Sunday, October 13, 2019

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Which changes during pregnancy are normal and which are pathological?

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There are many changes in the body of mothers during pregnancy. It is very important to determine whether these changes are normal or pathological.

There are many changes in the body of mothers during pregnancy. It is very important to determine whether these changes are normal or pathological.

Gynecology and Obstetrics Expert Assoc. Dr. Dr. Faruk Abike, common problems during pregnancy and pointed out important issues related to their solutions. Here are the 15 most frequently asked questions of pregnant women counting the days to hold their baby. Abike answers:

1- How can I fight cramps?

Especially during 24-28 weeks of pregnancy, there is a significant calcium transfer for mineralization of the baby's bones. Therefore, there may be painful cramps in the legs and hands during these weeks. Massage during cramps will be beneficial. Since the beginning of pregnancy, it is important to consume plenty of calcium-rich milk and dairy products (especially yoghurt, cheese, buttermilk, kefir). Increasing the consumption of yogurt after the 20th week of pregnancy prevents the formation of cramps. If there are cramps despite consumption of milk and dairy products, the use of calcium or magnesium can also be effective in preventing cramps.
There may be numbness and pain in the middle fingers during pregnancy. Although it is generally beneficial to massage the hand and rest the wrist, it will usually improve after pregnancy without treatment.

2- I'm constantly nauseous, what should I do?

With the effect of increasing hormones in the first 3 months of pregnancy, nausea and vomiting may occur especially in the morning. Generally, nausea and vomiting rapidly decrease from the 12th gestational week and nausea no longer remains at 16th gestational week. Especially in the first 3 months, fat-free, odorless, spice-free, solid food consumption will be effective in reducing nausea. It should be fed frequently and in small amounts. During nausea, do not force yourself to vomit because vomiting does not provide relief. During nausea, salty solid foods (such as white chickpeas, non-spicy chips, salted potatoes, white cheese sandwiches) should be taken. If nausea and vomiting persists despite all precautions, the use of certain medications under the supervision of a doctor will help to circumvent this process.

3- What will I do for pregnancy sugar?

After 20 weeks, there may be blood sugar problems during pregnancy due to increased hormones. Excessive weight gain during pregnancy and starting with excess weight increases the risk. To determine, all pregnant women should undergo a sugar loading test between 24 and 28 weeks of gestation. First, blood sugar is regulated by the appropriate diet program, if adequate blood sugar is not regulated by the diet, it may be necessary to start insulin. After pregnancy, blood sugar usually returns to normal levels.

4- What to do for hypertensive diseases during pregnancy?

In the first 3 months of pregnancy, blood pressure is lower due to the expansion of blood vessels due to hormones. But 24-28. blood pressure rises from weeks. Pregnancy toxemia may develop with increased blood pressure and increased urinary protein excretion. This is a threatening situation for the mother and the baby, close monitoring is very important.

5- What would you recommend to avoid reflux-gastritis and constipation problems?

Stomach and intestinal movements slow down during pregnancy and the tendency to reflux increases due to the relaxation of the valve between the stomach and esophagus. To prevent reflux, the supine position should not be used immediately after a meal, but a high pillow should be used when lying down. Complications of gastritis are reduced during pregnancy due to a decrease in gastric acid. Due to the slowing of bowel movements, the problem of constipation may increase during the whole pregnancy. Iron and vitamin drugs used in pregnancy may increase the problem of constipation. To prevent constipation, plenty of fluids should be taken, pulp and fiber food should be consumed, fruit should be consumed, a few dried apricots a day can help prevent this problem.

6-Should I have screening tests?

When pregnancy is diagnosed, to reveal risks for mother and baby; thyroid function tests, blood count, urine analysis, hepatitis, iron-vitamin B12 levels, and infections that may lead to abnormalities in the baby should be screened.
Down syndrome screening test between 11-14 weeks of gestation should be done with double test, nuchal translucency and nasal bone examination. 16-18. Down syndrome screening test should be performed in four weeks. 18-22. Second level detailed ultrasonographic screening should be performed between the first and second weeks.
24-28. between the gestational weeks, the sugar loading test should be applied to all pregnant women.

