Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Pink Stork Total Postnatal + DHA -Recommended Nutrition for After Pregnancy -Contains Essential Nutrients for Breastfeeding Mom and Baby -60 Small Capsules

Folic acid use during pregnancy is vital for the baby

Pink Stork Total Postnatal + DHA -Recommended Nutrition for After Pregnancy -Contains Essential Nutrients for Breastfeeding Mom and Baby -60 Small Capsules

For the development of the central nervous system of the baby in the mother's womb, it is very important to take folic acid especially from the first weeks of pregnancy. Because folic acid deficiency can lead to neural tube defects in the infant group.

Gynecology Obstetrics and IVF Specialist states that folic acid should be taken every day because it is not stored in the body and more than normal is needed during pregnancy. Dr. Dr. Bülent Berker, fetus due to folic acid deficiency in pregnant women “neural tube defects (NTD) toplan under the name of a number of abnormalities may occur, he said.

In addition, preeclampsia in these pregnant women that occur during pregnancy and life-threatening high blood pressure that develops more frequently transfers. Berker explained why folic acid is important:

Sinir The nervous system structure in which the brain and spinal cord develop is called a neural tube. The neural tube defects, one of the congenital anomalies that have serious health consequences, are seen as a result of this tube which must be closed until the end of the fourth week of life that starts in the uterus. Anencephaly, encephalocele and spinabifida are among the most common NTDs. Folate deficiency is a nutritional maternal risk factor for fetal NTD. Folate is a water-soluble vitamin B, but its deficiency can be remedied by consumption of vitamin supplements or supplementary foods. It is stated that increased folic acid consumption during pregnancy decreases NTDs and high amounts of folic acid prevent the risk of developing NTD in subsequent pregnancies. Neural tube defects may not be caused solely by folic acid deficiency. It should be kept in mind that neural tube defects may occur in an infant due to other reasons. These include the presence of insulin-dependent diabetes in the mother, the diagnosis of neural tube defects in previous pregnancies, overweight or obesity, a history of high fever in the first weeks of pregnancy or the use of antiepileptic drugs. ”


Folic acid deficiency or neural tube defect anomaly previously detected in women who gave birth to a baby, at least 3 months before the date they intend to become pregnant should begin folic acid intake. Berker said:

“Fresh green vegetables are a source of folic acid, but reduce the amount of long-term cooking and long-standing foods. In order to meet daily needs, folic acid is the most concentrated foods liver and other organ meats, dried legumes, nuts and nuts such as hard shell fruits, green vegetables such as spinach and brussels sprouts, and especially citrus fruits and unrefined (extracts and bran) cereal products and potatoes. Citrus fruits are also rich in folic acid. Orange, grapefruit and lemon fruits can be consumed daily and folic acid needs can be met. Folic acid deficiency is generally seen in people with digestive system disorders and during pregnancy. Since natural foods cannot completely cover the folic acid deficit of the pregnant woman, it would be appropriate to take them as pills from the first weeks of pregnancy. ”


Berker noted that the recommended timing for folic acid use is one month before pregnancy and the first trimester of pregnancy. We recommend using folic acid 0.4 mg / day during the first trimester of pregnancy in planned pregnancies. However, we recommend 0.4 mg folic acid daily in the first trimester of pregnancy, and 4 mg folic acid in the first trimester of pregnancy, especially in women with a history of giving birth to NTD in the past. Pregnant women with epilepsy (epilepsy) should take 1 mg of folic acid daily. If folic acid is used in high doses in pregnant women with epilepsy, it reduces the effectiveness of antiepileptic drugs. On the other hand, women taking antiepileptic drugs are at risk for folic acid deficiency. Therefore, folic acid dose should be well adjusted and followed closely in epilepsy patients. Most of the pregnancies are unplanned in our country, so educating women of reproductive age with foods rich in folic acid and advising them about nutrition will reduce the rate of babies with NDT. The use of folic acid should last until the end of the third month (12th week of pregnancy)..

Pink Stork Total Postnatal + DHA -Recommended Nutrition for After Pregnancy -Contains Essential Nutrients for Breastfeeding Mom and Baby -60 Small Capsules

FertilAid for Women: Natural Fertility Support to Aid Conception, Promote Cycle Regularity and Ovulation

Pregnant and New Mothers Must Eat 9 Foods

FertilAid for Women: Natural Fertility Support to Aid Conception, Promote Cycle Regularity and Ovulation

Pregnant women and new mothers have to think and calculate what they should not eat or eat among all those fatigue, excitement and long to-do lists. The nutrients on our list have important nutritional values ​​both for pregnant and new mothers and for everyone. All you have to do now is to incorporate these nutrients into your meals.

