Monday, October 28, 2019

Always Pads Size 2 Infinity With Flex Foam 14 Count Heavy Flow (2 Pack)

How To Stop Extreme Menstrual Bleeding Naturally

Always Pads Size 2 Infinity With Flex Foam 14 Count Heavy Flow (2 Pack)

Excessive menstruation (menorrhagia) can have a major impact on daily life. It may affect your health, activities, emotions and social life. Fortunately, you can relieve excessive menstrual bleeding at home or with alternative treatments. In addition, some plants have the ability to stop bleeding and can help regulate unstable hormone levels or excessive menstrual bleeding. Similarly, you can make changes to your diet to increase your intake of vitamins and nutrients. However, you should see a doctor for excessive bleeding and severe menstrual periods that may interfere with your daily life, and also before starting herbal treatments.

Utilizing Home or Alternative Therapies

Apply an ice pack to reduce blood flow. You can reduce the bleeding by putting an ice pack on your stomach. You can also relieve pain and bloating. [1]
Applying cold can reduce blood loss by causing narrowing of blood vessels. [2]
If symptoms persist, reapply the ice pack after two to four hours. [3]
If it is too cold or the skin is numb, raise the ice pack. [4]
Tip: Wrap the ice pack in a towel or T-shirt and put it on your stomach for no more than 20 minutes. [5]

Take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory painkillers. If you experience excessive bleeding, use a non-prescription, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory painkiller. This may reduce blood flow and relieve pain. [6]
Follow the dosage instructions on the drug.
You can buy nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs from pharmacies and some healthcare stores.
Consider acupuncture or acupressure. Some studies have shown that acupuncture or needle-free acupuncture can improve menorrhagia by releasing chemicals that control the menstrual cycle into the muscles and brain. Make an appointment with a certified specialist to relieve excessive bleeding. [7]
Needle-free acupuncture can help cramps by helping to increase blood flow to the back and uterus. [8]
In one study, it was stated that needleless acupuncture or acupuncture balances hormones and therefore may pass hormonal changes and menstrual pain. [9]

Trying Herbal Treatments

Avoid using herbal remedies if you are pregnant or if you are not breastfeeding. Pregnancy should not be anxious if you are currently experiencing excessive menstrual bleeding. But if you think you might be pregnant, don't use herbal treatments because plants can affect your hormone levels. In the same way, if you are breastfeeding children, you should not use the plants because they can be passed on to the baby with milk. [10]
Warning: During pregnancy or breastfeeding, especially black cohosh, liongrass, hayut and should not use blackberry leaves. [11] [12] Consult a physician before using iron and magnesium supplements. [13]

Interior of lion's claw tea. Aslanpençesi is a herb that is frequently used for menstrual problems. Drink lionwort tea to reduce excess menstrual blood flow. [14]
It is also known as lionwing, alchemilla vulgaris or “weed”. [15]
The leaf of this herb is used for drug production and has potent contraction (muscle contraction), coagulation (blood clotting) and blood arresting (blood vessel contraction) effects. [16] These features can help restore bleeding to normal levels.
To make lionpen tea, brew about thirty grams of dry lion leaf in half a liter of boiling water. [17]
Drink this tea three times a day until symptoms disappear. [18]
You can find the lionpen in herbal, health and alternative medicine.

Try a shepherd's bag for quick relaxation. Shepherd's purse is a weed that can restrict blood flow. Try using the shepherd's purse to reduce excessive bleeding. [19]
Capsella bursa is also known as pastoris (vegetable name).
You can buy Shepherd's tea from healthcare stores, specialty teas or online. Try to drink two glasses a day.
This herb can also work in postpartum hemorrhage.

Use your joy to balance your hormones. Hayit is a herb that can trigger progesterone production. Use chastity to balance hormones and stop excessive menstrual bleeding. [20]
Hayit is also known as vitex agnus castus (scientific name) or chaste tree. [21]
Hayıt balances the hormone cycle in women and helps hormones return to normal levels. It increases high levels of progesterone release and prevents estrogen release. Thus, uterine bleeding can be reduced. [22]
Try to use 4 to 6 mg chitin extract per day in times of excessive bleeding. [23]

Consume cinnamon mix. Cinnamon, which can be used in food, is a widely known spice that can reduce excessive bleeding. Add more cinnamon to your food or consume it alone to soothe the uterus and stop excessive bleeding. [24]
Cinnamon has a blood stopping feature, which means it can help to close blood vessels and stop excessive bleeding. [25]
Add three teaspoons of cinnamon powder into a glass of hot water and mix and drink it every thirty minutes until the bleeding is normal. [26]
When you add cinnamon to the food, excessive blood flow may be reduced.
Use only cinnamon powder when preparing the mixture. Cinnamon oil can cause nausea, vomiting and even kidney damage. [27]
You can find cinnamon powder in many grocery stores.

Use a red blackberry leaf to relax the uterine muscles. Red berries contain plant-based chemicals that can relax the muscles of the uterus, similar to cinnamon. Prepare tea from red blackberry leaves to reduce excessive menstrual bleeding. [28]
Although there are no studies on humans, some studies on animals have shown that blackberry leaf has a muscle relaxant effect. [29]
Wash 170 g (2 glasses) of blackberry leaves and put in half a liter of water (about 2 glasses) and boil. [30] Sit back and have your tea up to three times a day. [31]

Think of trying black cohosh or sabin juniper. These homeopathic therapies can help relieve the symptoms of menorrhagia. Studies have shown that black cohosh (cimicifuga racemosa) can regulate estrogen and progesterone levels. [32] Sabin may reduce the severity and duration of successive menorrhage. [33]
You can try 40-200 milligrams of dried black cohosh per day divided into multiple doses. You can also try drinking 0.4-2 milliliters of 60% (1:10) ethanol tincture or one to two cups of tea a day.
You can find Sabin juniper in tablet form. Apply the dosing information printed on the bottle.

