Tuesday, October 15, 2019

GenCare - Senna Laxatives (8.6mg Tablets) with Natural Sennosides (1000 Tablets Per Bottle) | Value Pack Size for Bloating, Constipation, Gas & Irregularity Relief | Effective & Safe Overnight Formula

Constipation and Exercise

GenCare - Senna Laxatives (8.6mg Tablets) with Natural Sennosides (1000 Tablets Per Bottle) | Value Pack Size for Bloating, Constipation, Gas & Irregularity Relief | Effective & Safe Overnight Formula

How is the problem of constipation researched by many scientists for many years solved, and is it enough to just diet? Exercise to solve the problem of constipation which is a serious discomfort is useful. This week I want to address this issue and I want to answer the problems posed to me. Constipation is a discomfort that has many causes. Among the symptoms of many diseases. It is important that healthy individuals defecate once a day and at least three times a week in order to maintain the function of the large intestine in a healthy way. When we look at the causes of constipation, insufficient pulp intake, low water consumption, inactivity, alcohol consumption, hormone disorder, thyroid disorder, depression, blood pressure, iron deficiency are the most important.

Generally stomach and intestine problems are the biggest concern of stressed people nowadays. Indigestion, bloating, problems such as inability to go to the toilet, malnutrition, irregularities in blood values, diabetes, inactivity and stress are based on the problem. If we want to benefit from exercise in digestive problems, we can start with swimming if possible, or we can give our body mobility with short walks. What is essential is to work with simple simple methods that are free from stress without getting into compulsive movements. You can strengthen the bowel movements with the exercises that run the abdominal region, you can ensure the formation of regular digestion. The most important reason of constipation is the inactivity of many scientists who research is available. Another researcher says that doing aerobic 20-25 minutes on an empty stomach in the morning will eliminate this problem. Another researcher says that a 30-40 minute paced walk after a glass of warm water in the morning is good for the slow-paced intestines and that they come out at least once a day. determined.

Constipation can be divided into 3 basic types. The first occurs due to disruption of the central nervous system. The second is caused by disruption in the defecation reflex. The third is mechanical constipation. The main causes of constipation are:

 Incomplete and malnutrition

 Staying still and not exercising

 Stress and depression

 Continuous traveling

 Fever lasting bed rest abdominal operations

 Pregnancy

 Depression drugs aluminum stomach acid remedy drugs calcium-containing drugs

 Alzheimer Parkinson's nervous system diseases such as spinal cord injury paralysis

 Use of excess alcohol and caffeinated beverages

 Improper use of laxative drugs.

For the reasons mentioned above, bowel movements are slowed down. Excessive exercise should be avoided in order to regulate bowel movements. Even short half-hour or one-hour short walks daily can regulate bowel movements. If the person is a sporty person, he can do heavier exercises. But the important thing here is to prevent fluid loss and there is plenty of water in between. However, if the person is not an athlete, he can relax by taking short walks daily and consuming plenty of water in between.

The movements that will support your stomach and intestine movements that will facilitate your digestion are the exercises that will run the abdominal muscles without forcing, and stimulate without compressing. It should never be made immediately after the meal. Exercise should be done at least 1 hour before or at least 2 hours after meals. Exercises should not be exhausting, compelling and extremely tight.

What are the Benefits of Walking and Running to Constipation?

The most important thing to be done to avoid constipation is to skip meals and eat the food slowly chewing in small bites. When you get out of bed, the brain sends a 'wake up' message to the muscles on the wall of the large intestine and starts the contraction. It is also important to exercise. Especially; walking, slow-paced jogging, aerobics and ground movements facilitate the contractions of the large intestine. A half-hour paced walk at least 3-4 times a week or 20-25 minutes before breakfast in the morning to make aerobic or ground movements will prevent constipation problem by running your abdominal muscles.

Make movements at least one hour before or at least two hours after eating. After a meal, the body's blood flow is directed to the stomach and intestines, making it easier to digest. Exercising in these 2 hours directs blood to the heart and muscles. Since the contraction force of the stomach is directly connected to the blood coming to the region, withdrawing the blood from this region may lead to weak contractions in the digestive tract, causing less digestive enzyme production, causing bloating, gas and constipation. Do not forget to drink plenty of water. While doing the movements, do it in a hurry, take deep breaths in between and send oxygen to the muscles. Stop movement when you are forced. Start by learning from your doctor following your illness if it is OK for you to exercise.

