Monday, October 28, 2019

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What should be the order of the menstrual cycle?

Rael Certified Organic Cotton Panty Liners, Regular - 4Pack/80 total - Unscented Pantiliners - Natural Daily Pantyliners (4 Pack)

Menstruation is the monthly loss of the inner wall of the uterus which we call the endometrium as a result of the interaction of hormones secreted by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland and ovaries in the brain.

A period is the number of days between the first day of menstruation and the first day of menstruation in the following month. Although this period is 28 days, it is defined as normal between 21-35 days. The amount of pads used in one day should be 2-3 pieces, should not contain clots and bleeding period should not exceed 8 days.

Menstrual polymenorrhea, which is seen at intervals of less than 21 days, is defined as oligomerorrhea, ie, menstruation at late intervals. Low amount of bleeding during menstrual period, hypomenorrhea, menstrual bleeding is more in quantity but the duration is normal hypermenorrhea, menstrual period prolongation of menorrhagia, irregular intervals bleeding metroraji, irregular intervals occurring abundant bleeding menometroraji before menstrual bleeding , spotting bleeding in the form of spotting, 2 bleeding in the middle of the ovulation in the middle during the ovulation bleeding, ovulation bleeding, the first menstrual or post-ovulation problem usually occurs due to bleeding is defined as juvenile bleeding.

What are the causes of menstrual cycle disorder?

1.Excessive weight gain or weight loss. Very low body weight often causes irregular bleeding or menstrual delays, while obesity is the cause of menstrual irregularities.
2. Eating disorders in the form of anorexia or bulumnia.
3. Excessive exercise. Menstrual bleeding may be discontinued in athletes.
4.Emotional stress.
5. Systemic diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes, tuberculosis, liver diseases
6.Seyahat on
7. Birth control drugs. The amount of bleeding decreases, irregular spotting may occur, menstrual period may skip.
8.Hormonal problems: Polycysticover syndrome, elevated prolactin, thyroid hormone disorders, Cushing's Disease, Hyperprolactinemia
9.Pelvic organ problems: Polyps, fibroids, ovarian cysts, adhesions on the inner wall of the uterus
10.Emzir on. Most breastfeeding women may not have menstrual periods or may be irregular during lactation.
12. Early menopause. Menstruation before the age of 40 is cut. Early menopause in the family, ovarian surgery, chemotherapy or radiation to the pelvic region can cause early menopause, but the cause is often unknown.
13. Medications: Hormonal drugs, intrauterine devices, tamoxifen, warfarin
14. Pregnancy: Ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, complications of pregnancy

How can we tell if the menstrual cycle is irregular?

Menstruation may be irregular during the first years of puberty and menopause when menstruation starts. There may be unrecognized pregnancy and related problems under irregular bleeding. Therefore, a gynecological examination and evaluation is essential for the diagnosis. Menstrual irregularity can sometimes occur without any reason, but if there are more than two menstrual irregularities in a year, it should be considered as menstrual irregularity and the underlying problems should be investigated.

What are the symptoms of irregular menstrual cycle?

Women may experience occasional deviations, delays or intermittent bleeding. Many factors such as stresses, troubles, sudden weight changes, sports, sadness can affect the menstrual order and may cause deviations in this functioning mechanism. After gynecological examination, ultrasound and some hormone tests, problems related to pregnancy and pregnancy, drugs, cysts in uterus or ovaries, fibroids, polyps of the inner wall of the uterus, cancer, etc. Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (DUK) is called. The important point here is that there is a formation to explain the bleeding disorder.

Is it normal that the menstrual cycle is irregular in the first years of puberty?

Menstrual cycle may be irregular in the first years of menstrual cycle in the age of 9-16 years. This may be due to the lack of mature hormonal functioning between the brain and the ovary, or it may be a symptom of some hormonal disorders, genetic problems or gynecological diseases. The gynecological examination evaluates the condition of the uterus and ovaries, hormone tests, if necessary, the status of hair growth, breast development, which we call secondary sex characters, and hair growth in the sexual area.

What can cause irregular menstrual cycles?

It will be more accurate to examine menstrual irregularity by separating certain periods of women's life as childhood, adolescence, fertility, pre-menopause and post-menopause. The problems caused by irregularity may cause different problems in every period. Juvenile hemorrhage, which we define as juvenile hemorrhage during childhood and adolescence, is more common, while pregnancy, ovulation problems, polycystic ovary syndrome, infertility, uterine polyps, fibroids, ovarian cysts are more common in fertile period. Hormonal irregularities may be more prominent in the period of transition to menopause, but after menopause it is necessary to be careful about uterine and ovarian cancers.

Why should menstrual irregularities be considered?

The most common symptom of almost all problems in the female reproductive system is menstrual irregularity. Therefore, deviations in menstrual order should be investigated.

Problems such as uterine fibroids, polyps, tumors or ovarian cysts, female genital organ cancers account for 25% of menstrual irregularities. These are classified as menstrual disorders of organic origin. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding accounts for 75% of menstrual irregularities. Without a structural problem, they are menstrual irregularities due to hormonal problems only.
First of all, the complaints of irregular menstruation should be evaluated by a gynecologist and obstetrician. Factors that may cause bleeding during the examination are reviewed one by one. Vagina, uterus, ovaries are examined and evaluated by ultrasonography, the thickness of the inner lining of the uterus is measured, smear test is taken. In this way, health problems that can significantly affect the health of women can be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible.

