Sunday, October 13, 2019

Basic Care Omeprazole Delayed Release Tablets 20 mg, Acid Reducer, 42 Count

Stomach acid excess, but not enough to cause reflux !!!

Basic Care Omeprazole Delayed Release Tablets 20 mg, Acid Reducer, 42 Count

Reflux is very common in our country and all over the world. It is said that at least 20 per cent of people in industrial countries have reflux, and even more than 50 per cent. That's what the drug sales show. Stomach acid-reducing drugs are the first or second best-selling drugs in many countries as a group. These drugs have no cure for the disease, they only save the day. They were not sold so much that was already therapeutic though !!! Contrary to popular belief, the stomach is not acid acid excess, but its scarcity is causing the reflux !!!! Again, the idols are breaking.

A conversation about reflux

My teacher is making great advances in medicine. Discovering a pile of modern stomach medicine. Despite this, reflux is increasing? Why is that?

Once in medicine there is only progress in diagnostic tools (because it saves money). Meanwhile, there is an increase in all chronic diseases (including reflux). How does this progress my lamb ????

I think I stepped on your opposing vein again?

Yes it is. Gastroesophageal reflux (GER) or reflux is the name of the food contained in the stomach and the backflow of acid into the esophagus (esophagus). It is also known as “chest burn arasında among people because it makes burning in the chest.

Reflux is very common in our country and all over the world. In industrial countries, it is said that at least 20 percent of people have reflux, and this figure exceeds 50 percent (1). That's what the drug sales show. Stomach acid-reducing drugs are the first or second best-selling drugs in many countries as a group. These drugs have no cure for the disease, they only save the day. They were not sold so much that was already therapeutic though !!! Am I right?

You're right, sir. What are the symptoms of reflux?

Patients usually experience reflux as a “burning” and ”pressure altında beneath the breastbone, and sometimes this burning sensation is reflected in the throat. These symptoms, which are in the form of burning and pressure, increase after a meal and sometimes last for hours. Sometimes sour water may come into the mouth. Asthma, laryngitis (hoarseness) and dysphagia may be seen (2,3). At least one third of asthmatic patients have reflux as the cause.

Figure 1. Stomach and esophagus

Could you tell us a little about the formation mechanism of the reflux?

I'il tell you, but you'il be patient. Because it is necessary to understand the important issues to understand the stomach functions.

Much of the information here is taken from the 12th edition of the 2010 Textbook of Medical Physiology, Guyton, the world's most famous physiology book (4).

Digestion begins orally. Saliva amylase starch saliva lipase also helps digest fat, but the main role of the mouth in digestion is mechanical disintegration. Foods chewed in the mouth pass into the esophagus with peristaltic (repulsive) movements. From there it passes through the stomach gate (cardia) and goes down into the stomach.

Where the lower end of the esophagus joins the stomach, there is a muscular valve-like structure called the lower esophagus shrinker (cardia). During this swallow, the food relaxes and opens as the food descends to the stomach, while other times it shrinks and closes. Food that normally enters the stomach through the esophagus rarely reappears from the stomach back up into the esophagus. Although this takes very short time. A few seconds of burning is considered normal when you eat extremely fizzy foods.

The reflux esophagus loosens when the lower pucker should be closed and the stomach content escapes back into the esophagus. Stomach swelling exacerbates the current state. Retrieval rarely depends on the inadequacy of the tone of this pucker (certain contraction), ie its laxity.

When food enters the stomach, the stomach relaxes as a reflex. This is followed by peristaltic waves that mix the food and push it to the duodenum (duodenum) at a certain speed.

Now let's elaborate on this.

Yes, sir

The main function of the stomach is the digestion of protein through the secretions of the stomach. When the digestive system works normally, food coming from the esophagus into the stomach is digested mechanically by the effects of gastric secretions and a slurry called kimus is formed.

Could you tell us about the secretions of this stomach?

The cells of the gastric glands secrete a large amount of gastric juice, such as 2500 mL per day. The main secretions of the stomach are;

The stomach is paved with basid cylindrical epithelium. There are 4 types of cells in the stomach (4);

Parietal cells secrete gastric acid and intrinsic factor. Gastric acid: produced by the intrinsic factor and carbonic anhydrase in parietal cells.
Basic cells secrete pepsinogen. The stomach acid activates and converts the pepsinogen enzyme, which is the first step of protein digestion, secreted from the main cells and converts it to pepsin.
Neck cells secrete mucus and bicarbonate
Endocrine cells secrete gastrin, serotonin, enteroglucagon and histamine. Histamine is as strong an acid secretor as gastrin. But not physiological, but often increases in stress and allergic events (stress ulcer)
When food enters the stomach, it causes gastrin secretion from the antrum part of the stomach mucosa. Gastrin has various effects. Its main effects are the secretion of gastric acid and pepsin and stimulate the growth of the gastrointestinal mucosa. Another task of gastronomy is to prevent reflux by causing the lower esophagus contraction. In the meantime, the vagus at least as strong as gastrin secretion should not be forgotten. The effect is maximal when both are together (4).

When the acidity in the stomach increases or the pH decreases to 2.0, a negative feed back gastrin is blocked. In other words, if gastrin rises too much, it reduces its secretion and thus a balance is formed.

Gastric secretions occur in three phases;

Cephalic phase: The appearance, smell, or thought of what you eat stimulates the vagus center in the part of our brain called the medulla oblongata. Vagus is a very long parasympathetic nerve extending to the whole digestive system. Parasympathetics stimulate pepsin and gastric acid secretion.
Gastric phase: Local secretion reflexes, vagal reflexes and gastrin increase gastric secretion.
Intestinal phase (Intestinal phase): Food in the duodenum stimulates the secretion of the stomach, albeit small.
As you understand, the secretions of the stomach are mainly caused by the activation of your parasympathetic nervous system.

Unfortunately, many of us are in sympathetic nervous system activation under the influence of stress (war or run). That's why we often eat too fast or eat while doing various things, and your parasympathetic nervous system is not working properly, so our stomach secretions are low.

We need to chew our food thoroughly. If we eat fast enough stomach acid is formed in the food goes to our stomach. Our ancestors do not swallow your bite without chewing 40 times. If not 40, we need to chew at least 20-30 times.

In order to maximize our stomach acid secretion, we need to be calm and loose before meals. We must sit down and eat. In fact, eating is like a religious ritual. All members of the family, relatives, friends sit at a desk. They chat on the one hand and slowly eat their food.

Now I know how much the proverbs are right, my teacher.

The effect of pylorus on gastric emptying is limited. Mainly, the main factor that initiates gastric emptying is increased gastric acidity. If this increase is not enough, the antrum in front of the pylorus will contract and prevent the passage of food to the duodenum and delay gastric emptying. This delay increases the stomach pressure and causes reflux. The increase in pressure does not provide discharge to the duodenum. Because it doesn't react back to the stomach from the duodenum, or very rarely. Because unlike cardia, there is only one-way transition.

Anyway, let's get back to the kimus.

Kimus is not a fully digested slurry. Digestion continues in other parts of the intestine as long as the food we eat continues to be digested until the smallest building block. However, after this process is completed, absorption occurs. If absorption occurs before the digestion process is complete (intestinal permeability increase), various rheumatic, allergic and autoimmune diseases occur.

I never thought about this very interesting subject with this dimension.

Yeah, Hippocrates didn't say in vain that all diseases start in the gut. Anyway we'll go back to our main topic.

When the kimus reaches the appropriate pH, the valve (pylorus) between the stomach and duodenum is opened and the kimus is poured. If the pH is sufficient, pancreatic enzymes (trypsin digesting protein, chymotrypsin, carboxypolipeptidase, ribonuclease, deoxyribonuclease, enzymes, amylase digesting to the starch, lipase digesting fat) and bicarbonate are secreted. The high acidity (low pH) of the kimus is neutralized with bicarbonate. If the pancreas fails to secrete enough, duodenal ulcer and various digestive disorders develop.

If I didn't get it wrong, you're saying, if there's not enough acid in the stomach, the pancreas can't make enough secretions.

Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying. So the problem is not excess acid but scarcity.

But the doctors say the opposite. How that happens?

Let those doctors read the physiology books again. They should not treat their patients by lying under the influence of pharmaceutical companies.

Otherwise, the kimus stays in the stomach longer. Because the stomach acid is low, bacteria grow more and the pressure increases. The stomach has two puckers: one between the esophagus and the stomach (lower esophagus sphincter = LES), and the other is the pylori between the stomach and the duodenum.

Pylorus is a one-way purse; rarely works in the opposite direction. However, the lower esophagus pusher can work in two directions; especially when the stomach pressure increases (reflux).

So, my teacher, does stomach acid have other tasks?

No, okay?

But let me talk about some of the properties of stomach acid before moving on to other tasks. The acid produced by the stomach has a pH of 1.5-3.0. Without such a strong acid, it cannot activate the pepsin enzyme that provides protein digestion in the stomach.

This is such an acidic secretion that it even pierces the wood. How is the stomach protected from the acid that it produces?

Yes, how is it protected?

The mucous layers of the stomach (mucosa and sub-mucosa) produce mucus and bicarbonate, which protect the stomach cells from damage. The esophagus does not have such a mechanism that protects the mucosa of the duodenum from the action of acid. While the gastric mucosa is not affected by very acidic (p.1.0-2.5) fluids, the esophagus mucosa is damaged even by less acidic (eg pH 4-5.0) gastric fluid because it has no protective mechanisms.


Acid that will digest protein food in the stomach does not harm the cells in the stomach lining. However, the duodenum cells are not as acid-resistant as stomach cells. Fertility that increases the secretion of gastric acid secretory hormone increases the secretion of bicarbonate from the pancreas.

However, when enough bicarbonate is released to neutralize the acid in the stomach, the pylor of the stomach opens and the stomach acid and food can pass to the duodenum. If it passes, the acid passing into the duodenum destroys the floor (mucous membrane) and makes an ulcer.

Fortunately, pyloric spasm often does not allow this situation except for some special circumstances. But this time the intra-stomach pressure is increasing. As a result, the stomach contents back to the esophagus. The esophagus is not as acid-resistant as stomach cells. This is what we call reflux. In the meantime, the stomach is chronically swollen, causing the hernia to the diaphragmatic cleft (hiatus) of the upper gate of the stomach (hiatus hernia).

Now, when my stomach or chest burns acid-reducing drugs are experiencing these complaints. I hear you're lying about this too.

At the end of my tongue, but I was afraid to ask this question in case you get angry

Why should I be angry? Here's the trick. Drugs that neutralize or reduce acid reduce this burn. Of course this can be done in emergencies, but in the long run this process does not eliminate the root cause and makes the current situation even less.

It is obvious that these drugs do not heal, on the contrary, they increase the disease even more. Most physicians are fascinated by subconscious sorcerers or do not know the truth (which is a shame) and think that it is more profitable for them to contribute to the pharmaceutical industry. The goal for conventional medicine is not to eliminate the cause but to postpone the complaints momentarily. Because eliminating the cause of the disease reduces your profits !!!!

