Thursday, October 17, 2019

Preparation H Hemorrhoid Symptom Treatment Suppositories, Burning, Itching and Discomfort Relief (48 Count)

What is Hemorrhoids? Hemorrhoids Symptoms and Treatment

Preparation H Hemorrhoid Symptom Treatment Suppositories, Burning, Itching and Discomfort Relief (48 Count)

Similar to varicose veins, it is called hemorrhoid or hemorrhoid, characterized by swollen veins around the breech and slightly below the rectum. There are many causes of hemorrhoids; but often the cause of hemorrhoids is not fully understood. Hemorrhoids are called external hemorrhoids if they are located under the skin outside the anus and internal hemorrhoids if they are located in the last part of the large intestine which we call the rectum.

Hemorrhoids are a common disorder that occurs occasionally in almost one quarter of adults in society. Hemorrhoids do not always have symptoms. But most of the time. itching, discomfort and bleeding. If a blood clot occurs in the hemorrhoid, it causes severe pain. The clot may need to be emptied for treatment. Fortunately, there are many effective treatment options in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Many people can be partially or completely relieved of symptoms by treatment at home and lifestyle changes.

What are the symptoms of hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids (Hemorrhoids) symptoms vary according to the type of hemorrhoids. Patients with external hemorrhoids:

Severe itching and discomfort around the anus
Itchy, painful lump or swelling near the anus
Increased pain especially in the area
Blood in stool
are the most common symptoms. Excessive strain, rubbing, or cleaning of the area may worsen symptoms. In many people, these symptoms associated with external hemorrhoids disappear within a few days.

Symptoms of internal hemorrhoids:

Bright red blood on stool or toilet paper
Hemorrhoid hanging from the rectum
are listed. Internal hemorrhoids that are not usually drooping are not painful. However, sagging internal hemorrhoids cause pain and discomfort.

Although the major cause of anus-related signs and symptoms is hemorrhoids, it is not the cause of all. Some hemorrhoid symptoms are similar to other digestive system problems. For example; blood coming from the rectum; crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, colon or rectal cancer.

What are the causes of hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids; chronic constipation is associated with difficulty sitting in the toilet for a long time and during defecation. All of these affect the regional blood flow to the area by pooling and enlarging the vessels. This also explains the increase in the frequency of hemorrhoids during pregnancy due to the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the vessels.

Recent studies show that the smooth muscles of the anus tend to be tighter even at rest than those who do not carry the disorder. Constipation contributes to these difficulties because the tension during bowel movements increases the pressure in the anal canal. This forces the hemorrhoids into the voluntary sphincter muscle of the anus. The connective tissues that hold the hemorrhoids weaken with age and the hemorrhoids become more swollen or sagging.

What are Hemorrhoids?
It is important to know that not all hemorrhoids are the same. In fact, there are four types of hemorrhoids, internal, external, prolapse and troboze, which are grouped by location, symptoms, and both. The last third of the large intestine is called the rectum, which is where the stool is temporarily stored. Vascular dilatation of the arteries at the lower third of the rectum is called internal hemorrhoid or internal hemorrhoid. They are insensitive to touch, pain, strain or temperature and are graded from 1 to 4 depending on the level of protrusion.

External hemorrhoids or external hemorrhoids, also called perianal hematomas, develop subcutaneously around the outside of the anus. These hemorrhoids can be itchy or painful and are bluish in color. There are also different types of hemorrhoids such as prolapse hemorrhoids and thrombosed hemorrhoids. Prolapse hemorrhoids proliferate from the anus to the inner hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids thrombosis is found in the blood clot.

What are the degrees of internal hemorrhoids?
Internal hemorrhoids are graded from 1 to 4 depending on the amount of sagging.

Grade I: While hemorrhoids are prominent, they do not protrude from the anal bleed. Hemorrhoids may bleed.
Grade II: During the bowel movement, it protrudes out of the hemorrhoid channel. But it goes back inside.
Grade III: Hemorrhoids protrude from the rectum due to bowel movement or other form of exercise and can only be pushed back by finger.
Grade IV: Hemorrhoids are completely sagged and are completely outside the anal canal. They can't stay in there and they can't be pushed.
How is hemorrhoid diagnosed?
Many people are ashamed to see a doctor about hemorrhoid problems. Therefore, although 75% of the patients have hemorrhoids, only 4% of these patients consult a doctor. A thorough medical examination will help your doctor recommend an effective treatment. This also helps to exclude more serious causes for your symptoms. Your doctor can easily see if you have external hemorrhoids. For internal hemorrhoid diagnosis, anal canal and rectum examination and other tests are performed.

The rectum examination is performed by the doctor by finger. It is decided whether further examination is required by examination. Internal hemorrhoids may not be detected by examination because they are too soft. Therefore, it may be necessary to examine the rectum and other parts of the large intestine with a device called a colonoscopy with a camera at the end. Your doctor may want to examine your entire large intestine using colonoscopy if:

Signs and symptoms indicate that you may have another digestive system disorder
If you have risk factors for large bowel cancer
If you are middle-aged and have not recently undergone colonoscopy

Hemorrhoids (Hemorrhoids) What are the treatment methods?