Here are 9 important nutrients you shouldn't miss from your meals!
1. Yogurt: During pregnancy, the body needs calcium. Yoghurt is rich in calcium as well as being fermented and is rich in probiotic bacteria and helps strengthen the immune system.

2. Dark Green Vegetables: Dark green leafy vegetables such as black cabbage and chard are rich in calcium, fiber, A and C vitamins. Dark green vegetables that contain high levels of anti-oxidants are also rich in folic acid, which helps to improve the nervous system of breast-sucking babies.

3. Eggs: Eggs contain high levels of vitamin A, iron and protein. Since the need for protein increases during pregnancy, taking sufficient protein will decrease the desire for sugar in the body.

4. Fish: Oily fish such as salmon, sardine, trout, herring are rich in omega-3 fatty acids that are important for brain tissue and brain development. However, pregnant or breastfeeding women should not consume more than two servings a week of fish with low levels of mercury. They should also avoid consuming more red meat (tuna) fish, as fish with high levels of mercury can damage the development of the baby's nervous system.

5. Lamb Meat: Lamb meat is a great source of vitamin B12, iron and zinc. Zinc is very important for growth because zinc is used in DNA / RNA synthesis and protein synthesis.

6. Sweet Potato: Sweet potato, now easily available, is very rich in both vitamin A and vitamin E.

7. Avocado: Avocado rich in potassium, folic acid and vitamin C also contains lutein, which is important for eye health.

8. Legumes: Legumes are an important source of protein, folic acid and vitamin C for vegetarians.

9. Dried Nuts: Different types of nuts are important in terms of different nutrients. For example, walnut contains a high percentage of omega-3 fatty acids, almond calcium, hazelnut oil is high.

FertilAid for Women: Natural Fertility Support to Aid Conception, Promote Cycle Regularity and Ovulation

Prenatal Once Daily | Prenatal Vitamins | Non - GMO | Folic Acid, Vitamin A, Vitamin D & Vitamin E, Iron & Choline | 30 Count

Diet during pregnancy, Slimming, Nutrition

Prenatal Once Daily | Prenatal Vitamins | Non - GMO | Folic Acid, Vitamin A, Vitamin D & Vitamin E, Iron & Choline | 30 Count

Pregnancy is perhaps the first and only special process a woman can experience. It's so special that it's nothing like any other thing in your life. Neither the day he first started school, nor the moment he learned that he had won a university, nor was he married, nor graduated, nor his first day of work; no one can be a source of life as much as having a child. Of course, this most important stage of life also has a challenging process. In this process, the woman is obliged to take good care of both herself and her baby. The weight problem, which never ceases to be a problem in any period of her life, is one of the problems added to the pregnant woman during this pregnancy. Every pregnant woman gets more or less weight. Weight gain is very different in every pregnant woman as in any normal woman. Because everyone has a unique metabolism, genetics, lifestyle, pace of life, physical characteristics.

Addition of factors such as gestational age, whether the pregnancy is risky or the growth rate of the baby becomes very specific for a pregnant woman. Consequently, pregnancy becomes a completely different experience for every woman. Even different pregnancies for the same woman may have different characteristics.

Weight gain status of women during pregnancy is very diverse. For example, some pregnant women gain weight very quickly in the first weeks of pregnancy, and then their weight gain slows down. Some pregnant women may gain little or no weight in the first months due to nausea and sometimes even lose weight. Some pregnant women can gain weight quickly during pregnancy. The thing that doesn't change in any way is that pregnant women gain weight. And this can be a problem in women. Pregnant women who do not gain weight and lose weight during her life, dieting, balanced nutrition, doing sports, applying various weight-loss methods, all the efforts of a pregnant woman fall into the water. But the pregnant woman should not forget that the happiness and pride of bringing an individual into the world is worth everything. This does not mean that she should eat whatever she wants and gain as much weight as she likes during pregnancy. But the process in which a person is most free, to live to the fullest is undoubtedly pregnancy. Keeping pregnancy within certain limits is very important for a healthy baby and birth.

