Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Ex-Lax Regular Strength Stimulant Laxative Chocolated Pieces, 48 count


Ex-Lax Regular Strength Stimulant Laxative Chocolated Pieces, 48 count

The correct known mistakes about constipation Hisar Intercontinental Hospital General Surgery Specialist Op. Dr. We learned from İlker Abcı…

You need to go to the bathroom every day. Or toxin will accumulate in your body.

This varies from person to person. Some people go to the toilet 3 times a day, while others go 3 times a week. In order to talk about constipation, the person needs to go to the toilet less than 3 times a week. If you go to the toilet once a week, there may be serious constipation. If constipation lasts more than two weeks, consult your physician. Some people believe that constipation causes reabsorption of toxic substances in the feces; Although it is believed to be caused by diseases such as arthritis and asthma, this is wrong.

The solution to constipation is fiber feeding.

Lack of sufficient fiber in your diet often leads to constipation. To avoid this, try to consume at least 20 grams of fibrous food per day. Eat fruits and vegetables. Instead of bread, pasta and white rice, choose whole grain products. Slowly increase your fiber intake to avoid gas and bloating problems. Drink at least 2-4 glasses more water than you drink each day. Do not expect the result of regular fiber intake on the same day; After a few days you will start to see improvement. Although the use of fiber foods in your diet may help reduce constipation, chronic constipation; Parkinson's may occur as a result of a stroke, under-working thyroid gland, diabetes or side effects of medications you use. If your constipation lasted more than two weeks, you should consult your physician if you have severe abdominal pain with blood and unexplained weight loss in your stool.

Milk can cause constipation!

If you have lactose intolerance, milk can cause constipation. A study on children revealed that one of the causes of constipation in children is lactose intolerance. If you have lactose intolerance, you can drink at least one glass of milk every day.

Swallowing gum can cause constipation!

In rare cases, swallowing gum may cause constipation, especially in young children. Chewing gum swallowed in large or large amounts in a short period of time may cause constipation by forming a blocking mass on the digestive tract, especially if it cannot be digested. But this is not the case most of the time. So there is no harm in swallowing gum once in a while.

Holiday can cause constipation.

Traveling, especially long flights, can lead to changes in your daily diet and can cause constipation. Therefore, eat as much liquid as possible, limit your alcohol consumption and consume more vegetables and fruits.

Does depression cause constipation?

Depression can trigger or make your constipation worse. Try to reduce stress with techniques such as meditation, yoga and sports. You can accelerate your bowel movements by loosening your muscles that support your intestine by massaging your abdomen.

One of the causes of constipation is drugs.

Some medications used for pain, depression, high blood pressure and Parkinson's disease can cause constipation. Likewise, too much calcium and iron can cause constipation.

Consume prunes!

This small, dried fruit has gained a great reputation as the "remedy of nature" for constipation. Prune, which is rich in dissolved fibers, is loaded with natural laxatives and helps to lower cholesterol.

Drinking water reduces constipation.

Drinking plenty of water softens the feces, reduces constipation as well as prevents dehydration. However, consuming more coffee and tea by saying that I consume liquid can trigger your constipation.

Regular exercise prevents constipation.

Lack of physical activity is one of the factors that trigger constipation. Exercise helps regulate bowel movements and reduces stress. Give your body time to digest food and exercise at least an hour after eating.

Coffee is constipated.

On the contrary, because coffee is diuretic, it absorbs the liquid in the feces and prepares the ground for constipation as the feces solidify. If you are constipated, do not consume coffee, tea, cola and alcohol.

Enema relieves constipation.

Although enema temporarily relieves you, it is not an effective method to prevent constipation. Regular enema can cause constipation in the elderly.

Lactacids and stool softeners immediately activate the intestine.

Depending on the type of lactative and faecal emollient you use, it may vary from a few minutes to a few days to produce bowel movement. Most laxatives are for short-term use. Prolonged use of lactative may cause other digestive problems.

Castor oil is one of the solutions of constipation!

Castor oil, which is a strong laxative, should not be used for a long time like other laxatives. Laxatives can damage the body's ability to absorb nutrients and certain medications. Indian Oil; may cause unnecessary damage to the intestine, muscles, nerves and tissues. Therefore, it should not be used without the advice of your physician.

Constipation occurs only in the elderly.

Elderly people are more likely to have constipation than males due to malnutrition, more medication use than young people, and lack of adequate physical activity. However, constipation is a health problem in almost all age groups, especially after birth or surgical operations.

Bleeding in constipation is normal.

