Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Colace Regular Strength Stool Softener, 100 mg Capsules, 30 Count, Docusate Sodium Stool Softener for Gentle, Dependable Relief

How to Relieve Constipation Fast and Naturally?

Colace Regular Strength Stool Softener, 100 mg Capsules, 30 Count, Docusate Sodium Stool Softener for Gentle, Dependable Relief

1 Constipation most often occurs when people do not consume enough fiber and / or water. Constipation may also occur as a result of very little exercise or may have side effects of some different medications. Everybody experiences this once in a while, but the good news is that there are a few safe, innocuous, and natural remedies to both eliminate and prevent constipation. By making a few small changes in your daily routine, you can deal with this problem in your own home and in low-cost ways. Natural remedies and lifestyle changes can help you cope with constipation and prevent it from happening again later. If you are suffering from recurrent constipation and none of the methods described below works, contact a healthcare professional.

Consume more fiber. Fiber is a natural laxative. It increases the water content of the feces and helps swelling. This helps to make movements in the large intestine faster and more comfortable. [7] Sudden increase in fiber consumption can lead to gas and bloating, so gradually increase fiber intake by spreading it over several meals. Experts recommend that you buy at least 20 to 35 grams of fiber every day. [8]
The fiber can reduce the amount of body absorbing its medicines. Take your medication at least one hour before you consume fiber and at least two hours after you consume it. [9]
Some good options for increasing fiber intake are:

Small-grained fruits and other fruits, especially those that can be eaten with peels, such as apples or grapes.
Dark green leafy vegetables such as kale, mustard, beet leaves and chard.
Vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, carrots, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, artichokes and green beans.
Legumes such as Mexican beans, Ethiopian beans, chickpeas, kidney beans, lima beans, red beans, lentils and kidney beans.
Unprocessed, whole grain. One of the simple tips is that if the product is light color or white, it is probably processed. Choose whole grains like brown rice, popcorn, steel cut oats and barley. If you're eating breakfast cereal, read the label to make sure the product you choose is rich in fiber. Buy bread made from whole grain, unbleached, un-enriched flour. [11]
Seeds and nuts such as pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds or flax seeds [12], almonds, walnuts and pecan nuts.

Eat prunes. Prunes are rich in fiber. It also contains sorbitol, a fecal softening sugar that naturally relieves constipation. [13] Sorbitol is a mild intestinal stimulant that reduces the risk of constipation by shortening the passage of feces through the gut.
If you don't like the wrinkled surface of the plum or its unique taste, you can drink your juice. However, prune juice contains less fiber than prune.
100 grams of prune contains 14.7 grams of sorbitol and 100 grams of prune juice contains 6.1 grams of sorbitol. To get the same health benefits, you will need to drink more prune juice and you will have more sugar. [14]
Eating excessive amounts of prunes. Prunes will start to work in a few hours. You should not drink another glass of prune juice until it passes through your intestines, or you may have diarrhea.

Stay away from cheese and dairy products. Cheese and dairy products often contain lactose, which many people are sensitive to. Lactose can cause gas, bloating and constipation in some people. If you have constipation complaints, remove cheese, milk and most dairy products from your diet until you feel better.
An exception is yogurt, especially yogurt containing probiotics. It was found that yogurt containing probiotics such as Bifidobacterium longum or Bifidobacterium animalis promotes more frequent and less painful stool passage. [15] [16]

Consume volume increasing. There are several harmless plants that have a laxative effect and soften the feces. Psyllium, flaxseed and fenugreek are among these plants. You can find these supplements in capsules, tablets and powder in healthy food stores and in some pharmacies. Some can also be found as tea. Take these volume boosters with plenty of water. [17]
Psyllium is available in many forms, including powder and tablets. It is also an active ingredient of commercially available drugs such as Metamucil. [18] It can cause gas and cramping in some people. [19]
Flax seeds are used for constipation and diarrhea. Flax seed contains fiber and omega 3 fatty acids. You can mix flaxseed in knead or breakfast cereals. [20]
Flaxseed is not recommended for those with coagulation disorder, bowel obstruction or high blood pressure. Use flaxseed if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. [21]
Fenugreek is used for some digestive system diseases, including stomach upset and constipation. [22] It is probably not safe to use fenugreek when pregnant or breastfeeding. Give young children fenugreek. [23]

Use castor oil. Castor oil can help stimulate the bowel when constipated. It can also lubricate the intestines so that the stool can move more easily. [24]
Castor oil is often considered safe. However, you should not exceed the recommended dose. Consult your doctor if you have appendicitis or bowel obstruction. Use castor oil if you are pregnant. [25]
If you consume too much castor oil, you may experience a variety of rare but unpleasant side effects. Excessive castor oil use; may cause abdominal cramps, dizziness, fainting, nausea, diarrhea, skin rash, shortness of breath, chest pain and narrowing of the throat. If you have taken an overdose of castor oil, call the National Poison Advisory Center or the emergency medical center. [26]
Know that fish oil can cause constipation. Use fish oil supplements for constipation unless the doctor recommends it. [27] [28]

Use magnesium. Magnesium can be very effective in relieving constipation. It helps to draw water into the intestines and softens the stool so that it can pass through the intestines. [29] Consult your doctor before taking magnesium supplements because they may interact with drugs such as antibiotics, muscle relaxants, and blood pressure medications. [30] In addition to food sources such as broccoli and legumes, there are several other ways to buy magnesium.
You can get magnesium by adding one teaspoon (or 10-30 grams) of Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) to 150-200 ml of water. Mix well and drink. The taste of this mixture may be unpleasant to some.
Magnesium citrate is available as tablets and oral suspensions. Take the recommended dose (or as recommended by your doctor or pharmacist) as specified in the package. Take each dose with a full glass of water. [31]
Magnesium hydroxide, also known as magnesia milk, is also effective in treating constipation.

