Sunday, October 13, 2019


What causes a gas trap? What are the symptoms of gas trapping? What good is a gas trap?


Do you know that gas compression is the cause of severe abdominal pain? Gas compression, which also brings along digestive diseases, especially reduces the quality of life. What good is a gas trap? What are the symptoms of gas trapping? What good is a gas trap? We've searched for everything about gas trapping.
Gas pains are caused by bacteria in the air settling in the stomach and intestines while eating. This is a factor that occurs in the normal digestive circulation, but if the air is not exhausted, it accumulates and becomes stuck here, which manifests itself in severe pains. It occurs in all sexes at any age. Gas compression is a condition that is not taken too seriously. However, when the gas is not removed from the body, it may pave the way for serious diseases. This situation, which is regarded as a shame, is actually very beneficial for health. Digestive diseases occur in people who do not produce gas. This gas also causes cramps and severe contractions.

- Constipation caused by slowing of the intestines due to carbohydrate and fatty foods is the main factor causing gas compression.
- Stomach and intestines that show sensitivity to certain nutrients have indigestion problems. As a result, the digestive system cannot move freely.
- Especially those who eat fast air shopping more than the body needs. Thus, excess air accumulates in the body. This causes the formation of gas.
- Dry beans, cabbage, onions, cauliflower, artichokes, lentils, raisins, broccoli, onions, plum dried and apples cause more gas than these carbohydrates. It also increases the formation of gas when reheated in foods such as potatoes, pasta and rice.
- Restless bowel syndrome and intestinal inflammation adversely affect the defecation system. In such cases, the accumulated gas is trapped as it cannot move freely. These diseases; Nausea, fatigue and high fever are accompanied by such conditions.
- During the menstrual period, contraction and pains in the uterus affect the lower abdomen, so it is easier to build up gas here.

Strain and strain
Severe abdominal pain and contraction
Difficulty breathing due to contractions
Pain in the muscles
It is manifested by symptoms such as sweating and nausea.

Symptoms should be seen after a specialist. Experts often apply medication for the first symptoms and slight progressive gas compression. It is also done allergic test. A diet program is prepared for people who are sensitive to certain nutrients. It is also recommended to eat more slowly and eat one grain.

- Ginger contains gingerol substance that induces indigestion causing gas compression and stomach fever is good. A person experiencing a gas jam should eat a glass of ginger tea before eating.
- Daisy with a soothing feature prevents gas compression and provides a comfortable defecation. In addition, chamomile is good for depression and stress, not just gas trapping.
- When cumin seeds are chewed, it cleans the bacteria accumulated from the mouth to the stomach. This prevents gas trapping. Especially people who experience frequent gas jams have the benefit of applying this method after meals.
- Mix a glass of warm juice with 1 teaspoon of baking soda. It helps to reduce excess acid in the stomach which causes pain and gas compression.
- During the gas compression, slowly drink a glass of warm water and massage the pain.
- If you experience frequent gas trapping. Avoid tight clothing.


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Recommendations to increase stomach acid

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How does stomach acid decrease?
According to a study, gastric acid decreases until the age of 55 to 60 years. This age may be earlier than blood types. For example, in people with blood groups, gastric acid is reduced at an earlier age. We have a number of inaccuracies that prevent stomach acid. For example, drinking water while eating. In fact, an innocent-looking habit prevents stomach acid by preparing the ground for damage to our stomach.

How can we increase stomach acid?
By taking advantage of the acidic effect of beet juice, we can drink 2 to 3 spoons before meals.
30 to 60 minutes after eating a glass of water in half a teaspoon of salt and 1/2 lemon juice mixed with the drink will increase the stomach acid.
Consuming beets or sauerkraut before meals increases gastric acidity.
The most important thing to be considered is to sit and eat food allows the increase of stomach acid.
Chewing the food very well and supporting stomach digestion also increases stomach acid.
We should not drink water immediately after meals, at least 2 hours later we should drink water.
We should consume foods containing probiotics as much as possible. Example: Homemade pickles, homemade yogurt etc.

Why should we increase stomach acid?
One of the most common misconceptions among the people is the fact that stomach acid is too much and causes reflux, etc. In fact, low stomach acid causes reflux disease. Logically you might think; If the stomach acid is less, the food you eat will not be digested in the body, therefore it will damage the stomach structure and prepare the ground for various diseases. Therefore, as the age advances, it is useful to consume useful foods to support the body.

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Has your stomach been experiencing pain more often lately and is it getting worse? Then watch out! Your stomach may be inflamed…

What is Gastritis?

Gastritis can be defined as gastric inflammation. Due to the damage, white blood cells in the blood accumulate on the stomach wall. However, gastritis does not mean that the stomach has ulcers or cancer.

What are the causes of gastritis?

Helicobacter Pylori Microbial: Helicobacter Pylori Microbial (HP) is a bacterium found in the thick mucus layer in the stomach. Although it does not directly infect the tissue, it causes acute or chronic inflammation. HP begins to be present in the stomach from early childhood and may remain lifelong if left untreated. This infection can lead to ulcers, and even cancer in some patients.

Autoimmune gastritis-pernicious anemia: Our immune system provides a protective function against agents that can cause infections in the body by making substances called antibodies. In some cases, the immune system accidentally makes antibodies against its own cells or organs and may destroy them. If the immune system produces antibodies against the cells lining the stomach, the stomach cells may also be damaged. In this case, acute or chronic inflammation in the stomach, gastritis occurs. If a factor that is effective in the absorption of vitamin B12 used in blood production and is released from the stomach is eliminated by this inflammation, pernicious anemia occurs due to vitamin B12 deficiency. These patients may develop cancer over a long period of time.