External hemorrhoids usually do not require specific treatment unless they cause discomfort. Low-grade internal hemorrhoids can be treated with effective drugs and different non-surgical methods. If these methods and medications are not successful, if complications develop or if hemorrhoids are severe, surgical treatment options are reviewed.

The main purpose of medication is to control symptoms rather than to cure hemorrhoids and to eliminate underlying discomfort. Different forms of medicine are used for this purpose, such as pills, suppositories, creams and wipes. Surgical intervention is generally required in hemorrhoids that cause complications such as low-grade hemorrhoids resistant to drug treatment, high-grade hemorrhoids, suffocation and thrombosis.

Prevention of hemorrhoids
The best way to prevent hemorrhoids is to keep your stool soft. To prevent hemorrhoids and reduce symptoms, you can follow these tips:
It is beneficial to consume high fiber foods. For this, you can take care to eat more fruits, vegetables and cereals.
If you cannot get the recommended amount of fiber from food, you may want to consider using fiber-containing food supplements.
It is necessary for a soft stool to consume six to eight glasses of water and other alcohol-free liquids per day.
When you feel the need for defecation, it is important to go to the toilet immediately without waiting to avoid constipation.
It is useful to lead an active life to prevent constipation. Exercise also helps to get rid of your excess weight triggering hemorrhoids.
You should avoid sitting for a long time; because sitting for long periods of time, especially sitting in the toilet, may cause a hemorrhage because it will increase the pressure in the anus vessels.
If you have symptoms that you think are caused by hemorrhoids, you can contact a health care provider for treatment before the discomfort progresses.

Preparation H Hemorrhoid Symptom Treatment Suppositories, Burning, Itching and Discomfort Relief (48 Count)

Preparation H (50 Count) Flushable Medicated Hemorrhoid Wipes, Maximum Strength Relief with Witch Hazel and Aloe, Irritation Relief Wipes to Go

What is Hemorrhoids? How does hemorrhoids pass? What are hemorrhoid treatment methods?

Preparation H (50 Count) Flushable Medicated Hemorrhoid Wipes, Maximum Strength Relief with Witch Hazel and Aloe, Irritation Relief Wipes to Go

Hemorrhoids, known as hemorrhoids, are manifested by symptoms such as blood coming from the rectum. Is there any treatment for hemorrhoids and what are the symptoms? Referring to the main mistakes made in the habit of defecation Assoc. Dr. Necdet Özçay, gave detailed information.

Hemorrhoids, also known as Hemorrhoids, which reduce the quality of life and are very difficult to withstand in advanced stages, what is it, how does it pass, what are the symptoms of hemorrhoids, are hemorrhoids genetics? Eight out of every ten people, what are the various mistakes that cause the hemorrhoids, when to go to the doctor who catches the hemorrhoids, Is there anything to do at home for Hemorrhoids, What are the diet methods for Hemorrhoids, Is there any medication for Hemorrhoids? Here is what you need to know about hemorrhoids bas


Near East University Hospital Department of General Surgery Specialist Assoc. Dr. Necdet Özçay, who is known as hemorrhoids and affects the quality of life negatively, mostly due to mistakes made in defecation habit, although genetic features and ways of protection from hemorrhoids caused by spicy and non-pulp foods, treatment methods and information about the practices in the Near East University Hospital he gave.

Hemorrhoids, also known as hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids, is a disease that develops due to sagging and pinched bleeding of the vascular cushions in the anal canal. Dr. Dr. Necdet Özçay, hemorrhoid disease is very common in the community and there are two types of internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids, he said. Internal hemorrhoids are generally painless and external hemorrhoids are painful. Dr. Dr. Necdet Ozcay, hemorrhoid tissue thrombosed hemorrhoids called blood hemorrhoids when blood clots in the medical language, and this type of hemorrhoids caused very severe pain, he added.


Assoc. Dr. Necdet Özçay, the exact cause of hemorrhoid disease is not known, but familial susceptibility is observed in patients, those with constant constipation problem is seen more frequently, spicy and non-consuming people who consumed foods as well as faults in the habit of defecation, he added.

The main mistakes made in defecation habit;

• Forcing self-defecation in unnatural time and rhythm
• Passing the first and natural defecation desire in the morning
• Forcing a full discharge for a long time and by pushing
Ways of prevention;
Asserting that it is possible to protect from hemorrhoid disease Assoc. Dr. Necdet Özçay stated the points to be considered for this;
• Regular nutrition (whole wheat bread, lots of fruit, vegetables and water)
• Avoiding irritating foods and beverages (spices, alcohol, pickles)
• Regular toilet habit (this education should be given by mothers to their children in preschool period)
• Do not overstress the toilet
• No heavy load lifting


• Bleeding from the rectum
• Painful defecation
• Bumps in the breech
• Itching in the anus and sometimes discharge


If any of the complaints such as pain in the breech, swelling and bleeding especially during defecation is present, Assoc. Dr. Dr. Necdet Özçay, the use of ear-stuffed drugs and creams is wrong, although the symptoms are similar in anal region diseases, treatment shows a very different, so the diagnosis of the disease by a doctor and the treatment should be made accordingly, he said. Assoc. Dr. Dr. Necdet Özçay, bleeding from the rectum at the same time can be seen frequently in large intestine tumors, said that must be investigated. In the first stage, the definitive diagnosis of the disease should be established and the stage should be determined Assoc. Dr. Dr. Necdet Özçay, underlying symptoms, cancer, colitis, such as a more important pathology to be omitted or to be ruled out almost always endoscopic examinations should be done, he said.