How is menstrual irregularity treated?

In the treatment of menstrual irregularity, the type, frequency, weight and age group of the irregularity are important. The causes and treatments of menstrual irregularity can be seen in different ways in different age groups.

If the cause of irregular menstrual bleeding is an organic disease, this cause should be eliminated. For example, if there is a polyp in the inner wall of the uterus, the polyp should be removed by hysteroscopy. Another cause is fibroids. Uterine fibroids, benign uterine muscle layer is the urine. They are usually asymptomatic, but can cause bleeding when they press against the inner tissue of the uterus. If uterine fibroids cause hemorrhage, surgery can be planned by removing only uterine fibroids according to the age of the patient, the wish of the child, or removing the entire uterus if the patient does not wish to have advanced age.

Menstrual irregularity and absence of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome patients may occur in general during fertility. The first-line treatment is the regulation of lifestyle, healthy eating and achieving ideal weight. If there is a problem of infertility, pregnancy can be achieved with high success rates with ovulation treatments. In polycystic ovarian patients who do not wish to have a child or who have complaints such as hair, acne, hair loss, oily skin, hair treatment drugs or birth control pills can be used.

Can menstrual irregularity cause future infertility if left untreated?

In women who want children, menstrual irregularities can cause infertility because they cause irregularities or non-ovulation in ovulation. Cysts, uterine fibroids, uterine wall polyps in the uterus or ovaries may also cause menstrual irregularities, which may prevent pregnancy. Once the cause of the irregularity has been identified, treatment for this reason is necessary. Although life style, weight and general health problems, which are often menstrual irregularities, can be spontaneously corrected, pregnancy should be consulted by the obstetrician when planning pregnancy and the presence of other gynecological problems should be investigated and treated accordingly. Sometimes pregnancy can be achieved with very simple treatments, but in some cases it may be necessary to apply in vitro fertilization techniques called advanced reproductive techniques. For this reason, a woman with menstrual irregularities, especially if she wants to have a child, infertility treatments should definitely consult a specialist in vitro fertilization.

Rael Certified Organic Cotton Panty Liners, Regular - 4Pack/80 total - Unscented Pantiliners - Natural Daily Pantyliners (4 Pack)

Always Ultra Thin Feminine Pads with Wings for Women, Size 4, Overnight Absorbency, Unscented, 28 count - Pack of 3 (84 Count Total) (Packaging May Vary)

Causes Menstrual Irregularity, How is it Treated?

Always Ultra Thin Feminine Pads with Wings for Women, Size 4, Overnight Absorbency, Unscented, 28 count - Pack of 3 (84 Count Total) (Packaging May Vary)

The answer to the questions about how menstrual irregularity is experienced during a period of every woman's life and how to be treated can only be given correctly if it is known how the normal menstrual process works. Therefore, having the right information about menstrual pattern and irregularity will be beneficial in taking the necessary steps for treatment.

On average, the body of every woman who enters puberty in the age of 13, that is, fertility begins, is prepared for a new pregnancy every month. The actors of this preparation are not only the genitals but also the brain. The more women know the menstrual cycle, the better they know their own bodies, the more prepared they are for problems such as menstrual irregularity and they can proceed to treatment steps without delay.

Normal Menstrual Cycle

Every woman is born with an average of 400,000 egg cells in her ovaries. These egg cells are in the follicle vesicles which also secrete the female hormone estrogen and live in the ovaries that are located on both sides of the uterus. In the middle of each month, one of these eggs is released by the follicle in every woman - from the day of puberty to the first menstrual period (menarche) and the day of the last menstrual period. This is called "ovulation" and activity occurs in one ovary every month. This released egg enters the ovary channel and begins to wait. In the meantime, if sexual intercourse occurs and the egg is fertilized by one of the sperm contained in the semen ejaculated from the male, pregnancy occurs.

Follicles remaining in the ovaries after releasing the egg cell secrete progesterone in addition to the estrogen hormone and pass through the ovary to the uterus and begin to prepare the uterine wall for the baby. Estrogen has already reached the brain and all body systems have been activated for possible pregnancy. The uterine wall begins to thicken. The egg cell fertilized in the egg channel passes into the uterus and settles in the environment prepared for it.

The events we have described so far last for an average of 14 days (for women with menstrual bleeding every 28 days) and are repeated every month. If the egg is fertilized and pregnancy occurs, there will be no more ovulation until the baby is born. But if the egg is not fertilized and pregnancy does not occur, the body must be ready for a new ovulation. The thickened uterine wall should be restored. For this reason, the tissue cells that cause thickening are poured and excreted out of the body with bleeding.

What does irregular menstruation mean?