7- Can I exercise while pregnant?

After the first 3 months of pregnancy, pregnant women should be encouraged to exercise if there is no medical problem. Aerobic and cardio exercises are recommended. 2-3 days a week, 45-60 minutes walk, swimming, pregnancy-specific yoga or pilates can be done. Exercises should be continued until a few weeks before delivery for weight control and a comfortable pregnancy.

8- I have bleeding, what should I do?

During pregnancy, vaginal bleeding should never be considered normal. Particularly during the first days of pregnancy, staining-type bleeding during embryo placement is not a problem, but should be checked by ultrasonography in case of bleeding. Placenta-induced hemorrhage during the last 3 months of pregnancy is extremely important and can risk the life of the mother and the baby.

9- Is it true to have sex while pregnant?

There is no harm in having sex up to the last 3 weeks unless it is prohibited medically.

10- Can I get rid of the abdominal fractures?

As pregnancy progresses, tension in the skin may cause cracks in the abdomen, legs and breasts. In order to prevent crack formation, weight gain should be taken into consideration during pregnancy, balanced and especially fed with vitamin C-rich diet and after the 20th week of pregnancy special moisturizing creams, olive oil, almond oil, cocoa butter or sesame oil should be applied on the skin every day.

11- Does ultrasound harm my baby?

2-dimensional (black and white) ultrasound, 3 and 4-dimensional ultrasound during pregnancy is safe for the baby and the mother.

12- How often should I be examined?

Every 4 weeks until 32 weeks of gestation, 32-36. There should be an examination every 2 weeks between weeks and once a week from 36 weeks to birth.

13- How will I observe my baby's movements?

Baby movements are first felt in 18-20 weeks, and women who have already given birth can feel movements from 16 weeks. Infant movements are one of the most important parameters showing the well-being of the baby. When the baby has problems or problems, baby movements will decrease. If baby movements are felt after 20 weeks, consult a doctor immediately.

14- How many kilos should I gain?

It is normal for him to gain 11-14 kg in all pregnancy. The first 6 months of pregnancy, 1 kg per month, the next 3 months should take 2 kg per month. Excessive weight gain can lead to problems such as diabetes, hypertension, and prevention of normal birth, while inadequate weight gain can lead to low birth weight infants or preterm births.

15- What are my responsibilities?

Pregnancy can lead to psychological changes as well as physical changes in women. Emotional changes can be sadness, anxiety, susceptibility and mood changes. Men should always be understanding and supportive. Especially in the first 3 months of pregnancy, males should handle the kitchen and food business because of the smell sensitivity. During pregnancy, she should participate in pregnancy related activities and examinations. She must read courses and books on childbirth and baby care and actively participate in the process at every stage.

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Guide to Coping with Heartburn in Pregnancy

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You probably had nausea from the very beginning of your pregnancy. Not enough, one more annoyance added: Heartburn! We have prepared a guide for pregnancy and heartburn for this problem that occurs in more than half of pregnant women. Read it!

Causes heartburn during pregnancy?
Heartburn can be a problem you've never experienced before. This condition, also called reflux, occurs when the stomach contents return to the esophagus and stomach acids irritate the esophagus membrane. This causes a burning sensation around the heart. So what does this have to do with pregnancy? Here are the reasons for heartburn during pregnancy:

Pregnancy hormones (progesterone and relaxin) slow down digestion. For this reason, the mixing of nutrients into the blood and the emptying of the stomach is delayed. Thus, heartburn and indigestion occur during pregnancy.

Muscle relaxation occurs during pregnancy, which leads to a weakening of the muscle known as the stomach valve. Because of this muscle which does not work in its normal course, acids escape to the esophagus and cause a burning-burning sensation.

The growth of the uterus in the last stages of pregnancy, pushes the stomach upward and compresses the stomach that you feel causes.