Making Long-Term Changes in Lifestyle

Lay the yogurt into your daily diet. Yogurt contains live bacterial cultures (probiotics) that create the right environment for the digestive system to remain healthy and function regularly. Try adding a cup of yogurt to your daily diet. [32]
Bacteria in yogurt are thought to alter the microflora of the intestines. This shortens the time it takes to digest and get rid of it.
Check the label to make sure that the yogurt you purchased contains “active cultures in of live bacteria. Without live cultures, yogurt does not have the same effect.
Kombu tea, kimchi and fermented and cultured foods such as German sauerkraut also contain beneficial bacteria that help digestion and relieve constipation. [33]

Stay away from processed food. Processed foods and fast food contribute to chronic constipation. These foods are often rich in fat, poor in fiber, and have little nutritional value. Foods to avoid include: [34]
Processed or "enriched" cereals. White bread, pastries, most macaroni and breakfast cereals mostly contain fiber and flour that has lost much of its nutritional value. Instead, prefer whole grains.
Snacks. Food with high fat and sugar can lead to constipation. The body will first try to get calories from fat, which will slow down digestion. [35]
Sausages and sausages, red meat and cold cuts contain high levels of fat and salt. Choose lean meats like fish, chicken and turkey.
Potato chips, French fries and such foods have low nutritional value and contain very little fiber. Instead, choose roasted or baked sweet potato art fries ”or corn popped with hot air.

Exercise more. Lack of exercise can cause weakness in the intestines, making it difficult for stools to pass regularly. A still lifestyle can affect digestion and lead to constipation. [36] Exercise at least three to four times a week for moderate pacing.
Walking, swimming, heavily paced run and yoga are great options. Even exercising for 10-15 minutes a day can help your body work regularly.

Don't ignore the rhythms of your body. It tells you when your body is ready to defecate. [38] The frequency of defecation considered “normal çok varies greatly from person to person. Most people do this on average 1-2 times a day, while others only do it 3 times a week. As long as the body feels comfortable, you don't have to worry about how often you do it. [39]
Holding your toilet in spite of need may cause constipation or make it worse. If you often postpone going to the toilet, you can cause your body to stop giving you the signal to go to the toilet. Postponing bowel movement also makes it more difficult for feces to pass through the intestines. [40] [41]

Stop relying on the laxatives. Excessive laxatives, especially stimulant laxatives, can cause the body to become dependent on them. Don't use laxatives every day. If you have chronic constipation, consult your doctor for alternative treatments. [42]
Polyethylene glycol-containing laxatives are generally safer for long-term use than other species. [43] [44]

Try Other Options

Do some exercise. If you can, try to get up and walk every hour to “massage ına your intestines. [45]
Start walking slowly for about 30 seconds. Slowly increase your speed until you can run as fast as you can without running.
Walk like that for five minutes. Then, slow down for 5 minutes. The total walking time should be approximately 10 minutes per hour. [46]
Don't worry if this time isn't right for you because of other responsibilities. Whenever possible, just try to increase the time it takes to walk faster than normal.
If your constipation is severe, it may be uncomfortable for you, but try not to give up. It's better than having another constipation problem.

Try a different position. Aborigines often squat toilets and this position may be useful. [47] While in the toilet, use the edge of a stool or bathtub to support your feet. [48]
You need to get your knees as close to your chest as possible. This increases the pressure on the intestines and may facilitate the passage of feces.

Try yoga. There are several yoga positions you can try to help stimulate your bowel and move your body to a comfortable position to go to the toilet. They can increase the internal pressure on the bowel and help the bowel to move the feces more easily. [49] These positions include:
Baddha Konasana (attached angle posture): Bend your knees in the sitting position and put your feet together so that the soles touch each other and hold your toes with your hands. Shake your legs quickly, then lean forward so that your forehead touches the ground, stay for 5 to 10 breaths.
Pavanamuktasana (wind resting posture): Stretch your legs in front of the supine position. Bring a knee to your chest and hold it with both hands. Grab one leg and pull your knee up to your chest, then stretch or move your toes. So stay for 5 to 10 breaths, then do the same with your other leg.
Uttanasana (standing bending posture): Straighten your legs while standing and lean forward from the waist. Touch the cushion with your hands or grab the back of your feet. Stay like this for 5 to 10 breaths.

