Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Boric Acid Suppositories -100% Pure Boric Acid -600mg in Vegan Capsules- Supports Feminine Hygiene & Vaginal pH - Treatment of Yeast Infections, Bacterial Vaginosis & Relieve Pain, Dryness

Women's Fearful Dream: Vaginal Fungal Infections

Boric Acid Suppositories -100% Pure Boric Acid -600mg in Vegan Capsules- Supports Feminine Hygiene & Vaginal pH - Treatment of Yeast Infections, Bacterial Vaginosis & Relieve Pain, Dryness

Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist, Near East University Hospital Özlen Emekçi Özay Gave Information About Vaginal Fungal Infection Commonly Experienced by Women. This disease is caused by many factors, the most important symptom is pruritus in the vagina, easy to diagnose as a disease that responds easily to treatment and repetitive risk is a disease that has a high.
Vaginal Fungal Infections Respond to Treatment Easily
Vaginal fungal infection is a condition that occurs due to antibiotic use and pregnancy, she said. Dr. Özlen Emekçi Özay, vaginal fungal infection is an infection that can respond easily to treatment, he said. Stating that chronic vaginal yeast infection can cause both sexual and psychological problems. Dr. Özlen Emekçi Özay, the most common microorganisms that lead to vaginal yeast infections is a yeast cell called Candida Albikans said. Exp. Dr. Özlen Emekçi Özay continued as follows: 67 Since 67 to 95% of cases are responsible for this fungal cell, vaginal fungal infections are usually defined as vaginal candidiasis. It is still unclear whether Candida Albikans is an organism that is normally found in the vagina or is a pathogen that must be treated when detected to give symptoms to women. It cannot be considered a sexually transmitted disease because it cannot be produced in male semen. However, as the spouses carry similar types of fungal cells in the researches, many physicians consider the application of spousal treatment as appropriate. ”

Exp. Dr. Özlen Emekçi: “Vaginal Fungal Infections do not spread from the pool. Öz
Vaginal fungal infection is not usually transmitted from someone else says Exp. Dr. Özlen Emekçi Özay, the person's own vagina in the yeast cells become active for various reasons to create an infection, he said. Exp. Dr. Özlen Emekçi Özay continued as follows: aj Vaginal fungal infections are not transmitted from the pool or places like this. These infections are rarely transmitted by sexual intercourse. A yeast infection in a woman does not necessarily mean that she is involved in sexual intercourse. Fungal infection may occur in virgin girls who have never had sexual intercourse in life, even in young children. ”

Many Factors Trigger Diseases
Candida fungi, which are a physical condition, are weakened due to the overgrowth of a certain yeast found in the vagina without any symptoms, and activated by various factors. Dr. Özlen Emekçi, candida fungi with the activation of the classic symptoms appeared in people said. Experts that there are many factors that trigger vaginal yeast infections. Dr. Özlen Emekçi Özay, the effect of these factors against the body's antigen, immunosuppression, birth control pills, used in the uterus, the use of hormones, worn nylon garments, local allergens, metabolic diseases, obesity, vaginal yeast infection triggered by factors such as wounds and radiation. factors.

Antibiotic Use Triggers Disease
Experts say that strong antibiotics, which are termed broad-spectrum, can disrupt the pH balance of the vagina and trigger fungal infection. Dr. Özlen Emekçi Özay continued: döneminde One of the risk factors is the weakening of the cellular immune system in the last three months during pregnancy and the development of candida is facilitated. Again during pregnancy, the increase in the substance called glycogen in the vagina accelerates this event. Increasing glycogen in the vagina causes estrogen and progesterone to increase in the blood. Diabetes, which causes vaginal fungus, increases sugar levels in urine and vaginal secretions in uncontrolled diabetes where blood sugar levels are unstable, which is a suitable environment for fungi. The suppression of the cellular immune system as a result of drugs or systematic diseases accelerates the formation of candida fungi. ”
Birth Control Pills are Preparing the Ground Suitable for the Formation of the Disease
Experts say there is an opinion that old-style high-dose birth control pills are suitable for candida fungi. Dr. Özlen Emekçi Özay, with low-dose drugs today, this opinion has lost its validity. Although the effect of intrauterine devices on the formation of vaginal fungi is not known, it is shown among the factors that prepare the ground for candida fungi Uzm. Dr. Özlen Emekçi Özay, the use of hormones containing estrogen and progesterone intake of medicinal fungi increased the incidence of fungi, he said. Exp. Dr. Özlen Emekçi Özay continued: “Nylon garments, especially nylon garments and clothes worn in overweight women cause temperature and humidity increase in the region. This is a golden opportunity for fungal cells. The developing infection tends to recur and become chronic. Local allergens can cause allergies such as colored toilet paper, perfumes, swimming pool medicines, tampons and pads. If it is on an allergic ground, then yeast infection may develop. Metabolic diseases Diseases such as thyroid hormone disorder pave the way for candidiasis. Obesity, Chronic cervicitis, and Radiation lead to vaginal infection. ”