When does heartburn start during pregnancy?

In the first trimester, heartburn usually occurs in pregnant women. In the first months of pregnancy, at the very beginning you can begin to experience this complaint.

In the later stages of pregnancy, the pressure on the stomach increases due to the large growth of the baby and uterus, which increases the complaints of heartburn.

Do you know what you need: First trimester in pregnancy: 7 things you will need in the first trimester

In which month does the heartburn end during pregnancy?
Heartburn during pregnancy unfortunately ends in the 9th month, approaching birth.

The reason for the complaints of heartburn close to birth is that the head of the baby, which we know as mitigation, descends towards the birth canal. This reduces the pressure on the chest cavity and the diaphragm.

In fact, it makes you feel as if you are breathing more easily.

However, with the pressure of the baby's head on the bladder, unfortunately you begin to feel the need to go to the toilet more often as in early pregnancy.

In short, the complaints of heartburn and shortness of breath can be experienced until the infant descends down to the birth canal.

Does heartburn during pregnancy harm the baby?
We have good news!

If you're worried that this is a problem for your baby, don't worry. Heartburn, which is annoying for you, can even be beneficial for your baby. Because as food moves slowly in the body, it can be absorbed better and helps to feed the baby.

To feed your baby even better: Which Trimester of Pregnancy How to Feed?

Are heartburn and heartburn the same during pregnancy?
Yes, exactly the same. Heartburn and heartburn are the reasons for the two different conditions, only because the sensation is due to the different ways of naming. So if you have questions such as what causes heartburn during pregnancy, it can be said that the answers are the same as heartburn.

7-point solution to stomach burning during pregnancy

Heartburn is a painful, annoying situation in every sense of pregnancy, yes. However, this does not mean that it is impossible to overcome this problem or mitigate its negative effects by taking measures. Below, we answered the question mide How to prevent heartburn during pregnancy? 7 with 7 items.

1- Eat less but often!
It is one of the first solutions that come to mind when you eat a small but frequent diet, constipation during pregnancy, nausea. By feeding regularly, you can reduce or prevent these two other problems as well as heartburn.

7 Steps to Learn How to Nutrition During Pregnancy You can take advantage of our article.

2- Try to know your own body!
Not all bodies respond to the same nutrients in similar ways. For this reason, you should identify what foods are irritating to your stomach and stay away from these foods.

And what you shouldn't approach: Stay away from these 15 things: Things you shouldn't eat during pregnancy!

3- Attention to fluid consumption!
You should consume plenty of water, especially water. But you should be careful not to drink while you eat. Mixing food with too much liquid can cause indigestion by swelling the stomach. So it's important that you consume fluids on the spot and in time!

If you can't do anything, do these things: “Healthy eating is important, but I can't Altın

4- Take care of your body posture!
If you are hunched while eating, the chances of having trouble during and after meals increase as the stomach is put on more pressure. So you have to stand up.

5- Reach immediately after dinner!
Weight may settle on it after a meal. Especially when you are pregnant, it is normal to feel sluggish after eating. However, if you reach out immediately after a meal, your digestive system will slow down.

6- Have a snack before going to bed!
Empty stomach produces acid. So those who suffer from heartburn during pregnancy should eat something healthy two to three hours before bedtime! It's not just for heartburn; It is a recommended remedy for nausea, let's remind.

We have prepared a great guide: Nutrition in Pregnancy Week by Week

7- Keep your head up!
Keeping your head and shoulders high while relaxing or asleep can relax your stomach. To do so, you can support your head and shoulders with pillows or raise the head of your bed.

Foods that cause heartburn during pregnancy
We said, “Everybody's different, what's bothering you, look for it. Ama But there's some food that can touch every body. In fact, let's remind you of these foods that you know very well. Here is our list;

Fatty foods,


Alcohol and carbonated drinks,

Extremely spicy foods,

Very sweet food,

Coffee and tea.

For more information on the foods you need to stay away from during pregnancy, read our Stay Away from 15 Things You Shouldn't Eat During Pregnancy.