One of the most embarrassing is that doctors use these drugs for life. So we call that medicine is not that !!!!

It's time to talk about the other tasks of stomach acid, sir.

Yeah, he's here. One of the most neglected tasks of gastric acid is to eliminate the germs that come to our stomach with our food, ie to eliminate pathogenic microbes. So stomach acid is one of the most important elements of our immune system. For example, helicopter bacteria (helicobacters) that cause ulcer disease have the chance to live in low acid environments. The underlying cause of many microbial diarrhea is the same. Not to mention the other microbes.

For example, in a study conducted in Italy, bacterial overproduction was found in more than half of the patients using gastric acid secretion (5).

There is much more important work than that. Between January 1995 and December 31, 2002, 364,683 patients were admitted to primary care centers in the USA (1). Primary pneumonia was detected in 5,551 of these patients.

The prevalence of pneumonia was 2.45% in patients taking medications that reduced acid secretion for at least one year, and 0.6% in those who did not use these drugs. that is, four times less pneumonia (6).

It is a very important mechanism that protects stomach acid from iron deficiency anemia. Because gastric acid increases iron absorption: In a study, 80% of patients with chronic iron deficiency anemia were found to have low stomach acid (7). Iron deficiency is a well-known condition in patients who have already undergone gastrectomy.

Stomach acid also protects us from another anemia (vitamin B12 deficiency). Because stomach acid provides dietary vitamin B12 separation from dietary proteins and increases the absorption of vitamin B12 by incorporating intrinsic factor. Proton pump inhibitors disrupt the absorption of vitamin B12 by 72-88% (8,9).

In recent years, vitamin B12 deficiency has increased tremendously. For example, in a study we conducted in Bakırköy State Hospital, we found that blood vitamin B12 level was below 300 pg / mL in 82% of women who gave birth. B12 deficiency (less than 200 pg / mL) was found in 42% of infants (10). Such a high rate surprised us even in this business. Because it is so high that it is not only explained by eating less red meat. Vitamin B12 levels are more than 500 to keep. In the meantime, exposure to vitamin B12 deficiency in the womb also infects the brain development of babies.

Acid-reducing drugs also impair folate absorption, another cause of anemia. Folate deficiency (not folic acid deficiency!) Also disrupts the brain development of the baby and causes abnormalities that we call neural tube disorders (11).

Stomach acid also increases the absorption of minerals such as zinc and magnesium. In case of deficiency, these mineral deficiencies that we have already been exposed to due to artificial foods in the last years further deteriorate our health.

So, my teacher, so many vitamins and minerals that cause drugs deficiency doctors knowingly give?

Many of them, unfortunately, do not know. Those who know (a small minority) already do not use these drugs. But I say the king is naked but falls like don quixote like me !!!

Good thing you're there, sir. To summarize, what problems does stomach acid deficiency cause?

So much so that it doesn't stop.

Make a summary

Indigestion, bloating, a feeling of fullness in the stomach
Excessive gas extraction after meals
Constipation / diarrhea
Chronic intestinal infection
Pieces of undigested food in feces
Food allergies and intolerances
Chronic fatigue
Skin and hair dryness
Nail breakage
Two-thirds of patients with inducible bowel syndrome also have reflux. On the contrary, one third of the patients with reflux have stimulating bowel syndrome.
Autoimmune diseases
A downside of stomach medications is that it disrupts protein digestion. Not enough digested protein particles pass into the blood. As a result, a mass of allergic, psychiatric (autism, depression, hyperactivity) inflammatory or autoimmune disease (Hashimoto thyroiditis, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, ulcerous colitis, asthma, etc.) can develop.
So you're not just what you eat, what you digest. If you do not correct your low stomach acid, you cannot correct your digestion.

So far we have long explained the physiology of the work, which was very necessary. Let us now turn to the reflux mechanism in the light of this information.

Yes What is the real mechanism of my teacher Refl?

Contrary to what conventional medicine says, the main reason for reflux is not excess acid, but acid deficiency, indigestion, gas.

For example, in one study, more than 30% of people over 60 years of age had stomach acid deficiency (12).

Zero acid was detected in more than 40% of women over 80 (13,).

Similar findings were also found in other studies (14).

Now I'm going to talk about a very important book. Why Stomach Acid by Jonathon Wright is Good for You.

According to the results of 25 years of research by the author and friends, gastric acid excretion was found to be low in more than 90% of patients with GER + Gas + indigestion (15). Among these, there were very few patients with a high stomach acid beat. (These were patients with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, gastrinoma). The following figure is taken from this book.

Start with the truth. Reflux also increases with age !!!

In other words, gastric acid secretion decreases and reflux increases with age. As the late composer and Turkish singer Ahmet Kayan said, ne What a contradiction, mother! ’

To sum up, if our stomach doesn't release enough acid, the stomach content cannot pass to the duodenum and the intra-stomach pressure increases, and the stomach content backfires into the esophagus, called reflux. Even if the acidity in the chymus is low, even this acidity burns the esophagus mucosa.

Key point: It burns the esophagus mucosa, even with very little acid in the stomach. This is not a justification for drug use (except in an emergency).
Even McColl and Gillen wrote in the July 2009 Journal of Gastroenterology editorial. ‘It is not right to treat reflux reflux with acid-reducing drugs because the cause is not excessive gastric acid excretion (16).

Reflux is due to increased intra-abdominal pressure (17, 18).

What are the reasons for the increase in intra-abdominal pressure?

Excessive bacterial growth
Disruption of sugar digestion
Events develop as follows;

Gastric acid shortage + Excessive bacterial growth + Sugar digestion disruption = Gas Increased intraabdominal pressure + Reflux

Why is there excessive bacterial growth?

Because the stomach acid beat is low. However, when the pH is <3.0 no bacteria can survive for more than 15 minutes (including H. pylori).

For example, in one study, 30 patients with reflux were given a proton pump inhibitor for at least 3 months. While one third of the patients in the study group had excessive bacterial growth, this rate was found to be 1/10 in the control group (19).

So, why is there excessive gas in reflux patients?

Low stomach acid disrupts sugar digestion. Because if there is not enough stomach acid, pancreatic enzymes cannot be secreted enough. In the meantime, pancreatic amylase is not secreted enough. In this case undigested sugars are fermented and produce gas (flatulence).

Excessive bacterial growth + sugar digestion disorder = GAS

Although bacteria metabolize proteins and fats, their main preference is carbohydrates. If they cannot be fermented well, gas is formed. The resulting gas makes reflux.

One of the most important gases produced by the bacterial fermentation of sugars is hydrogen (H2) gas. Pathogenic bacteria use hydrogen gas as an energy source (20,21).

Excess hydrogen growth Aşırı Excess bacteria growth à Excess hydrogen growth à Excess bacteria growth (vicious cycle)

In one study, sugar absorption was found in more than half of the cases when 25 grams of fructose was given to 15 adults and in more than two-thirds of cases when given 50 grams of fructose (22). In this study, H2 was measured in breath. H2 is the sole source of sugars. H2 increased 5 times at a dose of 50 grams (23).

The amount of gas produced by carbohydrates is incredibly high. 30 liters of sugar 10 liters !!! hydrogen gas (24-30). In the clinic, we present as bad breath (key clinical finding). Because the hydrogen gas passing into the blood is thrown out with the lungs. Already the source of more than 90% of bad breath in the intestine (All chronic diseases start from the intestine, says Hippocrates again very right).

Some studies have shown that there is lower esophageal loosening in case of lactose ingestion (31).

Babies consume a lot of milk. This is the most important reason underlying infant reflux. In this case, it would be beneficial to administer lactase (eg Lactozyme drop ®), which assists in the digestion of lactose. 2-4 drops before each nozzle). This is the main reason why reflux is reduced after 6 months of starting supplementary foods. Another reason is that gastric acid secretion starts to increase only after 2-4 months, as in a study we did years ago (1987) (32).

Similar findings have been found in the areas of fructooligosaccharidosis (33).

In summary, if you want to treat reflux, you need to reduce bacterial growth (give acid) and restrict carbohydrate intake.

Is there a relationship between our feeding habits and reflux?

Of course there is. What disease do you have? For example, most fat people have reflux. Therefore, it has been suggested that excess fatty foods cause reflux. However, it has been shown that reflux is not related to the amount of fat in the diet, but to sugar. In other words, the excess of refined sugar in the diet causes reflux. Two small studies have shown that carbohydrate-poor diet reduces reflux.

In the first study, it was shown that when foods with high glycemic index in the diet of patients with reflux were removed, symptoms of disease improved within a week (34). Even the patients who participated in this study continued their bad habits such as alcohol, smoking and coffee, but their reflux symptoms improved. The aforementioned patients discontinued all the stomach medications.

Similar findings were found in another study (35)

Unfortunately, these studies were conducted with very few patients.

Our observations are the same. Low-sugar diet, which I have launched my line in Turkey "Stone Age Diet" is implementing a large portion of people (almost all of) reflux disappear spontaneously within a few weeks.

So, why isn't there a study with more cases?

Because there is no pharmaceutical company to finance it !!! Medicine has ceased to be an art and has turned into a profit-making profession. No one except a few physicians cesaret has the courage to scare the munist mules, they have become their lawyers. We've all been slaves to pharmaceutical companies! Civilian organizations are hardly sponsoring medical research. Let the blind eye of the money !!! And they call it evidence-based medicine, hitting doctors like me from place to place. We presented our evidence. What about yours?

Could you tell us about Helicobacter pylori, whose name we heard a lot?

I'm okay. Many physicians have believed that Helicobacter pylori increases the formation of acid and that acid is born to make ulcers.

I mean, isn't it?

Not really. Look, let me tell you.

More than half of the world's population has H. pylori in the stomach. As age increases, the frequency of H. pylori increases (up to 90%). Many physicians think that Helicobacter increases stomach acid. That's why they treat this bacteria with antibiotics. But for some reason their treatment is not successful. On the contrary, Helicobacter (I have already described) can reproduce in the absence of gastric acid (36). Already though gastric acid secretion is normal h. pylori also can not reproduce. Antibiotics further deteriorate the already impaired probiotic balance. 2 cloves of garlic per day kill this bacterium, but the basic treatment increases the stomach acid, which is reduced.

Helicobacter pylori infection can cause gastric cancer by causing atrophic gastritis (low stomach acidity) and intestinal metaplasia. Because stomach acid-reducing drugs lead to atrophic gastritis.

In a study published in the 1996 New England Journal of Medicine, Prisolec (acid-reducing drug) was applied to one group and two patients underwent lower sphincter surgery in the other group. After 5 years, the rate of hypochlorhydria in the first group with h.pylori increased from 59% to 81%. However, this rate was 4% in the group not receiving Prisolec (38).

Does stress have an effect on gastric acid secretion?

Yes there is. Because of the metabolic syndrome, many of us (more than 60% of the adult population) have reactive blood sugar (hypoglycemia). During hypoglycemia, our body increases stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol to raise blood sugar. As you know, cortisol is a hormone that increases gastric acid secretion. As I just explained, the pylorus is tightly closed, as the pancreas is not able to release enough bicarbonate to neutralize this acid secreted by cortisol in a short time. Intra-stomach pressure is increasing, food can not pass to the intestine, so there is no ulcer, but something else happens and the esophagus opens due to increased pressure. As a result, food in the stomach and increased stomach acid (due to cortisol) backfire into the esophagus and burn your chest.