 Various abdominal shuttle movements can be performed with pocket knife or flat shuttle. Repeat 18-20 times.

 Stand upright and put your hands on your waist. Rotation movement from left to right. 8-10 Repeat.

 Hold the wall or a suitable place with one hand, first pull the right and then the left knee towards your belly and drop it down. 8-10 Repeat.

 Spread your legs shoulder wide. Lean towards your knees with your hands and straighten. 8-10 Repeat.

 Lay on your back on the floor, put your hands under your waist and lift your waist slightly from the floor, make your bike turn with your legs. 16-18 Repeat.

 Sit on the floor, get support from your hands, lift your back, gather your knees and stretch your legs to the floor in turn. 8-10 Repeat.

 Sit on the floor, combine your knees together while your knees are lying together, tilt them to the right and to the left at the same time. 8-10 times. I wish healthy and happy days to regulate bowel movements

GenCare - Senna Laxatives (8.6mg Tablets) with Natural Sennosides (1000 Tablets Per Bottle) | Value Pack Size for Bloating, Constipation, Gas & Irregularity Relief | Effective & Safe Overnight Formula

Kirkland Signature - LaxaClear, 100 Daily Doses, 59.8 Ounce (Compare to MiraLax)

Constipation natural medicine in motion

Kirkland Signature - LaxaClear, 100 Daily Doses, 59.8 Ounce (Compare to MiraLax)

Internal Diseases, Gastroenterology and Hepatology Specialist Dr. Yüksel Gümürdülü, stated that the natural medicine of constipation is movement, cycling, swimming, jogging, regular walking or home exercise can be prevented by the problem of constipation reported.

Professor Dr. Gümürdülü said that constipation, which is a condition of decreased bowel movements and difficulty in defecation, is common in all age groups.

The use of high amounts of processed sugar, fiber and pulp foods are consumed little or no, not to go to the big toilet or to postpone the emergence of the reasons for constipation that counts. Dr. Gümürdülü, said:

"At the same time in the bowel benign urine, diseases such as cancer, bowel laziness, psychological conditions, in places other than home and foreigners in the toilet can not enter, side effects of drugs used and pregnancy, plays an effective role in this problem."

The most healthy solution for sports

Professor Dr. Gümürdülü stressed that constipation can be remedied with medications that make it easier to go to the toilet, but that this problem should be prevented naturally.

Gümürdülü said that cycling, swimming, jogging, regular walking or home exercises are one of the keys to success in stimulating intestinal activity.

"Especially in the case of slowing of metabolism in later ages, more weight should be given to mobile life, attention should be paid to the use of continuous and habitual painkillers, iron drugs and antidepressants. These drugs may cause constipation due to their components. Prepared foods, white baked goods, sweet snacks, animal oils, black tea and cocoa should be avoided. "

Long-term constipation poses a risk

Gümürdülü explained that constipation, which is characterized by chronic defecation strain, also causes stomach discomfort, breathing odor and headache, he warned:

"Constipation may pose a risk if it is prolonged. Fecal stools and bowel obstruction may be prolonged. Thyroid gland failure or diabetes is also one of the causes of constipation. Treatment of constipation is often closely related to changing lifestyle. "

Gümürdülü, whole grain bread, date, fiber-rich foods such as whole rice and a glass of water before each meal is worth the benefit of drinking, "Toilet needs to be removed immediately without delay, it reduces the risk of chronic constipation. the water in the intestines to be absorbed so much movement becomes difficult. Because of social or hygienic reasons to meet the needs of the toilet in time or have to postpone more constipation is to develop people, "he said.

Kirkland Signature - LaxaClear, 100 Daily Doses, 59.8 Ounce (Compare to MiraLax)

Docusate Sodium Extra Strenght 250 mg 200 Softgels for Gentle, Reliable Relief from Occasional Constipation 100 Softgels per Bottle Pack of 2 Bottles

How does constipation go? Food good for constipation

Docusate Sodium Extra Strenght 250 mg 200 Softgels for Gentle, Reliable Relief from Occasional Constipation 100 Softgels per Bottle Pack of 2 Bottles

If you're waiting for hours on the toilet and taking abdominal pain, listen to these recommendations.

Beware of constipators! You can get rid of this problem by arranging what you eat and taking a few simple precautions.

Here's what you need to do to relieve constipation:

Do not skip meals, prefer intestinal relaxant vegetables and fruits. For herbal tea, do not forget to exercise.