Assisted that the application of dietary diet may contribute to healing in the treatment of hemorrhoidal disease but it is important to support the treatment process with the methods that should be applied Assoc. Dr. Dr. Necdet Özçay, the application of diet alone is not the solution for the treatment of hemorrhoidal disease, he said. Sitting bath called hot water should be done after each defecation, anal spasm in the anal area, especially because it is a very effective method to reduce the complaint Assoc. Dr. Necdet Özçay, diet and hot water application is proven methods, saying that pregnancy, heavy exercise, long-term sitting and standing hemorrhoids (hemorrhoids) may cause the formation of said.


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sayın stated that great ablution softeners, regional pain relief creams and edema remedies are medical methods of hemorrhoid treatment. Dr. Necdet Özçay, said that good results can be obtained in appropriate patients.
Endoscopic methods for hemorrhoids

Rectoscopy, two-centimeter diameter device for examining the last area of ​​the large intestine small internal hemorrhoids that can be applied to the device indicating that methods Assoc. Dr. Necdet Özçay continued: “This procedure is done without hospital admission, just like endoscopy. The methods available in the endoscopy unit of our hospital are infrared laser, sclerotherapy and band ligation. The aim of all three methods is to interrupt the blood flow to the enlarged vascular vesicles and to ensure the spontaneous disappearance of the existing hemorrhoids. These methods should not be used for hemorrhoids over a certain size ”.

Assoc. Dr. Necdet Özçay; Teknolojik with the help of technological devices used in hemorrhoid surgery in our hospital, a high level of patient comfort is provided ”

In advanced cases and combined internal and external hemorrhoids, the need for surgical treatment, Assoc. Dr. Necdet Özçay also gave information about the operations performed at the Near East University Hospital and concluded his words as follows: In this way, the surgery is performed with zero pain and the patient comfort can be very high after the surgery. In our hospital, ultrasonic dissector and PPH stapler are available and high-tech devices are available. The advantage of using these devices is that it shortens the operation time, does not cause any bleeding during surgery, does not require stitches, minimizes postoperative edema and pain. The success rate and patient comfort are extremely high after our operations.

Preparation H (50 Count) Flushable Medicated Hemorrhoid Wipes, Maximum Strength Relief with Witch Hazel and Aloe, Irritation Relief Wipes to Go

PREPARATION H Rapid Relief with Lidocaine Hemorrhoid Symptom Treatment Cream, Numbing Relief for Pain, Burning & Itching, Reduces Swelling, Tube (1.0 oz)


PREPARATION H Rapid Relief with Lidocaine Hemorrhoid Symptom Treatment Cream, Numbing Relief for Pain, Burning & Itching, Reduces Swelling, Tube (1.0 oz)

Hemorrhoids / Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids, also known as hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids, are a painful disease that decreases the quality of life. In general, the symptoms may be a harbinger of another disease. Symptoms such as bleeding in the breech, changes in defecation or irregularity and pain should never be neglected. What are the symptoms, treatment and diseases of hemorrhoids? Let's keep the lens closely ...
What is Hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids are called swelling or enlargement of the vessels in the part of the anus, the last part of the large intestine, or in the breech region. The veins in the anal canal tend to hang and sometimes squeeze. As time goes on, these tangles may come out of the breech.

This disease is divided into internal and external. Internal hemorrhoids are usually painless and external hemorrhoids can be painful. Occasionally the clot sits on the enlarged veins and a severe pain, swelling and redness occur. Internal hemorrhoids are evaluated according to four different stages.
Stages of hemorrhoids;
Stage 1: Hemorrhoids are manifested by bleeding. Small bleedings may contaminate the toilet paper or sometimes in the form of drops. Hemorrhoids do not sag at this stage. However, it is seen by rectoscopy.

Stage 2: Hemorrhoids hang out with defecation and then go back spontaneously.

Stage 3: Hemorrhoids nozzles are now out of the anus. They can only be pushed back into the anus by pushing with the finger. Very often, edema occurs and causes pain.

Stage 4: The stage in which hemorrhoids hang out of the rectum. Nozzles are usually large and wet. Complaints include contamination of underwear due to inability to fully clean up after a large ablution, and pain may occur while sitting.
What are the symptoms of hemorrhoids?
Pay attention to these symptoms!

Common hemorrhoid symptoms;

Pain or burning sensation during defecation
Rectal bleeding (Fresh red bleeding from the rectum)
Swelling, discharge or wetness in the breech
Irregularity in defecation

How Does Hemorrhoids Treat?
The treatment is primarily aimed at regulating bowel movements. If you have problems such as constipation or diarrhea that occurs continuously, the causes that cause it must be found and resolved first. Any hemorrhoid cream or medication should not be used until the definitive diagnosis of hemorrhoids is made by the attending physician. More like l. and for the second stage, medication and cream treatment is applied. Cream is generally used to prevent pain, swelling and burning. In addition, massaging the problem area with cream containing a small amount of nitroglycerin can also reduce pain and burning. These creams can relax and relieve breech muscles. However, the creams used are creams with heavy effects. Do not take too much.