Use mineral oil. Liquid mineral oil; covers the stool with an oily and waterproof membrane. This helps maintain feces moisture and move freely in the intestine. [50] Mineral oil is available in most pharmacies and supermarkets. It is usually taken with liquids such as milk, juice or water. [51]
Use mineral oil without consulting your doctor first if you have one of the following: food or drug allergies, pregnancy, heart failure, appendicitis, dysphagia, stomach pain, nausea or vomiting, rectal bleeding or kidney problems. [52]
Do not take other laxatives or stool softeners at the same time as mineral oil unless the doctor prescribes them.
Don't give mineral oil to children under 6 years.
Regular use of mineral oil. Regular use can lead to dependence on the laxative effect. It may also prevent the body from absorbing vitamins A, D, E and K. adequately. [53]
Exceeding the recommended dosage of mineral oil. Overdose can cause serious side effects such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. If you have exceeded the recommended dose, seek immediate medical attention. [54]

Try laxative plants. For infrequent or severe constipation, there are more powerful plants that help relieve constipation. They are often unsafe for long-term use and should be considered as a last resort if other treatments do not work. Common herbal treatments include: [55]
Senocides are stimulant laxatives. They moisturize the intestines to help the stool move smoothly. Natural sena laxatives can take 6 to 12 hours to work. They are generally in the form of oral suspensions and tablets. [56]
If you have recently undergone an operation, if you are already taking laxatives every day, or if you have a pre-existing problem with your digestive system, talk to your doctor before using it. [57]
Common buckthorn is sometimes used to treat constipation. Recommended for short-term use only (less than 8-10 days). Cramps can cause side effects such as diarrhea, muscle weakness and heart problems. You should not use it if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or under 12 years of age. [58]
Use buckthorn plant if your stomach is aching or you have bowel problems such as appendicitis, Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis.

Consult a doctor. If you have chronic constipation, you may need more effective treatments than you can at home. For example, your doctor may give you more powerful drugs and laxatives than those sold over the counter. If you have not been to the toilet for more than three days, you should see a doctor. [59]
If you have mild constipation for more than three weeks, go to the doctor. If you see blood in your feces, have a stomach ache or lose weight, you should go to the doctor. [60] [61]
The doctor may give fecal emollient hyperosmolar laxatives. The most common of these laxatives are lactulose (Kristalose), sorbitol and polyethylene glycol (MiraLax). [62]

It may be difficult, but when you go to the bathroom, try to relax and let your bowel (and gravity) do most of the work.
Try drinking lemon water. The acid in lemon softens the feces and facilitates bowel movements.
It can be difficult to predict which method will work for how much and when. Make sure you have time to use the toilet and find the toilet when you need it.
It may be beneficial to drink warm water with honey.
When you wake up in the morning, you can do wonders with 2 to 4 glasses of water. This helps to remove toxins from the body.
Put your feet on a stool while you're sitting.
If you are dealing with recurrent constipation and none of the methods described above works, go to a health professional and tell them about your problem.
Do not mix more than one laxative at a time.
Drinking high-fiber foods and plenty of water not only relieves constipation, but also prevents constipation.
Stay away from food like bananas! They slow down the discharge process. Instead, leafy vegetables are a good alternative.

Take the recommended dose for all treatments. Taking more than recommended may cause serious side effects.
“Natural” does not necessarily mean “safe”. Consult a doctor or pharmacist before applying a natural treatment, especially if you have other health problems. Plants and foods can interact with different drugs and health problems.
If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you are interested in a constipated baby or child, talk to a healthcare professional before using any of the methods described here.
Use laxatives if you have severe abdominal pain, vomiting, or nausea [63]
Aloe latex is a natural laxative. In some countries, due to safety concerns, the sale of this latex without a prescription is not allowed. Aloe latex is very effective and may irritate the intestines. It is not recommended to use. [64]

Colace Regular Strength Stool Softener, 100 mg Capsules, 30 Count, Docusate Sodium Stool Softener for Gentle, Dependable Relief

Dulcolax Laxative Tablets, 100 Count, Gentle, Reliable Overnight Relief from Constipation, Hard, Dry, Painful Stools, and Irregular Bowel Movements, Stimulates Bowel to Encourage Movement

Instant solutions to constipation

Dulcolax Laxative Tablets, 100 Count, Gentle, Reliable Overnight Relief from Constipation, Hard, Dry, Painful Stools, and Irregular Bowel Movements, Stimulates Bowel to Encourage Movement

Constipation is a very common disease. Constipation can be many reasons such as what you eat, your lifestyle, and the drugs you use. Fortunately, there are many natural ways to reduce and prevent constipation. Some foods can provide an immediate solution to constipation. Are you curious about foods that provide instant solutions to constipation that decrease your quality of life? What good is constipation? How does constipation go? We have researched the questions for you. Here are the solutions you can easily find in the comfort of your own home with solutions to constipation instantly ...

Constipation has negative effects on your physical and mental health as well as your quality of life. Constipation causes difficult side effects such as going to the toilet, abdominal swelling, hard and dry stools, abdominal pain. There are natural solutions to constipation which can be caused by many reasons such as intestinal functions not working properly, unhealthy diet and still life. If you experience frequent constipation, we are sure that you are looking for immediate remedies for constipation. We've compiled immediate solutions to constipation to help you get rid of constipation quickly. Here's what you can do for an immediate solution to constipation…

Instant solutions to constipation

For water

Prolonged dehydration can cause constipation. Therefore, it is very important to consume enough water. If you are experiencing constipation drinking mineral water will help to run your bowels.
You can also try lemon water. Citric acid in lemon juice accelerates your digestive system, allowing you to remove toxins from the body.

