Friday, October 25, 2019

Basic Care Allergy Relief Loratadine Tablets, 300 Count

5 ways to prevent allergic rhinitis

Basic Care Allergy Relief Loratadine Tablets, 300 Count

We welcomed the spring season and the warm weather it brought with it. The time spent in the streets, parks and gardens increased with the warm weather. Here are five ways to prevent allergic rhinitis…

Of course, this caused some allergic problems. Plant pollens, especially spread around, adversely affect many people, especially children and allergic rhinitis patients.

The spread of these pollens into the air causes sneezing, nasal itching, burning in the eyes and watering, and allergic symptoms. Chest Diseases Specialist from Central Hospital Dr. Mübeccel Akman gave information about allergic rhinitis and preventive suggestions in order not to turn spring months into a nightmare.

Allergic rhinitis, which is one of the most common genetically transmitted allergic diseases, is described as inflammation of the nasal mucosa caused by allergen. The formation of allergic rhinitis begins with the adherence of allergens to the respiratory tract and triggers inflammatory reactions.

This problem usually manifests itself in people with allergic susceptibility. Allergic rhinitis, which seriously affects the quality of life of the patients, can occur at an early age and may occur at an advanced age.

Herald of runny nose and sneezing allergy in succession
Allergic rhinitis
Allergic rhinitis caused by agents such as pollen, house dust, animal hair and mold fungus has pronounced signs, such as nasal congestion or discharge and recurrent sneezes. This problem is not one of life-threatening illnesses, but it seriously disturbs people. Allergic rhinitis may also occur with eye fever, sinusitis, or asthma.

Indoor workers are also at risk
Allergic incidence is increasing in parallel with global warming. In particular, the fact that people work indoors such as plazas and offices is one of the factors that trigger allergic rhinitis.

The transition from open spaces to closed and crowded spaces and the increase in the number of mites in these spaces accelerates the spread of allergic rhinitis. In addition, exhaust and polluted air effects on streets and streets are among the reasons for the increase in allergy cases.

Some practical suggestions make life easier for allergy sufferers
Some of the things that employees will pay attention to in the work environment can significantly facilitate their lives. One of these issues is the use of air conditioning as much as possible. However, if the patients with allergic rhinitis must be present in the air-conditioned environment, care must be taken that the air conditioner used is pollen filtered.

In addition, these filters should be cleaned frequently. Thus, dust and pollen from outside can be prevented. The ventilation of the office should be done only at certain hours, especially in the days when windy weather is dominant, the office windows should be kept closed to protect against pollen.

Never smoke in the office environment. Of course, the cleaning of the desks, cupboards and shelves in the office and the frequent removal of dust is also very important for patients with allergic rhinitis. Plants and flowers also cause allergic rhinitis should not be kept in the office environment. It should be remembered that allergic rhinitis patients should pay attention to office conditions as well as home and vehicle environments.

Start protection from allergies by avoiding allergens!
Prevention of allergic rhinitis should first be avoided by avoiding the underlying factors. However, the protection process is not as easy as it is thought because the factors around the person are common. Although it is difficult to avoid allergic rhinitis, the problem can be alleviated by some precautions.

Work can be started by avoiding places with heavy dust or smoke. Furthermore, care should be taken not to spend time in open areas during spring months when pollen increases. Persons with high sensitivity to allergens should wear masks when going outdoors.
For people with allergic rhinitis, the humidity and temperature setting of their environment is also very important. They can use steam room humidifiers to create a humid environment in their homes and offices.
Carpet, rug, blanket, such as items can accommodate a very dense flows. For this reason, allergic rhinitis patients should take care not to keep such things in their living spaces. In addition, pets should not be fed in home and office environments as it may cause allergies.
There is a lot of mold in plants and flowers. These molds can trigger allergies when they spread to the environment. Therefore, there should be as few plants as possible in homes and offices.
Persons with allergic rhinitis or allergy complaints should consult a specialist before performing these procedures. After assessing and identifying allergens, the attending physician should draw up an appropriate treatment. Physician-advised medicines should also be used regularly.

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What is food allergy?

Food allergy is that the immune system perceives a food that is actually harmless as a harmful substance. In response, the body activates the defense system.

Food allergies can be seen starting in infancy and even in the womb. Infants with a history of allergy (allergic rhinitis, asthma, food allergy or eczema) in at least one parent or sibling in the family may be as high as 20% at the age of 5-7 years.

Babies give symptoms immediately when they have allergies. When you try a food for the first time or for the second time, you will immediately see traces of allergies in your baby. Allergic symptoms may include redness of the face, mouth, tongue or body, swelling of the lips or eyes, constant flow or obstruction of the nose, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. In more severe cases, wheezing, difficult breathing, weakness may also occur in the form. In this case, you should seek help from your doctor immediately.

Which infants have a higher risk of food allergy?

Does your family have food allergies? Before you worry about your baby, it's worth looking for the answer. Because children in the family with allergies are more likely to have allergies. Besides, babies with eczema may be more prone to food allergy.

Infants with a history of allergy (allergic rhinitis, asthma, food allergy or eczema) in at least one parent or sibling in the family may be as high as 20% at the age of 5-7 years.
Since infancy is a very sensitive period in terms of the emergence of food allergy, allergy should be prevented in infants and the necessary steps should be taken immediately after birth.

How does food allergy progress?

When the baby has an allergy, it gives immediate symptoms. When you try a food for the first time or for the second time, you will immediately see traces of allergies in the baby. Allergic symptoms may include redness of the face, mouth, tongue or body, swelling of the lips or eyes, constant flow of the nose or congestion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. In more severe cases, a child's allergy may also occur in the form of wheezing, difficult breathing and weakness. In this case, you should seek help from your doctor immediately.

Different allergy types are available. some allergies are more insidious. We can call them delayed allergies. Symptoms occur over time. Therefore, they are more difficult to detect. Because they do not give symptoms immediately, the child continues to eat these foods. In general, milk, soy, egg and wheat products can cause allergy. Allergic symptoms can also be eczema, reflux, stomach pain, inadequate growth, diarrhea or constipation. Even if you stop giving the allergy food to the child, the symptoms do not completely disappear, but they are alleviated.