Changing the Nutritional Style

Healthy and balanced diet. You need to consume foods that will keep you healthy. By eating healthy, nutritious foods, you can ensure that the menstrual cycle is regular and therefore not excessive bleeding. [34]
Choose healthy and nutritious foods, especially proteins such as nuts, iron-rich foods such as dark green leafy vegetables, dairy products such as yogurt or cheese to buy calcium. [35]
You might want to practice the Mediterranean diet. There are healthy food combinations in this diet; fruits, vegetables, fish, meat and whole grains are consumed. It is low in animal fat but high in fish oil and vegetable oils. Some studies have shown that this diet can regulate the menstrual cycle. [36]
Consider consuming healthy oils and seeds, such as olive and flaxseed, to overcome menorrhage. [37]

Use vitamin B to reduce cramps. Fresh beans have a high amount of fiber and green beans are rich in vitamin B. So green beans can prevent abdominal cramps.
B vitamins are important components for the conversion of excess estrogen in the liver. [38]
It also increases the synthesis of prostaglandins (regulatory enzymes). Prostaglandins are essential components for the reduction of abnormal blood clots. [39]
Prefer iron, vitamin B, fiber and protein-supplemented breads and cereals. [40]
Vegetables such as green beans contain vitamin B. [41]

Include foods rich in iron and vitamin C in your diet to increase clotting. Iron plays an important role in the formation of red blood cells, and iron deficiency can cause anemia that causes excessive bleeding. [42] Iron and vitamin C can increase the effect of one another. Vitamin C is required for effective iron absorption. Include both iron and vitamin C in your diet to relieve menorrhage. [43]
Eat vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, sweet potatoes and spinach to get iron, calcium, and vitamin C. [44]
Eat fruits such as oranges and strawberries to get vitamin C. Prunes and dried apricots are good sources of iron.

Increase magnesium intake to reduce estrogen. Magnesium is a very important mineral that balances female hormones such as progesterone and estrogen. When magnesium intake increases, you can improve hormones and reduce excessive bleeding. [45]
When magnesium concentration increases, estrogen levels increase and this causes excessive bleeding. [46]
Dense dark chocolate is a good source of magnesium.

Use iron supplements. If you have anemia, you can try using iron supplements. This not only cures anemia, but can also reduce blood flow during menstruation. [47]
When using iron supplements, follow the instructions on the packaging.
You can find iron supplements in many pharmacies and healthcare stores.

Knowing when to seek medical treatment

Consult your doctor before using herbs or trying herbal treatment. Some plants may not be suitable for you, especially if you are on medication or if you have a health problem. The doctor can help you understand the risks and benefits of using plants, as well as which plants may be suitable for you. [48]
This applies to both herbal supplements and herbal teas.
Tip: Don't worry, you probably don't have a problem. However, it is best to be careful when it comes to health.

If you have excessive or abnormal bleeding, see a doctor immediately. If you have to change a pad or tampon every hour for 2 hours or more, your bleeding is considered too heavy. Likewise, bleeding between menstrual periods is different from normal or after menopause. These symptoms indicate that something went wrong. Therefore, it is best to be evaluated by a healthcare professional to receive the correct treatment. [49]
Call your doctor or go to the emergency room to make an appointment the same day.

If periods of heavy menstruation interfere with your life, consult your doctor. Severe or prolonged menstrual bleeding may affect your life more than during a normal menstrual period. You may find yourself going to the sink more often, trying to cope with worse cramps, or skipping the things you don't like because you have to deal with your period. If this is the case, your doctor can help you relax. [50]
The doctor will try to understand what caused your symptoms in order to offer you a useful treatment.
Your doctor will do some tests to determine the cause of your symptoms. Your doctor will probably want to do a full blood count first to check your hormone, thyroid and iron levels. You will then want to do a pap smear test to see if you have an infection, inflammation or abnormal cells. Depending on the reason his doctor suspects, he may require an endometrial biopsy or an ultrasound. [51] These tests will allow your doctor to understand which of the following conditions may lead to severe menstrual periods: [52]
Hormone imbalance
Uterine fibroid
Intrauterine device (IUD) side effects
Ovarian dysfunction
Complications of pregnancy
Bleeding disorder
Specific drugs

If natural treatments do not help, ask your doctor about treatment options. Not all treatment options work for everyone, as severe menstrual periods may have many different causes. If natural treatments have not alleviated your symptoms, you may want to discuss medical treatments with your doctor. Medication or medical procedures may be the solution for you, depending on the cause of your menstrual period. Some of the treatment methods used are:
Tranexamide acid can be taken during periods to reduce blood loss.
Birth control pills can regulate menstrual periods and reduce blood flow.
Oral progesterone can balance hormone levels.
Hormonal IUDs can thin the uterine wall and reduce blood flow.
Dilatation and Curettage (D&C) is the procedure of the doctor scraping the uterine wall to thin and may reduce menstrual bleeding.
Uterine artery embolization is the process of interrupting the blood flow to the fibroids to reduce them.
Myomectomy is the procedure by which the doctor removes fiborides that cause severe menstrual periods.
Hysterectomy is an operation in which the doctor removes the cervix and uterus, thus ending the menstrual periods. However, as it will cause permanent infertility, the doctor will not recommend it unless it is medically necessary or you prefer it.

Thyroid failure is a widely known cause of menorrhagia. If you are experiencing excessive menstruation, consult a doctor to determine the underlying cause.
There is no other way to stop menstruation altogether other than using a contraceptive pill, but the contraceptive pill will relieve menstruation.
Remember, herbal treatments won't affect everyone the same way. It may comfort you, but there is no guarantee that herbal treatments will work for you.

If you have liver disease, it is best not to use black cohosh, lion's claw, or chanting, because they can affect the liver. Your doctor can help you find out which plants are safe to use.
If you are already at high risk of certain hormone susceptibility conditions, such as breast cancer or endometriosis, herbal treatments that affect hormones may not be suitable for you. For instance, you should avoid black cohosh, hay and blackberry leaves. Also always consult with your doctor before taking any herbal treatment.
Consuming too much iron can have harmful side effects. Therefore do not take iron supplements without approval from your doctor.

Always Pads Size 2 Infinity With Flex Foam 14 Count Heavy Flow (2 Pack)

Always Maxi Feminine Pads with Wings for Women, Size 5, Extra Heavy Overnight, Unscented, 36 Count - Pack of 3 (108 Count Total)

Ovulation Symptoms

Always Maxi Feminine Pads with Wings for Women, Size 5, Extra Heavy Overnight, Unscented, 36 Count - Pack of 3 (108 Count Total)

Ovulation Day (Period) How to tell?

