Thursday, October 31, 2019

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Causes and types of abdominal pain: How does it go, what to do?

Microwavable Heating Pad for Neck and Shoulders - Weighted Hot & Cold Plush Wrap Pad, Deep Pressure Relief, Herbal Aromatherapy, Comfort Fit Design - 3lbs

Abdominal pain is one of the most common health problems in children and adults, and it can sometimes be difficult to pinpoint the location of the pain. Abdominal pain can be caused by many different causes. The location of the pain can provide important information about the problem. Abdominal pain, sometimes a symptom of an important disease, can sometimes be just a temporary and simple problem. 5% of patients admitted to hospital have abdominal pain. The cause of abdominal pain cannot be found in 40% of patients. The most common diagnosis is acute gastroenteritis (7%). Do not use medication unconsciously as there may be serious problems under the abdominal pain.

What is abdominal pain?
Abdominal pain is a common health problem and can be caused by many reasons. In some cases it is a symptom of an important disease but is usually caused by a simple problem. If the cause of abdominal pain is not known and it has not been diagnosed by a physician before, it is useful not to take pain medication. However, it is recommended to drink light ice water, eat toast, drink apple juice or eat bananas in mild abdominal pain after eating. The treatment depends entirely on the problem detected.

If the pain has started suddenly and it is like a pain you have never experienced before, when you go to the emergency department, the diagnosis may be appendicitis or pancreatic inflammation. If the pain is chronic and relapses every month and continues for a few days, if accompanied by fever, weakness, fatigue, joint pain is in the foreground, it may be the harbinger of familial mediterranean fever. In this case, the patient must consult the hospital for correct diagnosis and treatment.

Causes abdominal pain? What good? Natural treatments

Causes of abdominal pain
Abdominal pain can have many different causes Inflammation of an organ (eg appendicitis, diverticulitis, colitis), stretching or swelling of an organ (eg obstruction of the gut, obstruction of the bile duct by gallstones, hepatitis swelling of the liver) or ischemic blood flow to an organ (eg ischemic). colitis) are the most common causes.

What is appendicitis? Which side is the appendix? Symptoms and treatment

Infections in the throat, intestines, or blood can cause bacteria to enter your digestive tract, resulting in abdominal pain. These infections can also cause digestive changes such as diarrhea or constipation.

Causes of acute abdominal pain
Appendicitis Cholecystitis / cholangitis (bile duct inflammation, gallbladder infection called cholecystitis)
Pancreatitis (Pancreatic inflammation)
Diverticulitis (inflammation of the digestive tract or duct).
Perforation (As a result of perforation of the ulcer, gastric juice flows into the peritoneal cavity.)
Obstruction (Obstruction)
Acute ischemia (Inadequate blood supply to an organ or tissue due to narrowing or obstruction of blood vessels or local anemia, anemia)
Ruptured Aortic Aneurysm (Tear or ballooning of the main artery passing through the abdomen)
Ectopic pregnancy (located elsewhere than normal)
PIH (inflammation and infection of woman's upper reproductive organs)
Nephrolithiasis (Kidneystone)
What is Endoscopy? Why and how? What are the risks?

Causes of chronic abdominal pain
Peptic Ulcer Esophagitis,
IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
Chronic Pancreatitis (Pancreatic inflammation)
Chronic cholecystitis (biliary tract inflammation)
Chronic Ischemia DM, (Anemia)
FMF, (Familial Mediterranean Fever)
Pofiria (hereditary disease resulting in the accumulation of porphyrin or porphyrin precursors in tissues and skin, excretion of feces and / or urine as a result of a deficiency of one or more enzymes required for both production)
Crohn's Disease (Disease manifested by intermittent inflammations in any part of the digestive system or several different parts at the same time, from mouth to anus)
UC Gynecological events
Abdominal wall pain
Diseases of musculoskeletal system
Sudden and severe abdominal pain can be a sign of gallstones and bile duct disease

Causes of abdominal pain according to the location of abdominal pain
If pain is common in the abdomen:

Appendicitis (inflammation of the appendix)
Crohn's disease
Traumatic injury
Irritable bowel syndrome
Urinary tract infection
If abdominal pain focuses on the lower abdomen:

Intestinal obstruction
Ectopic pregnancy
What is diarrhea? What good is diarrhea? Causes, symptoms and treatment

Abdominal pain in women, the lower abdominal reproductive organs is:

Severe menstrual pain (called dysmenorrhea)
Ovarian cysts
The fibroids
Pelvic inflammatory disease
Ectopic pregnancy
What is ectopic pregnancy? Why? Symptoms and treatment

If the pain is in the upper abdomen

Stones of the gallbladder
Heart attack
Hepatitis (inflammation of the liver)
How does constipation go? Natural treatments for constipation

Pain is in the center of the abdomen

Uremia (collection of waste products in the blood)
If the pain is in the left lower abdomen

Crohn's disease
Kidney infection
Ovarian cysts
Abdominal pain and menstrual irregularity may be caused by chocolate cyst

Abdominal pain in the left upper abdomen

Overgrown Spleen
Stool impaction (non-disposable hardened stool)
the law
Kidney infection
Heart attack
Causes of right lower abdominal pain

Hernia (when an organ comes out of a weak spot in the abdominal muscles)
Kidney infection
Right upper abdominal pain


Causes of chronic resistant abdominal pain
They are pain that has not lasted for more than 6 months or has been investigated with appropriate investigations. The majority of these patients are women. The history also includes abdominal pain in childhood. Hypochondriasis (Sickness) and Somatization (a psychiatric condition with medically unexplained physical / physical symptoms) disorders are frequently in the foreground.

Causes and treatment of recurrent abdominal pain in children

Causes of abdominal pain according to the severity of abdominal pain
Very severe abdominal pain: The first conditions that should come to mind are Ulcer Perforation, Acute Pancreatitis and Kidney stones. Intestinal obstruction, cholecystitis and appendicitis are severe, but they cause relatively slower pain.

Moderate abdominal pain: Peptic ulcer, Gastroenteritis and Ozefajit are the conditions that cause such pain.

