Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Prenatal Once Daily | Prenatal Vitamins | Non - GMO | Folic Acid, Vitamin A, Vitamin D & Vitamin E, Iron & Choline | 30 Count

Diet during pregnancy, Slimming, Nutrition

Prenatal Once Daily | Prenatal Vitamins | Non - GMO | Folic Acid, Vitamin A, Vitamin D & Vitamin E, Iron & Choline | 30 Count

Pregnancy is perhaps the first and only special process a woman can experience. It's so special that it's nothing like any other thing in your life. Neither the day he first started school, nor the moment he learned that he had won a university, nor was he married, nor graduated, nor his first day of work; no one can be a source of life as much as having a child. Of course, this most important stage of life also has a challenging process. In this process, the woman is obliged to take good care of both herself and her baby. The weight problem, which never ceases to be a problem in any period of her life, is one of the problems added to the pregnant woman during this pregnancy. Every pregnant woman gets more or less weight. Weight gain is very different in every pregnant woman as in any normal woman. Because everyone has a unique metabolism, genetics, lifestyle, pace of life, physical characteristics.

Addition of factors such as gestational age, whether the pregnancy is risky or the growth rate of the baby becomes very specific for a pregnant woman. Consequently, pregnancy becomes a completely different experience for every woman. Even different pregnancies for the same woman may have different characteristics.

Weight gain status of women during pregnancy is very diverse. For example, some pregnant women gain weight very quickly in the first weeks of pregnancy, and then their weight gain slows down. Some pregnant women may gain little or no weight in the first months due to nausea and sometimes even lose weight. Some pregnant women can gain weight quickly during pregnancy. The thing that doesn't change in any way is that pregnant women gain weight. And this can be a problem in women. Pregnant women who do not gain weight and lose weight during her life, dieting, balanced nutrition, doing sports, applying various weight-loss methods, all the efforts of a pregnant woman fall into the water. But the pregnant woman should not forget that the happiness and pride of bringing an individual into the world is worth everything. This does not mean that she should eat whatever she wants and gain as much weight as she likes during pregnancy. But the process in which a person is most free, to live to the fullest is undoubtedly pregnancy. Keeping pregnancy within certain limits is very important for a healthy baby and birth.

Do not diet during pregnancy is not recommended by any doctor or person. According to the meaning of the word diet, the person's form, excess weight or maintaining the current ideal weight does not apply to pregnant women. But a pregnant woman can create her own diet concept. Diet during pregnancy should not necessarily lose weight in the normal sense. Pregnants can also create their own diet. The first aim of this diet is to prevent the pregnant woman from gaining excess weight and to ensure that she gains weight regularly and slowly. Nutrition during pregnancy should never be to avoid food types. Nutrition during pregnancy should be in the form of eating as much as necessary. Because you can't ban anything on a pregnant woman. Because of her pregnancy, she may want to eat something she doesn't normally eat. This is due to prolactin, progesterone hormones secreted in pregnant women. In addition, the superstitious belief that a pregnant woman is unhealthy and one side will be born when she cannot eat something that a pregnant woman wants. While this is certainly not a scientific aspect, it is a humorous view that suggests that pregnant women are the most free people to eat.

Weight loss in the first months of pregnancy is a condition that can be seen. Due to some hormones that increase during pregnancy, pregnant woman cannot be fed regularly due to nausea and stomach burns in pregnant woman and weakens as a result. These nausea complaints sometimes end in the first months of pregnancy and sometimes may continue until birth. Consequently, the pregnant woman may have gained very little weight at the end of pregnancy. However, this is not desirable because the baby needs to gain weight and develop regularly for 40 weeks. The pregnant woman feeds the baby she carries in her belly with the help of a umbilical cord formed between them. With this umbilical cord, the baby is fed with blood as every food that the mother eats passes into the blood. Therefore, the baby, all kinds of vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, fats necessary for the development of blood groups through the blood.

In healthy progression, women should gain weight between 9 and 13 kilos. Values ​​above or below this may be a risk for both the mother and the baby. Mothers weighing less than 9 kilos may not be able to eat well for various reasons and therefore not be able to feed their baby well. In pregnant women who gain more than 13 kilos in weight, both the birth event becomes difficult and causes the baby to gain more weight. In addition, overweight mothers after birth may have difficulty in losing these weight. Considering postpartum depression, excess weight can be easily turned into a nightmare for mothers. Therefore, it is the goal of every pregnant woman to give birth easily, to look after her baby easier and to gain the ideal weight in terms of her own psychology. In addition, overweight babies are at increased risk of developing diabetes, blood pressure, heart and obesity in the future.

In general, about 4-5 kilos of the weight taken during pregnancy goes immediately after birth. It is 4-5 pounds; baby's weight, water, edema in the mother's body. For a mother who weighs an average of 10 pounds during pregnancy, this number is only half of the weight she receives. Therefore, even after birth, the mother has to pay attention to her diet. While doing this, of course, it should be remembered that she was pregnant and breastfeeded her baby. The mother who tries to lose weight very fast cannot get back the energy she lost during the birth, cannot breastfeed her baby efficiently and maintain her daily tempo. Therefore, if the mother loses her health, the baby is affected as much as she does. Breastfeeding is the most effective method of losing weight after birth. Scientifically, it is known that breastfeeding burns energy, calories and therefore weakens. A breastfeeding mother gives 500-1000 ml of milk per day. When breastfeeding, the mother consumes 3 calories per 1 ml of milk. Therefore, a breastfeeding mother consumes at least 1500 calories per day. This corresponds to approximately 140 minutes of moderate walking. So a breastfeeding mother spends 1500 calories per day, even if she doesn't do any sports. Therefore, this means that he can lose weight regularly. But that doesn't mean your mom's never gonna play sports. After the birth, the mother may start to exercise at a slow pace within 1-2 weeks if she gave normal birth, and within 1 month if she gave a cesarean section. Not only for women who give birth to all people with the sport must be done thanks to the mother can both get rid of psychologically and also can look after the baby more efficiently.

Apart from risky pregnancies, any pregnant can do sports. Of course, heavy fitness spores are not recommended during pregnancy. Walking at a light tempo and swimming at a light tempo are among the sports that can be done during pregnancy. Regular sports during pregnancy slows down weight gain and also helps birth. Exercise in pregnancy, balanced diet with excessive weight gain is prevented. What is important in nutrition during pregnancy is to consume quality foods. For example, eggs, milk, yogurt, cheese, red meat and white meat from the protein group should be consumed regularly by pregnant women. Vegetables from the group of carrots, tomatoes, zucchini, greens, celery, leek, green beans, kidney beans, such as high quality foods. As for every person, carbohydrate is a limited nutrient group for pregnant women. Unnecessary pastries, bread, fries, sugary foods, fats only lead to unnecessary weight gain during pregnancy. In addition, when these food groups are consumed too much, it can cause diabetes which is dangerous in pregnancy.

Prenatal Once Daily | Prenatal Vitamins | Non - GMO | Folic Acid, Vitamin A, Vitamin D & Vitamin E, Iron & Choline | 30 Count