Tuesday, October 15, 2019

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Causes Constipation?

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No one knows that the feeding system directly affects the excretory system. Complaints such as orum I have difficulty getting to the toilet uval are in the language of many people today. Because many people say constipation. Inadequate fiber (pulp) food and water consumption is one of the main causes of constipation. There are different reasons for constipation. Acıbadem Fulya Hospital Hemorrhoids and Anorectal Diseases and Gastroenterology Specialist Asst. Assoc. Dr. Özdal Ersoy, told the reasons for constipation and found important warnings.

What is constipation?

The problem of defecation, commonly known as ‘constipation inde in the medical world, ıyla constipation ıyla, is often a temporary problem, but it can also become chronic. Constipation that can develop in almost everyone can become a serious problem when it lasts long. Constipation and constipation-related complications impair the quality of daily life. While constipation can be treated with simple methods, it causes permanent structural changes, forcing operations. Therefore, it is very important to identify the underlying causes early and to find solutions to prevent constipation.

How does constipation go?

How much water do you drink?
When you drink insufficient water, the feces passing from the small intestine to the large intestine become more hard. This hard stool water after the absorption of the large intestine hardness increases thoroughly. When sufficient water is consumed (at least 30 ml per kilogram, for example, about 1800-2000 ml for a 60 kg individual), the feces that migrate to the large intestine become sufficiently watery. Therefore, it is very important that you drink plenty of water during the day. In addition, tea (open – less brewed), diluted and non-sugar added fruit compotes, plum juice and herbal teas are among the recommended liquids.

Feed pulp for constipation
After the food we eat is digested in our small intestine and the necessary substances pass into our blood, the remaining residues pass in plenty of juicy form from our small intestine to our large intestine. The task of our large intestine is to suck back the juice of this watery feces as it proceeds to the breech and ultimately turn it into 200-300 grams of solid feces. If we don't get enough fiber in our food, the amount of water sucked back from our large intestine increases and as a result the remaining feces become very solid and hard. Therefore, the most effective way to prevent constipation is to keep the fiber foods from your table.

Meet your needs on time
Sometimes we delay our need to make a toilet because the toilet in the place is not hygienic and sometimes there is an urgent need to reach. However, when it comes to toileting, postponing this action instead of defecating, reversing bowel movements through reflexes, the rectum, the last part of the intestine, causes the feeling of going upstairs and the feeling of going to the toilet. As a result of this, the residence time of the feces in the large intestine is prolonged, the reabsorption of water from the feces increases and the feces become harder. Constipation develops because hard stool is difficult to remove. As the stool waits in the intestine, the width of the rectum increases after a while, its sensitivity disappears and the feeling of going to the toilet decreases. The need for defecation should not be postponed for more than 5-10 minutes to avoid constipation problems.

Do not make the diet you heard from someone else
It's everyone's dream to have a fit body. For this, many of us are trying to lose weight by making a random diet with the advice of friends. However, diets especially applied to lose weight are made unconsciously. For example; If a small amount of food, fat, fiber and water is not supplemented enough, constipation may develop due to hard stools.

Stay still
One of the factors that cause constipation is to lead a still life. Many reflex events take place in our digestive system during the day. One of these; the progressive and agitating movements of the intestine start automatically as they move. Therefore, take care to walk regularly during the day.

If you are going to go long Uzun
Long-term trips; it can cause constipation that disrupts the body's diet, sleep, movement and defecation. You should increase movement and water consumption as much as possible on such trips and use appropriate laxatives or fiber-containing supplements throughout the journey, in accordance with the prior expert advice.

Constipation in pregnancy
Pregnancy can also cause constipation. While there was no previous complaint of constipation, insufficient water and fiber intake, decreased movements, the presence of increased progesterone hormone in the blood that ensures the continuation of pregnancy, especially in recent months, the baby and the intestines in the abdomen to play grabbing, constipation can do. In addition, the right and healthy strains can not be made with the growing abdomen and some medications that need to be taken during pregnancy (iron, calcium and fluorine supplements) can also cause constipation. In order to prevent constipation during pregnancy, it is very important to increase fiber and fluid consumption and exercise regularly.

Iron drugs can constipate
If you pay attention to your life habits with nutrition but constipation problem continues, the underlying factor; medications you may be using. Because iron, calcium, antispasmodics, depression and some blood pressure medications can cause constipation problems. If it is essential to use these medications, you can also use laxatives that do not interact with these medications in order to prevent constipation if your doctor recommends.

