Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Mama Bird Prenatal Multivitamin, Methylfolate (Folic Acid), Methylcobalamin (B12), 100% Natural Whole Food Organic Herbal Blend, Vegan, Once Daily Prenatal Vitamins, 30 Ct, Best Nest Wellness

Nutrition Program in Pregnancy: What Should Pregnant Women Eat?

Mama Bird Prenatal Multivitamin, Methylfolate (Folic Acid), Methylcobalamin (B12), 100% Natural Whole Food Organic Herbal Blend, Vegan, Once Daily Prenatal Vitamins, 30 Ct, Best Nest Wellness

One of the questions on your mind as soon as you find out that you are pregnant will be what to eat during pregnancy.

Maybe you'll have to put aside your old eating habits and start eating healthy, or maybe you're already eating exactly what it should be.

This post will satisfy all your curiosity. Don't forget to watch the videos. Here's what to eat during pregnancy!

If you want a completely customized diet program, you can contact healthy nutritionists and dietitians during pregnancy!

4 Steps to Eat While Pregnant
We will make it easier by gathering the list of things to eat while pregnant in 4 main groups. Because the basis of a healthy diet is these 4 food groups.

The goal of nutrition during pregnancy should be to consume all the nutrients that will support the development of the baby in a balanced way.

For this, you should choose what you eat from nutritious groups, not from empty calorie sources. Here are the four steps to eat during pregnancy!

Let's leave this here before we start: Altın Healthy Eating is Important, but I Can't ”Gold Information for Pregnant Women

1- Protein Containing Foods: Meat, Eggs and Dried Legumes Group / 3-4 Portions per Day
The need for protein increases during pregnancy. Proteins are also the most important food source for the development of the baby. So if you're wondering what I'm supposed to eat, you can start with protein sources.

You can eat about 100-120 grams of red meat, chicken, turkey or fish per day. Eating meat during pregnancy is very important because it will meet the need for animal protein. Because animal proteins provide you with all the amino acids you need. These are called whole proteins.

The most important thing to consider in animal protein consumption is that the meat products are cooked well. Because during pregnancy, raw or undercooked meat, chicken, fish, eggs, food, such as you need to avoid.

To remember what you shouldn't consume during pregnancy, stay away from these 15 things:

You should also consume vegetable proteins to increase your nutrients. On the days when you don't consume animal protein, you can eat 1 plate of dried legumes and eggs to meet your protein needs.

2- Foods Containing Calcium: Milk and Dairy Products Group / 3-4 Portions per Day
Milk and dairy products are very good sources of calcium and protein. Therefore, milk consumption during pregnancy is extremely critical. Since they are rich in both calcium and protein, you can shoot 2 birds with one stone during pregnancy.

To learn other vitamins and minerals you need to take during pregnancy, except protein and calcium, you should know: What are the vitamins and minerals to be taken during pregnancy? You should take a look at our article.

Since calcium is the most important mineral for bone and tooth development, the milk group is among the foods that pregnant women should eat.

Eat two slices of cheese, 2 cups of milk or yogurt and add 3 to 4 portions of milk to your daily diet.

Consuming excess salt and taking caffeine reduces the absorption of calcium. Keep this in mind.

This is important: 6 Questions You Need to Know About Probiotic Use in Pregnancy

3- Fruits and Vegetables: All Colors of the Rainbow
Remember, all fruits and vegetables are worthy to eat during pregnancy. That's why you should look for as much variety as you can in consuming vegetables and fruits.

Always remember that when shopping for vegetables and fruits, my basket must have all the colors of the rainbow: orange, green, red, yellow!

Foods Rich in Vitamin C: 2 Servings per Day
As you might expect, the source of vitamin C in particular is fresh vegetables and fruits. That's why eating fruit during pregnancy should be a ritual for you. Every day you must consume fruit or vegetables rich in vitamin C. Orange, tangerine, grapefruit, strawberry, apple, watermelon, pineapple, pepper, broccoli, tomato, melon are among the fruits and vegetables that should be eaten during pregnancy.

You may need this information: Critical Question: How should Vegetarian and Vegan Pregnants Eat?

Green Leaf Vegetables: 1-2 Servings per Day
Dark green leafy vegetables are rich in folic acid and B6. It also protects against constipation because they contain pulp. Make sure you consume green leafy vegetables such as arugula, cress, purslane, chard, spinach, leek, dill, parsley, celery leaf during the day.

Constipation is a big problem in pregnancy. How to deal with this dry-out problem: A Guide to Coping with Constipation in Pregnancy

Yellow, Orange, Red and Purple Vegetables and Fruits: 1 Serving per Day
Dark yellow, orange and red fruits and vegetables contain beta-carotene, a precursor of vitamin A, and are powerful antioxidants. Vitamin A is essential for healthy cell development.

Carrot, sweet potatoes, apricots, pumpkin, persimmon, beetroot, purple cabbage, red forest fruits should be consumed in color scale.