Consume fiber foods

Fibrous foods serve as cleansers in your digestive zone, discarding food and waste pieces. Aim to consume 20 to 35 grams of fiber to keep constipation in balance. Some foods with high fiber content include beans, lentils, oatmeal, almonds and barley.


Exercise does not change the number of toilets, but greatly reduces the inconvenience of constipation. If you experience constipation, taking regular walks can reduce your side effects.

For coffee

Because caffeine works the muscles in the digestive system, drinking coffee can help you go to the toilet. In addition, since there is a small amount of fiber in the coffee, it can not only treat constipation but also prevent it.

Consume foods containing probiotics

Probiotic can prevent chronic constipation by balancing bacterial levels in the intestines. It also facilitates bowel movement and prevents you from suffering while going to the toilet. You can consume probiotic-rich yogurt for constipation or take probiotic pills at the pharmacy.

Mint for tea

Menthol in mint tea eases the movement by loosening the muscles in your digestive system. Hot water also provides relief from constipation and promotes emptying.

Eat prunes

If you are experiencing constipation, the best food you can eat is prunes. Prune, a natural relaxant, also has a high fiber content. By tightening the intestinal muscles, it facilitates emptying.

Natural treatment methods against constipation by İbrahim Saraçoğlu

Professor Dr. İbrahim Saraçoğlu offers citrus leaf against severe constipation. However, this mixture is recommended to people who have never been to the toilet for 10 days. Ibrahim Saracoglu’s natural methods against chronic constipation are as follows:
Carob: Carob in the morning and evening in your hands says eat Prof. İbrahim Saraçoğlu said: k The carob consumed in this way treats digestive constipation and gas problems.

Yoghurt juice: Yoghurt juice obtained from natural yogurt helps the bowels to work quickly. You can eliminate constipation problem with yogurt juice in the morning and evening.

Citrus leaf cure recommended by İbrahim Saraçoğlu for severe constipation:
- 6 citrus leaves
- 1 cup of water

How is it prepared?
Add 6-7 orange leaves in a glass of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. After boiling, take it from the stove and let it warm.

How to drink?
Drink this mixture at least 1 hour before breakfast. Finish this cure once for 4 days at the end of Day 4.

Dulcolax Laxative Tablets, 100 Count, Gentle, Reliable Overnight Relief from Constipation, Hard, Dry, Painful Stools, and Irregular Bowel Movements, Stimulates Bowel to Encourage Movement

Basic Care ClearLax Polyethylene Glycol 3350 Powder for Solution, 26.9 Ounce

How does constipation go?

Basic Care ClearLax Polyethylene Glycol 3350 Powder for Solution, 26.9 Ounce

Sometimes you may have to deal with constipation due to problems in your digestive system. Constipation; medicine is described as inadequate bowel movements.

Constipation can be defined as decreasing the frequency of defecation and having difficulty during defecation. Constipation is more common especially in diets aiming to lose weight due to the absence of fiber and fatty foods.

Causes of constipation

Consuming high amounts of refined sugar,

Very low consumption of fibrous foodstuffs,

To constantly postpone the need for defecation,

Causes such as an inflammatory condition in the intestine, tumor or cancer,

Intestines lazy due to long-term travel,

Some drugs used,

Causes such as pregnancy status can be mentioned.

It is necessary to evaluate the findings of constipation very well. Constipations that last longer than expected and do not improve with nutrition regulation should be seen by a doctor. Laxatives or pulp-containing drugs that increase the movement of the intestines uncontrolled should not be used.

Measures to be taken against constipation

When you wake up in the morning, drink plenty of water on your hungry stomach,

Eaten foods should be thoroughly chewed so that they can be easily dissolved in the intestine.

2-3 liters of water should be consumed per day.

You should eat fruits such as plum, plums, apricots and grapes or consume compote. When you wake up in the morning, consuming 4-5 dried apricots is good for constipation.

You should avoid the consumption of high sugar foods, which are the main causes of constipation.

Foods such as roasting and frying should not be eaten too much because it triggers constipation.

Soup should be consumed at lunch and dinner.

Instead of red meat and chicken, you should eat mainly vegetables and fish.

You can use prebiotic yogurt.

You should take plenty of walking which has an important place in the treatment of constipation.

Beverages such as cola and coffee should be consumed less.

Don't consume legumes such as beans and chickpeas.

The most important precaution should be to consume plenty of fiber foods.

Constipation may occur because eating more than one sitting disrupts the working order of the intestines. To prevent this, food should be eaten gradually and often.

How to resolve constipation?

A mixture of hot water and honey helps soften and work the intestines. It is beneficial to consume olive oil for breakfast. Tea made from cassia tea, basil seeds and red currant leaves, tomato juice, prunes compote, cucumber peel and parsley are consumed by boiling together, helps to eliminate constipation. Flaxseed, morning consumed on an empty stomach acts as a laxative drug. You should not consume too much. Carob boiled in hot water, raw cabbage and juice squeezed through the mixer can be drunk.

Basic Care ClearLax Polyethylene Glycol 3350 Powder for Solution, 26.9 Ounce

Wellness Basics Stool Softener Docusate Sodium 100 Mg Two-Tone Soft Gel, 400 Count

How does constipation go? Food good for constipation

Wellness Basics Stool Softener Docusate Sodium 100 Mg Two-Tone Soft Gel, 400 Count

If you're waiting for hours on the toilet and taking abdominal pain, listen to these recommendations.