Painkillers: Elderly patients often use painkillers for both bone and joint pain. In prolonged use, the amount of prostaglandin, which is a stomach protection agent, decreases, and gastritis, or even ulcer may occur in the stomach.

Alcohol: Alcohol and other chemical agents can cause inflammation and damage to the stomach. Alcohol increases stomach acid release and damages the stomach. Alcohol-induced gastritis is dose-dependent, that is, if taken in large quantities, it produces gastritis.

Hypertrophic gastritis: Over time, folds in the stomach grow and swell due to inflammation. Menetrier disease, a form of chronic gastritis, occurs if the folds in the stomach are giant in this unknown cause. Excess protein loss may occur in these patients.

How is it treated?

Treatment of gastritis depends on the cause. Reduction of gastric acid is beneficial in most types of gastritis. A specific diagnosis should also be made. Antibiotics may be given in case of infection. If painkillers and alcohol are responsible for gastritis, they should be discontinued. In general, gastritis alone is not a serious problem.

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Sections of the stomach
Stomach is part of the digestive system. It is just below the diaphragm (muscle layer just below the lungs). The upper part of the stomach is connected to the esophagus (esophagus). The other end of the stomach is connected to the first part of the small intestine (duodenum). Stomach consists of three main parts. The upper part is called the us fundus.. The middle part is called the body of the stomach. The lower part is called “antrum” or “pylor”. Each end of the stomach has a valve called sphincter. The valve between the esophagus and the upper part of the stomach is called a cardiac sphincter. The valve between the lower part of the stomach and the duodenum is called a pyloric sphincter. The stomach has various functions.

How does the stomach mix and decompose food?
Stomach is a muscular bag. Its main task is to mix the eaten food and begin to shred it for easy digestion. These contractions mix food and make it a dense liquid. This facilitates digestion in the duodenum.

Initiation of protein digestion
The inside of the stomach is covered with glands that secrete gastric juice. Gastric juice contains a digestive enzyme called pepsin and acid. As soon as we see or smell this enzyme food, it starts to secrete even before the food enters the stomach. This enzyme begins to break down proteins in food so that the body can absorb them. Acid is necessary for the proper functioning of the enzyme. It also helps to kill bacteria that may be in food and thus protects against food poisoning.

There are other glands that form a thick mucus layer in the stomach lining. Bumukusmide lining helps prevent acid and proteins in stomach water from being damaged by digestive enzymes.

Absorption of vitamin B12
The stomach produces another chemical necessary to absorb vitamin B12. The body needs this cell for the production of red blood cells and for the health of the nervous system. Where the food goes after the stomach

Where foods go after stomach
After about two hours in the stomach, this semi-liquid, partially digested food passes into the duodenum to continue digestion. The digested food then moves to the small intestine for the absorption of nutrients into the body. The remaining wastes move to the large intestine. In the first part of the colon, water is absorbed and the waste material solidifies and becomes feces.

Risk and causes of stomach cancer
This section deals with possible risk factors and causes of stomach cancer. Some factors increase the risk of stomach cancer while others lower it. Read on for more information.

How common is stomach cancer?
Approximately 7500 cases are diagnosed each year. There are 2 gastric cancer diagnoses (2%) for every 100 cancer diagnoses. Men are almost twice as likely to be diagnosed as women.

Just like other types of cancer, gastric cancer is more common with age. About 95 out of 100 cases (95%) are diagnosed in people aged 55 and over.

The incidence of stomach cancer varies from country to country worldwide. This increases the cancer risk in a diet with a high proportion of saline. The rate of gastric cancer is very high in Japan, where very salty brine foods are popular.

An intense diet of some canned and processed foods can also increase your risk of stomach cancer. Several studies and a large ongoing study called EPIC have found a small increase in the risk of gastric cancer in people who consume a lot of processed meat. Processed meats include bacon, sausage, sausage and ham. These meats contain chemicals called nitrosamines. Nitrosamines have been linked to gastric cancer. A Canadian study has shown that the risk is highest in people infected with Helicobacter pylori bacteria. Consuming lots of pickled foods can also increase your risk.

A recent study showed that vegetarians may have a lower risk of stomach cancer than meat-eaters. The EPIC study showed an increased risk of gastric cancer for people who consume red meat too often and excessively. But we need more work to confirm this.

A diet that consumes a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables seems to reduce the risk of stomach cancer. This may be because these foods contain high levels of antioxidant vitamins. Especially vitamin C, along with other ingredients in fresh foods, is thought to help prevent cancer-causing stomach lining wear. Vitamin A is also thought to help protect against stomach cancer. One study suggests that vitamin B6 may have a protective effect. Research shows that antioxidant vitamins will play the most role in the protection of undernourished and malnourished people. Although the protective effects of antioxidant vitamins are seen in well-fed people, this effect will be slightly less. This may be the reason why some recent studies in America and Europe do not find a relationship between consumption of fruits and vegetables and the risk of stomach cancer.

In the UK, only 1 in 3 adults consumes enough fruit and vegetables (at least 5 servings per day). That's why there's so much you can do with nutrition in your journey of wellness. If you are worried about cancer or heart disease, you can review and improve your diet.

Helicobacter pylori infection
Helicobacter pylori is a highly researched bacterial infection in the last few years. This bacterial infection increases the risk of cancer in the lower part of the stomach about 6 times. A particular type of infection called cagA positive Helicobacter pylori may increase the risk of cancer.