What is the treatment of heartburn during pregnancy?
Which medicine is used for heartburn during pregnancy?
If it becomes a serious problem, you should see your doctor for treatment of heartburn during pregnancy. As always, you should not take any medication without asking your doctor. You can accidentally drink aspirin-containing or high-salt medications by yourself or with advice from around you. We recommend you to see a doctor to avoid such a situation.

If you have reflux problems prior to your pregnancy, this may not be new to you. You may even be on medication for reflux. In such a case, you should tell your doctor that you are pregnant. So you can find out if the medications you use before pregnancy are suitable for use during pregnancy.

Is there a relationship between heartburn during pregnancy and the baby's hair?
Research has shown that women with severe heartburn give birth to haired babies. We know it sounds weird, but the ancients sometimes aren't wrong at all!

Is heartburn related to gender in pregnancy?
It is thought that heartburn in pregnancy is related to the growth of the baby girl's hair. In other words, heartburn during pregnancy is said to be a sign of a baby girl. But of course this has no scientific basis!

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What is Stomach Acid

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What is Stomach Acid? Our stomach produces a special acid component in order to digest the food that we have eaten throughout the day, making food digestible in the intestines. However, if the amount of acid increases, diseases such as gastric ulcer and gastritis occur in the stomach. If the amount of acid is reduced to the contrary, you will begin to experience indigestion. If the secreted acid escapes from the esophagus, this time, discomfort such as reflux occurs. You can find out if you have any problems with stomach acid in different ways. If the stomach acid is secreted too much, problems such as stomach ache and burning will occur. In the meantime, the pH of the stomach acid is around 3.5 and 1.0. If it falls below or rises above this area, it may cause some problems in the stomach. Symptoms are as follows: stomach weakness and heartburn, stomach pain, inflammation of the stomach, which starts shortly after starting to eat, and stomach pain, which starts shortly after eating twelve fingers ulcers, at least two to three hours after eating the stomach ulcer. then starting are stomach pains. If the stomach acid is low, you will experience problems such as constipation, bloating and indigestion.

How to Remove Stomach Acid?

If you have an excess of acid in your stomach, the first thing you should do is go to a doctor immediately and take the medicines the doctor will recommend. The acid-preventive medication that the doctor will recommend is acid-absorbing drugs in the stomach and makes you feel very comfortable. There are also some points to keep in mind to keep your stomach acid under control: start by eating fresh fruit or raw salads, chew the food very well and eat slowly, slowly, don't stuff yourself up from the table, do not drink excess water during eating and after eating. Because the temperature of the food you eat is also a very important factor, your food should be neither too cold nor too hot, rest for a full hour after eating and do not leave meal times too late.

What Foods Reduce Stomach Acid?

All vegetables that are rich in fiber to reduce stomach acid are very good for the stomach. These vegetables, which are rich in fiber, also help to weaken by giving a feeling of satiety that lasts for a long time. Vegetables which are rich in fiber are artichoke, broccoli, turnip, eggplant and lettuce. It also helps regulate stomach acid when you get lean protein. However, if you consume fatty veal meat because of protein in it, gastric acid increases much more. Eating beans, fish and lentils to get protein helps you get healthier protein. Mandarin, grapefruit and orange increase the stomach acid in fruits with high acid content, while fruits such as watermelon, apple, kiwi, raspberry and blackberry balances stomach acid and relaxes you very much. Also avoid acidic beverages and fast food foods that will increase stomach acidity.

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Reflux Stomach Acid Leakage And Throat-Throat

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What is LFR?

LFR is a condition that occurs in people with gastric reflux. Gastric reflux occurs when the acid produced in the stomach escapes up the esophagus. Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LFR occurs) when stomach acid enters throat and throat


What are the symptoms of LFR?