Beware of constipators! You can get rid of this problem by arranging what you eat and taking a few simple precautions. Here's what you need to do to relieve constipation:

Do not skip meals, prefer intestinal relaxant vegetables and fruits. For herbal tea, do not forget to exercise.

Intestinal health affects not only physical health but also mental and social life.

One of the consequences of constipation is abdominal pain, waiting in the toilet, abdominal distention for hours.

If left untreated, hemorrhoids, such as hemorrhoids, abdominal pain, abdominal swelling may result in weight gain. It also causes various bowel diseases.

People who have constipation problems are in a hasty, tense and distressed mood.

Some of the main causes of constipation; malnutrition, inadequate fluid intake, inactivity, bowel laziness, weakness of the abdominal muscles, stress, lack of sexual satisfaction, tension and mental problems.

Wellness Basics Stool Softener Docusate Sodium 100 Mg Two-Tone Soft Gel, 400 Count

Kirkland Signature Stool Softener 100 mg, 400 Softgels

What good is constipation? Ways to get rid of constipation without medication

Kirkland Signature Stool Softener 100 mg, 400 Softgels

Constipation is one of the common problems of many people in recent years. What can be done for constipation that has a serious negative impact on daily life? Specialists offered natural remedies for the checks, especially at certain times. So what's good for constipation? Here are ways to get rid of constipation without medication at home.

Constipation is a problem that almost everyone, who sometimes lasts for weeks, causes serious damage and narrows their lives frequently or rarely in a period of their lives. There are solutions that eliminate constipation due to many reasons such as improper bowel function, wrong food consumption, and still life. However, we have to take the precaution and not to get into trouble before living this problem. Here is what to do for constipation solution çözüm

Constipation, one of the most common digestive problems, is characterized by weak bowel movements, abdominal distension, pain, vomiting and hard, small stools. Constipation may have more than one cause. Constipation is the number of defecation decreases to two or less per week.

Causes of constipation include;
* Bowel cancer
* Consuming excess milk product
* Consume highly refined sugary products
*Eating disorders
* Restless bowel syndrome
* Parkinson's disease, MS and so on. neurological diseases
* Insufficient water or fiber consumption
* Excessive laxative use
* Nervous and muscle problems in the digestive system,
* Less thyroid function: hypothyroid
* Antideprasan
* Iron Medicines
* Antacid drugs containing calcium or aluminum
* Environmental factors, travel and so on. due to lazy intestines.

If constipation persists, be careful!
Long-term constipation can cause serious causes. Today, the most common cancers, colon and rectal cancers can be prevented by 40% by early detection. Excessive weight loss with constipation, very severe abdominal pain, swelling and breech blood is observed; physical examination, proctological examination, laboratory tests and colon bowel film or colonoscopy are done to investigate the cause of constipation. Columns and so on. This is how early detection of most cancers is made and preventive and remedial treatments can be used before the disease progresses.
To Prevent Constipation
The biggest cause of constipation is the wrong food consumption. Therefore, some changes in eating habits greatly reduce the risk of constipation. If you have a chronic constipation problem, do so to prevent it;
* Shortening the length of time the feces stay in the intestine; take care to consume fiber-containing vegetables, fruits, legumes and cereals on a regular basis, reducing the risk of toxins, yeast fungi, and disease-causing bacteria in the intestine.
* Avoid excessive caffeine consumption.
* Be sure to drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
* Constipation is one of the main triggers in the consumption of milk and dairy products do not overdo.
* Slow and good chewing will also have a good effect on the regular operation of the digestive system, the bite should be chewed for a long time.
* Adopt a vibrant lifestyle! At least 30 minutes a day for walking, exercise etc. Structure.
* As soon as you wake up in the morning for a glass of warm water. In this way, the bowels are activated before breakfast.
* Avoid holding toilet for long time.
* Every morning before or after breakfast (everyone's metabolic activity is different) even if your toilet does not come and wait for 5-10 minutes to come. These times are valuable as intestinal movements are intense.

What foods and drinks are good for constipation?
Walnut; Water consumption during the day is very important for the healthy functioning of the digestive system, soak 2 dried apricots and 1 walnut overnight. The next morning, consume these nutrients with the water you keep waiting. You'il get rid of the problem of constipation right away.
That; If there is no water restriction for any reason, pay particular attention to water consumption during constipation and consume at least 10 glasses of water.
Prunes, apricots, figs and plum; In the morning consuming plums, apricots and figs from a few pieces of dried fruit on an empty stomach and drinking a warm glass of water from behind will accelerate the bowels.
You can also leave apricot and plum plum in a glass of water from the night and drink it on an empty stomach in the morning.
Fibrous foods; consumption of apples, plum apricots, grapes, avocados, beets, spinach, leeks, cabbage, celery, cranberries, flax seeds and legumes, which are very dense in fiber ratio, trigger the intestines and enable them to act. Whether you consume fruits compost or raw, the shell and pulp structures will contribute to metabolism.
Thyme and olives; It is also useful to consume olive oil and oregano with a cereal bread pouring on some olives.
Olive oil; The use of olive oil, which facilitates the passage of food through the intestine, needs to be consumed as much as a teaspoon on an empty stomach. Olive oil also provides protection for gastritis and ulcer problems.
Flax seeds; you can consume it in your salads or yogurt.
Prebiotic yogurt; Yogurt, a prebiotic food that stimulates intestinal activity and regulates it, also destroys harmful intestinal fungi and bacteria.
White meats; it is recommended that you prefer fish and chicken instead of red meat. The reason is that red meat pushes the intestines.
You should stop consuming after intestinal activity returns to normal, as excessive food consumption in these constipated foods will cause the bowel to become immune and not be able to defecate under normal conditions.

