Wednesday, November 20, 2019

pH-D Feminine Health, First Woman Owned Boric Acid Vaginal Suppositories, Made in USA, Bottle of 24 (600mg)

How Is Fungal Infection Treated?

pH-D Feminine Health, First Woman Owned Boric Acid Vaginal Suppositories, Made in USA, Bottle of 24 (600mg)

Fungal (yeast) infections are one of the most common diseases seen in women. Yeast is a fungus found in small amounts in the vagina and settled there. Vaginal fungal infection, also known as vaginal candidiasis, can occur when there are too many fungal cells in the vagina. [1] Although the symptoms range from uncomfortable to unbearable, most fungal infections can be easily treated. All you have to do is carefully observe the symptoms of pain, ache, itching, rash and burning.

Diagnosing Infection

Check for signs of infection. There are several physical symptoms that may indicate fungal infection. The most common symptoms are: [2]
Itching, pain and general discomfort in the vagina.
Pain or burning during urination or sexual intercourse.
Thick (such as precipitate cheese), white discharge in the vagina. Remember, this symptom will not be seen in every woman.

Think about possible reasons. If you're not sure if you have a yeast infection, think about the most common causes of yeast infection:
Antibiotics - Most women may experience a yeast infection after using antibiotics for several days. [3] Antibiotics kill some good bacteria in the body, including bacteria that prevent overgrowth of yeast and cause fungal infection. These bacteria include those that prevent overgrowth of the fungus. [4] If you've been on antibiotics recently, if it starts burning and itching in your vagina, they may be a sign of yeast infection.
Menstruation - Fungal infections are common in menstrual periods. If you observe the above symptoms and your period is close, you may have a yeast infection. [5]
Birth control pills - Birth control pills and one-off "next day" pills cause changes in hormone levels. This may cause fungal infection. [6]
Current health status - Certain diseases or disorders, such as HIV or diabetes, can also cause fungal infections. [7]
Pregnancy - Fungal infections are likely to occur due to hormonal changes during pregnancy. [8]
General health status - Disease, obesity, poor sleep habits and stress may increase the likelihood of fungal infection. [9]

Buy a pH test suitable for home use. There are tests that can help you understand what's going on in your vagina, like the tests you use for pregnancy. The normal pH of the vagina is around 4. This is a slightly acidic pH. Follow the instructions on the test package. [10]
While performing the pH test, hold a piece of pH paper on the vagina wall for a few seconds. Then examine the color of the paper according to the chart that came with the test. The number opposite to the color that most closely matches the color on paper is the pH value of the vagina. [11]
If the test result is above 4, you should see a doctor. This is not an indication of fungal infection, but may be a sign of another infection. [12]
If the test result is below 4, you probably have (not certain) a yeast infection.

Confirm the diagnosis with the doctor. If you have never had a yeast infection or are not sure about the diagnosis, you should make an appointment with a gynecologist. After a short vaginal examination, the doctor will take a sample of the vaginal discharge using a cotton swab to perform a fungal count. This is called a wet mount. The doctor may ask you to take additional tests to rule out other causes that may cause symptoms. [13]
Fungal infections are common in women, but it can be difficult to accurately diagnose on their own. In one study, it was shown that only 35% of women with a history of yeast infection can correctly diagnose yeast infection based on symptoms only. [14] [15] Allergic reactions caused by herpes formation and contact with laundry detergent are often mistaken for fungal infections.
Remember that many conditions, such as bacterial vaginosis or trichomoniasis, can lead to abnormal vaginal discharge and vaginal discomfort. For example, many of the symptoms of yeast infection are very similar to those of sexually transmitted diseases. [16] If the fungal infections recur, the doctor may ask you to have a culture test to determine if it is caused by other Candida species other than Candida albicans.
Pregnant women should not treat yeast infection without consulting a doctor. [17]

To use medicine

Use caution when applying treatment on your own. You should only treat fungal infection if you are absolutely sure of your diagnosis. Remember that women who have had a yeast infection have difficulty diagnosing it. See your doctor if you have the slightest doubt.

Use prescribed oral medicine. The doctor may prescribe fluconazole (Diflucan), a single-dose antifungal drug taken orally. [18] [19] Relaxation is expected within the first 12-24 hours.
This is the quickest and most effective treatment of fungal infection. If you are experiencing serious symptoms, see your doctor immediately to determine if the treatment you have chosen is correct.

Use topical treatment. This is the most common form of treatment. Topical treatments are available both over the counter and over the counter. These include antifungal creams, ointments and suppositories applied to the vagina. Over-the-counter creams and ointments can be found in many pharmacies and supermarkets. If you have problems applying a treatment, consult a pharmacist who can help you directly. [20] [21]
Drugs used in the treatment of these infections belong to the class of drugs called azole. These include clotrimazole (Mycelex), butaconazole (Gynezol or Femstat), miconazole nitrate (Monistat) and thioconazole (Vagistat-1). These products may be purchased for different periods of use (eg, one-off administration, three-day administration, etc.) for the treatment of infection. You should consult a doctor or pharmacist before deciding which treatment is the best option for you. [22]
Be sure to carefully read all instructions contained in the package. These instructions will guide you to understand how to apply the cream and / or insert the suppository into your vagina. It is important that you follow the instructions. If you are unsure about what to do, consult a doctor or pharmacist for information.