Intestinal health affects not only physical health but also mental and social life.

One of the consequences of constipation is abdominal pain, waiting in the toilet, abdominal distention for hours.

If left untreated, hemorrhoids, such as hemorrhoids, abdominal pain, abdominal swelling may result in weight gain. It also causes various bowel diseases.

People who have constipation problems are in a hasty, tense and distressed mood.

Some of the main causes of constipation; malnutrition, inadequate fluid intake, inactivity, bowel laziness, weakness of the abdominal muscles, stress, lack of sexual satisfaction, tension and mental problems.


For constipation, it is very important that you eat regularly.

It is very important not to skip meals and eat every meal on time to avoid this bad illness.

Be sure to chew the food you eat thoroughly.

Well-chewed foods are more easily absorbed and excreted in the intestines.

You should also consume fruit and vegetables balanced.

It's also wrong to eat meat, eat fruit, or consume vegetables.

You should eat all foods regularly and evenly.

First of all, choose juicy dishes.

You should avoid frequent carbohydrate foods such as rice, pasta, bread and potatoes.


You should prefer vegetables and fruits that relax your intestines.

You can eat fruits and vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, pumpkin, plum and kiwi.

You can easily get rid of this by eating pears and drinking a glass of water on it.

Docusate Sodium Extra Strenght 250 mg 200 Softgels for Gentle, Reliable Relief from Occasional Constipation 100 Softgels per Bottle Pack of 2 Bottles

Prunelax Ciruelax Natural Laxative Maximum Relief Tablets, 100Count

Instant solution to constipation

Prunelax Ciruelax Natural Laxative Maximum Relief Tablets, 100Count

Constipation is one of the most common diseases in our country. Constipation is a condition that should not be neglected. How does constipation go? What good is constipation? You can find suggestions for immediate solution to constipation and those who are interested in constipation in the following news.

Constipation is very common in our country due to the high consumption of bread and similar feeding errors. The rate of seeing a doctor for constipation treatment is also low. Instead of going to a doctor, constipation treatment is tried to be done with more known and tried methods. In any case, remember to go to the doctor first. What is constipation in our news as wmal.net? How does constipation go? What good is constipation? What are the immediate solutions to constipation? We have compiled the answers for your questions.

What is constipation?

In the simplest definition of constipation is not being able to go to the toilet. Constipation is a disease that varies from person to person. Some of them can not go to the toilet for 2 days, while others can be counted constipation is considered constipation for 4 days. The measure is that a significant decrease in the frequency of routine toileting is observed and this decrease is disturbing. Constipation occurs as a result of the intestines not dropping the feces out. Accumulated feces dry out in the intestines over time and become very difficult to throw out. From this point on, the person is now constipated. Constipation is a reaction of the gut to the person.

What are the main causes of constipation?

Unhealthy diet
Excessive food consumption
Very solid food consumption
Stay still
Insufficient fluid consumption
What causes constipation?

Makes bad breath
Causes edema in hands and feet
Makes bloating
Ultimately causing hemorrhoids
Makes stress
Now that we know what constipation is, let's take a look at the solutions to constipation.

How does constipation go?

It is important to be careful not to be constipated rather than how constipation passes. When you are constipated, you must discover why you are constipated. Constipation treatment will be easier if you can answer the questions the doctor will ask you when you go to the doctor. So what does constipation do?

What are the factors that cause constipation?

Consume solid foods. Example: stuffing, kebab and bagels ...
To be still. If you spend the majority of your day inactive, this will have bad consequences for you. You should walk for at least half an hour a day. No matter what you do, it doesn't make you moving if you repeat the same movements. You must make efforts to make different movements. Especially those working at a desk need to move from time to time.
Consume less water. If you consume less than daily water consumption, you will probably be constipated. You should increase your daily water consumption. Or you should consume enough. This water consumption varies from person to person. Everyone can easily use their own water consumption.
Avoiding fiber foods. Especially with the increase in the consumption of ready-made food, the consumption of fibrous food has decreased. You should make an effort. You can meet your daily fiber needs by consuming vegetables and fruits grown during the season.
Not having the habit of eating a regular meal. Those who do not have regular eating habits often experience constipation. To prevent this, you need to gain the habit of eating a regular meal.
You should avoid these foods because ready-to-eat foods cause beneficial bacteria in the intestines to die. When the beneficial bacteria decrease, it becomes difficult for the foods you consume to break down in the intestines and constipation naturally manifests itself.
If you don't have enough probiotics in your intestines, it's no coincidence that you're constipated. With homemade yogurt, homemade kefir and pickles, you can meet your intestinal probiotic needs.
The second brain of your body is the intestines. Therefore you need to warn them. One of the best ways to stimulate the intestines is to walk. Leaving the march will cause constipation.
Another factor that causes constipation is iron deficiency. You can have this examined by contacting your doctor. If you have iron deficiency, your doctor will advise you.
Excessive black tea consumption causes constipation. It binds the iron in the blood and causes it to be thrown out with the urine. Lack of iron also causes constipation.

