Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Rainbow Light Prenatal One Multivitamin Tab,90 Count

Which foods are important and which are prohibited for 9 months?

Rainbow Light Prenatal One Multivitamin Tab,90 Count

The balanced and proper nutrition of mothers is very important for the healthy development of their babies. Here are the essential nutrients for both you and your baby's health… There are also things you should never consume!
It is the desire of all women to have a healthy, trouble-free and quality pregnancy. One of the most important things to be aware of during pregnancy is nutrition. Today, conscious mothers are taking great care to ensure that their babies develop healthy and come to the world with normal birth weight. They're right, they're raising a little bit of themselves, and it's in their hands whether they're healthy or not. So, do you know the foods you should definitely eat during pregnancy? Are you curious about the benefits of these foods to you and your baby? In our article you will find answers to these questions, you should think again before consuming substances such as alcohol, cigarette risks in pregnancy are also included. Nutrition and Diet Specialist Emel Unutmaz Duman and Clinical Dietitian Serra Arslan, during pregnancy and should not be consumed explained the nutrients and gave information about proper nutrition.

Nutrients that must be consumed during pregnancy
Water and other liquids
Pregnant women should drink at least 2 liters of water per day during pregnancy. Blood volume increases during pregnancy, the mother's body and the developing baby is constantly producing new cells. As these cells form and the blood volume increases, additional water is needed in the body. In addition, the amount of water used in the body circulates per unit time increases. Therefore, there is significant water retention in the body during pregnancy. The rate of regeneration of this retained water also increases. Therefore, water is an important raw material and consumables. Water is also consumed in significant amounts in regulating body temperature and in performing digestive function.

Protein-rich foods such as red and white meat, milk and dairy products, eggs, fish, legumes (beans, lentils, kidney beans) should be consumed in order to meet the increasing protein requirement during pregnancy. Proteins are divided into animal and vegetable proteins. Vegetable and animal proteins should be consumed in equal proportions. It is recommended that the fat in animal foods be taken as much as possible and that the meat should be consumed without fat. In addition, the fish contains both protein and omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids and it is essential to consume the baby for intelligence development. The consumed fish should be fresh and well cooked. Increased protein needs; meat, chicken, fish, milk, eggs, cheese, yogurt and legumes (chickpeas, beans, lentils) can provide.

Beware of iron deficiency!
It is important to consume "blood-forming", that is, iron-rich foods during pregnancy, and especially to use folic acid iron drugs after 4 months. Especially after 4 months, anemia may occur due to iron deficiency. In people with severe anemia, blood pills (iron pills) can be started early in pregnancy. However, in this case, the onset of treatment may be postponed for several weeks as there may be an increase in nausea, vomiting and stomach complaints which are common in the first months. Iron deficiency in pregnant women; weakness, fatigue, shortness of breath, tendency to sleep and palpitations, as well as complaints such as premature birth, the baby's failure to develop in the uterus, stillbirth and miscarriages may also prepare the ground. In addition, a pregnant woman without blood is extremely distressed during the postpartum period. In order to minimize iron deficiency; Molasses, raisins, red meat, eggs and legumes should be consumed in rich foods. Vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables also increase the absorption of iron from the intestines. Iron pills, which are usually started after 4 months, should not be drunk with milk. Because milk reduces the absorption of iron and neutralizes it. The dose of the given iron pill should be individually adjusted by the doctor. If the mother's blood is extremely low, the dose of the blood drug can be increased. Or, in twin pregnancies, because the iron requirement of the body will increase, dose can be increased. You can meet your increasing iron needs from foods such as meat, offal, spinach, molasses, dried fruits. However, since the increased iron requirement after 6 months cannot be met only by nutrition, you should take a blood pill that your doctor considers appropriate.

Calcium is essential for strong bones
Calcium is a mineral that is necessary for the development of your baby's bones and teeth starting from the 8th week of pregnancy. Calcium, which is the basic building block in the construction and development of bones and teeth, plays an important role in blood coagulation. In pregnancy, calcium is twice the amount you normally need. Because during pregnancy, there is a constant decrease of calcium from teeth and bones. Milk, yogurt, cheese, precipitate, molasses, nuts, legumes, green leafy vegetables are sources of calcium. Especially calcium-rich milk should be drunk during pregnancy. In addition to your normal diet, you need 1 cup of milk, yogurt or 2 cups of buttermilk or 2-3 matchboxes of cheese or 2-3 spoons of curd cheese.

C vitamin
Vitamin C is an essential vitamin for the absorption of iron from the intestines, increasing the immune (immune) resistance to microorganisms, and many biochemical processes in metabolism. Vitamin C requirement in pregnancy increases due to the acceleration of metabolism; however, it is recommended to take vitamins in pill form in pregnant women who are fed regularly. Many fresh fruits and vegetables such as oranges, lemons, red or green peppers, tomatoes, strawberries, grapefruits, cauliflower, cabbage, brussels sprouts are rich in vitamin c. Since it is not stored in the body, a certain amount should be taken every day.

Folic acid
For the development of the baby's central nervous system, it is very important to take "vitamin B9", ie folic acid, especially from the first weeks of pregnancy. Since it is not stored in the body and requires more than normal during pregnancy, it should be taken every day. Fresh green vegetables are a source of folic acid, but the amount of folic acid in over-cooked and long-standing green vegetables is reduced. Spinach, peanut, hazelnut, cauliflower and whole wheat bread are the most common ones. Since natural foods cannot completely cover the folic acid deficit of the pregnant woman, it is appropriate to take them as pills from the first weeks of pregnancy.

What you should never consume during pregnancy
Studies have shown that three quarters of mothers consume 2 cups of coffee per day on average and give birth to preterm births and low weight babies in women who consume more than 5 cups per day. In addition, there are studies that the mother's excessive consumption of caffeine has detrimental effects on the bone density and calcium content of the fetus.

Alcohol, which has a negative effect on the development of the fetus, indirectly leads to malnutrition and causes vitamin and mineral deficiencies. An overdose is considered when a woman consumes more than 2 grams of alcohol per kilogram of body weight per day during pregnancy. Alcohol causes disorders such as growth and developmental retardation in the fetus, microcephaly, cleft palate, facial bones and joint anomalies.