If you suspect that your baby has this allergy, you can keep an allergy diary. Make a note of the food and allergy symptoms you give your baby here. And make sure to write these notes for at least two weeks. In order to detect such a food allergy, you should seek help from a doctor.

How can allergies be diagnosed?

If you suspect that your child has allergies, go to your doctor first. There's a lot of allergy tests. They will try to understand what your baby is allergic to by skin tests or blood tests. Don't forget to tell your doctor what foods you suspect. The tests will be based on the foods you suspect, but can also test common allergies (cow's milk, wheat products, soy, fish, shells, eggs, peanuts, nuts, walnuts, etc.). If you wish, you can ask your doctor about allergy medications, but it is best to detect and remove foods that your baby is allergic to.

What are the symptoms of food allergy?

Allergic symptoms:
Abdominal pain in cramp style
Cough, wheezing
Recurrent middle ear problems
Flu (nasal itching, sneezing, nasal discharge)

For many people with food allergies, these reactions are more uncomfortable than dangerous. However, in rare cases, more severe reactions may occur. In such a case you should go to the doctor urgently.

Risky foods in food allergy

Cow's milk: Your doctor will decide whether products such as cheese, yogurt, butter, cream can be included in the diet of children who are allergic to cow's milk.

Egg: Since it is consumed frequently and is found in many foods, it is easily allergic. Egg white is more common to allergy than yolk. Egg allergy is more common, especially in infancy and early childhood. Over the years, the effect is diminishing. It ends completely in adulthood. Symptoms of egg allergy can occur in the form of eczema or itching skin and eye lesions. Egg allergy can be manifested by redness, wheezing, vomiting and diarrhea following the ingestion of the egg itself or the foods containing the egg. When allergy symptoms occur, the egg should be given a break for at least six months.

Fish and shellfish: Allergic fish and seafood include: Mackerel, tuna, lobster, cod, sardines, crayfish, shrimp, crab, snails, mussels, oysters, squid.

Shelled and oily nuts (such as nuts, peanuts): Allergic foods in this group are peanuts, almonds, coconuts, chestnuts, walnuts, pistachios, hazelnuts and walnuts. Many doctors say that babies should be introduced to nuts for 12 to 36 months. If you do not have an allergic baby, if your family does not have a history of allergies, you can introduce your baby to dried fruits for around 12 months. But if you have an allergy-prone baby, maybe you can wait between 24 and 36 months.

Cereals: Corn is less allergen than wheat. Since wheat has an important place in every diet, it is very difficult to remove it from the diet. Those with wheat allergy (gluten entropathy and / or celiac) may also have to remove bread, bulgur, couscous, crackers, starch, durum wheat and durum flour, gluten, pasta, noodles.

Meats: Food allergies to chicken and beef are also common in infancy. Lamb is less allergic. Infants susceptible to milk may have an allergic reaction to beef, and individuals with egg allergies may also be susceptible to chicken meat.

Fruits, vegetables: Fruits and vegetables, especially strawberries, kiwi pineapples, tomatoes, can cause allergies in children. Oranges can cause symptoms in childhood due to frequent consumption. Vegetables such as zucchini and tomatoes can cause various clinical symptoms. While there is a sensitivity to the peel of vegetables such as potatoes or carrots, there may be no indication of edible parts.

Spices and condiments: Ginger, celery seeds, cinnamon, cloves, coriander, coconut, mustard, black pepper, red pepper, poppy seeds, sage and vanilla can cause food allergies.

Mustard: A strong allergen, especially in children can cause asthma or urticaria.

Chocolate: Allergic rhinorrhea, migraine, flushing itching and digestive system disorders may be seen especially in children due to frequent consumption.

What should I pay attention to?

-Do not diagnose yourself; this may deprive you or your child of a very important nutrient for growth and development. Always seek help from your doctor in the diagnosis and treatment of food allergy.

-Get the habit of “label reading için for each product you buy (ingredients, production and expiry date).

- A sick child suspected of having a food allergy should not be given food suspected until the tests are completed by an allergy specialist.

-Food allergies after diagnosis is confirmed treatment, your child is allergic to food or nutrients to remove from the diet. Absolute avoidance is essential as severe reactions can occur even in very small amounts.

- If an important nutrient is removed from the diet, it is necessary to regulate the diet to prevent malnutrition.

- If the person diagnosed with food allergy or that person is a child, his / her family, carers and school staff should be informed of the symptoms and, if necessary, emergency treatment. The importance of emergency treatment should be emphasized.

- An emergency action plan should be given to the family and should be trained in the use of adrenaline automatic injectors in serious reactions.

- No food should be taken from children who are allergic to food, from strangers, or from selling places.

- Processed, frozen or packaged foods may contain hidden food proteins; nutrient labels and their contents should be read carefully during shopping. Food eaten in restaurants may also have hidden food allergens; information on food ingredients should be obtained from the food preparation.

What should be done in the nursery for my child with allergies?

The most important step is to inform all the staff in the nursery. Your doctor may write a special article for the nursery. Here you can find out what the symptoms are and what should be done when symptoms occur. All medicines should be at hand and employees should know how to use them.

Try to make sure that your child does not share the food of another child.

Check the school menu every time the list changes. Be sure to see if there are foods that cause allergies.

Are food allergies persistent in children?

Food allergies tend to improve in children and adults. For this reason, the loading test should be followed at regular intervals to see if it improves. Allergies to milk, eggs, wheat and soy usually improve over the years. In contrast, nuts, fish and shellfish allergies are not expected to improve ...

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Pregnancy and allergy

NasalCrom Nasal Spray Allergy Symptom Controller | 200 Sprays | .88 FL OZ

Allergic diseases are among the most common diseases of the society and allergic conditions may occur during pregnancy.