Causes of abdominal pain according to the duration of abdominal pain
Ulcer pain; Occurs early in the morning or before meals or at certain times of the day.
Pain in the gallbladder inflammation (cholecystitis); It is not often seen immediately after meals, but usually occurs during sleep.
Appendicitis pain; Typically, it is progressive with no reduction for 10-15 hours.
The pain of irritable bowel syndrome is chronic. Usually increases after meals and in the evening.
Pain in women with monthly intervals; Problems associated with endometriosis or ovulation should be considered.
Acute Intermittent Porphyria should be considered for pain after taking some medications such as barbiturate.
Acute pancreatitis should be considered in pain after ingestion of drugs such as steroids, tetracyclines and thiazides.
Causes that reduce or increase abdominal pain
Peptic ulcer or esophagitis should be considered for pain which decreases with acid suppressing or neutralizing drugs.
Pain associated with duodenal ulcer may improve after eating, while stomach ulcer pain may increase.
Pancreatic diseases, Intestinal obstruction (obstruction of the small and large intestine) or Mesenteric ischemia (intestinal vascular obstruction) pain is almost always increased after meal.
Pain due to ileal obstruction occurs within 1-2 hours after meals, while pain due to duodenal obstruction can occur immediately when eating.
Certain body positions can change the intensity of pain in different diseases.
While pancreatitis pain increases and decreases by leaning forward, burning due to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) increases with burn heartburn ”and pushing.
Back pain in IBS can be relieved by stretching the spine. It can pass completely through gas or fecal outlet.
With the excretion of feces there is relief from pain associated with other colonic diseases.

Treatment of abdominal pain
Abdominal pain should be treated according to the cause. Inflammation, reflux or ulcer drugs, infections with antibiotics, abdominal pain caused by certain foods or drinks are treated with changes in personal behavior. In some cases, such as appendicitis and hernia, diagnostic tests such as blood, urine and fecal sampling, CT scan, and endoscopy may be required to exclude or confirm a specific diagnosis. As a result of these tests, surgery may be recommended for treatment.

Causes groin pain in women? Treatment and solutions

Drug therapy in abdominal pain
For gas pain, medications containing simethicone (Mylanta, Gas-X) can be used.
Try antacid or acid lowering (Pepcid AC, Zantac 75) for heartburn caused by gastroesophageal reflux disease.
For constipation, the use of relieving constipation or laxative may help to regenerate the intestines.
Medications containing loperamide (Imodium) or bismuth subsalicylate (Kaopectate or Pepto-Bismol) for diarrhea-induced cramps may make you feel better.
For other types of pain, acetaminophen (Aspirin Free Anacin, Liquiprin, Panadol, Tylenol) may be useful.
You will need to use antibiotics for infection-induced abdominal pain.
However, avoid nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs) such as aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Midol, Motrin) or naproxen (Naprosyn, Aleve, Anaprox, Naprelan). They can touch your stomach.

How does abdominal pain go, what is good?
Avoid sodas. Such drinks can increase the severity of the pain.
Do not use painkillers if you do not know the cause of your pain. If the pain is due to an inflammation of the organs in the abdomen, the painkiller may cause serious consequences as it will hide the pain.
It is recommended to drink light ice water, eat toast, drink apple juice or eat bananas in mild abdominal pain after meals.
You can prepare hot water bags and put them on your stomach.
Keep your feet warm.
Try to extract gas. You can help to remove the gas by massaging your stomach from right to left and from left to right.
If your abdominal pain is abdominal pain due to menstrual pain, there is no harm in using painkillers if it recurs every month.
If the pain is new onset and severe, it is important to consult a physician if you have nausea, vomiting and fever, rather than taking precautions yourself.

Herbal treatment of abdominal pain
Baking powder
Baking soda helps to relieve heartburn and stomach pain with its acid-relieving properties. To prepare natural antacids with carbonate; Add half teaspoon soda to half a glass of water.

However, baking soda contains sodium, so people on a low sodium diet or high blood pressure should be careful when using baking soda.

Heating pad or hot water bottle
It is a simple but effective remedy for heat, stomach and abdominal pain. Take an electric blanket, a heating pad or a hot water bottle and place it on your pain. It's hot, but not enough to burn you. Wait 10-15 minutes until you relax. In addition, putting hot water on the stomach after eating, helps to increase circulation in the digestive tract. In this way, food is more easily digested and abdominal pain is reduced.

Ginger is a spice commonly used in the treatment of abdominal and measures pain. Ginger helps problems by activating the intestines and eliminating the gas problem. Ginger not only increases the digestive capacity of the digestive system, it also allows the body to effectively allow the intake of all the necessary nutrients.

What diseases are ginger good for? What are the benefits?

Its anti-inflammatory effect reduces inflammation in the intestines and stomach and reduces abdominal pain caused by it. As a digestive aid, ginger helps food to pass through the digestive tract. To prepare ginger tea; Grate a peeled ginger and add up to half a teaspoon of yours in a hot cup. Leave for about three minutes, then strain the ginger and drink tea.

Chamomile tea
Chamomile tea is a natural and effective herbal remedy to treat problems such as indigestion, measures cramps, menstrual pain and muscle cramps. Chamomile contains various antimicrobial and antioxidant properties that help alleviate problems. Chamomile tea helps relieve abdominal pain and relieves cramps. However, people with canary allergy should not consume daisies.

What are the benefits of chamomile tea? Diseases that daisy is good for

Rolled oats
Oatmeal is an effective food to get rid of abdominal pain. It consists of fibers that are really useful in the treatment of constipation. Oatmeal is also very useful for maintaining cholesterol levels, preventing cancer, helping with weight loss, and maintaining blood sugar levels. Oatmeal is also good for measures of discomfort.

Mint de measures is very effective in pain and irritable bowel syndrome. Mint protects the digestive tract and prevents cramps by allowing nutrients to pass through the intestine faster. Peppermint oil is also used in capsules used for irritable bowel syndrome that sees in over-the-counter medications such as Gaz-X. It measures the pain to consume fresh mint tea is very effective. To prepare fresh mint tea, throw a few leaves of fresh mint in a glass warm feeling and stir.

What are the benefits of mint? Mint lemon is good for what, how to make?

Oregano is a great help in treating measure problems naturally. Using oregano not only measures cramps and improves gas, but also facilitates digestion. Thyme oil helps push the gas down with its anti-spasm feature. To prepare oregano tea; Add a teaspoon of dry thyme leaf to warm yours and leave it off for about 10 minutes and then strain the leaves of thyme and for tea.

What are the benefits of thyme? What is thyme oil good for?