All medications used in pregnancy may harm the fetus. The drugs used must be under the control of a physician.
Daily sample menu
Breakfast: 1 cup of milk (enriched with calcium), 2 matchboxes of cheese or 1 boiled egg, 4-5 olives, tomatoes, cucumbers, greens, 1 tbsp molasses, 2-3 thin slices of bread.
Snack: 1 portion of seasonal fruit.
Lunch: 3-4 meat balls up to meat / chicken / fish (grilled, boiled or steamed), salad, 1 cup yogurt / ayran / tzatziki, 2-3 thin slices of bread or 6-9 tablespoons rice / pasta.
Snack: 1 bowl of milk dessert.
Dinner: 1 scoop of soup, 8 tablespoons vegetable dish, 1 bowl of yogurt / ayran / tzatziki, 2-3 thin slices of bread or 6-9 tablespoons bulgur pilaf.
Snack: 15 pieces of nuts or 10 pieces of almonds or 3-5 pieces of walnuts, 1 portion of seasonal fruit.

Rainbow Light Prenatal One Multivitamin Tab,90 Count

Nature Made Prenatal Vitamin with Folic Acid, Iron, Iodine & Zinc, 250 Tablets (Packaging May Vary)

13 foods you should eat while pregnant

Nature Made Prenatal Vitamin with Folic Acid, Iron, Iodine & Zinc, 250 Tablets (Packaging May Vary)

It is very important to maintain a healthy diet during pregnancy.

During this time, your body needs additional nutrients, vitamins and minerals (1, 2).

In fact, you need 350-500 extra calories per day in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters (3).

A diet devoid of main nutrients may adversely affect the baby's development (4, 5, 6, 7, 8).

Inadequate eating habits and excess weight gain may increase the risk of pregnancy sugar, pregnancy or birth difficulties (9, 10).

Simply put, choosing healthy, nutritious foods will help ensure the health of you and your baby.

It also makes it easier for you to lose weight after pregnancy.

Here are 13 nutritious foods you should eat during pregnancy.

1. Dairy Products
During pregnancy, you need to consume extra protein and calcium to meet the needs of a growing fetus (11, 12).

Dairy products contain two types of high quality proteins: Casein and whey. Milk is the best source of calcium and provides high amounts of phosphorus, various B vitamins, magnesium and zinc.

Yoghurt, primarily strained yogurt, is particularly useful for pregnant women (13).

It contains more calcium than other dairy products. Some varieties also include probiotic bacteria that support digestive health (14, 15, 16).

People with lactose intolerance can tolerate yoghurt, especially probiotic yoghurt better. (17).

Taking probiotics during pregnancy can reduce the risk of complications such as preeclampsia, pregnancy sugar, vaginal infections and allergies (18).

Long story short; Dairy products, especially probiotic yogurt, are an excellent choice for pregnant women. Dairy products help meet the required protein and calcium needs. Probiotics can also reduce the risk of complications.

2. Pulses
pulsesThis group includes lentils, peas, beans, chickpeas, soybeans and peanuts.

Legumes are an excellent source of vegetable-based fiber, protein, iron, folate (B9) and calcium, all of which your body needs more during pregnancy.

Folate is one of the B vitamins (B9). It is very important for the health of the mother and the fetus, especially in the first trimester.

Despite this, most pregnant women do not consume enough folate today (19, 20).

This has been associated with risk of neural tract defects and low birth weight. Inadequate folic acid intake may cause the child to be more susceptible to infections and diseases in later life (21, 22).

Legumes contain high amounts of folate. A cup of lentils, chickpeas or black beans can provide 65-90% of the recommended folate daily

In addition, legumes are often very rich in fiber. Some varieties are also high in iron, magnesium and potassium.

Long story short; Legumes are a great source of folate, fiber and other nutrients. Folate is a very important food during pregnancy and can reduce the risk of certain birth defects and diseases.

3. Sweet Potatoes
sweet-potatoes Sweet potatoes are very rich in beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body.

Vitamin A is essential for the differentiation of most cells and tissues and for the development of the fetus. (24).

Pregnant women are generally advised to take 10-40% more vitamin A (25, 26, 27).

However, it is recommended that they avoid using animal sources of vitamin A at very high rates, if overused it may cause toxicity (28).

Therefore, beta-carotene is a very important source of vitamin A for pregnant women.

Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of beta-carotene. Approximately 100-150 grams of cooked sweet potatoes meet all daily needs (29).

Sweet potatoes also contain fiber, which increases toughness, reduces blood sugar increases and improves digestive health and mobility (30, 31, 32).

Long story short: Sweet potato is an excellent source of beta-carotene. Vitamin A is important for the growth and differentiation of cells in the developing fetus.

4. Salmon Fish
salmon-salmonSomon is very rich in essential omega-3 fatty acids.

Most people, including pregnant women, do not get enough omega 3 from their diet (33, 34).

Omega-3 fatty acids are important during pregnancy, especially long-chain omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA.

These are found in high amounts in seafood and help the formation of the brain and eyes of the fetus (35).

However, it is recommended that pregnant women limit their intake of seafood up to twice a week (less than 340 g per week) due to mercury and other contaminants found in oily fish (36).

This causes some women to avoid seafood completely, thus limiting the intake of essential omega-3 fatty acids.

Nevertheless, studies have shown that pregnant women who eat fatty fish 2-3 times a week achieve the recommended intake of omega-3 and increase their EPA and DHA blood levels (37, 38).

Salmon is one of the natural sources in which vitamin D, which is often absent in diet, is found in small amounts. It is very important for many processes in the body such as bone health and immune function (39, 40).

Long story short, Salmon contains Omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, which are important for brain and eye development in a growing baby. Salmon is also a natural source of vitamin D.

5. Eggs
Eggs are very healthy foods because they contain an amount of almost any nutrient you need.

A large egg contains 77 calories as well as high quality protein and fat. It also contains many vitamins and minerals.

Eggs are a great source of choline. Choline is essential for many processes in the body, including brain development and health (41).

A study conducted in the USA showed that more than 90% of people consume less than the recommended amount of choline (42).

We think that low choline intake during pregnancy may increase the risk of neural tube defects and cause a decrease in brain function (43,44).

A single whole egg contains roughly 113 mg of choline, which is approximately 25% (450 mg) of recommended daily intake for pregnant women (45).

Long story short: The whole egg is incredibly nutritious and an excellent way to increase overall nutritional intake. In addition, choline contains nutrients necessary for brain health and development.

6. Broccoli and Dark, Leafy Vegetables
broccoliBrocholi and dark green vegetables, such as kale and spinach, contain the nutrients that pregnant women need.

