Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Disposable Plastic Vaginal Suppository Applicators: Individually Wrapped Suppository Applicator for Women - Fits Most Boric Acid Suppositories, Pills, Tablets and Size 0 and 00 Capsules - 16 Pack

Candida Fungus: Symptoms, Treatment and Effective Candida Diet

Disposable Plastic Vaginal Suppository Applicators: Individually Wrapped Suppository Applicator for Women - Fits Most Boric Acid Suppositories, Pills, Tablets and Size 0 and 00 Capsules - 16 Pack

What is Candida? Many patients ask the question. Let's look at this dangerous intestinal fungus and examine its symptoms and the candida diet.

Candida is commonly known as a bowel fungus physician.

This is very important to me. Because it is an important harbinger of worsening health and is seriously reducing the standard of living for my patients.

Therefore, I want you to have detailed information about candida mushrooms.

Ready if you're ready!

What is Candida?
Candida (full name Candida albicans) is a type of fungus that naturally occurs on the inner surfaces of the body (mouth, intestine, vagina).

Candida is not actually a harmful fungus. Naturally found on the surfaces of the body. It also helps the absorption and digestion processes in the intestine. So if you have the right number of candida mushrooms, you will use them to work for you.

But if the amount of fungus controlled by the immune system gets out of control, the situation changes and candida becomes a disease. In appearance, it forms a white “yogurt cut tabaka layer.

In fact, the most common cause of fungi that cause disease on human candida (1). The overgrowth of Candida fungus is called candidiasis.

All right, that's it. But I still haven't mentioned why candida mushrooms are harmful. Let's go ahead and see the details.

Is Candida harmful?
Candida mushrooms can harm you at many points. But the main damaging properties,

Toxin production as a result of excessive candida proliferation,
Inhibition of the work of other intestinal bacteria,
Increasing the permeability of intestines and causing the passage of undesirable substances into the blood,
To attack the critical diseases and cause the existing disease to worsen,
can be sorted as. In other words, if candida gets out of control, it will disrupt your health and quality of life.

Causes of Candida
It is very important for Candida to become a disease. Because this shows that many things are not going well in your body and you've been wrong.

So I have to tell you the reasons.

Continuous use of antibiotics: Your intestines are similar to states and act in balance. If one becomes weak, other opportunistic states begin to invade it.

The use of antibiotics has the same effect on your intestines. There are different groups of bacteria in the form of many states. Some groups of bacteria that are useful if you use antibiotics are weakened. Other bacteria and fungi invade the weak.

Candida is an opportunistic mushroom. If beneficial bacteria in the intestine or other sites are reduced, candida will multiply and invade them.

Birth control drugs: Candida fungus is a major problem in the genital area (especially the vagina) in women. The reason for this is the disruption of the genital area. Because the genital area (especially vagina) has an acidic environment and is caused by hormones.

The acidic environment keeps bacteria and fungi in balance and prevents excessive proliferation.

Birth control pills also contain small amounts of hormones. These hormones disrupt the acidic balance of the genital area and cause excessive proliferation of bacteria.

Apart from contraceptives, all hormonal disorders at the disease level may cause an increase in candida fungus.

Diabetes and insulin resistance: High blood sugar and excessive insulin weaken the immune system. The tired immune system loses its ability to fight bacteria and fungi.

As a result, opportunistic candida fungus attacks and begins to invade (2).

I want routine candida tests in my diabetic patients. Because the level of candida is very important to measure both uncontrolled blood sugar and the health of the immune system.

Cancer treatment and immune system diseases: Chemotherapeutic agents and radiotherapy are commonly used in the treatment of cancer types.

Both methods damage cancer cells as well as body cells. Therefore, your mechanism of protection, balance between bacteria and fungi is disrupted.

Diseases that destroy the immune system, such as HIV, make it difficult for the body to fight candida with the same logic.

As a result, the two situations I have explained cause the spread of candida mushrooms.

Excessive stress: When stress is not controlled, it causes excessive cortisol release. Uncontrolled cortisol release weakens the immune system and disrupts the balance of intestinal bacteria.

As a result, excessive stress causes candida to spread.

What I'm talking about as stress involves both mental and physical situations. So excessive exercise or constant sleeplessness is also covered by stress.

So you should think extensively.

When you think about these reasons, you know that candidacy is officially waiting for you to fall ill and makes things worse when you are in a difficult situation.

Therefore, you should know the symptoms of candida mushrooms to control your health and to avoid additional problems. Then let's continue, I'll tell you great details.

Candida mushroom looks like this under the microscope.

Symptoms of Candida
I want to talk about the symptoms of candida mushrooms so that you can weigh yourself better. This way you can control the situation.

I will also talk about a candida test that you can easily do at home at the end of the symptoms.

