Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Pink Stork Fertility: Natural Fertility Support, Balances & Regulates Cycle, Myo/Chiro-Inositol, Vitex & More, Essential Vitamins & Extracts, -60 Vegetarian Capsules

What Supplements Can Be Used During Pregnancy ?

Pink Stork Fertility: Natural Fertility Support, Balances & Regulates Cycle, Myo/Chiro-Inositol, Vitex & More, Essential Vitamins & Extracts, -60 Vegetarian Capsules

Pregnancy can be one of the most exciting and happy experiences in a woman's life. But at the same time, this process can be a confusing and overwhelming time frame for some mothers.

The Internet, magazines and advertisements provide women with a lot of advice on how to stay healthy during pregnancy.

Although most women know that high levels of mercury-containing seafood, alcohol and smoking are prohibited during pregnancy, many are unaware that certain vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements should also be avoided.

Information about which supplements are safe and which components have changed or not has been made more complicated.

In this article; we will try to explain which supplements should be taken during pregnancy and which are safe.

Why Use Food Supplements During Pregnancy?
Consuming the right foods is important at every stage of life, especially when it comes to pregnant women. Because pregnant women have to feed both themselves and their developing babies.

Prenetal vitamins such as specially formulated multi-vitamins may be recommended to meet the growing needs of micronutrients, especially during pregnancy.

Pregnancy Increases Nutritional Requirement
During pregnancy, a woman's macro nutrient intake needs are increasing significantly. These macronutrients include carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

For example; For non-pregnant women, the recommended protein intake of 0.8 grams per kilogram should be increased to 1.1 grams per kilogram during pregnancy.

However, the need for micronutrients containing vitamins, minerals and trace elements is increasing more than the need for macronutrients.

Vitamins and minerals support maternal and fetal growth at every stage of pregnancy and are essential to support critical functions such as cell growth and cell signaling. (one)

While some women can meet this growing demand with a well-planned and nutrient-intensive diet, others cannot.

Some pregnant women may need to take vitamin and mineral supplements for a variety of reasons, including:

Nutritional deficiencies: Some women may need to use supplements after vitamin or mineral deficiency values ​​appear as a result of a blood test. Correction of these deficiencies is critical, as the lack of certain nutrients (such as folate) is associated with birth defects.
Hyperemesis gravidarum: This complication of pregnancy is characterized by nausea and vomiting. May cause weight loss and nutrient deficiency.
Dietary restrictions: Women who follow certain diets, including vegans and those with food intolerance and allergies, may need to use vitamin and mineral supplements to prevent possible micronutrient deficiencies.
Smoking: While it is absolutely critical that mothers do not smoke during pregnancy, those who continue to smoke need more nutrients, such as vitamin C and folate.
Multiple pregnancies: Women with multiple babies need more micronutrients than women with one. The use of supplements in these women is often necessary to ensure optimal nutrition for both mother and infant.
Genetic mutations such as MTHFR: MTHFR is a gene that converts folate into a form that the body can use. Pregnant women with this gene mutation may need to be supplemented with a particular folate form to avoid complications.
Malnutrition: Women who prefer to eat undernourished or low nutritional value may need to use vitamin and mineral supplements to prevent deficiencies.
In addition, experts in a congress on the subject; recommends that all pregnant women take a prenatal vitamin and folic acid supplement. It is recommended to fill the feeding gaps and prevent birth defects such as ina spina bifida..

For these reasons, many pregnant women may turn to the use of vitamin and mineral supplements.

Supplements that are considered safe to use during pregnancy
Just like medicines, all micronutrients and herbal supplements should be approved by your doctor and inspected to ensure that they are taken in safe amounts.

You should always use your food supplements in favor of brands that have proven quality standards for human health!

1. Prenatal Vitamins
The question of what is prenatal vitamins is a question that should be answered especially for women. Prenatal vitamins (prenatal vitamins) are multi-vitamins specially formulated to meet the growing demand of micronutrients during pregnancy.

It is designed for women to be taken before pregnancy, pregnancy and lactation.

Observational studies; Prenatal vitamin supplements have been shown to reduce the risk of preterm labor and preeclampsia. Preeclampsia is a potentially dangerous complication characterized by high blood pressure and possible protein in urine. (2nd)

Although prenatal vitamins are not intended to replace healthy eating, these vitamins can help prevent nutritional gaps by providing extra demanding micronutrients during pregnancy.

Because prenatal vitamins contain the vitamins and minerals that pregnant women need, it may not be necessary to take additional vitamins or mineral supplements unless advised by your doctor.

Prenatal vitamins are often prescribed by doctors and are available without prescription.

2. Folate
folate; It is a B vitamin that plays a complementary role in DNA synthesis, red blood cell production and fetal growth and development.

Folic acid is the synthetic form of folate found in many supplements. The active folate in the body is converted to the L-methylfolate form.