Seeds of fennel
Fennel is a good herbal remedy for abdominal pain, measure cramps and flatulence. Drinking tea prepared from fennel seeds three times a day is very useful for measures. Fennel anesthole contains aspartic acid. Aspartic acid works as an anti-flatulent and measures excess gas naturally, while anesthole measures (helps stimulate the secretion of juices from digestion and measures), and reduces intestinal inflammation.

What is fennel, how to use? What are the benefits of fennel?

Fennel seeds are also very good laxative agents and not only cleanse the intestines, but also help maintain good peristaltic movements of the intestines. Antibacterial and disinfectant properties and amino acids such as histidine in fennel seeds help improve digestive system functionality and treat diarrhea caused by indigestion.

When to see a doctor?
Severe, repetitive, increasing and continuous character pains
Pain relief, fainting, bleeding, vomiting and high fever
Spread of abdominal pain on chest, neck and shoulder
Blood in the stool
Abdominal tension and swelling
During this research, the physician's experience, manners and knowledge are of great importance.

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Low back pain symptoms and treatment methods

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Everybody's back pain is sometimes dangerous. What are the symptoms of low back pain? How is it treated? Assoc. Dr. Tufan Cansever answers.

Almost everyone has had a low back pain experience. Some are too heavy to go to school or work; some are lighter but more stable ... So what are the symptoms of low back pain signaling “See doctor ve and how is it treated?


Caused new bowel or bladder problems
If the fever rises
After dropping or if you have a direct impact on your waist
Severe and not recovering with rest
Especially if the pain spreads to your leg and below the knee
If one or both legs have weakness, numbness or tingling
Unexplained weight loss is accompanied

When should he go to the doctor?

Low back pain that does not gradually improve with home rest and personal care within two weeks requires a physician's opinion of the muta.

Small tips for your waist health, great benefit

Exercise With low-paced aerobic exercises, you can improve your waist strength and stamina to help your muscles work better. Walking and swimming are good choices. Your doctor will guide you to the right exercise.

Healthy weight. Each extra pound is reflected on your waist like 5 kilos. Excess weight, as low back pain prevents the improvement; may be the main reason.

Correct posture. If you need to stand for a long time, place a 10-15 cm tray under one foot to ease your waist. Change the position of your feet at regular intervals. Good posture can reduce stress on the lumbar muscles.

Correct fit. Select a seat with lumbar support, armrest and swivel base. Put a pillow or towel around your waist. Protect your knees and hips. Change your location at least every half hour.

Correct removal. Avoid heavy lifting. If you have to, get support from your legs. Keep your waist upright and just bend your knees. Keep the load close to your body. If the object is heavy or unstable, always seek help.

What are low back pain treatment methods?

Painkillers. Always use painkillers under the direction of your doctor. Excessive medication can cause serious side effects.

Muscle relaxants. If mild to moderate low back pain does not improve with painkillers, your doctor may also recommend a muscle relaxant. Side effects of dizziness and sleep can be seen

Topical painkillers. It can apply creams and ointments to the aching area.

Narcotic. Such medicines, such as codeine or hydrocodone, can be used for a short time under the close supervision of your doctor.

Antidepressants Low-dose antidepressants, which are necessarily prescribed by a doctor, relieve some forms of chronic low back pain regardless of the effect on depression.

Injections Cortisone injection may be used if the pain does not relieve and / or spreads to the leg with the current treatment. It can be administered directly into the muscle or in the epidural cavity with a painkiller. This cortisone injection helps reduce inflammation around the nerve roots, but the effect on pain lasts 6-12 months.

Physical therapy and exercise Physical therapy is the cornerstone of low back pain treatment. Physiotherapist; To reduce pain, heat, ultrasound, electrical stimulation and muscle stretching techniques, such as low back muscles and soft tissues can apply various treatments. As the pain heals, the therapist gives you exercises that give you flexibility, strengthen your back and abdominal muscles, and thus improve your posture. Regular use of these techniques can help prevent pain from returning.

Surgery Surgery is rarely needed for low back pain. If the pain spreads to the leg and there is weakness in the leg muscles due to nerve compression, you can benefit from the surgery. Surgery is usually performed when pain related to structural problems such as spinal stenosis or spinal hernia does not respond to other treatment modalities.

Alternative medicine A number of alternative therapies can alleviate pain symptoms. Discuss the benefits and risks with your doctor before starting any new alternative therapy.

Karyopractic care. A therapist treats certain areas of your spine to relieve your pain.

Acupuncture. It is applied with sterile needles dipped to certain parts of the body. It can help alleviate pain in patients with low back pain.

Massage. Massage will help to relieve tired and tense waist muscles.

Yoga. Yoga is a broad discipline that includes specific postures or poses, breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques. Yoga tightens and strengthens your muscles and improves your posture. However, you should avoid movements that force you and cause pain.

The bioenergy. Both the emotional and physical loads on you cause pain in your back and back. These loads can be relieved with the Bioenergy application.

Change of perception. You can remove pain from your body by controlling your brain and, therefore, your subconscious in situations where there is no physical (or sometimes even) detected disorder for a long time or physically.

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Heat tape for menstrual pains

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The SOS menstrual pain band relieves women's monthly pain and cramps with pleasant and easily tolerated heat. The bands contain a mixture of activated charcoal and iron powder, which is activated in contact with oxygen and gradually produces heat.
The bands provide gentle, natural and constant heat for at least 12 hours.

The heat straps adhere to clothing and / or undergarments in the lower abdomen and / or lower back region.

The beneficial effect of heat on the body:
Heat treatment is a proven method of relieving cramps and pain.

Constantly penetrating into the skin, heat-stretching muscles have a relaxing and relaxing feature.
In the case of period pains, heat applied in the same way can relieve symptoms such as pain in the lower abdomen and back and cramps.

Relieves cramp-like pain in lower abdomen
Healing, deep and homogeneous heat
Self-activating heat tape

• Periodically open the pain tape bag by hand (do not cut) and remove the heat tape. The heat band is activated by contact with air. Do not open the bag until you decide to use it.
• Carefully remove the protective foil.
• Apply the adhesive side of the heat tape to the garment or underwear so that it corresponds to the painful area or lower back area of the lower abdomen.
• After opening, the SOS menstrual band is activated within 1 minute and warms up within 5 minutes. SOS Heat Band provides pleasant, relaxing and homogeneous heat for up to 12 hours.