LFR has many symptoms, all related to throat symptoms. 50% of people with LFR may have no symptoms of heartburn or nausea. When symptoms occur, it includes:
• Slight hoarseness
• Sore throat mass
• Throat cleaning sensation
• Sticky phlegm in the throat
• Chronic cough
• Swallowing difficulty
• Throat ache
• Inflated, swollen and red vocal cords

What causes LFR?
LFR occurs when gastric acid reflux reaches the throat. Most cases do not require medical treatment. Gastric reflux can be reduced with lifestyle changes.

Considerations for LFR development:

Avoid the following:
• Acid, spicy and fatty food consumption
• Alcohol
• Cigarette smoke
• Drinks containing caffeine (tea, coffee, soda, etc.)
• Chocolate
• Mint or mint flavored foods
• Tight or tight clothes
• Extreme stress

Note the following:
• Healthy weight loss
• Stop eating less than 2 hours before bedtime
Who has LFR?
Anyone can develop LFR as well, but it is detected more often as people age. People with certain nutritional habits, those who wear tight and tight clothes, overweight people and people with extreme stress are more prone to laryngopharyngeal reflux disease.

How is LFR diagnosed?
Diagnosis is usually based on throat symptoms and clinical examination. Often, no further examination is needed to make the diagnosis. Further tests include swallowing tests, esophageal gastric endoscopy and pH meters. In swallowing, a special liquid called barium is swallowed. Esophagus, abdomen and intestines are stained with barium material; these areas are then examined in an x-ray film. This examination allows food to be seen as it passes through the mouth to the esophagus. Another method used to diagnose LFR is by camera examination down the esophagus by mouth. Endoscopy allows the physician to view the inside of the stomach and esophagus directly. A third test determines the level of acid in the throat.

How is LFR treated and prevented?
There are treatment options for patients with LFR. Treatments are often to follow preventive measures.
• Mild diet (low acid level, low fat content, painless)
• Frequent, small portions of food
• Lose weight
• Avoid alcohol, tobacco and caffeine
• Do not eat less than 2 hours before going to sleep
• Lift the head of the bed before going to sleep. Place a solid object (such as wood) under the top of the bearing. This helps keep your head on the top of your body; this prevents gastric acid from escaping into the throat.
• Do not make strong movements for throat cleaning
• Take antacids or proton pump inhibitors;

In very serious cases, surgery may be recommended as treatment

What happens in untreated LFR?
Untreated LFR can cause: sore throat; Chronic cough; Masses such as edema, redness, ulcers and wounds, granuloma in the larynx and vocal cords; and exacerbation of asthma, emphysema and bronchitis. Untreated LFR may also play a role in the development of laryngeal cancer.

What is the prognosis / observation of LFR?
The prognosis for LFR is very good, because if you follow a healthy lifestyle, most of the causes can be controlled. However, if the LFR is not diagnosed, the affected person may experience the above-mentioned medical conditions and symptoms.

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What is gastritis and why? What are the symptoms of gastritis and how does gastritis go?

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Gastritis is an inflammation of the lining of the stomach. It occurs when too much stomach acid is produced or if the protective inner layer of the stomach wall is damaged. The most common cause of gastritis is infection by helicobacter pylori. What are the symptoms of gastritis? How does the symptoms of gastritis vary? How does gastritis go?

Gastritis is an inflammation of the membrane lining the stomach. It occurs when too much stomach acid is produced or if the protective inner layer of the stomach wall is damaged. The most common cause of gastritis is infection by helicobacter pylori. What are the symptoms of gastritis? How does the symptoms of gastritis vary? How is gastritis treated? How does gastritis go?

In acute gastritis, pain, gas belching, burning, souring, nausea and vomiting are seen in the upper abdomen, whereas in chronic gastritis, pain is less pronounced and after eating, swelling and fullness sensation, early satiety, nausea feeling belching, poor taste in mouth are more common. It is seen. For the treatment of gastritis, go to the general surgery department.