Millions of people are infected with this bacterium, but most of them do not have cancer, so we can say that other factors are involved in the development of stomach cancer. Nutrition and smoking may cause cancer when interacting with HP bacteria. In addition, this bacterium can cause severe chronic atrophic gastritis (SCAG), which can cause stomach cancer. Patients with SCAG have a risk of gastric cancer in both the lower and upper parts of the stomach.

Helicobacter pylori infection can be diagnosed by blood test or breath test. It can usually be treated quite easily with a range of antibiotic treatments. But we are not sure how useful it is to treat HP. HP can protect against a particular type of esophageal cancer called esophageal adenocarcinoma. A meta-analysis study of HP treatment showed that HP treatment slightly reduced the risk of stomach cancer, but was most effective in people with peptic ulcer or pre-cancerous changes. Even if you are being treated, you have a chance to be re-infected because it is so common. Therefore, your doctor may not treat you unless you have stomach pains (a sign of peptic ulcer).

Tobacco and alcohol
Cigarette smoke contains many chemicals that cause cancer. If you breathe cigarette smoke, you will inevitably sigh one amount at a time. Smoking in this way can increase the risk of stomach cancer. It is thought that smoking causes about 1 in 5 gastric cancer cases in England (20%).

Smokers are twice as likely to have mid-cancer as non-smokers. If you quit smoking, the risk is reduced. If a person has a HP infection, he has a 10-fold higher risk of non-HP infection and non-smokers.

A Swedish study showed that the use of chewing tobacco called us snus d increases the risk of stomach cancer by at least 50% compared to smoking.

Recent research shows that alcohol consumption is unlikely to increase the risk of stomach cancer.

Other medical reasons
Acid reflux is the return of gastric acid to the esophagus. This may cause esophagitis. Acid reflux may increase the risk of cancer in the stomach (gastric cardia) closest to the esophagus.

Some diseases and surgical procedures have been shown to reduce the amount of acid produced in the stomach and increase the risk of cancer in the stomach. Low acid levels cause more bacteria to produce, and bacteria can produce more nitrite and nitrosamines, which can increase the risk of stomach cancer. Such diseases and surgical procedures include:
Malicious anemia
Removal of a part of the vagus nerve (vagotomy)
Removal of a part of the stomach (partial gastrectomy)

Anti-inflammatory drugs
An overview of published studies shows that regular use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs reduces the risk of stomach cancer to some extent. These drugs are called NSAIDs. Examples include Aspirin, ibuprofen and Nurofen. In 2010, researchers conducted several tests to determine whether daily aspirin use protects humans from disease. They found that taking aspirin every day could reduce the risk of dying of stomach cancer. However, further research is needed because regular NSAID use can increase the risk of developing stomach or twelve-finger ulcers.

Family history
Family history is seen as a risk factor for gastric cancer. The incidence of gastric cancer in siblings and children of people with stomach cancer increases. It is not yet known whether this is due to genetic or shared risk factors such as Helicobacter pylori infection.

Having cancer
Statistically there is a slight increase in the risk of men having stomach cancer if they have had prostate cancer, breast cancer, bladder cancer or testicular cancer before. If women have had ovarian cancer, breast cancer or cervical cancer, the risk of stomach cancer increases. For both sexes, esophageal cancer, non-melanoma skin cancer, bowel cancer, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma or thyroid cancer has had an increased risk of stomach cancer.

Radiation exposure
Those exposed to the effects of the atomic bomb in World War II were more likely to have stomach cancer because of the radiation they were exposed to. We have known for many years that there is a greater risk of people receiving radiotherapies to the spine because of the so-called ankylosing spondylitis.

In the past, gastric cancer has been associated with exposure to medical X-ray (X-ray). However, in today's technology, the amount of X-ray radiation exposed to x-rays is much lower than before. However, we know that some other medical methods, such as CT (Computed Tomography) scans, contain significant amounts of radiation. This is not harmful to you if BT shots are used only when you need them. Describes the reluctance of doctors to use CT for routine screening.

Weakened immune system
People who have been immunocompromised by infection with HIV, AIDS, or drugs taken after organ transplants are seen to have twice the risk of stomach cancer compared to other people. Such conditions may increase the risk of infection, such as Helicobacter pylori.

Occupational chemicals
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) says there is evidence that working in the rubber manufacturing industry increases the risk of stomach cancer. There may also be a connection with asbestos exposure.

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
Women receiving hormone replacement therapy (HRT) have a reduced risk of gastric cancer. However, HRT increases the risk for some types of cancer, including breast cancer.

Physical mobility
Some recent research has shown that the risk of stomach cancer is reduced by half in people who have a high amount of physical activity in their work and leisure time.

Symptoms of stomach cancer
Symptoms of gastric cancer can be quite vague and general.

Indigestion, acidity and belching
Early signs of stomach cancer are usually acidity and belching. Many people diagnosed with stomach cancer have had such symptoms for years. But they can also be symptoms of other stomach problems. Most people have indigestion for many years and do not have cancer. 1 or less of every 50 people who visit a doctor with symptoms of indigestion and belching are cancer.

Feeling Full
Another early symptom may be too saturated (feeling full) earlier than usual when eating. If this condition persists for a while, you will start to lose a lot of weight.