One of the methods of hemorrhoid treatment is to sit for 15 to twenty minutes with warm water in any tub after defecation. Disinfectant can be used in this method called sitting bath and provides relaxation. Then dry with breech paper towels.

Another treatment is sclerotherapy. In this method, also called needle or injection therapy, some substances are injected into the problem area. This method is tried to eliminate sagging. The method applied without narcosis is painless and short-term.

Strangulation or band ligation is another treatment method developed. In this method, a rubber is attached around the hemorrhoid nozzle and the nozzle is allowed to rot. These are open and non-surgical treatment methods.
Most Effective Treatment: Hemorrhoid Surgery
Hemorrhoids can be treated by conventional surgery, depending on the development of the disease. In hemorrhoids of stage 3, 4, more preferred hemorrhoids surgery; under general anesthesia or by performing regional anesthesia with special devices. For the third area hemorrhoid treatment, laser treatment can be applied. In this method, the operation time is quite short and painless after surgery. It is the most effective treatment for the disease and there is less chance of recurrence after surgery.
How does hemorrhoids go through and what are the triggers?
A diet consisting primarily of pulp is recommended. However, it is very important that this diet should be carried out in conjunction with other practices under the supervision of a doctor. The main reason is sometimes faults in defecation. The excretory system of our body has a natural order. If you postpone or suppress the desire for natural defecation in the morning, if you force yourself to defecate outside the natural routine at another time, you will trigger the disease. In addition, continuous constipation or diarrhea, such as diarrhea, can lead to this disease. Drinking plenty of water is generally recommended for a healthy life. It is essential to drink plenty of water for not getting caught in hemorrhoids and for regular bowel movements. As a problem in your digestive system, such as constipation, increases the likelihood that you eat food. Getting enough from fiber foods is important for this disease as it is for many other diseases.

A life with irregular physical activity may also be the cause of the disease. So we can say that too much physical activity or lack of physical activity, sitting for a long time also causes this disease. Therefore, it is necessary to do regular sports in the treatment of each disease and in maintaining a healthy life. Maintaining a sport suitable for you or at least including regular walking has a significant effect on the treatment of many diseases.
On the other hand, women may develop this disease during pregnancy and postpartum. Persons from professions such as chauffeur and pilot should also pay particular attention to intestinal health. Exercises should not be neglected and fiber and pulp foods should be included in the diet. In addition, alcohol habits can cause hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids can be a harbinger of different diseases!
Another important issue for hemorrhoids is whether there is any tumor under the disease. Hemorrhoids can be a precursor to colon cancer. Therefore, if you have symptoms such as blood coming from your breech and you are experiencing severe pain, you should consult a fully equipped hospital. You should not take any cream or medicine other than your doctor's advice. The disease can only be diagnosed by rectoscopic or colonoscopic examination. You should not be late to see a doctor, especially if it is a sign of a more serious disease, such as a tumor. Early diagnosis is vital in the treatment of any disease.

For hemorrhoids, which make your life quite difficult and sometimes cause you to have difficulty even sitting and getting up, you should pay attention to your life and take care to eat healthy and live a physically active life. This disease may even prevent you from walking. Although it is possible to treat with surgery if it progresses and reaches more serious dimensions, the probable problems that you will experience after the operation may also give you very troubled times. Therefore, when you start to show the first symptoms of the disease, you should consult the doctor immediately and have the necessary examinations without pain for a long time. For these examinations, it is necessary to consult a fully equipped hospital and consult general surgery department. Florence Nightingale Hospitals are ready to help you with this.
Frequently Asked Questions About Hemorrhoids
1. What is internal and external hemorrhoids, what are the differences between the two?

Hemorrhoids tissue inside the anus (breech) are called internal hemorrhoids and those on the outer rim of the anus are called external hemorrhoids. Basically there are no differences except that the same tissue is in two different places.

2. Hemorrhoids were more common in the elderly. However, this disease is also encountered in young people now. Do changing living conditions trigger the emergence of this disease?

Changing the eating habits of our society, consuming more ready and fast food, doing more desk work, doing less sports, and increasing weight both increase and increase the emergence of the disease.

3. At what age is it more common?

The disease can be seen at almost any age, but it usually occurs after the forties.

4. Is it a common problem?

About half of the adult population of our society is suffering from hemorrhoids at some point in their lives.

5. Are hemorrhoids seen in painful and spicy food consumers?

Excessive use of spices affects the feces and affects the hemorrhoid tissue and may trigger symptoms.

6. Who is at risk?

People with chronic constipation, pushed and long-term toilets, and overweight people have the biggest drawback.

7. Does hemorrhoids have genetic effects?

Varicose veins and hemorrhoids are more common in some families due to hereditary features of the vessel wall.

8. Can hemorrhoids be mistaken for another disease?

Symptoms of hemorrhoid disease may be confused with large bowel cancer, inflammatory bowel disease (colitis), and some other diseases of the breech region.

9. What types of complaints do hemorrhoids cause?

The most common complaints are pain, bleeding, sagging, itching and swelling of the breasts.

10. Why do you need to consult a specialist for hemorrhoids?

If these symptoms increase or persist, impair a person's quality of life, a general surgeon should be consulted.