In women, these hormonal and bodily changes, which recur every month, include menstruation, menstrual cycle, menstrual cycle or menstrual period; bleeding is called menstrual, menstrual, menstrual or menstural bleeding. The first day of bleeding is accepted as the beginning of the period and the time to the other bleeding is different for each woman, but on average it is 28 days. Menstrual irregularity is considered to be less than 21 days and more than 35 days. Irregular bleeding is considered to last for less than 2 days and more than 7 days.

Causes Menstrual Irregularity?
A normal menstrual period occurs in perfect co-operation with the hypothalamus region and the pituitary gland, the ovaries and the uterus. A failure in any of these may cause disruptions and irregularities during the menstrual period. Menstrual irregularities may be related to duration or amount of bleeding. Factors such as pregnancy, menopause, intrauterine contraceptive devices, hormonal changes, ovarian cysts, overexposure (endometrial hyperplasia), polyps in the uterus or cervix, fibroids, and rarely cervical cancer can cause menstrual irregularities.

Menstrual Irregularity Symptoms

Women who have regular menstruation immediately notice an unfamiliar development. Already described as irregularities are unusual developments. Each woman's cycle, duration and amount of menstruation are different. It is normal to have 1 bleeding every 21 days and last for 3 days; It should be 1 in 30 days and last 7 days. If your friend sees 1 in 28 days and bleeding 5 days, this is his menstrual cycle, not yours. You can only speak of irregularity if there is a failure in the order you are used to since this is the first time you have become menstruating.

l Unusual and severe pain,
l Bleeding lasting less than 2 days,
l Bleeding lasting more than 7 days,
l Too much bleeding,
l Increasing elongation of time between periods and decreasing the number of periods,
l Spotting between two menstrual periods is among the symptoms.
How to Tell Menstrual Disorder
Since the first menstrual period, women consume the available egg reserve in their ovaries. On average, from 13 to 55 years of age, the number and quality of eggs gradually decreases. It may take 1-2 years for the menstrual period to be in order in young girls. They may not be able to predict the irregularities that occur during this time, and they are often unacceptable. But women who have been menstruating for many years immediately notice irregularities.

Understanding the menstrual irregularity is also related to the woman getting to know her body well. Women who know how the menstrual period works, cause the bleeding and are aware of the changes that occur in the body during this process may also determine what is a sign of disorder for themselves.

How is menstrual irregularity treated?

First, the factors causing the disorder should be identified. When these factors disappear, the mores are also regulated. Factors such as fibroids, polyps, ovarian cysts in the uterus or cervix can be detected by ultrasound imaging, vaginal smear test and hormonal blood tests. Irregularities associated with hormones are treated with medication. Polyps and cysts may require surgical intervention. For the treatment of irregularities thought to be due to psychological reasons, support from psychiatrists is required.

What should be done for menstrual irregularity?
Menstrual delay is a common problem in women of childbearing. Unexpected menstrual delays in women who regularly menstruate for periods of 21-35 days may occur due to emotional stress, change of location or even seasonal influences. Lack of ovulation in normal periods or birth control pills may also cause menstrual delay. It is normal to have 1-2 menstrual delays each year. However, if delays persist for a long time, hormone levels should be assessed.

Every woman of childbearing age should be in contact with an obstetrician since the first day of her menstruation. Regular gynecological examinations performed at regular intervals may prevent many diseases that can be prevented, and treat non-preventable diseases effectively and successfully with early diagnosis.

Menstrual Irregularity Herbal Solution
Menstruation is a process that results from a series of chemical and physiological activities that trigger each other with the perfect harmony of the brain, ovaries and uterus. In fact, all the effort is to fertilize the egg and to have a baby. On the other hand, the dynamics of each woman are different and the menstrual process is unique. The cause of the defect in this process can only be understood by hormone tests and a comprehensive gynecological examination. A gynecologist and obstetrician who conducts the examinations and examinations can only tell us the reasons for the irregularities such as delay, frequent menstruation and changes in the amount of bleeding.

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Natracare Organic & Natural Curved Panty Liners 30 ea

Causes menstrual irregularity? Symptoms of menstrual irregularity and treatment methods

Natracare Organic & Natural Curved Panty Liners 30 ea

14 to 25% of women have irregular menstrual cycles; it is shorter or longer than normal or heavier or lighter than normal. So what is menstrual irregularity? You can find our news about the causes and treatment of menstrual irregularity ...

Menstrual irregularity is a condition frequently encountered by women throughout their lives. Often, prolonged stressful periods affect the normal menstrual cycle and cause premature menstrual bleeding or delay. The length of the menstrual cycle and the amount of bleeding are unique to each woman. There are many different causes that can determine when your menstruation starts. Now what causes menstrual irregularity? What are the symptoms of menstrual irregularity and we will give information about the treatment methods in menstrual irregularity…


For most women, a normal menstrual cycle is 21 to 35 days. However, 14% to 25% of women have irregular menstrual cycles; this means that the cycles are shorter or longer than normal; heavier or lighter than usual; or abdominal cramps. In short, menstrual irregularity is an abnormal process that you can recognize from symptoms such as pain, absence of bleeding, or twice a month.


The duration and severity of menstrual bleeding varies from woman to woman. If a woman's menstrual period is extremely long, prolonged or irregular, it is known as menorrhagia.