Allergic diseases include redness, swelling and itching of the skin (atopic dermatitis, eczema, urticaria and angioedema), stinging and watery eyes (allergic conjunctivitis), increased nasal secretion, itching, congestion (allergic rhinitis), shortness of breath in the lungs (allergic asthma) or digestion. diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite (food allergies).

Symptoms are caused by exposure of an allergic person to a certain allergy. These allergy agents may be substances such as various mites, dust, pollen, animal hair taken by inhalation, as well as various foods (eggs, strawberries, chocolate and many other foodstuffs), detergents through skin contact, various metal jewelery or various drugs such as penicillin group antibiotics. . Generally speaking, every substance in the world and even drugs used for allergies may be the cause of allergy.

On average 20% of mothers are known to have any allergic conditions.

What is Allergy?
Our Immune System is our system that protects our body against incoming foreign substances, bacteria, viruses and other living cells and works to destroy the small number of cancer cells that occur in everyone's body from time to time. In its simplest definition, the allergy is the excessive response of the immune system.

The tissue structure of the baby that grows in the mother during pregnancy is different from that of the mother. The reason for this is that half of the genes in the baby's structure come from the father-to-be.

Despite this tissue difference, although our body tends to remove the foreign tissue transferred to it in a short time, the baby may continue to grow in the womb even though it is a foreign tissue as a result of “readjustments inde in the immune system during pregnancy. Although these changes in the immune system generally contribute to the reduction of allergic diseases in the expectant mother, this is not always the case, and pre-existing allergic conditions may be alleviated during pregnancy, or aggravation may occur or non-allergic conditions may occur for the first time during pregnancy.

The Role of Family in Allergy
The probability of developing an allergic condition in the infant is approximately 40%, especially if one of the mother or father is allergic to the respiratory tract. When both parents are allergic, there is a 70% chance of developing an allergy.

The Role of Environmental Factors in Allergy
The earlier and more often a genetically predisposed person is exposed to allergy-triggering factors, the longer the first occurrence and severity of the allergic condition increases.

The Role of Psychological Factors in Allergy
When the individual who has experienced the first allergic reaction returns to this first experience, he can relive the reaction even if the allergy conditions at that time have disappeared. Considering the close relationship between the immune system and the brain, the close link between psychological factors and the development of allergies can be better understood.

Pregnancy and Asthma
Asthma is a disease that occurs in approximately 3-4% of our population. Asthma is seen in approximately 1.5% of pregnancy because it is relatively less seen between the ages of 20-65. Although it is impossible to predict the course of asthma during pregnancy, symptoms of asthma in general do not change in 50% of mothers during pregnancy, 25% are heavier in mothers and 25% in mothers. Asthma, which is accompanied by symptoms such as narrowing of the bronchi, shortness of breath and cough in case of exposure to an allergic agent, is not considered as a condition that adversely affects the course of pregnancy.

When left uncontrolled, asthma is a condition that should be carefully monitored during pregnancy as it may cause an increased risk of miscarriage, preterm birth, low birth weight and newborn death.

It is important that mothers with asthma should avoid allergens, cigarettes, infections, heavy exercise and medications such as aspirin, which may cause an asthma attack in themselves.

In the treatment of asthma during pregnancy, the branch doctor prescribes drugs that are not expected to have a negative impact on the baby in cooperation with the doctor following the pregnancy.

In particular, the elimination of domestic allergens (mites, pets, cockroaches and molds), frequent ventilation of the house, strictly non-smoking at home, good protection of the respiratory system from viral and bacterial diseases, especially in winter, and influenza vaccination It is important.

A wide range of medications are available for asthma, either by inhalation, in the form of tablets and injections, and may be used safely, including the first trimester, as required by the pulmonary diseases specialist. If desensitization treatment (erji allergy vaccine ”) has started before pregnancy, this treatment should be continued according to the advice of the allergy specialist.

Rhinitis (inflammation of the nose) and “Allergic Flu”
Although various symptoms of nasal mucosa (nasal congestion, increased nasal secretion, nasal itching) occur in one third of the mothers, a significant portion of them are due to the general fluid increase in the body during the pregnancy which causes enlargement of the nasal vessels. Especially in mothers with curvature of the nasal bone, such symptoms are more common.

The main symptoms of allergic rhinitis (erjik allergic rhinitis görülen), which are common in mothers with allergies, can be summarized as nasal congestion, sneezing and nasal itching.

Allergic rhinitis may occur as a result of contact of nasal mucosa with pollen, mite, mold, dust and animal hair in susceptible mothers. Allergic rhinitis is present in most cases from the pre-pregnancy period, but sometimes the first symptoms can also occur during pregnancy.

It is very important to distinguish between allergic rhinitis, bacterial rhinitis with pus-discharge and nasal obstruction, drug-induced rhinitis caused by irresponsible long-term use of nasal drops, and vasomotor rhinitis which may result in nasal obstruction with nasal obstruction. The treatment of each of the aforementioned diseases is different.

Allergic rhinitis is a condition that can cause insomnia and inability to breathe and decrease appetite by adversely affecting the sense of taste in very advanced cases during pregnancy and it should be treated.

The treatment starts with avoiding allergy-causing factors and nasal drops and other treatments that do not harm the baby can be applied with the advice of the doctor when necessary.

Desensitization (immunotherapy, allergy vaccine) should be continued if started before pregnancy.

Urticaria is an allergic skin disease that manifests itself as round, puffy, red, and itchy lesions on the superficial layer of the skin. Lesions that go deeper in the skin layers are called angioedema. It appears intensely on hands, feet and body.

Various foods, medicines, various infections, soaps and perfumes used, insect stings, various foods and jewelry can cause urticaria in the mother.

As with all allergic diseases, it is possible to avoid the causative agent and treat with the drugs used when necessary.

PUPP Disease (Pruritic Dermatosis of Pregnancy, Pregnancy Urticaria)
It is a common skin disease in pregnancy and manifests itself as itchy skin rashes that occur during the last months of pregnancy. The rash that starts around the belly button spreads to the upper parts of the legs and further down and is quite itchy. In advanced cases, it can spread to every part of the body except the face area.

