Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Vitafusion Prenatal Gummy Vitamins, 90 Count (Packaging May Vary)

13 foods to be consumed during pregnancy

Vitafusion Prenatal Gummy Vitamins, 90 Count (Packaging May Vary)

Healthy eating during pregnancy is very important. During this time your body needs additional nutrients. You need to eat 300-500 calories per day. If you don't pay attention to your diet, you may adversely affect your baby's development. It also increases the risks of complications from malnutrition, excess weight gain, diabetes during pregnancy or childbirth. Healthy eating helps you and your baby to be healthy and helps to lose weight after birth.

1. Dairy Products

During pregnancy, you should take extra milk products. The protein you get from dairy products meets the calcium your baby needs to grow. Milk is a good source of calcium in terms of calcium, and also contains high amounts of phosphorus, vitamin B, magnesium and zinc. Probiotics in dairy products relax the digestive system. Probiotics reduce the risk of gestational diabetes, vaginal infections and allergies during pregnancy.

2. Legumes

Lentils, peas, beans, chickpeas, soy and peanuts. Legumes are excellent sources of vegetable origin fiber. They also contain protein, iron, folic acid (B9) and calcium needed during pregnancy. Folic acid is very important for the health of mother and baby, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. Pregnant women cannot produce folic acid. Folic acid deficiency causes infants to develop poorly and children are susceptible to infections. Legumes contain high amounts of folate. One cup
lentils, chickpeas or beans contain 56-90 percent of the daily requirement of folate.

3. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potato, beta-carotene, is converted to vitamin A in the body. In addition to growth, Vitamin A is very important for the differentiation of cells and tissues. It is very important for healthy fetal development. Pregnant women generally need to increase their intake of vitamin A by 10-40 percent. However, since the excess vitamin A produces toxicity, it is not recommended to take it from animal origin foods. Therefore, beta-carotene is a very important source of vitamin A for pregnant women.

4. Salmon

Salmon is very rich in essential omega-3 fatty acids. Many people, including pregnant women, do not get enough omega 3 in their diet. Omega-3 fatty acids are particularly important during pregnancy. These help the formation of the brain's brain and eyes. Pregnant women are generally advised to eat salmon twice a week. Because there is mercury in fish. Salmon is also rich in vitamin D. Vitamin D is essential for a process in the body, including bone health and immune function.

5. Eggs

Eggs are the ultimate health food because it contains a bit of almost every nutrient you need. One big egg has 77 calories. Contains high quality protein & fat It also contains many vitamins and minerals. Egg is a great source of choline. Choline is very important for brain development and health. Low choline intake during pregnancy increases the risk of neural tube defects (formation of the baby's spine) and affects brain function. An egg meets 25 percent of the daily choline requirement of pregnant women.

6. Broccoli and green leafy vegetables

Dark green vegetables, such as broccoli and cabbage and spinach, contain most of the nutrients that pregnant women need. This fiber contains vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin A, calcium, iron, folate and potassium. In addition, broccoli and green leafy greens are rich in antioxidants. Very useful for immune and digestive system. Since these vegetables contain fiber, they prevent constipation. Constipation is a major problem for pregnant women. Also consuming green leafy vegetables reduces the risk of low-weight birth.

7. Meat

Beef and chicken are excellent sources of quality protein. It is also rich in beef, iron, choline and other B vitamins. This food is needed in pregnancy. Iron is a basic mineral used by red blood cells as part of hemoglobin. This is important for supplying oxygen to all cells in the body. As the need for blood increases during pregnancy, more iron is needed. It is especially important in the first trimester of pregnancy. Low iron levels in preterm and middle pregnancy cause premature birth and low-weight birth risk. When meat is eaten with foods rich in vitamin C (such as oranges or bell peppers), iron absorption is further increased.

8. Fish Oil

Fish oil is usually made of cod fish from fatty fish liver. Fat is rich in omega-3 fatty acids that are essential for fetal brain and eye development. Vitamin D in fish oil is also very high, which many people do not get enough. It can be extremely useful for those who do not eat regular seafood or take omega-3 or vitamin D supplements. Low vitamin D intake increases the risk of preeclampsia (pregnancy poisoning). Consumption of cod liver oil in early pregnancy decreases the risk of high birth weight and then disease in the baby's life. A single serving (one tablespoon) of fish liver oil is more than adequate for the recommended daily intake of omega-3, vitamin D, and vitamin A.

9. Strawberry

Strawberries contain water, healthy carbohydrates, vitamin C, fiber compounds. Often the body contains high amounts of vitamin C, which is needed for the absorption of iron. Vitamin C is also important for skin health and immune function.

10. All cereals

Whole grains are an excellent food to meet the growing calorie requirement, especially during the second and third periods of pregnancy. Unlike refined grains, whole grains contain fiber, vitamins and vegetable compounds. Oats and quinoa also contain sufficient amounts of protein, which is important during pregnancy. In addition, whole grains are rich in B-vitamins, fiber and magnesium. All of these are vitamins and minerals that pregnant women often lack.

11. Avocado

Avocado is the fruit that contains the most monounsaturated fatty acids. Avacado, high fiber content, B vitamins (especially folate), vitamin K, potassium, copper, vitamin E and vitamin C are available. Healthy fats, high folate and potassium content make avocado an excellent choice for pregnant women. While potassium relieves leg cramps, keep in mind that it contains more potassium than bananas.

12. Dried Fruit

Dried fruits are high in calories, fiber and various vitamins and minerals. The dried fruit contains the same nutrients as the fresh one, but not the only juice. Therefore, a dried portion of fruit contains many vitamins and minerals, such as folate, iron, and potassium, which meet your daily needs. Plum is rich in fiber, potassium, vitamin K and sorbitol. It can be very useful in relieving constipation.However, the dried fruit also contains a high amount of natural sugar. Make sure no sugar is added to the dried fruit.

13. Water

During pregnancy, the blood volume increases to 1.5 liters. Therefore, water consumption is very important. The fetus usually takes everything you need. If you do not drink water, your baby may also be dehydrated. The signs of mild thirst are headache, anxiety, fatigue, bad mood and low perception. In addition, increasing water intake may solve the problem of constipation. May eliminate urinary tract infection. General rules recommend to drink about 2 liters of water per day. But you better determine your needs.

Vitafusion Prenatal Gummy Vitamins, 90 Count (Packaging May Vary)

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Kozy Collar Microwavable Heating Mittens for Hand and Fingers to Relieve Arthritis, Pains and Soreness – Natural, Safe and Reusable

Exercises for abdominal pain during menstruation. Effective ways to reduce pain during menstruation

Kozy Collar Microwavable Heating Mittens for Hand and Fingers to Relieve Arthritis, Pains and Soreness – Natural, Safe and Reusable

Causes of Menstrual Pain

In most cases, menstrual pain is explained quite simply. If pregnancy does not occur, the endometrium (uterine mucosa) breaks off the walls of the uterus and prostaglandins are released, which contributes to better uterine mucosa outflow. If there is a large number of prostaglandins, the muscles contract more actively, causing menstrual pain.

For painful periods, experts have their own names - dysmenorrhea (previously called algodismenorea). In addition, doctors distinguish primary and secondary.