11. Is hemorrhoids more common in women or men?

It is seen equally in both sexes.

12. Can we diagnose hemorrhoids by ourselves?

If the hemorrhoid breast is out and swollen, it is sufficient for diagnosis. However, it cannot be confirmed that complaints (especially bleeding) are caused only by hemorrhoids without being examined by a general surgeon.

13. How is hemorrhoids diagnosed?

The diagnosis of hemorrhoids is made by examination of a general surgeon and endoscopic examination (sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy). “Endoscopic examination” refers to the examination of the internal hemorrhoid tissue and, if necessary, the entire intestine, with a thin, curved device with light at the tip.

14. How long does it take to diagnose?

The examination is very simple and short. It takes a few minutes at the most. Endoscopic examination is between 5 and 20 minutes depending on the examination of the whole or part of the bowel after necessary bowel cleaning.

15. Does surgical treatment provide a definitive solution?

A 100% guaranteed solution can never be expected in surgical procedures. However, the most permanent and close solution is of course surgical intervention.

16. When is surgery needed?

Especially in patients with stage 2 and above hemorrhoids, surgery is recommended in cases of impaired quality of life and in case of unresponsive drug treatment or recurrent complaints upon discontinuation.

17. Does hemorrhoids recur?

After treatment, the necessary precautions for excessive constipation are not taken;

18. Do creams or medications have hemorrhoids?

Cream and medication may reduce or shorten the symptoms, but do not provide a permanent solution, especially for stage 2 and up.

19. Are there alternative solutions?

Because it is a very old and very common disease, there are many treatment methods developed. In addition to accepted medical practices, we observe that many methods have been tried, but these unconscious treatment trials often have undesirable consequences that further deteriorate the patient's quality of life.

20. Is there a risk of developing cancer in very advanced cases?

Cellular cancer has not been reported in hemorrhoid disease.

21. Who needs surgery?

It is recommended that patients who suffer from hemorrhoid disease become more frequent, who recur despite the use of medication, and experience significant deterioration in the level of life.

22. Does a patient with second-degree hemorrhoids necessarily have to resort to a surgical procedure like a third- and fourth-stage hemorrhoid?

In the second stage, if the complaints are not frequent, relief can be provided by using the drug.

23. Can patients complain of anemia due to frequent recurrent hemorrhoids?

If there is continuous bleeding, it can cause severe anemia, although not bleeding each time.

24. What is laser treatment for hemorrhoids?

Laser treatment in hemorrhoid disease is actually an etching method. It can be used in hemorrhoid disease with stage 1 and bleeding.

25. Does laser treatment provide a definite solution?

Laser treatment does not provide a definitive solution for hemorrhoid disease.

26. What are the differences between laser and surgical treatment?

Surgical methods remove or hang up the hemorrhoid nozzle. In laser treatment, the tissue is etched by heat damage caused by the laser beam.

27. What is a sitting bath?

The sitting bath is usually a method of relieving swollen, aching or itchy breasts by sitting in warm water after a toilet.

28. Is it recommended for all hemorrhoids?

Although it does not work in all patients, it is safe to do so except during pregnancy.

29. How long does it take to make a living bath?

It is recommended 2 times a day or after a toilet.

30. How long should the sitting bath be done?

10 -15 minutes is enough.

31. Is it more common during pregnancy?

Hemorrhoids are most common in women during pregnancy or postpartum.

32. What are the reasons?

The increase in the amount of blood in women during pregnancy, the pressure of the growing uterus on the veins, and the relaxation effect of hormones that change due to pregnancy on the vessel wall, and of course, constipation during pregnancy are more frequent causes hemorrhoids to increase.

33. How is hemorrhoids treated during pregnancy?

Of course, we avoid surgical treatment during pregnancy. It is recommended to increase fluid intake, to feed with plenty of fiber food and to increase movement. Although there is no sitting bath, hot and warm water showers can be applied. Stool softening syrups can be used for excessive constipation. Locally effective creams and suppositories can be used. However, despite all these precautions, surgical treatment may be unavoidable.

34. Is there a relationship between constipation and hemorrhoids?

Constipation is perhaps the most important cause of hemorrhoidal disease. Stressing for constipation pushes the hemorrhoid tissue down and out in each toilet. Drooping hemorrhoids in the breast circulation is disrupted, blood is lake; this causes more sagging.

35. Is protection possible?

Necessary measures can often prevent hemorrhoid disease.

36. How can we take precautions?

First of all, we should not lose our toilet habit and go to the toilet regularly every day. Plenty of liquid should be taken, plenty of fruit and vegetables, plenty of fiber food should be consumed and fast food should be avoided. We should select as few processed foods as possible and increase our movement.

37. Does stress affect?

Stress in every cell of our body is therefore effective in every disease.

38. Does consumption of tea, coffee, alcohol increase the risk of hemorrhoids?

Consumption of coffee often increases bowel movement and has a constipation-inhibiting effect. It can trigger hemorrhoid disease when taken with alcohol, especially with fermented drinks (beer red wine).