To reduce the risk of congenital abnormalities in pregnant women such as neural tube defect, cleft palate and heart problems, it is recommended that folic acid is used in the form of 600 folg folate or folic acid pill during pregnancy. (3)

In the review of five randomly selected studies involving 6,105 women; Daily use of a certain amount of folic acid supplements has been associated with a reduced risk of neural tube defects. In addition, there were no adverse side effects from folic acid use. (4)

Although adequate folate can be obtained with nutrition, most women do not eat folate-rich foods adequately, which necessitates the use of supplements.

In addition, a number of studies; recommends that all women of childbearing age consume at least 400 mg of folate or folic acid per day.

This is because many pregnancies occur without planning. Birth defects caused by folate deficiency may occur very early in pregnancy, and may even occur before they know they are pregnant.

It may be wise for pregnant women (especially those with MTHFR genetic mutations) to choose folic acid drugs that contain L-methylfolate to ensure maximum uptake.

3. Iron
Since maternal blood volume increases by about 50% during pregnancy, the need for iron increases significantly. Iron oxygen transport is very important for the healthy growth and development of the fetus and placenta.

Anemia during pregnancy was associated with preterm birth, maternal depression and infant anemia.

The recommended dose of 27 mg daily iron intake during pregnancy can be met with most prenatal vitamins. However, pregnant women with iron deficiency or anemia need components such as iron medication, which are administered by their doctor and contain high doses.

Pregnant women with iron deficiency should not take more than the recommended dosage of iron pills to avoid adverse side effects. Such a condition may trigger constipation, vomiting and the formation of abnormally high hemoglobin levels. (5)

4. Fish Oil
Fish oil contains DHA and EPA, two essential fatty acids that are important for fetal brain development.

Feeding the body with DHA and EPA supplements during pregnancy can increase the brain development of the baby and reduce maternal depression, but there is no definitive research on this topic.

For more information on the benefits of fish oil, what are the benefits of Fish Oil Pills? You can read the article.

Observational studies; a number of controlled studies have shown that cognitive functions have improved in children of women who have used fish oil supplements during pregnancy; failed to demonstrate a consistent benefit of omega 3s.

For example, in a study of 2,399 women; It was reported that infants whose mothers were supplemented with omega 3 capsules containing 800 mg of DHA per day during pregnancy did not find any difference in “cognitive functions kıyasla compared to infants of mothers who did not use supplements. This study also found that supplementing the body with fish oil had no effect on maternal depression. (6)

However, the study found that the use of fish oil during pregnancy is effective in protecting against premature labor, and at the same time, some evidence suggests that fish oil may benefit fetal eye development. (7)

Maternal DHA levels are important for proper fetal development and are therefore considered safe to use for supplementation.

For nutritional intake of DHA and EPA, it is recommended that pregnant women consume two to three servings of salmon, sardine or charcoal containing a small amount of mercury per week.

5. Magnesium
Magnesium is a mineral that is involved in hundreds of chemical reactions in your body. It plays a critical role in immune, muscle and nerve functions.

Magnesium deficiency during pregnancy may increase the risk of chronic hypertension and preterm labor.

Some studies show that the use of magnesium in pregnancy may reduce the risk of complications such as fetal growth restriction and preterm labor. (8)

6. Ginger
Ginger root is often used as a spice and vegetable supplement.

Ginger in the form of food supplements is often used in the treatment of nausea caused by pathway, pregnancy or chemotherapy.

Review of four studies; Ginger has shown that it is safe and effective for the treatment of pregnancy-related nausea and vomiting. (9)

Nausea and vomiting are frequently experienced by women during pregnancy. 80% of women experience nausea and vomiting in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Although ginger can help reduce this unpleasant pregnancy complication, further research is needed to determine the maximum safe dose.

7. Vitamin D
Vitamin D deficiency in pregnancy has been associated with an increased risk of cesarean section, preeclampsia, preterm labor and gestational diabetes.

The recommended intake for vitamin D in pregnancy is 600 IU per day. However, some experts suggest that the need for vitamin D during pregnancy is much higher. (10)

All pregnant women should talk to their doctor to perform a screening for vitamin D deficiency and to take vitamin D medications or supplements that are appropriate for the deficiency as an additional nutritional source.

8. Probiotics

Probiotics are living microorganisms that are thought to be beneficial for digestive health. With increasing interest in bowel health, many expectant mothers are turning to probiotics.

Many studies; It was shown that probiotics were safe to consume during pregnancy and that no harmful side effects were detected except for the extremely low probability of probiotic-induced infection. (11th)

In addition, several studies; The use of probiotic supplements has been shown to reduce the risk of pregnancy diabetes, postpartum depression, baby eczema and skin inflammation. (12)

Research on probiotic use in pregnancy is ongoing and you can be sure that much more has been discovered about the role of probiotics on maternal and fetal health.

Pink Stork Fertility: Natural Fertility Support, Balances & Regulates Cycle, Myo/Chiro-Inositol, Vitex & More, Essential Vitamins & Extracts, -60 Vegetarian Capsules