Sunday, October 13, 2019

Rite Aid Acid Reducer Omeprazole Delayed Release Tablets - 20 mg, 3 Bottles, 14 Count Each (42 Count Total) - Heartburn Relief - Heartburn Medicine - Treats Frequent Heartburn

Reduce Appetite and Hunger While Slimming with Acupuncture

Rite Aid Acid Reducer Omeprazole Delayed Release Tablets - 20 mg, 3 Bottles, 14 Count Each (42 Count Total) - Heartburn Relief - Heartburn Medicine - Treats Frequent Heartburn

In particular, the biggest shortage of people who diet during diet and hunger and appetite can not prevent. What is Appetite? It appears after a while. One thing is to eat with pleasure. Some people suffer from some sweet or some Chinese; some like Turkish cuisine. Hungry occurs when we are born. It is an instinct that when the baby cries, the mother gives the milk in her breast and the baby stops. It's actually an instinct until he dies. Acupuncture increases the level of noradrenaline and adrenaline in the hypothalamus region of the brain and increases serotonin (a substance that provides happiness. It also occurs after eating chocolate). In this way, an appetite and always felt full.

Acupuncture prevents heartburn and burning
Dieting, especially in people with stomach burning and scraping can be punishing. But acupuncture stimulates the ends of nerves to the stomach and intestines, reducing stomach acid. Therefore, even if the stomach is empty due to diet, there is no excess acid. Therefore, the person makes a very comfortable diet.

Acupuncture Prevents Fatigue and Exhaustion
Acupuncture has energizing properties. Therefore, sluggish. In fact, obesity makes people sluggish and exhausted.

Acupuncture Reduces Stress in Slimming Process
When acupuncture needles are applied to the body and ear, a substance we call beta endorphin is secreted. This reduces stress and calms the person. It regulates sleep.

Acupuncture Regulates Metabolism in Slimming Process
Along with acupuncture, diets suitable for one's sex, age and disease are given. These diets are changed every week.

When all of these factors are combined, losing weight becomes even easier. It prepares the person to lose weight. Accordingly, once or twice a week with acupuncture treatment 8 ted10 kg at the end of 6-8 weeks. It is given. If the weight to be given is higher, treatment is continued weekly. Once the ideal weight is reduced, acupuncture is continued with magnetic balls (magnetized lentil-sized activated charcoal) once a month for 6 months. In the meantime, the diet is not healthy diet, so the weight is fixed. Then you need to be checked 2 or 3 times a year.

Why is that?
Because some reasons can start people to gain weight again.

Weight Loss After Weight Loss
Pregnancy or abortion, because there is a change in human metabolism.
Long-term use of cortisone, hormone, depression and allergy drugs,
After anesthesia or surgery
Sudden shock and traumatic event during or after treatment (loss of spouse or work, death of relatives, earthquake, traffic accident, etc.)

Rite Aid Acid Reducer Omeprazole Delayed Release Tablets - 20 mg, 3 Bottles, 14 Count Each (42 Count Total) - Heartburn Relief - Heartburn Medicine - Treats Frequent Heartburn

SoundHealth Extra Strength Heartburn and Gas Relief Chews, Mixed Berry Flavor, 82 Count Bottle

Reflux-free recommendations

SoundHealth Extra Strength Heartburn and Gas Relief Chews, Mixed Berry Flavor, 82 Count Bottle

As soon as you get up in the morning, you can eat a handful of chickpeas, a slice of bread or two pieces of grissini and prevent the arrival of bitter water.
Because reflux disease persists for a long time, there are some rules that people with this problem have to follow just like diabetic patients. Otherwise, the quality of daily life deteriorates. Nutrition and Diet Expert Hande Seven, who advised people to wake up with bitter water in the morning to get rid of this bitter water, says that as soon as they get up, a handful of chickpeas, a slice of bread or two grissini can be avoided by consuming bitter water. Hande Seven gives information about the importance of taking care in the nutrition of reflux patients and answers the frequently asked questions in this regard:


- Less and frequent eating is very important in the principles of nutrition. Do not consume portions more than necessary, chewing the food thoroughly to facilitate the digestive function of the stomach by mechanical shredding in the mouth.

- Keep the meals between 3 hours on average (if it is eaten too often, it will cause indigestion in the stomach, if the food is not consumed for a long time, the acidity of the stomach increases and therefore the intensity of reflux increases).