What are the symptoms of ovulation in women? How do I know when the day of ovulation is approaching? How do we know when ovulation occurs? How to tell if ovulation is present or not? How is ovulation determined? The most frequently asked questions, especially by couples planning pregnancy (pregnancy).

Ovulation, ie ovulation date calculation, when, which days spawning issues such as detailed information can be found by clicking here. In this article, the symptoms of ovulation, signs, complaints and symptoms felt during ovulation will be explained.

Symptoms before and after ovulation:

Increased vaginal (cervical) discharge, liquefaction of the discharge. Women often say "my wetness has increased." This symptom begins a few days before ovulation.
Increase in body temperature. Patients usually do not feel this slight increase, but they are easily noticeable in degrees and measurement. There is usually an increase of around half a degree.
Groin pain: Unilateral (only right or left) groin pain is usually felt on the day of ovulation. Pain can sometimes be bilateral. The reason for the pain is the leakage of fluid in the follicle into the pelvis during ovulation. This fluid spontaneously disappears every few days. The pain usually ends in one day. Sometimes the pain associated with the growing egg starts 4-5 days before ovulation, increases on the day of ovulation and then suddenly disappears. (Mittelschmerz, moderate pain)
Sensitivity, fullness, tension in breasts
Abdominal feeling
Abdominal pain and cramps
Increased sexual desire: usually begins a few days before ovulation.
In some women, hypersensitivity to stimuli such as smell, taste and light, disturbance occurs.
Why Women See Menstruation ...
Between the first days of two bleeding and the purpose of the cycle is to prepare the uterus for pregnancy. Both physiological and mental processes contribute to the regular functioning of this cycle: On the first day of each menstrual period, an egg cell begins to mature and produce estrogen hormone in one of the ovaries with the effect of a hormone secreted from the pituitary gland in the brain. This hormone is responsible for the thickening of the inner layer of the uterus and the completion of preliminary preparations for pregnancy. During this thickening period which lasts for 14 days, fluid accumulates around the egg cell and is approximately 18-20 mm. diameter is filled with fluid and called the follicle fluid pouch occurs. During these events, when the level of another hormone secreted from the pituitary gland reaches a certain stage, this developing follicle fractures and the mature egg cell is released. This cell enters the Fallopian tube and begins to advance here. In the fallopian tube, the egg cell encounters a sperm cell and if fertilization occurs, pregnancy begins.

Progesterone hormone starts to rise in the blood in addition to estrogen hormone immediately after ovulation. This hormone makes the inner layer of the uterus suitable for the placement of the fertilized egg and the continuation of pregnancy and in a sense, it completes the preliminary preparations made by the estrogen hormone. If pregnancy does not occur, the inner layer of the uterus begins to fall out after a certain period of time with decreasing hormone levels in the blood. This spill occurs with bleeding. With this bleeding called menstruation, the inner layer of the uterus begins to be prepared for a possible pregnancy in the new menstrual cycle and the above events start again.

Woman's 28 Days
The repetitive process in a reproductive age woman is called the menstrual cycle on average every 28 days. The menstrual cycle or cycle refers to the time from the first day of the last menstrual period to the first day of the next menstrual period and the events taking place in the female body during that time.

A menstrual cycle usually lasts 28 days in women, but it is the upper and lower limits of normal between 21 and 35 days. Menstrual bleeding continues for an average of 4 days and is considered to be the lower and upper limits of normal between 1 and 7 days. During menstruation, between 20 and 80 milliliters of blood is lost.

The menstrual cycle lasts from puberty to menopause when the ovarian cells are completely depleted. During this period, it temporarily pauses during pregnancy and for most of the period of breastfeeding.

Pregnancy, ovulation irregularity, eating disorders (anorexia or blumiya), too much exercise, thyroid gland diseases and obesity (obesity) can be shown as the cause. Once the cause is identified, menstrual order is provided with appropriate treatments. Otherwise, the risk of uterine cancer increases.

Damages of Irregular Menstruation
Menstrual irregularity can be caused by a variety of reasons. This may have harmful consequences depending on the underlying cause, or may be a harmless menstrual irregularity caused by stress, depression, overweight, overweight, and drug use. In such cases, the irregularities such as stress and weight may cause harm to the patient. These reasons need to be regulated. However, if there are conditions such as fibroids, polyps, hormone disorders and ovulation disorders, these can be harmful. Such situations need to be clarified and treated with medication or surgery if necessary. If the cause is not detected early and treatment is delayed, for example, the growth of a fibroid causing menstrual irregularities may cause further difficulties in the future. Some of the patients with menstrual irregularities have ovulation irregularities, which may prevent or delay pregnancy.

Menstrual irregularity is not always harmful, and in some cases menstrual irregularity is normal. For example, menstrual irregularity is a normal and expected condition in the first years of menstruation (15-17 years), in nursing mothers, and those using protection needles.

Excessive menstruation: Menstrual period exceeds seven days or menstrual period can be described by the use of daily pads. Anemia due to severe bleeding may cause fatigue and inability to perform daily activities. Hormonal imbalances may be due to uterine glands, structures called polyps that may be in the uterus or mouth, abnormal pregnancies, intrauterine device, liver kidney or thyroid diseases. .

Frequent menstruation: Menstrual cycle to fall below 21 days

Sparse menstruation: Menstrual cycle exceeding 35 days

Intermediate bleeding: Abnormal bleeding between two menstrual cycles.

A young girl who is 14 years old and has not developed secondary sex characteristics such as breast development or pubic hair growth is called primary amenorrhea. If breast development and pubic hair growth have started, the age limit to be called primary amenorrhea is 16 years.

Secondary amenorrhea is a period of 6 months for a woman who has previously menstruated.

The hypothalamus, pituitary, ovary and uterus function completely normal in a regular menstrual woman. The hypothalamus and pituitary in the brain stimulate the ovaries (FSH and LH) and ovaries. The stimulated ovaries secrete the hormone estrogen and progesterone. The hormone estrogen and progesterone also stimulate the inner layer of the uterus (uterus), ie the endometrium, and help to develop menstrual bleeding. The consecutive mechanism between these organs is normal and is required for regular menstrual bleeding every month. When this mechanism is disrupted at any stage, menstruation or menstrual irregularity occurs. In order to have menstrual bleeding, there should be no blockage in the flow path of the blood (cervix, vagina, hymen) for any reason other than these mechanisms.

