Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Seroflora Boric Acid Vaginal Suppositories 600mg - Bottle of 28 - pH Balance for Women - Feminine Care - Made in USA


Seroflora Boric Acid Vaginal Suppositories 600mg - Bottle of 28 - pH Balance for Women - Feminine Care - Made in USA

Candida overgrowth are some of the symptoms of the following health problems…

Strong desire for dessert
Bad breath
Tongue white layer
Blur of Consciousness
Hormone imbalance
Joint pain
Loss of libido
Chronic sinusitis and allergy problems
Digestive problems (gas and bloating)
Weak immune system
Urinary tract infection
If so, these are some signs that you may be Candida. In this article, you will learn about what causes Kandida along with other Kandida symptoms and the diet that should be done to treat Kandida in natural ways.


Candida Albikans is the most common fungal infection in the mouth, intestine and vagina. It may also affect the skin and mucous membranes. If your immune system is functioning properly, this type of fungal infection is rarely harmful.

Candida is a kind of fungus (fungus) that helps digestion and nutrient absorption when it is at the appropriate levels that it needs to be present in the body. In the digestive tract, if allowed to breed uncontrolled, it breaks the walls of the intestinal lining and penetrates into the bloodstream. This can release by-product toxins and other harmful toxins and cause leaky gout syndrome.

When your body's natural pH balance is disrupted, candida can grow out of control and create a problem with your body. Benign bacteria and a properly functioning immune system are essential when combating this stubborn infection.

When Candida Overgrowth Syndrome (COS), candida grows out of control in your body

is a term used. Make no mistake: this is a chronic health condition. Never serious before

individuals with no fungal infection have a new sensitivity to various foods, allergies

or intolerance. These foods are usually eggs, corn and

Contains gluten.


High amounts of sugar diet, purified carbohydrates and alcohol to the growth of yeast

There are many reasons for the formation of Candida. In addition, below possible

I explained the other six reasons.

1- Wide Spectrum Antibiotics

Sometimes antibiotics are stubborn to kill the opposing bacteria in your body

fight infections. Antibiotics and antibiotics

The problem of using antibiotics (often antibiotic resistance) only bad bacteria

not killing them but also killing good ones.

Good bacteria are responsible for controlling digestion and candida in our bodies.

After a long process (or multiple processes and a short period), antibiotics

it can literally turn your body into a breeding ground for candida.

2- Birth Control Pills

Unlike antibiotics, birth control pills can cause fungal infections and

does not directly cause growth syndrome. Nevertheless, a woman has a high amount of

If you consume refined sugar and antibiotics, birth control pills candida body


Some women think that birth control pills stimulate fungal infection.

And after a while the first infection passes once again to take the birth control pill

and begin to root thoroughly in the candida.

3- Oral Corticosteroids

Candida progression in the mouth of individuals treating asthma with corticosteroid respiration

high risk. And this leads to overgrowth in the candida related to the body system. (2)

People using corticosteriod breathing apparatus for asthma orally after each use

must follow what is required to throw out. If thrushes in the mouth

If it is seen, gargle with coconut oil and two clove oil sugar


4- Cancer Treatments

Candidiasis, according to the Clinical Research Department of Merck Research Labs

can become invasive in cancer patients and prevent serious difficulty. (3)

in the study, one third of patients treated for cancer ‘az invasive’ and candidiasis

She spent. Chemotherapy and radiation can work to kill cancerous cells and tumors;

however, they kill healthy bacteria that naturally fight candida.

5- Diabetes

In type 1 and type 2 diabetes, the level of sugar in the mouth and other mucous membranes are genetically

higher than the other diabetic individual. Candida is a type of yeast and sugar

Since feeding yeast, those with diabetes are more likely to

It is understandable that they are high risk.

6- Weakened Immune System

Individuals with weak immune system are more likely to develop candida.

infants, young children, the elderly, those diagnosed with HIV / AIDS and other inflammatory and

autoimmune conditions.


Candida overgrowth can be difficult to diagnose for a doctor.

infection is presented in different ways in different people.

If you are worried about having growth, there are 9 signs about it.

1- Chronic Fatigue

No matter how many hours you have slept, if you simply can't get over

If you have burnout, you may have chronic fatigue syndrome. Disease

characterized by fatigue lasting up to a minimum of 6 months, and accompanied by headache,

joint pain, difficulty in memory and concentration, and other sore throat


Often, one of the symptoms of candida is chronic fatigue.