These include fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin A, calcium, iron, folate and potassium.

In addition, broccoli and green leafy vegetables are rich in antioxidants. They also contain nutrients that benefit the immune system and digestion (46).

Due to the high fiber content, these vegetables can also help prevent constipation. This is a very common problem among pregnant women (47).

Consumption of green, leafy vegetables is also associated with a reduced risk of low birth weight (48, 49).

Long story short, broccoli and green leafy vegetables contain most of the nutrients needed by pregnant women. They are also rich in fiber, which can help prevent or treat constipation.

7. Lean Meat
lean-meatBeef, lamb and chicken are sources of great quality high protein.

Beef and pork are also rich in iron, choline and other B vitamins; all of them are needed in higher amounts during pregnancy.

Iron is an important mineral used by red blood cells as part of hemoglobin. It is important to give oxygen to all cells in the body.

Pregnant women need more iron as their blood volume increases. This is particularly important in the third trimester (50).

Low iron levels during preterm and middle pregnancy can cause iron deficiency anemia, which doubles the risk of preterm birth and low birth weight (50).

It may be difficult to cover the iron needs by diet alone because many pregnant women do not like meat very much (51, 52).

However, we think that eating red meat for people who can do it can help to increase the amount of iron from diet.

Vitamin C-rich foods such as oranges or peppers can help increase iron absorption from meals

When eating veal, lamb, and chicken, animals that are fed organic and grass should be preferred as much as possible.

Long story short; Meat is a good source of high quality protein. Beef and pork are also rich in iron, choline and B vitamins and are important nutrients during pregnancy.

8. Fish Liver Oil
omega3 Fish oil is usually made from the fatty liver of cod fish.

Fat is very rich in omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, which are essential for the baby's brain and eye development (35).

Fish liver oil is rich in vitamin D, which many people do not get enough. It can be very useful for those who do not regularly eat seafood or do not take omega-3 or vitamin D supplements.

Low vitamin D intake has been associated with the risk of preeclampsia. These potentially dangerous complications are characterized by high blood pressure, swelling of hands and feet, and protein in the urine (53, 54).

Consumption of cod liver oil during early pregnancy has been associated with higher birth weight and then lower disease risk in the baby's life (55).

A single serving (one tablespoon) provides more than the daily intake of fish liver oil, omega-3, vitamin D and Avitamin.

However, it is not recommended to consume more than one serving a day (one tablespoon), too much vitamin A can be dangerous to the fetus.

Long story short: A single serving of fish oil, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D and vitamin A provides more than necessary. Fish liver oil can be particularly important for women who do not eat seafood.

9. Mountain fruits
berries such as berries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries; It is filled with water, healthy carbohydrates, vitamin C, fiber and plant compounds.

They usually contain a high amount of vitamin C, which allows the body to absorb iron.

Vitamin C is also important for skin health and immune function (57, 58).

Strawberries have a relatively low glycemic index value, so they should not cause large increases in blood sugar.

Mountain fruits are great snacks because they contain both water and fiber. They provide a lot of flavor and food with very few calories.

Long story short; Mountain fruits; water, carbohydrates, vitamin C, fiber, vitamins, antioxidants and plant compounds. These fruits can help pregnant women increase their food and water intake.

10. Whole grain foods
full-grainedFull grains can help meet the increased caloric requirements of pregnancy, especially during the second and third trimesters of food consumption.

Unlike refined grains, all grains are full of fiber, vitamins and plant compounds.

Oats and quinoa contain significant amounts of protein, which is especially important during pregnancy.

In addition, whole grains are often rich in vitamin B, fiber and magnesium. All of these are often deficient in the diet of pregnant women (59, 60).

Long story short; Whole grains are full of fiber, vitamins and plant compounds. It is also rich in B vitamins, fibers and magnesium that every pregnant woman needs.

11. Avocado
avocadoAvocados are unusual fruits because they contain a large amount of monounsaturated fatty acids.

It is also rich in fiber, B vitamins (especially folate), vitamin K, potassium, copper, vitamin E and vitamin C.

Avocados are an excellent choice for pregnant women because of their high levels of healthy fat, folate and potassium.

Healthy fats help to build the skin, brain and tissues of the fetus and can help prevent folate nerve tube defects (61).

Potassium can help relieve leg cramps, which is a side effect of pregnancy for some women. Avocados actually contain more potassium than bananas (23).

Long story short; Avocado contains a large amount of monounsaturated fatty acids, fiber, folate and potassium. They can help reduce leg cramps, improve mental health and soothe, which are common in pregnant women.

12. Dried Fruit
dried-fruit Dried fruits are usually high in calories, fiber and various vitamins and minerals.

A piece of dried fruit contains only the same amount of nutrients as fresh fruit without water and in a much smaller form.

Therefore, one serving of dried fruit can provide a greater proportion of the amount taken from many vitamins and minerals, including folate, iron and potassium.

Plum is rich in fiber, potassium, vitamin K and sorbitol. These are natural laxative substances and can be very helpful in relieving constipation.

Date Palm is rich in fiber, potassium, iron and plant compounds. Regular palm consumption in the third trimester can facilitate cervical enlargement and reduce the need to induce labor (62, 63).

However, the dried fruit also contains a high amount of natural sugar. Remember to avoid sugar-containing species, especially those containing more sugar.

Although dried fruits help increase calorie and nutrient intake, it is not recommended to consume more than one portion at a time.

Long story short; Dried fruits can be very useful for pregnant women because they are small and nutrient-intensive. Just make sure to limit your portions and avoid candied varieties.

13. Water
The volume of blood during pregnancy increases up to 1.5 liters. Therefore, it is important that it remains hydrated properly (64, 65).

The fetus usually gets everything it needs, but if you don't pay attention to water intake, you may be dehydrated.

Symptoms of mild water loss; headache, anxiety, fatigue, bad mood and decreased memory (66, 67, 68).

In addition, increased water intake can help relieve constipation and reduce the risk of common urinary tract infections during pregnancy.

General rules recommend drinking about 2 liters of water per day; however, the amount you really need depends on the person (69, 70).

As an estimate, we should drink about 1-2 liters each day. Just remember that you also receive water from other foods and beverages, such as fruit, vegetables, coffee and tea.

As a rule, when you are thirsty you should drink water until you quench your thirst.

Long story short; Drinking water is important because of the increased blood volume during pregnancy. Adequate hydration can also help prevent constipation and urinary tract infections.