Bleeding and feeling tired or panting
Even early gastric cancer can cause bleeding into the stomach. Losing blood over an ongoing period can make you anemic. This means your red blood cell count is very low. Anemia makes you look pale and makes you feel tired. If you are very anemic, you may also feel constantly panting. Vomiting blood is not a common early symptom, but it can be seen as well. In this case, the blood may not be clearly visible. If you vomit bright red blood, it means that the bleeding is fresh. If blood has remained in the stomach for some time, it may appear dark brown like coffee grounds.

Blood clots
People with stomach cancer are more likely to have a blood clot. If there is pain or swollen leg, or sudden chest pain and shortness of breath, there may be a blood clot in the leg or lung. In such a case, you should immediately contact your doctor as you will need medications to prevent blood clotting.

Other symptoms
More than half of people diagnosed with stomach cancer feel pain, nausea or difficulty swallowing. The area in which the pain is felt may vary from person to person. It is usually the upper part of the stomach. Or it may be just below or slightly below the sternum.

Symptoms of advanced stage gastric cancer
The following symptoms are among the symptoms of advanced gastric cancer:
Anorexia and weight loss
Liquid in the abdomen
Blood in the stool

Anorexia and weight loss
Anorexia and weight loss are usually later symptoms and may indicate that stomach cancer may be advanced. However, some early stage gastric cancer patients may also lose their appetite.

Liquid in the abdomen
In an advanced cancer case, the doctor may feel a lump in the abdomen. Some people with advanced stomach cancer may accumulate fluid in their abdomen. This is called acid.

Blood in the stool
Some stomach cancers cause bleeding but do not vomit. In this case, the blood passes through the digestive tract. In this case the stool appears black, like tar.

Types of Stomach Cancer
Adenocarcinoma of the stomach
Adenocarcinoma is the most common type of gastric cancer. More than 95 (95%) of every 100 stomach cancer diagnoses are adenocarcinomas. Cancer begins in the stomach lining cells. The lining of the stomach gland cells produce mucus and gastric juice.

Squamous cell cancers
Squamous cells were skin cell-like cells between the gland cells that formed the stomach lining. These cancers are treated in the same way as adenocarcinoma.

Gastric lymphoma
Lymphoma is completely another type of cancer. This is a very rare type of cancer.

Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST)
Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) can be benign or malignant (cancer). These rare tumors develop in connective tissue cells supporting the digestive (gastrointestinal) system organs. They are most commonly seen in the stomach.

Neuroendocrine tumors (NETs)
Neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) can be benign or malignant (cancer). They usually grow in tissues that produce hormones in the digestive tract. They are rare but the most common are carcinoid tumors.

Stomach Cancer Tests
What your doctor will do
Your doctor will ask you about your symptoms. He will ask you what symptoms you have experienced, when they have appeared, and whether you have noticed the good and bad effects of what you are doing.

Your doctor will ask you to lie down for a physical examination and examine your abdomen. You may feel sensitivity or your doctor may feel a mass. After your examination, your doctor may refer you to a hospital or specialist for tests such as endoscopy.

At hospital
Your specialist will ask you about your medical history and symptoms. He will then examine your abdomen. You may require blood tests and chest films to check your overall health. He can then organize other outpatient tests.

Endoscopy is the most commonly used test to diagnose gastric cancer. The endoscope is a long tube with an illuminated camera. You swallow a part of the pipe so that the doctor or nurse can see your esophagus, your stomach, and the first part of the duodenum. Small samples (biopsies) are taken from abnormally visible parts.

You can take this test as an outpatient. But you must take someone with you to bring you back home. You will not eat or drink 8 hours before the test so that your stomach and small intestine are empty. When you go to the clinic, the nurse will ask you to wear a patient's gown. You will be given a relaxing needle when you lie down on the bed.

When you are relaxed and numb enough, the doctor will insert the endoscope tube through your throat into your stomach and examine your stomach walls to see if there are any abnormal states. With this examination, gastric ulcer can be seen in addition to gastric cancer, if any. If there are abnormal areas, your doctor will take a biopsy and send it to the laboratory. A pathologist in the laboratory will examine the biopsy with a microscope to see if they have cancer cells.

Sometimes there is an ultrasonic fish at the end of the endoscopy tube so that ultrasound of the stomach and its surroundings can be obtained. This is called endoscopic ultrasound.

After the test, you should take some rest. You might not remember anything when the test is over because you're drugged. You can go home on the same day, but you shouldn't drive because the drugs will be silly.

Barium stomach radiography
Barium stomach radiography is a special type of X-ray examination. This test is not commonly used for stomach cancer. This is an outpatient test. You cannot eat or drink for 6 hours before the test.

When you go to the X-ray department, the nurse will ask you to wear a patient's gown. You will be given a needle to relax your digestive system muscles and drink the given white liquid.

The white liquid given is barium. This is the white liquid that will appear on the X-ray. After drinking the barium you will be asked to lie down on the x-ray table. As the barium passes through your stomach and duodenum, the doctor will monitor the x-ray screen. Any growth or ulcer will appear on the screen. The X-ray table will be moved at various angles to allow the barium to flow to your doctor's place.

The whole test takes about an hour. You can go home immediately after the test. However, some people may experience discomfort and nausea after the test. Barium can sometimes constipate. As your body evacuates the removed barium, your stool may be white for a day.

After tests
When the tests are completed, a hospital appointment should be arranged to see your specialist. It may take some time for the test results to appear and you may experience stress. Therefore, it may be helpful to ask the attendant who will be available when your test results will be available.