He also had Barret's esophagitis, I don't know if I pronounced it normal?

No, you pronounced it correctly. There is such a disease and it is quite common (despite advances in medicine!). The cells lining the stomach surface are resistant to the strong acid secreted by the stomach. However, the floor of the esophagus has no property to protect from this strong acid. If it is exposed to stomach acid for a long time, there will be bleeding and stenosis. But most importantly, a germ-free inflammation develops; this is called esophagitis in medical language. Esophagitis can cause esophageal cancer in the long term.

Since the drugs that reduce stomach acid are used so much, esophageal cancers had to be reduced. Is not it?

Or is it not decreasing?

What travels? On the contrary, the last 15-20 esophageal cancers increased by 3-4 times (39). But for some reason, nobody's asking for it. Just like that hijaz song. Im I fell into the wind of my fortune. ’

It has also been shown that stomach acid deficiency causes precancerous polyps in mice (40). For example, in non-gastrin mice, there is no acid secretion due to the absence of acid, but excessive bacterial growth + inflammation + precancerous polyps.

Are food intolerances that we see a lot due to stomach acid deficiency?

Yeah. Most of the food intolerances (almost all) that have increased tremendously in recent years are due to stomach acid deficiency. Although these intolerances can be demonstrated by special tests, remove the following foods from your diet at least one month apart. If your symptoms improve, if you start that food again and come back again, you have an intolerance to that food.

Wheat (Gluten)
Dried fruits
Food additives
Does stomach acid have any effect on bile acids?

Unfortunately, there is. Low stomach acid causes excessive bacterial growth and also deconjugates bile acids (41).

Is there a relationship between vitamins and reflux?

Yes there is. In a study, this situation was well examined (42). Folate (not folic acid found in vitamin preparations!) Plays a role in the mechanism of cancer by affecting DNA synthesis and methylation. The presence of other vitamin B complex and vitamin C is essential for folate functions. Esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) is associated with inflammation caused by reflux esophagitis (RE). RE leads to esophageal metaplasia [Barrett’s esophagus (BE)] and carcinoma.

In this study, as folate consumption increases, the risk of EAC decreases.

B6 deficiency increases the risk of EAC, RE and BE.

Riboflavin deficiency increases the risk of RE.

B12 deficiency increases the risk of EAC.

So we should take vitamin B complex to prevent these diseases, sir?

Lest !!! Vitamins in our food (fresh vegetables) are sufficient. Moreover, folic acid (which is a chemical and not folate) in these vitamin preparations increases cancer formation !!!!

How is reflux diagnosed?

If the patient's complaints are evaluated well, the diagnosis of reflux is generally made easily without resorting to any laboratory methods. If there is no other suspicious condition, radiological examinations and endoscopy are rarely needed.

How to treat classic reflux?

Helicobacters, if any, are treated with antibiotics + acid-reducing drugs.

Three groups of drugs are used in the treatment of classic reflux; anti acids, H2 receptor breakers and proton pump inhibitors. Antacids are alkaline substances such as bicarbonate which neutralize stomach acid. Others are drugs that reduce stomach acid. These drugs are ranked first or second among the best-selling drugs in many countries as a group.

Although these drugs reduce the burning of the esophagus in the acute phase, they do not have any therapeutic properties. If used for long periods of time, there are a lot of serious side effects.

How do you treat reflux?

I'm a pediatrician, but I have a bunch of adult patients.

I treat reflux and ulcers in similar ways. Let me explain the two together.

The first step of the emergency treatment (excessive pain and burning) to the patient in 1 large glass of water 1 teaspoon (wipe) to give the carbonate so that the pain to reduce. Once the pain has passed, give 500 ml (1 small pet bottle or 2 large cups) of water every 3 hours (total at least 4 liters per day). After a day, the complaints are greatly improved.

After the acute period has passed, I recommend that the patient drink 250 cc half an hour before the meal and 2.5 cc after the meal, and drink as much water as he wants between the intervals. This form of treatment is Iranian. Feridun Batmanghelidj treated thousands of patients in this way.

It's clear that most of us don't drink enough water. Therefore, our body does not fully fulfill its duties and various chronic diseases emerge. Dr. of Iranian origin living in the United States. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj (Feridun Batmangeliç) Water: Not Sick, Thirsty in his book says that the most important reasons for all diseases in the body is dehydrated (43). According to this scientist, it is possible to protect against almost all diseases with the right water consumption. Unfortunately, very few of the physicians establish a relationship between chronic diseases and the lack of fluid consumed.

Dr. The story of Fereydoon Batmanghelidj is very interesting. Batmanghelidj is imprisoned for a death row in 1979 during the Iranian Islamic Revolution. In the early days of the prison, a prisoner suffering from severe writhing ulcer pain gives two glasses of water because there is no medicine in the prison infirmary. The pain goes away in eight minutes. The patient then continues to drink 500 mL (1 small pet bottle or 2 large glasses) of water every 3 hours. After the acute period has passed, the patient advises him to drink 250mL half an hour before the meal and 2.5m after the meal and drink as much water as he wants. The patient has been suffering from stomach pain for years.

Batmanghelidj treats more than 3000 ulcers with water only until 1982, when he was released from prison after the first patient. When he went to the first hearing a year after his imprisonment, he told the judge that he had made a very important invention for human health, and that he had written an article for publication in Iran and Western medical journals. He wants to hand this over to him before he's executed. The judge is sentenced and reduced his sentence to 3 years. In the following months, he decides to be released early. But Batmanghelidj refuses to offer early release to complete his investigations, stays in prison for a few more months (a total of 2 years and 7 months), and completes his work.

Important note: Do not drink water for 2 hours, starting half an hour before a meal, as this may reduce stomach acid. Because it reduces stomach acid.

Picture 1. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj

How is the treatment after the acute phase?

The second important step is the significant reduction of refined sugars, flour and sugar-made foods. The Stone Age diet is very suitable for this purpose.

I use natural ingredients to increase stomach acidity (of course, not to take bicarbonate and acid reducing or neutralizing drugs).

What are the natural ingredients that increase acid?

The two are very important; vinegar and lemon

Raw (unfiltered) natural apple cider vinegar (not vinegar sold in the market !!!!): Increases the amount of acid in your stomach. Put 1 teaspoon into 1 large glass of water: Increasing acid h. inhibits plyori.

Sugar-free lemonade: 1 large glass of water to be squeezed 1 lemon. This increases the acid h. inhibits plyori.

Betaine hydrochloride: Used if the above is not sufficient. It is an acid source taken in the form of 250-500mg. h. inhibits plyori. In the meantime, remember that 1 portion of spinach contains 500 mg, and 1 portion of red beet contains 250 mg of betaine.

Pobiotics: Reduces bacterial overproduction. Home yogurt, kefir and pickles. To adapt, start with small amounts and gradually increase portions. Otherwise you may have digestive problems.

One of the most important sources of probiotics is pickles (especially pickled red beets, including betaine). It is more nutritious because it is much richer in probiotics, vitamins and digestive enzymes, and you can buy 10 trillion probiotics in one serving of pickles, but even the most powerful probiotic preparation rarely contains more than 10 billion colonies.

Vitamins B complex: Use as a preparation is inconvenient. Eat plenty of greens (salads)

Keep your vitamin D levels between 40-100ng / mL The most natural way to keep this level is to sunbathe at noon (unlike inaccurate blood, when the sun doesn't exceed your height, the sun doesn't synthesize in the afternoon as it does !!!!). Unfortunately, very few people have access to adequate vitamin D levels. Therefore, vitamin supplements seem to be essential.

Glutamine: reduces gastrointestinal damage caused by H. Pylori (43). Animal proteins (meat, village chicken, village eggs, home yogurt, etc.) are rich in glutamine. Do not use glutamine as a medicine! There's a risk of cancer.

Basic Care Omeprazole Delayed Release Tablets 20 mg, Acid Reducer, 42 Count

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How does the gas pain go?

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What should be done to prevent pain caused by gas pains? What are the symptoms of gas pains? How does the Gas Pains pass? Here is the answer to all these questions in our news

It is caused by gas pains, food allergy, air swallowing, high-fiber foods and inflammatory bowel diseases and can circulate in the intestines and stomach. If this is not removed from the body after a while, it can cause severe cramps and pains, even chest tightness and heart attack-like symptoms. What are the symptoms of gas pains?

Gas Pain Symptoms

Feeling fullness in the stomach
Abdominal swelling and tension
Sharp cramps that turn into abdominal pain
Abdominal pain
When gas is released, the pain is reduced and the person can return to daily activities.

When to See a Doctor?

See the doctor without delay if you have the following symptoms accompanying gas pains:

Unexplained weight loss
Vomiting and dizziness
Fever Chest Pain
Recurrent, prolonged and / or severe abdominal pain
Pain that interferes with your normal activity, even for a short time
Home Recipe for Gas Pains

To eliminate the Gas Pains

Try Leg-Chest Exercise to avoid pain caused by gas. Lie on your back on the floor, pull your legs towards your stomach and repeat the movement 6-10 times per minute. Apply the movement for 5 minutes at a time. Use a Hot Water Bag A hot water bag can reduce abdominal pain. It also protects your stomach from burning. Heat should be acceptable to your skin. Hot Tea For soothing teas such as mint, ginger, fennel or chamomile. This way you can reduce the discomfort you feel. Mint is best because it is an antispasmodic drug that contains methanol and removes gas quickly. Fennel Seed Fennel seeds of chew reduce gas in the intestine and thus relieve pain. One teaspoon at a time is enough.
Apple Cider Vinegar For two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar mix with a glass of water and gradually reduce the pain. Boil tangerine peels and bay leaves Boil tangerine peels in water for 5 minutes and sip like tea. The shell can also be eaten raw. Bay leaves are boiled and consumed in the same way.

The best way to relieve gas pains is to change eating and drinking habits. This will reduce gas production and alleviate pain.
Cut Fat and Fried Foods
By reducing fried foods, you can relieve the formation of gas to some extent, thus minimizing gas pains.
Avoid Gassing Food
Some foods cause more gas than others. Remove these foods from your diet list. Some; beans, broccoli, onions, brussels sprouts, asparagus, cauliflower, peaches, artichokes, pears, gum, apples, plums, sugar-free candy, whole grains or cakes, whole wheat bread, milk, soda and other sodas, ice cream, iced milk .Reduce milk products. By reducing the consumption of dairy products, you can minimize gas formation and relieve pain. Foods such as buttermilk (buttermilk, skimmed milk) containing high Ph may be consumed to reduce the gas reaction in bile.
Temporarily Limit High Fiber Foods
Rich fibrous foods are known to cause gas. By reducing this type of food you can relieve the formation of gas. With other changes in your life, you can return to previous levels of fiber food intake.