Lesson from here

Everything you eat during pregnancy affects your energy and comfort.

It can directly affect your baby's health and development.

As your calorie and nutrient needs increase, it is important that you choose food rich, healthy foods.

Weight gain is normal during pregnancy, but it is important to gain a healthy way. This is beneficial for your baby and your health after pregnancy.

This list should be a good start for healthy, well-fed pregnancies.

Nature Made Prenatal Vitamin with Folic Acid, Iron, Iodine & Zinc, 250 Tablets (Packaging May Vary)

Zahler Prenatal DHA, Premium Prenatal Vitamins for Mother and Child, New and Improved Vegetarian Prenatal with DHA! Certified Kosher, 60 Count

What should pregnant women eat?

Zahler Prenatal DHA, Premium Prenatal Vitamins for Mother and Child, New and Improved Vegetarian Prenatal with DHA! Certified Kosher, 60 Count

Read the answers to the questions about what pregnant women should not eat or what pregnant women should eat. We compiled recommendations on nutrition during pregnancy and sample pregnant diet. If you have questions, you can write below. I will be happy to answer all your questions.

How should nutrition be during pregnancy?
Diet is a form of nutrition that we must place in all our lives.

In particular, in pregnancy, women should pay more attention to their diet and must meet basic nutrients. Because pregnancy is a process that affects almost all systems in the body. In this process, the body needs additional nutrients, vitamins and mineral supplements.

Also, be sure to check out our Pregnancy Nutrition and Pregnant Diet Example. Easily access the sample diet list.

Energy intake should also be considered during pregnancy. Depending on the body mass index in pregnant women, it may be necessary to take an additional 250-500 kcal per day in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy. Because it is necessary to meet the needs of both the mother and the baby during pregnancy. Inadequate and unbalanced nutrition can cause both the mother's health deterioration and the development of the baby adversely affected.

In addition to malnutrition, excessive consumption of foods that are harmful to health can lead to excessive weight gain. This may increase the risk of developing gestational diabetes or complications at birth and pregnancy.

A balanced and adequate diet during pregnancy facilitates the maintenance of both weight. It not only helps the baby's development to proceed in a normal course, but also facilitates weight gain in postnatal pregnancy and reduces the risk of complications.

What should pregnant women eat?

Milk and milk products:
The first milk and dairy products come to the question of what pregnant women should eat. 3-4 servings of milk, yogurt, cheese or ayran should be consumed daily.
This is very important for the development of the baby in the womb.
Milk and dairy products are rich in calcium, which plays an important role in bone and tooth development. They are also very rich in protein.
Especially for breakfast, which is the most important meal, consuming cheese and milk will be a very suitable choice for pregnant women.

Meat - Eggs - Legumes:
The second most common question for pregnant women is meat, eggs and legume products.
Increased daily protein requirement during pregnancy occurs. For this reason, 3-4 servings of protein-rich foods such as meat, eggs and legumes should be consumed daily.
In particular, protein of animal origin, that is, protein from meat and eggs, is very important in pregnancy.
But raw and undercooked meat should be avoided. It should not be forgotten that as much intake is as dangerous as more intake.
Eggs are an exemplary source of protein and rich in iron. For this reason, reception is very important. Boiled eggs for breakfast would be your best choice.
Egg is also a source of choline and is essential for many processes such as brain development and health.
Dried legumes are rich in vegetable-derived proteins. 1-2 days a week, proteins of vegetable origin should be taken instead of proteins of animal origin.

Red meat is rich in both protein source and iron.
Fish meat is rich in omega-3. For the brain development of the baby should be consumed 1-2 times a week.

Fruits and vegetables:
Fruit and vegetable products are the third most important question for pregnant women.
Pregnant women should be fed 5-6 servings of fruit and vegetable groups daily. Seasonal vegetables and fruits should be preferred.
Fruits and vegetables are generally rich in vitamins and minerals. Vitamins and minerals are essential for strengthening the immune system.
In addition, fruit and vegetables in the direction of pulp are rich nutrients. During pregnancy, expectant mothers suffer constipation problems frequently, it is beneficial to take 25-30 g pulp daily.
Pulse increases stool volume and helps to maintain bowel health by shortening the waiting time of the stool in the bowel.
day; 2 servings of vitamin C-rich foods (pepper, rosehip, orange, tangerine, etc.), 1-2 servings of green leafy vegetables, 1 portion of yellow, orange, red and purple colored fruits and vegetables should be consumed.
Whole Grain Foods and Bread:
Whole-grain foods come fourth in the question of what pregnant women should eat.
This group of foods is the basis of nutrition. Group B vitamins; They are rich in minerals such as selenium, zinc, chromium and magnesium.
During the day, products made from whole grains (whole grain bread, bulgur, pasta ..) can be preferred.
Oily seeds:
2-3 portions of this nutrient should be consumed daily, which affects the baby's brain development positively.
They are nutrients such as walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Boiled water should not be spilled when cooking foods. Because it causes loss of minerals and vitamins in foods. 3 main 3 snacks should be consumed every day.

What should pregnant women not eat? Foods to Stay Away?
Pregnant women should not eat what should stay away from the first foods processed foods. During pregnancy, pregnant women should avoid especially processed foods. Due to the additives in the ready-made foods, it negatively affects the health of the mother and the baby.
Trans fats and oils such as margarine should be avoided. Because these types of fats accumulate in the body and in recent research, trans fat accumulation in the body can lead to developmental disorders in pregnant women, mental retardation in babies and mutations in DNA.
Foods containing glucose syrup and fructose syrup should not be consumed because they cause blood sugar imbalance.
Food such as white bread, white rice should also be avoided.
Bran bread is a healthy choice for a normal individual but is not recommended in women and pregnant women because of anemia and iron deficiency. Because it reduces absorption.
Foods such as salami, sausage and sausage are considered to be cancer-causing foods as much as cigarettes in the last period and should be limited in your diet.
The canned tuna we buy from the markets contains high amounts of mercury. Pregnancy should be avoided, as it causes toxic substances to accumulate in the nervous system, immune system and kidney.
Pregnant women who are in the risky group should not consume because the bacterial load is more than undercooked and raw foods.
Excessive consumption of organ flesh means taking too much vitamin A into the body. And should be consumed limited.
What pregnant women should not eat, should stay away from foods and drinks include caffeine.
Caffeine-containing foods (tea, coffee, soft drinks…) prevent the development of the baby in the womb and may cause low birth weights, as well as reduce the absorption of nutrients when consumed by food and may lead to vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
If we say what pregnant women should not eat or drink, it is definitely Alcohol. Alcohol increases the risk of stillbirth in infants. Even small doses may adversely affect the brain's development and may cause fetal alcohol syndrome. Since it is not a safe food, it should not be consumed during pregnancy.
Unpasteurized milk, cheese, fruit juices are harmful due to their high bacterial content.
Unwashed foods may contain bacteria and parasites on their surfaces. Bacteria and parasites harm both the mother and the baby.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Pregnancy is difficult to control appetite and food that should not be eaten may be desirable, this is quite normal. But you should pay attention to harmful foods as much as you can during this time. Even if you want to consume, you need to pay attention to the amount.