It is usually seen in expectant mothers who have a first pregnancy, their familial characteristics are strong, and the likelihood of recurrence in subsequent pregnancies is low.

Cortisone creams can be used as well as warm carbonated baths. This disease, which does not adversely affect the baby, disappears rapidly in the days following birth.

Atopic Dermatitis
Allergic rhinitis, asthma and food allergies are common in the same maternal candidate in this allergic skin disease which is seen in 2% of adults. The most common skin areas are the neck, upper chest, mouth, elbow and back of the knee, and around the eyes. It does not adversely affect the course of pregnancy and is treated with locally effective drugs that do not harm the baby.

Anaphylaxis is a severe condition that can be defined by the rapid onset of allergic reactions, sometimes resulting in death. The response that occurs shortly after the allergen enters the body can cause urticaria and angioedema, asthma attacks and larynx spasms in the respiratory system, severe drop in blood pressure in the cardiovascular system, or nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, fecal incontinence in the digestive system. The most common cause of this condition, which is very rare in pregnancy, is drug allergy. It is very important that treatment should be started in a short time. Penicillin antibiotics and intravenous iron are the most common drugs that cause anaphylaxis reaction, but any drug can cause this reaction. It has been shown that even exercise during exercise and especially labor can cause anaphylaxis.

Drug Allergy in Pregnancy
Drug allergy is relatively low as the use of drugs generally decreases during pregnancy. It is very important for mothers who are known to be allergic to a certain drug to report this to their doctor.
Not all itchy allergies.

Non-allergic Itching: Pregnancy
The most important cause of widespread pruritus in the body during pregnancy is the condition called pregnancy itching, not allergy. In one of the approximately 700 mothers, this disease is usually seen in the last weeks of pregnancy. Due to the increase in pregnancy hormones, the flow in the bile ducts slows down and bile acids that cause itching in the blood accumulate.

Although itching is usually the only symptom during pregnancy, it may cause bilirubin and jaundice in the biliary ducts.

Pregnancy pruritus alone is not considered to adversely affect the course of pregnancy and the condition of the baby, but closer follow-up is necessary if jaundice is present.

Pregnancy pruritus is a condition that should be differentiated from liver involvement that may develop during the course of preeclampsia, but this distinction can easily be made by the fact that blood pressure is normal and there is no protein output in urine.

In the treatment of pregnancy itching, according to the doctor's recommendation, regional cream or lotion treatment or oral tablets may be used.

Pregnancy itching usually disappears two weeks after birth, but it is usually recurrent in every pregnancy, and the same symptoms may occur when mothers who are infected take the contraceptive pill.

Last word
If you have an allergic body, and if you are or have been treated, you should preferably consult a doctor before becoming pregnant. This can be used to determine which substances are allergic as well as to prepare a treatment plan for pregnancy. If desensitization (treatment for the desensitization of the body against the allergy agent) is to be carried out, the best period to begin is the pre-pregnancy period.

It may be beneficial for mothers who have increased allergic reactions during the pollen seasons to plan the first 3 months of their pregnancy so that they do not meet this season.

Is it Possible to Prevent Allergy Development in the Infant?
Although the following information concerns every parent, it is particularly important if the parent or both are particularly allergic.

You can:
Prevent your baby from becoming allergic to food:

If you have an allergic disease, avoid allergy-causing factors (such as milk, eggs, peanuts) during breastfeeding.
Feed your baby for the first 6 months only if possible with breast milk or use appropriate food
Give solid food after 6 months
Do not give foods containing cow's milk, soy, wheat, corn, or peaty before the age of 1
Do not give foods such as eggs, fish, peanuts before the age of 2
Prevent your baby from being exposed to environmental factors that may cause allergies:
Clean your baby's environments and especially the room from allergic factors such as mite, mold, animal hair.
Prevent animals from entering the room, do not use carpets
Ventilate and moisten the room well
Help strengthen your baby's immune response:
Only breastfeed her for the first 6 months

Never smoke at home
Avoid viral infections and, if possible, do not deliver your baby to the caregiver for a period of time

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How is itching?

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Most people suffer from itching or itching during the allergy season or because of the flu. Fortunately, there are a number of methods, both natural and medical, that you can use to quickly and effectively relieve sore throat. Getting rid of a sore itch can be just a few steps away.

Using Natural Solutions

Gargle with salt water. Add half a teaspoon of salt to a cup of warm water and mix well. Take a sip and gargle for 10 seconds, then spit; Do not swallow.
Salt helps to break up excess phlegm and reduce inflammation that can cause itching, tickling of the throat.
Repeat this 2 to 3 times a day until your throat is better.

Eat some honey. Honey is a great natural solution because it covers the throat and quickly reduces itching or irritation. For best results, eat one tablespoon of honey each morning.
Eat pure and local honey, if possible, because it helps to improve allergy resistance.
If you cannot eat the honey directly, adding a tablespoon of honey to your tea is also an option.
Never give honey to babies younger than 12 months because the bacteria contained in honey can cause a disease called infant botulism, which can lead to death.

Make honey, lemon and ginger tea. Put a small amount of honey on the bottom of the glass and fill the cup with hot water to the brim.
Then, squeeze 1 to 3 slices of lemon into it. Finally, grate a little ginger and stir.
Drink a few glasses all day long to relieve sore itch and pain.

Drink milk with turmeric. Mixing turmeric into milk is a home remedy that has been applied for many years to relieve the itchy throat.
Before going to bed, boil a teaspoon of turmeric in a saucepan (you can mix it with turmeric water).
Wait for the milk to cool slightly before drinking. Drink it every night until your throat itches.

Apple cider vinegar drink. Apple cider vinegar is used in many home remedies and has a wide range of health benefits; one of them is to spend itchy throat.
Add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a cup of hot water and gently sip.
If you want, you can add a tablespoon of honey to improve its taste. If you don't like the taste of honey, maple syrup is a good alternative.