How is gastritis diagnosed?
After a detailed history of the patient and a careful physical examination, your doctor can arrange a treatment to ease your complaints if the gastr is suspected. However, endoscopy (gastroscopy) should be performed for the diagnosis of gastritis, and tissue samples should be taken for pathological examination (biopsy). Endoscopy is not necessary in all patients presenting with complaints suggesting gastritis. Especially in patients under 40 years of age, if there is no other reason for endoscopy, the presence of HP infection can be investigated by tests using blood or stool samples.

What are the complications of gastritis?
Although it is not common in chronic gastritis caused by HP, severe complications such as stomach and duodenal ulcer, lymphoma and stomach cancer may develop. Lymphoma caused by HP gastritis is called MALT lymphoma (MALT = Mucosa associated lymphoid tissue) in the early period and complete recovery can be achieved by clearing the bacteria in the early stage of the disease. Gastritis caused by aspirin and antirheumatic drugs can sometimes coexist with severe canal.

How is gastritis treated?
Gastritis treatment is done according to the cause. Most of the time, the reduction of gastric acid helps to alleviate the complaints. In cases where HP is positive, 1 or 2-week treatment courses containing at least two antibiotics for bacterial clearance are applied. In patients using aspirin and antirheumatic drugs, it is appropriate to discontinue or review the need for use. In more specific types of gastritis and in cases of complications, treatment methods for the cause and complications are applied.

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How to Reduce Stomach Acid at Home

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Gastric acid is a substance necessary for digestion of food. However, it is one of the points that should be kept in mind that if the stomach starts to secrete too much acid, discomfort such as reflux may occur. If you see some symptoms such as air out of the mouth, gas problem, heartburn, dry cough, chest pain and burning in the throat, you should be aware that you may have stomach acid problems. As a matter of fact, many people observe such symptoms by quickly falling into the failure of lying down after eating or after eating more than chewing or after eating. It is known that obesity or pregnancy will also cause stomach acid imbalance.

Herbal Cures or Other Methods to be Applied at Home
1. For chamomile tea. Chamomile tea, which has been used against stomach problems for centuries, is seen as an active remedy. According to scientific research, it is considered beneficial to drink chamomile tea to prevent stomach burns and signs of infection. In addition, it has been proven that tea consisting of a mixture of chamomile tea and mint eliminates stomach problems in a much shorter time.

Add 2-4 grams of dried chamomile leaf into a glass of water. Consuming chamomile teas with a very high content causes vomiting or nausea. Therefore, it is recommended to consume it in a moderate manner and not to brew tea for more than 5 minutes.
If you are allergic to flowers such as asters and chrysanthemums, you should remember that you probably have allergies to daisy. If you find it difficult to find chamomile tea in the scope of pharmacies can find these teas and your pharmacist by asking questions you can clear your doubts.
If you are taking a diabetes medication, blood pressure medication, or any other medication you should consult with your doctor before using chamomile tea.
2. Use slippery elm. Slippery elm oil has a sticky property. Covering your stomach, throat and esophagus with this slippery structure will help you get as little damage from stomach acid as possible. With the antioxidants in slippery elm, the pain of stomach ulcers will naturally decrease to a low level. Slippery elm is offered in pharmacies in the form of pills, powder or tea. You should take your elm medication 2 hours before or 2 hours later. Otherwise, it may have an effect that prevents your body from absorbing the drugs.

You can put 1-2 grams of slippery elm powder in boiled water. You should remember that there is a waiting time of this mixture for 3-5 minutes. You should also underline that you can consume your mixture 3 times a day.
Consuming 400-500 mg of slippery elm for 4 to 8 weeks or until your disease is completely cured is a point recommended by experts.
You should never give slippery elm to children without consulting your doctor.
3. Use ginger. According to the reviews, 1-2 grams of unprocessed ginger or root ginger taken before the meal is produced at a higher dose of gastric acid. In this way, the symptoms of heartburn are greatly reduced. In addition, ginger helps reduce the effects of symptoms such as nausea and vomiting. You can find gingerbread in many grocery stores with very easy and reasonable prices.