Constipation is a condition that people of all ages can live with. There may be many causes of constipation that adversely affect a person's daily life. Dr. Feridun Kunak, homemade natural vinegar remedy for constipation brought to the screen. Figs, dates and apricots in the production of medicinal vinegar that prevents constipation transfer to the audience Kunak, vinegar after waiting for twenty days suggested to drink.

Orange cure for constipation:
Boil 9-10 fresh orange leaves with a glass of water over low heat for six minutes. Filter and leave to warm. Consume an hour after breakfast. This sphere, prepared fresh each time, is continued for a week. Depending on the condition of the constipation, you should apply 2-3 times a week.
Leek with olive oil:
Consume leek food cooked with olive oil without rice 3-4 times a week. Leek fibrous structure will affect metabolism and bowel movements.

Kirkland Signature Stool Softener 100 mg, 400 Softgels

Basic Care Stool Softener, Docusate Sodium, 100 Count, 100 mg

What good is constipation? How does constipation go? What are the natural constipation solutions?

Basic Care Stool Softener, Docusate Sodium, 100 Count, 100 mg

Constipation is a condition that people of all ages can live with. Constipation, which cannot meet the daily needs of man, can cause other problems. There are many causes of constipation. However, the natural methods you can do at home, some medicines and some nutrients recommended by doctors are good for constipation and can help relieve constipation. In our article, we have examined the causes of constipation, natural remedies that are good for constipation and help pass constipation.

Constipation is the most common and non-age related disorder among the digestive problems. Constipation causes the question with what constipation is good and how constipation passes questions so the search rates are high. In fact, constipation may be the reason why you cannot weaken even if you are on a regimen. It is possible to produce natural solutions in your home with foods that are good for constipation. At the same time, your doctor will answer your question about how constipation passes with medications recommended by you. We examined the causes of constipation, nutrients that are good for constipation and natural constipation remedies on our page one by one.

Constipation, insufficient bowel movements (three times a week or less), or difficulty defecating in more than 25% of bowel movements are called constipation. There are many causes of constipation, which can be seen in 20% to 30% of the general population.

The causes of constipation depend more on the diet. Constipation problems, insufficient fluid consumption, pulp foods are not eaten, not enough exercise or long-term lean diets can occur in cases of frequent diets. In particular, fluid intake is important for body health. Decrease in body water by 10 percent can cause many problems such as constipation.

Among the causes of constipation; bowel cancer, excessive consumption of milk, restless bowel syndrome, pregnancy, consumption of refined sugar, excessive laxative use, hemorrhoids, stress, eating disorders.

Postponing the need for toilets is also one of the reasons for constipation. This causes the bowel movements to be reversed. When the feces remain in the large intestine for a long time, the amount of water decreases and solidifies, causing it not to pass through the rectum. Therefore, as long as possible to go to the toilet should not be postponed.

If constipation lasts long, it may be caused by serious discomfort. Seeing a doctor for constipation, which is listed among the symptoms of diseases such as colon and rectal cancers, will also help in early diagnosis.

What are the symptoms of constipation?
Knowing the symptoms of constipation helps us get rid of this condition that disturbs and reduces our quality of life. Stiffness during defecation, toilets less than usual, bloating and nausea, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, gas, abdominal cramps, stools in the form of hard and lumps are symptoms of constipation. In these cases, it will be the healthiest move to see a physician.

Constipation, natural methods you can prepare at home is a discomfort that can pass. It is also necessary to stay away from things that can cause constipation. Increasing fiber foods, habit of drinking water and exercising can even prevent constipation. The following foods prevent us from gaining immunity due to over consumption and seeing the benefits we want. Excessive consumption can also cause constipation.

Nutrition experts, the best solution against constipation is to eat dry fruit, stating that should be done against constipation as follows:

1) Drink plenty of water and herbal tea. Water is a very important component for the body. Especially water that helps digestion should be drunk at least 6-8 glasses a day. Thus, bowel movements are accelerated and help relieve constipation.

2) Stop constipation with the palm formula. For this, you put half a bowl of paste into the pastry after you mix it with milk every night before bed to drink your constipation would be good. Persimmon will help reduce constipation as it is a fibrous food.

3) In the morning after eating a few dried prunes, dried figs and dried apricots on an empty stomach, if you drink warm water on it, your bowel movements will accelerate. Or drinking apricots and plum plums left in a glass of water from the night on an empty stomach in the morning will help to eliminate constipation.

4) Vegetables are also good for constipation because they contain high amounts of fiber. Therefore, consumption of carrots, celery and radish, arugula, cabbage, spinach, parsley, dill and lettuce will help to eliminate constipation.

5) Do not forget the group of cereals and legumes as foods that will be considered as good for constipation.

6) Increase fruit consumption. Fruits help eliminate constipation due to the high fiber content. Regularly consumed fruit also helps to prevent constipation. For example, fruits such as apples, oranges, apricots, strawberries, dates, pears are good for constipation.