Primary dysmenorrhea is characteristic of young girls and women (ages 14 to 25) and is characterized by contractile activity of the uterus. In addition to characteristic lower abdominal pain, symptoms of primary dysmenorrhea may include nausea, headache, and sad stools. They usually occur one day before and several days after the onset of menstruation. Dysmenorrhea is treated successfully and if there is painful menstrual disorder, it is better to see a doctor who will recommend the treatment.

Secondary dysmenorrhea is, as a rule, associated with organic changes in the pelvic organs (eg, endometriosis, chronic inflammatory processes with the formation of adhesions). In this case, only your specialist gynecologist can choose the right treatment.

The causes of menstrual pain that are not related to the diseases of the female reproductive system include:

intrauterine device

lack of physical activity

deficiency of magnesium and calcium in the body

not enought feeding

stress and lack of sleep

low pain threshold

How to get rid of menstrual pain
If the pain before or during menstruation disappears quickly and does not cause any discomfort, you can practically ignore the beginning of your menstrual period and lead a familiar lifestyle, then you must avoid excessive physical effort these days. However, if the first day of your period becomes a real nightmare for you, it is worth taking action to completely change your plans.

How to reduce pain during menstruation:

The easiest and most popular way is to take a pill that alleviates pain and cramps. Ask your doctor about which medicine is right for you. But don't make painkillers a habit. If you cannot live without a pill every month and take it several times a day, this is an alarm bell, which means that you should see a doctor immediately.

Oral contraceptives

Birth control pills contain hormones that suppress ovulation. No ovulation - no painful menstruation. Among other things, they will relieve you of the symptoms of PMS (premenstrual syndrome). Note, however, that you should select such tablets separately and that only your gynecologist can do so based on the results of the review and analysis.

Physical activity

Some women mistakenly believe that sport is contraindicated during menstruation, in fact the opposite is true. Exercise provides good blood circulation in the muscles and makes them more elastic. The uterus consists of several types of muscle, so regular exercise and good constant stretching make it much easier to tolerate pain during menstruation caused by uterine contractions.

Therefore, if you do not have any special prescriptions from doctors, try doing light exercises:

Stand straight, spread your feet to the shoulder width, and have a 15-20 normal squat. Keep your weight on your heels and keep your back straight.

Sit down and slowly get down on your knees. Repeat 15-20 times.

Put it on all fours, bend it back like a cat, and then return to the start position. Repeat 15-20 times.

But here it is better to reject serious power loads in the early days of menstruation.


Swimming should be emphasized separately. This is the safest and least traumatic sport to relieve pain. Helps relax muscles and relieve tension. Just remember to use a cloth while swimming and immediately after the pool - change. Tampax swabs are ideal for this. Plastic Compak applicators fit easily in your hand, so they can be easily noticed by others and you can change your diaper.

Vitamin intake

Vitamin B6 and magnesium are friends and main helpers of a woman with menstrual cramps. Taking these vitamins and minerals will help reduce discomfort. There are also many vitamin complexes that can facilitate menstrual flow for women. But it is best to take them with your doctor.


Take a warm, comfortable shower or place a warm (!) Heating pad on your lower stomach to relieve pain. If no special heating pad is available, pour warm water into a normal plastic bottle. This method is best suited to relieve menstrual pain before going to bed, because it is best to lie in a warm bed immediately after a shower.

Herbal teas, decoction and infusions

Tea with chamomile or mint also helps to relax the abdominal muscles and reduce menstrual pain. Herbal infusions such as nettles, horsetail, wild strawberries and daffodils are also suitable.

Embryo Exposure

Get some sleep in the yacht or fetal position. To do this, lie down and pull your legs on your stomach. This posture will help relieve and reduce pain.

Balanced diet

On the eve and during menstruation, doctors recommend reducing the consumption of coffee, strong tea as well as roasted and spicy. However, foods rich in calcium should be consumed more actively. Add more cottage cheese, milk puree, fish, cheese and bananas to your diet. In the meantime, bananas, among other things, also help to improve the mood, which will certainly not suffer in the first days of menstruation.

Abdominal massage and lower back
Waist massage will help relieve cramps and relieve pain. Of course, ideally, a close person should do it for you. But if such a person is not close at this time, you can do it yourself. To do this, place two bags or socks on a tennis ball and lie on their lower backs (the balls must be at the level of the lower ribs on both sides of the spine). Tap the balls, massage the muscles.
Massage to the abdomen will help relieve tension in the abdomen. To do this, massage your stomach with a warm hand in a clockwise circular motion.
Prevention of pain during menstruation
Thus menstrual pain does not give you a discomfort:

Manage an active lifestyle and continue sports. According to statistics, athletes are much less likely to complain of pain during menstruation. It can also be anything from sports yoga, Pilates and swimming to martial arts and dance.

Be more in the fresh air and get enough sleep.

Include in your diet rich in calcium (cottage cheese, cheese, seafood) and magnesium (buckwheat, parsley, spinach, dark chocolate).

Try eating less spicy and fried and don't drink coffee or strong tea.

Give up your bad habits.

Do not overcool, avoid stressful situations.

Even if nothing bothers you, visit your gynecologist every six months. Treatment of any disease is easier than treatment. Not to mention the fact that many processes in the female body can be asymptomatic for a long time.

In some cases, you should immediately consult a doctor:
The pain is so severe that you have to take your sick day and not get out of bed.

On critical days, women combine two main problems: irritability and discomfort in the lower abdomen. If it is impossible to overcome the discomfort, it is recommended that painful sensations are not tolerated at all. In addition, menstrual pain can function as a worrying bell of various gynecological diseases. To get rid of abdominal pain during menstruation, you need to understand and understand the reasons for your appearance: Is this normal menstrual pain or is it a serious reason to consult an emergency specialist?

What causes painful periods?
During menstruation, uterine tissue produces the hormone prostaglandin. It triggers contraction and the higher the level, the more pain is felt. This is the main cause of abdominal pain or scientifically dysmenorrhea. Dysmenorrhea is primary and secondary:
Primary dysmenorrhea - these are hormonal changes associated with the imbalance of sex hormones in favor of prostaglandin. In this case, menstrual pain is defined at the same intensity throughout all menstrual cycles.
It is a sign of inflammatory diseases that occur in the secondary body. In this case, the pain may become more intense and the bleeding may increase.
How to deal with pain during menstruation?
If the symptoms have changed dramatically, that is, the pain has become stronger and the bleeding is more intense, nausea and migraine have occurred, then you should contact the experts and pass the necessary tests and visit the ultrasound room.
If the pain is primary dysmenorrhea, you can get rid of abdominal pain during menstruation:

Painkiller. The easiest way to avoid severe pain is by antispasmodic drugs, such as No-shpa, Spazmalgon, Mig, Ketanov and others. But they can't always handle their duties.
Birth control pills. They are prescribed by a doctor only to get rid of or weaken abdominal pain during menstruation. Oral contraceptives include hormones that restore the balance of sexual hormones and, therefore, less intense pain.
Heat. To alleviate the pain, you should put a warm heating pad or a bottle of warm water on your lower abdomen. Heat will help the uterus relax by reducing the intensity of contractions.
That. Water has a calming effect on the entire body, including helping to relieve pain. To do this, just stand in the shower for a while or lie in the bathroom.
Position. The correct position does not help you completely relieve abdominal pain during menstruation, but significantly reduces its severity. If you stay in your lying position, it will be curled (take the pose of the embryo), then the pain will begin to suffer. The lying position also eliminates discomfort caused by blood flowing to the external genitalia.
Ornaments of grass. Stinging nettle and some herbs such as oregano and cherry leaves help to alleviate the pain.
Prevention of abdominal pain during menstruation
Prevention of menstrual pain, namely:

abandonment of bad habits (alcohol, smoking, drugs);
regular physical activity (running, swimming, dancing, yoga);
regular sex life (3-4 times a week is enough);
avoiding stressful situations;
more positive emotions.
If you never get rid of menstrual abdominal pain, the best way is to consult a specialist.
Pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen is a common condition for many women during the menstrual cycle. Scientifically, this phenomenon is termed "algomenorrhea" (dysmenorrhea).