If used incorrectly, the menstrual tape may cause burns even at low temperatures due to the sensitivity of the area.
Therefore, please read the operating instructions carefully before using the heat tape, and then retain the product information leaflet for re-use.
Check the application area regularly.

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What is good for menstrual pain?

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This article contains useful information about what is good for menstrual pain and how it passes. Menstrual pain, what is good for menstrual pain, how to go through severe menstrual pain, causes severe menstrual pain, menstrual pain cuts, menstrual pain symptoms, menstrual pain causes and how to pass, menstrual pain pain medication, menstrual pain causes inquiries operate.

What is Menstrual Pain?
Many women have painful and painful periods. The severity of the pain can vary from person to person, and there is no pain or pain at all. Menstrual pains are normally covered. The reason for this is that the pain in the uterus develops due to contractions in the uterus. The contractions that occur during the menstrual period become stronger when the blood flow temporarily decreases and this leads to pain.

The purpose of contractions is to ensure that the lining of the uterus is monthly and then disappeared by bleeding. This is very important for female reproductive health and fertility. Some women may experience more menstrual pain due to this process. On the other hand, abnormal pains, bleeding, or other accompanying symptoms may indicate a medical health problem that needs to be identified.

Periodically continuing menstrual pains and cramps are medically called dysmenorrhea. Primary and secondary dysmenorrhea. Primary dysmenorrhea is the condition of increased contractions as a result of the production of too much prostaglandin in the uterine lining. This often occurs due to a hormonal imbalance. Secondary dysmenorrhea can be caused by uterine fibroids, pelvic infections and ovarian cysts.

Menstrual pain usually begins with menstruation, but in some women it may occur a few days before the start of menstruation. Menstrual pain, which is more severe in the first 24 hours at the beginning of menstruation, alleviates after 2-3 days and then goes away. This pain is defined by women as cramping, throbbing, dull or continuous pain.

Menstrual Symptoms
How to understand menstrual pain? The onset of menstruation usually occurs just before or during the start of menstruation. Symptoms of dysmenorrhea may vary from person to person.

The most common menstrual symptoms are:

Pain and cramping in the lower abdomen
Pain spreading to legs
Diarrhea and vomiting
Although it appears to be dysmenorrhea symptoms, these symptoms can sometimes be a harbinger of other medical problems.

Causes of Menstrual Pain
What causes menstruation? The causes of menstrual pain are divided into two groups. The first is called primary dysmenorrhea and is caused by abnormal contractions in the uterus due to a chemical imbalance in the body called prostaglandin.

The other group is defined as secondary dysmenorrhea. This may be due to many medical reasons.

The reasons for menstrual pain can be:

Uterine fibroids (fibroids)
Pelvic inflammatory disease
Infections, tumors or polyps in the pelvic space
Abnormal pregnancy (miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy)
Menstrual Pain Treatment
How does the menstrual pain go? Menstrual pains are normally met and can be alleviated by resting or at home. There are many treatment options for other underlying medical conditions ranging from surgical methods.

Menstrual pain treatment can be:

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or prostaglandin inhibitors to reduce pain
Oral contraceptives (ovulation inhibitors)
Progesterone (hormone therapy)
Dietary changes (increasing protein, reducing sugar and caffeine consumption)
Vitamin supplements
Regular exercise
Applying a heating pad to the core area
Hot bath or shower
Abdominal massage
Endometrial ablation (destruction of the uterine layer)
Endometrial resection (removal of uterine layer)
Hysterectomy (surgical removal of the uterus)

Which Doctor to Go to Menstrual Pain?

For the diagnosis and treatment of menstrual pain, gynecology department, which examines women's health and diseases, is consulted.

What is good for menstrual pain?
Natural and herbal methods that are good for menstrual pain include:

Menstrual Pain Herbal Treatment
Herbal remedies for menstrual pain include:

Mint in labor
Many symptoms associated with menstrual pain can also occur. Gastric ailments, indigestion, nausea and vomiting are among these symptoms. In this case, the most effective plant is definitely mint plant. It alleviates both stomach problems and calms the pain. Mint lemon tea details >>

Ginger can alleviate menstrual pain, but more specifically, it can control pain-causing prostaglandin levels. It can also help combat fatigue.

Basil is a very powerful plant that can be effective to relieve menstrual pains and cramps. It is a natural analgesic and can therefore fight pain, so to speak.

Cinnamon is a spice with antispasmodic, anticancer and antiinflammatory properties that can help relieve menstrual pain. It is also an excellent source for fiber, calcium, iron and manganese.

Menstrual pain
Fennel plant, which has antispasmodic, phytoestrogenic and antiinflammatory properties, helps relax the muscles in the uterus and relieves pain, pain and cramps. Fennel tea details >>

The parsley plant contains apiol and myristicin. They stimulate the menstrual cycle and relieve pain. Therefore, parsley can be effective to eliminate both menstrual irregularities and pains. Parsley tea details >>

Flax seeds
Another herbal treatment that can help relieve menstrual pains is flaxseed. Flax seed helps to stabilize progesterone production due to its essential fatty acids. It regulates uterine function and treats fertility problems.

Chamomile tea
Relaxing chamomile tea can help loosen the walls of the uterus. It is also antispasmodic as well as antiinflammatory and can handle many problems that cause pain.

Green tea
Green tea contains flavonoids called catechin. This makes it both a natural antioxidant and an alleviation of pain and inflammation. It is also seen as a strong analgesic.

Piece of Lemon
Anti-inflammatory properties in lemon content can help to get rid of menstrual pains. On the other hand, it contains the iron necessary to repair the blood lost during menstruation. It is also a good source of vitamin C, which is unique to the reproductive and immune system.

Home Treatment Methods
The methods of how menstrual pains pass at home include:

The temperature has a soothing effect on the muscles that cause pain due to contractions. Therefore, it is one of the commonly used methods to alleviate pain and cramps. According to many studies, it can be as effective as painkillers. To alleviate menstrual pain, you can put a heating pad or a hot water bag on the abdomen or take a hot shower.

Epsom salt
The epsom salt consists essentially of magnesium sulfate. Magnesium sulfate has anti-inflammatory properties. Epsom salt, which can also be a powerful painkiller, can help alleviate pains, pain and cramps.

high sodium content. Therefore, it can be very effective to relieve menstrual pains. Pickle juice, which is used to relieve cramps and muscle pains after exercise, can also combat menstrual pain.