Do not diet during pregnancy is not recommended by any doctor or person. According to the meaning of the word diet, the person's form, excess weight or maintaining the current ideal weight does not apply to pregnant women. But a pregnant woman can create her own diet concept. Diet during pregnancy should not necessarily lose weight in the normal sense. Pregnants can also create their own diet. The first aim of this diet is to prevent the pregnant woman from gaining excess weight and to ensure that she gains weight regularly and slowly. Nutrition during pregnancy should never be to avoid food types. Nutrition during pregnancy should be in the form of eating as much as necessary. Because you can't ban anything on a pregnant woman. Because of her pregnancy, she may want to eat something she doesn't normally eat. This is due to prolactin, progesterone hormones secreted in pregnant women. In addition, the superstitious belief that a pregnant woman is unhealthy and one side will be born when she cannot eat something that a pregnant woman wants. While this is certainly not a scientific aspect, it is a humorous view that suggests that pregnant women are the most free people to eat.

Weight loss in the first months of pregnancy is a condition that can be seen. Due to some hormones that increase during pregnancy, pregnant woman cannot be fed regularly due to nausea and stomach burns in pregnant woman and weakens as a result. These nausea complaints sometimes end in the first months of pregnancy and sometimes may continue until birth. Consequently, the pregnant woman may have gained very little weight at the end of pregnancy. However, this is not desirable because the baby needs to gain weight and develop regularly for 40 weeks. The pregnant woman feeds the baby she carries in her belly with the help of a umbilical cord formed between them. With this umbilical cord, the baby is fed with blood as every food that the mother eats passes into the blood. Therefore, the baby, all kinds of vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, fats necessary for the development of blood groups through the blood.

In healthy progression, women should gain weight between 9 and 13 kilos. Values ​​above or below this may be a risk for both the mother and the baby. Mothers weighing less than 9 kilos may not be able to eat well for various reasons and therefore not be able to feed their baby well. In pregnant women who gain more than 13 kilos in weight, both the birth event becomes difficult and causes the baby to gain more weight. In addition, overweight mothers after birth may have difficulty in losing these weight. Considering postpartum depression, excess weight can be easily turned into a nightmare for mothers. Therefore, it is the goal of every pregnant woman to give birth easily, to look after her baby easier and to gain the ideal weight in terms of her own psychology. In addition, overweight babies are at increased risk of developing diabetes, blood pressure, heart and obesity in the future.

In general, about 4-5 kilos of the weight taken during pregnancy goes immediately after birth. It is 4-5 pounds; baby's weight, water, edema in the mother's body. For a mother who weighs an average of 10 pounds during pregnancy, this number is only half of the weight she receives. Therefore, even after birth, the mother has to pay attention to her diet. While doing this, of course, it should be remembered that she was pregnant and breastfeeded her baby. The mother who tries to lose weight very fast cannot get back the energy she lost during the birth, cannot breastfeed her baby efficiently and maintain her daily tempo. Therefore, if the mother loses her health, the baby is affected as much as she does. Breastfeeding is the most effective method of losing weight after birth. Scientifically, it is known that breastfeeding burns energy, calories and therefore weakens. A breastfeeding mother gives 500-1000 ml of milk per day. When breastfeeding, the mother consumes 3 calories per 1 ml of milk. Therefore, a breastfeeding mother consumes at least 1500 calories per day. This corresponds to approximately 140 minutes of moderate walking. So a breastfeeding mother spends 1500 calories per day, even if she doesn't do any sports. Therefore, this means that he can lose weight regularly. But that doesn't mean your mom's never gonna play sports. After the birth, the mother may start to exercise at a slow pace within 1-2 weeks if she gave normal birth, and within 1 month if she gave a cesarean section. Not only for women who give birth to all people with the sport must be done thanks to the mother can both get rid of psychologically and also can look after the baby more efficiently.

Apart from risky pregnancies, any pregnant can do sports. Of course, heavy fitness spores are not recommended during pregnancy. Walking at a light tempo and swimming at a light tempo are among the sports that can be done during pregnancy. Regular sports during pregnancy slows down weight gain and also helps birth. Exercise in pregnancy, balanced diet with excessive weight gain is prevented. What is important in nutrition during pregnancy is to consume quality foods. For example, eggs, milk, yogurt, cheese, red meat and white meat from the protein group should be consumed regularly by pregnant women. Vegetables from the group of carrots, tomatoes, zucchini, greens, celery, leek, green beans, kidney beans, such as high quality foods. As for every person, carbohydrate is a limited nutrient group for pregnant women. Unnecessary pastries, bread, fries, sugary foods, fats only lead to unnecessary weight gain during pregnancy. In addition, when these food groups are consumed too much, it can cause diabetes which is dangerous in pregnancy.