Blood during defecation may not always be a harbinger of a serious illness, but it is a condition that you should consult with your doctor. Bright red blood is usually seen when anal region problems occur. Burgundy or black blood clots or tar color bleeding can often indicate a problem in the upper gastrointestinal tract.

Ex-Lax Regular Strength Stimulant Laxative Chocolated Pieces, 48 count

Dulcolax Laxative Suppositories, 28 Count, Fast, Reliable, and Gentle Relief from Constipation and Hard, Dry, Painful Stools Within 15-50 Minutes, Comfort Shaped Medicated Suppositories

Constipation in Children

Dulcolax Laxative Suppositories, 28 Count, Fast, Reliable, and Gentle Relief from Constipation and Hard, Dry, Painful Stools Within 15-50 Minutes, Comfort Shaped Medicated Suppositories

Medivia Hospital Pediatric Surgery Specialist, who is also a pediatric urologist. Dr. Hamit Okur stated that the most important issue affecting the success in the treatment of constipation can be provided by the mother, child and physician trio with good interaction.

Constipation can be defined as defecation later than two days, stool being too hard, stool difficulty, stool incontinence at least once a week, painful and hard stools. Children who make stools every day despite painful and hard stools should also be considered constipated. The number of defecation varies with the age of the child. While infants may have defecation between 4-10 days, the number of defecation related to feeding type and diet decreases in older children and in older ages, it returns to defecation once a day.

Your baby must have the first faeces (meconium) within the first 24 hours after birth. If 48 hours have passed since birth, it has not had its first defecation (if it has not removed meconium) and / or if it has had hard and intervention defecation from birth, it is best to have your baby examined by a pediatric surgeon for an underlying organic cause.
Constipation is less common in breast-fed infants. This is due to proteins and oligosaccharides found in breast milk. In addition, breast-fed infants are fed more frequently, which has a positive effect on bowel movements. The frequency of defecation and consistency of the baby are the two most important criteria for constipation.

Causes of Constipation in Infants:

Inadequate fluid consumption during transition from breast milk to supplementary foods
Excessive consumption of milk and dairy products
Lack of fiber in the diet
Breech obstruction that prevents normal defecation, non-normal position of the breech or no neural structure providing normal defecation
How is constipation in infants treated?

First, a full examination should be performed by a pediatric surgeon for the presence of an organic cause that may cause constipation. In the presence of an organic cause, treatment is planned for it.
Breast milk should be given to the baby for as long as possible. Adequate fluid consumption should be ensured during and after the transition from breast milk to additional nutrition.
Care should be taken to ensure that prepared foods are prepared appropriately.
It may be beneficial to have the baby bathe frequently with warm water and massage the belly after bathing.
Fruit puree and vegetable soups may be helpful in keeping with the baby's age.
Medications recommended by your doctor may be used if these do not resolve constipation.

Constipation in Children

Constipation is a very common condition in children and can become chronic if it is not treated properly. The most common cause of breastfeeding is transient constipation and transient occurrence in children during the transition to supplementary foods or adaptation to toilet training. In addition to this, the causes of constipation that require treatment may be organic reasons due to an underlying disease or functional causes, which are the most common conditions.

1. Organic Causes

Congenital anatomic disorders (breech obstruction, etc.)
Congenital intestinal nerve tissue diseases (Hirschsprung Disease, etc.)
Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
Diseases involving the nervous system
There are a wide range of organic causes, such as connective and muscle tissue diseases, but these are rarely diagnosed as a cause of constipation.
2. Functional Constipation (Habitual Constipation)

Functional constipation can be described as stool holding action. There is no underlying organic cause. It is the most important cause of constipation in children. It is seen in children who voluntarily keep their stool or not. It occurs for familial, environmental, social and cultural reasons. Keeping child excrement due to reasons such as separation from family, going to school, caregiver problems, incompatibility with siblings, incompatibility with friends, school failure etc. for social reasons or not wanting to go to the toilet due to hygienic reasons outside the home, not being able to quit the game, etc. . The feces accumulated in the last part of the intestine, defined as the rectum, harden and solidify over time. Difficult to throw out. In the meantime, cracks (fissure) occur around the breech. These cracks then cause painful defecation and the child is afraid of making feces and the feces accumulated in the rectum become harder and will be discarded. This leads to a vicious circle. The stool accumulated in the rectum involuntarily infects the undergarment from time to time, and involuntary defecation occurs, which we call encompresis. If this condition persists, the nerves and muscles involved in defecation become lazy and the event enters a difficult-to-treat process.

