Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Rainbow Light Prenatal One Multivitamin Tab,90 Count

Which foods are important and which are prohibited for 9 months?

Rainbow Light Prenatal One Multivitamin Tab,90 Count

The balanced and proper nutrition of mothers is very important for the healthy development of their babies. Here are the essential nutrients for both you and your baby's health… There are also things you should never consume!
It is the desire of all women to have a healthy, trouble-free and quality pregnancy. One of the most important things to be aware of during pregnancy is nutrition. Today, conscious mothers are taking great care to ensure that their babies develop healthy and come to the world with normal birth weight. They're right, they're raising a little bit of themselves, and it's in their hands whether they're healthy or not. So, do you know the foods you should definitely eat during pregnancy? Are you curious about the benefits of these foods to you and your baby? In our article you will find answers to these questions, you should think again before consuming substances such as alcohol, cigarette risks in pregnancy are also included. Nutrition and Diet Specialist Emel Unutmaz Duman and Clinical Dietitian Serra Arslan, during pregnancy and should not be consumed explained the nutrients and gave information about proper nutrition.

Nutrients that must be consumed during pregnancy
Water and other liquids
Pregnant women should drink at least 2 liters of water per day during pregnancy. Blood volume increases during pregnancy, the mother's body and the developing baby is constantly producing new cells. As these cells form and the blood volume increases, additional water is needed in the body. In addition, the amount of water used in the body circulates per unit time increases. Therefore, there is significant water retention in the body during pregnancy. The rate of regeneration of this retained water also increases. Therefore, water is an important raw material and consumables. Water is also consumed in significant amounts in regulating body temperature and in performing digestive function.

Protein-rich foods such as red and white meat, milk and dairy products, eggs, fish, legumes (beans, lentils, kidney beans) should be consumed in order to meet the increasing protein requirement during pregnancy. Proteins are divided into animal and vegetable proteins. Vegetable and animal proteins should be consumed in equal proportions. It is recommended that the fat in animal foods be taken as much as possible and that the meat should be consumed without fat. In addition, the fish contains both protein and omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids and it is essential to consume the baby for intelligence development. The consumed fish should be fresh and well cooked. Increased protein needs; meat, chicken, fish, milk, eggs, cheese, yogurt and legumes (chickpeas, beans, lentils) can provide.

Beware of iron deficiency!
It is important to consume "blood-forming", that is, iron-rich foods during pregnancy, and especially to use folic acid iron drugs after 4 months. Especially after 4 months, anemia may occur due to iron deficiency. In people with severe anemia, blood pills (iron pills) can be started early in pregnancy. However, in this case, the onset of treatment may be postponed for several weeks as there may be an increase in nausea, vomiting and stomach complaints which are common in the first months. Iron deficiency in pregnant women; weakness, fatigue, shortness of breath, tendency to sleep and palpitations, as well as complaints such as premature birth, the baby's failure to develop in the uterus, stillbirth and miscarriages may also prepare the ground. In addition, a pregnant woman without blood is extremely distressed during the postpartum period. In order to minimize iron deficiency; Molasses, raisins, red meat, eggs and legumes should be consumed in rich foods. Vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables also increase the absorption of iron from the intestines. Iron pills, which are usually started after 4 months, should not be drunk with milk. Because milk reduces the absorption of iron and neutralizes it. The dose of the given iron pill should be individually adjusted by the doctor. If the mother's blood is extremely low, the dose of the blood drug can be increased. Or, in twin pregnancies, because the iron requirement of the body will increase, dose can be increased. You can meet your increasing iron needs from foods such as meat, offal, spinach, molasses, dried fruits. However, since the increased iron requirement after 6 months cannot be met only by nutrition, you should take a blood pill that your doctor considers appropriate.

Calcium is essential for strong bones
Calcium is a mineral that is necessary for the development of your baby's bones and teeth starting from the 8th week of pregnancy. Calcium, which is the basic building block in the construction and development of bones and teeth, plays an important role in blood coagulation. In pregnancy, calcium is twice the amount you normally need. Because during pregnancy, there is a constant decrease of calcium from teeth and bones. Milk, yogurt, cheese, precipitate, molasses, nuts, legumes, green leafy vegetables are sources of calcium. Especially calcium-rich milk should be drunk during pregnancy. In addition to your normal diet, you need 1 cup of milk, yogurt or 2 cups of buttermilk or 2-3 matchboxes of cheese or 2-3 spoons of curd cheese.

C vitamin
Vitamin C is an essential vitamin for the absorption of iron from the intestines, increasing the immune (immune) resistance to microorganisms, and many biochemical processes in metabolism. Vitamin C requirement in pregnancy increases due to the acceleration of metabolism; however, it is recommended to take vitamins in pill form in pregnant women who are fed regularly. Many fresh fruits and vegetables such as oranges, lemons, red or green peppers, tomatoes, strawberries, grapefruits, cauliflower, cabbage, brussels sprouts are rich in vitamin c. Since it is not stored in the body, a certain amount should be taken every day.

Folic acid
For the development of the baby's central nervous system, it is very important to take "vitamin B9", ie folic acid, especially from the first weeks of pregnancy. Since it is not stored in the body and requires more than normal during pregnancy, it should be taken every day. Fresh green vegetables are a source of folic acid, but the amount of folic acid in over-cooked and long-standing green vegetables is reduced. Spinach, peanut, hazelnut, cauliflower and whole wheat bread are the most common ones. Since natural foods cannot completely cover the folic acid deficit of the pregnant woman, it is appropriate to take them as pills from the first weeks of pregnancy.

What you should never consume during pregnancy
Studies have shown that three quarters of mothers consume 2 cups of coffee per day on average and give birth to preterm births and low weight babies in women who consume more than 5 cups per day. In addition, there are studies that the mother's excessive consumption of caffeine has detrimental effects on the bone density and calcium content of the fetus.

Alcohol, which has a negative effect on the development of the fetus, indirectly leads to malnutrition and causes vitamin and mineral deficiencies. An overdose is considered when a woman consumes more than 2 grams of alcohol per kilogram of body weight per day during pregnancy. Alcohol causes disorders such as growth and developmental retardation in the fetus, microcephaly, cleft palate, facial bones and joint anomalies.

All medications used in pregnancy may harm the fetus. The drugs used must be under the control of a physician.
Daily sample menu
Breakfast: 1 cup of milk (enriched with calcium), 2 matchboxes of cheese or 1 boiled egg, 4-5 olives, tomatoes, cucumbers, greens, 1 tbsp molasses, 2-3 thin slices of bread.
Snack: 1 portion of seasonal fruit.
Lunch: 3-4 meat balls up to meat / chicken / fish (grilled, boiled or steamed), salad, 1 cup yogurt / ayran / tzatziki, 2-3 thin slices of bread or 6-9 tablespoons rice / pasta.
Snack: 1 bowl of milk dessert.
Dinner: 1 scoop of soup, 8 tablespoons vegetable dish, 1 bowl of yogurt / ayran / tzatziki, 2-3 thin slices of bread or 6-9 tablespoons bulgur pilaf.
Snack: 15 pieces of nuts or 10 pieces of almonds or 3-5 pieces of walnuts, 1 portion of seasonal fruit.

Rainbow Light Prenatal One Multivitamin Tab,90 Count