Statistics show that approximately 70-80% of women suffer from pain during menstruation. To eliminate any disturbing symptoms, you must first deal with the etymology of pain.

Finding the causes of pain, you can understand: this is a natural condition in the natural processes in a woman's body, or how to immediately consult a doctor and how to reduce pain during menstruation.

Causes of painful periods
During menstruation, uterine tissue produces prostaglandin, which provokes contraction.

The severity of the pain senses depends on the level of this hormone. Doctors distinguish the two-month pain cause groups.

Primary dysmenorrhea
It is inherent in women and adolescents under the age of 35. Hormonal changes associated with an increase in the amount of prostaglandin occur with primary algomenorrhea.

In simple words, stress, anxiety and pain cramps and causes of anxiety in hormonal disorders. At the same time, adolescent girls experience particularly severe pain.

Symptoms of primary dysmenorrhea:

Sad stool.
Pain of the same intensity throughout the cycle.
In addition to pain in the lower abdomen and waist, reactions such as nausea, vomiting and fainting may occur. In the absence of serious problems, discomfort disappears after birth with age.

Secondary dysmenorrhea
Exposure to women older than 35 years.

Secondary algomenorrhea is a sign of inflammatory diseases and pathologies of the pelvic organs.

In addition to gynecologic and abdominal operations (abdominal adhesions), the development of fibromatous nodes may be associated with the development of pelvic neuritis, endometriosis, fibroids, and polyps in the uterus.

Intrauterine devices may cause severe pain during menstruation. In this case, bleeding and pain are more intense. A visit to a gynecologist is the first thing to do in such cases; this will tell you how to relieve abdominal pain during menstruation.

Causes of painful periods not related to reproductive system problems:

Imbalance in female genital organs, excessive thyroid activity.
Intrauterine device
High sensitivity to changes in the body.
Nervous system instability.
Pain due to abortion or childbirth.
The wrong place in the uterus.
Hereditary predisposition.
Magnesium deficiency, calcium.
Women suffering from secondary dysmenorrhea reduce libido, are not satisfied with their sex life, tendency to depression, depressive condition, sometimes even psychological deviations can be seen.

Furthermore, the treatment of concomitant algomenorrhea diseases contributes to almost complete pain relief on critical days. But things are more complicated with younger and healthier women.

Concentration of unpleasant sensations, heavy bleeding, nausea, migraine, consult a specialist immediately, pass the recommended tests, and undergo an ultrasound examination to help you resolve pain relief during painful periods.

It is important to protect the first pregnancy with primary algomenorrhea.
The first medical abortion (outcome) in a woman with painful menstruation can lead to infertility and may aggravate pain during menstruation.
After pregnancy, in most cases, the pain is reduced during menstruation.

Pain relief techniques
There are many ways to get rid of pain during menstruation and have a concrete effect.

They can also be used at home (taking into account the current contraindications).

Let us think in more detail about each of the categories that respond, how to relieve or reduce pain at home during menstruation.

This method is suitable for those who adhere to traditional medical technologies during treatment - solving the question - if lower abdominal pain occurs, how to relieve pain during menstruation.

Non-prescription drugs. In this category - NSAIDs, ie non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, are examples of ibuprofen.
antispasmodics. These include No-Shpa, Ketonal, Spazmalgon, Analgin.
sedative. Pain caused by stress, excessive stimulation of the nervous system can be handled with an ordinary sedative (eg valerian).
Consult your doctor before using medicines!

Before using medications to relieve abdominal pain, you should consult a doctor or read all aspects independently according to the instructions. Another category of drugs are oral contraceptives (birth control pills).

In this case, the drug is taken strictly as prescribed by a specialist. Contraceptives include hormones that restore the hormonal level in a woman's body and thus weaken menstrual pain.

Birth control pills are used for daily use. It is affordable and sold in almost all pharmacies.

Contraceptive methods for the treatment of pain in the lower abdomen also include birth control patches, a contraceptive vaginal ring, hormonal injections and an intrauterine device. Before using these funds to relieve pain, you should consult a doctor.

Folk recipes:

Raspberry leaves - 1 teaspoon pour 3 teaspoons leaves into boiling water, insist for 15 minutes, take small sips throughout the day.
Elecampane root - 1 teaspoon pour a glass of boiling water, insist 1 hour, take 1 tablespoon 3 hours / day.
ponytail - to prepare infusion, 1 tbsp. Pour 300 ml boiling water in a spoon, insist for one hour, consume 50 mg every hour, increase the intake range as the pain subsides.
Folk medicine
An option for those interested in home care.

Alternative ways to alleviate menstrual pain without pills are:

heat. In some cases, normal temperature has a much greater effect than medications. A heating pad or thermal plaster applied to the lower abdomen (no more than 10-15 minutes) helps to relax the muscles and eliminate the uncomfortable symptoms.
Adhesive plasters are very comfortable, keep heat for a long time. Alternatively, a hot bath, shower and swimming in the pool are also possible.
Water calms the pain. After water treatment, it is recommended that you wear warm clothing and lie down for a few hours.
Behavioral or creative intervention. Relaxation, positive attitude, breathing exercises, affect emotional state in a positive way. These techniques help relieve pain.
It also includes doing your favorite things: talking to friends on the Internet, computer games, reading books, reading magazines, watching an interesting movie.
massage. Slight strokes of the abdomen (clockwise) relieve cramps to reduce discomfort. In this case, you should lie down and put an object under your legs as they will be in a high position.
Press your belly and not back too far, relaxes your muscles and relieves pain.
herbs. Hot teas of lemon grass, raspberries, chamomile, cherry, nettle and other warm infusions will help in painful periods.
In the absence of allergy, honey can be added to the boils if desired. It is recommended to drink as much fluid as possible on critical days to improve welfare.
Other techniques. Methods to alleviate monthly pain present in this group at home. Reducing discomfort will help to adopt the correct position.
To do this, lie on your side and curl, ie position the embryo. This helps you to alleviate the pain slightly and get rid of the discomfort caused by blood flowing to the genitals.
Another way to alleviate pain is “breathing with your stomach“. The procedure should be done in the following order: place a book on your belly while lifting the book from under your belly, take a slow breath.
Raising to a certain height, in this case withstanding a pause. Repeat the exercise for 2-5 minutes.

On critical days, pain is often caused by malnutrition of women. There are several rules that can be used to significantly reduce the likelihood of discomfort:

Restriction in the diet of the amount of milk, flour, meat products. Recommended before menstruation and throughout the cycle.
More vegetable juice. Green vegetables and fruits contain antioxidants that fight various inflammations.
Intake of vitamin and mineral complex in the recommended amount. A, E, B vitamins, magnesium, calcium, iron should contain. These drugs are given after passing the appropriate tests.
Limit the use of tobacco, alcohol. Drinks containing alcohol can cause fluid retention and swelling. Nicotine causes narrowing of blood vessels, which can reduce the blood flow intensity of the uterus and increase painful cramps.
To do the pre-fasting day of menstruation.
Physical exercises
Low back pain, abdominal pain, and moderate physical activity will help alleviate bothersome feelings. It will also walk slowly in the air.