What should be done to relieve constipation?

To relieve constipation, you must first eliminate the factors that cause you to become constipated. Increase your water consumption on the day you are constipated. Take at least an hour's walk. If your doctor has prescribed medication, use it. If you did not go to the doctor and you want to relieve constipation at home, you can eat cassia by adding a teaspoon to your last meal.

Try to eat regularly without skipping meals. Fibrous foods take the first place in your food preferences. First thing when you get up in the morning is to have two glasses of warm water. Add a teaspoon of organic apple cider vinegar into the water you drink. The contribution of apple cider vinegar to your body is quite high. Especially apple cider vinegar has great effects on digestion. On a day of constipation, follow the step-by-step methods listed below.

Steps to eliminate constipation

Morning on an empty stomach for two glasses of water
Walk for half an hour before breakfast
Consume greens for breakfast (lettuce, parsley, basil, dill, etc ...)
Consume samandağı pepper for your lunch.
Go to the toilet after every meal, even if your toilet doesn't come
When your toilet arrives, try to go to the toilet immediately
Try to use normal toilet
Don't rush when you sit in the toilet Wait 10 minutes to sit down.
If your constipation persists despite all these practices, make an enema with lemon.
One teaspoon per day can consume safflower oil.
Eating soup 4 times a week will help to relieve constipation.
What good is constipation?

what good is constipation

The best thing for constipation is actually walking. Constipation is good for you to be active in your daily life. Be sure to consume plenty of fluids in your meals. Keep in mind that even if you consume fibrous food, it will cause constipation without liquid supplementation. Make your meals order. Pay attention to the amount of fiber you need to eat at each meal. Hot foods accelerate bowel movements. for example, a cold vegetable or salad, as well as a soup to soften the intestines. Foods in liquid form must be on the menu at every meal. You can add chili or other spices to yogurt or buttermilk. Bitter accelerates bowel movements. Salad must be indispensable. A pinch of greens at breakfast will provide tremendous benefits to your digestive system. If you need to sort things that are good for constipation;

Daily walk
Abundant water consumption (At least 30ml of water should be consumed per kilo)
Fibrous foods
Regular meals
Toilet habit after every meal
Animated lifestyle
Consume vegetables and fruits during the season
Eat less, drink too much water
Reduce solid foods
Reduce consumption of ready food
Consume Fruit
Consume pain
Consume freshly ground flax seeds with a glass of water
Fruits that will work the most intestines

Dried apricots, fresh apricots
Fresh figs, dried figs
Paradise Palm

Prof. dr. According to İbrahim Saraçoğlu, what is good for constipation?

According to Saraçoğlu, the best food for constipation is leek with olive oil. Carrot and rice should not be added to the leek with olive oil cooked only to relieve constipation or to avoid constipation. Consuming one portion of olive oil leek at each meal will eliminate constipation. Consumers of fiber and whole wheat bread must consume plenty of water. Thanks to the ingredients in the leek, the intestines will be regulated. Another recommended nutrient is carob. This food, also known as carob, is very good for constipation when consumed regularly. Another recommended food is yogurt juice. Of course, the natural village must be yogurt. Every morning you can consume yogurt juice on an empty stomach. If you apply this regularly, you will see that your constipation has disappeared.

Against severe constipation Prof.Dr. More professionals named İbrahim Saraçoğlu

For those suffering from severe constipation Prof.Dr. Ibrahim Saracoglu has a great cure proposal. Those who experience severe constipation can apply the following cure.