Try horseradish. In Russia, a popular household solution to relieve sore throat is a horseradish drink.
In a glass, put a tablespoon of pure horseradish (the plant itself, not the sauce), a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of cloves.
Fill the cup with hot water, stir with a spoon to dispense the horseradish mixture thoroughly, then drink slowly.

Use an air humidifier. Living in a very dry environment or sleeping can cause the throat to dry and itch.
Putting an air humidifier in your living room or bedroom will moisturize the air and help relieve the itchiness.
If you don't want to spend money on an air humidifier, you can get the same results by putting a large bowl of water under the radiator or keeping plants where you live.

Drink more water. Thirst is one of the most common causes of throat itching because the throat dries and does not have enough mucus to moisturize and protect the delicate tissue.
Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water and enough green tea and herbal tea a day.
It is especially important to drink water from the flu or flu, because you are prone to losing too much fluid by sweating because of fever and by removing mucus by sneezing and sniffing your nose.

Protect Your Throat

Get rid of bad habits. There are some substances that, when used frequently, can cause thirst and cause sore throat and itching.
Caffeine-containing drinks such as coffee, tea and soft drinks can cause thirst (and affect sleep), so try to cut them down or at least reduce them.
The use of excipients and certain medications (eg antidepressants) can cause thirst and irritation of the throat.
Smoking dries the throat very much and causes itching and irritation as well as many health problems, so consider quitting or at least reducing it.

Keep your voice. Speaking too much, shouting or singing can cause your throat to over-work, causing dryness and itching.
If you believe this is probably the cause of the itchy itch, take a break for at least an hour or two every day and try to rest your voice (no talking, singing or shouting).
If you have a job that requires you to use your voice a lot, always remember to have a bottle of water with you, so you can keep your throat moist during the day.

Deal with allergies. An allergic reaction to a particular food, plant or pollen can cause symptoms such as watery eyes, sneezing, congestion, and sore throat.
Take an antihistamine tablet every day to see if your symptoms are alleviating.
Also try to determine the cause of the allergy by keeping a food diary or going to the doctor for an allergy test.

Using Over-the-Counter Solutions

Throat lozenge or cough lozenge em. Ordinary throat lozenges do not do much to improve the throat, but relieve pain.
The extra saliva you produce from the sugar in your mouth will dampen your throat and ease itching.
In the meantime, the drug in the cough lozenge serves as a local anesthetic that numbs irritation in the throat.

Use antihistamines. Antihistamines block histamine, a chemical found in the body that can cause itching of the throat. Benadryl, Zyrtec and Claritine are antihistamines against flu and cold, designed to relieve sore throat and itching.
Side effects of antihistamines include dry mouth, dizziness and headache.

Try painkillers. Known analgesics, such as aspirin or Ibuprofen, also known as analgesics, can help relieve sore throat associated with sore itch. Follow the instructions on the packaging for the correct dosage.
Remember that aspirin should never be given to children and children who are recovering from varicella or flu-like symptoms because it can lead to rare but fatal Reye's syndrome. [1]

Use a throat spray. Throat spray is a great way to get a sore itch and dry, tickle coughs. Generally, they contain phenol (or a similar ingredient) that numbs the throat.
Throat sprays are available over the counter in most pharmacies and are relatively inexpensive.
Some throat sprays even have different flavors, such as mint or fruit.

Gargle with mouthwash. Gargling with a mouthwash containing menthol twice a day (eg, Listerine) helps to numb the throat and alleviates the irritating feeling of itching.

Go to the doctor for serious or persistent symptoms. Often, itching of the throat heals with home treatment. But if your symptoms last more than 10 days, worsen rapidly, or if the symptoms are accompanied by high fever, you should call your doctor. If you have wheezing or difficulty breathing, pouring hives, swollen face, severe sore throat and fever, or if you have difficulty swallowing, go to the doctor immediately. Any of these symptoms may indicate a more serious problem.
Throat itching may be the result of an allergic reaction to a food or medicine, which may occur from a few minutes to a few hours after consuming the trigger. This could be a life-threatening situation.
It may also indicate a bacterial or viral infection, such as a sore itch or pain, strep sore throat, tonsillitis or flu, which the doctor should treat.
In some cases, throat itching may be the result of reflux or side effects of drugs such as an ACE inhibitor given against high blood pressure.

Pregnant women and people with breathing difficulties should avoid throat spray.
If you've had trouble with over-the-counter medications in the past, consult your doctor before using anything for your throat.
No matter how much it hurts, do not take more than recommended cold medicines and swallow salt water.
Find out if you're allergic before you eat honey.

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How should children with atopic dermatitis be fed?

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How should children with atopic dermatitis be fed? How Often Should They Eat? Is there an effect of foods to increase disease attacks or are there foods that soothe this disease?

Most of the eczema seen in childhood are atopic eczema. In these patients, food allergy is one of the common causes of recurrent eczema attacks in the body. To date, many studies have documented the role of food allergies in eczema. The best treatment for food allergy-related conditions is to take precautions and the best measure is to breastfeed during infancy. Research supports that breastfeeding provides significant protection against child eczema and allergies in general.

If the breastfed baby has eczema, this is usually the result of the transfer of allergy antigens in breast milk to the baby. When faced with such a condition, the mother should avoid cow's milk, chicken eggs, soy, wheat and peanuts, which are common food allergens.

Milk, eggs and peanuts are among the most common food allergens that trigger eczema in children who are fed larger or prepared foods. In one study, these 3 nutrients were responsible for about 81% of eczema cases in childhood.

The best way to diagnose food allergies is ’’ elimination and addition ’’. In this method, foods that are suspected of causing allergies are removed from the nutrition program for at least 10 days, then individually and their effects are carefully monitored and taken back to the nutrition program. This approach is particularly useful in childhood eczema. A simple way of eliminating dairy products, eggs, peanuts, tomatoes, artificial coloring and preservatives provides a significant improvement in at least 75% of cases.