A series of exercises to reduce pains during menstruation:

Starting position: lying on your back Raise your legs at an angle of about 90 degrees. Stay in this position for a few minutes.
Starting position: lying on his stomach. Resting with your hands on the floor, lift your chest slowly, bend as far as possible.
Starting position: lying on your back, bend your legs from your knees. Bend the belly, stand on its feet. Come down slowly.
Physical activity leads to the production of endorphins in the body, ie. natural pain relief. Walking, jogging, sports classes, cycling, swimming - all these exercises will help with the problem to some degree.

The use of herbal decoctions for months can have an even more pronounced effect with physical exercises after a diet. Muscle tone is also well established as a pain reliever working with Pilates and yoga.

Pain prevention
A healthy lifestyle is the best option for the prevention of various diseases, including lower abdominal pain during menstruation.

Take an integrated approach to the fight against pain!

Rejection of harmful, aggravating habits such as smoking, alcohol, drugs.
Limit the use of spicy and spicy foods, coffee.
Regular sex life On average, 3-4 times a week.
Avoiding positive emotions, stress and hypothermia.
Regular physical activity (dance, running, yoga, pool).
Consult a doctor for ongoing and ongoing pain during menstruation.

You can find more information in this section.

“Yes, here again, these critical days begin! ... ”- both women think there is a pulling sensation in the lower abdomen and I want to put a ball on my favorite couch, not to see or hear anyone.

Many suffer from unpleasant sensations during menstruation, some experience them several days before they begin. However, there are also pains that make you want to "climb the wall".

Dysmenorrhea, so-called painful menstruation. Nowadays thoughts appear: "Why are Eve's daughters punished?" But in fact, the beautiful half of humanity is blessed. After all, it can only give birth to a baby through this cycle. But let's do it in order.

Girls who have reached puberty have a bloody vaginal discharge. This is called discharge - menstruation (monthly, critical days). It usually takes 3-8 days and the full cycle is 21 to 35 days.

The regularity and stability of critical days testifies to the health of a woman.

The first menstruation (menarche) starts in girls between the ages of 12-16 and shows the end of the last childhood (menopause) is between 45 and 55 years on average.

Menstruation is required to prepare the body to carry the child. The thing is, during the entire cycle, about a month, a number of hormonal changes occur in the woman's body:

Follicular phase (first 14 days). At this stage, FSH (follicle stimulating) and LH (luteinizing hormone) hormones are produced. Their task is to ripen the follicles in one of the ovaries present. It also increases female hormone estrogen.
Ovulatory phase (3 days). Maturation under the influence of LH occurs only in one, less frequently two, three follicles. In addition, a mature egg is released from them and moves from the fallopian tube to the uterus. In science, this process is called ovulation. A few days before and after ovulation, there is the greatest chance of getting pregnant. These days are called fertile stages. In parallel with ovulation, the hormone progesterone, which is responsible for preparing for pregnancy, increases in the body.
Secretion phase (remaining days). These days, the egg moves from the fallopian tube to the uterus. It is clear that the sperm meet the egg these days and in this place. The egg is fertilized and adheres to the walls of the uterus where the embryo develops. If the meeting does not take place, the egg dies within 24 hours. The hormone level decreases, the endometrium thins and leaves the female body in the form of bleeding. And then the loop repeats over and over again.
The main causes of pain during menstruation
Unfortunately, many girls suffer during menstruation. Dysmenorrhea is the most common type of menstrual irregularity in gynecology. The nature of the condition may be different.

10% of women are involved in severe pain somewhere on critical days. Moreover, it is also accompanied by additional symptoms:

Indigestion (diarrhea)
The pain itself is caused by the contraction of the uterus, thus avoiding unnecessary contents. Spasmolytic, twitching, pricking, painful, drowning in the bladder or rectum. At this time a woman becomes restless, aggressive, sleepy, anxious, in some cases depression can occur. Menstrual days for a woman become a serious test that generally affects mood and soul quality.

There are three stages of pain:

First, spasms are small and do not affect a woman's performance. And also does not require any external intervention. Usually after birth, such pain loses interest and disappears completely. Occasionally, a slight degree may become moderate to severe.

Second degree, pain in the lower abdominal region, parallel weakness, nausea, tremor, and so on. Productivity, however, is significantly reduced and a woman's mental state deteriorates considerably. In such cases, it is better to adjust your mood with pills and preferably consult a female doctor for advice.

The third stage is the most painful. Medical treatment may not produce results and a woman may lose her full capacity for work. Generally, in such cases, the gynecologist finds infectious inflammatory diseases or pathology of internal organs in the woman's body.

For example:

Uterine fibroids;
Ovarian cyst;
Ectopic pregnancy;
Endometriosis and the like
Be sure to consult a doctor if:

This lasts more than a week;
Cramps give nothing to do and intensify as close to the state's loss of consciousness;
Heavy bleeding;
High body temperature;
There are suspicions of pregnancy;
Previously, there was no painful period.
They say that menstrual cramps can occur after a lot of stress, but this is no longer a more verified fact than what is available.

How to get rid of pain at home
First, let's talk about why dysmenorrhea wants to be treated.

First, the menstrual cycle is excreted in the female body by nature, so the process itself should not cause any discomfort, much less pain.
Second, enduring pain is unhealthy (damage to the nervous system).
Third, taking pills that reduce pain does not always help.
The body's characteristic is that it gets used to the “food ğ we eat. Moreover, there are a number of side effects in drugs. Yes, and treatment should not consist of anesthesia, it should eliminate the cause of this phenomenon.

So many women wonder: nasıl How do I get rid of pain during menstruation? ”Science came with many painkillers. It can be prescribed by a doctor or you can buy it yourself at a pharmacy, the ad deals with the relevant information.

Nature also worked hard and created folk methods to eliminate painful periods:

On critical days, you must strictly observe personal hygiene rules. In particular, the days passed when our great grandmothers wrapped their feet in the skirt or came with cotton pads that stuck tightly to everything. Therefore we use buffer or tasteful buffer, it is unforgettable to change them every 3-4 hours. Daily shower, wash at least 2 times. Because spotting is a favorable environment for pathogenic bacterial growth, including. Avoid close relationships. You cannot take a shower or steam in the sauna. High temperature can cause more secretions and thus worsen a woman's condition. This applies to massage and sunbathing. Do not lean too much on physical activity. A slight warming, on the contrary, raises the air and relieves fatigue.
To avoid maximum stress. A long-known fact: all diseases from the nerves;
Exclude spicy, fatty foods from the diet for several days before and during menstruation. And it's better to go on a diet. Also correct your forms;
Take a warm, sit-down bath to relax your uterine muscles and relax your nervous system. Then wrap yourself in a warm blanket and get some rest. It will make you feel better;
With severe spasmodic pain, you can draw warm water into the eggplant and put it on the lower abdomen;
Add physical activity to your schedule. A trained body plus continuous stretching significantly reduces pain during menstruation;
You can participate in the rocking of the pelvic floor muscles, which are responsible for protecting the female internal organs;
Nowadays caffeine, alcohol and smoking cessation. Difficult for the body, but also an external load;
Do not cause diseases of the female organs, avoid hypothermia;
Do not overwork, follow a sleep and rest pattern;
Physiotherapy (electrophoresis with novocaine, ultrasounds);
Vitamin intake;
Plant infusions, teas (chamomile, mint, etc.).
Once you have reached the conclusions of this article, you should first consult a doctor and rule out possible illnesses and then decide how to alleviate pain during menstruation. And remember that these are the main indicators of women's health.