Boil 7-8 fresh orange leaves in a glass of water for 10 to 12 minutes and let them warm. After warming 1 hour after breakfast, you can relieve your constipation by drinking a glass of boiled orange leaf juice. You should apply this cure for 4 days. If necessary, the cure can be repeated.
Dr. The miraculous cure of constipation by Feridun Kunak

Dr. Feridun kunak dry constipation

The recommended materials for constipation are:

2 dried apricots
1 teaspoon of vinegar
1 teaspoon of olive oil
1 cup hot water
2 pieces of bitter face
Preparing the cure for constipation: Dried apricots are removed from the middle and put in a teaspoon of vinegar. Then, a teaspoon of olive oil is added to the apricot. Then add two bitter faces on the mortar. Finally, by adding one hot water, you prepare your cure for constipation. You can consume after warming. Your bowels will work.

What are the immediate solutions to constipation?

To consume 5-6 apricots by drinking water. For example, a glass of water after eating a few apricots. Again, after eating a few apricots for a glass of water three to four days if you apply this constipation will pass.
Consume ripe grapes instantly runs the intestines. If you can find ripe black grapes to consume.
Consume Italian plum. You can also consume Italian plum. It will act instantly.
The pumpkin relieves constipation very quickly. Especially if you consume raw, your constipation will pass quickly.
Consumption of broccoli also relieves constipation quickly. You can consume broccoli boiled. You can increase the effect by adding olive oil into broccoli.
The cassia tea used to make laxative will instantly relieve your constipation. Cassia is not used continuously. should be preferred only for the relief of severe constipation. Repeated use may cause health hazards.
Pressing the palm of your intestine in a circular motion can make your constipation instantly.

What is described here from above should be considered as a whole. Trying to get rid of constipation by applying only one method is not a very accurate method. Acting as a whole is effective in the treatment of constipation. For example, you have started to increase water consumption, well it is a positive step but not enough for constipation. In addition to increasing water consumption, walking is also necessary. In addition, consuming fiber foods, avoiding ready-made foods, avoiding stress environments should be applied in the treatment of constipation as a whole.

In the treatment of constipation one should listen to himself. Since constipation varies from person to person, it is very important for the person to listen to himself. For example, if a constipated person drinks 10 coffees in the morning, his bowels can work quickly. When a person realizes this, he will discover what makes his intestines work. In the same way, one can learn by listening to himself what constipation he consumes. Self-listening is a very effective method. especially self-listening method, which is very useful in relieving constipation, can be easily applied by everyone.

When summer comes, you should pay attention to melon consumption. Those who lose weight by making a melon diet benefit from the ability of melon to operate the intestines. Since liquid consumption is also important, it is necessary to give great importance to watermelon consumption. By consuming melons and watermelons in summer, one can get rid of constipation and also stay in the forum.

Instant solution to constipation

Ingredients required for curing: 2 figs, 3 apricots, 3 plums

Preparation of instant cure for constipation: Four cups are boiled in water and the fruit is crushed. After the fruits reach the consistency to be crushed, they are crushed with a fork. After the crushing process is completed, a tablespoon of organic olive oil is added. One or two teaspoons are consumed 3 hours apart during the day. You can also choose the dried ones of these fruits. You will need to boil the dried ones a little more.

Considerations to avoid recurrence of constipation

Consume plenty of water. Those who do not like to drink water can sweeten with fruit. It is recommended that you drink at least 12 glasses of water per day.
Take a walk. This walk should be done daily. You should walk at least 20 minutes a day. You can also do simple exercises at home.
You should increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables. especially after cleaning the shells thoroughly by keeping the fruits in water, consume with their shells. The most recommended fruit for constipation is apple. apple consumed with peel is very good for constipation.
One of the most common causes of constipation is starch-containing food. If you do not want to be constipated, you should avoid starch-containing foods. Avoiding food such as white flour, rice pilaf, hamburger and potatoes will protect you from constipation.
Eat olive oil frequently. Oats and beans provide softening of faeces. You can consume these two foods more often.
Dried fruits and vegetables are also very effective in preventing the formation of constipation. Protect your health and eat healthy. Consumption of dried vegetables and fruits will take you away from ready-made and hormonal foods.
Do not postpone when there is a request for defecation. Deferred defecation will cause regression in the intestines. When the defecation order of the intestines is disrupted, intestinal laziness will begin. therefore it is also important to know when the defecation will come. For example, after breakfast there is usually a desire to defecate. You must set up your work and working hours so that you do not postpone this request.
Gaining regular eating habits and eating a lot of consumed foods are the basic dynamics that prevent food constipation without rushing slowly.
When consumed, it is necessary to pay attention to the drugs that cause constipation. Some medications may cause constipation as a side effect. If you tell your doctor when your doctor prescribes medication, your doctor may prescribe other medicines that have the same effect.
Unless stress is reduced, it is not possible to fully combat constipation. When we said that the second brain of the body for the intestines, this brain is affected by stress very much. Wherever possible, stressful environments should be avoided.