Changes in Lifestyle and Habits

Eat smaller meals
You can reduce the formation of gas by consuming frequent and low meals.
By chewing further, you can increase the secretion of food-degrading enzymes in the saliva. Food is divided into small molecules. This reduces the formation of gas in the abdomen.
Check Your Denture
Food chopping starts with chewing and is efficient with a healthy set of teeth, thus reducing gas formation.
Stop Smoking
Smoking causes peptic ulcers and heartburn. It also damages the lung and digestive system. Peptic ulcers can cause major problems due to small gas problems.
When you exercise, bowel movements are accelerated. Over time, digestion is strengthened and gas discharge becomes more comfortable. By having a good body, you can completely eliminate the gas pains.
calm down
A calm head reduces gas pains. When you feel anxiety, you are more likely to swallow air by mouth, which increases the gas in your abdomen.

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Gastric Gas Causes and How to Troubleshoot?

Good Sense Esomeprazole Magnesium Delayed Release Capsules 20 Mg, Acid Reducer, Treats Heartburn, 42Count

What is stomach gas?

Gastric gas problem, which is one of the most common disorders, makes people extremely uncomfortable. It occurs from the upper digestive system to the duodenum. As the gas accumulates in the intestines and condenses, severe pain may occur. Particular attention should be paid to nutrients consumed to reduce the amount of gas condensed after meals and to minimize pain caused by gas. A healthy human body produces 1-2 liters of gas during the day, and 14-20 times this gas. However, the amount of food consumed causes this gas to change. In addition to malnutrition, gastric gas may occur due to air swallowing . The gas problem is also associated with digestive system problems such as diarrhea and constipation . The gas problem that occurs due to various reasons can sometimes intensify and limit the daily life of the person. The gas problem, which usually manifests itself due to problems in the digestive system, can also be a symptom of various health problems. Pain caused by appendicitis, gallstones and heart disease can sometimes be understood as gas pain. It is recommended to consult a doctor as soon as possible if symptoms such as prolonged abdominal pain, bloody stools, changes in stool color, excessive weight loss, severe chest pain and prolonged nausea are observed.

Gastric Gas Causes?

Stomach gas, which develops due to many reasons, from consumed foods to various health problems, can also be caused by swallowing from outside air. Stomach gas, especially after meals, gas, depending on whether the foods consumed are sour, spicy or bitter . One of the main causes of gastric gas is air ingestion. You can cause gas to form and disturb the stomach by swallowing air during eating fast, sighing during stress or talking while eating. It is not recommended to consume foods that are composed of excess fatty, acidic, bitter, spicy and artificial substances . Due to this type of feeding, there is a constant complaint of stomach pain due to gastric gas. Fibrous foods that benefit in many areas from the digestive system to blood sugar cause gas problems if consumed excessively. Therefore, consumption of high fiber-containing foods may invite the gas problem. Irregular and unhealthy nutrition, as well as consumption of food prepared from prepared and artificial substances are among the factors that cause gas problems. The chemicals used in the production of various ready-made foods affect the digestive system and cause gas problems.

Gastric Gas Symptoms

Gastric gas disease is one of the main problems of many people. We have compiled general information about discomfort for you above. In this section, we have listed the symptoms of gastric gas compression as substances for you. Here are some of the symptoms of stomach gas ...

Abdominal pain
Abdominal swelling
Feeling of weight in the abdomen
Belching while lying or leaning forward during movement
Nausea after eating
Quick saturation feeling

How does stomach gas pass?

In order to prevent stomach gas, you can boil the food , cook it on low heat for a long time, and prepare it as low-fat and low-sauce . You should pay attention to the content of the prepared sauces that you use especially in meals and you should use a small amount. Otherwise, excessive sour and spicy sauces cause gas problems. At home you can reduce the amount of spices made by yourself sauces. Increasing the number of meals by eating less and more often can be beneficial for your digestive system as well as help you to lose weight. For this reason, you should avoid irregular nutrition and you can keep your digestive system working regularly by creating a daily diet.

Besides nutrition, stress is the leading cause of gas problem. Therefore, being under stress, especially when eating, will be the main cause of the gas problem. Yogurt , which is beneficial for the digestive system and increases the amount of good bacteria, is highly effective against gas problem. A bowl of yogurt consumed regularly before bedtime provides an effective solution to your gas problem. You can also consume yogurt as snacks during the day.

What is good for stomach gas?

Gastrointestinal disease is one of the most important problems of many people. Many people ask what is useful in the treatment of gastric gas. So, what's good for stomach gas? Which natural nutrients are effective in the passage of gastric gas? Here, to our readers who have stomach gas disease, " stomach gas what ?" We have compiled the answer to the question. We have compiled tea recipes and natural treatment methods that you can drink to relieve the ide gas. By applying these recipes, you can make it disappear by reducing stomach gas. Here are herbal teas and natural methods to reduce stomach gas.

1. Mint Tea

Mint, which is very beneficial for health, is a very effective plant for the digestive system. Mint, which provides an effective solution against gas and bloating problem, can easily be consumed as tea. Thanks to mint tea, you can eliminate the puffiness caused by gas and reduce your pain.

Ingredients ;

1 tablespoon mint leaf (15 gr)
2 glasses of water (500 ml)

Preparation of;

Put the water and mint in a bowl and wait until it boils. Allow the mixture to cool for 12 minutes and strain. Drinking twice a day, on an empty stomach and before bedtime, may solve your gas problem.
2. Anise Tea

Anise is one of the most known plants controlling intestinal gas. Because it reduces inflammation and makes the digestive system work better.


1 tablespoon of anise seeds
1 glass of water

Preparation of;

Allow the anise seeds you have heated to cool for 12 minutes until the water boils and consume. Take care to drink after each meal.
3. Daisy

A powerful anitoxidant, chamomile also contains important vitamins like A, C, E and K. Thanks to this powerful content it significantly facilitates digestion. However, before the consumption of chamomile tea, we recommend that you consult your doctor . Otherwise, if you have an underlying disease or a long-term medication, there may be various side effects.

Materials ;

1 tablespoon chamomile flower
1 glass of water

Preparation ;

Heat the water and daisies in a pot of appropriate size. When the water begins to boil, switch off the hob and allow to cool for 12 minutes. For a glass every day for a week. It will help relieve stomach gas.
4. Fennel Seed

Fennel is very similar to celery, but its aroma is more like anise. People use it to relieve a lot of pain and discomfort. Fennel is also used for stomach problems. Therefore, drinking fennel seed tea will help you to remove the stomach gas.

Ingredients ;

1 tablespoon of fennel seeds
2 glasses of water

Preparation ;

Heat the water and fennel seeds by stirring over medium heat and boil until the water begins to boil and boil for 12 minutes.
5. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a commonly used spice in every kitchen. However, it will help the digestive system. Cinnamon can prevent nausea and vomiting as well as gas, muscle and stomach cramps.

6. Ginger

Almost everyone knows the degassing properties of ginger. With Ginger tea, you can eliminate the bloating and pain caused by gas.

7. Cardamom

Cardamom, which is used as an auxiliary plant against gas problem, is added to green tea. This provides effective protection against the gas problem.

Which foods make gas ?

If you do not want your gas pains to be fueled more, you should avoid these foods. Here are the foods that make stomach gas;

Brussels sprouts
Whole grain wheat bread
Whole grains
Ice cream
Acidic beverages

Written and visual contents in our content are compiled from different sources, suggestion and information letter. There is no definitive diagnosis and treatment. In case of any health problems, consult your doctor. Remember that the treatment methods used in health problems may vary according to the individual's biology, hereditary characteristics, age, height, weight differences, allergic aspects, and dozens of different conditions. Your doctor can help you in the treatment of your health problems.

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Natural disasters also hit the stomach

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Dr. Mustafa Salih Akin, warned against stomach bleeding. Dr. He said ulcer complications, such as bleeding, became more common in times of natural disaster or social disaster.

Dr. Mustafa Salih Akin, warned against stomach bleeding. Dr. He said ulcer complications, such as bleeding, became more common during periods of natural disaster or social disaster.
Dr. Medipol Mega University Hospital Department of Gastroenterology. Lecturer. Member Mustafa Salih Akin, stomach ulcers or stress due to the most frequent bleeding reported. Akin, said in a statement, gastric bleeding, rather than saying that the digestive system bleeding, he noted. Upper and lower digestive system hemorrhage stating that there are 2 kinds. Akın, "Upper digestive system hemorrhages; esophagus, stomach and duodenum is the origin. Lower digestive system hemorrhage is the remainder of the small intestine and large intestine origin," he said.

Dr. Akin, the most common cause of bleeding is due to ulcers, said: "These ulcers, stomach or duodenum are developing sores. Apart from ulcers, esophageal erosion in the stomach and reflux, esophageal varices in the esophagus, esophageal and stomach tumors are also top Hemorrhoids, inflammatory diseases of the small intestine, diverticulums, large intestine polyps and cancers can be caused by lower digestive system bleeding.

Referring to the symptoms of bleeding. Akın "Stomach or upper digestive system bleeding, coffee grounds in the form of vomiting, tar, such as dark, stinky and sticky defecation. In the lower digestive system hemorrhage blood is usually strawberry jelly or bright red color. Other symptoms, paleness, weakness, sweating, head drop in blood pressure, pulse rate, decrease in urine volume and loss of consciousness are symptoms of serious bleeding.

Dr. Akın listed the reasons that increase the risk of ulcers as follows: "Helicobacter Pylori called bacterial infections are the most common cause of ulcers. In addition, long-term use of aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can also lead to ulcers and bleeding. Both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee can increase acid production While acidic, spicy, bitter foods exacerbate the symptoms of reflux, but there is no convincing evidence that they cause ulcers or cause bleeding, but in some patients the symptoms of ulcers may worsen after eating. In addition, anxiety, depression or other emotional disorders are more common in both problem groups ".

Dr. Mustafa Salih Akin, bleeding, such as ulcer complications, natural disasters or social catastrophe has become more common during periods of studies has been shown.

Gastric bleeding occurs when the patient should be laid down on the back of the Dr. Akın, "The patient should not be raised to the feet, should be checked whether the consciousness is in place. If possible, the patient's legs should be raised above the heart level. The patient should be covered with a blanket or something to keep warm. The patient should not be given anything from the mouth to the mouth. Blood pressure drop, acceleration and pulse Loss of consciousness is a symptom of serious bleeding, if possible, blood pressure and pulse should be measured, breathing should be checked frequently.If the patient is unconscious or vomiting should be turned to the side to prevent aspiration.The patient should be delivered to the hospital emergency room as soon as possible.First aid can not cure any internal bleeding. Emergency medical attention is vital ".

Dr. Mustafa Salih Akin, after the gastric bleeding, emphasizing the importance of nutrition, he concluded: "After treatment, the patient, in line with the doctor's follow-up liquid, soft (puree) and solid foods are gradually passed. Although dietary restrictions are widely used for ulcers, the diet of peptic ulcer There is not enough evidence to cause the disease or accelerate ulcer healing.It can be advised to stay away from coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, heavy / oily foods and chocolate because they warn patients to secrete gastric acid High-fiber diet: peas, beans, lentils, oats, potatoes, carrots, Some fruits and vegetables, such as apples, can reduce the risk of ulcers, bleeding can cause iron loss, so eating foods rich in iron is important, such as red meat, eggs, beans, raisins, whole grain breads and green leafy vegetables. -inflammatory to If the use of the medication is to be reduced or taken, it is recommended to take it together with gastric preservatives even after the ulcer has healed.