PREPARATION H Rapid Relief with Lidocaine Hemorrhoid Symptom Treatment Cream, Numbing Relief for Pain, Burning & Itching, Reduces Swelling, Tube (1.0 oz)

Preparation H Hemorrhoid Symptom Treatment Cream (1.8 Ounce Tube), Maximum Strength Multi-Symptom Pain Relief with Aloe

Medical Treatment of Hemorrhoids (drugs)

Preparation H Hemorrhoid Symptom Treatment Cream (1.8 Ounce Tube), Maximum Strength Multi-Symptom Pain Relief with Aloe

Medical Therapy
The majority of hemorrhoids can be treated without surgery. First and second degree bleeding internal hemorrhoids are treated by fiber diet, stool softening drugs, abundant fluid intake and inhibition of strain.

Keep Anal Area Clean
If itching is present, anal hygiene should be improved. Instead of wiping it with hard and dry toilet paper, it is useful to clean it by washing it and dry it with cotton cloth or at least with good quality toilet paper without rubbing it. Non-alcoholic wet wipes can also be used when there is no chance of washing. It is not necessary to use soap, if it is to be used, it is important to rinse with soap instead of rubbing directly on the hand and then rinse, soap may increase your complaints. The most important of these is to keep the area dry, narrow clothes should be avoided.

Living Room
Each day, approximately 15-20 minutes, one of them after a large toilet is done 2-3 times in total. Sit in a basin or bathtub by filling 8-10 cm warm water. Hemorrhoid cuvettes that can be placed in the toilet bowl can also be found in medicinal products. Reduces pain, sphincter spasm and itching.

Stool Softening Drugs
As stool softener Pursenid dragee and Lactulose (Duphalac syrup, Osmolak syrup) can be used. Rectal creams and suppositories containing local anesthetic and anti-inflammatory (Proctolog, Proctoglyvenol), Hydrocortisone rectal creams and suppositories (Cortos) are used for 10-12 days and may cause irritation and hemorrhoid symptoms in the anal canal. The use of steroid medications for more than one or two months can lead to atrophy of the skin. External anal irritations can be treated with diaper rash ointments which can be used as desired by the patient.

Cold Application
Cold compress or ice pack bags can be used.

Pain Relievers
Paracetamol (Parol, Tylol, Tamol, Calpol) and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Aprol, Apranax) can be used. Grade 3-4 thrombosed and non-thrombosed internal hemorrhoids can be treated 2-3 times a day with warm sitting baths, stool softening agents, suppositories and creams. Non-operative treatment for internal hemorrhoids should usually be tried for 4-6 weeks. If the patient's complaints persist after this period, surgical treatment may be recommended. External acute thrombosis can be treated non-operatively with suppositories, creams and sitting baths initially if there are no signs of tissue necrosis and the pain is not high. However, if the patient has too much pain and superficial necrosis, thrombectomy should be performed.

Preparation H Hemorrhoid Symptom Treatment Cream (1.8 Ounce Tube), Maximum Strength Multi-Symptom Pain Relief with Aloe

Alleviate Hemorrhoid Treatment FDA Registered - 1.7 oz. All Natural Fast Relief Cream Healing Formula for Burning Itching Pain Bleeding and Swelling - Lg Size Hemroid Symptom Ointment


Alleviate Hemorrhoid Treatment FDA Registered - 1.7 oz. All Natural Fast Relief Cream Healing Formula for Burning Itching Pain Bleeding and Swelling - Lg Size Hemroid Symptom Ointment

Hemorrhoidal disease (hemorrhoids disease or hemorrhoids) is called as anorexia and anterior enlargement of the blood vessels (hemorrhoids) in the last part of the anus and rectum. The anatomical structure of the hemorrhoidal vessels deteriorates and sags downward in people with excessive strain such as excessive constipation or diarrhea. This tissue with blood pooling and growing causes hemorrhoidal disease. hemorrhoidal vessels (hemorrhoidal vessels) are divided into two as external and internal depending on the location of the hemorrhoidal vessels.

There are 4 stages of internal hemorrhoidal disease:

1st Degree Hemorrhoids: Patients usually do not notice. It is usually noticed during a doctor's examination. There is expansion of hemorrhoidal vessels. Bleeding may occur especially after hard stools. There is no sagging at this stage.

2nd Degree Hemorrhoids: Hemorrhoids nozzles swell and hang down especially during the toilet, they enter automatically after the toilet. In these patients, there is bleeding and pain with sagging.

3rd Degree Hemorrhoids: Hemorrhoids hanging during the toilet do not enter themselves, they must be pushed by hand. If these hemorrhoid breasts are not pushed in, inflammation may occur with pain.

Grade 4 Hemorrhoids: Drooping hemorrhoids cannot be brought back to normal position by hand, usually requiring immediate operation.


The treatment of hemorrhoid disease depends on the internal and external disease, its severity, the state of the patient's complaints, how much it affects their daily life, and the age and health of the patient.

Less than 10% of patients require surgical treatment. Usually, most patients relax with conservative methods.

Conservative Treatment: Patients are advised.

1. Regulation of defecation habits: Patients are advised not to sit in the toilet for a long time and to avoid excessive strain.

2. Cleaning: It is advised to pay attention to the cleanliness of the breech area after the toilet.

3. Pushing back the exiting hemorrhoid nozzle is recommended.

4. Regulation of the diet: Especially fiber foods (such as fruits, vegetables and bran) should be consumed more, the amount of daily drinking water should be recommended to reach 2-2.5 liters. It should be noted that tea, coffee and fruit juice will not replace water.