Does Constipation Cause Urinary Problems?

Yeah. Another negative effect of constipation is that the hard stool in the rectum causes urinary problems by compressing the bladder and urinary tract. Urinary problems such as urinary incontinence, urinary tract infection, bladder urinary escape (vesicoureteral reflux), involuntary bladder contractions are also undesirable conditions that may develop as a result of constipation.

How is constipation diagnosed?

A full history of feeding status, stool habit and control, time of onset and course of constipation is taken from birth. Congenital constipation usually suggests an organic cause, such as the underlying Hirschsprung Disease. Constipation that occurs in later ages suggests a functional cause. A complete physical examination is performed for the cause. Breech examination and rectal examination is performed for breech fractures (anal fissure) or breech problems. The abdomen is evaluated by x-ray film. If necessary, a bowel x-ray with barium is taken and if Hirschsprung's disease is considered, a rectal biopsy is performed. In some cases, more detailed tests, called anorectal manometry, can be performed.

Should Constipation Be Treated?

Yeah. The aim of the treatment of constipation in children is to ensure that your child defecates normally and regularly. For this, it is necessary to keep the stool soft and prevent painful defecation and stool leakage. When the stool accumulated in the rectum is not thrown out, it hardens in the rectum and becomes a large mass. During the removal of this hard stool, cracks occur around the breech and they cause pain. The child avoids defecation and a vicious cycle table appears. Hard stool may only need to be removed by enema, etc. Hard stools that accumulate in the rectum and are not thrown away can cause lazy sensory nerves and the child may not feel the need to poop. In addition, undesirable conditions such as fecal incontinence are encountered with the effect of pressure. Constipation must be treated first to prevent urinary problems. If constipation is not treated in a timely fashion, treatment may become very difficult in the future.

Motivation is important in treatment. Constipated children should not be blamed, should be motivated in a positive way. It should be noted that constipation is a treatable condition, but it can be overcome by good dialogue and patience between the family, the child and the physician.

First of all, if there are crack-like conditions in the rectum due to constipation, they should be treated. If hardened feces are present in the rectum, it may be necessary to empty the rectum and intestines by enema. If Hirschsprung's Disease, breech obstruction or other organic causes, which may be the cause of constipation, have been identified, the cause-related treatment is planned.

If your child does not have an organic cause, the social and psychological condition that may cause functional constipation should be corrected. Good information should be given to both the family and the child.
There are three basic principles in the treatment of constipation:

1. Diet Treatment:

What should be done?

Fiber foods should be given weight and adequate fiber intake should be provided. For this, whole wheat bread should be consumed, vegetable dishes should be given weight and plenty of fruit should be consumed. Fruit such as apples should be eaten without peeling their skin, and fiber fruits such as apricots, grapes and figs should be provided according to the season.
Regular eating habits should be provided. Especially breakfast should not be neglected and the habit of eating three meals should be provided.
A glass of warm water should be placed on the hungry stomach in the morning.

Excess tea, coffee and cola drinks should not be consumed.
The consumption of ready-to-eat foods called fast-food should be minimized.
The intake of foods such as biscuits, crackers, wafers and chocolates should be restricted, especially between meals.
If your child is older than one year, he should not consume more than half a liter of milk per day.
Consumption of rice, pasta and bananas should be reduced.

2. Restoring Toilet Habits

Due to constipation, the intestines became lazy and sensory nerves were weakened. Therefore, in order to regain the toilet habit, it is aimed for your child to go to the toilet after every meal and especially after breakfast, even if there is no need for defecation and to activate the sensory nerves by sitting in the toilet for at least 5 minutes. It is important to put steps under your feet and keep your knees slightly above the hip level to allow young children to sit comfortably in the toilet. If your child tells you that it hurts toilets, remove them from the toilet and then put them back in the toilet. When you need defecation during the day, let him go to the toilet without waiting. Warn your child not to keep his feces, especially when he is in school and have him go to the toilet. The goal is to regain the habit of defecation once or twice a day. For this, the “Defecation Diary” can be kept and your child can be motivated.
If your child has fecal incontinence, never punish them.
Pay attention to genital and anal cleansing.

3. Drug Treatment

Stool softening drugs, enemas and creams may be recommended to keep the intestines working, to prevent stool accumulation and to make painless defecation, but they should not be used unconsciously unless recommended by the doctor.