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Gastrointestinal reflux

Prilosec OTC Frequent Heartburn Medicine and Acid Reducer Tablets, 28 Count

Gastroesophageal reflux is a dysfunction of the lower esophageal sphincter that allows fluids to flow back from the gastrointestinal tract or food into the esophagus.

Different degrees of severity of esophagitis are the result of prolonged contact of gastric acid, pepsin, trypsin, bile salts and duodenal bicarbonate with the esophageal mucosa. The combination of insufficiency frequency and deficient mass determines the severity of esophagitis. If only gastric acid is active, then this leads to esophagitis. Moderately severe acid and combinations of pepsin or trypsin, bicarbonate and bile salts cause severe esophagitis. The risk of inflammation in the esophagus due to insufficiency of gastric acid increases with repeated hits compared to a long-term acid reflux. There are, of course, a few documented cases of esophageal reflux, of course this disease is more common than previously thought.

If complications occur, surgical intervention may be necessary. Pharmacological treatment: The treatment uses drugs that greatly reduce the production of gastric acid. In addition, prokinetic drugs are effective in combating reflux, but are less recommended for their cause. side effects include drowsiness and irritability; Surgical procedures: When drugs are inadequate and do not yield results, they are usually decided to perform the operation. Half of the patients still need medication after surgery. . When a child starts taking a shower, many parents immediately begin to think about a possible reflux.

Chronic vomiting, impaired gastric emptying, reduction of esophageal sphincter caused by esophageal hole and anesthesia are pathogenetic factors for gastroesophageal reflux development.

Clinical findings. The clinical symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux are similar to those of esophagitis. In severe cases, patients may survive: swallowing, overflow, swallowing, stretching of the head and neck during swallowing, and unwillingness to eat. However, in less severe cases, patients may only occasionally have a seizure failure, especially in the early morning hours. Such conditions occur as a result of the transition from the relaxed state of the esophageal sphincter during sleep. Physical examination of the patient usually does not give specific results, but fever and hypersalivation may be detected in patients with severe esophagitis.

And indeed - in many cases this problem is the basis of diseases. However, we are afraid? Gastroesophageal reflux is actually a set of symptoms that result from ingestion of stomach contents from the stomach to the esophagus. We call it utma swallowing da in children, and according to some sources it is a problem that affects more than 50% of newborns and infants.

When we talk about very young children, neonates and neonates, the problem is usually reflux caused by the normal maturation of the gastrointestinal tract. If the child does not have serious symptoms, serious measures are not taken to address this problem. He usually decides on the life of his own baby for a year, Dr. says Dr from the Krakow clinic in Krakow. Maria Stanis-Svolkin.

Diagnosis imaging. The diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux should not be based solely on clinical deterioration findings. Survey X-ray is not informative. Video fluoroscopy may detect intermittent gastroesophageal reflux, but this phenomenon can also be seen in patients with normal esophageal function. Currently the best method of endoscopic examination is the diagnosis of mucosal inflammation associated with reflux esophagitis. The final diagnosis of esophageal reflux requires continuous measurement of the degree of contraction of the esophageal sphincter and continuous measurement of the 24-hour pH measurement in the lumen of the esophagus, that is, most patients cannot tolerate. Hiatus hernia, esophagitis and narrowing of the esophagus are the most important distinctive diagnostic symptoms for reflux.

It is noteworthy that the phenomenon of food ingestion calls failure. In most cases, reflux does not cause any deterioration in the child's development and is not a perceived source of pain. However, sometimes this happens differently - the baby rains a lot, additional symptoms are seen.

We have a bunch of symptoms that should be of interest to us. In infants, this occurs when a large amount of milk is spilled after each meal - this is also associated with a violation or even reduction in body weight. It is also important that parents pay attention to symptoms such as increased anxiety, apnea episodes, persistent cough or recurrent pneumonia. If our child is older, the following symptoms will be alarming: hoarseness, dry cough, pain when swallowed. Dr. Maria Stanis-Svolkin: Classic acid reflux symptoms should not be overlooked: heartburn, esophagitis, acid recoil and pain behind the breast.

Gastroesophageal Reflux Therapy
Since fat in food delays gastric emptying and reduces the pressure in the lower esophageal sphincter, patients should be fed with foods containing a limited amount of fat. Patient owners should also avoid feeding patients late in the evening because it helps to lower the pressure in the lower esophagus sphincter during sleep. In addition to dietary recommendations, rational drug therapy for such disorders includes the creation of barriers to diffusion of the stomach content (e.g., sucralfate), the inhibition of gastric acid secretion inhibitors (e.g., cimetidine, ranitidine, famotidine, omeprazole) and prokinetic drugs (e.g. metoclopramide). The creation of barriers to diffusion of gastric contents is perhaps the most important in the medical treatment of gastroesophageal reflux. For example, sucralfate protects the mucous membrane from damage during gastroesophageal reflux and promotes existing esophagitis healing. In addition, resistant reflux cases should be treated with gastric acid secretion inhibitors and / or prokinetic drugs. H, receptors, such as cimetidine, ranitidine, and famotidine antagonists, inhibit the secretion of gastric acid and reduce the amount of reflux. Omeprazole (an H, K + adenosine triphosphatase (ATP) inhibitor) can also be used to suppress the secretion of gastric acid. Low-dose erythromycin and metoclopramide may be effective in the treatment of gastro-esophageal reflux because they increase the pressure in the low esophageal sphincter. 5-hydroxytryptamine 4 (5-HT4) agonists, such as cisapride, also increase the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter; However, the sale of cisapride is prohibited by many international pharmaceutical companies.

If you notice such symptoms in your child, you have nothing to wait for - you should see a doctor. If we suspect a more severe form of gastroesophageal reflux, we do a lot of activities: clinical interview, physical examination and visualization examinations. However, a 24-hour pH meter is the gold standard in the diagnosis of gastrointestinal reflux.

It is worth explaining how the so-called PH metric passed. This is a procedure that examines the degree of acidification in the lower esophagus. Place two probes in the child to examine this element. The first enters the skin of the chest, the second enters the esophagus through the nose. It is then connected to a special device that measures both. With such a "multitude", the baby returns home with his family and writes when he writes. The device and probes were removed after 24 hours.


Gastric reflux symptoms and causes
Some features
Diagnosis and treatment of reflux disease
Practical advice
A disease such as gastric reflux means that the contents of the digestive tract are transported back from the sphincter to the esophagus.

Advanced diagnostics are not necessarily required - fortunately - in most cases. We usually talk about reflux, which never threatens the child's health. This, of course, does not mean that the casting problems should be left to yourself. We recommend how to reduce its frequency.

After each meal, carry the child upright on his shoulder - thanks to this little child, it will be easier to squeeze and squeeze less milk. Therefore, place the cap so that it is slightly higher than the rest of the body. However, do not use pillows - instead, place some books under the bed or take a special wedge. Try to feed your baby more often if possible, but take less.

A baby in the crib may suffocate from the stomach.
When the baby is too heavy, you can thicken.
To do this, consult your pediatrician and ask for a better compression agent.
This is a drug that should prevent overflow.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease, called gastroesophageal reflux, is the flow of gastric contents in the opposite direction to the esophagus.
The fact is that inflammation occurs when the acidity in this disease shifts and the mucous membrane is in contact with the acidic contents in the stomach and the digestive enzyme for a long time. Also, the so-called bicarbonates duodenum. Therefore, the disease should be eliminated immediately to avoid serious consequences.

How does reflux esophagitis occur?
The mucous membrane of the esophagus becomes irritated with acidic gastric juices. The most common symptom of reflux is heartburn. A properly functioning lower esophageal sphincter swells when food is swallowed and contracts when it enters the stomach. When this sphincter is ineffective or abnormal, gastric acids can return to the esophagus called gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease
The main symptoms are heartburn, pain and burning in the chest, sometimes spread to the neck and chin. Heartburn occurs mainly immediately after a meal. Typical symptoms of acid reflux include a feeling of insufficiency of the stomach content in the esophagus or acid reflux. Often, despite oral hygiene, people are accompanied by bad breath or excessive saliva. This is because the esophagus is cleaned by excess stomach acids. When these symptoms are accompanied by changes in the esophagus, the condition becomes more serious: hoarseness, dry cough and gingivitis.

Gastric reflux symptoms and causes
In some cases, reflux is considered a normal physiological manifestation. This can be the norm, especially if the person starts after eating, and if this phenomenon does not cause discomfort, its duration and frequency are insignificant, especially at night.

How is gastroesophageal reflux disease prevented?
The most dangerous is the emergence of odnogogii, dysphagia, bleeding and even weight loss. Diseases usually worsen after heavy eating and twisting. In children, the main symptom is unwillingness to eat. Avoid sharp and heavy dishes. You should also reduce smoking, drinking coffee, alcohol and food. The last meal should be eaten 3 hours before bedtime. People with excess weight problems should reduce their weight. Drinks contain milk and alkaline water is recommended. calcium that reduces symptoms of a large number of reflux diseases.

However, this disease can be painful, especially if it occurs frequently enough and persists for a long time, if these symptoms develop while gastric contents are excreted into the esophagus, events of the disease may occur both day and night, Clinically inflammation occurs or esophageal mucosa is damaged . This may be due to insufficiency of the sphincter, which occurs in the stomach and is due to adequate reflection or painful changes, but also increases the severity of reflux.

How is GERD treated?
The main method of reflux therapy is pharmacological therapy. During the disease, medications are added to increase the tension of the lower esophageal sphincter. It destroys hydrochloric acid and reduces the formation of gastric juice. Also, prescription drugs for alkalization. Liquid forms protect the esophageal mucosa against irritation. If after medication treatment no improvement, surgery is required. Surgery is used for acute esophagitis and severe bleeding.

Especially those who are susceptible to this disease, overweight people suffering from diabetes or suffering from abdominal cavity in high pressure hormonal disorders and pregnant women. Reflux adversely affects the use of certain medications, such as birth control pills, nitrates or calcium channel blockers. Violations may also cause normal analgesics such as polypyrin or aspirin. Reflux can cause respiratory irritation, vocal cords, and pulmonary complications.

Moreover, in patients with this disease, as a rule, reduced pressure in the esophagus sphincter. Experts have found that special attention should be paid to hormonal factors to maintain sphincter tone. Special medicines and products can reduce pressure. They develop and protect reflux.

Infusion of infants is often a common problem with age. Unfortunately, sometimes it gets more serious and goes by after drinking milk and then after eating. These symptoms may persist in the first year of life in the child and may remain for even longer, slowing down the child's development, leading to many unpleasant consequences. However, is this a gastroesophageal reflux that needs to be treated? How do you behave when you see the symptoms listed above?