Premenstrual Syndrome (Premenstrual Tension)
Many women feel nervousness, tension, depression, fatigue and fatigue during the menstrual cycle; various digestive system problems (abdominal bloating, nausea-vomiting, constipation); diffuse bloating and weight gain; skin problems such as acne formation. Regular exercise to prevent this condition; A diet rich in pulp foods, poor in salt, sugar and caffeine, and regular sleep is recommended, but medical treatment is recommended for patients with severe complaints.

Uterine and Ovary Urine
Uterine fibroids are the most common tumors of the uterus and more than 99% are benign. Abnormal bleeding can cause pain, frequent urination due to bladder pressure, and painful sexual intercourse. Medical or surgical treatment options are evaluated according to the size and complaints of the patient and the patient's age and child request. Ovarian glands are evaluated together with examination, ultrasound findings and tumor markers and follow-up or surgical treatment is recommended.

Cervical Problems
Screening of cervix with smear test is done to all women. Further tests (colposcopy and biopsy if necessary) are performed in our clinic according to the test result.

Sexual Organ Warts
Painless and hard warts on the genitals or around the anus are caused by a virus called HPV and is a disease that shows sexual transmission. Warts can be treated with creams. Or cryotherapy / coagulation.

Urinary Tract Complaints
Complaints such as frequent urination, incontinence and incontinence, burning during urination and incontinence are evaluated and referred to our urogynecology unit if necessary.

Symptoms of Cystitis and Prevention
Cystitis, which is more common in women, occurs with frequent and small urge to urinate and symptoms of pain and burning while urinating. The best way to avoid cystitis, where untreated cystitis can cause kidney inflammation, is to drink enough water.

20 percent of women

40 of them get cystitis known as bladder inflammation among people at least once in their entire life.
Symptoms of cystitis
Strong and continuous urine demand
Burning while urinating
Frequent and small amount of urination
Bleeding in urine
Fuzzy and odorous urine
Pelvic discomfort, feeling of pressure
Light fire
Causes of cystitis
Bacterial infections are the most common cause of cystitis. The most common type of infection is intestinal bacteria. Within the reasons;

Making a toilet lesion from back to front can prevent bacteria in the anus from spreading to the urethra.
To be sexually active and to use birth control methods such as ‘diaphragm..
Menopause and pregnancy with hormonal changes.
Urinary bladder sagging, which causes the bladder to empty enough, people with diabetes such as diabetes.
Diseases that lower body resistance, such as cancer and HIV.
Women with chronic infection of the female genital organs.
Women with deodorant and other potentially irritant material may have symptoms of cystitis. Precautions to avoid cystitis
The best way to avoid cystitis is to drink enough water (at least 8 glasses per day). Going to the toilet and emptying the bladder completely is an effective way to prevent cystitis.
Wearing cotton work clothes and not wearing tight pants can help prevent cystitis.
It is important to make toilet hygiene from front to back. Top of Form 1

Vaginismus in Women and the Problem of Inability to Intercourse
Vaginismus is a condition that occurs in approximately 1% of all women and involuntary contractions occur when attempting to insert a penis, finger, vaginal tampon or examination speculum in the muscles located in the outer 1/3 of the vagina. These contractions can occur even if only the imagination of the enterprise is a real initiative.

In some cases vaginismus is so severe that a real sexual intercourse is not even possible. Even contractions occur during the examination, in which case normal vaginal delivery may not be possible. In most women with vaginismus, sexual desire and arousal are completely normal and may also have orgasms. Some women have vaginismus from the beginning, while others develop after a healthy sex life. This condition, called secondary vaginismus, usually develops due to dyspareunia (pain during intercourse).

Women with vaginismus may rarely have a serious psychological trauma such as sexual harassment, a painful gynecological examination, and a very painful first relationship. Strict religious beliefs and sexual orientation disorders may also be involved.

Some women with vaginismus have misconceptions about the genital area and the size of their vagina. That's why they might believe their vaginas are too small to get into anything.

Cases such as endometriosis, chronic infections, hymen tightness can also cause vaginismus and these can only be detected in a complete gynecological examination. If the vaginal examination is accompanied by the spouse, the couple may be able to break down prejudices about the genital anatomy and the dimensions of the vagina.

The treatment tries to prevent involuntary contractions. Training is provided for the woman to gain basic knowledge about genital anatomy. Techniques for relaxation before vaginal access are shown.

Annual follow-up of women with no complaints and pre-pregnancy examinations of women planning pregnancy

Gynecological examination and pap smear test are applied to women admitted to our outpatient clinic. Pap smear plays an important role in the diagnosis of cervical diseases. Especially in the early detection of cervical cancer is very important place.

Intervention room services which is a sub-unit of our polyclinic
Endometrial biopsy (removal of uterus)
Cervical sampling and cervical polyp removal
Electrocautery (Incineration)
Dermoid Cyst
At the beginning of embryonic life there are roughly 3 cell layers. These layers differentiate into different cell and tissue groups, eventually forming organs. These layers are called germ cell layers. Germ cells are found in the ovaries in women and in the testes in men and are responsible for the production of eggs and sperm cells. Tumors developing from these cells are capable of harboring many different tissues. The generally dominant germ layer is the so-called ectoderm. From this layer, various tissues, especially leather and skin appendages, develop. Therefore, benign germ cell tumors seen in the ovary are called adlandırıl dermoid cysts..

The dermoid cyst can carry fragments from all germ cells, but is usually the predominant ectoderm layer. For this reason, the parts of the skin and leather attachments are seen more. Since the sebaceous glands in the skin are also present in the dermoid cyst, the cyst fluid is a thick, yellow-brown colored, oily, dense fluid. In the cyst, hair, hair, teeth, bone, cartilage and nerves are found. Their dimensions are very variable. It can range from a few centimeters to half a meter.