Symptoms of menorrhagia include a menstrual period that lasts more than seven days, and bleeding is so severe that you need to change your tampon or pad more than once per hour. If you have excessive or prolonged menstrual periods that interfere with your daily life, you should see your doctor.

Excessive bleeding can cause anemia or iron deficiency and may indicate an underlying medical condition. In most cases, abnormal periods can be successfully treated by a doctor.

Heavy or irregular periods may be caused by the following factors:

Some anti-inflammatory drugs, anticoagulants or hormone drugs may affect menstrual bleeding.
Heavy bleeding can be a side effect of intrauterine devices used in birth control.
Hormone Imbalances
Excess estrogen and progesterone hormones can cause heavy bleeding. Hormone imbalances are the most common among girls with menstrual irregularities in the past year and a half. It is also common in women approaching menopause.
Medical conditions
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and other infections can cause irregular periods such as endometriosis. This is a condition in which the tissue that scratches the inside of the uterus begins to grow in another part of the body. This can cause pain as well as severe bleeding.
Hereditary Blood Disorder
Heavy menstrual bleeding may also be due to some inherited blood disorders that affect clotting.
Benign growth or cancer
Cervical, ovarian, or uterine cancer can cause severe bleeding, but these conditions are not common. Benign cancer-free tumors in the uterus can cause heavy bleeding or prolonged periods. Benign growth in the lining of the uterine wall (endometrium) can cause heavy bleeding or prolonged menstruation.


Lack of ovulation means no or no ovulation, resulting in hormone progesterone deficiency, causing severe periods.
Severe bleeding may occur when the glands from the lining of the uterus are embedded in the uterine muscle. It is known as adenomyosis.
Ectopic Pregnancy
If you bleed during pregnancy, you should consult your doctor. Normal pregnancy stops menstrual bleeding. Some points seen during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester, are usually not something to worry about. If you are bleeding heavily during pregnancy, seek medical advice immediately. It may be a sign that the fertilized egg is implanted into the fallopian tube rather than the uterus called ectopic pregnancy. It may also indicate a miscarriage. Your doctor can help you understand what causes bleeding during pregnancy.


The length of the menstrual cycle and the amount of bleeding are unique to each woman. However, most women have a cycle ranging from 24 to 34 days. Bleeding lasts approximately four or five days, with blood loss of approximately 40 cc (3 tbsp). It is important to remember that these are only averages and that your “normal olabil may be outside these ranges.

An abnormally severe bleeding can cause you to experience the following symptoms, which may be an indication of anemia:

- Tiredness
- Pale skin
- Shortness of breath
- Dizziness

Although each woman's cycle is different, irregularities such as bleeding in the middle cycle or bleeding after sexual intercourse are abnormal symptoms.


You should see your gynecologist once a year for a medical examination. However, if you have bleeding or spotting, you should make an appointment immediately:

- Between periods
- After sex
- When you're pregnant
- After menopause

Other indicators you should consult with your doctor include:

- If your periods consistently last more than a week

- If you need more than one tampon or sanitary napkin within one hour, for several hours in a row

- Severe pain

- Fire

- Abnormal discharge or odor

- Unexplained weight gain or loss

- Unusual hair growth

- New acne

- Nipple discharge

Monitor your menstrual periods, including how long your blood flow lasts and how many pads or sanitary pads you use during each cycle. This information will help you with your gynecological appointment. Also avoid aspirin-containing products because they may increase bleeding.


Treatment will depend on your overall health, the cause of menstrual abnormalities, your reproductive history and your future plans. Your doctor should also address underlying medical conditions, such as thyroid dysfunction. Treatments may include:

Possible medications that your doctor may recommend include:

- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) such as ibuprofen or naproxen may reduce mild blood loss.

- Iron supplements can cure anemia.

- Hormone replacements can treat hormonal imbalances.

- Oral contraceptives can regulate your cycle and shorten the duration.

- If your irregularities depend on the medication you are currently taking, you can talk to your doctor to find alternatives.


D & C: Dilation and curettage is a procedure in which the doctor expands the cervix and scrapes tissue from your uterine wall. This is a very common procedure and usually reduces menstrual bleeding.

SURGERY Surgical treatment is common for cancerous tumors. Surgery is also an option to treat fibroids, but is not always necessary. Removal of polyps can occur using a hysteroscopy.

Endometrial Ablation: A procedure used in women who do not receive medication to control heavy bleeding and related symptoms. In this procedure, the doctor destroys the uterine lining, leaving little or no menstrual flow. This procedure significantly reduces your chances of future pregnancy, so women planning to have children should discuss and evaluate other treatment options.

Hysterectomy: Hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the cervix. This may be the treatment of choice for patients with cancer or fibroids. Hysterectomy will terminate your ability to have children. Your doctor will remove your ovaries if necessary. This results in early menopause.

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U by Kotex Lightdays Panty Liners, Long, Unscented, 126 Count

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U by Kotex Lightdays Panty Liners, Long, Unscented, 126 Count

The first birth control pill was in 1961 when it was launched in Europe. The Anovs were originally produced to regulate menstrual bleeding; ovulation prevention was a side effect.
This side effect made Anovs one of the inventions of the century, but until 1968, due to the conservative attitude, the pill was only recommended to married women to regulate menstrual bleeding.