Gastroesophageal reflux in children, or what?
In children, gastroesophageal reflux is caused by the immaturity of the lower esophageal sphincter, which causes the gastric contents to flow in the opposite direction to the esophagus.

How do you worry about gastroesophageal reflux in children?
Symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux in adults may be difficult to diagnose in children.
Because the sphincter in the abdominal cavity is under the diaphragm, it prevents the gastric contents from being thrown into the esophagus during respiration. Under normal circumstances, the lower part of the esophagus between the legs of the diaphragm is clamped. If a patient has a hernia, the diaphragm slides, which prevents the release of acidic content.

How is gastroesophageal reflux diagnosed in children?
In the youngest children, gastro-esophageal reflux is often associated with the consequences of vomiting, ie, slow weight gain - the child grows more slowly, usually restless, irritable, less often wakes up and becomes more difficult to calm down. The child is smooth, irritable, has a small appetite, grows slowly, sleep apnea, bad breath, sore throat, hoarseness, often recurrent pneumonia, wheezing. Babies have problems such as sleeping, crying, restlessness, hiccups, developmental abnormalities and Sandifer syndrome. older children have problems with their teeth, enamels and cavities. It is diagnosed on the basis of gastroesophageal reflux symptoms in children.

The esophagus can be reduced, so that the body is purified from its natural acidic content and esophageal acidity returns to normal. There are several mechanisms for cleaning the esophagus, especially because the esophagus itself has a long activity and a process such as saliva. If at least one of these phenomena is disturbed, the level of cleaning of the esophagus decreases. Usually this is caused by an alkali or acidic substance.

The disease can be confirmed empirically. However, if the symptoms are atypical, leave doubts and if the treatment does not produce the expected results, further investigation may be necessary and find the cause of the problems. Sometimes esophageal manometry, pendendoscopy, biopsy for damage assessment, radiological examination and so on. It must be done.

Gastroesophageal reflux therapy in children
Gastroesophageal reflux therapy should aim to reduce gastric acid secretion as well as accelerate gastric emptying time to make digestion more effective. Frequent feeding of the child, but placement of the child in small portions after feeding, raising the pillow, so that the child is slightly longer may be useful.

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Some features
Talking about symptoms, reflux disease has, as a rule, several symptoms that are not only observed in isolation, but also in some combinations. It should be noted that these symptoms occur in 40% of people from different parts of the world and that 10% live every day.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease is characterized by the dissolution of the acidic content of the stomach into the esophagus. This can occur physiologically in healthy people and does not cause discomfort or changes in the esophagus tissues. However, when complaints are accompanied by complaints or complications, we are talking about pathological reflux reflux disease, one of the main symptoms of heartburn.

Many times a day, the pressure in the abdominal cavity exceeded the pressure in the esophagus. These are situations where the contents of the stomach enter the esophagus most frequently if our body does not have a specific physiological defense mechanism. One of the most important is the lower sphincter of the esophagus - a muscle with a functional structure is part of the muscle layer of the circular esophagus. Under resting conditions, tonic is in contraction state. However, it temporarily relaxes during swallowing, the reaction of the body that allows the free food bolus to enter the stomach.

The most prominent findings are heartburn, pain on the left side and behind the sternum. Some of them often suffer from inadequacy, pain during swallowing, long-term cough and deterioration of tooth enamel.

It should be noted, however, that these symptoms do not fully reflect the severity of the disease. In most cases, reflux disease is not accompanied by any sensation.

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Diagnosis and treatment of reflux disease
Any changes in reflux in the esophagus can be evaluated by biopsy. Not only does it assess the esophageal lesion, it also makes a differential diagnosis, and this is all due to x-ray examination.

Acidity monitoring takes 24 hours and plays a crucial role in deciding the correct diagnosis.

Treatment primarily aims to reduce the severity of the disease, stomach content and affect the properties that affect welfare. In addition, it is necessary to improve the cleanliness of the esophagus and protect the mucous membranes.

It is important to follow general guidelines that can reduce the severity of spillage of stomach contents directly into the esophagus. Above all, it is the normalization of the patient's weight (performance improves with an appropriate diet in patients suffering from overweight). In addition, you should stop smoking and try to drink less alcohol, limit yourself to sweet, fatty foods such as chocolate, coffee is forbidden because these are products that reduce the sphincter tone, and fatty foods reduce stomach activity.

Sour food will also have to be abandoned, because it can cause an unpleasant phenomenon, such as heartburn.

Food should be in small portions and should be made regularly.

You should not eat at night, at least 2 hours before bedtime. Avoid excessive loads as this increases intra-abdominal pressure.

If such preventive measures do not provide any benefit, the doctor prescribes antacids. The so-called drugs include magnesium, aluminum salt and calcium. They neutralize hydrochloric acid. In addition to this effect, they have a binding effect, thanks to which there is a reduction in the digestive enzyme, lysolecithin and bile acid of gastric juice.

It is best to affect the disease preparations in the form of gels. In the esophagus, in the stomach, this tool produces small drops that increase the effect of the drug.

Antacids should be taken half an hour before meals and should be done before bedtime. It is recommended to take the remedy in supine position, should be done with small sips. If antacids are ineffective and symptoms persist, the patient is prescribed prokinetic or antisecretory drugs. In prokinetics, domperidone is administered to reflux patients. This drug should be consumed 10 mg, should be done 4 times a day.

If the patient has erosive esophagitis, additional treatment is prescribed. The most common prescription is rabeprazole and omeprazole.

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How is the acidity of the stomach found at home? How to determine gastric acidity independently at home How can I find out what my stomach acidity is?

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The acidity of the stomach is an indicator that characterizes the normal functioning of this digestive organ. The acidity of the stomach can be determined in various ways. These are diagnostic procedures in a medical institution and improvised at home. Regardless of whether any deviation is a pathology and requires correction and treatment, an increase or decrease of the acid level will be determined.

General information
The stomach is the main organ involved in the digestion process. Inside, the food entering the body accumulates and disintegrates. Normal operation is performed. An indication that the stomach is working normally is the acidity level. This indicator indicates the concentration of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice. The level of its content is constant and 160 mmol / l.

If the ratio between the alkaline component and the acid changes, then they refer to a decrease or increase in acidity. When the concentration is too high, the acidity increases and accordingly, a decrease in the concentration below the norm indicates a lower acidity. Any shift leads to failure of the normal functioning of the digestive system and causes diseases of the organs of this system.

Instrumental methods
In modern gastroenterology, various instrumental methods are used to determine the acidity of the stomach. Such diagnoses are performed using;

intragastric pH;
fractional drilling;
staining of the stomach walls;
use of ion exchange resins.
Intragastric pH or intragastric measurement is considered the most informative method. The process is carried out using an acidogastrometer. This device is equipped with a probe and a pH sensor. The endoscope is inserted into the stomach by mouth and the indicators immediately go to the connected sensor.

Fractional drilling will help to detect the acidity of the stomach. This procedure involves aspirating the contents of the stomach from a rubber tube. The obtained material was examined in the laboratory. However, it should be borne in mind that the results of this method may be an error, as the material is removed from different parts of the stomach and mixed during the aspiration process.

The organ being studied is known to have 3 sections, each having a different acidity. Determination of acidity by staining the stomach consists of endoscopic entry of the dye into the digestive organ. The indicator is evaluated by visual inspection of the stomach walls by how the color of the dye changes.

The use of ion exchange resins is the easiest way to determine the acidity of gastric juice, but is also considered the least informative. During the procedure, a pigment reagent is injected into the patient. In the stomach, it is released and enters the gastrointestinal tract. It then penetrates into the kidneys and excreted naturally in the urine. The result is made with the color of this biological fluid.

This diagnostic method is used when the patient has contraindications for detection.

Instrumental methods are most accurate

Symptom score
Increased gastric acid production is accompanied by the emergence of some symptoms. The increased acidity can be determined by the following signs:

belching and heartburn;
acid taste in the mouth;
weight and pain in the stomach;
bloating and faecal disorder.
Heartburn always occurs after eating. When reaching out, this symptom intensifies. This manifestation is due to the irritation of the excess produced stomach walls by hydrochloric acid. When acidity is reduced, digestion is impaired, food intake is poorly impaired and absorption of vitamins and microelements worsens.

A decrease in gastric juice concentration, similar to the increase, has similar symptoms with a slight difference. Symptoms of a lack of gastric juice include belching with a rotten odor, sustained collision in the stomach, and a decrease in hemoglobin level. If we talk about the general reaction of the body, immunity is reduced, the person becomes susceptible to infection with various viruses and bacteria. In addition, decreased hydrochloric acid secretion in the stomach may cause cancer of this organ.

A decrease in the acidity of the stomach will be indicated by external symptoms such as:

helminth infestation;
nail fungus;
nail and hair fragility;
transillumination of blood vessels on the face;
the presence of undigested food debris in the faeces;
Acne on the body and face.
Which methods are suitable for home conditions?
Although the acidity of the stomach is determined with reliable accuracy, you can check this indicator at home even if it is determined only under medical conditions. One of these methods is a special test strip. The action is based on determining the PH level. In contact with acid, a special indicator is applied to the litus strip which undergoes a chemical reaction.

The result is determined by the color of the strip, it changes. If the acidity increases, the indicator turns red. With a low indicator, the litmus strip turns blue. It is recommended to perform the test on an empty stomach between 9 and 11 hours in the morning. It is recommended that you repeat the test after a few days to obtain the most accurate data. By comparing these indicators, you can obtain more or less reliable information about the subject of interest.

Determine the acidity of gastric juice using ordinary soda. To do this, you need to drink a soda solution: half teaspoon dissolve in cold water. If there is air disintegration or excessive wear thereafter, acidity is considered to be increased. You can check the pH of the stomach with lemon. Just cut a thin slice of citrus and eat it.

If you feel a highly acidic taste, then a person's acidity is increased. If the indicator is actually reduced, the taste of the lemon is not perceived as sour.

Regular apple juice will help to question the acidity of the stomach. You should drink the drink on an empty stomach and watch your own reaction. With increasing pH in the digestive organ, the person will begin to experience painful cramps in the abdomen, heartburn will appear and a metallic taste will be felt in the mouth. Low acidity, there is no such symptom.

Stomach acidity - acid concentration in the gastric juice produced. The value is measured in pH units and is normally at a pH of 1.5-2 with an empty stomach. Normal acid content creates conditions for food processing and further movement, and deviations create significant problems in the digestive process. Specific studies at the hospital are needed to determine the pH of the gastric juice, but you can talk about increased or decreased indicators based on typical symptoms you may recognize yourself.