It might be good to talk to a close friend or relative about your feelings while waiting for your results. Or it may be helpful to contact someone who has had a similar experience or a cancer support group.

Advanced Tests for Stomach Cancer
Why do we need more tests?
You may need further tests to determine the stage of the cancer and check if it has spread. These tests also help your doctor determine the best treatment for you. Some of these tests may have been performed at the time of diagnosis, in such cases there is no need to repeat these tests.

Computed Tomography (CT)
CT is a computerized test using X-rays. Your abdomen and chest can be scanned. The size and location of the cancer is determined by this imaging method. CT can also determine whether the cancer has spread to your lungs, lungs or lymph nodes.

Laparoscopy is a small procedure performed under general anesthesia. When it is anesthetized, the doctor inserts a tube with a light and a camera at the end into your stomach with a small incision and checks whether the cancer has dissipated. A small incision remains with a few small stitches. In some cases, the camera can be inserted from multiple points, in which case you may have more than one cut.

Endoscopic Ultrasound
This test uses an endoscope and an ultrasound device, as the name implies. It is almost identical to endoscopy for the patient. However, the endoscopy tube also has an ultrasound cap and the patient is over-anesthetized. This test helps doctors determine the stage of cancers in the upper part of the stomach and in the part where the stomach joins the esophagus.

Blood tests and chest x-ray
In addition to tests that check your general health, your doctor may order tumor marker tests. These markers are chemicals that can be seen in your blood in some types of cancer. The CEA marker (carcinoembryonic antigen) is sometimes seen in gastric cancers (also seen in other cancers). However, half of the patients with stomach cancer do not have high CEA in their blood.

You may also be asked to take other blood tests to determine if your kidney is working well.

MRI uses the effect of magnetism to form a picture of the inner part of the body. MRI can be preferred by your doctor as it can show soft tissue more clearly than CT.

PET-CT Shooting
In PET-CT, both CT and PET are taken together. The location of active cancer cells is determined by using low amounts of radioactive glucose in PET extraction. With this shot, cancers in the upper part of the stomach are sometimes seen.

Kidney ultrasound shoot
This shot displays your kidney using sound waves. This method examines whether your kidney has spread to the cancer.

After tests
If you are diagnosed with stomach cancer, a qualified clinical nurse will take care of you. Nurses are an important part of the team of medical specialists who will assist you in the next treatment process.

Treatment of stomach cancer
In this section you will find information about the treatment of gastric cancer. You can get information about staging of stomach cancer, how doctors choose treatment protocol, surgical methods, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and stomach cancer research.

Methods Used in Gastric Cancer Treatment
How to plan your treatment
As with many types of cancer, the main treatment options are surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. You can only have surgery, or chemotherapy and / or radiotherapy. Your doctor plans your treatment with the following in mind:
How cancer grows and spreads (stage of cancer)
Your general health
Age and fit

As with many types of cancer, the earlier the gastric cancer is diagnosed, the more likely it is to be controlled and perhaps fully cured. If cancer is diagnosed without spreading to the body, it is most likely taken by surgical intervention. Gastric cancer surgery is a very comprehensive operation. Therefore, your doctor should see that you are strong enough to handle the surgery.

Surgery to remove the tumor
When the stomach cancer is treatable, the whole or most of the stomach is removed. How much of the tumor is removed depends on the exact location of the tumor. During surgery, the surgeon will thoroughly examine your stomach and its surroundings. It can take the lymph nodes around the stomach and part of the outer membrane of the stomach. These samples are sent to the laboratory and checked to see if they contain cancer cells.

Surgery to improve symptoms
Even if the cancer cannot be cured completely, surgery may be preferred to improve symptoms and provide a better quality of life for a longer period of time. If the tumor is blocking the entry or exit of the stomach, a tube called stent is most likely inserted and chemotherapy is applied. Another option is to connect the stomach to the small intestine directly from the upper part of the obstruction by bypass surgery. Sometimes laser surgery can be used to shrink tumors that obstruct the stomach.

Chemotherapy alone or in combination with surgery can be used to treat stomach cancer. If cancer is advanced and scattered throughout the body, chemotherapy is most likely used alone. With this treatment, symptoms can be alleviated and the tumor may be reduced or at least reduced in growth rate.

Gastric cancers that have spread to nearby tissues but have not yet infected another organ are called locally advanced cancers. Sometimes these cancers are so advanced that they may not be able to remove them completely by surgical intervention. In such a case, chemotherapy may be applied before surgery to reduce the tumor. In some cases, these types of tumors can be minimized by chemotherapy so that the surgeon can completely remove it.

If the cancer is Stage 2 or Stage 3, chemotherapy is likely to be administered before and after surgery. Chemotherapy reduces the risk of recurrence.

Radiotherapy is not routinely used in the treatment of stomach cancer. In some cases, radiotherapy may be used to prevent cancer from returning after surgery.

In gastric cancer, radiotherapy is not used as often as chemotherapy. However, radiotherapy can be used to shrink the tumor. Radiotherapy can also be used to control pain or bleeding.

Biological treatment
Trastuzumab (Herceptin) is a biological treatment that can be used in the treatment of patients with gastric adenocarcinoma, which in some cases has spread. This type of treatment works only if cancer cells have Herceptin (HER2 positive cancer) receptors.

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What good is it to stomach?

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Stay away from fatty and acidic foods, especially those suffering from heartburn.

Heartburn is a common disorder that can be seen at any age, but is more common between the ages of 20 and 50. A burning sensation is usually felt before or 1-2 hours after a meal.