Fifty percent of women suffer menstrual pain, which can be symptoms of a disease or signs of uterine contraction and hormonal changes. Diet, exercise, massage and other methods can relieve pain and discomfort. Medicinal plant infusions also help, and if the pain is still not reduced, an anesthetic tablet should be taken.

Half of the women of childbearing age suffer from menstruation due to uterine contractions. Menstrual pain is scientifically called algomenorrhea, accompanied by other symptoms - nausea, dizziness, diarrhea and even fainting. If some women endure this pain, in others the symptoms of algomenorrhea appear brighter, interact with normal life, and sometimes require medical attention. If you have a very painful period of time that does not allow you to work, study or do normal activities, consult a doctor, find the cause of the problem, make a correct diagnosis, write treatment and write funds to alleviate pain. If your condition is acceptable during menstruation, then you can remove the pain yourself by using folk or medical tools.

Reduce pain during drug-free menstruation
Before you can start using painkillers and other medical devices, you should try to relieve the pain in ways that are less harmful to the other body but less effective during menstruation.

Pain during menstruation decreases when exposed to heat, but you need to make sure that you are completely healthy. In some diseases, heat only worsens a woman's condition, so you can only use this method if you have recently been fully examined by a gynecologist. Take a hot shower or put a heating pad on your stomach - the heat relaxes your muscles and relieves cramps, relieves pain and does not cause anxiety.

Massage during menstruation also allows you to relax your muscles and reduce pain. Lie on your back, make a soft massage around the stomach. Thus, the pressure on the abdominal cavity is reduced and as a result, the abdomen begins to become more ill.

Many women benefit from resting in the fetal position: they need to lie on their side and pull their legs on their stomachs. In this position, the body loosens, the tension in the muscles decreases, the pain is markedly weakened, but this method does not always work.

Long-term aerobic exercises are contraindicated during menstrual exercises, but unlike mild exercises and physical activities, they help with pain. It is recommended to walk, squeak, and make circular movements with the pelvis, you can start cleaning easily, but do not lift or move heavy things. For some women, this exercise helps: lean back against the wall and raise your legs, lean your hips against the wall, lower your legs sideways or lower your knees, so that the tension in the pelvic area is relieved. Do not do abdominal exercises during the period.

Breathing exercises also help: put a book or light object on your stomach, breathe through your nose and go over the rhythm with your stomach, lift the book. Squeeze and hold your breath for five seconds
To relieve pain during menstruation, you must follow a diet that should be started one week before the period. Reject fatty, fried, high-calorie and other junk food, reduce the content of meat and dairy products in the diet, eat more vegetables and choose careful fruits - some fruits cause fermentation in the intestines, so you should eat them just before meals. You should eat more food with fiber - cereals, bread, bran because the uterus grows and exerts pressure on the intestines, makes it work worse and helps the fiber cope with the load.

Iron loss in the body is compensated by liver and buckwheat porridge
thyme infusion: insist twenty minutes, drink during the day;
chamomile and lemon balm: pour herbs boiling water in a ratio of one to one, leave for half an hour, drink something before meals, and during both menstruation and in front of them.
If diet, massage, exercise and medicinal plants do not help and the pain becomes unbearable, but you can not go to the doctor urgently, you can drink an antispasmodic to reduce pain. No-shpa, tempalgin, spazmalgon, nurofen, paracetamol tablets are good for menstrual pain. If you experience such pain all the time during your period and last for more than a day, be sure to visit your doctor. It is also worth contacting a specialist if painkillers don't help.

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How the Pain Relieves, Pregnancy After Sport

FreezeSleeve Cold Therapy Compression Sleeve - Natural Pain Relief Sleeve for Muscles & Joints - Sized for Men, Women & Kids - Made in USA - for Arthritis, Injuries & Sports Recovery

Hamness pain usually occurs between the first 24 and 72 hours after the exercise. Muscles during training, lactic

Hamness pain usually occurs between the first 24 and 72 hours after the exercise. During training, muscles remain deprived of oxygen, causing lactic acid formation, and the resulting lactic acid is trapped in the muscle, exceeding the amount of blood circulation. Accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles causes pain. Lactic acid reduces the pH of the medium and delays the muscles that are worn out due to exercise to recover. Similarly, in intensive training, the muscles are subjected to physical pressure and begin to ache in response. During this reaction of the muscles to grow, small muscle tears occur. Pregnancy pains, called “DOMS gelen, which means delayed onset muscle pain, completely disappear after the body adapts to training. We discussed in this article how the pain goes away and what can be done to prevent pain.

What Can Be Done to Prevent Hamness Pain?

One of the most important reasons for experiencing painfulness is the lack of warm-up movements before starting the exercise and stretching movements after finishing the exercise. Before starting the training, the body should be prepared for training by performing a few minutes of jogging, walking or culture. At the end of the training, light aerobic movements, a light walking program or stretching movements can minimize the risk of injury and disability. Sudden changes in the training program can cause pain in the pregnancy. It is important to choose the movements that are appropriate to the physical structure of the person and to make changes to the training program by the expert sports instructor. Attention should be paid to breaks between sets and to breathe regularly. In order to recover the damaged muscles during the exercise, high protein foods should be consumed and enough water should be consumed before training.

How Does Pain Relieve Pain?

Pain should not be confused with pain caused by injury. If the muscle pain does not disappear in the first 24 hours and 72 hours and there are restrictions on movement, a specialist should be consulted. Pain after training is temporary and exercise should not be discontinued due to pain.

Do Light Exercises

Activities to accelerate blood circulation may be performed to ensure the distribution of lactic acid accumulated in the muscles. In the first few days, short walks and cycling can be done to improve blood circulation. Training programs that are determined without straining the muscles can be changed to lighter weights or less repetitions.

Get Massage

Massage is one of the most effective methods of dissolving lactic acid accumulated in the muscles. It facilitates the transport of lactic acid accumulated in the muscles to the liver by accelerating blood flow and has both psychologically and physiologically relaxing effects. In addition, the salt bath after the massage is often used for the treatment of hamness pains.

Apply Cold Hot Compress

Cold and hot compresses applied to muscles suffering from the pain of fasting, accelerate blood flow and provide the distribution of lactic acid. However, it is important not to apply it on bare skin. By using a towel or a thin piece of cloth, a hot and then a cold compress can be applied. Not exceeding the duration of two minutes, has a positive effect on pain. After the sport, a cold shower followed by a sauna treatment also helps to eliminate edema. The application of ice wrapped in towel to the areas where the pain of pain is intense also helps the pain to pass.

High Protein Nutrition

It is important to consume foods with high protein content in order to repair worn muscles more quickly. Eggs, milk and dairy products, meat, poultry, fish, and legumes contain nutrients that help the damaged muscles to recover more quickly, allowing muscle pains to pass more quickly. It is also recommended to consume plenty of water to accelerate circulation.


