Wednesday, November 20, 2019

AZO Yeast Plus Dual Relief Homeopathic Medicine | Yeast Infection Symptom Relief: Itching & Burning | Vaginal Symptom Relief: Occasional Odor & Discharge | #1 Most Trusted Brand | 60 Tablets | 3 Pack

Common Problem of Women: Vaginal Infections

AZO Yeast Plus Dual Relief Homeopathic Medicine | Yeast Infection Symptom Relief: Itching & Burning | Vaginal Symptom Relief: Occasional Odor & Discharge | #1 Most Trusted Brand | 60 Tablets | 3 Pack

Many factors, from long-term antibiotic use to improper hygiene practices, allow the formation of infections by destroying the natural environment of the vagina. However, it is very easy to get rid of them kurtul

Lactobacilli, which predominate in the natural environment of the vagina, are benign hosts. These predominant microorganisms do not allow other disease-causing microorganisms to infect by forming a certain acidic environment. However, when this natural environment of the vagina is impaired due to pregnancy, frequent vaginal douching, antibiotic use, general immune system decline, fragrant tampon, vaginal spray usage, infections are created.

Vaginal infections are manifested by complaints such as intense discharge, itching, bad smell, painful sexual intercourse and burning while urinating. Treatment should be planned depending on the causative agent of the infection. It is possible to understand the type of infection by looking at the complaints that arise. Fungal infections are usually manifested by itching, white color, milk cuts or cheese breaks, while bacterial infections are more common with yellow-green or greyish currents, particularly with increased odor after sexual intercourse or menstrual periods.

When evaluating the discharge character during the examination, the image of the vagina and cervix provides information about the causative agent of the infection. In cases where more than one factor is considered or the type of agent cannot be understood by examination, culture and microscopic examination of the samples are performed.

What is bacterial vaginosis?
The most common vaginal infection is defined as ‘bacterial vaginosis.. Normally not dominant, but for a variety of reasons, the rate of microorganisms that arise from the proliferation of this table with a malodorous white or grayish discharge, after the relationship with the increase in the amount of bad smell, symptoms such as menstrual periods appear. Bacterial vaginosis can be revealed by examining samples taken from vaginal discharge with liquids such as potassium hydroxide during the examination and treatment is planned accordingly. In bacterial vaginosis, antibiotics, the active ingredient of which is metronidazole, are used and treatments can last for one week.

Periodic treatment in resistant cases
Another common vaginal infection in women is candida type fungi. 75 percent of women have a fungal infection once in their lives, 50 percent of them encounter this situation more than once. Anti-mycotic drugs are used to treat fungal infection. In some patients, resistant microorganisms can develop and in this case it is necessary to determine the type of fungus and to direct the treatment accordingly. In resistant cases and frequent recurrent infections, periodic treatments should be applied.

Don't make this mistake
The most common mistake in the treatment of vaginal infections is to abandon the treatment. After the disappearance of the symptoms, infections are repeated in patients who discontinue treatment without completing the recommended dose and duration. The second treatment may not be able to benefit from the same drugs.

Parasites are also seen
Another common infection is parasites called ik trichomalacia.. This parasite, which is also evaluated in the category of sexually transmitted diseases, causes yellow-green, foamy discharge and may cause small bleeding in the vaginal wall or cervix. The patient may present with complaints such as pain, strain or burning during sexual intercourse. The appropriate treatment is the use of appropriate antibiotics.

Do not leave it stuffy and humid
Although the vagina prevents the ingress of liquids thanks to its natural structure, the chemicals used in the pools can disrupt the natural environment of the vagina. In addition, long-term wet swimsuit is also causing trouble. Shared toilet use can sometimes cause infections. To protect the natural environment, the vagina should not remain airless and wet. It is important to use cotton underwear and to change it frequently if daily pad is used.

Co-treatment may also be required.
One of the factors that disrupt the vagina's natural fl is to be with multiple partners, to have oral or rectal relationships. These conditions can increase the risk of infection. In bacterial and parasitic infections, and sometimes recurrent infections, the spouse is also recommended to be treated. Men can refuse treatment because they do not have any complaints, but the treatment of men also makes the treatment permanent and shortens the duration.

AZO Yeast Plus Dual Relief Homeopathic Medicine | Yeast Infection Symptom Relief: Itching & Burning | Vaginal Symptom Relief: Occasional Odor & Discharge | #1 Most Trusted Brand | 60 Tablets | 3 Pack