In order to prevent the development of further allergies, allergy-causing nutrients should be detected as early as possible. Dealing with multiple nutrient allergies can be too difficult to accomplish, as it will limit the nutritional program too much. However, early detection and elimination of allergy-causing nutrients will prevent the development of new allergies. If you have allergies to a particular food you should stay away from it for at least a year. Research has shown that if patients can stay away from allergic foods for up to a year, in many cases the allergy disappears or gradually decreases. One study showed that the loss of food allergies was 26% and the loss of allergies in other food allergens was 66% in eczema patients who could avoid 5 major food allergens (eggs, milk, wheat, soy and peanuts).

As a result, an effective treatment in atopic dermatitis can be summarized as detecting and eliminating nutrient allergies to prevent attacks, relieving the burden on the immune system, suppressing histamine release and other allergic elements in the skin. There are also many nutrients that have been proven to help treat atopic dermatitis. The use of probiotics has been shown to suppress the formation of atopic dermatitis. Probiotics have been shown to modify the potential allergen structures causing atopic dermatitis and reduce their immunogenicity. It has been shown that the intake of omega-3 oils improves eczema. Vitamin C can both stimulate the healing of the skin and strengthen the immune system. In addition, low levels of zinc in patients with eczema and the fact that zinc provides essential fatty acid metabolism to function properly indicate the need for zinc supplementation in the treatment of atopic eczema.

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Healing Tanks: 14 Food and Nutrients that Prevent Allergy

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Because our eating habits and the foods we consume directly affect our body resistance, we can say that it is the first and most important step of protection from diseases for healthy and balanced nutrition.

Furthermore, due to genetic and environmental factors, some people are more susceptible to non-hazardous substances and may overreact.

When these substances, called allergens, come into contact with our immune system, the body produces an excessive amount of protective agent (antibody) against it, which is called an allergy. Allergic asthma, allergic eye fever, asthma, food allergy, such as diagnoses affect 30% of our society is considered to be a serious problem for all of us. It is possible to suppress and even prevent allergen effects by consuming certain food groups rich in minerals and vitamins.

Apples against skin rash and itching

Quercetin, a chemical pigment and very useful in diets, is abundant in apple peel. At the same time, it prevents the release of histamine, a nitrogenous compound, prevents allergic reactions such as redness, swelling and itching of the skin and provides effective protection. By consuming at least one apple a day in your salads and snacks, you can suppress allergic reactions.

Sweet potato with food that causes allergy

Sweet potato, one of the oldest vegetables known to man, is highly nutritious. If you have an allergic structure, the most important foods you should add to your diet are sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes, the first safe food for babies in history, are the least likely to cause allergies. It is a high antioxidant source and also contains vitamin C.

High protein source buckwheat

Don't let the name buckwheat fool you, it's actually a seed structure. Sensitivity to buckwheat or intolerance to another name is very rare. This makes it the perfect alternative to wheat and other grains. You can make a healthy breakfast by combining the crushed buckwheat with oatmeal and use flour for various recipes. Buckwheat contains a high percentage of protein contains 100 calories and 92 calories. It is also a satiated and healthy food for individuals taking care of fat measurement.

Vitamin C Store Rosehip

Rosehip is the fruit of the rose plant, as well as being antiallergic. The suppressing content of histamine-forming enzymes and the presence of vitamin C make it anti-allergy. It can also be said to be a good source of vitamin E. You can use a wide variety of dry and fresh form from soup to dessert in all your recipes, you can also consume herbal tea.

Flax seeds for selenium and omega-3

Flax seeds; cancer, heart disease and joint pain. It also helps to prevent and alleviate the allergic reaction. This important anti-allergenic seed is a very good source for selenium recovery. Flaxseed and oil are one of the best plant origin sources for Omega-3 fatty acids. High intake of Omega-3 is directly associated with reducing the risk of allergies.

Green tea for more catechin

Although green tea is known to help to lose weight and expel edema, it is not the only benefit. Scientific sources show that green tea also helps treat allergies. It is better to brew real green tea leaves instead of bags. It will make it more convenient for the body to benefit from catechins when consumed with a high vitamin C-containing substance, for example fresh juice rich in this aspect.

Garlic against cancer and high blood pressure

Garlic has been accepted as a medicinal food since ancient times and has been used as a medicine for a wide range of diseases. Research shows that it is effective in supporting heart health, preventing cancer, and lowering high blood pressure. The beneficial effect of garlic on allergies is to suppress certain enzymes that produce inflammatory prostaglandins and thromboxanes.

Inflammation fighter rosemary

Rosemary is a polyphenol plant containing rosmarinic acid that suppresses allergic reactions. Prevents inflammation in the body. Allergic bodies should therefore use freshly squeezed orange juice and rosemary to further enhance their effect in tomato sauces and meat fries.

Dandelion source of both vitamin C and E

Dandelion is a healing plant that we don't use in our kitchens that can add flavor to some of the foods that can help you get rid of allergy. The leaves contain a high proportion of beta carotene. It is a good source of vitamin C and E. Fresh dandelion leaves can be used for tea or salads.

Spices in the curry: Turmeric

Turmeric has been used in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine for centuries. Turmeric, a strong root plant of the ginger family, helps prevent allergic reactions with its anti-inflammatory properties. The mixture is also contained in the curry, a spice. Suitable for salads, rice, sauces, vegetables and meat dishes.

Antioxidant source mushrooms

Research shows that the fungus can alleviate allergic reactions because of the selenium it contains. The antiallergic effect of selenium plays a role in the body's antioxidant system and is an important component of various enzymes.

Mustard greens to break down histamine

If you are sensitive to allergic reactions, you can make an excellent addition to your diet with mustard greens filled with antioxidants. Mustard greens cleanse free radicals in the body, fight inflammation, and help break down histamine. It is one of the best beta carotene sources. It is a good provider of vitamin C and E. Seeds and greens are sold in large markets.

Sunflower seeds for vitamin E and selenium seekers

Although sunflower seed is rich in calories and fat, it is a very useful seed for allergy sufferers. Sunflower seeds are good sources of vitamin E and selenium, and a coffee cup alleviates allergies by providing more than one-third of the daily recommended intake.