7) Probiotic yogurts are good for constipation due to their intestinal activity. Yogurt revitalizes intestinal work and helps to regulate. It also destroys harmful intestinal fungi and bacteria.

8) You can consume flax seed in your salads or yoghurt to make your constipation pass. Flaxseed prevents the development of irritable bowel syndrome that may occur with this condition together with the relief of constipation.

9) Consume nuts, walnuts and almonds to pass your constipation. At the same time, drinking 2 glasses of almond oil with milk is effective in relieving constipation.

10) Castor oil helps to eliminate constipation because it regulates large bowel movements, shows laxative effect and prevents water absorption in small intestines.

11) Figs, because it contains fiber content helps in digestion and collected in the intestine and constipation causing feces, makes it easier to pass to the excretory system.


1) Herbal tea formula for constipation of Taylan Kmeli

Boil a handful of parsley, a handful of cherry stalk, three sachets of green tea, three apricots and one lemon in five glasses of water. Drink this tea intermittently from morning to evening.

2) Constipation remedies from Ender Saraç

• Dried apricots and dried plum plum in a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach in the morning for this juice. After drinking the juice, eat apricots and plums. Repeat this every morning.

• Beat the flax seeds in the mortar a little in the mornings and mix them with low-fat yogurt.

• Put one kilo of barley in the water in the evening and cover it until morning. Boil in the morning and cook by adding two pieces of pumpkin, a little leek, spinach, celery stalk, a tablespoon of olive oil, a pinch of salt. You prepare this soup on an empty stomach in the morning.

• Beat the two yolks well in the cake cup. Add cinnamon into a cup of oil, whisk in a separate bowl and fold into the egg. Add 50 gr of low ground flax seeds, 50 gr of oatmeal, some plum plum, 1-1.5 coffee cups sugar, whole wheat flour and get a normal cake dough. Cook the dough at 150-160 degrees. Do not eat more than two thin slices of cake.

3) Citrus leaf cure recommended by İbrahim Saraçoğlu for severe constipation:

The ingredients for this cure are 6 citrus leaves and 1 cup of water. All you have to do is add 6-7 orange leaves in a glass of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. After boiling, take it from the stove and let it warm.

Drink this mixture at least 1 hour before breakfast. Finish this cure once for 4 days, at the end of day 4.

4) Recipe that is good for constipation

One dried fig, 2 dried apricots and 2 prunes are finely chopped and boiled in 1.5 tea glasses of water. 1 teaspoon of flax seed and 1 teaspoon of olive oil are added and mixed. You can divide this mixture into three and consume 2 glasses of water each morning.

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What is constipation: What is good for constipation?

MiraLAX Laxative Powder for Gentle Constipation Relief, #1 Dr. Recommended Brand, 45 Dose Polyethylene Glycol 3350, stimulant-free, softens stool

Constipation, also known as constipation, is the name given to three or fewer defecation cases per week due to slow bowel movements. Difficulty in defecation, incomplete emptying of feces, constipation leading to negative conditions such as painful defecation and bloating are common among bowel disorders. Constipation is sometimes obstructive and sometimes can be seen as a slowdown in bowel movements.

Living conditions and diet; can cause constipation in women, men, infants, children and adults. There are medicines in addition to nutrients that cause discomfort and affect the quality of life. In cases of severe constipation, medication may be necessary.

Serious health problems may be underlying long-term constipation. If there are symptoms such as constipation, abdominal pain, weight loss, and bleeding from the rectum, the cause of this problem should be investigated by colonoscopy and laboratory tests.

What are the symptoms of constipation?
Very hard stool
Very little
Forced removal
Low frequency
Causes Constipation?
Deficiency is defined as difficulty in defecation, digestive system diseases and unhealthy eating and dietary habits, sedentary life, and drug use are among the factors involved. Causes Constipation? Other answers to the question can be listed as:

Defer the need for toiletries
Feeding on solid foods
Consuming excess cow's milk
Stenosis or obstruction in the rectum or colon
Abnormalities of nerves around rectum or colon
Hormonal diseases
Muscle dysfunction in defecation
What are the foods that cause constipation?
It is necessary to avoid consuming certain foods known to cause constipation or to limit these foods as much as possible. These can be listed as follows:

Porridge of rice
Excess milk consumption
Fast food foods
If constipation is still a problem despite the diet and active lifestyle, it is necessary to consult a doctor for treatment of constipation.

How does constipation go?
The most important causes of constipation are the wrong eating habits. For this reason, constipation can be prevented by making small changes in the nutrition program. Constipation can be prevented by avoiding consuming food that causes constipation and preferring foods that accelerate bowel movements.

Ne What is good for constipation? Cevap items that can answer the question are as follows:

Consume plenty of water and liquid foods
More action should be taken
Nutritional program consisting of fiber, vegetable, fruit, legumes and cereals should be prepared
Donuts should be swallowed thoroughly after chewing
Excess caffeine consumption should be avoided
Excess milk and dairy products should not be consumed
Establishment of toilet layout and toilet need not be postponed
In cases of constipation that does not last long, it will be useful to see an expert by taking an online hospital appointment.

What foods are good for constipation?
Dried fruits: Before breakfast, hungry apricots, dried apricots, figs, plums with plum and eat warm water on the intestines will run. These foods are more effective when consumed on an empty stomach in the morning. In addition, dried fruits can be consumed raw or as a compote.