Clinical and Diagnosis
The dermoid cyst is usually asymptomatic and is detected incidentally during another examination, ultrasound examination, radiological examination or surgery. Approximately 65% ​​of the cases have no complaints. The most common complaint in the presence of symptoms is abdominal pain. In addition, abdominal distention and abnormal uterine bleeding may occur. Less common complaints are urine or defecation problems and back pain.

The treatment of dermoid cyst is surgical. It should be removed as soon as it is noticed. Operation can be performed as laparoscopic or open surgery. However, laparoscopic approach should be preferred in appropriate cases. Since it is generally seen in reproductive age women, care should be taken to protect the ovarian tissue and only the cyst should be removed and the ovary should not be removed. If the cyst ruptures during the operation, the abdominal cavity should be cleaned carefully and great care should be taken not to leave any material belonging to the cyst content in the abdomen. Otherwise, chemical peritonitis may occur. In this respect, dermoid cyst operations require special experience and attention.

Ovarian Cyst Explosion (Tear) - Ovarian Cyst Rupture
As the ovarian cysts grow, the fluid in them increases, and the tension of the cyst gradually increases, eventually resulting in tearing or bursting of the cyst wall, which is called ovarian cyst rupture.

Explosion of the ovarian cyst does not always lead to very important problems. Sometimes a small cyst tears and the patient may not notice it and can continue normal life. Sometimes bleeding may occur from the ruptured cyst site. This bleeding sometimes stops spontaneously after a while and does not cause a problem, but sometimes this bleeding does not stop and there may be excessive bleeding into the abdomen and the patient may progress to life-threatening degrees such as pain, fainting, blackout, shock, and urgent surgery may be required. Therefore, a patient who knows that there is an ovarian cyst should immediately consult a doctor as soon as his complaints such as pain, darkening, feeling unconscious, dizziness begin; The cyst may be ruptured or sprained (torsion).

Ovarian cysts sometimes rupture spontaneously, sometimes rupture during sexual intercourse or other daily activities, and the patient feels severe groin or abdominal pain. Apart from pain, the patient may have nausea and vomiting. If the cyst bleeding into the abdomen too much, complaints such as fatigue, dizziness, blackout, fainting may also be added. Sometimes there is no bleeding into the abdomen despite the rupture of the cyst.

Diagnosis of ovarian cyst rupture is usually made easily by examination and ultrasonography. Cysts that have exploded by ultrasound and fluid or blood flowing around it can be seen. In cases of excessive bleeding, the patient's blood pressure and blood values ​​are measured as low. It is important to make differential diagnosis with other diseases that may cause abdominal pain.

NABOTH CYSTS (Naboti cyst, Naboth follicle, Nabothian cyst)
Naboth cysts are small cysts formed by secretions that accumulate as a result of obstruction of secretory ducts invisibly small in cervical tissue. Dimensions range from 2 mm to 10 mm. These cysts are full of mucus secretion. There may be one or more naboth cysts in the cervix. Although they are mostly visible during the examination, they cannot be seen in the gland examination but are detected only by chance during ultrasound. They are usually seen in women of reproductive age and birth. Cervical inflammation, ie cervicitis with nabothi cysts can be seen.

They do not cause any complaints and are seen incidentally during examination or ultrasound.

Naboth cysts are one of the normal formations in women. So it is not a pathological condition or disease. So no treatment is given. Most patients are naturally worried about the word “cyst bur here and think that Naboth cyst is an important and treatment-like condition like ovarian cyst. Naboth cysts do not require treatment or follow-up, do not progress to larger sizes, and do not develop into any other disease or cancer. However, with or without a naboth cyst, every woman should undergo a gynecological examination and smear test checks annually.

Bartholin's Cyst (Absesi)
Bartholin glands are located at the entrance of the vagina and secrete mucus. When the duct of one of the glands is blocked, a swelling called cyst occurs. If the cyst is infected, pus-containing abscess is formed. It is usually unilateral. It is an inflammation of the boreholes of the Bartholin gout.

In most cases, the causative organism is gonococcal (gonorrhea). Other microorganisms may cause this condition. If the infection starts, the ducts become clogged, the secretion cannot flow out and accumulate in the ducts. Gudde tissue may not always participate in abscesses.

The main and most obvious symptom in the acute phase is that the gland is swollen and painful. A purulent stream may flow out of the channel with a soft pressure or flow by itself. Abscess manifesting with self-fluctuation is a common finding and concomitant edema may cause swelling of the entire vulva.

If the abscess formation is definite, drainage is necessary under operating room conditions and under general anesthesia (which is a very painful procedure). In repeated cases, marsupialization of the sac should be performed. Incision edges of the abscess sac is the process of suturing the edges of the gland functions and protects the formation of relapses. This means to make a cell in the case of the secretion of the fluid flowing out of the gland is provided.

Sometimes a gauze pad is placed in the cyst cavity during surgery. This pad allows the cyst to flow and prevents it from closing again. The next day, the buffer is withdrawn. Another method opens the cyst is emptied, flushed with oxygenated water, a small silver nitrate pen is inserted and the cysts are sutured with chrome catgut and the sutures are left 1 cm long. If a suture material is left out long after 2-3 days, the whole capsule is easily removed.

Always Maxi Feminine Pads with Wings for Women, Size 5, Extra Heavy Overnight, Unscented, 36 Count - Pack of 3 (108 Count Total)

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What Is Menstrual Irregularity

New Cora Ultra Thin Organic Cotton Light Bladder Leakage Long Panty Liners for Light Incontinence, Moderate Absorbency, with Dry Wicking Technology (New Organic 72)

Irregular period
What is menstrual irregularity; Many women have menstrual symptoms 11 or 13 times a year. The number of menstrual symptoms close to these values ​​is accepted as normal. In some cases, women's menstrual rates change. Even if menstruation period is variable.

Menstrual periods are seen more irregularly for the first time menstruation. After an average of 3-4 months, menstruation should become regular. If menstruation is not regular, there is a problem with menstruation. In order to be menstruated by a regular cycle, the hormones that provide menstruation need to be balanced and at normal levels. In cases with menstrual irregularities, detailed examination will be useful for diagnosis. Although menstrual irregularity occurs in middle-aged and young people who may be accepted for different reasons, it is understood that menopause period starts if the person is not menstrual for 12 months after the age of 40s. In such cases, a detailed history follow-up is required.