These diseases cause constipation
As a result of prolonged constipation, anal fissure (hemorrhage), hemorrhoids (hemorrhoids), intestinal hernia developing in the breech region and breech prolapse may develop structural disorders / diseases that may prevent breech region and prevent defecation. The occurrence of these conditions triggers further constipation. Constipation continues to increase the severity of these diseases. This situation goes into a vicious circle over time. Diabetes, hypothyroidism, some neurological diseases involving nerves (such as Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis), developed back and spinal cord injuries after accidents or operations, electrolyte imbalance (calcium, magnesium, potassium) can also constipate. Causes such as tumors or cancer can constipate.

Swiss Kriss Herbal Laxative Tablets, 250 Count, Pack of 2

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Causes of constipation in children

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Proper nutrition plays an important role in healthy growth and development in children. The wrong foods that are preferred can cause many health problems from the immune system of the children to the stomach and digestive system. Among these, constipation, which is frequently seen in children, can be caused by incorrect eating habits, as well as faulty toilet habits, certain medications, hypothyroidism, or structural problems of the body. Acıbadem Bakırköy Hospital Pediatric Surgery Specialist Dr. Latif Abbasoğlu, told the causes of constipation seen in children.

Too often to eat pasta and meatballs is inconvenient!

Often, parents often make constipation because of their limited time in the evening or because they cannot break their children's wishes and make pasta and meatballs frequently. In order to prevent constipation, it is important to make these meals at longer intervals, to avoid fast-food foods, and to prefer pulp and juicy dishes and cooked dishes with extra virgin olive oil.

Causes constipation in children

Feeding excessive cow's milk during the transition from mother's milk to cow's milk for babies, switching to solid foods and changing the concentration of formula causes frequent constipation. In preschool and school age children, factors such as diving into play or cartoons, lingering with anything, and postponing stool to avoid going to the toilet trigger constipation. In addition, some medications used and conditions that require medical treatment such as hypothyroidism can lead to constipation.

Physiological factors may chronic

In children with constipation problems, the nervous system in the last part of the large intestine does not develop well is known as the cause of constipation. In the examination of the constipated child, the presence of cracks called “anal fissure gerekiyor must be investigated. Sometimes the anus is a little more advanced than it should be and triggers constipation. Breech obstruction, another cause of constipation, must be treated because it invites chronic constipation process.

If there are cracks in the breech…

The most common complication caused by constipation in children is known as breech fractures. Due to breech fractures, the child refuses to make stools because he makes painful stools. As you refuse, the water in the feces remaining in the last part of the large intestine is absorbed more and the stool becomes harder and stone-like. It is still not known whether the cracks on this subject cause constipation or constipation. However, it is very important to investigate the existence of fractures called anal fissures and to treat them if there is any. Otherwise, the process may become chronic and the quality of life of the child is adversely affected.

Frequent recurrent urinary tract infection may develop

Constipation also affects the urinary tract negatively. For this reason, timely feces and urine is of great importance. Failure to do so can trigger each other and cause recurrent urinary tract infections. Another problem that develops as a result of constipation is k encomprezis ’. This problem is caused by the leakage of new, relatively softer feces, as the petrified feces in the rectum cannot be emptied. This problem, which is likely to become chronic, can be treated in cooperation with the family, the physician and the child.

How does constipation go?

Improving nutritional habits, toilet training and some medications help to eliminate constipation. Constipation requires a long-term process that often controls the response to treatment. Therefore, patience and regular treatment are important. In cases of constipation, breech shortness, breech fracture should be put forward and their treatment should be directed. If there are doubts about whether the nerves in the last part of the large intestine develops well, the process leading up to biopsy reveals whether the nerve cells necessarily develop well. If the nerves are not well developed, the only solution is surgical treatment.

Senna 8.6 Mg Natural Vegetable Laxativ 1000 Tablets Generic for Senekot by MAJOR PHARMACEUTICALS (Original Version)

GoodSense ClearLax, Polyethylene Glycol 3350 Powder for Solution, Osmotic Laxative and Stool Softener for Constipation Relief, 17.9 Ounce

Constipation can be risky in infants and children! Causes and treatment of constipation

GoodSense ClearLax, Polyethylene Glycol 3350 Powder for Solution, Osmotic Laxative and Stool Softener for Constipation Relief, 17.9 Ounce

What is constipation? Constipation is one of the most common problems in children and is defined as a decrease in the frequency of defecation, hard or painful defecation. It is very common, especially in children aged 1-5 years, and can be caused by many different reasons. Constipation in children is usually temporary; Among the most important reasons are early toilet training and diet changes. Constipation in children; Fever, vomiting, blood in the stool, weight loss causes many problems. There are many reasons for not wanting to leave the game, stress, misfeeding and early toilet training. One of the first methods to solve constipation is to provide fiber-rich foods to the child.
To prevent constipation, the child should sit on the toilet. A warm bath or drinks increases the feeling of defecation. After constipation, the child may involuntarily miss poop. In such cases, the child should not be punished. Children between 1-4 years are usually 1-2 times a day and more than 90 percent feces at the latest every other day.