One of the most effective ways to relieve muscle pain is resting the muscles sufficiently. Regular and quality sleep helps muscles recover in a shorter period of time, minimizing muscle pain. However, if muscle pain is very uncomfortable and the procedures are not beneficial, muscle relaxants and pain medications can be used under the supervision of a doctor.

Although painfulness is an uncomfortable feeling, it actually shows that the trauma that is needed in the tissues for muscle development is built. Thanks to regular exercises, muscles strengthen over time and form the basis of a desired fit and healthy body.

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What to do for joint pain

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Joint pain, which is a health problem that can occur if the body is not used correctly, increases in weight and makes sudden movements. What are the causes of Joint Pain symptoms that predominantly occur on the shoulders, hips, knees and wrists? Treatment of joint pain that can be caused by many factors!

Although it is thought to be a discomfort only for later ages, the occurrence of Joint Pain may be caused by many errors or diseases other than the age factor. It is seen as a health problem that can present with common pain in the society and may also cause tingling, numbness or swelling problems with pain in the body. So, what causes joint pains, which can be seen in people who are overweight with many diseases, have accidents and disabilities in their body and have sudden movements? What are the symptoms and causes of Joint Pain that are beginning to lose its strength after the cartilage tissue in the region and the effects of joint fluid after the fall? Here is the treatment of Joint Pain, which makes it extremely difficult to engage in daily life activity due to the limitation of bodily movements ...

Joints are tissues that connect and support the bones to facilitate movement. Although it is often thought that bones are aching among the people, it is actually mostly soft tissues between the aching bones.

When soft tissues are inflamed, ie when inflamed, pain is felt and joint movements are limited. Inflammation is not a microbial inflammation, it is the body's effort to heal. It can be caused by diseases called autoimmune and is exacerbated by malnutrition.
The most prominent cause of joint pain is osteoarthritis. The more common discomfort seen in the middle age is the wear of the cartilage tissue between the joints, causing pain, stiffness and loss of movement in this area if left untreated. The prevalence of osteoarthritis increases in those who are overweight, disabled, elderly and who repeat the same movement.

Causes of Joint Pain? Causes Joint Pain? We provide the information that can be used by people who frequently carry out their inquiries such as:
-Fibramology disease
-Lyme disease
- Joint inflammation
-Bursan inflammation (inflammation of the fluid-filled vesicles in the joints)
- Fractures and dislocations
Rheumatism in joints
-Tendon inflammation and sac inflammation
-Rheumatoid arthritis
-AIDS disease
Bone infection
Colds such as influenza, catarrh, sinusitis

What is good for joint pain? 1-Sports: Swim your body back, neck, chest, arms and legs, such as the muscle group runs. Swim plays a major role in your weight loss.
How does joint pain go? 2-Massage: Recommended by a professional masseuse. If you have a random person, the results can be even worse. If possible, have a professional who understands the massage.
3-Neck Collar: You can restrict neck movements by wearing a neck collar. Thus, it helps in resting joints and muscles and relieving pain.
What is good for joint pain? 4-Cold - Hot Compress: Muscle and joint pain to relieve the pain in the area for 10 to 15 minutes by applying hot or cold compress can relieve the pain.
How does joint pain relieve? 5-Stretching: If you make slow stretching movements for the aching area, you will make a great contribution to the blood pumping process.

Although joint pain is quite severe in some cases, it may not be very severe in some cases. Because of joint pain that may occur in people as seizures, some complaints may be moderate. Symptoms of Joint Pain are listed as follows:
-> Swelling and stiffness of joints
-> Movement disorders
-> Difficulty in performing movements
-> Movement restriction

If you are experiencing symptoms of joint pain, you can ask your doctor about the treatment methods. Your doctor will check the joint movements, carefully locating joint pain during the initial examination process. With the blood tests to be performed later, your doctor may want to check the number of blood cells in your body.
In the treatment of joint pain, the cause of the joint should be determined and an appropriate treatment should be followed. Joint pain may be caused by mechanical or inflammation of the joints. If joint pain is caused by mechanical reasons, appropriate treatment is applied. The patient's weight problem can cause damage to the cartilage.
The treatment of joint pain is as follows:
* Regular exercise is very important to maintain joint functions.
* Hot compress and muscle relaxants can be applied to patients with soft tissue rheumatism.
* If the patient has gout, he should stay away from excessive protein consumption and insomnia.
* If pain due to trauma, cold application and painkillers can be useful.
* Nutrition and weight need to be careful.
* Physical therapy, hot water and spas may be beneficial for rheumatic pain and arthritis.
-> Repetitive traumas and occupational conditions may cause calcification of the joint and cause pain. In such cases, the benefit of medical treatment is not sufficient. Physical treatment can be used for pain due to calcification.
-> Medication treatment is applied to joint pain caused by inflammation. Physical therapy and other methods will not be sufficient for inflammatory joint pain. Anti-inflammatory drugs to control the patient's inflammation, cortisone and drugs that vary according to the course of the disease are used.

Methods and methods of treatment of joint pain include:
1) Spa Treatment: Hot springs, thermal and mineral water in addition to the effect of the effect of the pressure applied for a period of time, joint pain is good for spa treatment.
2) Physical Therapy: Physical exercises suitable for the region strengthen the muscles and stabilize the joint and maintain the mobility of the joint.
3) Acupuncture Treatment: Generally, two different methods are used in this treatment method. These are traditional acupuncture and shock treatments. It is tried to prevent joint pain caused by these methods.
4) Drug treatment: It is used to relieve pain and relieve inflammation. This can improve mobility - an indispensable factor for successful treatment.
Non-steroidal antirumatismic drugs, shortly NSAR, are frequently used in this treatment. It not only alleviates pain but also improves illyaps. However, since NSAR drugs have a lot of side effects, they should be used in a shorter period. Drugs that inhibit Cox-2- affect pain and inflammation. It does not have as many side effects as NSAR drugs because it has a regional effect. In addition, cortisone drugs are used to treat joint pain: Under normal conditions, the patient is injected directly into the joint.

If the joint is swollen, hot, painful and red,
- If our pain lasted more than 3-5 days, a doctor should be consulted. Bone pains occur in the lumbar back and ribs.
Swelling pain in the joints after accident
-If there's a lot of weight loss,
-In case of high fever while there is no colds.

Natural and herbal treatment methods of joint pain: 1) Turmeric: Turmeric, also known as Ayurvedic treatment, is very good for muscle and joint pain. In addition to its anti-inflammatory properties, it is also pain relieving as an antioxidant.

- Half a teaspoon of turmeric
-2 cups of drinking water

- Put turmeric in the water and let it warm on low heat. When a transport boils, remove it from the stove.
-6-7 minutes after brewing for 1 cup in the morning and evening.
2) Pineapple: Fresh pineapple is one of the best fruits and natural methods for joint pain. Thanks to the enzyme called bromelain, it helps reduce inflammation in the joint.

-2 slices of fresh pineapple
-1 liter of drinking water

- Put 2 slices of pineapple in the blender and mix for 5 minutes by adding 4 cups, ie 1 liter of water.
-You must drink this mixture 4 times a day. You can continue the application by rebuilding it as fresh as you can.
Joint pain can be caused by various sports activities, weight problems, accidents or various diseases. Joint pain affects the daily activities of the body as it restricts the movement of the body. Dr. Feridun Kunak, natural radish grater, rosemary oil, ginger oil and ozone oil, which is good for joint pain, natural cure recipe brought to the screen. Kunak suggested that the mixture be applied to the aching area after heating.