If you suffer from heartburn after meals, you should first identify the foods that cause it and avoid foods that increase the burning sensation.

Heartburn is a health problem that affects millions of people today and reduces the quality of life, but it can be largely controlled and alleviated by changes in your diet.

You should keep your meals light to avoid heartburn. For this, boiled vegetables can be an ideal choice. Vegetables rich in vitamins and minerals both balance the production of gastric acid, which increases combustion, and makes it easier to go to the toilet with its fibrous structures. However, broccoli and acidic tomatoes known to make gas is not recommended against stomach burns. You can eat green leafy vegetables raw or boiled.

The pulp (fiber) fruits are digested more quickly without overloading your stomach. In this way, the production of gastric acid, which increases heartburn, can be kept to a minimum.

In the list of foods that are good for gastric burning, raw vegetables, which contain gastric acid and are relatively easy to digest, fiber fruits (fruits other than acidic fruits such as bananas and peaches), and whole grain foods that keep them satiated for a long time come first.

You can use it in your fresh ginger dishes or consume it as ginger tea.

Change your posture while eating. Sit upright at the dining table.

Walk a little after eating. It is ideal for stimulating the digestive system.

Avoid movements and positions that increase your heartburn.

Eat frequently and in small meals.

Avoid wearing tight or restrictive clothing.

Eat slowly and chewing food.

Avoid drinking alcohol while eating.

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Should stomach acid be reduced?

Gaia Herbs Reflux Relief Vegan Tablets, 45 Count - Helps Upset Stomach, Heartburn & Acid Indigestion

Strong digestive system is important for protection against chronic diseases (diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases, cancer, obesity), viruses and bacteria.
In one of my previous writings, I mentioned the effect of chewing on the digestive system and our health. In this article, I will focus on the stomach.
Our stomach is acidic (Ph 4). We need this acid in our stomach for good digestion. The stronger the stomach acid, the stronger the esophageal sphincter where the esophagus joins the stomach. Thus, gastric reflux is prevented from passing through the esophagus. One of the reasons for reflux is low stomach acid.
Stomach acid begins to fall in the 30-40s with excessive stress. Digestive problems are seen when stomach acid falls. Because foods are not digested well, they ferment in the stomach. This may cause burning and bloating in the stomach, excessive belching, bad breath and bad breath, stomach ulcers, reflux and stomach cancer in the future.
Gastric acid is needed for the absorption of vitamin B12 and minerals (magnesium, zinc, copper, iron), folic acid and proteins.
Stomach acid is part of the defense system. It prevents bacteria, viruses and other microbes from entering the body. Reduction of stomach acid increases the risk of food poisoning and the risk of gastroenteritis caused by a bacterium called helicobacter pylori.
One of the mistakes is to treat these problems with anti-acid and stomach medications (proton pump inhibitors, H2 blockers). It may provide a workaround at startup. However, long-term memory loss, weakness, anemia, joint pain and inflammation, bone resorption, heart rhythm problems, chest pain, asthma, intestinal inflammation, depression, visual disturbances, white spots on the skin, hand-wrist-leg fluid collection, hand and wrist It can cause problems such as tingling in the feet, constipation, obesity, weight loss.
Studies have shown that the use of these drugs in the long term may increase the risk of kidney disease, heart attack and hip-wrist-spine fracture.
Excessive consumption of alkaline waters and gastric acid-reducing fluids such as soda can also cause the above problems.

If the proton pump inhibitor has been used for a long time (omeprazole…) and becomes a habit, the dose should be reduced gradually, then replaced with H2 blocker (Ranitidine, Zantac, Cimetidine ip) and discontinued by reducing the dose after a few weeks. Sudden discontinuation of the drug may cause sudden pain and reactivation of the problem.
How can we naturally increase stomach acid, which is important for our health?
Using “Himalayan salt yüksek with high mineral value instead of table salts with high sodium value,
Reduce the consumption of processed, packaged and sugary products,
Drink 2 tablespoons of fresh cabbage juice or fermented cabbage juice in salt for two weeks before eating,
Consume enough fresh vegetables and fruits per day,
Consuming 1-2 tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar per day by mixing with water,
Frequently drinking fresh ginger tea and using ginger in meals,
Keeping vitamin D levels above normal,
Vitamin B2, vitamin B6 and folic acid supplementation,
Exercise at least 3 days a week,
Deep sleep and stress reduction.
We can temporarily stop the digestive problems caused by the lack of digestive enzyme and stomach acid deficiency. However, we cannot solve the cause of the problem with medications and we may encounter serious health problems mentioned above. If the disease findings are well understood and the correct diagnosis is made for the cause, the event will initially resolve. However, to avoid potential problems, let's try to balance our stomach acidity naturally.
Healthy and beautiful days…

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Gastric diseases and treatments

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Are stomach diseases very common?
Ulcer was a common disease until 10-15 years ago. It has declined recently. Reflux disease and gastritis were prominent. Gastric and esophageal cancers are among the problems with the stomach, but they are less common. If we list the problems related to stomach and esophagus, reflux disease comes first, gastritis comes second and ulcer comes second. Statistics on the subject because it is not in Turkey, but we are evaluating the incidence according to research conducted in the US and Europe. The incidence of reflux is around 15-25 percent of the population. The likelihood of reflux for the patient is 40 percent. The incidence of ulcer has decreased with recent treatments.