Although not the only cause of infection, many doctors believe it increases.

2- Emotional Disorders

Another reason why it is difficult to diagnose candida is that

most of them are specific to other conditions, including emotion disorders. Extreme Candida

Sudden changes in mood, excessive anxiety, irritability, depression

and even panic attacks.

3- Recurrent Vaginal and Urinary Tract Infections

If the individual experiences recurrent infections in the urinary tract or vagina,

may be the essence of problems. That cannabis can be sexually transmitted and

it is important to realize that it can spread it back and forth. Women, tight underwear or

wearing pantyhose and taking a shower with hot water during active infection.

avoiding this risk.

4- Mouthwash

Mouthwash is actually the same symptom of candida and other mucous membranes that contain the vagina.

is a yeast infection affecting the membranes. Most often prednisone or above

the use of other corticosteroids. untreated

containing digestive tract, lung, liver and heart valve


Mouth candida is contagious; newborns during childbirth, kids toys

adults can have it through saliva, while sharing with other children.

5- Sinusitis Infections

Sinusitis infections are nowadays as well as many other candida symptoms.

It is common and can be difficult to find the real reason for it.

persistent cough, nasal discharge, increased blood collection, seasonal allergies and fever

resembling general symptoms. If you have these continuous problems in your sinusitis

is the time to check for candida infection.

6- Intestinal Distress

Ongoing intestinal shortage indicates an infection with candida.

mark is. Persistent gas, belching, bloating, constipation or diarrhea and stomach cramps, digestion

it may be caused by a lack of healthy bacteria in your system. Yeast from intestines

When passed, healthy bacteria are weakened and cannot avoid infection alone.

While many people effectively treat a candida infection,

in a dramatic way.

7-Blur of Consciousness

Blurring of consciousness along with changes in emotion and chronic fatigue

is an overlooked symptom. However, the overgrowth of candida causes loss of focus,

lack of physical condition, difficulty in concentrating on tasks and and

may cause poor memory.

8-Fungal Infections in Skin and Nail

The most common from athletes feet and the same kind of mushroom candida in the thumb

fungal infections. Ongoing infections have systemic candida.

there may be a sign that you are

9-Hormonal Imbalance

Hormonal imbalance of candida presented together with other health problems

is one of the signs. However, in early menopause of this infection, PMS

(premenstrual syndrome), low sexual impulse, migraine, endometriosis, edema,

aware that it causes changes in emotion and failure to lose weight.

It should be.

When candida is in the middle of overgrowth, your body becomes inflamed. Mayan

growth and spread beyond the digestive tract. Side of Candida

One of the products actually mimics estrogen and leads to serious hormonal imbalance.



Candida cleansing of the excess candida in the body through the digestive tract

help and definition of healthy kandida fighters in kefir and fermented vegetables

She found.

You have two options for cleaning: just cleaning with liquid or more gentle with food

a cleaning. Starting with the first option and then moving to the second option

you can turn it back on and choose a more thorough cleaning path. The whole process is candida

will provide the basis for starting your diet.

STEP ONE: Candida Cleaning with Liquid Only (Duration 1-2 Days)

Vegetable soup in broth with organic onions, garlic, celery, cabbage, sea salt and pure water

Start by doing. Boil and strain. Separate the vegetables and cool the soup.

sip the soup; too much to help expel toxins from your body

water is mandatory. Since this is not a long-term cleaning, repeat every few weeks.

At the same time this cleaning is a quick start for cleaning the following food.


STEP TWO Steamed Vegetables (Duration 3-5 Days):

Eliminating cereal, sugar, fruit, starch and alcohol from 3 to 5 days from your diet,

You can achieve a great improvement in your fight with candida overgrowth.

Eat mostly fresh and steamed organic vegetables. For this cleaning phase

carrots, radishes, beets, sweet potatoes and white potatoes

Avoid starchy vegetables. Emptying candida and other by-products from your body

Drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

During this process, but not more than once a day leafy greens (lettuce

coconut oil and apple cider vinegar (or

lemon juice).

During any of the above candida cleansing,

bentonite clay

You can use.


This diet is not only to scare candida but also to get rid of it.

is a diet that helps. If you have already started cleaning candida, this is good for you.

is the next step.

1. The first step in your diet is to improve your immune system sugar, alcohol and

sieve carbohydrates. These substances in your body

Helps candida develop and grow.