Causes of constipation in children
He can hold his poop to avoid pain
The first cause of chronic constipation is painful bowel movements. In such cases, the child learns to hold his poo to avoid pain. When there is a bowel movement, we can squeeze our muscles for a few minutes and postpone it until the emergency goes away. Adults can prevent bowel movement in any inconvenient situation, but understand that it is necessary to complete toilet requirements as soon as possible.

A child who inhibits bowel movement due to fear of pain prevents repeated defecation by doing this repeatedly. To prevent defecation, he crosses his legs, squeezes his hips and changes his facial expression. Other than that, children delay defecation for many reasons. Among them are reasons such as not wanting to leave the game and go to the toilet in a different place from home.

Punishment of a child without poop control causes constipation
In cases of delaying defecation; a large amount of hard stool accumulates in the rectum. Over time, the rectum expands and becomes less susceptible to tension. Feces are separated and the child unwittingly passes to his underwear. This is inadvertently stained underwear due to fecal incontinence. Sometimes when the colon is constricted, the liquid stool gushes around the hard stool in the rectum, giving the impression that the child with constipation has diarrhea.

In constipation and subsequent stool abduction, children do not have poop control, so they should not be blamed or punished. Therefore, they are ashamed, try to hide their dirty clothes and do not want to change their underwear even though the smell disturbs other family members. They also do not want to go to school because of other children's ridicule or embarrassment.

Feeding causes constipation
There are many reasons for constipation. One of them is early toilet training. This period may become a war between the child and the parent. Voluntary retention can become an involuntary habit. Feeding is also among the conditions that affect constipation. Changes in diet, non-consumption of fiber-rich foods, from a full liquid diet to a solid food-containing regimen may be among the causes of constipation.

Routine changes such as travel, stress, drugs, cow's milk allergy and family history may also be associated with constipation. Whatever the reason, a thorough history screening is required. When constipation starts, daily activities, previous and current toilet habits, frequency of defecation, stool shape, bleeding or not, drugs used, details of the diet should be learned. On examination, abdominal distension, mass or lump, placement of the breech, cracks are seen. In addition, the rectal examination is checked for bleeding. Radiological imaging of the abdomen provides information about the occlusion and the location and amount of feces. According to these findings, it is decided whether further investigations and examinations are needed.

Other problems caused by chronic constipation
Constipation in children is often seen as a temporary and insignificant condition. However, chronic constipation may cause other problems or may be another symptom of an underlying disease. Therefore, if the constipation exceeding two weeks is accompanied by fever, vomiting, blood in the feces, abdominal distension, weight loss, painful tears around the anus (breech), and bowel coming out of the anus, a doctor should be consulted.

Treatment of constipation and good things for constipation
Emptying the Rectum:
Large hard stools in the intestine are softened and minimized. Oral stool softeners function by drawing water to the stool and do not make a habit. They do not enter the blood and do not remain in the intestine for a long time. In rare cases, enemas or suppositories may also be used. These soften the faeces in the lower part of the large intestine and allow them to be cleaned. If the child is severely constipated, he may need to be hospitalized for a short period of time and special evacuation enemas.

Keeping the Rectum Empty
Although bowel movement is considered normal every 2-3 days, this is not the goal for the treatment of children with chronic constipation. These children should have daily defecation, and the defecation should be daily, soft and painless in order not to accumulate fecal mass again in the rectum. Daily bowel movements prevent the accumulation of feces in the rectum again, allowing the large intestine to return to its normal shape and muscle tone.

Intestinal coaches are intended to capture the intended target. The dose of these trainers is different according to each child. The goal is to provide one or two soft stools per day. It can be mixed with fruit juice to facilitate the intake of the actuators. The biggest mistake of the families of children receiving treatment to overcome constipation is to reduce or cut them quickly. In the absence of problems, the dose of the actuator is reduced by 25 percent every 1-2 weeks. If pain occurs again or daily defecation stops, return to the previous dose.