What is gastritis and why?
Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach skin. There are two types. One is acute gastritis with sudden onset and the other is chronic gastritis. The major cause of gastritis is a microbe called 'helicobacter pylori'. There are also other causes of gastritis. But most commonly, this is due to microbial gastritis. This germ settles on the stomach skin and forms an infection. It causes swelling of the stomach skin, redness and cell damage. Some drugs and alcohol can also cause gastritis.

Which drugs lead to gastritis?
Some painkillers known as rheumatism medications, aspirin and some antibiotics can cause gasrite. Unconscious use of these drugs may lead to more serious events. Like bleeding. Sometimes a small baby aspirin can cause severe bleeding. The harmful effects of drugs such as aspirin occur not only in contact with the stomach, but also in the blood.

Is there a cure for gastritis?
If the culprit is a bacterium or a drug, treatment is determined accordingly. Stomach protective and acid-reducing drugs are given. If drugs and alcohol are the cause, they are stopped. If it is caused by bacteria, drug treatment can be done for cleaning. Because the stomach skin is damaged, the stomach is more affected by the acid it produces and the patient's complaints increase. For this, the stomach acid should be reduced. Diet should be done. The patient is told about prohibited foods and beverages. If it is present in bacterial gastritis, bacterial clearing treatment is performed with antibiotics. It is not necessary to treat germs in every bacterial gastritis.
What is the incidence of this bacterium?
Approximately 80 out of 100 people have this bacteria. Abroad, this rate is around 50 percent, especially in Europe.

How does this bacteria spread?
Transmission occurs by mouth with food and drink. Hygiene is very important.

How long does it take to treat gastritis?
If the gastritis is attached to the microbe, the germ can be removed by one to two weeks of antibiotic treatment. Then, the patient is given stomach-protective drugs again. Complaints related to gastritis may sometimes not completely disappear. When drugs and alcohol-induced gastritis are discontinued, the patient begins to relax. Normally the stomach has the power to repair. Drugs accelerate healing.

Can one understand the presence of bacteria?
Bacteria do not always produce a complaint. Sometimes there are bacteria, but the person is not aware of it. You can live with this bacteria for years without any problems. The presence of this bacterium can be determined by various methods. Among these methods, endoscopy is most accurate. In addition, blood, feces and breath tests can be detected by the presence of bacteria.

Is gastritis related to age?
Yeah. In particular, bacterial gastritis increases with age. It is less common in infancy and childhood. The presence of bacteria in our society by the age of 20 to rise to 50 percent. In parallel, the incidence of gastritis increases. It rises to 80 percent in the 50s. Bacteria are more common in rural areas.

Yeah, but not as often as adults.

What is Endoscopy?
Endoscopy is the examination of the internal cavity organs with a tool. This instrument allows both imaging and some procedures such as biopsy. It is called as hortum illuminated hose arasında among the people. But it would be unfair to call this tool just a hose. It is an excellent diagnostic tool. If we perform an endoscopy to monitor the esophagus, stomach and duodenum, this is called esophagogastroduodenoscopy. Briefly, it can be called 'gastroscopy'. If it is done for the large intestine, it is called 'colonoscopy'. During gastroscopy, the esophagus, the esophagus and the junction of the stomach, stomach, the exit portion of the stomach and the duodenum are examined.

What happens during endoscopy, is it difficult?
Endoscopy has been used for 40 years especially in digestive system examination. Compared to the past, there are more mobile, flexible, thinner devices with high image capacity. The success of endoscopy and the patient's discomfort with endoscopy depends on who did it, where it was done, how it was performed, and whether or not an experienced assistant team was available. Endoscopy should be performed by gastroenterologists who are trained in this subject. If there are no obstacles, the patient should be prescribed medication. First of all, the patient's tongue root and small tongue circumference are anesthetized with a spray that is used by dentists. This eliminates nausea. Then, relaxing and light sleeping drugs are given through the arm vein. Endoscopy is very comfortable when performed in this way. Most of the time, the patient says, "Did you really perform gastroscopy? Done?" he asks. In addition, sleep-relieving drugs are applied after endoscopy if necessary. After the procedure is completed, the patient can be at work one or two hours later. But we don't want him to drive that day and do things that require extreme attention.

So what kind of process is this?
The work is as follows: 8-10 millimeters thick, an extremely soft pipe from the esophagus to the stomach and the duodenum can be seen and directed. The device is about 110-120 centimeters in length and has a camera on its end and reflects the areas it passes through on a television screen. The doctor can see these images and see the inner surface of the patient and make the diagnosis. During this procedure, the patient's pulse status and oxygen level are monitored. If necessary, parts can be taken for diagnosis (biopsy) or therapeutic procedures such as stopping bleeding and removing polyps can be performed. The process is completed in 3-5 minutes. I need at least 6 hours of hunger beforehand.

Does hunger aggravate gastritis?
Long-term fasting in gastritis can often increase symptoms. Sometimes complaints are more intense on an empty stomach, while others may have post-meal complaints, especially bloating, tension, gas and burping. The type of food can also affect the symptoms. Spices, oil, fries, acidic beverages and fruits, pickles and vinegar are among the pests.

Is smoking and alcohol effective in gastritis?
Smoking has very negative effects on the digestive system. In particular, nicotine increases gastric acid secretion and causes negativity. In addition, nicotine causes loosening of the gastric entrance gate and leads to reflux disease. Delays recovery. Alcohol has a direct irritant effect. Cigarette and alcohol are known to affect vessels and are thus harmful.
Diagnosis takes several hours

What are the symptoms of gastritis?
Burning in the stomach, bloating, discomfort, sudden onset of acute gastritis
pain, nausea and vomiting. Blood in the vomit and stool may occur in bleeding gastritis due to drug and alcohol. There may be weakness and fainting. In such cases, consult a doctor.

