Friday, November 15, 2019

PURELL Advanced Hand Sanitizer Soothing Gel for workplaces, Fresh Scent, with Aloe and Vitamin E- 8 fl oz Pump Bottle (Pack of 4) - 9674-06-EC

Washing Hands Before and After Meal is Sunnah

PURELL Advanced Hand Sanitizer Soothing Gel for workplaces, Fresh Scent, with Aloe and Vitamin E- 8 fl oz Pump Bottle (Pack of 4) - 9674-06-EC

Life; it is filled with endless examples of its supreme morality and superior personality. Certainly, it is the most beautiful example sent to all humanity. Until the doomsday is the only person to be the best example. The duty of his nation is to assimilate his morality, to take examples from his life and to endeavor to shape our way of life according to his circumcision. Our Almighty Book is the One who understands and teaches the Qur'an most accurately. It is almost the embodiment of the Qur'an.

As a matter of fact, the morality of our Prophet (peace be upon him) was described as Ah Morality of the Qur'an.. Hazrat Aisha (Radiyallahu Ta'ala Anhâ) who asks about his ethics says: “Don't you read the Qur'an? The moral of the Supreme Prophet was the Qur'an ”[1].

Hazrat Aisha (Radiyallahu Anh) with this word; He intended to explain that he complied with the moral principles taught by the Qur'an and that he was morally behaved with good behaviors and behaviors and that he had assimilated and applied the commands and prohibitions of the Qur'an. ”[2]

Allah Almighty: “You are surely on a supreme morality” [3] with the verse of the Prophet (Sallâlâhu Aleyhi and Sallam) has confirmed the morality of the “Qur'an Moral ve and has rewarded him.

Our Prophet (peace be upon him and Sallam): “I have been sent only to complete good morals” [4] commanded.

The Lord of the Universe (Salah al-Alahi and Sallam) taught us the manners of costume, eating and drinking, and the like; before and after the meal, they also taught the courtesy of hand washing and advised. One hadith says in his sheriffs: “Allah is Sublime, He loves kindness.” [5] In another hadith, he states: “Cleaning is half of faith” [6].

Washing Hands Before and After Meals
Washing hands before and after meals is very important in terms of cleanliness and health. Because our hands are one of the most important parts of the body that cause germ contamination. Because of the things we hold and touch without realizing it, there is a high possibility of getting germs and similar things on our hands. For this reason, our Prophet (Sallâlâhu Aleyhi and Sallam) washed their hands before and after the meal and gave advice on this matter.

As a matter of fact, in one of the hadiths, they said: kimse If the person who sleeps without washing the food dish is a problem in the night, then he should look for his mistake, not himself. ”[7]

Selman-ı Fârisî (Radiyallahu Anh) recounts: imiz Our beloved Prophet (peace be upon him and Sallam): eti The blessings of food; they wash their hands both before and after the meal ’they commanded.” [8]

In another rumor, Kon Our Prophet (peace be upon him) had a handkerchief, and when he took ablution or washed his hands, he would be formed with it. 9 [9]

Ablution and Food Mubahtır
Ibn Abbas (Radiyallahu Anh) recounts: “One day after the need to meet the needs of our Prophet (Sallâlâhu Aleyhi and Sallam) sitting and was offered a meal (Abestsiz thought to eat food) Let them bring the ablution water, O Allah The Prophet said: 'I will perform prayer only when I was ordered to take ablutions'. 10 [10]

Ibn Abbas (Radiyallahu Anh) recounts: bir One day our Prophet (Sallâlâhu Aleyhi and Sallam) came to meet his needs. When they returned, a table was prepared for him. Before the meal, they were told: mıs Would you take ablution, O Messenger of Allah:: mı Do I pray?

PURELL Advanced Hand Sanitizer Soothing Gel for workplaces, Fresh Scent, with Aloe and Vitamin E- 8 fl oz Pump Bottle (Pack of 4) - 9674-06-EC