Sample Treatment for Chronic Constipation:

Start the appropriate diet and intestinal regulator medication as recommended by your doctor.
When you wake up in the morning, drink a warm glass of water. Then have your normal breakfast. After breakfast, apply the cream recommended by your doctor around the rectum and apply suppositories or enemas.
After five minutes, have your child sit on the toilet and wait five minutes for defecation. If there is no defecation, remove it from the toilet. You can continue this treatment for 5-10 days. If defecation does not occur at all, consult your doctor. If defecation occurs, discontinue the administration of suppositories and enemas, and continue the bowel regulator for one month. Follow the nutritional advice during this process and check with your doctor again at the end of one month.

4. Biofeedback Treatment

Biofeedback teaches the use of sphincter muscles. It can be recommended in cases of resistant constipation that do not respond to other treatments.

As a result,

Constipation in children is a condition that must be treated. Treatment should not be late. If left untreated, growth retardation, psychosocial problems, adaptation problems caused by fecal incontinence, breech fractures caused by hard stool and breech bleeding due to these may cause serious problems in the treatment of urine; The doctor, family and child should always be in touch.

Dulcolax Laxative Suppositories, 28 Count, Fast, Reliable, and Gentle Relief from Constipation and Hard, Dry, Painful Stools Within 15-50 Minutes, Comfort Shaped Medicated Suppositories

Nature's Sunshine LBS II, 100 Capsules, Kosher | Herbal Laxative with Cascara Sagrada Bark Supports The Digestive System and Lower Bowel Health

How does constipation resolve?

Nature's Sunshine LBS II, 100 Capsules, Kosher | Herbal Laxative with Cascara Sagrada Bark Supports The Digestive System and Lower Bowel Health

How constipation passes, constipation is the opposite of diarrhea, nutrients that help pass constipation, is recommended to be consumed.

What are the Symptoms of Constipation?
• Abdominal bloating

• Abdominal pain

• Accumulation of gas in the intestines

• Strain during defecation

• Stretching

• abdominal cramps

• Nausea

• Loss of appetite

• Long time sitting in the toilet

• Difficulty going to the toilet

• The stool is solid and cannon ball

• Weakness

• Bleeding may occur due to difficulty in defecation.

Who has constipation?
Constipation can be seen in all ages and everyone.

• Consumers who consume less water and liquid

• For those who do not consume fiber food

• Pregnant women

• Patients with bowel cancer

• Patients with intestinal diseases

• Hemorrhoids

• The wrong diet

• Still living

• Stressed

• The prevalence of metabolic disorders is higher than other individuals.

How does constipation resolve?
• How constipation passes The biggest reason for constipation is the low water and liquid consumption. When enough water is not consumed, the stool hardens and constipation occurs. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day to prevent constipation. When talking about fluid intake, carbonated drinks or caffeinated drinks should not be considered. Homemade juices, homemade cold teas or homemade lemonades can be preferred.

Proper eating habits should be taught as a child

• How constipation passes Another common cause of constipation is a diet devoid of fibrous food. In order to maintain the health of the intestines, it is recommended to use fiber foods. Vegetables should be consumed for every lunch and dinner.

• Constipation adversely affects intestinal health by depriving the body of nutrients how to make the wrong diet. Even if enough water is consumed, constipation may occur as a result of not making enough main meals and snacks. Therefore, if you want to follow a diet, the diet should be written by an expert.

• How constipation passes through immobilized life means that the intestines remain immobilized. Daily walks, regular exercises ensure bowel function and constipation.

• When constipation occurs, olive oil can be consumed to soften the feces in the intestines.

• Constipation passes to dry constipation regardless of whether it is very useful to consume apricots and figs.

• How constipation passes dry legumes and nuts are recommended to be consumed in constipation.

• How constipation passes probiotic is crucial to bowel health. It can be taken from pharmacies as a medicine and can be taken into the body with nutrients. For example, buttermilk yogurt, kefir, dark chocolate, pickles and cheese are sources of probiotics and constipation can be consumed when consumed.

• How constipation passes after waking up in the morning, a glass of warm water to be drunk without eating anything is very beneficial for the digestive system. Warm water can be drunk in the morning to prevent and eliminate constipation.
One thing to keep in mind is that constipation can be caused by diseases so it can be a symptom and the cause of constipation lasting weeks should be determined and treated. It consists of the recommendations mentioned above that can be passed through acute constipation and recommendations that can prevent it.

Nature's Sunshine LBS II, 100 Capsules, Kosher | Herbal Laxative with Cascara Sagrada Bark Supports The Digestive System and Lower Bowel Health

Fleet Glycerin Suppositories - 50 Suppositories (pack of 3)

What is constipation? What good is constipation?