Drug use in constipation

Drugs that increase the amount of feces: Psyllium seed husk (GNC), Citrucel (Serutan), Metamucil

Stool softening drugs: Colacel, Dialose, Surfak

Intestinal-stimulating lactacifiers: Dulcolax, Senekot

Drugs that accelerate bowel movements: Cisapride

Although these drugs offer immediate solution to constipation, do not use without consulting the doctor. After a certain time, its use can become addictive and cause bowel laziness. Therefore, it should be used in the recommended doses with the advice of a doctor.

When should you consult a doctor for constipation?

in cases of constipation should apply to a doctor

If you do not know the real reason for your constipation, you should consult a doctor. This is the most important factor. In addition, in cases where constipation should be referred to a doctor halide substances.

If your constipation has been going on for a long time and it doesn't go away
If you use the most effective methods you know, but you do not fully recover from waiting time to lose time can cause irreversible discomfort. For example, hemorrhoids ...
If there is blood in the stool, you should go to the doctor immediately.
You should consult a doctor when it comes to stool thinning.
If there is severe pain during defecation, seek medical attention immediately.
Constipation and diarrhea is a problem if the state repeatedly repeat itself. You should consult a specialist to find out and treat this problem.

Prunelax Ciruelax Natural Laxative Maximum Relief Tablets, 100Count

Mommy's Bliss Constipation Ease + Prebiotics, 4 Ounce Bottle (Pack of 2)

'2 cups of warm honey with honey on an empty stomach in the morning for constipation'

Mommy's Bliss Constipation Ease + Prebiotics, 4 Ounce Bottle (Pack of 2)

Indicating that constipation is not a disease is a result of diseases Gastroenterology specialist Uz. Dr. Omar Faruk Passenger, one of the ways to get rid of constipation in the morning on an empty stomach to drink 2 cups of warm water with honey, he said.
Reminding that the discomfort known as 'constipation' in general is described as being very hard in faeces, not being able to be done at regular intervals and having difficulty in making it, Passenger from the doctors of Medicalpark Samsun Hospital, feeding without pulp, inadequate water consumption, incorrect learned bowel habits, inability to cause intestines to cause constipation said.

Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, such as neurological diseases such as damage to the spinal cord that can develop constipation that expresses the Healthy Life Support Association (SAYMER) member. Passenger, calcium excess and pregnancy, as well as conditions such as spasm solvents, depression, parkinson, iron, blood pressure, calcium, such as constipation of drugs, he said.

“Constipation can also be seen in diseases such as stool diameter, intestinal polyps, intestinal cancer, prostate enlargement, prostate cancer, Dr. said Dr. Omar Faruk Yolcu said: "Chronic constipation in children, can be seen in disorders of the nerves of the intestine. In elderly patients, bowel knot and tumors may be involved. Therefore, it is useful to examine a physician on the subject. There are various methods of investigation such as x-ray of the large intestine with medication, which are among the routine health control examinations.

In order to get rid of constipation, 3-4 liters of liquid should be taken daily and those who cannot drink so much should drink 2 glasses of warm water or warm honey with honey in the morning. Therefore, foods with high fiber content are most advantageous for you. Fibrous foods should be regarded as fuel of feces. Just as a vehicle cannot move without fuel, they cannot move in the intestines in the same way and respond with constipation. This driving force of the intestines; water-soluble foods, water-insoluble foods and water intake. Foods that do not dissolve in water; legumes do not dissolve in water and fiber ratios are high, ie they leave pulp. These include broad beans, chickpeas, lentils, baked beans and peas. Foods soluble in water; Green vegetables are a good example of water-soluble foods. Although there is a belief that such foods are beneficial for constipation, foods that do not dissolve in water, that is to say pulp, are more useful. However, it is best to consume them in a balanced manner with green vegetables. In our country, it is possible to reach legumes and green vegetables at any time under the highest quality conditions. It is useful to be as active as possible in your daily life. In this respect, regular sports and walks are beneficial. Consuming plenty of olive oil, squatting feces can cause damage if constipation drugs are used improperly. Some people use constipation drugs in increasing doses and their bowels become unresponsive to them. ''

Mommy's Bliss Constipation Ease + Prebiotics, 4 Ounce Bottle (Pack of 2)

GoodSense Milk of Magnesia Original, Saline Liquid Laxative for Constipation Relief, 12 oz

What is constipation, what are the symptoms, why constipation?

