Tuesday, November 5, 2019

MegaFood, Baby & Me 2, Prenatal and Postnatal Vitamin, Dietary Supplement with Iron, Folate and Choline, Gluten-Free, Vegetarian, 120 Tablets (60 Servings)


MegaFood, Baby & Me 2, Prenatal and Postnatal Vitamin, Dietary Supplement with Iron, Folate and Choline, Gluten-Free, Vegetarian, 120 Tablets (60 Servings)

What is folic acid that we usually know should be used as a supplement in the first weeks of pregnancy, sometimes even before becoming pregnant?

What is Folic Acid?
Folic acid is a member of the vitamin B family and is an important vitamin in DNA synthesis and cell division processes. Also known as folate or vitamin B9.

What does folic acid do?
Folic acid plays a role in important biological processes such as blood production, new cell formation and DNA synthesis in the body. Folic acid is known to reduce arteriosclerosis and prevent the occurrence of many bad diseases such as heart attacks, dementia and stroke. Folic acid supplementation, which is recommended during pregnancy and even before pregnancy, is thought to be important for the expectant mother to have a healthy pregnancy and to prevent problems that may occur in the development of the baby.

How to identify folic acid deficiency?
When there is not enough folic acid in the body, symptoms such as anemia, forgetfulness, fatigue, dizziness and shortness of breath may be seen. Since these symptoms can also be seen in another group B vitamin B12 deficiency, it is important to consult a specialist for the determination of folic acid deficiency. When you go to the doctor for this, a blood test can be done and you can see how much folate and B12 you have in your blood.

What causes folic acid deficiency?
You may experience folic acid deficiency if you do not consume foods rich in folic acid and B12, or if you have a disease (such as restless bowel syndrome) that prevents your body from absorbing folic acid efficiently. You may also be losing folic acid if you go to the toilet very often because of a kidney or liver problem.

If you are pregnant, changes in your body and the development of the baby will require more folic acid.

A significant decrease in folic acid levels is also observed in cases of cancer, blood or circulatory diseases or inflammation in the body.

Why use folic acid in pregnancy?
Women who plan to become pregnant are usually advised to start taking folic acid supplements early. Almost all gynecologists and obstetricians recommend taking folic acid to women who have learned that they are pregnant. Why is folic acid particularly important in pregnancy?

Folic acid supplementation, taken before and during pregnancy, is known to protect against damage to the baby's spine and brain. Especially in the first weeks of pregnancy, the need for folic acid increases because the baby's brain and spinal cord develops in the 3rd and 4th weeks. Because of the need for folic acid in this early period, it is thought to be more advantageous for the mother to eliminate the folic acid deficiency in her body before she becomes pregnant.

Using folic acid prevents birth defects that are centered in the brain and spinal cord, known as nerve pathway defects. Open spine (spina bifida) is one of the most common nervous system defects. These defects can cause brain damage or interrupt brain development, causing disability in the most severe cases. Most of these problems (about 70%) can be prevented by consumption of folic acid.

What foods does folic acid contain?


One of the richest foods in terms of folate is lentil. Lentils also contain many useful substances such as iron, fiber and slow-burning carbohydrates. Dry lentils do not need to be soaked before cooking and are easier to cook compared to other pulses.

Leafy foliage

Dark green leafy vegetables contain a high concentration of vitamins. Fresh spinach, kale, some of them. If possible, make salad and consume raw.


A large orange contains 55 mg of folate. You can eat the orange alone or cook it with chicken or vegetables like celery.


Steamed asparagus, folic acid store. You can use the asparagus as an appetizer or as a main course by cooking with vegetables such as peas.

Haricot bean

Dried beans, which is one of the most consumed dishes by the Turks, also contain plenty of folic acid. Don't forget to soak the beans before cooking.


Broccoli meets a quarter of your daily folic acid requirement. This nutrient-rich super food is also a source of vitamin C, beta carotene, fiber, calcium and iron.

Cereal bread and breakfast cereal

Folic acid content of foods obtained from cereals is high. Consume them with foods that are a normal source of folate (broccoli, spinach, etc.).

Sunflower seeds

A handful of sunflower seeds contain approximately 82 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid. It can be used as a snack or added to bread dough or sprinkled with salads or soups. Sunflower seeds are also a great source of iron and calcium.


Like salmon and walnuts, avocado has omega 3 fatty acids and beneficial fats for your heart. A slice of avocado contains 90 mcg of folic acid. Avocado is also very useful for your baby's developing brain.

Folic acid used in pregnancy can prevent autism
A study in Norway found that folic acid supplementation can also protect against autism in a 9-year study on children of mothers who used folic acid during pregnancy. The research conducted on 85,000 children born between 2002 and 2008 revealed that the risk of autism in children whose mothers use folic acid supplements during pregnancy is 40% less than those of mothers who do not use folic acid.

Can folic acid use be harmful during pregnancy?
It was found that folic acid supplementation taken in the early stages of pregnancy could be associated with pregnancy-related diabetes.

According to a new report published in Diabetic Care, the use of folic acid or folate in early pregnancy increases the risk of pregnancy-related diabetes. Folic acid is used by pregnant women to prevent birth defects. Because of this benefit, folic acid is said to be added to the flour as a nutrient booster. This report reminds people of the potential risks of folic acid supplementation.

In food supplements, folic acids, which are present as nutrients, are synthetic chemicals. In addition to its association with increased risk in pregnancy-related diabetes, synthetic folic acid supplementation is also associated with increased risk of breast cancer. Therefore, when folic acid supplements are considered as nutrients, it is necessary to approach the situation with caution.

Folic acid is not the only thing that supports pregnancy-related diabetes. High-consumption foods such as fast food, red meat and iron supplements and nutrients are also associated with increased risk of pregnancy-related diabetes. The problem with red meat is probably hem-iron in its structure. High concentrations of iron in red meat - especially hem-iron - can increase lipid peroxidation, leading to many health problems, including diabetes.

It should be noted that folic acid, naturally found in vegetables, is not associated with any serious effects or health problems.

When should folic acid be used during pregnancy?
Folic acid is particularly important for pregnant women in the early stages of pregnancy. Folic acid is not stored in the body; therefore, women who may become pregnant are required to take folic acid every day - even if the baby is the last thing on your mind.

Women need an extra 400 micrograms of folic acid the day before pregnancy and during early pregnancy. It is known that this dose decreases most of the risk of birth with nervous system defects. It is best to take folic acid as a separate supplement; because you can be sure that you receive the correct dose of 400 micrograms per day. Check the label. Folic acid is quite inexpensive; The price is less than 10 pounds.

Approximately half of all pregnancies occur unplanned. The spinal cord of the baby occurs completely during the first 28 days of pregnancy - perhaps before we realize that you are more pregnant. Therefore it is very important to start using folic acid before getting pregnant.

Only 1 in 4 women use folic acid before becoming pregnant. Many women know that by using folic acid, they can protect their babies against nervous system defects; however, very few begin to use folic acid before they realize they are pregnant. For this reason, women are encouraged to adopt the habit of using folic acid and start their daily folic routines.

MegaFood, Baby & Me 2, Prenatal and Postnatal Vitamin, Dietary Supplement with Iron, Folate and Choline, Gluten-Free, Vegetarian, 120 Tablets (60 Servings)