How's the bleeding?
Small sores occur on the skin of the stomach due to drugs and alcohol. These wounds can be numerous and bleed in the form of oozing. People who have bleeding sometimes have red blood in their vomit and sometimes coffee grounds. In addition, blackening of the stool is a symptom of bleeding in the stomach.

What kind of complaints should the patient consult with which specialist doctor?
A gastroenterologist should be consulted. However, the person may not always be able to find a gastroenterologist. Then the address to go to internal medicine, internal medicine doctor, if it does not have to be a digestive system surgeon.

So when the person goes to the doctor, what are the stages of diagnosis?
First of all, the doctor has to talk to the patient and listen to his / her complaints. What the patient says is an important part of the doctor's diagnosis. During the examination, the doctor determines the necessary tests and directs the patient to perform. If stomach complaints are predominantly, two ways can be followed. The first way is drug treatment according to the findings without examinations. If the patient does not benefit from the treatment, examinations are performed. The second way is to conduct a direct examination. Endoscopy is one of the most important diagnostic tools. If there is bleeding, endoscopy should be performed. Abdominal ultrasonography, some blood tests and fecal analysis may also be added.

How long will it take for all of this to take place?
Diagnosis is actually about the possibilities at hand. If the patient has a laboratory and an endoscopy device, the duration of the tests is very short. All these steps take place within a few hours and the result is achieved. You need to be hungry for endoscopy and some blood tests.
Abdominal pressure: reflux

After dinner, it's called reflux. Reflux, which causes symptoms such as burning in the esophagus, chest pain and cough, is seen more frequently due to increased intra-abdominal pressure in obese people.

Reflux has taken its place in stomach diseases. Professor Dr. Kadir Bal, food to the mouth of the reflux he recounted:

What is reflux?
Whatever's in the stomach is his coming into the esophagus and mouth. Reflux after meals is normal up to a certain number. Edible foods, if there is stomach acid, saffron comes to the mouth creates reflux. Pepsin secreted from the stomach may also be present.

Is reflux a disease?
Reflux is usually a stomach related event that can occur after every meal, which can occur 10-15 times a day. However, the condition that causes this complaint is called reflux disease. Reflux disease can have many symptoms related to different organs: burning in the esophagus, chest pain, pain and swallowing sensation during swallowing, coughing, hoarseness in the throat, seizures in the form of asthma attacks, hiccups, hiccups, feeling as if there is an object at the lower end of the chest, burning and indigestion Genellikle Generally, when something is eaten, something to drink with gasses may be due to the enlargement of the stomach and the compression of the air in the stomach, some back-missings. However, in order for this to be a disease, some symptoms have to occur that will disturb the person.

Can reflux be the cause or result of a disease? For example, can reflux occur before or after an ulcer?
Reflux is caused mainly by the malfunction of the gate located in the stomach passage under the esophagus. There are other accompanying factors. For example, the gastric emptying of the stomach is not good, or there is a narrowing of the stomach exit to prevent the emptying of the stomach causes reflux. This narrowing can often be caused by ulcers. In such cases, the formation of reflux becomes easier. In addition, pulmonary infection and chronic pharyngitis, which we call reflux-induced aspiration pneumonia, may also occur.

Why does reflux occur?
There is a pressure-operated door just below the esophagus. There is a deterioration of the operation of this door, ie temporary or continuous reductions in door pressure. Many factors are effective in decreasing and increasing this door pressure. For example, factors such as nutrition, stress, problems with gastric emptying, structural disturbances at this gate can cause reflux and reflux disease. Irritating substances such as acid, bile, pepsin from the stomach will damage the lower part of the esophagus and all areas until it reaches. Acid burns the skin in this region, stimulates nerve endings and creates pain and burning. Another cause of reflux is the increase in intra-abdominal pressure. Especially in overweight patients, as a result of the compression of the fat mass inside and outside the abdomen, gastric contents escape backwards. In pregnancy, reflux may occur with this logic. As the baby grows, the mother's stomach pressure increases and escapes from the stomach upwards.

Is there a high risk for fat people?
Yes, reflux is more common in fat people. The reason is increased intra-abdominal pressure with fat. Therefore, we want fat patients with reflux primarily to weaken. Because intra-abdominal pressure increases with fats, escapes back from the stomach become more frequent.

Causes hoarseness?
Acid and bile from the stomach during reflux irritates the vocal cords. It creates an edema there. Consequently, the sound is reduced, bifurcation occurs. Treatment of reflux also eliminates this problem.

Confused with asthma due to symptoms
Pain in the upper part of the stomach, burning sensation in the stomach, feeling of pressure in the chest, chest pain, dry cough, especially the arrival of stomach contents into the mouth at night. These nightly escapes can cause significant problems. Since the person is unconscious while sleeping, these substances coming up from his stomach can escape to the trachea and the patient wakes up coughing. Sometimes even reflux manifests itself with symptoms similar to those of an asthma attack. Patients may be followed up for asthma for a long time. It can be considered as unsuccessful treatment and may cause unnecessary drug use and frequent changes. Sore throat and stuck sensation, symptoms of chronic pharyngitis also reflux
frequently seen. Sometimes even acid and other substances in the stomach escape to the patient's trachea in such a great extent that it can cause pneumonia. Hoarseness and hiccups are other symptoms of reflux.

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