Prenatal Once Daily | Prenatal Vitamins | Non - GMO | Folic Acid, Vitamin A, Vitamin D & Vitamin E, Iron & Choline | 30 Count

One A Day Women's Prenatal 1 Multivitamins, 30 Count

Eating nuts during pregnancy can increase children's intelligence

One A Day Women's Prenatal 1 Multivitamins, 30 Count

According to a new study in Spain, eaten during pregnancy, nuts, positively affect children's intelligence in the long term.

Barcelona Global Health Institute in the research, the first 3 months of pregnancy in the children of hard-shell eating mothers' attention, short-term memory and cognitive functions were more advanced.

In the study, 2200 pregnant women and their children in Spain were tested at the age of 18 months, 5 and 8 years after birth.

Florence Gignac, who conducted the research, stressed that this was "the first study on the benefits of eating nuts during pregnancy for the child's brain development in the long term."

Gignac said the following about the research:

"During pregnancy, the brain undergoes a series of complex processes, the mother's nutrition is an important factor in the development of the baby's brain and has long-term effects.

"The nuts we studied in the study were nuts, almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts and pine nuts.

"We believe that their benefit is due to the fact that these nuts contain a high proportion of folic acid and fatty acids such as omega-3 and omega-6.

"These substances accumulate in brain tissue, especially in the anterior part of the brain, which is responsible for memory and executive functions."

In the study, the mentioned benefit, three times a week in the first 3 months of pregnancy, eating close to 30 grams of hard-shell eating mothers who are said to have been identified.

Nuts are known for their ability to reduce the risk of hypertension, oxidative stress and diabetes in adults as well as to protect against cognitive impairment due to aging.

Nuts increase sperm quality
Healthy Walnuts

One A Day Women's Prenatal 1 Multivitamins, 30 Count

Rainbow Light - Prenatal Dha Smart Essentials, Omega-3 Fatty Acids- 60 Softgels

13 foods you should eat during pregnancy

Rainbow Light - Prenatal Dha Smart Essentials, Omega-3 Fatty Acids- 60 Softgels

Maintaining a healthy diet is very important during pregnancy. During pregnancy, your body needs additional nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Inadequate nutrition may adversely affect the baby's development. Poor eating habits and excessive weight gain can also risk delivery of pregnancy diabetes and complications of pregnancy or childbirth. Choosing healthy and nutritious foods ensures the health of you and your baby. Here are 13 nutritious foods to eat when you are pregnant ...

1. Dairy products
During pregnancy, you need to consume extra protein and calcium to meet the needs of the growing fetus. Dairy products contain two kinds of high-quality proteins: casein and whey. Milk is the best source of dietary calcium and provides high amounts of phosphorus, various B vitamins, magnesium and zinc. Yogurt is one of the most useful foods especially for pregnant women. It contains more calcium than other dairy products. Some yoghurt varieties contain probiotic bacteria that support digestive health. Taking probiotic supplements during pregnancy can reduce your risk of complications such as preeclampsia, pregnancy diabetes, vaginal infections and allergies.

2. Legumes
This food group includes lentils, peas, beans, chickpeas, soybeans and peanuts. Legumes are excellent sources of body-based fiber, protein, iron, folate (B9) and calcium. The body needs these nutrients during pregnancy. Folate is one of the B vitamins (B9). It is especially important for the health of the mother and fetus in the first months. However, most pregnant women do not consume sufficient amounts of folate. Inadequate folate intake may cause your child to become more susceptible to infection and disease later. In addition, legumes are generally very high in fiber. Some varieties are also high in iron, magnesium and potassium.

3. Sweet potato
Sweet potatoes are rich in beta-carotene, a plant compound that is converted into vitamin A in your body. Vitamin A is essential for growth and differentiation of most cells and tissues. Pregnant women are generally recommended to increase their vitamin A intake by 10–40 percent. Therefore, beta-carotene is a very important source of vitamin A for pregnant women. Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of beta-carotene. In addition, sweet potatoes contain fiber that can increase fullness, reduce blood sugar spills and improve digestive health and mobility.

4. Salmon fish
Salmon is rich in omega-3 fats. Most people, including pregnant women, do not get enough omega-3 in their diet. However, pregnant women are generally advised to limit their intake of seafood twice a week because of mercury and other contaminants found in oily fish. Fish is also a good source of vitamin D.

5. Eggs
The egg contains a portion of almost every nutrient you need. A large egg contains 77 calories, quality protein and fat. It also contains many vitamins and minerals. Eggs are a great source of choline. Choline is essential for many processes in your body, including brain development and health. Low choline intake during pregnancy may increase the risk of neural tube defect and possibly cause impaired brain function in the infant.