Fleet Glycerin Suppositories - 50 Suppositories (pack of 3)

Constipation is a common digestive problem in society. Factors such as stress, inactivity and malnutrition brought about by modern life lead to an increase in the rate of constipation. Constipation itself is not a disease; an underlying condition or a result of the disease. Constipation is an important public health problem that affects the quality of life, although it is not widely spoken by most people. Constipation, the medical name of which is constipation, is the condition of stool hardening caused by slowing of bowel movements. Due to this hardness in the stool, defecation becomes difficult. Nutrients move more slowly than normal in the digestive tract, causing more liquid to be absorbed from the intestines. As a result, the stool becomes dry and hard.

Normally a person should have a large abortion at least 3 times a week. The frequency of defecation varies according to the person's metabolic rate. Some individuals have large ablutions 3 times a day, while others may have 3 times a week. Both of these can be completely normal.

Causes Constipation?
The cause of constipation is often not fully understood. The most common causes of constipation include lack of adequate fluid intake, poor diet in terms of fibrous foods and still life.

Some other causes of constipation;

Various metabolic and digestive diseases that cause slowing of bowel movements
Inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn's and diverticulitis
Polyps or mass formation causing obstruction in the intestine
Hormonal balance changes
Various drugs (lithium, antipsychotics, some antidepressants, some epilepsy drugs, iron drug) are listed as.
Constipation is more common in pregnancy. This is due to the effect of hormones secreted during pregnancy. Another reason for constipation is that the uterus that grows in the last period of pregnancy presses the last part of the intestine called the rectum.

Symptoms associated with constipation
Constipation is often accompanied by other symptoms. The most common symptoms are stiffness in the stool, difficulty in defecation, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, abdominal distention, blood and weakness in the stool. In addition, chronic chronic constipation may occur in hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids, breech around the vessels in the case of enlargement occurs. In this condition itching around the anus, swelling and pain is seen.

How is constipation diagnosed?
When you apply to a health care facility for constipation, your doctor will first ask you some questions. If you have at least three of the symptoms listed according to these questions, you are diagnosed with constipation.

Less than 3 times a week
Constipation medication called laxative for soft stools
All defecation; at least 25% difficulty
Incomplete emptying of the intestine in more than 25%
hard stools in at least 25%
Tightening of the breech in more than 25%
support for manual evacuation in at least 25%
No person called Irritable bowel syndrome
Fecal examination and blood tests can be performed to find the underlying cause. If an advanced diagnosis is needed, the colon can be examined with the help of a cannula with a camera at the end of the colon. If colonoscopy cannot be performed, ultrasound and x-rays are taken.

What good is constipation? How does constipation go?

Constipation foods should be learned and avoided in order to be successful in treatment. It is important to increase the consumption of fruits such as pears, apricots and plums that are good for constipation. Instead of white bread, whole grain breads should be consumed and plenty of water should be consumed.

For constipation problems in babies, it is helpful to have regular massages with baby oil and have various exercises. Babies who receive additional food can eat pulp fruit purees and olive oil in their soup. For older children who are wondering what constipation is good, it is recommended that they consume whole grain breads as well as pulp fruits and vegetables.

Other constipation solutions include drinking honey with warm herbal teas and boiling of prunes and apricots. Honey is dangerous in infants under 1 year of age as it can have fatal consequences. Food that is good for constipation includes shelled apples, spinach, cabbage, figs, leeks, olive oil, grapes, broccoli, flax seeds and oatmeal.

How to treat constipation?
For the treatment of constipation, the underlying cause is firstly determined. If the cause is identified, it should be treated first. But in most cases there is no definite reason. A number of medications are used to treat constipation, as well as nutritional and lifestyle changes. Sodium phosphate, magnesium salts and lactulose group drugs can be used in the treatment of severe constipation. Enema and suppositories are other treatment options.

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Ex-Lax Maximum Strength Stimulant Laxative Pills, 48 count

Treatment of constipation is often closely associated with lifestyle change

Ex-Lax Maximum Strength Stimulant Laxative Pills, 48 count

Changing dietary habits: whole grain bread, dates, whole wheat rice, etc. fiber-rich foods such as fecal swelling and promote intestinal activity. It is best to gradually increase the amount of fibrous foods, because additional complaints (bloating, abdominal pain, feeling of fullness) may occur at the beginning until the intestines adapt.

Changing drinking habits: Drink a glass of water before each meal stimulates the intestine. Especially effective: drink a glass of water on an empty stomach in the morning.