We determine increased acidity
Long-term over-secretion of acid and consequently increased acidity of gastric juice may cause acid-related diseases (ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis, gastroduodenitis, gastroesophageal reflux disease). Increased acidity is manifested by these symptoms:

heartburn after eating or lying down. This phenomenon causes the contents of the stomach to be thrown into the esophagus and causes this irritation and a significant burning sensation;
belching after eating with a sour or bitter taste;
painful senses (the character depends on the current disease, can be painkiller, sharp cut, paroxysmal);
bloating and feeling of heaviness even after a small snack;
discomfort in the stomach - various tingling, sipping, weight, etc.;
fecal disorders and serious diarrhea which may be difficult to correct even in some patients with medications and some long-term constipation.
Monitoring your diet will help you monitor your diet. The presence of a problem can be understood by the increased interest in meat products, the reduced desire to eat vegetables and fruits, and the rejection of fresh milk. At the sight of a lemon, increased salivation should occur. If you suspect a problem, you should go to the hospital because it is impossible to measure acidity without proper analysis, and there is a risk of starting the condition and developing a chronic acid-related disease.

Low stomach acid
At home, you may notice low acidity, the symptoms of such a deviation will be:

frequent nausea;
bouts of vomiting after meals or medications;
activation of food allergies;
feelings of weight and fullness in the stomach;
belching with an unpleasant smell of smell or a rotten egg smell;
metallic taste in the mouth;
pain after eating after one-third of an hour;
bloating constantly booming in the abdomen;
Increased brittleness of nails and hair.
Severe cases are accompanied by weight loss, sedentary lifestyle, weakness, lowering blood pressure and desire for hemoglobin. As for food preferences, the tendency to products with a sour taste will help to distinguish low acidity - so an edible lemon slice will taste good. You can do a test with baking soda - after drinking 100 ml of water with 2 grams of soda, a spill should appear, if not, it means there is a problem with acid.

Test on litmus paper
With the help of a litmus test purchased from a pharmacy, the acidity of the digestive tract can be approximate without gastroscopy. To test one hour before a meal, place a piece on the tongue, soak it with saliva, and compare the color obtained with the kit-dependent scale.

Ribbon results can be as follows:

the unchanged color or slight change of the paper (on a scale of 6.6 to 7) indicates normal acidity;
staining in pink or red (less than 6 in scale) - an increase in hydrochloric acid content;
blue staining (on the scale - more than 7) - low acidity.
Without a doctor, you should not make any decisions on your own to correct the condition, you should go to the hospital for a clear diagnosis.

In the composition of gastric juice, hydrochloric acid plays an important role. The main component. The acid assists in the proper processing of food and provides gradual movement from the stomach through the pyloric sphincter to the duodenum.

It performs other functions that are less important to the human body:

Promotes protein processing and denaturation in the gastric space. This greatly simplifies the subsequent division.
It promotes the activation of pepsinogens converted into pepsins.
It forms an acidic environment in which the effect of enzymes in gastric juice is impossible.
Causes pancreatic secretion.
It increases the antibacterial effect of gastric juice.
It is almost impossible for a modern person to protect himself from tension, to manage stress-free, to bring trivial or very big problems to life. Accelerated life course, fast rhythm often leave no time to observe the principles of proper and regular nutrition. These overloads are reflected in the acidity level of gastric juice, varying in one direction or another. So it is almost impossible to protect yourself from gastrointestinal diseases without changing anything in your way of life. A decreased or increased acidity of the stomach indicates that gastritis, a chronic disease, may have occurred.

Determination of acidity
You can identify and determine a certain degree of acidity in a medical institution. Modern research methods give very accurate results. However, it is possible at home to determine whether the acidity is reduced.

How to predetermine what is the tendency (increase or decrease) without leaving home? You don't have to spend money on expensive reagents, swallow probes and run tests. At first, it is enough to take a closer look at your own body and pay attention to the symptoms that were not present before. After all, if the acidity fluctuates in the direction of increase or decrease, it cannot affect the state of health, but it changes.

Acidity increased: determined independently
Increasing the acidity level is a pathology that adversely affects the general condition of the body. Since the walls of the digestive tract are irritated by excess acid, the following symptoms appear:

Heartburn - burning in the throat and esophagus, which is very sharp. Its appearance is due to the release of excess hydrochloric acid into the esophagus. Heartburn can occur at any time, for no apparent reason. However, it often provokes acidic fruit juices and products containing many spices and spices. For example, they include tomatoes, plums, peach juice, smoked meat, mustard, ketchup. With acidic acid, heartburn will certainly occur after eating lemon, grapefruit, kiwi, green apple.
Alkaline mineral water, sunflower seeds, baking soda solution will help you get rid of this discomfort quickly.

Copper and sour taste in the mouth. It occurs in the sight and smell of acidic foods. Apples, even pickled or pickled cucumbers, pickled cabbage, pickle, produce a significant amount of saliva in the mouth.
Spraying may occur regardless of the type of food. However, as usual, fried, fatty and spicy foods like heartburn seem to be dominant in the diet. Sweet juices, canned foods, ice creams, cakes and cookies also cause this unpleasant event.
Pain in the stomach, opacity and suffering pain. It intensifies when a feeling of hunger occurs. It usually occurs in the morning. These are “hunger pains”. They are almost always reduced when a fresh portion of food enters the stomach.
Weight in the stomach and after each snack, even a little bloating.
Violation of bowel movement: constipation or diarrhea. Both symptoms can cause reluctance to eat. After all, sometimes you just have to eat - your stomach is instantly short and frequent trips to the toilet are organized.
Taking anti-inflammatory drugs causes nausea or pain in the stomach. These symptoms occur immediately after taking the drug.
In addition to the above problems, it is also possible that such signs of acid increase occur:

Headache after eating fatty, fried or smoked food.
Decreased or complete loss of appetite.
Mood decreases, there is a deterioration and apathy.
It does not cause discomfort in the stomach, but does not cause irritability.
Nausea and vomiting attacks. They come almost at the same time as the meal ends or soon after. However, this symptom is less common than before.
Problems with the stomach and digestion cover the tongue with whitish-gray and yellow plaque.
If none of the symptoms described are present, the acidity of the stomach is within normal limits. However, the sensation of at least one of them should serve as a reason to communicate with a gastroenterologist.

How to determine if acidity is reduced
If the acidity is reduced, there is a desire to eat something sour: cabbage, cucumber, even lemon. Rye bread, spices and spices, ketchup, apple and grapefruit juices are appetizing.

A decrease in the hydrochloric acid content is also an increase as well as a deviation from the norm. Solyanka in gastric juice neutralizes food products entering the esophagus from pathogenic microorganisms and harmful bacteria. When the acidity is reduced, that is, the specific gravity of hydrochloric acid in the juice drops, the disinfection fails. As a result, various undesirable bacteria enter the stomach with an increasing number.

The process of inflammation of the mucous membranes occurs and a person has symptoms, the most obvious of which are:

With the smell of rotten eggs burp or with the taste of a decay. Very unpleasant and smelly smell that triggers the appearance of halitosis.
Does present a feeling of bloating, rumbling. In the digestive system, fermentation processes occur. They cause them to suffer from the accumulated gases.
Burning in the throat (heartburn).
A feeling of heaviness in the hypochondrium.
dull belly pain After each cookie or shortly after.
Feeling like something's exploding from the inside.
Stool disorders are another symptom of low acidity. Inadequate amount of acid in gastric juice significantly reduces its antibacterial effect. Microorganisms that enter the human intestines freely and alter their microflora disrupt the balance. A person suffers from constipation or diarrhea. Difficult defecation is caused by motor disorders in the intestine, which is due to insufficient acidity.
Low levels lead to incomplete absorption of proteins. As a result, decay products accumulate in the stomach, which poison the entire body. Immunity is reduced and the door opens for the development of pathological processes. Above all, various mycoses are possible: fungal lesions cover the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, skin and nails. The body becomes more susceptible to viruses and various infections.

Inadequate assimilation of vitamins and minerals in foods. As a result, it is easy to notice:

Skin on hands and face becomes dry.
Nails grow slowly, break and exfoliate.
Hair thins, turns brittle and dry. Their growth is slowing down.
Acne and vasodilatation on the nose and cheeks are another prominent sign of reduced acidity.
If the acidity decreased for a very long time, then the person feels:

Overall weakness
Weight loss.
Drowsiness and malfunction.
A built-in lifestyle and tendency to hypotension.
To suspect the presence of low acidity, you should carefully consider your stool. If there are residues of undigested food in them, the pieces - doubts are justified.

Symptoms of low or high acidity do not occur together. As a rule, there are only one or two symptoms.

In the case of the emergence of such features and a mild discomfort in goodness, of course, you can try to adjust the acidity of the stomach yourself. To do this, you must first adjust your diet.

However, if the condition does not improve and the discomfort increases, you should ask the doctor for help. Special examination methods will help you accurately identify the acidity of the stomach and the causes of possible deviations. The sooner you are diagnosed and treated, the fewer health problems in the future.

The acidity of the stomach may be normal, increased or decreased. In the last two cases, your well-being can be significantly worse. Therefore, you will learn from the article how to determine the acidity of the stomach and how to customize the operation of this organ.

What can affect the change in acidity?
The reasons for the change in the condition of the microflora of the stomach may be different:



Eat spicy and very fatty foods;


Inflammatory diseases of the internal organs, as well as the gastrointestinal tract itself;

Stress and neural stress;

Long-term drug therapy.

Types of acidity
If this indicator changes, then it should be noted that your health and body's working capacity is reduced. You cannot ignore the symptoms, because changes in acidity can have serious consequences: the occurrence of gastritis, ulcers and even cancer.

There are only two types of acidity:

1. Stimulated. Indicates how much hydrochloric acid is released during stomach work or after taking certain medications.

2. Basal. It is only determined when the gastrointestinal tract does not work, ie when a person is hungry.

Each species has its own norm indicators, the deviation of which is a pathology. Now, we will consider how stomach acid is determined using modern tools and at home.

Diagnostic Features

There are several ways to determine the condition of gastric juice. Moreover, it is possible to diagnose both at a medical institution and at home. Among the specific methods, we can distinguish gastric juice uptake by subsequent examination using various catalysts in the laboratory.

In addition, the doctor may also make the stomach sound. For quick detection, quick tests are available from the pharmacy. However, their reliability is questionable. More precisely, it is the endoscopy method.

And you should guide some of the symptoms that we'll discuss below. Now you know how to determine the acidity of your stomach.

Pathology symptoms

Now you have to think about how the disease manifests itself. If you have high stomach acidity, the symptoms may be:

Acute burning and pain in the stomach;

Feeling of weight;

Inability to consume acidic foods.

It should be noted that insufficient amounts of protein are observed in such patients. They chew gum, drink alcohol and eat junk food.

If you have high acidity, it is easy to identify the symptoms yourself. In contrast, it's a little more complicated. Symptoms of low acidity:

Nausea and stomach often booming;


Bad metallic taste and bad breath;

Burping with putty smell;

vitamin deficiencies;

Digestive disorder, as well as an overall deterioration in appearance and health.

Decreasing acidity is more dangerous than increasing acidity. The truth is, in this case, the body is poorly digesting food and absorbing the necessary substances in very small amounts.

How is home pathology diagnosed?

You will now understand how to learn the acidity of your stomach without going to the doctor. Naturally, these methods cannot guarantee 100%, but they clarify the situation. For example, use plain soda. To test, you need to do the following:

1. One quarter of the raw material should be dissolved in a glass of cold water and drunk. You should use the mixture on an empty stomach in the morning.