How Should Water Consumption Be During Pregnancy?
Water is a must in the body. It is very important for carrying out metabolic activities. Therefore, 2-3 L of water should be consumed during pregnancy.

Water consumption maintains the skin's softness and moisture balance during pregnancy, prevents constipation, prevents the accumulation of toxic substances in the body of the mother and the baby, prevents edema and bloating, protects against urinary tract infections, reduces the risk of premature birth.

In addition, it should be sure to clean the consumed water. Because most bacteria, parasites and infectious disease agents can be carried in water. This puts the health of both the mother and the baby at risk.

IMPORTANT NOTE: It should not be forgotten that teas, juices do not meet the daily liquid requirement and never replace water.

How Should Salt Consumption Be Pregnant?
Salt consumption during pregnancy should be considered.

Salt consumption in pregnant women is very important in terms of meeting the sodium need. If the daily requirement is not met, the baby may have developmental delays due to insufficient intake of sodium and iodine.

Excessive salt consumption in pregnant women may cause edema, water retention, bloating and hypertension. Therefore, premature births may occur. It may also cause hypertension after pregnancy.

If you like our detailed article, don't forget to share it on the social media share keys below. Everyone benefits. Also, What is a Previous Sodium Abortion? Symptoms and Treatment. Low sodium creates confusion and negatively affects the brain. You can reach the symptoms of low sodium and diet treatment in full detail.

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Nutrition Program in Pregnancy: What Should Pregnant Women Eat?

Mama Bird Prenatal Multivitamin, Methylfolate (Folic Acid), Methylcobalamin (B12), 100% Natural Whole Food Organic Herbal Blend, Vegan, Once Daily Prenatal Vitamins, 30 Ct, Best Nest Wellness

One of the questions on your mind as soon as you find out that you are pregnant will be what to eat during pregnancy.

Maybe you'll have to put aside your old eating habits and start eating healthy, or maybe you're already eating exactly what it should be.

This post will satisfy all your curiosity. Don't forget to watch the videos. Here's what to eat during pregnancy!

If you want a completely customized diet program, you can contact healthy nutritionists and dietitians during pregnancy!

4 Steps to Eat While Pregnant
We will make it easier by gathering the list of things to eat while pregnant in 4 main groups. Because the basis of a healthy diet is these 4 food groups.

The goal of nutrition during pregnancy should be to consume all the nutrients that will support the development of the baby in a balanced way.

For this, you should choose what you eat from nutritious groups, not from empty calorie sources. Here are the four steps to eat during pregnancy!

Let's leave this here before we start: Altın Healthy Eating is Important, but I Can't ”Gold Information for Pregnant Women

1- Protein Containing Foods: Meat, Eggs and Dried Legumes Group / 3-4 Portions per Day
The need for protein increases during pregnancy. Proteins are also the most important food source for the development of the baby. So if you're wondering what I'm supposed to eat, you can start with protein sources.

You can eat about 100-120 grams of red meat, chicken, turkey or fish per day. Eating meat during pregnancy is very important because it will meet the need for animal protein. Because animal proteins provide you with all the amino acids you need. These are called whole proteins.

The most important thing to consider in animal protein consumption is that the meat products are cooked well. Because during pregnancy, raw or undercooked meat, chicken, fish, eggs, food, such as you need to avoid.

To remember what you shouldn't consume during pregnancy, stay away from these 15 things:

You should also consume vegetable proteins to increase your nutrients. On the days when you don't consume animal protein, you can eat 1 plate of dried legumes and eggs to meet your protein needs.

2- Foods Containing Calcium: Milk and Dairy Products Group / 3-4 Portions per Day
Milk and dairy products are very good sources of calcium and protein. Therefore, milk consumption during pregnancy is extremely critical. Since they are rich in both calcium and protein, you can shoot 2 birds with one stone during pregnancy.

To learn other vitamins and minerals you need to take during pregnancy, except protein and calcium, you should know: What are the vitamins and minerals to be taken during pregnancy? You should take a look at our article.

Since calcium is the most important mineral for bone and tooth development, the milk group is among the foods that pregnant women should eat.

Eat two slices of cheese, 2 cups of milk or yogurt and add 3 to 4 portions of milk to your daily diet.

Consuming excess salt and taking caffeine reduces the absorption of calcium. Keep this in mind.

This is important: 6 Questions You Need to Know About Probiotic Use in Pregnancy

3- Fruits and Vegetables: All Colors of the Rainbow
Remember, all fruits and vegetables are worthy to eat during pregnancy. That's why you should look for as much variety as you can in consuming vegetables and fruits.

Always remember that when shopping for vegetables and fruits, my basket must have all the colors of the rainbow: orange, green, red, yellow!

Foods Rich in Vitamin C: 2 Servings per Day
As you might expect, the source of vitamin C in particular is fresh vegetables and fruits. That's why eating fruit during pregnancy should be a ritual for you. Every day you must consume fruit or vegetables rich in vitamin C. Orange, tangerine, grapefruit, strawberry, apple, watermelon, pineapple, pepper, broccoli, tomato, melon are among the fruits and vegetables that should be eaten during pregnancy.

You may need this information: Critical Question: How should Vegetarian and Vegan Pregnants Eat?

Green Leaf Vegetables: 1-2 Servings per Day
Dark green leafy vegetables are rich in folic acid and B6. It also protects against constipation because they contain pulp. Make sure you consume green leafy vegetables such as arugula, cress, purslane, chard, spinach, leek, dill, parsley, celery leaf during the day.