Diet - Food good for constipation
There is no food that causes constipation. There are fiber rich and poor foods. Therefore, nutrients with sufficient fiber should be given. Fiber is most commonly found in fruits, vegetables and cereals such as barley, wheat and corn. Adults should take 25-30 grams of fiber a day. The fiber requirement of the child is found in grams by adding 5 years to the age. Another important point is to ensure adequate fluid intake. Dietary habits must be a healthy and lifelong habit.

To relieve constipation;
Children with toilet training should be provided to sit on the toilet.
The best time for toilet training or sitting is after meals and especially after breakfast. Because the full stomach makes people feel the need to defecate.
A warm drink enhances this feeling.
Sitting in the toilet after a warm bath increases the feeling of defecation.
For small children to sit comfortably in the toilet, it is useful to place a small stool or riser under their feet and have their knees slightly above the hips.
Very young children use potty or face to wall in the toilet to sit more comfortable.

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Basic Care ClearLax Polyethylene Glycol 3350 Powder for Solution, 17.9 Ounce

What is good for constipation, what can be done to prevent constipation?

Basic Care ClearLax Polyethylene Glycol 3350 Powder for Solution, 17.9 Ounce

One of the keys to a peaceful and happy day is the continuity of our physical routines in a healthy way. We can keep constipation, which can also be seen as a disruption of our defecation routine, with the small measures we will take away from our lives.

The question "What is constipation?" The main reason for this is that constipation is a subjective and individual complaint. To make a general definition, we can say that it is not possible to defecate easily, that the stool is constantly hard, that the complaints such as feeling like there is still a toilet even after the toilet is removed or that the stools are repeated every two or three weeks a year at different times.

Constipation may have many causes, including a change in the nutritional routine, inadequate physical activity, and the side effects of a new drug being used. In addition, constipation can be a symptom of many diseases. Constipation may also occur in diseases related to endocrine, rheumatic connective tissue, infection and heart-lung, especially diabetes and thyroid disorders. Other than that, constipation is frequently encountered in bowel problems.

If you are looking for answers to the following questions, we can enlighten you:

• What is good for constipation?
• What should be done to prevent constipation?

1. Priority question for those who are constipated: Do you consume enough fiber?
Spinach Salad Recipe
Spinach Salad Recipe

Not consuming enough fiber will result in constipation as well as toxic accumulation in your intestines. For this reason, we must feed the fiber foods regularly by dividing them into meals during the day. In order to say that I am consuming enough fiber, you need to buy 25-30 grams of fiber daily. Fresh green leafy vegetables, especially vegetable and fruit-rich nutrition will facilitate the intake of needed fiber into the body.

Fruit preferences, such as palm-rich palm, kernel black grapes, apricots and fruits, such as using the side will be quite helpful to use. You can even increase the effects of these fruits by consuming them as compote and compote.

2. Do you consume enough liquid? Fluid consumption prevents constipation.

Another reason for constipation is to leave our body dehydrated. Therefore, you can do yourself a favor by increasing fluid intake, especially water. What is important here is to spread the water you drink throughout the day, not only to leave your body dehydrated, but also to supply the water your bowels need to expel toxins and pulps.

3. Are you moving enough?

It is an undeniable fact that desk workers and those with a still life style experience many digestive problems with constipation. You can invest in both your health and your intestines with movements that you can do regularly every day, such as brisk walking. Even the 15-minute walk will do wonders.

4. Use the power of kefir and probiotic yogurts to avoid constipation

Kefir and probiotic yogurts with beneficial bacteria can be purchased and made by yourself at home to benefit from the power of these beneficial bacteria and strengthen the digestive system.

5. Don't forget to add olive oil to your diet to prevent constipation

With regular consumption of olive oil, you can soften and relax your intestines.

6. Be careful when consuming tea for constipation

Teas containing cassia can give quick results but in the long run it will adversely affect your digestive and intestinal health. For this reason, while taking advantage of herbal teas, you may prefer softer teas such as flax seeds. Herbal teas that are good for constipation can be found here.

Doctors often think that inadequate physical activity and malnutrition cause constipation. If you continue to complain for more than two weeks despite the application of our recommendations should not neglect to see your doctor.

Apart from this, if you have swelling, pain and fever accompanied by constipation, if you experience weight loss and anorexia with constipation, and if the consistency, shape, frequency and smell of the stool changes suddenly, it is best to consult your doctor.