More action: Cycling, swimming, jogging or Nordic walking, no matter, is one of the keys to success that stimulates bowel activity.

Routine gain! Defecation exercise: Do not suppress the desire to defecate! Use the bowel to get back to the toilet regularly. Daily defecation exercise will bring order to daily life.

Large bowel massage and complementary therapies: A clockwise abdominal massage along the large intestine stimulates the bowels, which is sufficient for five minutes a day. Breathing exercises, yoga, shiatsu, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), strengthening of the abdominal region and pelvic floor, strengthening of the leg, hip and lumbar spine muscles, and connective tissue massages (lymph drainage, foot reflex points massage) can be applied.

Probiotics: Because probiotic bacteria allow food to break down and be used in our bodies, we need a high number of different types of probiotic bacteria in our gut. When the bacterial flora in our gut is weakened or damaged (eg due to medicines (antibiotics), stress or unhealthy nutrition), fermentation and decay processes begin and they can adversely affect and slow down intestinal activity. Probiotics containing highly active microorganism strains are recommended for the construction and regeneration of a damaged intestinal flora. They protect the intestinal mucosa, promote metabolic processes and may increase the frequency of feces, improve the consistency of feces, and shorten the time the nutrients remain in the intestine.

Home remedies and natural supports for constipation
Plums, figs and other fruits (fresh or dried) and sauerkraut (both vegetable and juice) can stimulate intestinal activity. Papaya has a very positive effect on constipation complaints. Papaya's enzymes, which are protected and digestive regulators, increase intestinal movements and regulate digestive activities, especially when obtained by a sensitive and meticulous method. Your pharmacy will be happy to inform you about such products on the market!
Fibers such as flaxseed, caraway seeds and bran are substances that are plumped and swollen by water uptake; they increase the volume of food puree, the bowel wall flexes and the bowel movements are stimulated. Sufficient fluid intake is absolutely necessary.
Coffee can also stimulate the defecation reflex.
Ready foods, white flour products, sweet snacks, animal fats, black tea and cocoa consumption should be avoided.
Drug treatment: If the abovementioned applications are not sufficiently beneficial, laxatives (eg Galuber's salt, English salt, lactose, cassia, cuttle shell, aloe, castor oil, bisacodyl, sodium picosulfate) may be used for a short time under doctor's supervision. However, caution should be exercised at this time and side effects, such as heart rhythm disturbances due to high potassium loss, should be considered in long-term use. Potassium loss, often caused by misuse of laxatives, may aggravate the symptoms of constipation. Prokinetics support bowel movements (intestinal motility). Thus, the food residues are "purged" and expelled more quickly. Side effects must be observed!

If the abovementioned applications are not sufficiently useful, laxatives (eg, Galuber's salt, English salt, lactose, cassia, cinder bark, aloe, castor oil, bisacodyl, sodium picosulphate) may be used briefly under doctor's supervision. However, caution should be exercised at this time and side effects, such as heart rhythm disturbances due to high potassium loss, should be considered in long-term use. Potassium loss, often caused by misuse of laxatives, may aggravate the symptoms of constipation. Prokinetics support bowel movements (intestinal motility). Thus, the food residues are "purged" and expelled more quickly. Side effects must be observed

Ex-Lax Maximum Strength Stimulant Laxative Pills, 48 count

Colace 2-IN-1 Stool Softener & Stimulant Laxative Tablets, 30 Count, Gentle Constipation Relief in 6-12 Hours

How does constipation manifest itself? Which complaints are seen?

Colace 2-IN-1 Stool Softener & Stimulant Laxative Tablets, 30 Count, Gentle Constipation Relief in 6-12 Hours

Although each person defecates at different frequency, if there is less than 3 defecations per week, constipation is mentioned. In general, constipation is divided into 2 types:

Acute constipation (also called "situational" or "short term")
Chronic constipation

Who has constipation in particular?
In Western countries, about one in four people suffer from constipation. Women who have to deal with obstipation are more likely to be women, but constipation is also a problem for young people, infants, young children and children, which is often a problem that bothers parents and children. Pregnant women also suffer from severe constipation.