With the student movements that started in 1968, birth control pill became important in the west. Sexuality and protection began to be discussed for the first time in society.

Today pills and other birth control tools are now a part of everyday life. Thanks to the pill, the number of unwanted pregnancies, abortions and abortions was greatly reduced. The rate of birth control pills is around 20 percent worldwide. This rate was 4 percent in Turkey.

General Information & Benefits

First of all, can you describe me the birth control pill?

Birth control pills are effective, easy-to-use drugs that contain the female hormones normally found in the female body and prevent pregnancy if used. When used correctly, the effectiveness of birth control pills is 99.9 percent. This means that there is almost no chance of getting pregnant.

What are the benefits of birth control pills other than contraception?

Birth control pills are highly effective, easy to use and have been thoroughly examined for their effects and side effects.

Birth control pills reduce pre-menstrual tension and painful menstruation, menstrual bleeding becomes less, shorter and more regular, and as a result, the incidence of iron-deficiency anemia decreases.

In addition, birth control pills reduce the incidence of ectopic pregnancy, the formation of cysts in the ovaries and breasts, and the risks of uterine and ovarian cancer. Most often acne is improved. It reduces the risk of bone resorption called osteoporosis. Reduces rheumatoid arthritis.

Side effects

What are the side effects that may occur during the use of the pill?

Side effects that occur during the first three months of use of the pill include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headache, intermittent bleeding, sensation of breasts and bloating in the body. These side effects are temporary and are expected to disappear in three to four months. In such cases, it is best to consult your doctor rather than stopping the pill.

What are the conditions I should consult a doctor while taking pills?

Severe abdominal pain, thigh or leg pain; when severe chest pain or shortness of breath develops; In case of severe headache, sudden loss of vision or blurred vision or speech disorder, suspicion of pregnancy or depression, jaundice or breast mass develops, a health institution should be consulted immediately.

How should I use it?

I decided to take birth control pills, how should I start?

If you have not taken any pills or have taken a break for several months, you should wait for your menstruation and take the first pill on the first day of menstruation.

I started taking birth control pills, how should I continue?

You should take one tablet every day and finish the package and stop taking the pill for seven days. Your period will start when you do not take the pill. If you are sure that you use the pill regularly, don't worry. Regardless of your menstrual bleeding, you should begin the next box at the end of a seven-day break.

What do you suggest I do when I forgot to take the pill?

You should immediately take a tablet if you notice that you forgot the pill. If there is no delay for more than 12 hours, there is no problem as the protection will continue. However, if you notice that you have forgotten the pill more than 12 hours later, you should swallow the forgotten pill and take the pill of that day at normal time. In this case you should apply additional contraceptive measures until the next menstrual period since the protection is not complete.

Should I stop taking the pill from time to time?

No, you don't have to take a break unless there are medical reasons.

But who is inconvenient to take birth control pills?

Pregnants or those suspected of pregnancy; those with cardiovascular system and cerebrovascular disease; those who are actively experiencing the disease where the vein is clogged, and those who have already had it; those with active liver disease; women with cancer of the female organs or breast cancer should not use birth control pills.

Use of birth control pills in special cases

How should people who are getting married soon take birth control pills?

If you plan to use the pill as a birth control method, you should start taking the pill on the first day of your period at least one month before marriage.

What to do in case of vomiting and diarrhea?

Vomiting and severe diarrhea within 3-4 hours after taking the pill may reduce its protective efficacy as it prevents absorption of the pill. In this case, you should continue to complete the last tablet from another box and take the other tablets on time. If vomiting and diarrhea lasts longer than 12 hours, you should consult your doctor.

What should be the use of pills in the postpartum and lactation period?

If you are breastfeeding your child, you should postpone taking the pill until the baby is six months old. If you are not breastfeeding, you can start taking pills in consultation with your doctor on the first day after the first menstruation after birth.

How to start taking pills after abortions and abortions?

If there is no medical obstacle for abortions and abortions before the third month of pregnancy, you can start taking the pill immediately in consultation with your doctor.

What should I do when I decide to conceive?

Just complete the package you use and stop taking pills. You get your ability to get pregnant right away.

Can I smoke while I am on birth control pills?

Smoking is a risk factor for heart diseases. If the pill is to be continued after the age of 35, smoking cessation is recommended.

What you are curious about

Will the pills cause weight gain?

In particular, it was found that pills containing low amounts of hormones did not cause a change in weight.

What is the effect of birth control pills on acne?

Research shows that birth control pills often affect acne positively.

Do birth control pills affect my menstruation?

Menstrual bleeding during pill use is lighter and shorter than normal.

Are intermediate hemorrhages normal when taking pills?

Yeah. When you use the pill for the first time, you may have spotting or more severe irregular bleeding other than normal menstrual bleeding. You should continue to take the pill normally. These bleeding disappear after 3-4 months. If it continues, you should consult your doctor.

Does the pill increase the risk of cancer?