Water: If water consumption is not restricted for any reason, care should be taken to drink sufficient water during constipation. Those who postpone this important habit can set an alarm and try to remind them.

Flax seed: Flax seed, which can be consumed by adding yoghurt, is among the foods that are good for constipation.

White meat: When meat is consumed, choosing white meat or fish meat instead of red meat will relax the intestines (high amounts of red meat have a compelling effect on the intestines).

Fiber foods: The consumption of fiber-rich foods such as legumes, beets, leeks, spinach, cabbage, cranberries, celery, flaxseeds helps to stimulate the intestines. Apples, grapes, avocados, plums, such as fibrous and good constipation fruits, constipation should be consumed by those who suffer.

Olives, olive oil and oregano: When consumed with olive oil and olive oil poured on it, it is good for constipation. Since olive oil enters the food passage through the intestine, it is beneficial to consume 1 teaspoon of olive oil on an empty stomach.

Constipation, which is good for a long time to eat and excessive consumption, intestinal immunity and under normal conditions can cause defecation.

What good is constipation in children?
Constipation is a common problem in children. The reasons for this may include not consuming enough water, postponing going to the toilet, stress, psychological problems, excess cow's milk, solid foods and consumption of constipation foods. In some cases, breech fractures and various hormone disorders can also cause constipation in children. It is possible to find a solution to the nutrition of the child who has constipation due to eating habits by adding foods that are good for constipation. The following answers can be given to the question of what is good for constipation in children:

Cow's milk consumption should be reduced and goat milk should be preferred.
Whole wheat bread should be fed instead of white bread.
Sugary products should not be consumed.
Rice pilaf and bulgur pilaf should be preferred instead of pasta.
Foods such as homemade yogurt, kefir, yoghurt soup should be preferred to regulate the intestinal flora.
Forest fruits, pulp fiber vegetables should be added to the child's nutrition program.
Dried fruits and foods prepared from these fruits should be consumed.
Drinks such as acidic beverages, coffee and black tea should not be given to children.
Activity area should be created for inactive children and plenty of exercise should be provided for the child.
What is good for constipation in babies?
Just like adults and children, constipation problems can be seen in infants. When constipation occurs in small babies, mothers panic and say, "How does constipation in babies go?" is looking for answers. Since the causes of constipation in infants may be more than one, it is necessary to observe the baby very well. Causes of constipation in infants include structural and anatomical problems in the intestine, slowness of the genetic intestine, excessive milk consumption, psychological factors, and continuous infant eating. Toilet habits should be followed to see if the baby is constipated. Constipation can be mentioned if the baby who makes his big toilet every day starts to do it every 2-3 days, if he is crying, restless and hard stools. If blood is seen during defecation, consult a doctor immediately. The following items can be listed as an answer to the question of what is good for constipation in infants.

Bathing the baby in warm water will help relax and relax the muscles. During bathing it is more effective to sit in warm water for 5-10 minutes.
Vaseline or glycerin may be applied to the baby's butt so that it can be easily defecated.
If there is constipation in infants over four months old, plum, apple, pear and peach juice can be given next to their meals.
Exercising and having the baby can also be applied to relieve the constipated baby.
Another way to relax the baby is massage. The bowel movements can be accelerated by hand massaging the baby's stomach with half moon movements.
Since each baby has a different structure, it is useful to consult a doctor before trying all these methods.

What is good for constipation during pregnancy?
During pregnancy, changes in hormones and changes in body and toilet habits can be seen. Constipation may occur during pregnancy with feeling restless and bloated. The reasons for this may be the slowing of intestinal movements of the hormone, weight gain, decreased movements, constipation-prone structure, iron drugs, and irregular feeding habits. Constipation during pregnancy can lead to a bad and unhappy pregnancy, so some precautions should be taken. The question ne What is good for constipation in pregnancy? Bil can be answered as follows:

In order to avoid constipation problems during pregnancy, it is necessary to consume more fruits and vegetables. Uncooked vegetables and fruits are particularly relaxing for those suffering from constipation during pregnancy.
In order to relieve constipation during pregnancy, frequent and low food methods should be used. Meals should not be skipped and food should be swallowed after chewing thoroughly.
By preparing sugar-free compote from dried fruits, both liquid needs can be met and intestines can be operated.
It is necessary to be careful when consuming herbal tea during pregnancy. Herbal teas, which are preferred to meet the liquid needs, can create intestinal laziness by preventing the absorption of vitamins and minerals. Herbal teas should also be consumed under the supervision of a doctor as they can be dangerous in pregnancy.
Fiber foods such as cereals, oatmeal and wheat bran should be consumed by those suffering from constipation during pregnancy. Consuming dried legumes is also a source of both healthy and protein during pregnancy.
When natural solution to constipation is mentioned in pregnancy, the first fruit that comes to mind is red plum. It is very effective against constipation when consumed as prunes or as plum juice.
Abundant water consumption is beneficial for constipation during pregnancy as well as many benefits.
It is possible to accelerate metabolism by walking and exercising during pregnancy. It is very important that physical activities are performed under the supervision of a doctor.
Just like constipation, diarrhea is one of the problems that bothers people. Click here to see details of diarrhea symptoms and treatment of diarrhea.

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