The Most Important Symptom Vaginal Itching
Itching is the most important and most common symptom of vaginal yeast infection. Dr. Özlen Emekçi Özay, this itch was exacerbated at night and increased with the effect of heat, he said. Experts say that most of the patients had external genital organs burning. Dr. Özlen Emekçi Özay, especially in areas where the urine is experiencing severe burning sensation, he said. Some patients may have pain during sexual intercourse, says Uzm. Dr. Özlen Emekçi, vaginal candidiasis is not always the current, he said. Exp. Dr. Özlen Emekçi Özay continued: ise If present, this stream is white in color and contains milk or cheese cuts or lime-like particles. There is no bad smell in the discharge. The presence of odor should suggest the presence of a second infection accompanying candidiasis. Redness and swelling of the vulva and vagina may occur. Fungal plaques may be present on the vagina wall. Their appearance is typical for candidiasis. There may be peeling of the vulva skin and minor bleeding due to scratching. ”

An Easy Diagnosis
The diagnosis of vaginal yeast infections is not difficult, says Uzm. Dr. Özlen Emekçi Özay, generally during the examination of the patient's complaints and examination findings can be evaluated together and can be diagnosed without the need for laboratory examination, he said. Saying that culture does not play a role in vaginal candidiasis Uzm. Dr. Özlen Emekçi Özay, instead of the discharge sample taken under the microscope after treatment with potassium hydroxyl examination and the appearance of typical fungal pseudohyps confirmed that the diagnosis said.

Disease Recurrent
She says that the treatment of vaginal yeast infections is very easy and at the same time very difficult. Dr. Özlen Emekçi Özay, treatment of the majority of acute complaints resolved, he said. However, 5-25% of patients say that the disease recurs later Uzm. Dr. Özlen Emekçi Özay, at least four times in a year can be passed attacks of vaginitis, and in this case mentioned recurrent infections, he said. Exp. Dr. Özlen Emekçi Özay continued: yeniden The reason for these re-attacks is explained by the fact that fungal yeasts penetrate deep into the vaginal tissues and remain silent and are not affected by drugs. As the vaginal cells are in a continuous regeneration, as the upper cells fall out and the lower cells rise to the surface, these yeasts approach the surface and cause re-infection when appropriate media are available. ”

Medication Should Be Used Regularly During Treatment
He said that the drugs should be used systematically and regularly. Dr. Özlen Emekçi Özay, local drugs, both suppositories and cream may be in the form, he said. Explaining that treatment protocols and medications are available from one day to one week in oral systematic treatment. Dr. Özlen Emekçi Özay, the same situation is valid in vaginal ovules, he said. Exp. Dr. Özlen Emekçi Özay continued as follows: “During the treatment, not wearing nylon clothes, cotton laundry, boiling washing and ironing with steam iron, avoiding narrow clothes, washing with vaginal water instead of netwat pH degrees and easy to use liquid soap produced for this treatment. "

Boric Acid Suppositories -100% Pure Boric Acid -600mg in Vegan Capsules- Supports Feminine Hygiene & Vaginal pH - Treatment of Yeast Infections, Bacterial Vaginosis & Relieve Pain, Dryness