Complete the treatment. Stop using these drugs immediately if you have not observed any symptoms. Use according to the instructions for the duration you need to use. [23]
If you are using an over-the-counter product and there is no relief from symptoms within 2-3 days, make an appointment with the doctor to apply one of the alternative treatment options.
If you use antifungal cream or suppository, be careful about the condom. Fat found in some drugs may thin the latex of the condom. [24] [25]

Remember that the treatment depends on the infection. Mild fungal infections can pass within a few days, while more serious infections may take longer to fully resolve. The doctor may prescribe a medication for you to use for two weeks.
If the infections recur, you should discuss this with your doctor. This may indicate an imbalance in your hormones or a change in your diet.
The doctor may prescribe a medication (such as Diflucan or Fluconazole) that you can use once or twice a week for up to six months to control the fungus level. Other doctors may prescribe clotrimazole as a vaginal suppository instead of an oral drug once a week. [26]

Home Treatment

Drink unadulterated, 100% blueberry juice. Blueberries can treat and prevent fungal infections and urinary tract infections. [27] Make sure you buy 100% blueberry juice because it will get worse if there is sugar in the blueberry juice.
You can also take blueberry supplements in pill form. [28]
Blueberries, which are used as a mild treatment, are especially useful if you think you may catch a fungal infection. It may be useful as a supplement for other treatments if you already have a fungal infection. [29]

Eat plain yogurt or use it. Eat the yogurt or drive to the vagina. You can also inject the yogurt directly into the vagina using a needle-free syringe, or fill and freeze the yogurt into the plastic tampon applicator and then apply it to the vagina. [30] Yogurt contains live bacterial cultures (lactobacillus acidophilus), which ensure that the number of healthy bacteria in the vagina is as good as before. [31]
Some women have reported success with eating yoghurt containing lactobacillus, but this method has not been scientifically approved. [32] [33] Some studies suggest that eating or using yogurt as a treatment method has almost no benefit. [34]

Take a probiotic. You can also use oral supplements containing lactobacillus acidophilus culture, commonly known as probiotics. You can buy them at many major convenience stores, pharmacies and healthcare stores. Some women also use probiotic suppositories to help treat fungal infection. However, the effect of these suppositories is controversial and requires further research. [35]
In general, probiotics are safe to use because probiotics are like good bacteria found in our body system. Some probiotics have even been used for centuries. These are fermented products, fermented beverages and cultured milk. Nevertheless, further research is needed to determine the safety of probiotic intake in poor immune groups such as the elderly and children.
ALWAYS consult a doctor before placing probiotic suppositories into the vagina or before applying the probiotic product. Many doctors recommend taking probiotics orally rather than applying it to the vagina.

Reduce sugar and caffeine intake. Chocolate, sugar and even sugar contained in the fruit can cause a significant increase in blood sugar, which can increase the growth of fungi. Caffeine can also exacerbate the effects of sugar by increasing the rate of rise in blood sugar. [36]
If you have a constant fungal infection, you should consider reducing the amount of sugar and caffeine you consume regularly.

Watch what you're wearing. Avoid body-covering pants and cotton underwear so that the vagina can "breathe" and not sweat. Mushroom spreads in a humid, warm environment. The clothing should allow the vagina to breathe and remain dry so that you can prevent the increase in the fungal population in the vagina. [37]
Change your underwear every day and wear wide pants, shorts and skirts. [38]
If you have a wet suit on, change it as soon as possible. This may be a swimsuit or training suit. [39]
Avoid mushrooms filled with hot water or showers with very hot water because the mushroom loves hot, wet environments. [40]

Use Alka Seltzer tablets. Although these tablets have been marketed for abdominal pain, hangover and body pain (not marketed for yeast infection), the citric acid contained therein can treat the initial fungal infection.

Use apple cider vinegar. When the apple cider vinegar is diluted with clean water and used as antiseptic water, it can help alleviate the fungal infection and even eliminate the infection. You can use this mixture as antiseptic water once or twice a day. You can also apply apple cider vinegar directly to the vagina with the help of cotton. This can reduce the sensation of vaginal burns and help you get rid of itching.

Use coconut oil. Coconut oil can be an excellent treatment option if you have vaginal yeast infection. Regularly, if you apply it around the vagina at least twice a day, it can kill Candida and help you get rid of infections completely. [41]

Use garlic. Garlic is another effective way to treat fungal infection. Divide a clove of garlic in half and place it into the vagina at night. Repeat this for a few nights to see the result. Since garlic can burn a little in your vagina, you have to be careful and there will be an odor that may disturb you.

Wait until the yeast infection has passed before you have sex. Infection is not transmitted by sexual contact, but men may experience symptoms such as pruritus after coexistence with an infected person. [42]
If you have had a fungal infection more than four times a year (known as vulvovaginal candidiasis), you should see a doctor as this may be a sign of a more serious health condition, such as diabetes. [43]
If the symptoms have not disappeared with treatment, make an appointment with the doctor again. Over-the-counter medications may not be effective in all women. [44]

pH-D Feminine Health, First Woman Owned Boric Acid Vaginal Suppositories, Made in USA, Bottle of 24 (600mg)