Basic Care ClearLax Polyethylene Glycol 3350 Powder for Solution, 17.9 Ounce

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Constipation Polyclinic

Phillips' Milk of Magnesia - Overnight Relief Of Occasional Constipation - Cramp Free Gentle Relief-  Liquid Laxative - Wild Cherry Flavor-  26 oz Bottle

Constipation Polyclinic
In the Constipation Clinic of Anadolu Health Center, patients suffering from constipation are evaluated in a multidisciplinary manner under the coordination of Gastroenterology Clinic with the support of Radiology, Biochemistry, Microbiology departments and other related clinics.

In the Constipation Outpatient Clinic, we make use of our existing facilities and capacity in an effective manner and enable our patients to be guided and treated in the light of current information.

Constipation Polyclinic

Which methods are used in our outpatient clinic?
In our outpatient clinic, your age, symptoms, signs and individual characteristics are evaluated and a decision is made about the tests to be performed. Examination and testing methods may not be necessary for all patients.

Equipment used for the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of constipation, methods used include:

Anorectal manometer (evaluation of muscle function of anus and large intestine)
Colon transit time (rate of progression of large bowel contents)
Endoscopic procedures (Sigmoidoscopy, Colonoscopy)
Defecography (radiological evaluation of defecation function)
Balloon Throw Test
Stomach emptying time
Constipation Polyclinic

Who has a role in the constipation polyclinic?
Gastroenterology Clinic is the coordinator of our constipation polyclinic. Taking into consideration the special conditions of our patients, when more detailed examination and treatments are needed, we provide services to our patients with a wide team consisting of Diet and Nutrition, Psychiatry, Internal Medicine, Endocrinology, Nephrology, General Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics and Urology departments.

Constipation Polyclinic

What is constipation?
Constipation is one of the most common bowel disorders; It is a very important clinical problem due to the uncertainties about its definition, difficulties in diagnosis, treatment and prevention and differences in approach and application.

Constipation can be defined as difficulty in defecation. In this definition, four main concepts come together or separately: stool is too hard, too little, forcibly removed and its frequency decreases. In general, constipation may be mentioned if the number of defecations per week is less than three.

What causes constipation?
Constipation may occur as a result of digestive system diseases in general, as well as abnormalities in dietary habits and some drugs may develop as a side effect.

The main causes of constipation can be listed as follows:

Lifestyle (such as lack of exercise) and dietary habits disorders
Stenosis or obstruction in the colon or rectum
Abnormalities of nerves around the colon or rectum
Functional disorders of muscles involved in defecation
Hormonal diseases and changes (diabetes, thyroid diseases, etc.)
Constipation Polyclinic

What are the risk factors for constipation?
Advanced age, gender (female), inadequate fluid consumption, dietary fiber-poor diet, lack of physical activity, and the use of certain medications (sedatives, narcotics, hypertension drugs, etc.) are the main risk factors for chronic constipation.

When should you go to the doctor for constipation?
Constipation is a problem with resolution and is often a functional condition. If you are defecating less than 3 times a week, in small amounts, very hard and hard, you should consider getting help with your constipation.

If your defecation habits have just begun or are abnormal changes,
If you have not been defecated for more than three days,
If your illness lasted more than three weeks, sometimes
If you have severe pain,
If you have symptoms such as bleeding, weakness, fatigue, weight loss or fever, you should consult a doctor.
How is diagnosis and evaluation done in constipation?
Your doctor; age, symptoms, findings and individual characteristics of the tests to be done will be shared with you. There are many examination methods and tests that can be used for this purpose, but not all patients may be required.

Rectal examination: Visual and finger examination of the anus and the last part of the large intestine. Provides very useful information and tips on diagnosis.

Sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy: A flexible, fiberoptic device with a camera at the end and the layer covering the inner surface of the large intestine. This device is used to enter the rectum to examine the relevant parts of the large intestine (up to the section where it joins the small intestine). These tissues are investigated for unexpected growth or disease.

Radiological examinations: Direct radiographs, tomography or magnetic resonance methods allow indirect examination of your digestive system.

Colonic transit time: It is the measurement of the speed of advancing and discharging the contents of the large intestine. Provides important information for understanding the cause of constipation.

Manometry studies: Manometry; It is a method used to examine the muscle activities, functions, and capacities of the last part of the large intestine and the anus. In this way, it is possible to see if the muscles are working properly in this part of the large intestine. This test also examines the detection functions of the rectal mucosa and muscles.

