Friday, November 15, 2019

Wet Ones Antibacterial Hand Wipes Singles, Fresh Scent, 48 Count

Why is continuous hand washing and excessive cleaning harmful?

Wet Ones Antibacterial Hand Wipes Singles, Fresh Scent, 48 Count

We live in the age of cleaning. Our soaps are antibacterial and our cleaning materials promise to destroy 99.9 percent of the germs. Everyone knows that germs are harmful.

But some scientists say that extreme cleanliness is not correct because it can lead to asthma and other allergic diseases. Is it possible to create a balanced situation between obsession cleaning and learning to live with the bacteria around us? At the end of the 19th century, the German doctor Robert Koch discovered that certain bacteria caused certain diseases. Since then, great progress has been made in human health due to cleanliness and sanitation.


But not all germs are harmful. Some bacteria are known to cause disturbing or even fatal diseases; but many of them are useful: they produce vitamins in our intestines, protect them against harmful microbes by forming a layer on our skin and help us digest nutrients. In environments outside our bodies, they break down organic residues, produce half of the oxygen in the world, regulate the nitrogen level in the air, which makes the world livable. Today, researchers say people have become “extremely clean ölçü to the extent that they can harm themselves.

In 1989, British epidemiologist David Strachan was the first to argue that exposure to certain diseases in childhood provides protection against the development of allergies at a later age.
Allergies occur when the human immune system overreacts and perceives a harmless substance as a major attack. Experts, our immune system forgot to live with them, our bodies can sometimes react to useful microbes, he says.


Therefore, we need to understand what kind of benefit microbes live in our body do to us. Epahemiologist Graham Rook of UCL University in London says it is important that the body meet various microbes in the surrounding area. Some people call it ışma microbial acquaintance therapy..

Rook believes that it is more beneficial for the mother to suck and clean the baby before the baby is given a new sterile pacifier. For this purpose, Rook emphasizes the importance of feeding on a variety of farms, doing sports outside, and increasing the variety of germs exposed by feeding animals such as dogs, which most of us consider dirty.

However, there is not much information about which diseases occur in the case of insufficient microbes in the body. Rook says that one day we will have knowledge of it, but it is technically and statistically too complicated.
Experts associate germs in the body with immunity, autism, allergies, autoimmunity, mood and development of the central nervous system. Microbial therapy starts from the moment we are born. It is stated that babies born as a result of normal birth have fewer allergies compared to those born by cesarean section and it is stated that meeting with germ environment from the first moment is effective in this.


However, due to excessive cleaning, the chance of meeting these good microbes is decreasing. But how will it be possible to meet good bacteria while avoiding the disease-causing bacteria? Experts say that you should follow the basic principles of washing hands. He sees dirty hands as the most important cause of contagious diseases among humans. Cleaning hands is not about how long, but how well you wash. To do this, the hand should be rubbed with soap for at least 15 seconds and then thoroughly rinsed and dried under running water.

But it is not necessary to wash every part of the body in this way. Experts say excessive cleaning disrupts the microbial environment that makes the body healthy against harmful organisms. For example, a long bath every day removes beneficial bacteria from the skin. For this reason, it is recommended to wash the genital area and very sweaty places and change the underwear every day.

In order to purify the house from harmful bacteria, cleaning is recommended as a part of daily life instead of cleaning once a week. For example, if you have chopped vegetables on the chopping boards in the kitchen, their cleaning may remain after the meal, but if food such as raw fish or chicken is chopped, you should clean it immediately.


Research in hospitals shows that microbes and viruses can easily spread from sheets and towels. Experts recommend that these items be changed once a week at home and personal cleaning materials such as towels should not be shared with anyone. It is stated that towels should be washed at 60 degrees and bleach should be used if they are washed at a lower degree.

It is important to close the toilet seat while flushing the toilet. Otherwise there may be danger of germs spreading and proliferating. Pajamas also need to be washed once a week.

In short, no one is recommended to live in filth to protect beneficial bacteria. But biologists believe that spending time in the woods and in the woods and touching the soil and plants is important in terms of encountering beneficial microbes.


Research shows that children who have not grown up in extremely clean environments are less susceptible to asthma and other allergic diseases. Some bacteria are known to protect people against intestinal diseases and some mental illnesses such as depression.

If the hypothesis about hygiene is correct, it may be possible to explain the increase in asthma and allergy in the last 20 years. Other developments in the field of public health, such as the use of filtered water, excessive use of antibiotics, increased environmental pollution, are also said to be influential.

However, it is believed that vaccines do not play any role in increasing allergy. In addition, after each disease, the body gains strength, so even the slightest discomfort in the body to apply to drugs is said to weaken.

Wet Ones Antibacterial Hand Wipes Singles, Fresh Scent, 48 Count