Symptoms of Candida

Chronic fatigue. Candida helps absorption of nutrients. However, out of control of the amount of candida can adversely affect nutrient deficiencies. This can cause serious fatigue (3).
Mental problems such as anxiety and depression.
Hormonal disorders can be seen. Menstrual irregularity in women, breast gynecomastia in men, if the condition of candida should not forget.
Itching in the genital area, malodorous discharge, pain during sexual intercourse, white discharge, urinary tract infections may occur. This is because candida disrupts normal flora that prevents infections (4).
If there is proliferation in the intestine, abdominal pain, diarrhea / constipation attacks, excessive bloating. In fact, studies have shown that diseases such as Crohn's and ulcerative colitis in your intestines may be associated with candida fungus (5).
If there is proliferation in the mouth, bad breath, tooth decay, sinus infections may be seen.
Constant joint pain and arthritis. If Candida fungus damages your intestines and increases the permeability and causes “leaky gut” syndrome, harmful materials pass into your blood and cause inflammation. This inflammation can cause joint pain and arthritis problem (6).
can be sorted as. If you have one or more of these symptoms, you should suspect candida.

Candida test
If you suspect candida mushrooms, I will teach you a very simple technique. With this technique, you can quickly test for the presence of increased candida bacteria.

Follow the steps below for the Candida test.

1. Sleep hungry at night. Get up in the morning and go to the kitchen without eating or drinking anything.

2. Take a visible glass cup.

3. Fill the glass with water.

4. Spit into the glass.

5. Wait five minutes and look into the glass. If the glass is clean, you can extend the time to ten minutes to make sure.

If you see the filamentous structures on the surface as above, a dense sediment collapsed underneath or a cloudy structure that appears in the middle, it shows that it may be candida fungus in your mouth.

Because candida fungus has a filamentous structure and leaves sediment in water. Your saliva dissolves in water over time and does not leave serious sediment.

This method is quite simple, but does not give information about the intestine, throat and genital area candida fungus. Therefore, if you suspect candida fungus and the test is negative, you should consult your doctor.

It's time to switch to treatment. If you're complaining about candida mushrooms, I have great solutions for you.

Candida diet
There are many different anti-fungal medications for Candida. But these drugs can have serious side effects on the liver and kidney.

Therefore, the use of anti-fungal drugs in healthy people who can recover is not logical. Especially if we know that a healthy diet is very effective in the treatment of candida, the intestinal fungus.

I've listed what you need to do below.

Move away from sugar and carbohydrate sources. Especially sugar products cause the spread and increase of candida fungus (7).

Especially the foods I want you to stay away from,

Grocery products containing simple sugar (such as chocolate, candies),
Starchy vegetables (such as potatoes),
Fruit juices and fruits with excessive sugar,
can be sorted as. If you want a bulk solution, the proper nutrition low carb diet for you.

Consume antifungal foods. Some foods have anti-fungal effects. Consuming these nutrients reduces the number of candida mushrooms.

Fights with candida with allicin in garlic (8).
It fights candida with lauric acid in coconut oil (9).
Fights with candida with curcumin in turmeric (10),
For garlic use, crush and swallow the two cloves of garlic on an empty stomach. To have a tablespoon of coconut oil in the morning. Curcumin in turmeric is weak in terms of absorption. If you prefer, I recommend taking it as a supplement.

If you have an oral candida problem, xylitol in sugar-free chewing gum can be of great benefit. Because it has antifungal and antibacterial properties.

Support your intestinal bacteria. Your intestinal bacteria work to control candida fungus and provide balance. Therefore, weigh the scale in favor of probiotics and ensure healthy bacterial uptake.

At this point, it is very important to select the natural probiotic to be selected according to the situation. Evaluation is essential to avoid mistakes. If you want a more effective solution, you can take a look at probiotic products.

If you are taking probiotics, make sure the content is predominantly lactobacilli. Because lactobacilli type probiotic bacteria are very effective in fighting candida.

Support the immune system. I know my patients suffering from Candida fungus have immune problems. This is often caused by uncontrolled blood sugar and chronic diseases.

Not suitable for everyone, but my advice,

10 grams of glutamine supplementi daily,
Omega 3 supplement,
Vitamin D supplementation,
Regular exercise,
There will be nutrition to control blood sugar.
Although the things I mentioned above are quite simple, they have the potential to ignite the immune system and solve your candida problem. So do not underestimate and apply.

Avoid toxins and allergens. Toxic substances damage the more vulnerable beneficial bacteria in the intestinal wall. Allergens can also cause chronic inflammation by activating the defense cells in your intestines.

Therefore, you should avoid toxins and allergens. My suggestion,

Avoiding industrial type chickens,
Taking deep-sea fish out of your life,
Reduce the consumption of gluten and lectin-containing foods,
it will be. Along with these, you should gradually remove all foods that are allergic to you and contain toxic substances.

You now know a lot more about Candida and know that you are not desperate. You can easily control the candida mushroom with the right movements and protect you from unwanted effects.

Does candida bother you? Don't forget to share your ideas with me and your candida test results at home. You can also visit this page for a special treatment appointment if you feel that the problem is not serious and cannot be overcome alone.

Disposable Plastic Vaginal Suppository Applicators: Individually Wrapped Suppository Applicator for Women - Fits Most Boric Acid Suppositories, Pills, Tablets and Size 0 and 00 Capsules - 16 Pack