6. Broccoli
Broccoli and green vegetables such as dark, cabbage and spinach contain most of the nutrients that pregnant women need. They include fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin A, calcium, iron, folate and potassium. In addition, broccoli and green leafy vegetables are rich in antioxidants. They also contain plant compounds that benefit the immune system and digestion. Because of their high fiber content, these vegetables can also help prevent constipation, a common problem among pregnant women. Consumption of green leafy vegetables has also been associated with a reduced risk of birth weight.

7. Lean meat
Beef and chicken are good sources of protein. In addition, beef is rich in iron, choline and other B vitamins. All of these are required in higher amounts during pregnancy.

Iron is a basic mineral used by red blood cells as part of hemoglobin. It is important to deliver oxygen to all the cells in your body. Low iron levels in early and moderate pregnancy can lead to iron deficiency anemia that doubles the risk of preterm birth and miscarriage. However, eating red meat regularly can help to increase the amount of iron obtained. Eating foods rich in vitamin C, such as oranges or bell peppers, also increases the absorption of iron.

8. Fish oil
Fat is rich in EPA and DHA, the omega-3 fatty acids necessary for the baby's brain and eye development. A single portion of fish oil (one tablespoon or 15 ml) contains the required amount of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D and vitamin A. Fish oil is a particularly important supplement for women who do not eat seafood.

9. Fruits
The fruits are full of healthy carbohydrates, vitamin C, fiber and antioxidants. Fruits often contain a high amount of vitamin C, which helps your body absorb iron. Vitamin C is also important for skin health and immune system. Fruits include water, carbohydrates, vitamin C, fiber, vitamins, antioxidants and herbal compounds. They can help pregnant women increase their food and water intake.

10. Whole grains
Eating whole grains can help pregnant women meet particularly increased caloric requirements. Unlike refined grains, whole grains are full of fiber, vitamins and vegetable compounds. Oats and quinoa also contain significant amounts of protein during pregnancy. Whole grains are often rich in vitamin B, fiber and magnesium. They are often lacking in the nutrition of pregnant women.

11. Avocado
Avocado contains too many monounsaturated fatty acids. In addition, fiber, vitamin B (especially folate), vitamin K, potassium, copper, vitamin E and vitamin C is also high. Avocado is an excellent choice for pregnant women because of its high healthy fat, folate and potassium content. Healthy fats help the baby build skin, brain and tissue, and can help prevent folate neural tube defects.

12. Dried fruit
Dried fruits are usually high in calories, fiber and various vitamins and minerals. A piece of dried fruit is just dehydrated and contains the same amount of nutrients as fresh fruit in a much smaller form. Therefore, one serving of dried fruit can provide a large portion of the intake of many vitamins and minerals, including folate, iron and potassium. Dried fruit can be very useful for pregnant women because of the nutrient density. Be sure to limit your portions and avoid candied varieties to avoid excessive sugar intake.

13. Water
During pregnancy, the blood volume increases. Therefore, it is important to stay hydrated properly. Your fetus usually gets everything it needs, but if you don't monitor your water intake, you may be dehydrated. Symptoms of mild thirst include headache, anxiety, fatigue, bad mood, and low memory. In addition, increasing your water intake can help relieve constipation and reduce your risk of frequent urinary tract infections during pregnancy.

Rainbow Light - Prenatal Dha Smart Essentials, Omega-3 Fatty Acids- 60 Softgels

Pink Stork Fertility: Natural Fertility Support, Balances & Regulates Cycle, Myo/Chiro-Inositol, Vitex & More, Essential Vitamins & Extracts, -60 Vegetarian Capsules

What Supplements Can Be Used During Pregnancy ?

Pink Stork Fertility: Natural Fertility Support, Balances & Regulates Cycle, Myo/Chiro-Inositol, Vitex & More, Essential Vitamins & Extracts, -60 Vegetarian Capsules

Pregnancy can be one of the most exciting and happy experiences in a woman's life. But at the same time, this process can be a confusing and overwhelming time frame for some mothers.

The Internet, magazines and advertisements provide women with a lot of advice on how to stay healthy during pregnancy.

Although most women know that high levels of mercury-containing seafood, alcohol and smoking are prohibited during pregnancy, many are unaware that certain vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements should also be avoided.

Information about which supplements are safe and which components have changed or not has been made more complicated.

In this article; we will try to explain which supplements should be taken during pregnancy and which are safe.

Why Use Food Supplements During Pregnancy?
Consuming the right foods is important at every stage of life, especially when it comes to pregnant women. Because pregnant women have to feed both themselves and their developing babies.