- Do not eat, do not lie on your back and head and the esophagus to rest a little upright.

- Avoid wearing tight clothing around the waist and avoid using belts.

- Avoiding obesity, maintaining an ideal body weight and being careful not to eat certain foods, avoiding smoking reduces the severity of the disease.

- In general, each individual should be adequately fed in accordance with his / her own body needs and balanced meals should be consumed in terms of quantity and variety including all food groups.

Are there food that is uncomfortable?

Reflux symptoms are more common in people who are under psychological stress, and when nutritional errors are added, the severity of the disease increases. It is very important in reducing stressful living conditions. However, especially acidic foods such as orange, lemon, tangerine, grapefruit, tomato, pickled and pickled foods such as pickled and salty, carbonated beverages, caffeinated beverages such as chocolate, tea, coffee and green tea increase the severity of the disease.


We especially recommend weight control and regular exercise. We frequently see malnutrition in people suffering from reflux. Not eating is never the solution, not eating too much and consuming balanced nutrients. Instead of citrus fruits that are useful but not recommended in reflux patients, we can recommend non-vitamin C-rich fruit (such as quince, pear, apple, dried fruits, etc.), well-cooked vegetable dishes - when you cook vegetables, acidity is reduced and every patient can consume very easily. However, methods of cooking food are also important for reflux. No frying or roasting should be used, but boiled, grilled, baked or steamed.

Is there no solution?

When hungry, stomach acid secretion continues. For this, it is useful to reduce portions. People's response to nutrients may vary according to the severity of reflux. Therefore, if there are different nutrients that we do not recommend but disturb the person, they should be removed from the nutrition program. There is a different alternative in nature that can meet the nutritional content of each food. It may also be necessary to change these nutrients.

Tea and special mixtures

Linden, chamomile and fennel teas, which do not contain caffeine, facilitate digestion. Stomach protection is important as mentioned above. In fact, food that we do not recommend to patients with reflux is excluded from the rules of healthy eating, except that acidic fruits are not consumed.


Every individual should change their diet and lifestyle habits such as weight control, regular activity, non-consumption of carbonated drinks, pickle-brine, non-smoking, alcohol consumption, low and frequent nutrition, in order to maintain their health and improve their quality of life.


Eat slowly, chew well.

- Make sure your food and drinks are not too hot or too cold.

- Eat it a little bit, often. (6 meals a day)

- Avoid excess greasy dishes and fries.

-Do not drink alcohol, cola drinks, dark tea, coffee, boza, mineral water.

- Do not consume gas-forming foods (legumes, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, leek).

- Reduce acidic nutrients such as orange juice, lemonade, tomatoes, pickles, vinegar.

- Don't eat mint, arugula, cress.

- Do not use spicy spices, garlic, fenugreek, mustard, lemon salt.

-Do not smoke.

- Stop eating 3-4 hours before bedtime.

- Avoid excessive movement after meals.

- Avoid clothing with a tight waist.

SoundHealth Extra Strength Heartburn and Gas Relief Chews, Mixed Berry Flavor, 82 Count Bottle

Alka-Seltzer Heartburn Plus Gas Relief Chews, Tropical Punch, 54 Count

How to reduce stomach acid

Alka-Seltzer Heartburn Plus Gas Relief Chews, Tropical Punch, 54 Count

Stomach pH is acidic since it is involved in digestion and its values ​​are 2-3. In some stomach problems, stomach acid may increase and cause discomfort to the person. Even if you don't have stomach problems, you may be suffering from this problem, but it is beneficial to see a doctor when it is repeated. In this article, how to reduce stomach acid? related.

Stomach acid is increased in situations such as drinking unhealthy ready-to-drink drinks, malnutrition and overuse of drugs. You feel like your stomach is on fire, you feel an increase in stomach acid, which is a discomfort experienced by many people. Since I had a problem with myself, I researched how to solve the stomach acid problem and wanted to share it with you.

How does stomach acid pass?

First of all, the biggest reason is that we eat and drink so we stay away from some things and often have no problem with stomach acid. Especially after dinner, the following list is absolutely and definitely not to be consumed.

The food we need to stay away from; Even if we cannot completely cut foods that are too fat, fried and spicy, cream and sauce, we should eat less when we eat and reduce consumption in our lives. Foods such as chocolate have the property of increasing stomach acidity, so excessive consumption should be avoided. Raw onions should be avoided.