5. Sitting bath in hot water: Sitting in warm water 2-3 times a day reduces swelling and pain in the breech area. Care should be taken to keep the breech area dry after the sitting bath.

6. Resting during the painful period, especially lying on your face, reduces pain.

7. Suppositories and creams: Suppositories and creams recommended by the doctor should be used depending on the condition of the disease.

8. Phlebotropic drugs

Surgical Treatment: Surgical treatment is applied to patients who do not respond to conservative treatment.

1. Hemorrhoidectomy: It is the removal of hemorrhoid packs. It is performed under general or spinal anesthesia under operating room conditions.

2. Longo (Stapler): Hemorrhoidopexy: a special device called stapler is used to remove hemorrhoids. It is also a procedure performed under anesthesia and operating room conditions.

3. Thrombectomy: the process of removing the clot inside the hemorrhoid in external hemorrhoids, in which clot is accumulated. Generally, local anesthesia is sufficient. Some patients may require spinal or general anesthesia.

4. Laser Treatment: Hemorrhoids are very nasdiren laser treatment is applied. The laser treatment known to the public is a hemorrhoidectomy with a device called infrared.

Points to Consider After Surgical Treatment:

1. It is normal to have a small amount of bleeding after surgery. It may take up to 1 week. In case of excessive bleeding, you should consult your doctor.

2. Pain occurs after surgery. Non-aspirin pain relievers should be used to reduce pain and should be rested. Local anesthetic creams applied to the rectum may also reduce pain.

3. The surgical site is a dirty area because it is constantly exposed to large ablutions. Therefore, hygiene of this area is very important. After the toilet, the surgical area should be washed with warm water and the sitting bath should be started with warm water after 24 hours after the surgery.

ANAL FISSURE (Breech Fracture): Ruptures that occur in patients suffering from excessive strains due to prolonged constipation or diarrhea and reaching the sensitive canal layer from the anal canal. Patients have severe pain and sometimes bleeding.

The crack caused by excessive straining causes pain. The patient constantly holds the breech muscles tight to avoid pain. This increases constipation and constipation increases the fracture, and in this figure, a vicious circle occurs.

This vicious cycle is tried to be broken and fissure treated with various drugs, changing the feeding habits and hot water sitting bath. 70% of patients benefit from this treatment. However, in the case of prolonged untreated anal fissure, the event becomes chronic. Surgical treatment is required for acute fissures and chronic fissures that do not respond to drug therapy.

Botox treatment can be used as an alternative to surgical treatment.

Points to Consider After Surgical Treatment:

1. It is normal to have a small amount of bleeding after surgery. It may take up to 1 week. In case of excessive bleeding, you should consult your doctor.

2. Pain occurs after surgery. Non-aspirin analgesics should be used to reduce pain and should be rested. Local anesthetic creams applied to the rectum may also reduce pain.

3. The surgical site is a dirty area because it is constantly exposed to large ablutions. Therefore, hygiene of this area is very important. After the toilet, the surgical area should be washed with warm water and the sitting bath should be started with warm water after 24 hours after the operation.

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Preparation H Flushable Medicated Hemorrhoid Wipes, Maximum Strength Relief with Witch Hazel & Aloe, Pouch (2 x 48 Count, 96 Count)

Get rid of hemorrhoids in 20 minutes forever!

Preparation H Flushable Medicated Hemorrhoid Wipes, Maximum Strength Relief with Witch Hazel & Aloe, Pouch (2 x 48 Count, 96 Count)

Hemorrhoids is a disease that disrupts the quality of life. Hemorrhoids, which cause serious health problems in case of late treatment, are treated permanently with this method in 20 minutes. What is Hemorrhoids? How is hemorrhoids treated? What are the methods used to treat hemorrhoids? What are the symptoms of hemorrhoids ?. The answer to all these questions. Dr. Fahrettin Küçükay gave. Here are all the details about hemorrhoids ...

In the treatment of hemorrhoids, which interfere with the quality of life of the person, causing pain and bleeding, the patient can be discharged on the same day and return to social life with interventional radiology management lasting about 20 minutes. Eskişehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Medicine Head of the Department of Interventional Radiology Dr. Küçükay: "Patients can watch on the monitor during the procedure. Consciousness is open. After the application can be discharged on the same day. No side effects due to surgery and anesthesia" Hemorrhoid discomfort that disrupts the quality of life, causing pain and bleeding, "Hemorrhoidal Artery Embolization" 20 minutes It can be treated permanently with an interventional radiology method.

A painless and non-operative method

Eskişehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Medicine Head of the Department of Interventional Radiology Dr. Dr. Fahrettin Küçükay, in his statement, effective, painless, safe and described as an option that does not require surgery, gave information about the new treatment method. Hemorrhoids known as hemorrhoids among the people, indicating that one of the common health problems in the community Küçükay, hemorrhoid disease may arise for different reasons, "Anus region between the arteries and veins high-pressure connection and painful enlargement of the veins in the anus defined as".