No. It has been found that 50 to 60 percent reduction in ovarian and uterine cancer is observed in women taking reverse pills, and this effect persists for fifteen years even if the pill is discontinued. In addition, it was found that colon cancer was less common in women who used pills at any time in their lives.

Does the pill cause infertility?

No, the pill doesn't cause infertility. It is possible to become pregnant when you stop taking the pill.

Does the pill cause heart disease?

The relationship between the pill and cardiovascular diseases depends on the dose and type of different hormones. This risk is minimized by using low-dose birth control pills. If you are prone to such diseases, you should consult your doctor.

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Always Maxi Extra Heavy With Wings Overnight Pads, 20 Each (Pack of 2)

Irregular period

Always Maxi Extra Heavy With Wings Overnight Pads, 20 Each (Pack of 2)

general promotion
The female reproductive system is mainly regulated by certain hormones secreted by the ovaries. On average every 28 days, with the effect of these hormones, the endometrium layer that forms the inner surface of the uterus thickens and becomes rich in blood vessels for preparation for a possible pregnancy. In the absence of a pregnancy, it is shed at the end of that period in order to be prepared for the next month.

Since the endometrium is a tissue rich in blood vessels, it causes some bleeding when it is poured for regeneration. This bleeding is called menstruation or menstruation.

The menstrual cycle is calculated as the period from the 1st day of bleeding to the beginning of the other menstrual bleeding. Normally, every woman has a menstrual cycle of 21 to 35 days in length. If there is intermittent bleeding and excessive bleeding outside this order, this condition is considered as menstrual irregularity.

Menstrual irregularity may develop due to different reasons. The main cause of intermediate bleeding may be a decrease in hormones during ovulation. Due to this fall, endometrial tissue in the uterus loses its hormone support and may cause staining-like bleeding. If patients start to feel uncomfortable with these intermediate bleeding, it is recommended to see a doctor as soon as possible.

If menstrual irregularity is caused by hormonal reasons, if the menstrual episodes are severe and painful, one should seek medical advice.

Some conditions that may cause menstrual irregularity and irregular bleeding are as follows:

Adenomyosis (thickening of endometrial tissue)
Ovulation deficiency or ovulation problems
Fibroids, polyps or cysts
Hormonal drugs used
Estrogen hormone-induced or other hormonal disorders
Infectious conditions
Malignant masses of uterus and ovaries.
Menstrual bleeding is normally accepted to last between 2-7 days. Furthermore, the time from the start of a menstrual period to the start of the next menstrual period is expected to be between 21 and 35 days.

Apart from these periods, menstrual cycles are called menstrual irregularities, but menstrual irregularities can be seen as normal during the hormonal arrangements that occur in the youth and menopausal periods.

Once all these conditions have been checked, non-normal conditions can be treated and treated.

Main Symptoms of Menstrual Irregularity
· A menstrual cycle (the time from the start of a period to the start of the next period) is less than 21 days and less than 35 days
Menstruation lasts less than 2 days or more than 7 days
Severe bleeding
Pain, cramping, or vomiting
Constant fatigue
It may cause some symptoms such as frequent menstruation or not seeing for a long time.

Diagnostic Methods
When you consult your physician with a menstrual irregularity complaint, your physician will first question your medical history and then perform a gynecological examination.

During the gynecological examination, ultrasonographic examinations can be performed to obtain an image of the uterus, ovaries and surrounding structures.

After the examination, a number of blood tests such as estrogen, FSH, LH, AMH may be ordered to clarify the diagnosis. In addition, imaging techniques such as MRI can be used.

If menstrual irregularity is thought to be caused by a mass or thickening of the inner tissue of the uterus, samples may be taken for examination.

Treatment Methods
Menstrual irregularity is not a disease in itself, it usually occurs as an important finding of other diseases. Therefore, in the treatment of menstrual irregularities, it is essential to eliminate or regulate the medical condition causing this condition.

If it is determined that menstrual irregularity is caused by a hormonal imbalance, the person is treated with hormone regulating medications.

If there is an organic disease such as an underlying polyp, the inside of the uterus is examined with a device called hysteroscopy and the pathological region is removed and cleaned if necessary.

Other causes of bleeding include fibroids. Fibroids are benign urethra found in the uterus and usually do not give a symptom. However, in some patients, the internal tissue of the uterus pressure to cause bleeding.

Fibroids that cause severe hemorrhage are treated only by removing the fibroids or rarely removing the entire uterus, depending on the age of the patient and whether or not they have children.

In adolescents with excessive bleeding, all conditions that may cause bleeding, including bleeding coagulation disorders, are investigated. Then, this bleeding is taken under control and menstrual regulatory treatments are given to regulate the menstruation of the patient. Very early or late menstruation during adolescence should be examined and treated accordingly.

Always Maxi Extra Heavy With Wings Overnight Pads, 20 Each (Pack of 2)

Carefree Acti-Fresh Thin Panty Liners, Soft and Flexible Feminine Care Protection, Long, 92 Count

Irregular period

Carefree Acti-Fresh Thin Panty Liners, Soft and Flexible Feminine Care Protection, Long, 92 Count

As a result of balanced work of hormones in women, regular menstruation occurs every month. During the first few years of menstruation, hormones may not be able to regulate and menstrual irregularities are normal.