Prenetal vitamins such as specially formulated multi-vitamins may be recommended to meet the growing needs of micronutrients, especially during pregnancy.

Pregnancy Increases Nutritional Requirement
During pregnancy, a woman's macro nutrient intake needs are increasing significantly. These macronutrients include carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

For example; For non-pregnant women, the recommended protein intake of 0.8 grams per kilogram should be increased to 1.1 grams per kilogram during pregnancy.

However, the need for micronutrients containing vitamins, minerals and trace elements is increasing more than the need for macronutrients.

Vitamins and minerals support maternal and fetal growth at every stage of pregnancy and are essential to support critical functions such as cell growth and cell signaling. (one)

While some women can meet this growing demand with a well-planned and nutrient-intensive diet, others cannot.

Some pregnant women may need to take vitamin and mineral supplements for a variety of reasons, including:

Nutritional deficiencies: Some women may need to use supplements after vitamin or mineral deficiency values ​​appear as a result of a blood test. Correction of these deficiencies is critical, as the lack of certain nutrients (such as folate) is associated with birth defects.
Hyperemesis gravidarum: This complication of pregnancy is characterized by nausea and vomiting. May cause weight loss and nutrient deficiency.
Dietary restrictions: Women who follow certain diets, including vegans and those with food intolerance and allergies, may need to use vitamin and mineral supplements to prevent possible micronutrient deficiencies.
Smoking: While it is absolutely critical that mothers do not smoke during pregnancy, those who continue to smoke need more nutrients, such as vitamin C and folate.
Multiple pregnancies: Women with multiple babies need more micronutrients than women with one. The use of supplements in these women is often necessary to ensure optimal nutrition for both mother and infant.
Genetic mutations such as MTHFR: MTHFR is a gene that converts folate into a form that the body can use. Pregnant women with this gene mutation may need to be supplemented with a particular folate form to avoid complications.
Malnutrition: Women who prefer to eat undernourished or low nutritional value may need to use vitamin and mineral supplements to prevent deficiencies.
In addition, experts in a congress on the subject; recommends that all pregnant women take a prenatal vitamin and folic acid supplement. It is recommended to fill the feeding gaps and prevent birth defects such as ina spina bifida..

For these reasons, many pregnant women may turn to the use of vitamin and mineral supplements.

Supplements that are considered safe to use during pregnancy
Just like medicines, all micronutrients and herbal supplements should be approved by your doctor and inspected to ensure that they are taken in safe amounts.

You should always use your food supplements in favor of brands that have proven quality standards for human health!

1. Prenatal Vitamins
The question of what is prenatal vitamins is a question that should be answered especially for women. Prenatal vitamins (prenatal vitamins) are multi-vitamins specially formulated to meet the growing demand of micronutrients during pregnancy.

It is designed for women to be taken before pregnancy, pregnancy and lactation.

Observational studies; Prenatal vitamin supplements have been shown to reduce the risk of preterm labor and preeclampsia. Preeclampsia is a potentially dangerous complication characterized by high blood pressure and possible protein in urine. (2nd)

Although prenatal vitamins are not intended to replace healthy eating, these vitamins can help prevent nutritional gaps by providing extra demanding micronutrients during pregnancy.

Because prenatal vitamins contain the vitamins and minerals that pregnant women need, it may not be necessary to take additional vitamins or mineral supplements unless advised by your doctor.

Prenatal vitamins are often prescribed by doctors and are available without prescription.

2. Folate
folate; It is a B vitamin that plays a complementary role in DNA synthesis, red blood cell production and fetal growth and development.

Folic acid is the synthetic form of folate found in many supplements. The active folate in the body is converted to the L-methylfolate form.

To reduce the risk of congenital abnormalities in pregnant women such as neural tube defect, cleft palate and heart problems, it is recommended that folic acid is used in the form of 600 folg folate or folic acid pill during pregnancy. (3)

In the review of five randomly selected studies involving 6,105 women; Daily use of a certain amount of folic acid supplements has been associated with a reduced risk of neural tube defects. In addition, there were no adverse side effects from folic acid use. (4)

Although adequate folate can be obtained with nutrition, most women do not eat folate-rich foods adequately, which necessitates the use of supplements.

In addition, a number of studies; recommends that all women of childbearing age consume at least 400 mg of folate or folic acid per day.

This is because many pregnancies occur without planning. Birth defects caused by folate deficiency may occur very early in pregnancy, and may even occur before they know they are pregnant.