Yogurt, which is a good source of both calcium and vitamin D, can therefore alleviate menstrual pains and help combat many menstruation problems.

Vitamin D
Vitamin D can help reduce prostaglandin production, which leads to menstrual pains. Therefore, it has the ability to alleviate menstrual pains and cramps. To get vitamin D, you can choose food such as fish, cheese, egg yolk, orange juice and cornflakes.

Another home treatment that can help menstruation is molasses. Molasses are rich in calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, manganese, vitamin B6 and selenium. Although highly nutritious, it prevents blood clotting and softens the muscles in the uterine walls. As a result, it is a unique remedy for menstrual pains and other symptoms.


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How does toothache go?

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"How does toothache go?" The answer to the question in our news. Tooth sensitivity is a common complaint stating that prosthesis specialist Ilker Arslan, "Incorrect tooth cleaning procedures, incorrect feeding habits, clenching, tooth grinding and stress caused by sudden temperature changes may increase the tooth sensitivity," he said.

Prosthodontist Ä°lker Arslan stated that there are two types of tenderness in the teeth, in Dentin sensitivity and pulp sensitivity. Although teeth sensitivity affects people at any age, as a result of research, it has been found that women and young adults between the ages of 18 and 44 are seen more. Ars
Dent Suadiye Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic Prosthodontist Ä°lker Arslan said;

Yiyecek Acidic foods and beverages: Consumption of acidic beverages and foods can lead to teeth erosion and subsequent sensitization. The visible portion of the teeth is surrounded by a protective tooth layer (enamel). Acidic foods have a feature that accelerates the wear of this layer. Therefore, consumption of fruit juices, tomatoes, citrus fruits and sports drinks with high acid and sugar content should be considered.

Using a Faulty Toothbrush: Using a hard-bristled or soft toothbrush, excessive toothpaste use, faulty brushing, and aggressive brushing of your teeth can cause both gingival recession, usually in the area where the dominant hand coincides; as well as the soft root surface as a result of the removal of the gum causes pain felt.

Decayed tooth: The highest degree of sensitivity is seen when the tooth decay completely destroys the enamel and crosses the enamel-dentin border. Even a small cavity can expose the dentin. The sensitivity continues to increase until it progresses to the living tissue of the decayed tooth.
Eating or Digestive Disorders: Common vomiting associated with bulimia causes gastric acids on the surface of the teeth. Sensitivity can also be seen in this case.

Bruxism: Bruxism is a condition in which the lower teeth are rubbed onto the upper teeth in a non-functional manner and the teeth are tightened during sleep. Bruxism, which is defined as tooth grinding, can cause headache, tooth wear, fracture, shaking, pain, tenderness and joint damage.

Teeth Whitening at Home: Apart from dentist control, home whitening techniques are another reason that causes tooth sensitivity. Because tooth whitening paste and kits contain more whitening. For this reason, it is an important consideration to be applied under physician control. ”

What can be done at home for toothache?

Brush your teeth and remove food residue; One of the main causes of toothache is food residues and the effect of bacteria on the nerves. Residues that are not cleaned after a meal turn into acid and put pressure on the nerves and cause pain. At the same time consumed starchy and sugary foods, if not cleared into bacteria over time. It is necessary to brush the teeth after meals in order to clean up these bacteria and residues without losing time.

Use toothpicks and dental floss; Toothbrushes in case of emergency in case you can not find toothpaste disinfected with cologne and alcohol to clean the food residues escaping between the teeth.

Use pillows while lying; Toothache usually comes at night. And it goes on for a long time. This is due to the fact that the blood pressure bounces in the supine position and the chin region is throbbing. The solution would be to use a high pillow.

Apply ice to the aching area; ice is an effective solution for many painful and painful wounds as well as an auxiliary factor in toothache. The ice applied to the cheek with the aching tooth must be wrapped in a towel or cloth. Direct contact with ice can give poor results.

Similarly, the application of heat alleviates toothache. Hot water compresses and hot water rinsing in the mouth is a useful solution to alleviate pain.

Gargle with salt water or grape vinegar; one of the short-term solutions, salt water or vinegar mouthwash, relieves tooth pain and at least relaxes it for a while, makes the teeth numb.

Make the buffer with garlic; Garlic, which is quite successful in getting inflammation, is also a solution to toothache. Crush 2 cloves of garlic and rub it over the aching tooth. Garlic waiting for a while will take the pain and pain-causing bacteria will break.

Pain relief with fresh cucumbers; The slice cucumber at room temperature rubbed with salt is put on the tooth and waited for a while.

Mouthwash with oxygenated water; Oxygen water diluted with water can be used as mouthwash by rinsing in the mouth.

With vanilla, almond, mint and lemon extract; With the help of a cotton swab mentioned plant extracts can apply to your teeth and buffer.

Massage with tea tree oil; Tea tree oil, which is an effective solution for tooth aches, can be used in two ways. First, it can be applied to the tooth by dipping one or two drops into a cotton. Secondly, it can be dripped into warm water and shaken in the mouth for a while.

Relieve your pain with clove and clove oil; Clove grains are as successful in numbing teeth as they smell in mouth and relieve pain. In the area where the aching tooth is chewed for 4-5 minutes, clove will show its effect in a short time. Clove oil applied to the tooth by adding on a cotton will give a much more effective result.

Solution with carbonate; carbonate is added to some warm water and gargling is done. Another application is to apply to the tooth by dipping into wet cotton.

Curing ginger and red hot pepper; The powder of both spices is brought to the paste consistency with a drop of water and applied to the aching area. The effect of this cure on sore throat as well as toothache is incredible.

Turmeric and water; The paste to be made with turmeric and water is applied to the aching tooth and the antiseptic effect of turmeric eases the pain.

Black seed; black seed, which strengthens the immune system, is successful in eliminating pain-causing factors.

Wheatgrass juice: Wheatgrass, a natural antibiotic, destroys tooth and gum infections. It fights bacteria in the mouth and helps relieve pain.

Black pepper; black pepper, which has important effects on tooth pain, is a powerful antibiotic with its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

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What is menstruation? How to reduce menstrual pain and bleeding?