Is it possible to prevent constipation?
Dietary measures (vegetable and fruit-rich nutrition, fiber-rich nutrition) and consuming large amounts of fluids may be useful to prevent constipation. It is very important that the toilet need not be postponed. At certain times of the day, it is important that a certain period of time is reserved for the toilet need.

How to treat constipation?
The options for treatment of constipation are determined by the cause of constipation. In general, the first recommended measure is to increase the amount of fiber and water consumed. Fiber-rich nutrition and taking plenty of fluids, going to the toilet at certain times of the day, sufficient physical activity is important in terms of prevention of constipation. In case these measures are not sufficient or at the end of the tests, treatment approaches consisting of various diets and medications and exercises are emphasized.

Biofeedback, which improves the functioning of the intestines and the functions of the surrounding skeletal muscles, is also utilized.

Constipation Polyclinic

Pay attention to these before coming to your doctor!
Before you come to your doctor, you will be able to guide your doctor in terms of a better understanding of your condition and the planned tests and treatment approach.

During your interview, your doctor may focus on:

When did your constipation complaints start?
Do your symptoms and complaints occur occasionally or continuously?
What is the severity of your complaints? Are there any factors that increase or decrease these complaints?
Are your complaints abdominal pain and nausea / vomiting?
Did you lose weight despite your recent lack of effort?
What is the amount of water and liquid you consume daily?
Have you seen blood in your stool, toilet seat, toilet or toilet paper, even during or after defecation, even once during these complaints?
Are you pushing during defecation?
Does your family have a serious digestive disorder (such as colon cancer)?
Do you have any medical illnesses that have been diagnosed and treated?
Do you have any recent treatment, have you started or changed?

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Swiss Kriss Herbal Laxative Tablets, 250 Count

How does constipation resolve? Food Good for Constipation

Swiss Kriss Herbal Laxative Tablets, 250 Count

In this article, we talked about details about how constipation passes and food that is good for constipation. If you have questions, you can leave a comment at the bottom. We'il be answering them all.

What is constipation?
Constipation is the most common digestive disorder in society. It is a condition that can be encountered in almost everyone and if it lasts long, it can become chronic and cause serious problems. This disorder, which can be seen in all ages and both sexes, is more common in infants, children, pregnant women and obese women.

The toilet habit may vary from person to person. While it is considered normal for some people to go to feces twice a day, it is normal for some people to go out 3-4 times a week. Constipation is defined as dış defecation less than 3 times a week or difficulty in defecation ’. Excessive straining, painfully hard stool extraction and a feeling of complete emptying are seen.

Chronic constipation can be mentioned in people who have difficulty in getting out of the faeces with abdominal pain and bloating every 5 days or less and have experienced this condition for more than 18 months. Developmental constipation can be mentioned in the developmental age. Because constipation causes a significant loss of appetite.

What Causes Constipation?
The most common cause of constipation is malnutrition, inadequate fluid intake and water loss.
As a result of delaying the toilet for a long time, weakness is seen in the intestinal muscles.
Intense pace of life and stress cause bowel movements to decrease.
Side effects of some drugs are seen as a decrease in bowel movements.
In common hormonal diseases such as goiter, sugar and neuromuscular diseases (nervous and muscle diseases), bowel movements are slowed down.
Abdominal muscles weaken during difficult birth and obesity. In this case, defecation becomes difficult and the stool is kept above the anus and its stiffness increases.
It cannot fulfill the function of the large intestine, which is commonly known as bowel laziness.
Changes in the digestive system and constipation are seen in pregnant women due to some hormones.
We must know the details of the symptoms of constipation before asking questions about how constipation passes and what foods are good for constipation.

What are the Symptoms of Constipation?
Constipation is an uncomfortable discomfort for some, but it has disturbing symptoms. Difficulty and frequency decrease in feces. The stool becomes quite solid and hard. Constipation causes symptoms such as abdominal pain, abdominal distension and restlessness, which reduces the quality of life.

IMPORTANT NOTE: In case of constipation, excessive weight loss, severe abdominal pain, swelling and breech blood is observed in the doctor should be determined by contacting the cause.

So, how does constipation go? Here's the details!

How does constipation go, how does it cure?
In the treatment of constipation, the cause of constipation should be investigated first. Because constipation can also be a harbinger of a disease. If this is not the case and because of the constipation lifestyle, a good diet and sports habit will be beneficial.

How Constipation Passes: High fiber content foods, soft and liquid foods to consume, to ensure adequate fluid intake, regular and intermediate meals to implement a nutritional program and to do physical activities, especially walking is a priority for constipation.