Causes of menstrual irregularity
The reasons for menstrual irregularity are quite high and may be irregular due to a wide range of problems and may become irregular. For this reason, people experiencing a lot of menstrual irregularities should seek medical assistance to identify problems. After the support and expert controls, menstrual delay and its causes are determined and treatment is applied accordingly.

Causes menstrual irregularity
The biggest factor that prevents irregular menstruation is the stress that causes many problems. If the person has gained or lost excess weight in different periods, he may be under stress. Changes in daily routine or lack of habits push people to stress. Menstruation may also become irregular due to such changes and stress. In such cases, irregular menstrual therapy should be performed.

Birth control pills can cause menstrual irregularities. Birth control pills contain various hormones. In general, these pills prevent the laying of eggs into the ovaries and, in short, eliminate the possibility of pregnancy. However, taking these pills or quitting them for a long time can cause a number of irregularities. It can sometimes take 5 to 6 months for menstruation to return to its original state. In such cases, it is necessary to be treated directly. But if this period is longer, you can get detailed information from our clinic for the treatment of menstrual irregularity… You can send your problem to +90 850 303 96 96 or adres

Irregular Menstruation and Endometriosis
Endometriosis is another factor that causes menstrual irregularity. Endometriosis covers the entire uterus. If the endometrial tissues that are regularly excreted from the body every month start to grow outside the uterus, the problem of endometriosis arises. This causes menstrual irregularity and even prevents prolonged periods if not treated. It is necessary to get in touch with our clinics with the help of experts in various health problems like this.

Ovarian failure is another factor that causes menstrual irregularity. This problem stems from the fact that the ovaries are largely unable to function. It is generally seen in women under 35-40 years of age. In women over the age of 40, these diseases are seen in the lower age group as the ovaries gradually lose their function. Menstrual bleeding may become irregular due to insufficient ovaries or inadequate functioning of the ovaries, and the absence of menstruation is another possibility. This ovarian failure, which is mostly genetic, occurs in some cases after treatment such as chemotherapy. Ovarian insufficiency may also occur in the processes exposed to intense radiation. Due to the lack of treatment, the person is considered to have entered early menopause. However, with new research studies, there are promising developments about having children after early menopause. Surgical egg activation is one of these studies.

Factors that cause menstrual irregularity
There are dozens of different factors that cause menstrual irregularity. Diabetes patients have irregular menstrual periods in some periods. In addition to irregular menstruation, people with uterine cancer may have no menstruation. Frequent use of blood thinning drugs prevents the occurrence of menstruation in very large proportions. Steroids used for the development of muscle masses in the body likewise negatively affect the menstrual order. Commonly used antidepressant drugs adversely affect the frequency of menstrual bleeding and in some cases, menstruation does not occur during the period of use of the drug. In such undesirable situations, the use of drugs harmful to the body should be discontinued under the supervision of a doctor.

How to treat menstrual irregularity
Many people with menstrual delay may have the question of what to do for the solution of menstrual delay, and there are many answers to this question. Depending on the problem the individual is experiencing, he / she can be treated in various ways by medical intervention. For this, first of all, the problem that the person is experiencing must be determined in detail. Initial examination and accurate diagnosis are vital. In this way, the solution of the problems is made easier.

Menstrual irregularity treatment processes are generally complemented by menstrual regulatory drugs. Such drugs are not harmful to the body, but on the contrary, they are often preferred by people who have problems because of their regulatory effect. After examining the problems in detail and revealing the problems, the solution method is determined by going over the problem. After the necessary diagnoses are made, the person can regain his old menstrual order and get rid of health problems.

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How is the spawning date calculated in irregular numbers?

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When women want to conceive, they experience sexual intercourse when they are fertile by marking their menstrual days. Irregular menstrual period in which the increased fertility risk of women can review our news.

Ovulation increases the risk of conception. If you are experiencing irregular menstrual periods, determine your fertile periods with our news.


It is necessary to determine the estimated 14 days to calculate the irregular number of ovulation dates. Women who have irregular menstruation have menstrual cycles every 25 to 35 days. For this, the calendar can be calculated for 14 days by marking the intervals they see. For example, a woman who has menstrual once in 35 days will ovulate on day 21. The important days for getting pregnant are 11th and 21st days. Women generally have menstrual once in 18 days. ’I menstrual once in 28 days. Only 1% of menstrual period is over 35 days. You can increase your chances of becoming pregnant by setting the menstrual day and the beginning on the calendar.


The most important symptom of ovulation is discharge. This discharge is transparent and dark. The discharge starts 3 or 4 days before ovulation begins.

· Sexual desire increases during ovulation.

· Body temperature increases during this period.

· Abdominal bloating.

· Groin pain begins to increase.

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What is menopause, what are the symptoms

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With this word it is told to stop the menses and end the fertility. The real word meaning -the last menstruation. At about 40 years of age, ovaries in women begin to respond less to stimuli from the brain.

What is Menopause?

Menopause is one of the most important turning points in our women's lives.

With this word it is told to stop the menstruation and end the fertility. The real word meaning is the last menstrual bleeding. In the average age of 40, ovaries in women begin to respond less to stimuli from the brain.

This period is known as climacterium period. In this period, the time between menstruation begins to prolong, the amount of bleeding decreases, night sweats and hot flashes begin. Menopause occurs in this period in the cut of the number we call.

The average age of menopause is around 51 years.

The fact that the average female life, which does not even reach the age of 50 at the beginning of our century, is around 75 years of age increases the importance of the period after menopause.

What Should We Know About Menopause?

On average, one-third of women's lives go through menopause. The age of menopause has not changed much throughout the world and since ancient times and is on average around 45-55. Entering menopause before the age of 40 is defined as "early menopause". Menopause is often considered a natural stage of life. Indeed, menopause is a natural stage of female life after the end of ovulation functions. However, some changes in menopause can deeply and negatively affect a woman's life, which leads to many diseases and decreases the quality of life of a woman. Today, the negative effects of menopause are considered as a disease that is tried to be prevented and treated. Since menopause is a natural part of women's life, it is no longer possible to watch it without doing anything. This concept has come to the forefront especially with the production and use of female ovarian hormones under laboratory conditions. By replacing the decreased ovarian hormones in menopause, all negative changes and diseases of menopause can be easily prevented or minimized.