A tea prepared with a few grams of ginger you put into a glass filled with boiled water is one of the subtitles that will relax your stomach. You can drink this tea twice a day. Drinking a glass before meals will be very useful for you.
If you have diabetes or heart problems, are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should always consult your doctor before using ginger. You should keep in mind that you should give your doctor clear information about the additional nutrients you use and the medicines.
4. Use carbonate. Carbonate (sodium bicarbonate) has been used as a natural acid regulator for years. Thanks to carbonate, your digestion can be performed more easily and there is no possibility of suffering from stomach acid. Carbonate is available in both tablet and powder form in pharmacies and in various markets. It is ideally indicated by experts to use it four times a day. In addition, it is much better for you to take carbonate 1-2 hours after eating. Performing carbonate uptake on a fully loaded stomach may harm your stomach. You must remember.

To stabilize the stomach acid, you should pour one cup of water into a cup of water and continue stirring until the carbonate is completely dissolved. You should be careful when adjusting the amount of carbonate. Keep in mind that you can sweeten the mixture using lemon or honey.
If you have a sodium-restricted diet, you should consult your physician before performing carbonate intake. If you have a different herbal treatment, medication or heart condition, you should never forget to consult a doctor before starting carbonate treatment.
You should take sodium as directed in the instructions for use. You should also be careful not to use sodium for more than 2 weeks. In addition, carbonate is one of the treatment methods that should not be used in children under 12 years of age.
When you miss a dose, you should remember to take it in absolute form. Otherwise the treatment may not go well with full meaning.
5. Chew gum. Chewing a piece of sugar-free chewing gum half an hour after a meal is one of the recommendations that can ease your stomach burning. The reason this method works is because chewing gum accelerates the production of saliva. Saliva generally has an alkaline structure and therefore has a content that can neutralize stomach acid.

Sugar-free chewing gums include substances that can kill bacteria in the mouth and have a positive effect on oral hygiene.
Sugary chewing gums can solidify saliva and reduce saliva production. This is exactly why sugar gums are not as effective as sugar free gums.
You should avoid peppermint flavored chewing gums because these chewing gums can trigger stomach acid.
6. You should avoid using mint. Mint sugar can relax the astringent muscles between the stomach and esophagus. It is precisely for this reason that the progression of gastric acid towards the throat becomes inevitable. therefore, it is necessary to itch from using peppermint, which can trigger a much more harmful effect of gastric acid. Although peppermint does not directly cause reflux, it can cause negative results in your stomach.

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Peptic Ulcer Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

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Deep ulcers or peptic ulcers are called deep ulcers caused by the damage of the layer called mucosa, which covers the inner face of the esophagus, stomach and intestine in the digestive system with stomach acid, digestive enzymes or drugs.

What is the frequency of ulcer?
Although stomach acid is a strong acid, it does not normally cause damage to the stomach and duodenum. There is a thick layer of mucus on the surface of the mucosa that prevents the gastric acid from reaching the mucosa. There is a balance between mucosal damage factors such as acid, pepsin and bile acids in the gastric mucosa and mucosal protective factors. Changing this balance in favor of aggressive factors leads to disruption of mucosal integrity and ulcer formation. Ulcers in the stomach are called gastric ulcers, ulcers in the duodenum are called duoedenum ulcer or bulbar ulcer. They can be from 3-5mm to 5cm wide.

Approximately 10% of the population is thought to have peptic ulcer disease at any time in their lives. It occurs twice as often in men as in women.

Although gastric acid is a strong aggressive fate, it seems impossible to form an ulcer alone. Because ¼ of the patients with ulcer gastric acid secretion increased and half of the normal limits. In some diseases where gastric acid secretion is excessively increased, ulcers almost always occur, but such conditions are very rare (such as Zollinger Ellison syndrome). However, the term "no acid no ulcer" is still valid today, as it is not possible to heal the stomach or duodenal ulcer without suppressing gastric acid secretion. Nowadays, it is accepted that ulcer has two main reasons. Many stomach and duodenal ulcer patients are infected with a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori (HP) (75%).