This article will be very useful: Seasonal Nutrition List of Pregnancy by Selling Fruit and Vegetables

4- Whole Grain Foods and Bread Group
The bread and cereal group is the energy pillar of the daily diet during pregnancy. It also forms the basis of nutrition.

Cereals are rich in group B vitamins. It also contains important minerals such as selenium, zinc, chromium and magnesium.

For a healthy diet, you should choose foods made from whole grains instead of refined grains. Therefore, you should turn to breads made from whole wheat flour in terms of consumption of bread during pregnancy.

You should consume bread, pasta, bulgur, dried legumes made from whole wheat flour.

White rice, bread made from white flour, pasta, cakes made with white flour, cookies are among the carbohydrates you should avoid.

The Most Useful Foods in Pregnancy: What to eat for the development of the baby during pregnancy?
Before you were born, you began to think about how to gain weight for your baby and how to support your development. That's why the same question goes around in your mind: What should the baby eat during pregnancy to gain weight?

It is said that women who consume fish regularly during pregnancy have a healthier pregnancy and give birth to overweight babies. So you should eat fish at least once a week. If you can not eat fish nuts, peanuts, walnuts, such as omega-3 nuts as a snack can eat 1 handful a day. These nutrients are extremely useful for the baby's intelligence development during pregnancy.

For your baby's body and intelligence development, remember that during pregnancy you need to consume vitamins and minerals such as iron, folic acid, iodine, zinc, vitamin B, omega 3 and 6 fatty acids from the necessary nutritional sources! The most important period to get enough of those wonderful fats called omega-3 is the third trimester period in which the baby's brain development accelerates.

This is important: Nutrition in Pregnancy

Folic acid
Folic acid, also called folate, folacin or vitamin B9, has a special place during pregnancy. Research shows that taking folic acid during pregnancy helps prevent or reduce neural tube defects in the baby.

Researchers believe that spina bifida will be largely prevented if mothers receive 0.4 mg of folic acid per day before pregnancy and during the first 13 weeks of pregnancy. Of course, the person who will make the best decision for this will be your doctor who will follow you from beginning to end of pregnancy.

Must Read: Everything You Wonder About Using Folic Acid in Pregnancy

Although the doctor will supplement medication for folic acid, it is okay to recognize foods containing folic acid. Asparagus, avocado, banana, black beans, broccoli, egg yolk, citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, green beans, strawberries, lentils, peas, liver, yogurt are foods rich in folic acid.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy is the first and most beautiful gift you can give to your baby. For this, you should definitely take a look at our Everything You Need to Know about Pregnancy Nutrition.

How Should Water Consumption Be Pregnant?
At least 8 large glasses of water per day (8 x 250 cc) should be included in the daily diet during pregnancy.

Your baby's body is made up largely of liquid like yours. Your body also needs more water during pregnancy than ever before. So what are the benefits of drinking water?

Leaves skin soft
Reduces constipation.
It purifies you and your baby's body from toxins and waste materials.
Reduces excessive swelling and edema.
Prevents urinary tract infections.
Reduces the risk of premature birth.
In short, at least 8 large glasses every day, so take care to drink at least 2 liters of water. The easiest way to do this is to keep the water as close as you can to see it and reach it instantly. If you forget to drink cups, you can measure yourself with a glass bottle.

If your body holds too much fluid, if you exercise a lot and the weather is too hot, try to drink more. But try not to make water drink just before dinner. Or you could be too choked to eat.

Last but not least, the teas, juices and other liquids you drink do not replace water.

Reward both the mini and the self by following these steps: How to Pregnancy in 7 Steps?

How Should Salt Consumption Be Pregnant?
As you know, salt used to trigger edema, water retention, and swelling in the body.

It is now considered normal and necessary to increase body fluids to a certain extent while pregnant. Therefore, to maintain the appropriate level of fluid in the body is recommended to take a moderate amount of sodium. Because the lack of sodium can be harmful to the development of the fetus.

However, very high amounts of salt and very salty foods are harmful for everyone, especially if they become pregnant or become pregnant.

You should also know that there is a tight link between excess salt intake and high blood pressure after pregnancy and birth. So you should stay away from foods with high salt content, such as soy sauce, pickles and chips.

Should we be more careful: Do you know the ways of safe nutrition during pregnancy?

As a general principle, you can try not to add salt when cooking. Already the amount of sodium contained in the food meets the needs of our body.

If you're very hungry, you can have a snack from home-made and low-salt pickles instead of ready-made pickles. But that doesn't mean you sit down and eat a jar of pickles.

As always, you can take the advice of your doctor about salt use and follow his advice.

Mama Bird Prenatal Multivitamin, Methylfolate (Folic Acid), Methylcobalamin (B12), 100% Natural Whole Food Organic Herbal Blend, Vegan, Once Daily Prenatal Vitamins, 30 Ct, Best Nest Wellness