Consume fiber foods:
The first scientific answer we can give to the question of how constipation passes is fiber. The important substances in the food we eat are absorbed from the small intestine and pass into the blood. The remaining residue passes into the large intestine in aqueous form. The large intestine absorbs the juice from the residue and the remaining 200-300 grams of solid stool goes to the breech. Nutrient fiber reduces water absorption in the large intestine, thereby preventing feces from being too rigid or hard. Therefore, it is recommended to consume foods with high fiber content such as vegetable foods to prevent constipation.

To go to the toilet without delay:
The second answer to the question of how constipation passes is to go to the toilet without delay. If you need to pay attention to the toilet should never be kept. The need for toileting from time to time is postponed due to lack of hygiene in the outside toilets or due to busy paced life. But when it comes to the feeling of toilet to refuse to meet the need for toilet reflex reverses the bowel movements. The feces that reach the end of the large intestine (rectum) go higher and cause longer stay in the large intestine and increase the water absorption and thus harden the feces too much. As the stool stays in the intestine for a long time, the width of the rectum increases and the desire to go to the toilet decreases. However, constipation is seen because of the difficulty in removing the hard stool.

Adequate water intake:
The question of how constipation passes is sufficient water intake. Inadequate water intake in the small intestine is now in a stiff state. It is now exposed to water absorption as it passes from the large intestine to the breech, and its stiffness gradually increases and constipation occurs. With sufficient water intake, residues from the large intestine become more watery. Therefore, it is recommended to pay attention to abundant water consumption.

Adequate physical activity:
The question of how constipation passes is sufficient physical activity. One of the endless benefits of movement and sport is the benefit to constipation. As we move in the digestive system, the progressive and agitating movements of the intestines begin as a reflex automatically. Therefore, it is recommended to do physical activities, especially walking.

Emotional well-being:
If we talk about the relationship between the brain and the digestive system, the stomach and intestines may be affected depending on the mood. So we should avoid stress and similar situations.

What are the nutrients that we should avoid in case of constipation?
In order to avoid constipation, we should take advantage of foods that may affect constipation while avoiding nutrients. Drinking one cup of Turkish coffee a day on an empty stomach in the morning accelerates bowel movements and causes us to go to the toilet. But more causes diarrhea.

During constipation, milk and dairy products (except yogurt and kefir) should be avoided. Milk and dairy products have high fat content and low fiber content. As their digestions last long, they remain in the body for a long time and cause constipation. For the same reason, cakes, cookies and desserts are high in fat and low in fiber, leading to constipation.

Fast food-style foods, animal fatty foods and canned foods are among the foods that cause constipation. Excess fatty foods, packaged products should be avoided and in order to prevent constipation should be directed to vegetable-derived foods to help digestion.

What Foods Are Good for Constipation?
Foods that are good for constipation include the following food groups.

Among the foods that are good for constipation are water. It is advised to pay attention to consumption of at least 2 liters of tea and coffee per day for proper operation of the intestines. In this way, we can prevent constipation by ensuring that the bowels work well and the stool softens.

Fibrous vegetables:
is the second best food for constipation. We can prevent constipation by regularly consuming fiber rich vegetables such as green leafy vegetables in our meals. Cabbage, brussels sprouts, artichokes, spinach, leeks and broccoli are examples of fiber-rich vegetables.

Constipation is the third best food. Blackberry, peach, pear, apple, pineapple and raspberry: Food that is good for constipation, fiber-rich fruits. Dried apricots, raisins or prunes: Dried fruits have an active role in the regular and rapid functioning of the intestines. We can consume a few of these dried fruits on an empty stomach in the morning and drink a warm glass of water to soften the faeces.

Olive oil:
It has a very important place for the digestive system. It facilitates the absorption of consumed foods.

Legumes such as chickpeas, kidney beans and green beans help relieve constipation. It softens the intestines and provides access to the toilet. Excess consumption causes gas and bloating.

Grain group:
Unsalted and lean corn flour, rye, wheat, oats and whole grains are helpful nutrients in the treatment of constipation.

Herbal teas:
Herbal teas are among the foods that are good for constipation. Drink 2 cups of herbal tea a day to regulate digestion and prevent constipation. However, overdose and drinking more than 2 cups can cause diarrhea and similar situations is disadvantageous. Herbal teas that help constipation;

Flax seed tea
Thyme tea
Bay leaf tea
Dandelion tea
Senna tea
Bird grass tea
Green tea

Constipation Detox Remedy:
You can watch my constipation detox recipe quark in my video below:
You can browse my youtube channel for my other detox recipes and slimming cures.