If we go to drinks; caffeine-containing beverages such as tea and coffee should be consumed less, acidic beverages such as cola should not be consumed due to the acid it contains. Try not to drink too hot or cold, eat all kinds of food as warm as possible.

Other important recommendations are the complete cessation of smoking and alcohol use. It will relax our stomach and increase our quality of life.

If you pay attention to the above, you will be able to reduce your stomach acid. In addition to your own measures to reduce stomach acidity, as mentioned above, you should consult a specialist. If there is another disease underneath, you will soon be able to diagnose and provide treatment.

In the article entitled ne How healthy are the sugars we eat for our children?

What is wanted is how to reduce acid in the stomach, how to reduce stomach acid, how to reduce stomach acid, how to reduce acid, how to eat and drink in daily life, what are the acids in the stomach, how to reduce the acid in the stomach, how to reduce stomach acid, how to reduce stomach acid, how to reduce stomach acid how to.

Alka-Seltzer Heartburn Plus Gas Relief Chews, Tropical Punch, 54 Count

Nexium 24HR (42 Count, Tablets) All-Day, All-Night Protection from Frequent Heartburn Medicine with Esomeprazole Magnesium 20mg Acid Reducer

Reflux - ulcer - gastritis

Nexium 24HR (42 Count, Tablets) All-Day, All-Night Protection from Frequent Heartburn Medicine with Esomeprazole Magnesium 20mg Acid Reducer

Reflux, ulcers and gastritis are among the most common stomach diseases. You should take precautions against these diseases before it is too late.

Is your eating pleasure a torture? Do you feel burning, sour taste or bitter water in your stomach after leaving the table? Your complaints may be a harbinger of stomach diseases. Reflux, ulcers and gastritis are among the most common stomach diseases. You should take your precaution against these diseases which you cannot find a temporary solution before it is too late.


Reflux disease is simply defined as the escaping of the stomach contents into the esophagus.
Research has shown that 1 out of 5 adults has varying degrees of reflux complaints
Putting. At the origin of the reflux disease, the esophagus and stomach
The theme with acidic content lies.

Prolonged contact of the acidic contents of the stomach with the esophagus causes damage in this region and causes a burning sensation. The burning of food behind the esophagus, as well as the mouth, food and bitter water coming to the person is quite uncomfortable.

Experts say that reflux is a disease that must be diagnosed and treated.

What are the symptoms of reflux?

Reflux can be seen from time to time in everyone. However, this condition, which occurs after meals and repeats 10-15 times a day, is considered as a disease when it reaches the dimensions that will disturb the person.

Patients often consult a doctor with complaints of heartburn. And also; Burning and souring in the chest, bitter water coming to the throat, bad breath develops. Reflux can sometimes be mistaken for asthma because of difficulty breathing, and sometimes it may cause chest pain and cause ‘heart’ anxiety.

Bloating, especially after meals and disturbing at night when placed on a full stomach,
pressure and palpitation of the heart with a feeling of belching and choking,
It can be felt, difficulty breathing deeply.

How is the diagnosis made?

Your doctor may need some tests to diagnose reflux. Endoscopic examination, barium passage graphy, manometry and PH Metry methods provide diagnosis.

- Endoscopic examination: A method that is frequently used and provides the most information. With this examination, the amount of irritation related to the esophagus, gastric valve laxity, diagnosis
It is.

- Barium-based passage X-ray: A medicated film is filmed with this method and
showing the transition pattern. Thus, there is a problem with the movements of the esophagus.
is revealed.

- Manometry: It shows the movement pattern of the esophagus. This method examines the movement of the esophagus via a catheter inserted through the nose.

- PH Metry: Acid and alkali reflux at the last part of the esophagus is measured and monitored for 24 hours through a catheter inserted through the nose.

How is it treated?

There are 4 methods for the treatment of reflux. These methods are based on the severity and progression of reflux.
determined by your doctor. Lifestyle changes, drug therapy, surgical treatment and
Endoscopy method is one of the treatment options of reflux.

Drug therapy plays an important role in patients with reflux. Medication suppresses gastric acidity by protecting the esophagus. Thus, in most patients, complaints from reflux can be prevented. However, the initial drug treatment was
80 percent of the disease, but the origin of the disease does not eliminate the mechanical disorder and does not completely cure. If the complaints do not resolve with medical treatment or if there are complications such as bleeding and stenosis, surgical treatment is applied.