Anchovy for Omega-3 naturally

If you know that you are not allergic to fish, you should add anchovy to your shopping list to eliminate other allergy sources. A high proportion of selenium-containing anchovies comprises about 28 grams of selenium, which is recommended to be taken daily with about 30 grams. It has been observed that anchovy, which is an excellent source of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, reduces allergic reactions in susceptible individuals. It also contains a very low amount of mercury compared to other fish.

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What Are Asthma Symptoms and Treatment Methods?

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Asthma, which makes it difficult to breathe with the narrowing of the airways and continues in attacks for a lifetime, affects 300 million people around the world. In order to control asthma attacks, it is necessary to be protected from triggering factors. Memorial Atasehir Hospital Chest Diseases Department experts gave information about asthma.

In our country, asthma is seen in 7 out of every 100 adults and 15 out of every 100 children as a result of the combined movement of genetic and environmental triggers. In asthma, which adversely affects the quality of life, the triggering factors are avoided and the drugs given are used properly, the complaints are easily controlled and attacks can be prevented. Thus, the process leading to respiratory failure is prevented.

What is Asthma?
The asthma airways are extremely sensitive to environmental factors. There is swelling in the airways and the membrane called the mucosa that lays the airways. This swelling interferes with air flow from time to time, causing respiratory distress. These periods are called asthma attacks.

What is Allergic Asthma?
Allergic asthma occurs especially in spring and summer. Allergic rhinitis, which affects approximately 20-25 percent of the population and is common in women, can cause asthma if left untreated. Allergies; It develops as a result of the abnormal response of the nose to small particles in the air, called allergens. In some people, these particles can cause allergic asthma in the lungs and allergic conjunctivitis in the eyes. Environmental factors and genetic predisposition play a major role in the development of allergies.

What Are the Symptoms of Asthma?
Asthma manifests itself in attacks caused by obstruction of the airways. Symptoms of asthma are usually; cough, shortness of breath, wheezing and chest tightness. Asthma symptoms that help to diagnose asthma features; they are repetitive, appear at night and in the morning, exposure to certain allergen substances or triggered after exercise. These symptoms do not occur between attacks and asthma patients feel good between attacks. The diagnosis of asthma is made by detailed patient history, examination findings and pulmonary function tests. General asthma symptoms are as follows;

Cough (usually dry and in crises may awaken asleep at night.)
Chest congestion and congestion
Whistling while breathing
Shortness of breath
Risk Factors Causing Asthma
Risk factors for asthma may vary depending on the individual and environmental factors. Accordingly, the risk factors in asthma can be listed as follows;

Family having asthma,
Carpentry, joinery, furniture, bakery, hairdressing, medical staff, veterinary, poultry breeding, welding, foundry, farming, plastic / rubber / chemical / pharmaceutical industries, tea / tobacco production, railway labor, firefighting, dry cleaning, cleaning labor some occupations,
Excessive exposure to allergens during infancy,
From the age of 2 to spend severe respiratory disorders,
Smoking during pregnancy (risk factor for the baby),
Smoking in parents,
Malnutrition and low-weight birth of the baby in the womb

When to consult a doctor in asthma?
If asthma symptoms recur continuously, consult a doctor immediately.

If complaints such as cough, wheezing, chest tightness occur more than once a week,
If the complaints wake you up at night,
If you have difficulty speaking,
If there is bruising on the lips and nails,
If the heart has excessive palpitation and pulse acceleration,
If there is difficulty in walking, consult your chest specialist as soon as possible.

Factors triggering asthma
Factors that do not have any effect in people without asthma can easily affect people with asthma. Therefore, it is extremely important to pay attention to the factors that trigger asthma.

House dust mites:

It is the most common allergen in asthmatics. Mites are creatures too small to be seen with the eye. They live in beds, pillows, carpets, furry toys and textile fibers. They need humid and hot environments to survive. They feed on dead cells that fall from the skin. Dehydrated feces cause allergies. Complaints of mite allergies increase in spring and autumn, and usually increase in the morning.

For protection from mites;

In particular, dust-holding articles such as carpets in the bedroom, velvet-clothed furniture / curtains, furry toys, armchairs and books should be removed or reduced as much as possible.
Leather or vinex coating should be preferred instead of fabric in furniture.
Beds, duvets and pillows should be replaced with synthetic ones such as orlon / dacron instead of cotton / wool / feather.
Bed linen and bed linen should be washed once a week, at or above 60 degrees.
Special mattress covers can be used. These covers should be wiped with a wet cloth every two weeks.
Curtains, rugs, clothing should be washed every 60 weeks or above 60 degrees.
Carpets should be cleaned at least once a week with a strong vacuum cleaner.
The patient should enter the cleaning room after at least 20 minutes. If he / she is cleaning himself, he should cover his mouth and nose with mask / cheesecloth.
Indoor humidity should be controlled. When the humidity in the air drops below 45%, the mites die.
Rooms should be well ventilated.
Steam engines and humidifiers should not be used.
Cleaning agents may be used for lethal chemicals. However, they should not be administered by the patient himself.

Pollen causes seasonal asthma complaints. Nose and nasal discharge, itching, sneezing, watering eyes, live, redness may be seen. Tree pollen causes complaints in February-May and grass pollen in May-June.

During the pollen season;

The windows of cars and houses should be kept closed.
The patient should not go out as far as possible.
He should use a mask if he can.
When coming home from outside, clothes should be washed immediately, if possible, nose wash and shower should be taken.
Laundry should not be dried outside, pollen may stick to them.
Cat / dog / cockroach allergens:

Allergens in cats and dogs fur, feathers, saliva, urine and feces can easily spread throughout the house. Cats have more allergic effects than dogs. Allergen effect persists even 3 months after the cat has moved away from home. Cockroaches are common, especially in kitchens, and live in recesses where food remains are full.