Constipation is a big problem in pregnancy. How to deal with this dry-out problem: A Guide to Coping with Constipation in Pregnancy

Yellow, Orange, Red and Purple Vegetables and Fruits: 1 Serving per Day
Dark yellow, orange and red fruits and vegetables contain beta-carotene, a precursor of vitamin A, and are powerful antioxidants. Vitamin A is essential for healthy cell development.

Carrot, sweet potatoes, apricots, pumpkin, persimmon, beetroot, purple cabbage, red forest fruits should be consumed in color scale.

This article will be very useful: Seasonal Nutrition List of Pregnancy by Selling Fruit and Vegetables

4- Whole Grain Foods and Bread Group
The bread and cereal group is the energy pillar of the daily diet during pregnancy. It also forms the basis of nutrition.

Cereals are rich in group B vitamins. It also contains important minerals such as selenium, zinc, chromium and magnesium.

For a healthy diet, you should choose foods made from whole grains instead of refined grains. Therefore, you should turn to breads made from whole wheat flour in terms of consumption of bread during pregnancy.

You should consume bread, pasta, bulgur, dried legumes made from whole wheat flour.

White rice, bread made from white flour, pasta, cakes made with white flour, cookies are among the carbohydrates you should avoid.

The Most Useful Foods in Pregnancy: What to eat for the development of the baby during pregnancy?
Before you were born, you began to think about how to gain weight for your baby and how to support your development. That's why the same question goes around in your mind: What should the baby eat during pregnancy to gain weight?

It is said that women who consume fish regularly during pregnancy have a healthier pregnancy and give birth to overweight babies. So you should eat fish at least once a week. If you can not eat fish nuts, peanuts, walnuts, such as omega-3 nuts as a snack can eat 1 handful a day. These nutrients are extremely useful for the baby's intelligence development during pregnancy.

For your baby's body and intelligence development, remember that during pregnancy you need to consume vitamins and minerals such as iron, folic acid, iodine, zinc, vitamin B, omega 3 and 6 fatty acids from the necessary nutritional sources! The most important period to get enough of those wonderful fats called omega-3 is the third trimester period in which the baby's brain development accelerates.

This is important: Nutrition in Pregnancy

Folic acid
Folic acid, also called folate, folacin or vitamin B9, has a special place during pregnancy. Research shows that taking folic acid during pregnancy helps prevent or reduce neural tube defects in the baby.

Researchers believe that spina bifida will be largely prevented if mothers receive 0.4 mg of folic acid per day before pregnancy and during the first 13 weeks of pregnancy. Of course, the person who will make the best decision for this will be your doctor who will follow you from beginning to end of pregnancy.

Must Read: Everything You Wonder About Using Folic Acid in Pregnancy

Although the doctor will supplement medication for folic acid, it is okay to recognize foods containing folic acid. Asparagus, avocado, banana, black beans, broccoli, egg yolk, citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, green beans, strawberries, lentils, peas, liver, yogurt are foods rich in folic acid.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy is the first and most beautiful gift you can give to your baby. For this, you should definitely take a look at our Everything You Need to Know about Pregnancy Nutrition.

How Should Water Consumption Be Pregnant?
At least 8 large glasses of water per day (8 x 250 cc) should be included in the daily diet during pregnancy.

Your baby's body is made up largely of liquid like yours. Your body also needs more water during pregnancy than ever before. So what are the benefits of drinking water?

Leaves skin soft
Reduces constipation.
It purifies you and your baby's body from toxins and waste materials.
Reduces excessive swelling and edema.
Prevents urinary tract infections.
Reduces the risk of premature birth.
In short, at least 8 large glasses every day, so take care to drink at least 2 liters of water. The easiest way to do this is to keep the water as close as you can to see it and reach it instantly. If you forget to drink cups, you can measure yourself with a glass bottle.

If your body holds too much fluid, if you exercise a lot and the weather is too hot, try to drink more. But try not to make water drink just before dinner. Or you could be too choked to eat.

Last but not least, the teas, juices and other liquids you drink do not replace water.

Reward both the mini and the self by following these steps: How to Pregnancy in 7 Steps?

How Should Salt Consumption Be Pregnant?
As you know, salt used to trigger edema, water retention, and swelling in the body.

It is now considered normal and necessary to increase body fluids to a certain extent while pregnant. Therefore, to maintain the appropriate level of fluid in the body is recommended to take a moderate amount of sodium. Because the lack of sodium can be harmful to the development of the fetus.

However, very high amounts of salt and very salty foods are harmful for everyone, especially if they become pregnant or become pregnant.

You should also know that there is a tight link between excess salt intake and high blood pressure after pregnancy and birth. So you should stay away from foods with high salt content, such as soy sauce, pickles and chips.

Should we be more careful: Do you know the ways of safe nutrition during pregnancy?

As a general principle, you can try not to add salt when cooking. Already the amount of sodium contained in the food meets the needs of our body.

If you're very hungry, you can have a snack from home-made and low-salt pickles instead of ready-made pickles. But that doesn't mean you sit down and eat a jar of pickles.

As always, you can take the advice of your doctor about salt use and follow his advice.

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Pink Stork Total Prenatal + DHA, Doctor Recommended Nutrition Support for Before, During, After Pregnancy, Contains Folate, Zinc, Iron & Essential Nutrients, Vegetarian, 60 Small Capsules

What should be the nutrition during pregnancy?

Pink Stork Total Prenatal + DHA, Doctor Recommended Nutrition Support for Before, During, After Pregnancy, Contains Folate, Zinc, Iron & Essential Nutrients, Vegetarian, 60 Small Capsules

Every meal you eat during pregnancy you need to eat enough and balanced from all food groups

Dietitian Yasemin Batmaca's recommendations for adequate and balanced nutrition during pregnancy:

Most of your developing baby's cells are made up of proteins, so you should pay attention to the amount of protein you take. Make sure you include nuts such as eggs, meat, turkey, chicken, fish, milk, cheese, yogurt, legumes and nuts / nuts / almonds in your diet.
Folic acid, dried beans, lentils, walnuts, spinach and wheat are abundant in the baby's and mother's health, which are essential for the mental and physical development of the baby.
Milk, cheese and fish are rich sources of vitamin B12, which are involved in cognitive functions.
Carrots, apricots, eggs and spinach are rich sources of vitamin A.
Iron: Iron-rich sources involved in the production of blood, eggs, molasses, tahini, spinach, dried apricots, raisins, dried legumes.
Calcium: Calcium, which is important for bone development, is rich in milk and its products.
In the case of zinc deficiency, growth failure, stillbirths and congenital anomalies may be seen in the baby. By consuming cheese, almond, walnut, wheat and bulgur, you can meet your body's need for zinc.
Iodine deficiencies can lead to miscarriages and stillbirths. Fish and other seafood, chicken, feta cheese, legumes, eggs and milk contain plenty of iodine.