Reflux affects the quality of life, especially when seen with gastric hernia. Surgical treatment,
the only method that eliminates the mechanical origin of reflux.


Ulcer is a wound on the part of the digestive tract that comes into contact with the gastric juice. It can be seen in the junction of the esophagus and the stomach, in the stomach and in the duodenum immediately after the stomach. The most common duodenum is ulcers.

However, the frequency of gastric ulcer has increased in recent years due to the widespread use of pain medications. Research shows that 5 to 10 percent of all people have ulcers at some point in their lives. The incidence of ulcers in men is higher than in women.

More than one factor plays a role in the formation of ulcers. The most important factor; stomach juice and contained
damage to the stomach wall. In addition, the reduction of the compounds that protect the stomach (mucus, PG) against these factors also makes the stomach wall vulnerable to the action of acid.
can cause ulcers.

There are some external factors that cause ulcers. Among these reasons; Helicobacter pylori infection, smoking, pain medication, genetic predisposition and stress are the most common.

What are the symptoms of ulcer?

The most common symptom of ulcer is pain. Pain, burning and scratching can be in the form. Pain is seen in the majority of patients. In addition, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, bloating and feeling of early saturation are among the symptoms of ulcers.

How is the diagnosis made?

The definitive diagnosis is made by radiological and endoscopic examination. Radiological examination (gastric film) is a method that is easy to apply and relatively inexpensive. But a 20 percent ulcer
It can be seen.

Endoscopy (gastric and duodenum by means of a tube) is a much higher diagnostic value. There is also the possibility of taking a biopsy during this procedure. Which
Your doctor will decide whether the method should be preferred first.

How is it treated?

Objectives of ulcer treatment; relieving pain, improving ulcer and preventing recurrence.
Treatment; drug treatment and surgical treatment. Drug treatment is very versatile. In this type of treatment, gastric acid-reducing drugs, drugs that increase the effect of stomach protective factors and
Drugs used against helicobacter pylori are recommended.

Surgical treatment is preferred today when more complications develop. If the ulcer is not treated, it will bleed, puncture, clog, spread to neighboring tissues such as the pancreas and cause serious
may cause pain.


Gastritis is defined as inflammation of the stomach skin. There are two types. One is acute gastritis with sudden onset and the other is chronic gastritis. The biggest cause of gastritis is a germ called elik helicobacter pylori..

In addition, there are other causes of gastritis. But most often, this microbial gastritis
It is seen. This germ settles on the stomach skin, creating an infection. Stomach
It causes swelling of the skin, redness and damage to the cells. Some drugs and alcohol

Some painkillers, aspirin and some antibiotics, known as rheumatism medications, can also cause gastritis. Unconscious use of these drugs can cause even more serious discomfort.

What are the symptoms of gastritis?

Bacteria don't always produce a complaint. Sometimes there are bacteria but the person is aware of it
It is not. You can live with this bacteria for years without any problems. The presence of this bacterium can be determined by various methods.

Of these methods, endoscopy is most accurate. In addition, blood, feces and breath tests can be detected by the presence of bacteria.

Burning in the stomach, bloating, discomfort, sudden onset of acute gastritis pain, nausea and vomiting
can. Blood in the vomit and stool may occur in bleeding gastritis due to drug and alcohol. There may be weakness and fainting. If you experience these symptoms, you should immediately consult a specialist.

How is the diagnosis made?

First of all, the doctor has to talk to the patient and listen to his / her complaints. patients
they are an important part of the doctor's diagnosis. Doctor during examination
determines the necessary tests and directs the patient to be performed. Predominantly stomach complaints anterior
two ways can be followed.

The first way is drug treatment according to the findings without examinations. If the patient does not benefit from the treatment, examinations are performed. The second way is to conduct a direct examination. If there is bleeding, endoscopy should be performed. Abdominal ultrasonography, some blood tests and fecal analysis may also be added.

How is it treated?

If the culprit is a bacterium or a drug, treatment is determined accordingly. Stomach protective and acid-reducing drugs are given. If drugs and alcohol are the cause, they are stopped. If it is caused by bacteria, drug treatment can be done for cleaning. Because the stomach skin is damaged, the stomach is more affected by the acid it produces and the patient's complaints increase. For this, the stomach acid should be reduced. The patient is told about prohibited foods and beverages. Bacteria-related gastritis
If present, bacterial clearing treatment is performed with antibiotics.