What are the symptoms of menopause?

The main change in menopause is the decrease in the female hormone estrogen as a result of stopping ovulation.

So in the woman,

Flushing, sweating, palpitations
Depression (mental depression), weakness
Decrease in libido, sometimes against sexual intercourse
Bone resorption (osteoporosis)
Tendency to develop atherosclerosis
Sexual atrophy, dryness, painful intercourse
Atrophy occurs in the urinary tract up to urinary incontinence.
In spiritual terms:

Mental Tension
Easy to get angry
Inward Depression
Loss of sexual desire
While one out of every three women is not affected at all, the other ones show different problems. Social life, work life and family life may also be adversely affected. As a result of the lack of estrogen, the vagina (female genitals) loses its moisture and sexual intercourse becomes painful. Sexual reluctance may occur in women.

How Long Does Menopause Last?

How long the symptoms of menopause will last varies from person to person. While it may be short for some people, it may take up to 10 years for others. The average is 3-5 years. In a menopausal woman, bone destruction increases and bone mass decreases. In addition, lower urinary tract infections are frequently seen. Cardiovascular diseases are the most important problems of women after menopause. This rate increases rapidly as estrogen decreases. While estrogen normally protects women from this group of diseases by keeping blood cholesterol levels low, it cannot do so during menopause. Because not enough. If necessary, this danger can be alleviated by administering external estrogen. Hormone replacement therapy, or HRT for short, is called medicine. HRT is not applicable to everyone. It is a treatment that requires a lot of attention and expertise, it can change our body balances suddenly, so it should be applied after a serious examination by obstetricians. Menopause will not be a problem for you with the help of your physician and having sufficient information.

Does Menopause Start Suddenly?

When women wake up one morning they do not find themselves in menopause. Menopause is the period in the midst of changes that last for 20 years. After the age of 40, women begin to develop irregular menstruation, intermittent fever and perspiration, and psychological changes due to the decrease in ovulation. Then the symptoms gradually increase and the menstrual period is completely cut off. In this period, the absence of menstrual bleeding for 1 year is sufficient for the diagnosis of menopause. A definitive diagnosis is made by examining menstrual delays for more than 6 months and measuring estrogen and ovulation-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels in the blood. However, menstrual irregularities or irregular hemorrhages should not be considered normal with the idea of ​​going into menopause; these diseases should be investigated carefully considering that these changes can be seen in cancers of pregnancy and female genitalia.

How is menopause diagnosed?

The most important prerequisite for minimizing the negative effects of menopause is the early diagnosis and initiation of early treatment. Because menopause losses are the highest in the first years. Menopause occurs mainly due to ovulation cessation (natural) or removal of the ovaries (surgery) or damage to the ovaries. A woman who does not have menstruation for 1 year after the age of 40 and has complaints can be admitted to menopause without further research. During the transition period to menopause, pregnancy and malignant diseases that cause irregular bleeding should be distinguished. For this reason, if the ovarian stimulating hormone (FSH, LH) levels in the blood taken on the 3rd day of menstruation are increased in a woman who has rare menstruation, flushing, palpitation, sweating and psychological changes, the diagnosis is made more precisely and early and treatment can be started immediately. In a woman with irregular (usually sparse) menstruation, if FSH is above 40 pg / ml, menopause is definitely diagnosed. If the FSH value is between 25-40 pg / ml, it is thought that the process of entering menopause starts but it may occur in ovulation and pregnancy. However, pregnancy and other diseases causing irregular bleeding should be investigated by pregnancy test, ultrasonography and endometrial biopsy (curettage) etc. in any case.

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Menstrual irregularity after childbirth, When do I have menstrual period after childbirth?

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Some women go through a difficult period after birth, while others go through a very normal and calm period. There is no way to predict how delivery will affect a woman's menstrual cycle, but breastfeeding mothers may have menstrual periods longer than non-breastfeeding mothers. In the months after giving birth, menstrual irregularities may occur but return to normal over time.

Some women go through a difficult period after birth, while others go through a very normal and calm period. There is no way to predict how delivery will affect a woman's menstrual cycle, but breastfeeding mothers may have menstrual periods longer than non-breastfeeding mothers. In the months after giving birth, menstrual irregularities may occur, but return to normal over time.

Having a baby is a severe trauma for a woman's body and takes time to heal. There is no standard postpartum period that is determined after birth. This period varies from person to person. The menstrual period may not be the same for several months. This is a situation that can go back to time and everyone experiences these differences.

Uterus to return to its original size
To change hormone levels
Breastfeeding period, which also affects these hormone levels, will be among the causes of menstrual irregularity for a while.
Some women feel that their menstrual period is more severe after birth. There is more blood flow than normal and the color is darker than normal. Perhaps there was no cramping in the past, but there are cramps. This situation is temporary and returns to its former order mostly.

When do I have a period after birth?

It was found that the number of non-breastfeeding mothers or irregular breastfeeding mothers started faster.

The first menstruation usually takes place at intervals of 45-74-94 days.

Menstrual irregularity after birth

You may have irregular menstruation in the months immediately after giving birth. Breastfeeding women are more likely to notice irregular periods, because hormones that support breastfeeding cause the body to delay ovulation or rarely ovulate.

Even in non-breastfeeding women, irregular menstruation may be experienced as the body tries to recover after pregnancy. Breastfeeding mothers in the body is still working differently and is already normal due to these hormones that are already in menstrual irregularity because they are in the breastfeeding process.

Discharge after birth

Lochia is a discharge that contains blood, mucus and uterine tissue after birth. It starts as heavy bleeding and may be dark red and clot filled. For a few days or weeks, the bleeding will lighten and eventually become pink, brown and clear. In women, this discharge can cause some cramps because the uterus is contracted because it returns to normal size.

Lochia current is not a period. The uterus is a sign that the body tries to avoid birth effects because it holds the lining that supports pregnancy.

Breastfeeding periods

Breastfeeding women may not have regular periods for months because breastfeeding still allows hormones to work differently and prevents ovulation and menstruation. Therefore, the term korumak preserving milk dır is common, meaning that breastfeeding is a contraceptive method, but 11 to 39 of women have menstruation at least once within 6 months after birth. This means risk and is in fact a sign of not being fully protected.