A balanced intake of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids is crucial for infant development. In particular, oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, olive oil, walnuts, green leafy vegetables must be included in the diet.
In case of deficiency of all these vitamins and minerals, it should be given as an additional supplement under the supervision of your doctor.
Adequate amounts of all food groups should be consumed daily.
Alcohol, cigarettes and drugs should never be used. Caffeine should not be over-consumed, instead of caffeine-containing tea, coffee, buttermilk, sugar-free compote, fresh fruit juice, such as foods should be consumed. In addition, if you want to eat green tea should be preferred as decaf.
In order to prevent constipation problems that are frequently experienced during pregnancy, it should be paid attention to food intake containing pulp, drinking enough water and exercising to the extent allowed by your doctor. Adequate fluid consumption should be taken into consideration, sufficient water should be consumed to reduce edema during pregnancy.
A doctor should be consulted before using any medicine, vitamin or mineral.
Weight gain should be checked on a regular basis because it should be noted that underweight or excess weight gain may be inconvenient.

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MegaFood, Baby & Me 2, Prenatal and Postnatal Vitamin, Dietary Supplement with Iron, Folate and Choline, Gluten-Free, Vegetarian, 120 Tablets (60 Servings)

What is folic acid that we usually know should be used as a supplement in the first weeks of pregnancy, sometimes even before becoming pregnant?

What is Folic Acid?
Folic acid is a member of the vitamin B family and is an important vitamin in DNA synthesis and cell division processes. Also known as folate or vitamin B9.

What does folic acid do?
Folic acid plays a role in important biological processes such as blood production, new cell formation and DNA synthesis in the body. Folic acid is known to reduce arteriosclerosis and prevent the occurrence of many bad diseases such as heart attacks, dementia and stroke. Folic acid supplementation, which is recommended during pregnancy and even before pregnancy, is thought to be important for the expectant mother to have a healthy pregnancy and to prevent problems that may occur in the development of the baby.

How to identify folic acid deficiency?
When there is not enough folic acid in the body, symptoms such as anemia, forgetfulness, fatigue, dizziness and shortness of breath may be seen. Since these symptoms can also be seen in another group B vitamin B12 deficiency, it is important to consult a specialist for the determination of folic acid deficiency. When you go to the doctor for this, a blood test can be done and you can see how much folate and B12 you have in your blood.

What causes folic acid deficiency?
You may experience folic acid deficiency if you do not consume foods rich in folic acid and B12, or if you have a disease (such as restless bowel syndrome) that prevents your body from absorbing folic acid efficiently. You may also be losing folic acid if you go to the toilet very often because of a kidney or liver problem.

If you are pregnant, changes in your body and the development of the baby will require more folic acid.

A significant decrease in folic acid levels is also observed in cases of cancer, blood or circulatory diseases or inflammation in the body.

Why use folic acid in pregnancy?
Women who plan to become pregnant are usually advised to start taking folic acid supplements early. Almost all gynecologists and obstetricians recommend taking folic acid to women who have learned that they are pregnant. Why is folic acid particularly important in pregnancy?

Folic acid supplementation, taken before and during pregnancy, is known to protect against damage to the baby's spine and brain. Especially in the first weeks of pregnancy, the need for folic acid increases because the baby's brain and spinal cord develops in the 3rd and 4th weeks. Because of the need for folic acid in this early period, it is thought to be more advantageous for the mother to eliminate the folic acid deficiency in her body before she becomes pregnant.

Using folic acid prevents birth defects that are centered in the brain and spinal cord, known as nerve pathway defects. Open spine (spina bifida) is one of the most common nervous system defects. These defects can cause brain damage or interrupt brain development, causing disability in the most severe cases. Most of these problems (about 70%) can be prevented by consumption of folic acid.

What foods does folic acid contain?


One of the richest foods in terms of folate is lentil. Lentils also contain many useful substances such as iron, fiber and slow-burning carbohydrates. Dry lentils do not need to be soaked before cooking and are easier to cook compared to other pulses.

Leafy foliage

Dark green leafy vegetables contain a high concentration of vitamins. Fresh spinach, kale, some of them. If possible, make salad and consume raw.


A large orange contains 55 mg of folate. You can eat the orange alone or cook it with chicken or vegetables like celery.


Steamed asparagus, folic acid store. You can use the asparagus as an appetizer or as a main course by cooking with vegetables such as peas.

Haricot bean

Dried beans, which is one of the most consumed dishes by the Turks, also contain plenty of folic acid. Don't forget to soak the beans before cooking.


Broccoli meets a quarter of your daily folic acid requirement. This nutrient-rich super food is also a source of vitamin C, beta carotene, fiber, calcium and iron.

Cereal bread and breakfast cereal

Folic acid content of foods obtained from cereals is high. Consume them with foods that are a normal source of folate (broccoli, spinach, etc.).

Sunflower seeds

A handful of sunflower seeds contain approximately 82 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid. It can be used as a snack or added to bread dough or sprinkled with salads or soups. Sunflower seeds are also a great source of iron and calcium.


Like salmon and walnuts, avocado has omega 3 fatty acids and beneficial fats for your heart. A slice of avocado contains 90 mcg of folic acid. Avocado is also very useful for your baby's developing brain.

Folic acid used in pregnancy can prevent autism
A study in Norway found that folic acid supplementation can also protect against autism in a 9-year study on children of mothers who used folic acid during pregnancy. The research conducted on 85,000 children born between 2002 and 2008 revealed that the risk of autism in children whose mothers use folic acid supplements during pregnancy is 40% less than those of mothers who do not use folic acid.

Can folic acid use be harmful during pregnancy?
It was found that folic acid supplementation taken in the early stages of pregnancy could be associated with pregnancy-related diabetes.

According to a new report published in Diabetic Care, the use of folic acid or folate in early pregnancy increases the risk of pregnancy-related diabetes. Folic acid is used by pregnant women to prevent birth defects. Because of this benefit, folic acid is said to be added to the flour as a nutrient booster. This report reminds people of the potential risks of folic acid supplementation.