It is not necessary to treat germs in every bacterial gastritis. If the gastritis is attached to the microbe, the germ can be removed by one to two weeks of antibiotic treatment. Then, the patient is given stomach-protective drugs again. Complaints related to gastritis may sometimes not completely disappear. Medications and
When alcohol-induced gastritis is discontinued, the patient begins to relax. Normally the stomach
has the power to repair. Drugs accelerate healing.


■ You should consume foods that are easy to digest.

■ You should pay attention to vegetables and fruits.

■ You should feed on frequent and small meals at regular intervals.

■ Chew foods for a long time, avoid fast food

■ Avoid heavy and acidic foods that directly irritate the stomach.

■ Foods containing meat and protein stimulate acid secretion, especially when fried or grilled, so you should consume less boiled foods that stimulate the stomach by reducing the amount of these nutrients.

■ You should avoid heavy fatty foods.

■ You should not drink alcoholic beverages as much as possible.

■ You should not smoke.

■ You should avoid heavy, oily and bakery desserts.

■ You should not eat late at night.

■ You should avoid junk food and fast food.

Nexium 24HR (42 Count, Tablets) All-Day, All-Night Protection from Frequent Heartburn Medicine with Esomeprazole Magnesium 20mg Acid Reducer

HealthCareAisle Omeprazole Delayed-Release Capsules | Treats Frequent Heartburn | 20 mg | 42 Count

Stomach Bleeding

HealthCareAisle Omeprazole Delayed-Release Capsules | Treats Frequent Heartburn | 20 mg | 42 Count

Bleeding due to inflammation of the gastric mucosa is generally referred to as gastric bleeding. The symptoms of bleeding in the stomach, which are among the most important organs of the digestive system, may vary from person to person. It can occur for many reasons and the disease is divided into two. Bleeding that lasts for one to six weeks is called acute gastric bleeding, while bleeding that lasts longer than six weeks is called chronic gastric bleeding.

What Causes Stomach Bleeding Symptoms?
The disease can be seen in individuals who are heavily exposed to stress, as well as in people who use aspirin-like drugs that prevent clotting in the blood. This disorder, which can also be seen in patients using NSAID drugs and suffering from rheumatic pain, may also occur in long-term bedridden patients. Causes of stomach bleeding include; excessive stress due to excessive secretion of gastric acid and Plt (platelet) are falling. Head trauma is considered as another cause, stomach tumor seen in the stomach and vascular problems in the stomach can lead to bleeding. Excessive vomiting caused by irritation of the stomach after the destruction of the esophagus is one of the reasons why patients should pay attention. The presence of polyps in the stomach and the presence of ulcers or tumors in the duodenum are also effective in gastric bleeding. Ulcers, wounds or tumors seen in the esophagus are among the other factors that cause stomach bleeding. In addition, the development of age and kidney and heart disease, rheumatic diseases and joint diseases due to the increase in the drugs used by patients, is among the factors that increase the risk of bleeding.

Common symptoms of bleeding in the stomach;

Intense stress caused by familial and environmental factors
Use of drugs to trigger bleeding
Experiencing head trauma
Poor structure of individuals
Presence of untreated ulcers
Stomach ruptures due to too much alcohol and smoking
Consume excessive spicy foods
Presence of some bacteria such as H. Pylori
How does stomach bleeding occur?
While many causes of bleeding are included in the medical literature, the progression of diseases such as ulcers or gastritis is a major factor in the occurrence of bleeding. The irritation of the stomach mucosa begins with the discomfort of the stomach vessel provides puncture. wounds that occur in it can cause bleeding to occur.
What Are The Symptoms Of Stomach Bleeding?
Gastric bleeding symptoms can occur for a variety of reasons. Bleeding caused by damage to the stomach wall is usually; fatigue, dizziness, anemia, heartburn and abdominal pain. Gastric bleeding symptoms can be listed as follows:

Feces black
Problems such as diarrhea
Very severe stomach pain
Intense heartburn
Problems such as low blood pressure
Increased heart palpitations
Excessive sweating
Sudden dizziness
Unexpected conditions such as nausea and vomiting
Increased indigestion and bloating in the stomach
Vomiting in brown or red colors
Darkening of eyes and standing very hard
Blood from the rectum and fatigue

What is the Treatment Process for Stomach Bleeding?
Patients presenting to a specialist for stomach disorders are subjected to a current test after explaining the symptoms to the doctor. Following the blood tests, it is determined whether there is a decrease in blood values ​​and then the stomach is examined by endoscopy method. The endoscope with a small camera on the tip helps the physician to clearly visualize the inner surface of the stomach, making it easier to diagnose the disease. After the endoscopy procedure, bleeding is detected on the inner wall of the stomach and the patient starts the necessary treatment. When the factors that cause stomach disease are identified and eliminated, an important step is taken for the treatment of the disease.