It may be wise for pregnant women (especially those with MTHFR genetic mutations) to choose folic acid drugs that contain L-methylfolate to ensure maximum uptake.

3. Iron
Since maternal blood volume increases by about 50% during pregnancy, the need for iron increases significantly. Iron oxygen transport is very important for the healthy growth and development of the fetus and placenta.

Anemia during pregnancy was associated with preterm birth, maternal depression and infant anemia.

The recommended dose of 27 mg daily iron intake during pregnancy can be met with most prenatal vitamins. However, pregnant women with iron deficiency or anemia need components such as iron medication, which are administered by their doctor and contain high doses.

Pregnant women with iron deficiency should not take more than the recommended dosage of iron pills to avoid adverse side effects. Such a condition may trigger constipation, vomiting and the formation of abnormally high hemoglobin levels. (5)

4. Fish Oil
Fish oil contains DHA and EPA, two essential fatty acids that are important for fetal brain development.

Feeding the body with DHA and EPA supplements during pregnancy can increase the brain development of the baby and reduce maternal depression, but there is no definitive research on this topic.

For more information on the benefits of fish oil, what are the benefits of Fish Oil Pills? You can read the article.

Observational studies; a number of controlled studies have shown that cognitive functions have improved in children of women who have used fish oil supplements during pregnancy; failed to demonstrate a consistent benefit of omega 3s.

For example, in a study of 2,399 women; It was reported that infants whose mothers were supplemented with omega 3 capsules containing 800 mg of DHA per day during pregnancy did not find any difference in “cognitive functions kıyasla compared to infants of mothers who did not use supplements. This study also found that supplementing the body with fish oil had no effect on maternal depression. (6)

However, the study found that the use of fish oil during pregnancy is effective in protecting against premature labor, and at the same time, some evidence suggests that fish oil may benefit fetal eye development. (7)

Maternal DHA levels are important for proper fetal development and are therefore considered safe to use for supplementation.

For nutritional intake of DHA and EPA, it is recommended that pregnant women consume two to three servings of salmon, sardine or charcoal containing a small amount of mercury per week.

5. Magnesium
Magnesium is a mineral that is involved in hundreds of chemical reactions in your body. It plays a critical role in immune, muscle and nerve functions.

Magnesium deficiency during pregnancy may increase the risk of chronic hypertension and preterm labor.

Some studies show that the use of magnesium in pregnancy may reduce the risk of complications such as fetal growth restriction and preterm labor. (8)

6. Ginger
Ginger root is often used as a spice and vegetable supplement.

Ginger in the form of food supplements is often used in the treatment of nausea caused by pathway, pregnancy or chemotherapy.

Review of four studies; Ginger has shown that it is safe and effective for the treatment of pregnancy-related nausea and vomiting. (9)

Nausea and vomiting are frequently experienced by women during pregnancy. 80% of women experience nausea and vomiting in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Although ginger can help reduce this unpleasant pregnancy complication, further research is needed to determine the maximum safe dose.

7. Vitamin D
Vitamin D deficiency in pregnancy has been associated with an increased risk of cesarean section, preeclampsia, preterm labor and gestational diabetes.

The recommended intake for vitamin D in pregnancy is 600 IU per day. However, some experts suggest that the need for vitamin D during pregnancy is much higher. (10)

All pregnant women should talk to their doctor to perform a screening for vitamin D deficiency and to take vitamin D medications or supplements that are appropriate for the deficiency as an additional nutritional source.

8. Probiotics

Probiotics are living microorganisms that are thought to be beneficial for digestive health. With increasing interest in bowel health, many expectant mothers are turning to probiotics.

Many studies; It was shown that probiotics were safe to consume during pregnancy and that no harmful side effects were detected except for the extremely low probability of probiotic-induced infection. (11th)

In addition, several studies; The use of probiotic supplements has been shown to reduce the risk of pregnancy diabetes, postpartum depression, baby eczema and skin inflammation. (12)

Research on probiotic use in pregnancy is ongoing and you can be sure that much more has been discovered about the role of probiotics on maternal and fetal health.

Pink Stork Fertility: Natural Fertility Support, Balances & Regulates Cycle, Myo/Chiro-Inositol, Vitex & More, Essential Vitamins & Extracts, -60 Vegetarian Capsules

Nature Made Prenatal Vitamin + DHA Softgels with Folic Acid, Iodine and Zinc, 60 Count (Packaging May Vary)

How should summer pregnant women be fed?