The same applies to the im perimenopause ”and“ menopause ”periods, when menstruation approaches the end. Menopause, termed menopause, begins after 12 months have passed since the last menstrual period. Menstrual irregularities may also be seen in certain systemic diseases.

Amenorrhea is the condition when menstruation stops completely. Except for certain physiological conditions such as pregnancy, breastfeeding and menopause, menstruation is called amenorrhea in medical language.

Reproductive ability in women is directly related to menstruation. Therefore, when there is no menstrual period before puberty, a girl who has no reproductive ability becomes fertile with the onset of menstruation.

Menstruation ensures that reproduction does not occur at any time, but at the time of ovulation.

What does menstruation mean?
Menstruate; endometrium of the uterine tissue (bleeding).
The menstrual period can be divided into 3 phases:

"Follicular Phase" in which the first term egg is selected and matures until it reaches a diameter of 20 mm
"Ovulation Phase" in which the second period mature egg is thrown from the ovary in the form of a small explosion.
In the third period, if the pregnancy becomes pregnant, the uterus is prepared until the embryo settles.

If this cycle continues with pregnancy, the intrauterine embryo changes with hormone levels and intrauterine special mechanisms. comes from the vagina. From time to time, the inner membrane of the uterus is suddenly and completely excreted, it is called kadük and can be painful.
What does our body need for regular menstruation?
Many organs work together to see menstruation in the female body.

The hypothalamus region, pituitary gland, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, ovaries, uterus, vagina and vulva in female external genital area are intact and menstrual in our brain.

If any of them has a malfunction, or if there is disease, stress, hunger, excessive sports in the body, or if the body gives an emergency signal, the menstrual order may be impaired.

Why should a woman who does not have menstruation go to a doctor?
When a woman who does not have menstruation goes to a doctor; the doctor first takes a detailed history about the patient, family history and then breast development, body development, body mass index (BMI), ultrasound examinations of the genital organs, genital organ examination and if there is a suspected hormonal disorder hormone profile (FSH, LH, TSH, Estradiol (TSH) and biochemical values.

External genital organ examination is necessary to see the development of secondary sex characters, to evaluate vaginal patency and to diagnose congenital genital organ development disorders and deviations. Sometimes a very simple hymen closure (hymen imperferatus) may be the reason for not having menstruation and can be easily removed by a simple surgical intervention.

Amenorrhea, which develops in a menstrual woman, is sought for hormonal disorders as well as anovulation. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCO) may be one of the most common diseases.
A young girl or woman who is not menstruating should consult a physician for a thorough examination of all these underlying congenital and subsequent causes.
What can be the lack of menstruation?
Every woman who is not menstrual should be questioned '' menopause '' regardless of age. Women can be menopausal before the age of 40 and even before the age of 20. Family history is very important. Some genetic diseases, smoking, chronic diseases, drugs, chemo / radiotherapy can also cause early menopause. In particular, women who want children should go to the doctor without delay in every menstrual irregularity.

Prolactin is a hormone secreted from the brain with nipple stimulation and without any baseline stimulation. Low prolactin hormone may cause menstrual discontinuation.

In life-threatening conditions such as anorexia and bulumia, which are more common in young people; severe depression and sleep disorders are also menstrual disorders.

Although testicular feminization is genetically male, it causes female appearance due to androgen (male hormone) insensitivity, and these people never menstruate.

Turner Syndrome is a genetic disease which is rarely seen after menopause due to an incomplete chromosome and makes vague visual findings such as short stature, flexible arms and nape hair line below.

Birth control pills, 3-month protection needles, the use of hormonal spiral, curettage after the uterus can not heal (Asherman's Syndrome) may also be menstrual. These are transient and menstrual normalize with treatment.

As a result, non-menstruation is a condition that requires a doctor's examination and every woman presenting to a doctor with menstruation should be diagnosed and treated with a multidisciplinary approach.

What is the normal quantity?
The units should last 2 to 8 days as standard, on average; 3 pad is bleeding. However, in spiral users, bleeding time can be 10 days and daily bleeding can be 4 pads.

If menstruation is too much, dirty blood is lost and the belief is not lost. It is a hemorrhage caused by the opening of the vestibules between the muscle tissue that causes the loss of the intrauterine membrane. In this case, excessive bleeding can cause the woman to experience many problems, especially anemia.

If a woman takes pain medication in consultation with her doctor during menstruation, bleeding may decrease.

Although excessive menstruation is sometimes a non-pathological condition, it can be recognized by a simple gynecological examination, especially when it starts later, indicating a pathology such as fibroids, polyps, hyperplasia, infection, cancer, ....

Blood clotting diseases and blood thinners (such as aspirin, heparin) can also increase bleeding and may also cause bleeding in the interim period of the menstrual cycle.
Irregular, excessive quantity or time
In case of irregular period, excessive amount or period; hormone disorders, especially ovulation (anovulaion), fibroids, polyps, hyperplasia, cancer, infection, ectopic pregnancy, drug use, thyroid gland diseases, adenomyosis should be investigated.