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Menstruation, menstruation, or period is normal vaginal bleeding that occurs as part of a women's monthly cycle. Menstruation is a physiological process in which the vessels and tissues formed on the inner surface of the uterus are removed from the body with blood for reproduction and fertilization. In the medical world, menstruation is commonly known as menstruation, menstruation or menstruation. With puberty, the female body prepares itself for pregnancy every month, if pregnancy does not occur, the uterine lining spills and is thrown out with the blood. Periods usually begin with adolescence between the ages of 11-14 and menopause at the age of 51 continues. It usually lasts for 3 to 5 days, with some women experiencing severe pain and excessive bleeding, which can be quite painful. In addition to bleeding during menstruation, abdominal or cramp pain, low back pain, bloating, irritability, headache and fatigue can be experienced. The menstrual cycle repeats every 28 days; it only stops during pregnancy.

What is menstrual pain & pain?
Menstruation is pain during menstruation. Its medical name is “dysmenorrhea.. Generally, the pain begins before or with bleeding, and intermittently ends within 1 to 3 days. Cramps felt during menstrual pain; nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, low blood pressure, palpitations, low back and back pain, fatigue, flu etc. feelings can accompany. This process; It may develop with irritability, insomnia and loss of concentration that may adversely affect work and social life.

Most women may not have regular menstruation; It is normal to see a period in 21-35 days. Menstrual bleeding decreases and continues for 3 to 7 days. During this period, approximately 35-40 ml. blood is lost. This amount is below 50 ml in most women.

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What is the menstrual cycle?
This is called a menstrual cycle when menstrual bleeding is regularly required. The regularity of your menstrual cycles is a sign that important parts of your body work normally. The menstrual cycle is provided by important body chemicals called hormones to keep the body healthy. The menstrual cycle is a set of natural processes in which your body prepares for pregnancy. The rise and fall of hormone levels throughout the month controls this cycle. The length of the menstrual cycle varies between women but is approximately 28 days.

During your period, you remove the thickened uterine lining and extra blood from your vagina. The duration of your cycle or the severity of your bleeding may not be the same every month. It may also differ from other women's periods. Most periods last from 3 to 5 days. However, the period between 2 and 7 days is normal. Longer cycles are common during the first few years after menstruation begins. A woman's cycle tends to shorten over time and becomes more regular with increasing age.

What happens during the menstrual cycle?
Estrogen levels in the first half of the cycle (the female hormone baÅŸ begins to rise. Estrogen is a very important hormone for your health. It plays an important role in helping you build strong bones and keep them strong as you age. Estrogen also thickens the lining of the uterus. As the lining of the uterus thickens, one egg begins to mature in one of the ovaries, about 14 out of an average 28-day cycle, leaving the egg ovary, which is called ovulation.

What is the best time to get pregnant?
After the egg leaves the ovary, it goes to the uterus through the fallopian tube. Hormone levels increase and a suitable environment for pregnancy is formed. A woman is likely to become pregnant for 3 days prior to ovulation or on the day of ovulation. Keep in mind; Women with shorter or longer cycles than average can lay eggs before or after day 14. If the egg is fertilized by the sperm cell of a man and connected to the uterine wall, a woman becomes pregnant. If the egg is not fertilized, it will shatter. Subsequently, hormone levels are reduced and the thickened uterine lining is poured during the menstrual period.

Problems encountered during menstruation and their solutions
During menstruation, women may experience various problems such as pain, severe bleeding, and missed periods. Premenstrual syndrome; occurs one to two weeks before the start of your term. Many women experience various physical and emotional symptoms and changes. Premenstrual syndrome is caused by:

bloating, irritability
back or back pain
headache, chest pain
acne, cravings
depression, anxiety
Stress feelings
constipation, diarrhea
Mild stomach cramps
You may experience different symptoms each month and the severity of these symptoms may change. Premenstrual syndrome is uncomfortable, but is generally not worrying unless it interferes with your daily life.

What is excessive menstruation, excessive bleeding (menorrhagia)?
Another menstrual problem is excessive menstruation, known in medical language as menorrhagia. During a menstrual period, the amount of blood lost by women varies from person to person. Menorrhagia is defined as a menstrual period lasting more than five to seven days or excessive bleeding during several consecutive menstrual periods. There are many causes of excessive bleeding. Your doctor should evaluate the most common problems in your age group. Some problems are not serious and are easy to treat. Abnormal bleeding treatment is planned according to the cause.

Excessive menstruation may occur alone or with other symptoms such as menstrual pain. Excessive menstruation does not necessarily mean that it is a serious problem, but it can adversely affect the woman physically, emotionally and socially, and even upset her daily life. Menorrhagia is often caused by imbalances in hormone levels, particularly progesterone and estrogen, as well as after menopause.

Other causes of severe or irregular menstrual bleeding are:

Vaginal infections
Inflammation of the cervix
Inactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism)
Noncancerous uterine tumors (fibroids)
Changes in diet or exercise
No menstrual bleeding (Amenorrhea)
What is amenorrhea?
Amenorrhea is the absence of menstrual bleeding or the termination of menstrual periods for any reason. Amenorrhea is a symptom, not a disease, and occurs in two ways; primary amenorrhea, secondary amenorrhea. Amenorrhea will occur if a young girl has not started menstruation until the age of 15. Or women who have had menstruation before, but not bleeding for 90 days. Menstrual bleeding may also be stopped in severe medical conditions that require treatment.

Amenorrhea is the medical term that means the absence of menstrual period; is not a disease, but may be a symptom of another condition. Primary amenorrhea occurs when a girl does not receive her first period until she is 16 years old. Secondary amenorrhea describes women who do not have more than three menstrual periods following regular periods. Pregnancy is the most common cause of amenorrhea. Treatment of the underlying condition usually relieves amenorrhea.

Amenorrhea may also be involved in the following cases:

Pregnancy, Breastfeeding
Excess weight loss
Eating disorders
Exercise, Stress
Stopping birth control
If your menstrual cycles are regular, this means that important parts of your body function normally. In some cases, the absence of menstruation may mean that your ovaries do not produce normal amounts of estrogen. The absence of these hormones can have significant effects on your overall health. Hormonal problems such as causing polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or serious problems in the reproductive organs are some of the problems that may be encountered. If you have a similar problem, it is important to talk to a doctor.