The treatment program to be applied by the specialist doctor may vary depending on the patient's condition and personal characteristics. Gastric bleeding surgery is envisaged for some patients, while gastric acid-lowering drugs and endoscopic methods are among the other methods used to treat the disease. Bleeding lesion, the patient can be treated with the help of an injection by the physician, stomach cancer due to bleeding in patients with different treatment methods are preferred. Medical methods such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy are generally applied to these patients. If there are ulcers among the factors that cause bleeding, ulcer treatment is done first. Early diagnosis is one of the factors that facilitate the treatment of patients.
How Should Nutrition Arrangement After Stomach Bleeding?
A good nutritional program is one of the most important criteria that even healthy people should pay attention to, while patients with gastric bleeding need to pay more attention to nutrition in order to recover their physical activities. Following treatment for individuals after gastric bleeding, nutrition programs to continue at home are among the factors that accelerate recovery.

Patients need to eat foods that do not touch their stomachs, while spices and caffeine and carbonated drinks should definitely avoid. They need to consume fiber-rich foods. Patients lose a lot of blood when they have a stomach bleed, which can cause iron deficiency. Individuals need to be fed with foods rich in iron and protein to recover the iron they lost. Pain relief and so on. Reducing the use of drugs or taking drugs together with the stomach protector to be taken are among the factors that improve the condition of patients.

HealthCareAisle Omeprazole Delayed-Release Capsules | Treats Frequent Heartburn | 20 mg | 42 Count

Genexa Heartburn Fix – 72 Tablets| Calcium Carbonate Antacid, Non-GMO Certified Gluten-Free & Certified Vegan | Free of Talc, Dyes & Parabens


Genexa Heartburn Fix – 72 Tablets| Calcium Carbonate Antacid, Non-GMO Certified Gluten-Free & Certified Vegan | Free of Talc, Dyes & Parabens

How is H.Pylori transmitted? To date, there is no clear evidence of how it has been transmitted.

In other words, it is thought that the person carrying the germ is contaminated with the bacteria and the contact with oral fluids such as saliva and the infection is usually in childhood. It can be transmitted.

Transition from person to person is possible (with saliva and saliva).

Can H.Pylori be protected?

Improvements in hygiene conditions, especially in developed countries has reduced the incidence. But there is no known protection method. Vaccination work is still ongoing against this microbial. However, it is important to give importance to personal hygiene. it is important not to drink non-specific water.

How often is H.Pylori seen?

Today, it is thought that more than 50% of the world is infected with this germ. This rate is a little low in developed countries. It is a little high in some developing countries. The incidence rate is 100% in some parts of Africa. It was determined that the general population is over 70%. There is no difference between men and women in terms of incidence.

What diseases does H. Pylori cause?

H.Pylori causes the following stomach diseases or prepares the ground.

12 finger bowel ulcers

Stomach ulcer


Gastric cancer

MALT lymphoma

Non ulcer dyspepsia

However, some people with germs do not show any symptoms and do not cause disease.

H.pylori is responsible for 70% of stomach ulcers and 90% of 12 finger ulcers. Every year, 650.00 new cases of gastric cancer are detected in the world.

How is H.Plori diagnosed?

There are several diagnostic methods for diagnosing H.Pylori infection.

Breath Tests: These tests show whether you have been infected with h.pylori. Besides, they show whether the treatment was successful after treatment. If you continue to use antibiotics or drugs that affect stomach acid after treatment, the accuracy of the test decreases. One month should not use.

Blood tests: These tests show existing and past infections. They are not very successful in showing the response to the treatment of the disease. Because antibodies against H. Pylori may remain positive for many years.

Endoscopy: This is the gold standard. Through the endoscopy, changes in the stomach and intestines of the 12 fingers are examined and also a small part of the needle head is examined under a microscope and a direct diagnosis is made under this microscope.