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How should shoulder pain go away? Natural and herbal solution that comes from the best at home!

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What is good for shoulder pain?
Below; You can find detailed solution methods and good properties at home that you can apply in sudden shoulder pain and contractions.

As a solution family at home; We remind you that we are aiming a conscious society by presenting the natural and herbal solutions in this list with the resources.

Natural and Herbal Solution at Home
While we talked about the natural and herbal solutions that we have prepared and you can apply at home, we have also taken care to inform the extra by mentioning what other diseases are good for you.

Solution family at home; rather than a lot of platforms, as much as possible to keep you away from the stuffed ear.

We would like to thank you for your interest and interest.

Cold Compress
The anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of cold compress have been observed to be effective for shoulder pain and neck pain as well as pain and swelling in various parts of the body and have been observed in studies and studies that it has undergone rapidly (Evidence 1).

For this natural solution that you can apply at home, you can apply it by using a cold ice bag, 2 or 3 times a day for 5-10 minutes to relieve shoulder pain.

Hot Kompress
In addition to cold compresses, the hot compress treatment method used in muscle related injuries is considered as one of the alternative natural solutions applied at home. It has also been reported in similar studies that the hot compress reduces pain by accelerating blood circulation (Evidence 1).

Shoulder pain at home you can easily apply this solution two or three times a day as a 5-10 minute massage in the form of pain can try.

Epsom Salt
The magnesium content in the epsom salt is good for alleviating the pain caused by exposure to shoulder pain and can also help your body relax (Evidence 2).

After adding a container of epsom salt to the bath water, you can observe that your pain is relieved by resting for 15 to 20 minutes and applying this procedure 1 or 2 times a week regularly.

The epsom salt can also be used; neck pain, tooth pain, foot pain, foot swelling, armpit smell, tonsils swelling, cellulite, acne and even acne spots are known as one of the natural solutions.

As you know, exercise movements are one of the natural methods that are good for momentary contractions in shoulder pain. It has been stated in various studies and clinical studies that you can relieve the pain in the shoulder, neck and other related areas with simple exercise movements that are also known as warm-up exercises that will help the muscles relax (Evidence 3).

For this solution that you can easily apply at home, it is enough to make a habit during the day by doing small exercises without straining your muscles for your neck and shoulder. Muscles opened with exercise movements will be a great solution by preventing sudden shoulder pain from occurring in time.

Apple Cider Vinegar
The apple cider vinegar, which is also very good for neck pain with shoulder weight, has properties that can pass a lot of discomforts and can be very effective in relieving sudden pain in muscles (Evidence 4).

For this herbal solution, which you can apply twice a day, you can observe that a cloth dipped in apple vinegar is good for about 1 hour on the shoulder and neck, and you can notice that the pain is relieved.

Apple vinegar can be used easily in many discomforts; gastritis, ear pain, runny nose, gum swelling, nasal discharge, dryness of the skin, and even good for kidney pain, as well as the properties of the rapid experience has been observed in accordance with various studies.

Coconut Oil
Regional massages with coconut oil can accelerate blood flow as well as relieve pain, which can also relieve pain caused by sudden contractions (Evidence 5).

This herbal solution; After taking a shower, you can apply oval massage on your loosening muscles by using 1-2 spoons and massage them at intervals of 10-15 minutes.

Basura (hemorrhoids), eczema, ear pain, skin dryness, skin spots, neck pain, headache, gastritis, tonsils swelling, foot fungus, foot pain, hair loss, gas compression and even a great herbal solution can be exposed to the cracks. Coconut oil is known as one of the natural remedies kept at home because it has a wide range of uses.

When to go to the doctor?
In case of sudden shoulder pain and contractions, it is best to visit a doctor to observe some of the following symptoms.

The main symptoms are; chest pain, pain or burning in the legs, difficulty breathing, irregular heartbeat, blood spitting, high degree of fever, loss of vision, excessive sweating, loss of consciousness or partial paralysis.

Evidence & Resources for Good Shoulder Pain Solutions
Here are the five sources we have prepared for you: Good solutions for shoulder pain, immediate pain relief, rapid treatment of shoulder pain and natural and herbal solutions applied at home. Also; Good for shoulder pain These twenty-two paragraphs about the solutions that provide you with the ideal information and another reason to choose the solution at home, these 5 evidence; cut the quality of the content, aims to keep your appreciation high. :)
A published clinical review of the benefits and good effects of the use of cold and hot compresses and muscle injuries such as shoulders, neck and legs (PubMed).
A clinical research paper on the benefits and benefits of magnesium for pain (US National Library of Medicine).
A clinical study published on the benefits of stretching (warming) exercises in muscle injuries or sudden pain (PubMed)
A clinical research paper on the benefits and good antiglycemic effects of vinegar in medical uses (US National Library of Medicine).
The benefits of massage on pain and hyperalgesia during muscle tension (US National Library of Medicine).

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How to get low back pain, what is good for pain

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Low back pain, which ranks second after headache in the world, reduces the quality of life of desk personnel. Discomfort that affects people's work and social life negatively also causes many important health problems. There may be many causes of low back pain, which manifests itself as muscle pain and joint pain in the waist, back and spine regions.

Causes Low Back Pain
It is a kind of pain which causes damage to the muscles, joints and ligaments of the people as a result of low back pain, posture disorder and low back strain which is a health problem that almost 80% of the adult population encounters in some part of their lives. Standing for a long time, pregnancy, excess weight gain, length difference between legs, wearing high-heeled shoes are among the causes of back pain. The risk of low back pain is high among desk workers, overloaders, long-distance drivers, and workers using construction machines.

In addition, the causes of low back pain can be listed as follows:

Lumbar hernia, posture disorders and back strain
Eclipse caused by sudden movements or chills
After failed back surgery
Psychogenic low back pain
Organ disorders such as kidney, liver and stomach
Brucella, tuberculosis
Calcification of the lumbar spine
Spine fractures or spine shift
Congenital anomalies
How Low Back Pain Relieves
As in all other diseases, the treatment of low back pain is done according to the cause. In general, in the treatment of low back pain;

Simple painkillers, muscle relaxants, anti-rheumatic drugs are used.
Physical therapy agents such as strengthening muscles and stimulating worn nerves, cutting pain with electric currents, loosening deep tissues with laser therapy, ultrasound, superficial heat or cooling are applied.
Corsets and pain bands are used.
Monipulation, mobilization and massage.
Exercise programs and local injections are applied.
Surgical applications are performed.

What is good for low back pain?
The waist exercises recommended by the physical therapist help to strengthen the muscles in the waist area and help relieve the pain. In the first 24-48 hours when the pain starts, applying cold compresses to the aching area for 5-10 minutes and avoiding windy environments such as air conditioning and draft are among the things to be done for relieving low back pain. Taking short walks, swimming, cycling, stretching and stretching exercises without exhausting too much waist can be a solution to low back pain. When sitting, using a special pillow that supports the lumbar arch and avoiding sitting in the same position for a long time may be good for low back pain. Low back pain, however, does not go away with rest, causing excessive restriction in movements and spreading to the leg, numbness in the legs.

and if it causes tingling, consult a specialist doctor immediately.