Severe cramps and painful periods (Dysmenorrhea)
Menstrual cramps and pains in young people are caused by a chemical called prostaglandin. Most young people with dysmenorrhea do not have a serious disease, but cramps can be severe. Pain in older women is sometimes caused by diseases or conditions such as uterine fibroids or endometriosis.

Treatment methods of menstrual cramps and pains
Drink plenty of water
Drinking water does not directly affect your cramps, but helps to eliminate edema that exacerbates cramps. When your period begins, get a water bottle and add some mint or squeeze lemon into the bottle to make it more appealing. Reduce the amount of salt you eat (no more than 2,300 mg per day) and avoid alcohol - both absorb the water in your body.

Eat light
Donuts, potato chips and other greasy fried foods are not your companion during these periods. Take a low-fat, high-fiber diet: opt for cereals, lentils and beans, vegetables (especially those with dark green leaves), fruits and nuts. Foods such as vitamins E, B1 and B6, magnesium, zinc and omega-3 fatty acids cut off hormone-like substances responsible for these painful cramps or relieve muscle tension and inflammation.

Stay away from caffeine
Caffeine can make cramps worse, so avoid coffee before and during your menstrual period. Carbonated drinks, energy drinks, chocolate or tea can increase your frustration.

Use painkillers
Ibuprofen and naproxen sodium relieve pain. Keep painkillers in your makeup bag or car for emergencies so you don't have to look for it when you need it.

Keep warm
These days, you don't need a heater to get the heat that will relax you. You have many different options. You can take advantage of the microwave heatable heating pad, rechargeable wireless heat wraps, or disposable heat wraps, which are designed for finger cramps only.

Take action
Exercise allows you to release endorphins, chemicals that make you feel good in your brain. So it might be a good idea to go for a walk.

In less than 5 minutes a day, you can increase the blood flow in your abdomen and reduce tension and help you feel better. Start a few days before your expected menstrual period. Women who put cream on their belly with a mixture of lavender, Clary Island and marjoram oils claim to have less cramps in the next period. Pain relief in the content of these essential oils.

Touching important places in your stomach, back and feet can increase blood flow and release endorphins to relax your body and mind a little. In addition, the flesh between the thumb and index finger has a point that reduces pain and pain. You can devote a trained, certified specialist to help you find these points and warn them correctly.

Do breathing exercises
Some simple exercises may be as good as massage to cramps. Try to take a deep diaphragm breath while lying on your back with your bent knees. After a while you will notice that your blood circulation accelerates and your cramps decrease.

Organize your sleep
Sleeping may not be easy when you have strong cramps. Turn off your smartphone to do the best to relax at night. Try to maintain your sleep routine during your period. You may have to try different sleeping positions.

Take a warm bath
Fill the tub, add some bubbles and settle in with your favorite magazine or book. Hot water helps to calm your muscles and mind. A warm shower can also be soothing if you don't have a bathtub.

Consult your doctor
For most women, cramps are normal, but can sometimes be a sign of a more serious condition. Note how high your cramping frequency is and consult your doctor.

When does menstruation start first?
The average age of a girl's first menstruation is 12 years. This does not mean that all girls will enter this period at the same age. Menstrual bleeding can start at any time between the ages of 8 and 15 years. The first period begins approximately 2 years after the initial development of the breasts. If a girl has not received her first period until the age of 15, or if 2 to 3 years have passed since the onset of breast enlargement, she should see a doctor.

When does the menstrual period end?
Menstrual bleeding usually lasts for women's menopause. Menopause occurs between the ages of 45-55, usually around the age of 50. Menopause means that a woman is no longer ovulating and can no longer get pregnant. Like menstruation, menopause can vary from woman to woman. The time your body begins menopausal movement is called a menopausal transition. This can last anywhere from 2 to 8 years.

Some women experience early menopause due to surgery or other treatments, diseases or other causes. If you don't use it for 90 days, you should see your doctor. Pregnancy, early menopause or other health problems that may cause periods to stop or become irregular.

When should you see a doctor about menstrual bleeding?

If menstrual period has not started until the age of 15
If menstrual period has not started or breasts have not grown until the age of 13 years
If your period suddenly stops for more than 90 days
If your periods are irregular
If you bleed more than 7 days
If you have more bleeding than usual, or if you use more than one pad or tampon every 1-2 hours
If you lost blood between periods
If you have severe pain during your period
Suddenly fever and feeling sick after using a tampon
How often should I change my pad or tampon?
A tablet needs to be replaced before it gets wet with blood. Every woman decides what is best for her. You should replace the bumper at least every 4-8 hours. Be sure to use the lowest absorbent pad required for your flow. For example, use junior or regular tampons on the lightest day of your period. The use of superabsorbent pads on the lightest days increases your risk of toxic shock syndrome (TSS). TSS is a rare but sometimes fatal disease. TSS is caused by bacteria that can produce toxins.

If your body cannot fight toxins, the immune system (body defense) reacts and causes TSS symptoms (see below). Young women may be more likely to receive TSS. The use of any kind of buffer puts the risk for TSS far more than using the cushions. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends the following tips to help you avoid buffer problems:

Follow the package instructions for placement
Choose the lowest absorbency for your flow
Replace the bumper at least 4 to 8 hours
Consider switching between pads and pads
Know the warning signs of TSS (see below)
Do not use tambons between periods
If you have any of these TSS symptoms when using a tampon, remove the tampon and consult your doctor immediately:

Suddenly high fever (above 102 degrees)
Muscle pains
Diarrhea, Vomiting
Dizziness and / or fainting
Sunburn-like rash
Throat ache
Eyes hiding blood

Recommendations for relieving menstrual pain
Lie down when you feel that your pain will begin, if you are going to take painkillers start immediately. Because when painkillers are most effective, pain is the beginning.
Rubbing the underside of the abdomen and applying a hot bag to this area can be quite effective. Hot application may cause muscles to relax and reduce pain. A warm shower can reduce pain with the same effect
Light exercises such as stretching exercises, activities such as walking and yoga are useful
Drinks and teas containing ginger and raspberries may be pain relieving. Consumption of such drinks can be increased in this period
Smoking and alcohol can increase the pain as it will create a narrowing effect on the veins.
There is information that menstrual pains are less in those with low fat consumption and green foliage. Iron-containing foods must also be consumed more because there is blood loss during this period.
If menstrual pain is high and diet, changes in nutrition, does not respond to painkillers, a doctor should be consulted. It is also important to ensure that there are no problems behind pain such as endometriosis, adenomyosis, pelvic inflammatory disease or fibroids
If the pains occur without an anatomical problem, they can be controlled with birth control pills. Taking birth control pills in consultation with a doctor can completely eliminate the pain.
Birth control pills are also used to relieve menstrual pain. Birth control pills help prevent pain by reducing the amount of blood in the endometrium. Thus, menstruation tends to be mild and less painful. They can prevent cramps by reducing the production of substances called prostaglandins that are responsible for pain.
Hot application: Hot water bags and hot compress application on the lower abdomen reduce the pain by accelerating the blood circulation of the uterus. It is also beneficial to take a warm shower and keep your feet in hot water. Approximately 40 degrees of heat is recommended and can be applied as often as needed.