For diagnosis, especially after the age of 35 metroraji (menstrual irregularity) in the uterus to remove parts (endometrial biopsy, pipelle biopsy) or hysteroscopy is required.

Appropriate treatment is determined according to the diagnosis. Accordingly, sometimes treatment; a few months of drug use, sometimes surgery.

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The reason for irregular menstruation: Stress

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Intense stress during the day is the biggest cause of menstrual irregularity in women.

Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialist Op. Dr. Serdar Aries, listed the causes of menstrual irregularity.

Before defining menstrual irregularity, it is necessary to define normal menstrual patterns. The period from the beginning of one menstrual cycle to the beginning of another cycle is 21-35 days (ideally 28 days). The amount of pads used in one day should be 2-3 pieces, should not contain clots and bleeding period should not exceed 8 days. A slight pain is normal in the first 1-2 days of menstrual onset. Deviations in all these definitions should be perceived as menstrual irregularities.

Frequent, early menstruation: Menstrual cycles of less than 21 days is called polymenorrhea. As a result, the number of menstrual bleeding in one year increases. It should always be kept in mind that in the event of frequent bleeding in a woman who has regular menstrual bleeding, this bleeding may actually be an intermediate bleeding.

Sparse menstruation, delays: Menstrual cycles last longer than 35 days is also called oligomenorrhea. As a result, menstrual bleeding occurs 3-4 times a year. Delayed menstruation is common in fertility.

If there is bleeding less than 21 days and lasting more than 35 days, there may be a problem if there is more than 2-3 pads (40 ml in quantity) and bleeding more than 8 days in total. Since menstrual blood does not normally coagulate, it is unnatural for menstrual blood to contain clots or fragments.

Other hemorrhages that cause problems: One of these is low bleeding or short-term menstruation, the other is excessive bleeding or long-term menstruation. Hypomenorrhea is the decrease in the amount or day of bleeding seen in a menstrual cycle. The amount of bleeding seen during menstruation tends to decrease with advancing age. Hypermenorrhea is defined as menorrhagia.

“Amenorrhea ileri, the most advanced dimension of menstrual irregularities, has no menstruation. If a young girl has reached the age of 15-16 and has not yet had menstruation, the reasons must be investigated. There are olojik physiological amenorrhea ”. There is no bleeding during pregnancy, adolescence, menopause, lactation and pre-puberty.

Causes of menstrual irregularities: Menstrual irregularities are usually caused by organic and hormonal reasons. When the organic cause is mentioned, changes in the anatomical structure of the female reproductive organs should be considered. The most common of these is uterine fibroids, which are considered benign tumors. Adenomyosis, thickening of the uterine wall, polyps originating from the cervix or spirals applied for birth control are other common causes. Organic causes make up 25 percent of menstrual irregularities, but this rate increases when the age exceeds 40 years.

Disorders of hormones secreted from ovaries, birth control pills and so on. hormone-containing preparations and pregnancy are important causes of hormonal menstrual irregularities. Hormonal disorders in the thyroid gland can often cause menstrual delays.

It is not correct to use only menstrual regulating drugs before the problem is presented. Such preparations can make even an 80-year-old woman menstruate, but the actual disease is actually covered. After a detailed examination, if the problem is an anaotomic problem, the preferred treatment modality is surgical approach. In almost all such problems, laparoscopic method called closed method should be preferred.

Treatment: Gynecological examination, ultrasonographic examination (if necessary tomography, MR, hsg) and measurement of hormones secreted from the ovary and other parts of the body (especially thyroid gland) are required to reveal the source of the problem. When performing hormonal measurements, it should be noted that certain periods of menstrual cycle are preferred (2-4 days of menstrual cycle).

Open surgery has been abandoned in modern medicine due to the side and adverse effects it causes. If the problem is spiral, a waiting period of 3 months should be recommended, necessary additional treatments should be arranged and removed in case of failure. It should be kept in mind that there may be intermittent bleeding during the first 1-2 months during the use of birth control pills. Pregnancy and any problems it may cause in any vaginal bleeding should never be forgotten.

Does menstrual irregularity make it difficult to get pregnant?

Since menstrual irregularity may be an indicator of ovulation disorder, it is normal for women with this problem to have difficulties in getting pregnant. A woman with menstrual irregularities should apply to a reproductive health center, especially if she wants to have children. Once the cause of the irregularity has been identified, causal treatment is required. While pregnancy can be achieved with very simple treatments, in some cases it may be necessary to resort to in vitro fertilization techniques called advanced reproductive techniques.

Can menstrual irregularity be due to psychological reasons and is there a possibility of spontaneous recovery over time?

In addition to stress and distress, climate changes can occasionally cause menstrual irregularities. If this is the only reason underlying the disorder, it may resolve spontaneously over time.

What should be done when menstrual irregularities occur?

First of all, every woman should keep her menstrual period regularly from puberty. When menstrual irregularities begin to be observed, attention should be paid to the diversity of the irregularity. If these irregularities repeat and increase for several months, you should consult your physician.

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