GoodSense Milk of Magnesia Original, Saline Liquid Laxative for Constipation Relief, 12 oz

Although constipation is generally considered a temporary condition, it can become a permanent discomfort in some people and this will make human life unbearable. There are many causes of constipation. People with constipation should first find the cause and then switch to treatment methods. In this article, we will answer questions such as constipation, symptoms of constipation, why we become constipated.

Constipation is a disease caused by very slow or inadequate contraction of the large intestines. This disease will slow down the movements of feces and cause the body to lose more water. Constipation causes serious bowel problems if left untreated. If constipation becomes chronic, it will be possible to come to a situation where treatment is not possible.

There are many causes of constipation. The causes of constipation can be listed as follows;

Constipation complaints will begin to occur after a while in people who are not fed with fiber. Fruits, vegetables and grains are foods rich in fiber. Frequent consumption of these foods can prevent constipation.

Pain Relievers
Some painkillers cause constipation. Particularly in painkillers containing morphine and codeine, there are substances that affect the digestive system. These substances pave the way for constipation. The rate of chronic constipation is quite high in people who use these drugs continuously and frequently.

A still life will increase the risk of constipation. Inactivity, especially starting with age, will cause constipation symptoms. Physical activities are known to accelerate metabolism. By limiting movement, the metabolism will slow down and this will affect the digestive system.

Restless bowel syndrome is very common, especially in women under 35 years of age. Symptoms of this condition are known as excessive gas, abdominal distension, pain, diarrhea attacks and constipation. This condition, which is quite suitable for chronicization, may cause constipation later.

Intestinal problems may occur during some periods of pregnancy. During these periods, the rate of constipation in pregnant women is quite high. The main reason for this is the increase in Progesterone hormone in the blood.

Delaying exclusion
Postponing defecation is one of the main causes of constipation. People may prevent access to the toilet for psychological reasons or for any other reason in relation to their environment. Failure to meet the toilet needs in time causes constipation over time. If the faeces remain in the large intestine for more time than necessary, the amount of water hardens by decreasing and in this case constipation will occur.

What are the symptoms of constipation?
A person needs to pay attention to some symptoms to see if he or she is constipated. Symptoms of constipation can be listed as follows;

Difficulty in defecation
Toilets less than usual
Abdominal swelling
Loss of appetite
Abdominal pain
Hard defecation
Incomplete emptying of the intestines
Feeling tension in the breech

Two methods are used in the treatment of constipation. Constipation treatment methods include;

Drug constipation treatment
Herbal Constipation Treatment

HOW TO TREAT constipation with medication?
Drug treatment is essential for the healing of constipations that last longer than normal. Six types of medications are used in the treatment of constipation. These drugs are very effective in the treatment of constipation. The benefits of drug constipation treatment can be listed as follows;

Prevents mass formation in intestine
Increases water retention and keeps the intestines soft
Accelerates bowel movements
Softens defecation
Provides easy defecation by providing lubricity

It is possible to get rid of constipation by some herbal methods. Some foods consumed in daily life are very effective in the treatment of constipation. The nutrients used for the treatment of herbal constipation can be listed as follows;

It is one of the main drugs of constipation. The characteristic of cassia is to increase the movement of the intestines to ensure that the defecation is done regularly. However, care should be taken when using it. Excessive consumption of cassia will cause diarrhea.

If people who are constipated drink half a lemon into the warm water on an empty stomach in the morning, their intestines will work faster and constipation will be passed. In regular use, constipation will completely disappear in a few days.

Dried fruits are good for constipation when consumed on an empty stomach before breakfast. After consuming fruits such as dried figs, dried apricots, prunes, drinking warm water will cause intestines to work. Dried fruits can be consumed raw or compote.

Water consumption is very effective in treating constipation. A person who takes care of water consumption in constipation will be able to get rid of this problem in a short time.

Flax Seed
Flax seed consumed by adding yogurt is very effective in the treatment of constipation.

White meat has intestinal relaxing effect. Red meat has an intestinal compelling effect. Therefore, it would be wise for those who have constipation problems to focus on white meat.

The problem of constipation is eliminated in people who consume olive or olive oil by pouring thyme on it. Olive oil regulates intestinal passage. Every day hungry stomach to eat 1 teaspoon of olive oil is very necessary to prevent constipation.