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How does constipation resolve? What good is constipation? Constipation Solutions

Senokot-S Dual Action 60 Tablets, Natural Vegetable Laxative Ingredient Plus Stool Softener Tablets, Gentle Dependable Overnight Relief of Occasional constipation

Stays in the toilet for hours, abdominal pain for days, constipation in the research about constipation.

Constipation is a disturbing problem that causes bloating. You may be suffering from constipation for different reasons such as stress, sedentary life, certain types of medication or diet. What good is constipation? What are Constipation Solutions? How does it go? What should people with constipation experience do? Who experiences constipation most? Constipation is painful and irritating asap. Constipation may show different symptoms depending on the amount of constipation. Symptoms that can be seen in those who are constipated are: - Reduction in the number of solid defecation and going to the toilet less than 3 times a week - Reduction in the amount of solid stool

- Difficulty in making solid stools - Having lumpy, hard and dry stools in the toilet - Decrease in bowel movements - Feeling the need to go to the toilet again even after bowel movement.

- Abdominal bloating or abdominal pain - Feeling like a blockage in the intestine or rectum - Loss of appetite, unexplained weight loss, sometimes nausea - Weakness - Rectal bleeding

- Belly pain and convulsionsWhat good constipation? WHAT IS CONSTANT CONSTITUTION? CONSTIPUTION SOLUTIONS Knowing why the problem of constipation originates will make it easier to solve the problem. If you can't make an estimate for yourself, you can't see any reason, or you have frequent constipation problems, it's helpful to consult a gastroenterology or internal medicine specialist. Some of the things you can do yourself to relieve constipation are: - Drink plenty of water during the day. Abundant water means at least 2 liters per day. In the morning after drinking a glass of water, try to go to the toilet. Do not force yourself too much, but this habit will prevent you from suffering from constipation in the future. - Eat small portions of fibrous foods such as fruits and vegetables for 4-5 meals instead of just 2-3 meals.

- Movement is important to regulate digestion. Especially sitting people are at risk for constipation. If you are not able to move during the day, if you are working at a desk, have the habit of walking. Outside, using public toilets is a problem for you at least in the morning to get to the habit of getting to the toilet.- Care to consume pulp foods that run the intestines. Vegetables (green beans, cucumbers, zucchini, carrots, cabbage, etc.), fruit (apricots, apples, pears, figs, etc.), pulses (lentils, beans, chickpeas, etc.), such as food in your meals. We say that food is good for constipation, but these foods need to be juicy or consumed with plenty of water. Otherwise, they can have the opposite effect. Source: How does constipation resolve? What good is constipation? Constipation Solutions

- For natural and pulp juice. Fruit juice without pulp will provide no benefit other than sugar loading. For example, squeezing apple and pear juice, you can drink without straining. Remember that sugar makes constipation worse.

- Add constipation to your food, such as salad, yogurt, often recommended by doctors to add flax seeds. In the morning, eating yogurt with flax seeds on an empty stomach is good for constipation. You can drink a reasonable amount of flaxseed tea to achieve the same result.- Pay attention to the cassia plant recommended for constipation. It appears to be a quick solution, but cassia is a potent plant that can irritate the intestinal mucosa. At first you may feel like constipation immediately, but when you stop taking cassia, constipation may recur more severely. meals, packaged foods, roasting, very sugary foods, coffee and acidic beverages are the foods you should stay away from. In recent years, research shows that probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria, can also be useful for relieving constipation. It is recommended that you consume probiotic yogurt twice a day for constipation. It is useful to consume some oil until you relieve constipation without exaggerating. Source: How does constipation resolve? What good is constipation? Constipation Solutions

Boil 9-10 fresh orange leaves with a glass of water over low heat for six minutes. Filter and leave to warm. Consume an hour after breakfast. This sphere, prepared fresh each time, is continued for a week. Depending on the condition of constipation, you should apply 2 or 3 times a week. Leek meal with olive oil: Consume leek food cooked with olive oil without rice 3-4 times a week. Leek fibrous structure will affect metabolism and bowel movements. Source: How does constipation resolve? What good is constipation? Constipation Solutions

Senokot-S Dual Action 60 Tablets, Natural Vegetable Laxative Ingredient Plus Stool Softener Tablets, Gentle Dependable Overnight Relief of Occasional constipation