The most effective way to prevent cat / dog allergy is to remove these animals from the home and not to enter their environment.
If the animals cannot be removed from the home, they should be washed every week or every two weeks, brushed out in the open air every day, never inserted into the bedrooms and cleaned with a vacuum cleaner at least twice a week.
The only solution in cockroach allergy is to eliminate these organisms by spraying. However, the application should be made when the patient is not at home and should be well ventilated at least 2 hours before entering the house.
Domestic mushrooms:

Fungi can grow in poorly ventilated areas, such as damp, dark, cool basements and bathrooms.

Moisture in the house should be reduced as much as possible and the house should be ventilated frequently.
Wood, old books, papers, fruits and vegetables should not be kept in the house for a long time.
Moist surfaces should be wiped frequently with bleach.
Goods on which mushroom growth should be removed from the house.
Outdoor pollution:

In cases of increased air pollution, unnecessary physical activities and, as far as possible, should be avoided. When necessary, a short-acting bronchial expander recommended by the doctor should be used before going out. The windows should be kept closed in case of air pollution.

Indoor pollution:

Asthmatic patients should not smoke and should not be in smoking environments. Stoves and fireplaces without chimneys should not be used and the chimney should be cleaned frequently. While cooking, the fume of the cooker or oven should be drawn with the aspirator and the kitchen should be well ventilated. The asthmatic patient should not be exposed to coal / wood / liquid fuel smoke, perfume, cleaning agents, frying, spray, paint and lacquer odors as much as possible.

Microbial respiratory diseases:

Patients with asthma are more likely to develop microbial diseases of the airways than normal, which may exacerbate the complaints of asthmatics.

Asthmatics should avoid contact with people with respiratory infections.
Influenza vaccine is recommended for asthmatic patients in September-October every year.
It may be necessary to increase the dose of asthma medications or add new medications during microbial diseases.
Asthma patients can be easily affected by adverse weather conditions. Therefore, it should not be exposed to cold as much as possible. Refrain from exercising in the cold.

Short-acting airway expanders may be used before exercise. Exercise should not be limited, on the contrary, the sport should be done as much as the patient's body allows.

Gastroesophageal reflux:

The frequency of reflux in asthma patients; 35 to 90%. Reflux, which can also cause persistent coughs, may be silent and may not cause a patient's complaint. In this case, persistent cough should be considered and the presence of reflux in an asthmatic patient should be investigated.

Reflux is the escaping of the gastric acid back into the esophagus due to disruption of the valve mechanism at the lower end of the esophagus preventing the passage of stomach contents into the esophagus. When stomach acid goes up, it can cause contractions in the bronchi, asthma attacks and chronic coughs, especially at night in people with allergic asthma.

Is Asthma Genetics?
Genetic factors play a role in the century. Asthma may be present on the mother and father's side. The disease is more common in people with both parents who have asthma. Allergy also has a role in patients with genetic factors. However, not all allergic people have asthma, and not all asthmatic people may have allergies.

What is good for asthma?
The most important part of asthma treatment is to stay away from the factors that can lead to asthma attacks. Therefore, it is very important for the patient to know the causes of the asthma attack. Some of the measures that will be good for asthma are as follows;

Pets should not be fed at home if you are allergic to pets
No smoking in the house
Do not use household spray, scented detergent, perfume
Synthetic bedding should be used (feather pillows, blankets, etc.)
Especially in the bedroom rugs, carpets, furniture, pillows and cushions should not have
Mattress should be thin, simple and synthetic
House should be ventilated
When the pollen increases, the doors and windows inside the house should be kept closed.
Whitewash, paint, lacquer, insecticide application
Must be ventilated when frying and cooking smell occur in the house
Do not go outside if there is wind in dry weather
Avoid gardening such as lawn mowing and weed cleaning, which causes the mixing of allergens into the air
Holiday hotels or cottages should be reviewed for allergens
Do not overdo it when performing outdoor exercises.
Clothing worn outside should be changed when returning home and shower allergens removed from the skin and hair
Wide-edged glasses should be used when going out. People with a very allergic nature and asthma patients should also use allergy masks
Allergy medications should be taken before the complaints begin during periods of high amount of pollen
Doors and windows should be kept closed during high pollen density
External activities should be avoided in the first hours of the day when the amount of pollen is high.
Instead of opening windows at home and in the car, air conditioners with regular pollen filters should be used.
Keep the humidity of living spaces low
House cleaning should be done with a vacuum cleaner with HEPA filter.

How is Asthma Diagnosed?
From the diagnosis of asthma, the patient's complaints and asthma symptoms are evaluated first. This process is followed by physical examination, chest radiography, pulmonary function tests, blood allergy tests. Early diagnosis is important in asthma. Because allergic diseases may increase unless necessary precautions are taken and necessary treatment is performed.

Asthma Treatment
There is no miraculous treatment of allergic diseases and asthma. Because these diseases are genetic. However, they can be completely controlled by early diagnosis and good treatment. The most important treatment is the patient-physician relationship and the patient's knowledge about the disease. The aim of the treatment is to provide the patient with a life in which he has no or minimal complaints. Treatment is long-term. The first step in treatment is to avoid and avoid the allergens to which it is sensitive. The second step of treatment is drugs. First, inhalation, spray or powder drugs should be preferred.

Asthma Medications
Two types of drugs are used in the treatment of asthma. These; and medications that treat or control the disease; In the treatment of asthma, which medications will be used for how long and in which situations should be determined by the doctor.

In asthmatic patients, chest tightness, cough, runny nose, reddening of the eyes, redness of the head and neck may occur after half an hour after taking aspirin or other painkillers. In more serious cases, shock and loss of consciousness may occur. Nasal polyps may also accompany asthmatic patients with aspirin allergy. When necessary, a painkiller without a patient's allergy is preferred.

Some blood pressure and heart medications, eye drops used for glaucoma, and medications used during anesthesia and radiological examinations may cause complaints in asthma patients. If you tell your doctor that you have asthma before prescribing any medication, he or she will prescribe the appropriate medicine.

Asthma in Pregnancy
During pregnancy, no change is observed in half of asthmatic patients. Complaints increase in 1 out of 3 patients and complaints relieve in 1 out of 3 patients. Untreated asthma can harm the baby more than medications.

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