2. Track whether you are burp. Just wait a few minutes.

3. If an erection appears, there is no pathology. If not, then the acidity can be reduced.

In case of the opposite, no special tests are required. In case of increased acidity of the stomach, it helps you identify the symptoms very accurately. Naturally, after a home inspection, a visit to a specialist is not appropriate.

How can I avoid high acidity?

You've already learned how to determine the acidity of your stomach. Now consider the question of how to treat a pathology. This question is very interested. In this article you will learn how to reduce the acidity of the stomach. First of all, change the mode and power type. Try not to eat acidic foods, spicy and fatty foods, except alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. You should also stop smoking. Fresh fruit and vegetables, fruit juices, plain water, dried fruit compote are preferred. The use of cereals obtained from cereals is highly desirable.

In this case, honey, green tea, light soups are useful. They do not squeeze the stomach and are normally digested without splashing juice. In addition, the doctor may prescribe medications to help relieve burning sensation and pain, and may also make heartburn attacks rare and short-lived. For example, you can take Mezim, Pancreatinum and others. They contribute to the proper digestion of food and prevent over-secretion of gastric juice.

Try to eat according to the regimen, so that the acid is released at a certain time. As for folk recipes, a nettle juice, crushed egg shells will be useful. If you obey all preventive measures and maintain a healthy lifestyle, heartburn rarely disturbs you.

How to increase low acidity?

In this case, you should also pay attention to nutrition. However, this is not enough. To increase acidity, you will need to take medications to stimulate the release of a higher amount of gastric juice (Fezam).

Also, grapes eaten 20 minutes before the main meal are very helpful. Apricots will be useful both fresh and dried. Eat lemons and other acidic foods. Try not to overload the stomach and not eat too much. The fact is that your gastrointestinal tract cannot cope with large amounts of food, which will lead to an increase in the above symptoms.

Traditional medicine also successfully copes with this pathology. We recommend you to boil blueberry leaves, bananas, laxative buckthorn branches. Rosehip, rowan and blueberry tea will also be useful. Boiling yarrow, John's wort, sandy indoors interior. However, be careful when consuming plants, as you may have intolerance to some components that make up the plants. Now you know how to increase and decrease the acidity of the stomach. However, it is more important to prevent the development of pathology.

Preventive measures
The most important factor that will not allow the disease to manifest itself is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Give up bad habits, go on a healthy diet, love yourself and your body. Start doing gymnastics or sports. Walking in the fresh air is very useful.

Limit your trips to fast food establishments. To avoid, you can use infusions and tea from medicinal plants. However, do not overdo it. When you feel some discomfort in the stomach, you should drink them. Spend your fasting days from time to time.

Now you understand how to control the acidity of the stomach and how to remove all diseases of the digestive tract. Be healthy!

It is important to determine the acidity of the stomach for proper nutrition. Eating food can reduce or increase the secretion of digestive juices that can improve the condition and the well-being of the patient. You should eat foods that normalize the PH level and are rich in nutrients. The acidity is determined independently at home and can be subjected to a special examination.

How is the increased or decreased acidity of the stomach determined?
How are symptoms identified?
Stomach pH norm is measured depending on the section:

Symptoms of high and low acidity:

High PH:
severe burning in Adam's apple;
belching with bitter or sour taste;
weight in the stomach;
constipation or diarrhea;
a feeling of overcrowding;
Reduced stomach acid:
After eating start nausea and vomiting;
attacks of pain in the intestine;
putrid belching
How are diagnostics and tests performed?

Control of the pH in the digestive organ can be done by blood test for hormones.
The acidity of the stomach can be determined by blood testing for hormones and other laboratory tests. The examination will be given by a specialist. You can get advice from a gastroenterologist, endoscopist, nutritionist. Control of the functioning of the digestive system is carried out in the following ways:

x-ray diffraction;
morphological examination of biopsy specimens;
pH meter
blood test for pepsinogen and antibodies;
helicobacter test
IFA stool;
h. diagnosis of pylori.
To understand the difference between high and low acidity in the stomach, you need to go through a series of tests. In case of peptic ulcer and gastritis, intragastric pH measurement is recommended. Acidotest helps to get results quickly for daily, short-term or quick examination. The fastest control is performed using a litmus strip within 15 minutes.

Litmus strip under the influence of digestive water gains a certain color.
Tests can also be performed during endoscopy. Under the influence of gastric juice, a strip is used which is a dye reagent that achieves a certain color. Ion exchange resins may also be used. This is the easiest way to measure acidity, but the test requires approval by other methods. After drinking a special solution, a pigment reacts with hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Everything is excreted in the urine and the color is determined

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These foods will instantly burn your stomach!

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What good is it to stomach? What foods are good for stomach burning? What should be done to avoid heartburn?
Heartburn or heartburn, which causes us to feel uncomfortable and restless after eating more; gastritis, reflux, ulcers, as well as serious diseases, such as some foods that we consume. Heartburn, which has a disturbing effect, although it does not pose any health problems unless it is continuous; gastric acid escaping to the esophagus overflowing, burning in the larynx and shows signs of heartburn.
Consuming foods that are not easy to digest, foods with plenty of tomatoes and paste, sour foods with high acid content; The list of the most important factors that cause stomach burns. Intense amounts of junk food, frying and garlic consumption also contribute to the feeling of burning and souring in the stomach, larynx and food.
The cause of your heartburn complaint may be gastric acid overflowing up the esophagus, as well as psychological disorders such as stress, anxiety and anxiety. If you think that you may have a psychological condition such as stress, anxiety and anxiety; you should see a psychologist as soon as possible.

Heartburn (or heartburn) is important to know what comes best. To avoid heartburn, you can make simple changes to both your diet and your lifestyle. Here are the precautions you can take and the issues to be considered:
Do not go into a supine position immediately after meals to prevent stomach acid from escaping into the esophagus. Try to sit upright if possible.
Stop eating at least 3 hours before going to sleep.
Limit the consumption of black tea and coffee as high as possible.
Add non-compelling exercises to your daily routine, albeit briefly. For example, a half-hour walk each day will provide many benefits for your health and reduce the likelihood of heartburn.
Avoid consuming fast food style foods as much as you can.
Instead of consuming excessively fatty and heavy foods that are difficult to digest, eat light foods.
Avoid excessive sugary foods as much as possible.
Stay away from cigarettes and alcohol as much as you can.
Many sources say that apple cider vinegar is good for stomach burning. There is only one research on this subject so far. In this study, it was determined that only unprocessed and unfiltered apple cider vinegar could improve the stomach burns. Further research is needed on the extent to which apple cider vinegar is good for heartburn.
Carbonated water is also often recommended to be good for stomach burning, but there is no data to show that this method will work well.

Fiber and pulp fruits
Fiber and pulp foods that are simple to digest and thus do not exhaust the stomach; The list of foods that are good for heartburn is the leading one. You can make your digestive system work faster by consuming stomach-friendly fruits like banana, melon, pear and peach frequently. In order not to increase your complaint, you should avoid fruits that increase stomach acid such as orange, tangerine, kiwi, strawberry, pineapple and grapefruit!
Green leafy vegetables
Vegetables such as spinach, cabbage and cauliflower, which allow the intestines to work more actively in this aspect, which contain plenty of fiber; Other indispensable nutrients in our list of foods that are good for stomach burning! Especially cauliflower containing gefarnato substance used in the production of ulcer medicine; When consumed as boiled prevents the increase in the amount of acid in the stomach. Spinach, arugula, parsley, cabbage and cauliflower can be consumed by boiling green leafy vegetables, as well as salads can be used as raw.
Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe vera is an amazingly healing plant. Aloe vera, which is generally used for skin and hair care, is good for stomach burns when used appropriately. If you are going to use the aloe vera gel from your own home grown aloe vera, don't forget to separate the yellow liquid from the plant. You can drink the liquid coming out of the plant by mixing it with water to reduce your stomach burning.

For our health, we need to drink 1.5-2 liters of water every day and in fact many of us do not drink this amount of water. Drinking plenty of water regularly is very important for our digestive system and reduces our chances of experiencing problems such as heartburn.
Sugar Free Chewing Gum
Our saliva contains alkali content that neutralizes acid in stomach and esophagus. Chewing sugar-free gum increases drool production in the mouth and thus swallows more. In this way, the food in our stomach and stomach burning is reduced.
Raw Potato Juice
Raw potato juice to dry excess acid in the stomach; Another effective nutrient that reduces the acidification rate in the stomach. In order to get rid of your heartburn complaint, all you have to do is peel one raw potato first and then squeeze it in the juicer. If you wish to sweeten the potato juice you have transferred to a water glass; You can also add carrot juice to the mixture.
Olive oil
Olive oil, which facilitates the digestion of all kinds of fat in our body, is also very successful in preventing our complaints of heartburn. 1 tea glass of olive oil with a small amount of water, you can drink as much as you can add to your salad by adding plenty of olive oil as soon as you can ease the intensity of your stomach burning.
Legumes, such as lentils, beans, containing abundant bioflavionid substances; it prevents the stomach from being destroyed by excessive acid formation.
Whole grain foods
Barley, brown rice, oats and so on. whole grain foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals; other foods that can help you get rid of heartburn. In addition, whole grain breads can help to burn the stomach.
Note: Bulgur; should not overdo the consumption of bulgur as it may increase your heartburn complaints.

Mineral water
Mineral water (soda) can help you if you have a bloating, indigestion caused by heavy food in your stomach, and if your stomach develops for this reason. You can relieve your stomach by consuming mineral water 15-20 minutes after meals, which shows a high success in slowing the formation of acid caused by indigestion. However, there is another important issue to consider in mineral water consumption; If reflux in your stomach, gastritis and so on. should arise from a stomach disease should stay away from mineral water. In these cases, mineral water may even make your stomach burn even worse.
Honey is among the best foods to burn the stomach. Natural and genuine honey; gastric acid, as well as ulcer and gastritis in the fight against diseases such as a very successful food. You can fight with your discomfort by consuming 1 teaspoon of natural honey during your breakfast.
Coconut Milk
Coconut milk, which you can find in many large supermarkets, is rich in potassium and electrolytes and helps maintain the body's water balance. You can drink coconut milk regularly once a day to prevent discomfort caused by stomach acid.
Thyme tea and ginger tea
It is known that thyme tea and ginger tea are good for stomach burning. By brewing thyme or ginger, which you can obtain from the actress, and drinking half an hour after meals; you can facilitate the digestion of food you eat during the day.
Milk and dairy products are among the most commonly used foods when gastric burns are encountered in our country. When you experience heartburn, consuming dairy products can help you see some improvement in the short term. However, the effect of dairy products on burning sensations in the esophagus and stomach is limited. If you have access to other foods you see in this list, our advice is to give them priority. However, if you have only dairy products at hand, you can use them in appropriate amounts to relieve your stomach.
Egg whites
Egg white contains glutamine amino acid, which helps reduce gastric acid-related inflammation. At this point, it should be noted that only the white of the boiled egg should be consumed. It is thought that egg yolk is not good for stomach problems.

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