Feces tests: The antigen of the bacterium is determined by tests made with the patient's feces.

To whom should H.Pylori tests be performed?

Gastric ulcer, 12 finger bowel ulcer patients with pain in the stomach, burning, sickness, gas, belching should be done to people who have complaints such as. Treatment does not always provide dyspeptic symptoms, but it prevents the preparation of other serious diseases of bacteria.

How should H.Pylori be treated?

Every patient who is H.Pylori positive may sometimes have no clinical symptoms.Therefore, the treatment of such patients is controversial all over the world. In addition, patients with a history of ulcer, gastritis and dyspepsia and patients with symptoms suggestive of these diseases should be treated.

How is H.Pylori treated?

H.pylori is made by using 3 or 4 drug combinations, at least 2 of which are potent antibiotics. The duration varies between 10 and 14 days according to the protocol applied. This is because the bacteria become resistant to antibiotics due to unconscious antibiotic use.

Can I get this infection again after treatment?

Theoretically there is no risk of being re-infected with this bacterium after treatment. However, it is considered that there is a risk of recapturing at less than 0.5%.

If I have H. Pylori, should family members be checked?

This is generally not recommended. In such a case, there is no need to panic.

Genexa Heartburn Fix – 72 Tablets| Calcium Carbonate Antacid, Non-GMO Certified Gluten-Free & Certified Vegan | Free of Talc, Dyes & Parabens

Mylanta Antacid and Gas Relief, Maximum Strength Formula, Classic Flavor, 12 Fluid Ounce

Causes Heartburn During Pregnancy? How it passes?

Mylanta Antacid and Gas Relief, Maximum Strength Formula, Classic Flavor, 12 Fluid Ounce

Heartburn during pregnancy is a problem frequently encountered by mothers. Burning in the stomach, souring in the throat area, and sometimes the feeling of bitter taste in the throat is experienced frequently especially in the early stages of pregnancy. These problems, which can be seen throughout the pregnancy, are usually exacerbated in the last 2 months. As the uterus grows, it puts pressure on the stomach; this affects the digestive system and delays gastric emptying. We have compiled for you the reasons of stomach burn during pregnancy and how to pass it.

1. The condition called gastroesophageal reflux occurs when the progesterone hormone increases and the valve functions between the stomach and esophagus and the muscles relax and the contents of the stomach return to the esophagus.

2. Since the metabolism works differently during pregnancy, heartburn problem due to malnutrition may be seen.

3. Eating 5 or 6 meals a day reduces the amount of nutrients to be consumed in the main meals and prevents you from overloading your stomach.

4. You can help your stomach digestion by chewing food well

5. Liquids should be taken between meals during meals and not before bedtime.

6. Sitting upright instead of sleeping after eating prevents stomach burns

7. Taking short walks without eating after eating helps digestion

8. Avoid wearing tight clothing that will put pressure on the stomach during pregnancy

9. Stop eating at least 2 hours before going to sleep

10. Use double pillows to keep your head high while sleeping

11. You can consume ginger tea or soda after the first 12 weeks of pregnancy

12. You can use drugs containing anti-acid in the light of doctor's advice

13. Oatmeal, turkey, chicken, green vegetables, parsley, aloe vera, banana, salad, fennel, rice, couscous, celery and melon can be reduced or prevented reflux if consumed as long as not overloaded

14. Chickpea absorbs gastric juice and balances stomach acid to prevent burning

15. Vanilla yogurt is good for stomach burning

16. If you have heartburn before going to bed at night, you can drink a glass of warm milk

17. Avoid acidic beverages, spices, fries and fatty foods

18. Almond balances acid production in the stomach thanks to the fat it contains

19. Alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, coffee and so on. you must stay away from things

20. Stomach burns occur as excess weight gained during pregnancy will increase abdominal pressure

21. Eat slowly and sit upright while eating

22. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water per day during pregnancy

23. You can use “Rubelis” or “Pulcet ilaƧ reminders if you remind your doctor and if your doctor considers it appropriate

24. Apple and quince prevent stomach burning and heartburn

25. Make sure that food and drinks are not too hot

26. Coconut water is a natural acid stabilizer and is good for stomach burns.

Mylanta Antacid and Gas Relief, Maximum Strength Formula, Classic Flavor, 12 Fluid Ounce