"There are arteries leading to that area. It provides the region to feed and then returns to the vein. It leads the blood towards the heart. There are connecting vessels at that level. Recent studies have shown that the patients with hemorrhoids have these connecting vessels large. vein is reflected in the vein, but the wall of the vein is too thin because it does not meet the pressure increase. The vessel begins to expand over time, itching, pain and bleeding can cause. "


Hemorrhoid problem, first expressed that the application of drug therapy Küçükay, bleeding can be encountered when no treatment is stressed. Kucukay, "The frequency of bleeding increases in these people, sometimes bleeding can be seen without going to the toilet. When bleeding occurs, the person's blood values ​​are falling, excessive weakness, fatigue, heart palpitations, such as many complaints may occur. Most importantly, infection can also develop. " warned.


Professor Dr. Küçükay, hemorrhoid treatment of the majority of the anus includes treatments, and they can disturb the patient in terms of comfort, he said. Hemorrhoid treatment, "Hemorrhoidal Artery Embolization" is a new treatment option called Küçükay, indicating that the expansion of the hemorrhoidal vessels that lead to dilation of the arteries by entering the process is blocked. Very new, effective, safe and does not require surgery. " said.


Küçükay stated that the method was applied by interventional radiologists under the supervision of surgeons and gastroenterologists, and gave the following information: "The arteries in the groin are entered through the vein that feeds the breech region and then with the help of thin tubes. It is less likely to relapse compared to other treatments because it is administered through a permanent route and most of the other treatments are approached through the breech and the vein is intervened there. In this method it is done through the arteries and intravenous vessels.


Noting that the method is not made under general anesthesia Küçükay, "Patients, the monitor can watch during the procedure. Consciousness is clear. After the application can be discharged the same day. Surgery and anesthesia-related side effects are not." he said. The application lasted about 20 minutes, the process is painless and painless. Dr. Küçükay, treatment of all stages of the patient's complaint that can be applied to hemorrhoids, he added.

Preparation H Flushable Medicated Hemorrhoid Wipes, Maximum Strength Relief with Witch Hazel & Aloe, Pouch (2 x 48 Count, 96 Count)

Preparation H Hemorrhoid Symptom Treatment Suppositories, Burning, Itching & Discomfort Relief, 12 Count (package may vary)

What is Hemorrhoid Pain? How does it go?

Preparation H Hemorrhoid Symptom Treatment Suppositories, Burning, Itching & Discomfort Relief, 12 Count (package may vary)

Generally, those who cannot succumb to the problem of embarrassment and go to the doctor should be diagnosed as a general surgeon without delay.

What is Hemorrhoids?

It's a Breech Disease
About 10 diseases are among the breech diseases in the field of general surgery specialists. One of them is hemorrhoid and can occur in the breech inner and outer part. Due to severe strains, tissue loosening and sagging breasts develop over time. The external hemorrhoids seen from the outside are not seen, but the ones that are seen only by anoscope are classified as internal hemorrhoids.

Occurs Due to Constipation
The most important factor that causes hemorrhoids is undoubtedly long-lasting toilet habits. Especially people who consume too much spicy and have constipation problems sometimes need toilet for 30-40 minutes. In this process, long strains are seen. In fact, straining should be avoided, which causes loosening of the connective tissues of the veins in the breech region.

Bleeding in the first stage
The disease, which is classified as internal and external, also consists of 4 different stages. 1. 2. 3. and 4. that is the last stage, which is the stage in which the person experiences serious problems. If a person with hemorrhoids is suffering from internal hemorrhoids for the first time, the most prominent feature is bleeding in the breech during defecation. This means that you should be examined by a general surgeon.

Breasts in Progressive Degrees
Previously as lentil grain, the degree of increase in the breasts can be felt by hand. In fact, when it becomes 3rd and 4th degree, the hemorrhoid nozzles go out of the rectum during defecation. In the 3rd degree hemorrhoids, the breasts itself, while in the 4th degree, the person must add himself. Otherwise, the remaining breast drowns in the breech, causing pain for 2-3 days. Drowned hemorrhoids, so-called thrombosed hemorrhoids, except for this condition is known to have no serious pain complaints.

How does hemorrhoid pain go away?

Pain in the breech is usually confused with hemorrhoids. Because hemorrhoids are not a pain that causes too much pain. Thrombosis does not cause any pain in the patient unless hemorrhoids are present. Breech pain is usually caused by the so-called anal fissure (breech fracture). It should be taken seriously and those who have pain in the rectum should be examined by defeating their feelings of shame.

Pain occurs if hemorrhoid breast explodes
As you know, hemorrhoid disease consists of 4 different degrees and stages. Although the 1st and 2nd degree do not cause too many complaints, the 3rd degree and subsequent hemorrhoid breasts become more prominent and come out of the breech during defecation and may stay out of the breech unless you intervene manually. Sometimes this causes the hemorrhoids to burst.

Thrombosed hemorrhoids makes pain
As mentioned above, the hemorrhoid breast drowned outside the breech is now thrombosed and causes very serious pain. It causes the patient to experience severe pain for 1 week. Other than that, there is no complaint of hemorrhoid pain. Patients with hemorrhoidal breast bursts should consult a physician. Or instead of waiting until this time with scientific hemorrhoid treatment methods can get rid of your disease.

Preparation H Hemorrhoid Symptom Treatment Suppositories, Burning, Itching & Discomfort Relief, 12 Count (package may vary)