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How is rib crushing treated?

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If you feel pain while coughing, sneezing, breathing deeply, turning your upper body left or right or bending, your ribs may be crushed. As long as the ribs are not broken and the pain is unbearable, you can pass the pain on your own without any medical help. Ice, over-the-counter pain relievers, moist heat treatment and relaxation make your ribs feel better.

Relaxing Quickly

Put ice on the painful area for 48 hours, occasionally. Putting ice on the ribs helps the crushed tissue heal faster, reducing pain and preventing swelling. After the injury, continue to apply ice for 48 hours and try not to use a heating pad. [1]
Find a pack of frozen vegetables (such as beans or corn) or break a plastic bag that can be sealed and fill it with crushed ice. Wrap the ice bag with a towel or T-shirt and place it on the crushed ribs.

Take painkillers appropriately. If every breath you take hurts, controlling the pain will help you feel better. Read a package insert and take a painkiller, such as aspirin, naprosyn, or minoset. Always consult your doctor before starting a new painkiller. [2] [3]
If you are less than 19 years old, do not drink aspirin because there is a risk of developing Reye's syndrome. [4]
As long as the ribs heal, you can continue to use painkillers during the healing process. Remember to use the painkiller as instructed by your doctor or in accordance with the package insert.

Apply moist heat after 48 hours. Applying heat to the area can help heal crush after a few days and relieve pain. Apply moist warm compresses to the painful area like a wet towel. You can also take a bath with warm water. [5]

Avoid wrapping your ribs. In the past, a method of wrapping the rib cage with a bandage was used to treat crushed ribs. However, this treatment is no longer recommended as it can cause complications such as pneumonia, making breathing difficult. So, wrap the ribs with bandages. [6]

Recovery of Rib Injuries

Rest as much as you can. This is not the time to push yourself; especially if breathing is painful. The best thing you can do to heal quickly is to relax. Grab a book or open a movie and don't force yourself as your ribs heal. [7]
Go to work for a few days if possible; especially if it is a job that requires a long standing or is based on manual labor.
Avoid movements such as pushing, pulling or lifting heavy objects. Do sports and participate in any physical activity while healing your ribs, unless the doctor suggests otherwise.

Check your breath. Breathing when your ribs are crushed can be painful. However, it is important to try to breathe normally and cough when necessary to prevent complications such as chest infections. [8] If you feel you need to cough, gently press a pillow against the rib to minimize movement and pain.
Take a deep breath at every turn. Take a long, deep breath every few minutes and give it slowly. If the damage to your ribs is large and you can't do it often, try doing it every hour.
Try breathing exercises. When you feel that you can breathe regularly, breathe slowly for 3 seconds, hold for 3 seconds, and breathe again in 3 seconds. Repeat this once or twice a day for several minutes.
Smoking. Substances that may irritate your lungs as your ribs heal may make you more susceptible to infection. Consider it an opportunity to quit smoking.

Sleep in an upright position. Lying all night long and turning left and right can improve sleep. To reduce discomfort during the first few nights, try to sleep upright on a surface, such as a recliner. Sleeping upright will also limit your mobility throughout the night, preventing you from lying on your stomach, which will help relieve pain. [9]
Alternatively, you can try to lie on the wounded side. Although unreasonable, it may help you breathe more comfortably. [10]

Getting Medical Support

Get medical attention if you can't breathe properly or if you have chest pain. Not being able to breathe fully may be a sign of a more serious problem than crushed ribs. If your breathing suddenly decreases, if you have difficulty breathing, if you have chest pain or if you cough blood, call the emergency room immediately or go to a hospital immediately. [11]
Watch out for the possibility of sail chest trauma. Sailing chest trauma is caused by fractures of 3 or more side-by-side ribs, making breathing severely difficult. [12] If you suspect multiple ribs to be damaged and cannot take a deep breath, seek medical attention.

If you're suspicious of a broken rib, go to a health facility. A crushed or cracked rib is damaged, but still in the rib cage. A broken rib is dangerous, as it may come out of its normal position in the rib cage and cause a vessel, lung, or other organ to rupture. If you suspect that your ribs are broken, go to the hospital instead of trying to treat yourself at home. [13]
Move your hands gently over the rib cage. In the area of ​​a cracked or crushed rib, bloating occurs, but there are no large protrusions or bruises. If you suspect a broken rib, contact a healthcare facility as soon as possible.

If the pain persists or is unbearable, make an appointment with a health care provider. There are many causes of chest pain, and some of these pain are life-threatening. A correct diagnosis will ensure that the right problem is treated. Your health care provider may ask you to have a chest film, a CT scan, an MRI or a bone scan to make a correct diagnosis if there is any suspicion of breakage. [14] However, damaged cartilages or crushes do not appear in these tests. Therefore, if you experience any of these problems, seek medical attention: [15]
Increased pain in the abdomen or shoulder
If you're coughing or you're high.

Use the abdominal muscles as little as possible and sleep upright, reducing pain in your ribs and shoulders.
Keep your posture normal. A distorted posture due to rib pain can directly cause back pain.
Take a warm bath using medicinal salts, eucalyptus oil, baking soda or a combination of three.
Watch out for complications such as chest infection during the healing process.
Make sure you see your doctor a week or two after the injury.

If you have difficulty breathing, if you feel pressure, pain in the middle of your chest, or if the pain has spread to your shoulder or arm, call the emergency room. They may be a sign of a heart attack.
This article does not constitute medical advice.
Don't try to treat broken ribs on your own. If you see any signs of a broken rib, get immediate medical attention.

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