2. The second step is to replace these foods with carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, kale.

fill with organic vegetables such as asparagus.

According to a Chinese medicine from an ancient time, hot carbohydrates

vegetables help to clear the body's bloodstream. I love these vegetables

Düzenli ’’ ’’ ken ken ken

apple, pea, mung bean, lentil, mexican bean, adzuki bean,

carrot, pickled beet, corn, pumpkin, gourd, gum pumpkin, pumpkin, yellow pumpkin

and says that turnip helps the spleen develop. These are the sugar within you

you as the main sources of carbohydrate


What about cereals? Cereals such as quinoa, barley, tambourine, sorghum, cockscomb and corn starch

also having candida by drying it only once a day (not more!)

helps people.

The same story is about cold foods that should not be consumed more than once a day.

valid. Therefore, the same day you prepare a salad that needs to clean your drink

you do not need to drink. Candida in your bowel is more likely than other hot nutritious foods.

will heal you.

Regardless of which food you still have, you always eat something when you're on candle

It is important to check how you feel after consuming. Someone with abdominal pain

Starchy vegetables should be avoided when consuming any starchy food. For example, corn,

peas, parsnips, potatoes, pumpkins, zucchini, Jerusalem artichoke. Instead of starch

vegetables that do not contain (usually from the flowering part of the plant). For example, lettuce,

asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumber, spinach, mushrooms, onions, peppers, tomatoes.

At the same time, the amount of sugar taken is as natural as that of maple syrup and honey.


3. In addition, daily produce, preferably goat's milk and healthy probiotic foods

effectively kills the candida in your body. Kimchi and cabbage

The marinade also helps up the sugar-free blueberry juice. These are acidic.

Although it creates an environment makes it difficult to grow blood.

Yeast vegetables containing microflora help to protect the intestines.

Regular consumption, helps the development of the immune system, the body

Candida is more closed to catch. Half a glass of cabbage every day

pickle, kimchi, or fermented vegetables.

the return to healthy condition and the balance of new eating habits


Candida diet, to protect beneficial bacteria, regulate appetite and refine

help minimize your desire to eat carbohydrates and sugars

It happens.


According to research, candida albicans, systematically stretching the candida

growth. In addition, Fluconazole and Itraconazole drugs prescribed more

and medicines that are good for candida.

1. Coconut oil fights candida effectively with its antimicrobial properties. Lorik

coconut oil, which is a combination of acid and caprylic acid, is

Kills harmful candida with application.

2. Thistles also make your lungs more than prescription drugs (steroids, birth control,

antibiotics and others) such as environmental pollution, heavy metals and chemotherapy;

helps protect the remainder from radiation.

As mentioned above, some prescription drugs and cancer therapies

growth. Candida diet done with thistles, your body re

it stops healing and growth of candida.

3. Vitamin C increases the strength of the adrenal glands and your immune system

Helps improve. I have 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C twice daily


4. Clove oil, partridge oil and mürsüsafi oil are used for

Helps kill the fungus. In addition, lavender oil, candida growth

and prevents the spread of infection.

For example, two drops of clove oil and partridge oil or lavender oil during cleaning

you can help kill candida by mixing it with coconut oil.

Because these essential oils are strong, they only last for 10 days or less.

It should be taken.

Also, for thrushes in the mouth, three drops of clove oil and a tablespoon of India

rinse the walnut oil for 20 minutes.


The rapid killing of the blood in your body, more than 70 different toxins in your body

creates a metabolic reaction. Candida is cleared and the candida diet work

Symptoms showing that it works are:

 Impaired brain functions

 Headache

 Fatigue

 Dizziness

 Intestinal distress including bloating, flatulence, constipation and nausea

 Sweating and fever

 Sinus infection

 Skin spills (not limited to face)

 Typical influenza-like symptoms

If you're starting to experience these symptoms, rejoice! These symptoms are usually seven

from day to 10 days. Kandida is leaving your body and only a few weeks

other symptoms that you experience with increased energy and focus.

You will notice. Once your symptoms have disappeared and you have completed your cleansing and diet,

continue to maintain a diet of high protein and high fiber vegetables;

high starchy vegetables such as sugar and white potatoes. Fermented

use vegetables and kefir to help keep your body in balance.

continue and trap the candida.

Seroflora Boric Acid Vaginal Suppositories 600mg - Bottle of 28 - pH Balance for Women - Feminine Care - Made in USA