In another group of patients, long-term aspirin or non-steroidal antirheumatic drugs (NSAIDs) have been used. It is known that 15 million people in the world use NSAIDs, 60% of them describe stomach complaints, 10% have stomach and / or twelve fingers bowel ulcers, and on average 3-4% have serious complications that require hospitalization. On the other hand, failure to detect HP infection or use of antirheumatic drugs in approximately 1/5 of the patients with ulcers is an indication that the etiopathogenesis of ulcer is not yet fully understood.

Although the stress factor, which was thought to be an important cause of ulcer formation in the previous years, has lost its importance nowadays, in cases where the body is exposed to excessive stress (such as extensive body burns, head traumas and staying in the intensive care unit), severe stomach and / or duodenal ulcers may be exposed to stress. It is known that their complaints may increase after their stay.

The most common manifestation of the ulcer is a blunt pain in the upper abdomen, between two ribs and between the lower end of the breastbone and the navel, usually in the palms. The pain may also be in the form of crushing, scraping or burning, spreading between the two shoulder blades and on the sides of the abdomen. Can wake you from sleep at night. Nausea and vomiting may occur with pain. The pain can last from 15-20 min to several hours. It may start after starvation.

It is usually alleviated or passed by food or antacid intake. Therefore, patients may need to eat frequently. In patients with gastric ulcers, pain may increase after eating, and bloating and flatulence may be more pronounced. Bleeding or perforation may be the first sign of ulcer in some patients with no findings. Weight loss may occur in patients with vomiting. In some patients, the symptoms can be exacerbated by seasonal changes, especially in the spring.

The diagnostic method to be used in patients who apply to a doctor with ulcer-like complaints is endoscopy (Gastroscopy), which allows direct diagnosis of the ulcer and diagnosis when necessary. In rare cases, radiographs of gastric duodenum with barium may be helpful in diagnosis. Endoscopic examination should be performed to remove the possibility of cancer in patients with suspected stomach ulcer and tissue sample (biopsy) should be taken for examination.

The first step in the treatment of ulcers is the reduction of gastric acid. When acid secretion is suppressed, pepsin, an enzyme that can only be activated in the acid medium, is also inactivated. Nowadays, ulcer treatment can be performed successfully thanks to the drugs that strongly suppress gastric acid secretion. Your doctor will decide how long active drug treatment will continue. In addition to reducing acid secretion, the second thing to do in the treatment of ulcers is to treat this bacteria in patients with HP in their stomachs. This treatment is usually performed using 1 or 2 week treatment regimens containing at least two types of antibiotics. Your doctor will decide which treatment regimen to choose.

HP treatment is especially important in preventing ulcer recurrence. Treatment of the bacterium alone is insufficient for the treatment of ulcers; gastric acid needs to be suppressed for a sufficient period (usually 6-8 weeks) to heal the ulcer. Gastric ulcers usually require a longer treatment. Gastric ulcers should be endoscopically checked after treatment and the patient should not be left unattended until they are completely healed.

In patients with ulcers, aspirin and / or antirheumatic drugs should be discontinued. These medicines can only be used under the supervision of a doctor when they are very necessary.

While medication is in progress, it is appropriate to make changes in patients' lifestyles, such as discontinuing smoking and reducing alcohol consumption. Ulcers recur more frequently in patients who continue to smoke. Spicy, spicy, acidic and caffeine-containing foods and beverages and alcohol may cause increased complaints during periods of ulcer activity, which may limit their consumption in the early stages of treatment.

In addition, a special diet is not required in patients with ulcers. Patients who like to drink milk can be allowed to drink 1-2 glasses of milk per day. It is inconvenient to drink the milk frequently for therapeutic purposes. Approaches to reduce stress in patients living a stressful life may help in treatment. (Focusing on hobbies, psychotherapy, yoga, etc.)

Surgical treatment is currently applied only when there are complications such as bleeding, obstruction and puncture that do not respond to medical and endoscopic treatment.

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