Short-term (situational) constipation
it is not a disease but a signal from the body that something is not going well in the body. In medicine, a constipation is mentioned,

Defecation occurs less than 3 times a week
This is only possible with great effort and strain, and
If the stool remains hard in the intestine for a long time and is lumpy (see Bristol stool form scale, type 1 and type 2)
Complaints are usually seen outside the bowel

Chronic constipation
An obstacle that lasts for at least 3 months and at least two of the following concomitant symptoms occur at least every 4th defecation:

Severe bucking
Lump or hard stools (see Bristol stool form scale, type 1 and type 2)
Subjectively feeling that full discharge cannot be achieved
Subjectively feeling of congestion
Manual help during defecation
Defecation less than 3 times a week
Soft, amorphous stools with laxative medications only
Eliminating the possibility of irritable bowel syndrome

The difference is the rate and duration of constipation:

Chronic constipation develops over a long period of time, generally thought to last for more than 6 months, while acute constipation occurs quite quickly, within a few hours or days.

Constipation is associated with extremely hard stools, pain during defecation, incomplete emptying of the stool and a feeling that the bowel outlet is blocked. If blood is detected in the stool during abdominal defecation, abdominal pain, fever or alternating constipation and diarrhea, these are "alarm symptoms", in which case consult a physician immediately.

In general, it is recommended to see a doctor in case of obstacles, especially if this is not situational and short-term.

What causes constipation?
Obstipation may have different causes. Here it is important to have a general knowledge about the physiology of the intestine: The feces need to reach a certain volume in order to provide the necessary "stimuli" to the intestinal contents of this large tubing of muscles. If the swollen fibers and the fluids required for this are missing in our diet, the required stool volume cannot be achieved. When the fluid consumption is too low, the bowel draws water from the feces, so that the feces harden and the intestine makes it difficult to carry it forward, resulting in constipation.

In addition to these constipation reasons (fiber-poor nutrition, low fluid consumption), there are a number of other triggers:

Psychological problems / stress
Physical / organic causes (eg changes in the pelvic floor, hemorrhoids, changes in the intestine, skin cracks in the breech area (anal fissures), intestinal system constriction, etc.)
Adverse effects on metabolism / hormonal balance (eg hypothyroidism, diabetes, pregnancy)
Adverse effects due to drugs (eg calcium and aluminum containing preparations used for stomach burning (antacids), antidepressants, diuretics, high blood pressure medications (eg beta blockers), opiates (strong painkillers or cough medicine codeine), etc.)
Decrease in bowel motility due to neurological causes (eg Multiple Sclerosis, Diabetes mellitus, Parkinson's disease, etc.)
Impairments in electrolyte balance (eg potassium deficiency, usually seen in excessive laxative use)
How can constipation be diagnosed?
The first step to make a diagnosis is to take a history of the disease (comprehensive history). The doctor will discuss several issues with you.

Existing organic intestinal diseases
Questions about other diseases such as neurological disorders (eg Parkinson's disease, Multiple Sclerosis, diabetic nerve disease (neuropathy), etc.)
Questions about family history (family diseases)
Frequency of defecation, color and structure of stool
Nutrition habits, eating and drinking
Concomitant symptoms such as pain and bloating
Questions about drugs taken and which may have an effect on defecation
Checking thyroid function
Following the anamnesis, a physical examination is performed in which the doctor looks at the exit of the intestine and listens to the abdomen. A stool sample can provide information about digestive disorders and unhealthy bacterial colonization in the intestine. The stool is also examined for occult blood (occult = invisible).

Blood tests (thyroid hormones, electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, calcium) are examined in the laboratory. Functional constipation may be started if these values ​​are within normal range, if the patient is younger than 50 years and no warning signal (acute occurrence of obstipation, fecal blood, fatigue) is detected in the anamnesis.

In the case of chronic constipation, a more detailed examination is performed and possibly the intestine and anorectal region are displayed (proctosigmoidoscopy and rectosigmoidoscopy).

Other possible diagnostic methods:
Ultrasound examination of the whole abdomen (sonography)
Radiological examination (X-ray) of the large intestine is now generally performed in the form of computed tomography (CT).
Determination of colon transit time (the time that nutrients pass through the intestine)
If an organic cause of constipation is detected, the underlying disease should be treated. If there is no reason that makes it possible to give reason-oriented treatment for "bowel laziness", general measures should be taken first to relieve constipation.

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Causes Constipation?

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No one knows that the feeding system directly affects the excretory system. Complaints such as orum I have difficulty getting to the toilet uval are in the language of many people today. Because many people say constipation. Inadequate fiber (pulp) food and water consumption is one of the main causes of constipation. There are different reasons for constipation. Acıbadem Fulya Hospital Hemorrhoids and Anorectal Diseases and Gastroenterology Specialist Asst. Assoc. Dr. Özdal Ersoy, told the reasons for constipation and found important warnings.

What is constipation?