In food supplements, folic acids, which are present as nutrients, are synthetic chemicals. In addition to its association with increased risk in pregnancy-related diabetes, synthetic folic acid supplementation is also associated with increased risk of breast cancer. Therefore, when folic acid supplements are considered as nutrients, it is necessary to approach the situation with caution.

Folic acid is not the only thing that supports pregnancy-related diabetes. High-consumption foods such as fast food, red meat and iron supplements and nutrients are also associated with increased risk of pregnancy-related diabetes. The problem with red meat is probably hem-iron in its structure. High concentrations of iron in red meat - especially hem-iron - can increase lipid peroxidation, leading to many health problems, including diabetes.

It should be noted that folic acid, naturally found in vegetables, is not associated with any serious effects or health problems.

When should folic acid be used during pregnancy?
Folic acid is particularly important for pregnant women in the early stages of pregnancy. Folic acid is not stored in the body; therefore, women who may become pregnant are required to take folic acid every day - even if the baby is the last thing on your mind.

Women need an extra 400 micrograms of folic acid the day before pregnancy and during early pregnancy. It is known that this dose decreases most of the risk of birth with nervous system defects. It is best to take folic acid as a separate supplement; because you can be sure that you receive the correct dose of 400 micrograms per day. Check the label. Folic acid is quite inexpensive; The price is less than 10 pounds.

Approximately half of all pregnancies occur unplanned. The spinal cord of the baby occurs completely during the first 28 days of pregnancy - perhaps before we realize that you are more pregnant. Therefore it is very important to start using folic acid before getting pregnant.

Only 1 in 4 women use folic acid before becoming pregnant. Many women know that by using folic acid, they can protect their babies against nervous system defects; however, very few begin to use folic acid before they realize they are pregnant. For this reason, women are encouraged to adopt the habit of using folic acid and start their daily folic routines.

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Nutritional habits during pregnancy

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Care for your baby's health!

While the woman is feeding her own body during pregnancy, the unborn baby is fed directly from her mother because she has direct blood ties.

In order for the baby to complete its development in the womb correctly and completely, the expectant mother should be fed healthy.

Emsey Hospital Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist Op. Dr. We received information about nutrition for pregnant women from Esra Can Çetin.

The mother should be fed enough and balanced enough for her own body and for a second organism that develops in her body.

However, besides the foods the baby needs, the foods that the mothers will consume may cause unnecessary calorie intake. Therefore, restrained and balanced nutrition as well as adequate nutrition is of great importance for mother and baby health.

Especially during pregnancy nutrition; It needs to be more careful in people under the age of 20 and over 35, who have a low pre-pregnancy weight, who weigh less than 7 kg during pregnancy, who have a birth interval of less than two years, who have given birth to a premature baby, and who have chronic diseases (diabetes, tuberculosis, etc.). .

Food groups to be taken during pregnancy:

Protein: Protein should be the main source of nutrition in pregnancy because the mother needs the most protein to provide energy and complete the baby's development.

Foods containing at least 1-2 portions of various protein should be taken daily. Fully cooked fish or seafood, liver, chicken, lean beef or lamb, nuts, walnuts, peas, kidney beans, beans, black beans, legumes such as chickpeas, lentils, milk and dairy products and eggs are the main foods containing protein.

Some points should be considered in protein consumption. For example, seafood is a good source of omega 3-containing fatty acids and proteins that are essential for the baby's brain development.

However, fish and shellfish may contain heavy metals such as mercury. Too much mercury can damage your baby's developing nervous system. Especially in large and old fish, shellfish may be high in mercury, small fish and canned tuna fish used in the shelf life can be safe.

Due to the risk of carrying bacteria and parasites, seafood should be cooked well. Animal foods such as meat, meat offal, delicatessen products, milk and eggs should not be consumed raw because they can carry various bacteria and cause infections and poisoning. Since it may contain raw milk or eggs, it is advisable to avoid sauces containing raw dough or mayonnaise. The milk must be cooked or pasteurized. When consuming cheese varieties, care should be taken to make pasteurized milk. Meat and offal should not be consumed unless they are sufficiently cooked. When cut, the color of the innermost point should have turned brown, and should not be red.

Calcium: In the last three months, calcium intake of 1000–1200 mg per day is necessary to prevent both the baby's bone development and the mother's calcium and bone loss. Examples of calcium sources include milk, eggs, yogurt, cheese, almonds, cabbage, green leafy vegetables. Dairy products should be cooked or pasteurized and fat reduced.

Iron: Pregnant mothers need 40-60 mg of iron per day. The main foods that contain iron are green leafy vegetables such as spinach, lettuce, cabbage, red meat, white meat, liver, spleens such as spleen, grape molasses. Even if these foods are consumed sufficiently, iron deficiency is a common female problem in our country and iron supplements are recommended especially for mothers starting from the 5th month.

Folic Acid: Deficiency of folic acid in the first three months may lead to an increase in the nervous system anomalies of the baby, which we call Neural Tube Defect. For this reason, 400 micrograms of folic acid per day is recommended. Foods that supply folic acid include spinach, lettuce, cabbage, bran and whole grain breads, oats, legumes. Even if these foods are sufficiently taken, folic acid supplementation is essential for the first three months.

Vitamin C: Fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C will promote metabolic processes related to wound healing, tooth and bone development. Citrus fruits, strawberries, lemons, mangoes, tomatoes, kiwi, melons, peppers can be counted as sources of vitamin C.

Nutritional considerations of expectant mothers

Meal should not be skipped, often and undernourished,
At least 2.5-3 liters of liquid should be consumed per day,
Avoid sugary, floury, fatty foods to prevent excess weight gain,
Excess salted food should not be consumed, salt should not be used on the table, iodized salt should be preferred,
No alcohol
Tea should not be consumed with food as it will reduce iron absorption,
Smoking should be avoided,
Oily and spicy foods should be avoided to reduce nausea and vomiting,
Dry foods such as bread, biscuits, chickpeas should be preferred between meals.
Caffeine-containing foods such as cola, coffee, tea and chocolate should be consumed less.
Foods should be eaten boiled or baked, avoid frying,
To prevent constipation, fiber food consumption should be emphasized.

OLLY The Essential Prenatal Gummy Multivitamin, 30 Day Supply (60 Gummies), Sweet Citrus, Folic Acid, Vitamin D, Omega 3 DHA, Chewable Supplement