Nature Made Prenatal Vitamin + DHA Softgels with Folic Acid, Iodine and Zinc, 60 Count (Packaging May Vary)

One of the most important issues you should pay attention to during pregnancy is nutrition. In this period, your right nutrition is very important for the development of the baby in your belly. However, summer heat can cut your appetite. This may prevent you from getting enough vitamins and minerals, both for you and your baby. Derya Dinçer Akın, Coordinator of the Department of Nutrition and Diet, offers nutritional recommendations that can ease the burdens of summer months.

Thoroughly increased temperatures in summer, moisture and sun affect pregnant women more than anyone. Nutrition of expectant mothers is very important for the healthy development of the baby and for the mother to have a more peaceful pregnancy. Blood circulation and volume increases during pregnancy, hormones change, digestive system activity changes. The addition of sun and moisture to body temperature, which increases with weight gain and accelerated blood flow, brings many difficulties for pregnant women. Nutrition of expectant mothers, the development of physical and mental growth of the baby is very important for the mother to have a better quality and peaceful pregnancy period. Before deciding the type of nutrition should be done; to determine which week of pregnancy comes to summer.

Fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting in the first 3 months of pregnancy are more severe due to excessive heat. This period; more so with dry foods without increasing salt intake, less often need to spend feeding. Summer is the second pregnancy. blood pressure, constipation, weight gain, excessive sweating, edema problems may occur in the second trimester. In this period; liquid and pulp intake should be increased, protein intake should be considered, iodized salt should be used, but salt intake should be limited. If the last 3 months of pregnancy coincide with the summer months; swelling of the hands and feet, shortness of breath, palpitation, insomnia may increase with the increase in weight gain. In addition to the measures in the second trimester, water consumption must be increased. Food that will cause indigestion should be avoided, should not be eaten after late in the evening.


Increase water consumption
In the summer period; pregnant women need to meet most of their increased fluid needs from water. Drink 2 liters of water unless nausea and vomiting are present. Drinking water; Reduces the risk of edema, constipation and urinary tract infection, regulates metabolism, is also important for the health of the baby. Replacement of sweat lost liquid prevents fatigue. Mothers who have difficulty drinking water; juices with lemon and mint leaves. Fluid requirement; fruit soda, ready-made juice and acidic beverages should not be met.

Avoid excessive sugar, salt and fatty foods, beware of caffeine
Reduce your consumption of sugary food during this period. Even remove sugar from your life as much as possible. Excess sugar consumption; It will cause sudden changes in blood sugar. Don't consume fried, roasted, over-fat foods, prefer low-fat dishes. Avoid processed meat products. Salt; It is a point that should be considered in every period of pregnancy. Salt consumption should not exceed 1 teaspoon and iodized salt should be used. Pickled foods should not be preferred. Caffeine is another important element. Increased hot flashes in summer, changes in heart rate, heartburn, nausea problems may increase with caffeine intake. Tea, coffee and cocoa intake should be limited.

Vitamin D is a must
It is very important for you and your baby. The best source is sun. But watch out for the sun.

Get quality proteins in your diet
Protein intake during pregnancy is almost twice that of non-pregnant women. Eggs, meat, poultry, fish, milk, yoghurt and cheese from quality protein sources should be consumed. These foods should be consumed especially with vegetables and fruits that are the source of vitamin C, so that iron deficiency does not occur.

Be wary of the risk of food poisoning
Avoid risky food when buying food and eating out. During pregnancy, the stomach and intestinal system, because it is very sensitive to food left out for a long time in the heat can cause serious problems. Chicken, potatoes, yogurt-ice cream, unpasteurized cheese, canned foods, all kinds of poorly cooked meats, frozen foods, if not prepared properly, seafood, unwashed vegetable fruits, salad dressings are potential risks. Pay attention to hygiene rules, avoid these suspicious foods.

To keep blood sugar levels within normal limits, to avoid indigestion and stomach problems, to reduce their hot flashes and nausea, it is necessary to eat less or less frequently. In summer, 2-3 main meals can be made as well as 3 main meals.

Fruity milk: 1 glass of cold milk, 2 pieces of apricot, ¼ peach and ¼ bananas chop them all in the blender. If you wish, you can add 1 ball of vanilla ice cream or 2-3 pieces of ice and mix it.
Fruit salad: Chop the watermelon, peach, apricot, melon and plum plums. Add a few cherries and grapes into the mix. You can eat this way or by adding yogurt.
Lemonade: 2-3 pieces of lemon peel thoroughly after washing the grate. Then add the lemon zest to the juice. Put a few fresh mint in this mixture and mix with cold water. Add 2-3 tablespoons of sugar and you can wait and drink for a while.

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