant, or if you are likely to become pregnant.

How Successful Is Fungal Treatment?
· Antifungal creams, vaginal tablets and oral medications are usually effective and your complaints disappear within a few days.

· Your doctor may prohibit you from having sexual intercourse during the treatment process. This will speed up the healing process.

· If your treatment is not successful in the first place, your doctor may recommend different medications to you.
Do I need to be re-examined after treatment?
If your complaints have disappeared with the recommended treatment, you do not need to go for a check-up.

· If you have not been able to administer the treatment as recommended to you

· If symptoms have not disappeared

· If you think the condition recurred

It is correct to see your doctor again.

What can I do to avoid fungal infection?

In some women, certain conditions can trigger a fungal infection. To prevent this

· Stay as far away from the skirts and pants as tightly as possible. Do not choose underwear made of synthetic fabric. The most suitable underwear material is cotton.

· Keep away from perfumed soap, foam bath, spray and deodorant used in the genital area, disinfectant and antiseptic products.

· Before sexual intercourse, you should ensure that vaginal wetting is sufficient, if necessary use lubricant.

· After cleaning, wipe from front to back.

· If you have been prescribed antibiotics for another condition, tell your doctor that you have had a fungal infection after antibiotics and may be added to your prescription with an antifungal medication.
I have a frequent fungal infection. Is there anything I can do?
Fungal infections in some women tend to recur annoyingly frequently. If you have such a condition, you should contact your doctor.

· Diabetes (diabetes) can be investigated whether a condition such as

· You may be asked to use antifungal medications continuously

· In some cases, the cause of fungal infection may be a fungal species other than "candida albicans".

Is spouse treatment necessary?
If your spouse does not have any symptoms, there is no need to receive treatment.

What happens if the fungus is not treated?
Even without treatment, in most cases the body's immune system will clear the infection from the body.

Does fungal infection prevent me from getting pregnant?
There is no scientific evidence that yeast infection makes it difficult for you to conceive.

What happens if I get a yeast infection while pregnant?
The incidence of fungal infections during pregnancy may increase. This infection will not harm the baby. If you apply to your doctor, he will treat you with appropriate drugs.

Miconazole 7 Miconazole Nitrate Vaginal Cream (2%) 1.59 Ounce, Treats Vaginal Yeast Infections