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Back Pain Causes And Treatment

Microwavable Therapy Mittens with Flaxseed – Moist Heat Therapy Relief for Hands and Fingers in Cases of Stiff Joints, Trigger Finger, Inflammation, Raynaud's, Carpal Tunnel – Natural Unscented Gloves

Back pain is a condition that is often passed away but should not be underestimated. Posture disorders, spinal curvatures (scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis), abdominal and back muscle weakness, waist, back hernia and canal stenosis, may be the harbinger of different serious diseases and disorders such as bone resorption.

Therefore, it should be seriously investigated why. Back pain spreading to various points of the spine, sometimes seen only in the dorsal region and often associated with musculoskeletal problems; today it is seen in almost one out of every two people. Excessive fatigue and stress cause back pain to feel much more intense.

Causes of Back Pain
Chronic stress
Reverse motion
Straightening of the neck spine
Continuously working in air-conditioned environment
Excessive workload and fatigue
Lift heavy load

Back pain is usually caused by stress. Stretching of the muscles in the spine and flattening of the spine of the neck causes back pain. In addition, the end portion of the nerves to the shoulder narrows and a pressure is applied on the nerves. This pressure causes the back muscles to stretch and back pain occurs. The muscles that remain tense for a long time form fibrositis, that is, some kind of clumping. Continuous working with air conditioning, removing extreme fatigue and heavy load are among the main causes of back pain. In such cases, some precautions and some more attention to yourself can sometimes relieve your back pain. However, sometimes the causes of back pain can also be a symptom of a different disease.

Causes Back Pain?
Sometimes just working at a desk can be a cause of back pain. Especially those who spend most of the day at a desk, in front of a computer screen, are often exposed to back pain. Pain is increased when a force is applied to the back muscles. If these pains are persistent or severe, consult a specialist.
You may also experience back pain in your lungs or gallbladder problems. As a result of these diseases your back; pain from shoulder height to coccyx.
Another cause of back pain may be neck hernia. As a result of calcification in the neck and back spine, back pain may be seen.
Fibromyalgia, which is usually seen in women, is a kind of soft tissue rheumatism. One of the biggest symptoms is back pain.
Scoliosis means spine curvature, especially in children of developmental age, the major symptom of this disorder is back pain. Scoliosis should be diagnosed early and treatment should be started as soon as possible in order to prevent further serious diseases.
Back pain is one of the first symptoms of osteoporosis, the most common metabolic bone disease in women. Pain can be very severe in this disease. Pain caused by such conditions can cause bone curvature and humpback if left untreated. If left untreated, back pain in the long term can cause serious damage to the spine.
Symptoms of kyphosis caused by bending the spine forward (humpback) are back pain.
On the other hand, if your back pain is increased and you feel intense in the shoulder blades, you may have a heart attack.

Rheumatic diseases and joint swelling also cause back pain.
Ankylosing spondylitis caused by inflammation of the joint between the backbone and hip is a cause of back pain. It is mostly seen in adolescence.
Shingles, which means inflammation of the nerve endings, are another cause of back pain.
Other diseases that cause back pain include spinal cord inflammation, lordosis, alkoptonuria, acute axonal and paroxysmal nocturnal, hemoglobinuria. Many causes of back pain should not be neglected and the cause should be investigated in a fully equipped hospital without delay.

How Does Back Pain Treatments Happen?

Back painThe treatment of back pain varies according to everyone and to determine the treatment; The source of the pain should be determined. First of all, complaints are listened and physical examination is performed; Diagnosis is made after CT, MR, EMG. If the pain is caused by muscle and spine, correction of the posture and some corrections in daily life are recommended for treatment. Ergonomic arrangements such as orthopedic pillows are good for back pain.
On the other hand, painkillers, muscle relaxants and local ointments may also be recommended for back pain. These creams are applied depending on the severity of your pain and how it develops. However, they do not help, if back pain intensifies and makes your life quite difficult, some physical therapy may be required.

If you live under intense stress, these treatments may be accompanied by a vacation or some hobbies for stress relief. If stress reduction methods are not sufficient, psychiatric treatment can be used. It is very important to exercise regularly after treatment of back pain. Acupuncture treatment for back pain may also be recommended. Posture improves with acupuncture treatment where back, spine circumference and muscles are strengthened.

Back Pain and Acupuncture
Our backs; starting from the back of our neck, to the shoulder blades, from there to the bottom of the back of our most superficial muscle m. It is trapezius'. This muscle is very sensitive to stress and is stretched by the stress of daily life. As the stress persists, the tension passes to the other back muscles in the form of chains and causes the contraction of the thin muscles called m.rhomboideus major and minor, which are located in the lower layer and extend between the vertebrae and the inner edge of our shoulder blades. Thus, the entire back becomes afflicted, unable to move.

Acupuncture treatment strengthens the muscles around the spine (paravertebral) and improves posture. Regionally, blood circulation increases. It should be noted that; During acupuncture treatment, the patient resumes normal life. No bed rest is required due to back stiffness and pain.

As a result of the strengthening of the paravertebral muscles, the patient's posture improves first. The patient is inclined or stooped upright. Some stretching exercises are also added at this stage to strengthen these muscles.
What Is Good For Back Pain?
Back pain should not be underestimated. In case of prolonged back pain, you should see your doctor and have it examined. Sometimes early diagnosis is very important for recognizing another disease. However, staying in balance at an ideal weight and eating healthy can be a solution for back pain as in any disease.

In addition, strengthening the back muscles by doing sports, sitting upright and taking care to walk upright is good for back pain. Orthopedic mattresses, correct (supported) bra use, avoiding carrying heavy loads and not using heavy bags are also small but effective solutions that reduce your back pain and make your life easier. A doctor-controlled vitamin D intake and a certain level of vitamin D in your body is necessary for the relief of back pain.

Back Pain During Pregnancy Can Be Inevitable!
One of the most common complaints during pregnancy is back pain. With too much weight gain and the baby's weight increases towards the end of pregnancy, the pain is felt more. With the increase in hormones during pregnancy, relaxation occurs in the joints and the body is prepared for birth. The process of preparation for delivery disrupts the spine and causes back pain. With the growth of the baby and uterus, the human body leans forward; The center of gravity varies. This is a reason for back pain.

Weight gain, stress and deterioration of body posture are other reasons for back pain in pregnancy. In addition, ectopic pregnancy, falling of the baby, bleeding during the placement of the baby in the uterus, baby's position and muscle separation are other causes of back pain.
You can use hot or cold pressing on your back and use a pregnant pillow to support your waist to get rid of intense back pain during pregnancy. Also wearing high heels during pregnancy can also cause a back pain. Lying on your back, massages, plenty of rest and some strengthening exercises will reduce back pain during pregnancy.
Back Pain Can be Alleviated by Exercise
Exercise can be a solution to alleviate your pain and relax your back muscles, and you can reduce your back pain by warming up and loosening after doing some exercises.

Recommended exercises are good for back pain;
One of the exercises you can do for back pain is to pass in front of the door and hold the door up with your hands and stretch it forward, and combine the hands behind the head and stretch backwards while sitting on the chair.
You can take a pillow under the chest and lie on your back, hold your legs from the sides and move your head towards your belly.
Leaning your back against the wall and lowering and lifting your arms without losing wall contact can also alleviate your back pain.
In addition, rowing bones can be exercised by moving them closer together.
Sitting on the floor with legs extended and holding legs sideways and leaning towards belly, raising and lowering arms in this position is also good for back pain.

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