When to see a doctor

If you experience a bleeding intensity that does not last more than 2 hours,
If there is fever and bleeding continues
You are experiencing very intense cramps
If you are dropping blood clots, such as a golf ball, you should call your doctor.

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Menopause Period from A to Z

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What is Menopause?

Menopause is one of the most important turning points in our women's lives. The meaning of the word is to end the mores and the end of fertility. However, the actual word meaning is the last menstrual bleeding. Menopause is a natural and normal condition defined as the last menstrual period when a woman does not have menstruation for 12 consecutive months in the absence of other causes.

Transition from fertile to non-fertile.

The average age of menopause is around 51 years.

In premenopausal

It is called the pre-menopausal period from the time of the first symptoms to menopause. It is the period during which menstrual irregularities occur before menopause, such as the menstruation becoming more frequent for about 3-5 years.


It usually starts with the symptoms of menopause about 1 year before the last menstrual period and ends after 1 year.


Latest menstruation

What are the Symptoms of Menopause?

• Flushing,
• Trouble,
• Sweating,
• Palpitations
• Depression (mental depression),
• Weakness
• Decrease in libido, sometimes against sexual intercourse
• Bone resorption (osteoporosis)
• Tendency to develop atherosclerosis
• Dryness in sexual organs,
• Painful relationship
• Mental Tension,
• Easy to get angry,
• Insomnia,
• Forgetfulness,
• Tension,
• Closure,

How is it diagnosed?

The most important prerequisite for minimizing the negative effects of menopause is the early diagnosis and initiation of early treatment. Because menopause losses are the highest in the first years. Menopause occurs mainly due to ovulation cessation (natural) or removal of the ovaries (surgery) or damage to the ovaries.
A woman who does not have menstruation for 1 year after the age of 40 and has complaints can be admitted to menopause without further research. During the transition period to menopause, pregnancy and malignant diseases that cause irregular bleeding should be distinguished.

For this reason, if the ovarian stimulating hormone (FSH, LH) levels in the blood taken on the 3rd day of menstruation are increased in a woman who has rare menstruation, flushing, palpitation, sweating and psychological changes, the diagnosis is made more precisely and early and treatment can be started immediately. In a woman with irregular (usually sparse) menstruation, if FSH is above 40 pg / ml, menopause is definitely diagnosed. If the FSH value is between 25-40 pg / ml, it is thought that the process of entering menopause starts but it may occur in ovulation and pregnancy. However, pregnancy and other diseases causing irregular bleeding should be investigated by pregnancy test, ultrasonography and endometrial biopsy (curettage) etc. in any case.

How is it treated?


Since the main disorder or deficiency is the reduction of estrogen hormone, the main treatment is to give estrogen hormone. As soon as the diagnosis is made, if there are no drawbacks for the patient;
- With skin-taped bands or gels applied
- It is essential to start estrogen replacement therapy by vaginal route.

Barriers to hormone use:

• New heart attacks (myocardial infarction)
• Transient ischemic attack
• Previous stroke (cerebrovascular event), cerebral vascular obstructions
• Impaired liver function
• Presence of tumor progressing with estrogen (Breast, uterus)
• Vascular occlusion with intravascular coagulation
Cautious and controlled conditions:
• Ischemic heart disease (malnutrition due to arteriosclerosis)
• Hypertension (high blood pressure)
• Gallbladder diseases and stone
• Diabetes Mellitus
• Hyperlipidemia (high levels of fat, cholesterol, blood)
• Migraine headaches
• Fibroids (tumors in the uterus)

Prior to the initiation of hormone treatment, the patient should be aware of the possible side effects and long-term use of these drugs, and should be pre-prepared.

Preliminary research: General body and gynecological examination, blood pressure, weight, weight measurement, Liver functions (liver enzymes in blood, fats, cholesterol are measured), Blood and urine examination (general control), Cervical smear (Swab taken to investigate cervical cancer), Mammography (Breast Cancer Screening), Endometrial Biopsy and / or Vaginal Ultrasound Measurement of Endometrial Thickness (Screening of Uterine Cancer), Fasting Blood Sugar (Diabetes Research), Electrocardiography (Cardiac Crisis or Malnutrition), Bone Density Measurements (Preventing Fractures) and the need for other drugs). These tests are repeated at least 1 year intervals depending on the patient's condition.


It usually includes drugs and methods used not directly against menopause, but against diseases caused by it (osteoporosis, etc.).
Calcium supplements, Vitamin D, Diet (Calcium-rich diet is essential. Milk, yogurt, cheese etc. diet is tried to prevent bone loss.), Exercise (Every day 30 minutes walking and simple weight lifting, muscle strengthening movements, medicines are as important.), Summer In order to benefit from sunlight (ultra-viole), regular sunbathing is beneficial.


Although the aim is to prevent diseases, appropriate treatments are performed when it cannot be prevented.

Osteoclasis; If fracture occurs, appropriate treatment is provided and rehabilitation is provided by physical therapy. Pain and respiratory distress caused by humpback due to fractures are tried to be assisted by physical therapy and appropriate instruments. The house should be rearranged according to the patient to prevent the formation of fractures. Handles are attached to the sides of stairs, bathroom and toilet. Special battery or generator lamps can be placed on the stairs to prevent crashes and falls during power cuts. Slippery covering materials (carpets, rugs, etc.) can be fixed.

Urinary Incontinence; It depends on sagging of the bladder neck or increased bladder activity (detrusor instability). Surgery in cases with increased bladder neck mobility; In the case of urinary incontinence due to untimely contractions of the bladder muscle, medications, physical therapy and / or treatments based on electrical simulation of the bladder are suitable. The treatment should be decided by an expert physician, laboratory and urodynamic (computerized recording of filling, voiding and incontinence pressures of the bladder). In poorly selected patients, treatment may not improve urinary incontinence and may increase.

Recommendations for comfortable menopause

- Stay away from alcohol and cigarette
- Take care of your diet (Eat calcium-rich milk and dairy products)
- Do not consume spicy and spicy foods
- Exercise 30 minutes a day
- Include soy products and legumes in your meals
- Get a Hobby
- Take your time
- Share your feelings with your partner and friends
- Be under the doctor's supervision.

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