The problem of defecation, commonly known as ‘constipation inde in the medical world, ıyla constipation ıyla, is often a temporary problem, but it can also become chronic. Constipation that can develop in almost everyone can become a serious problem when it lasts long. Constipation and constipation-related complications impair the quality of daily life. While constipation can be treated with simple methods, it causes permanent structural changes, forcing operations. Therefore, it is very important to identify the underlying causes early and to find solutions to prevent constipation.

How does constipation go?

How much water do you drink?
When you drink insufficient water, the feces passing from the small intestine to the large intestine become more hard. This hard stool water after the absorption of the large intestine hardness increases thoroughly. When sufficient water is consumed (at least 30 ml per kilogram, for example, about 1800-2000 ml for a 60 kg individual), the feces that migrate to the large intestine become sufficiently watery. Therefore, it is very important that you drink plenty of water during the day. In addition, tea (open – less brewed), diluted and non-sugar added fruit compotes, plum juice and herbal teas are among the recommended liquids.

Feed pulp for constipation
After the food we eat is digested in our small intestine and the necessary substances pass into our blood, the remaining residues pass in plenty of juicy form from our small intestine to our large intestine. The task of our large intestine is to suck back the juice of this watery feces as it proceeds to the breech and ultimately turn it into 200-300 grams of solid feces. If we don't get enough fiber in our food, the amount of water sucked back from our large intestine increases and as a result the remaining feces become very solid and hard. Therefore, the most effective way to prevent constipation is to keep the fiber foods from your table.

Meet your needs on time
Sometimes we delay our need to make a toilet because the toilet in the place is not hygienic and sometimes there is an urgent need to reach. However, when it comes to toileting, postponing this action instead of defecating, reversing bowel movements through reflexes, the rectum, the last part of the intestine, causes the feeling of going upstairs and the feeling of going to the toilet. As a result of this, the residence time of the feces in the large intestine is prolonged, the reabsorption of water from the feces increases and the feces become harder. Constipation develops because hard stool is difficult to remove. As the stool waits in the intestine, the width of the rectum increases after a while, its sensitivity disappears and the feeling of going to the toilet decreases. The need for defecation should not be postponed for more than 5-10 minutes to avoid constipation problems.

Do not make the diet you heard from someone else
It's everyone's dream to have a fit body. For this, many of us are trying to lose weight by making a random diet with the advice of friends. However, diets especially applied to lose weight are made unconsciously. For example; If a small amount of food, fat, fiber and water is not supplemented enough, constipation may develop due to hard stools.

Stay still
One of the factors that cause constipation is to lead a still life. Many reflex events take place in our digestive system during the day. One of these; the progressive and agitating movements of the intestine start automatically as they move. Therefore, take care to walk regularly during the day.

If you are going to go long Uzun
Long-term trips; it can cause constipation that disrupts the body's diet, sleep, movement and defecation. You should increase movement and water consumption as much as possible on such trips and use appropriate laxatives or fiber-containing supplements throughout the journey, in accordance with the prior expert advice.

Constipation in pregnancy
Pregnancy can also cause constipation. While there was no previous complaint of constipation, insufficient water and fiber intake, decreased movements, the presence of increased progesterone hormone in the blood that ensures the continuation of pregnancy, especially in recent months, the baby and the intestines in the abdomen to play grabbing, constipation can do. In addition, the right and healthy strains can not be made with the growing abdomen and some medications that need to be taken during pregnancy (iron, calcium and fluorine supplements) can also cause constipation. In order to prevent constipation during pregnancy, it is very important to increase fiber and fluid consumption and exercise regularly.

Iron drugs can constipate
If you pay attention to your life habits with nutrition but constipation problem continues, the underlying factor; medications you may be using. Because iron, calcium, antispasmodics, depression and some blood pressure medications can cause constipation problems. If it is essential to use these medications, you can also use laxatives that do not interact with these medications in order to prevent constipation if your doctor recommends.

These diseases cause constipation
As a result of prolonged constipation, anal fissure (hemorrhage), hemorrhoids (hemorrhoids), intestinal hernia developing in the breech region and breech prolapse may develop structural disorders / diseases that may prevent breech region and prevent defecation. The occurrence of these conditions triggers further constipation. Constipation continues to increase the severity of these diseases. This situation goes into a vicious circle over time. Diabetes, hypothyroidism, some neurological diseases involving nerves (such as Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis), developed back and spinal cord injuries after accidents or operations, electrolyte imbalance (calcium, magnesium, potassium) can also constipate. Causes such as tumors or cancer can constipate.

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