Constipation is good for a long time to consume nutrients and excessive consumption is harmful. In this case, the intestines will become immune and after some time the nutrients will have no effect.

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Dulcolax Laxative Tablets, 50 Count, Gentle, Reliable Overnight Relief from Constipation, Hard, Dry, Painful Stools, and Irregular Bowel Movements, Stimulates Bowel to Encourage Movement

Causes constipation in infants receiving breast milk? What to do when you have constipation?

Dulcolax Laxative Tablets, 50 Count, Gentle, Reliable Overnight Relief from Constipation, Hard, Dry, Painful Stools, and Irregular Bowel Movements, Stimulates Bowel to Encourage Movement

Constipation is one of the most common health problems in infancy. Constipation caused by the intestines running slower than normal and the inability to digest the consumed foods can be alleviated by some herbal methods that can be applied with the correct methods. So, what are the symptoms of constipation in babies? What should be done to the constipated baby? How to understand constipation in babies? Is olive oil good for constipation? Here are herbal remedies for constipation in babies with all the details ...
One of the most common health problems among adults today is constipation. Constipation, which is a very troublesome condition even in adults, can be seen in infancy and childhood, which unfortunately has a more delicate structure. There are one or more reasons for constipation that develops due to digestive problems in infancy. Professor Dr. Ibrahim Saracoglu, especially after the first 4 months against constipation problems seen in the amount of 1 teaspoon of carob syrup in the morning and evening is very effective in preventing constipation suggests. Especially in the newborn period, the problem of constipation can be seen as irregular poo production because the excretory system is not developed as necessary. The main point here is that the mother knows how often her baby poops during the day and that some determinations may occur depending on the color of the poo. What should be done to the constipated baby? Which babies have constipation? How to understand constipation in babies? Things to do with constipated babies ...

While the amount of pooping of the baby during the day can vary from day to day with the food consumed, if it poops very hard in 3-4 days, constipation shows itself. While the feces of the newborn baby are initially greenish to blackish in color, only breastfeeding once a week can be considered normal. The excrement of babies who do not go to the supplementary food period and only receive breast milk is mostly dominated by the yellow color. So what is the reason for constipation in babies? Here's the answer ...

- Structural disorders in the intestine,
- Genetic bowel slowness,
- For babies who consume too much milk,
- Lack of movement or things the mother eats in infants receiving breast milk,
- Constipation can be caused by factors such as continuous feeding of the baby.

- Stretched and firm abdomen of the baby,
- Continuous unrest,
- Particle-shaped feces,
- Dark stools of black or gray color are known symptoms of constipation in infants.
There are some methods you can use at home to relieve the constipation that your baby will encounter in the weeks following your birth. Uncontrolled constipation may cause bowel obstruction that requires surgery.


One of the most ideal and healthy methods of constipation is breast feeding. Breast milk that softens the hard stool will stimulate the intestines and prevent constipation in babies. For this reason, you can take your baby's breast-feeding measures to prevent constipation.

You can take advantage of the anti-constipation effect of olive oil by dipping a clean ear stick into olive oil and making back and forth and circular movements with the stick. However, as this may be dangerous for newborns, it is strongly recommended to apply with expert approval.

Laying the baby in the supine position and applying the clockwise massage to the belly button will calm and relax your crying baby. Then you can see the effect in a short time if you do the same operation in the opposite direction. Just like constipation, you can eliminate colic, which can be seen for various reasons.

Gently curling the knees of the baby with his back to the ground, and applying movements such as cycling pedal will calm your baby. You can both silence and relieve the discomfort of your baby who goes into crying due to illness.

You can help your baby relax with the warm shower method that will help to relax the fecal duct. In addition, if your baby has sleep problems, you can make it easier for you to sleep with a warm shower before the night's sleep.

Experts that water consumption can be given slowly to babies in the transition period to supplementary food and pointed out that this will meet the liquid need in solid foods. You can avoid the problem of constipation in babies by consuming liquid.

You can apply the massage method which is effective in calming and calming babies in your baby and you can solve the problem of constipation at the same time. Warm your palms, put them on your baby's belly and move them by giving a half-moon shape. This will increase the slowing bowel movements and prevent constipation.

Dulcolax Laxative Tablets, 50 Count, Gentle, Reliable Overnight Relief from Constipation, Hard, Dry, Painful Stools, and Irregular Bowel Movements, Stimulates Bowel to Encourage Movement