Sunday, October 13, 2019

TUMS Antacid Chewable Tablets for Heartburn Relief 330ct, Extra Strength, Assorted Fruit

What good is it to stomach? Causes heartburn?

TUMS Antacid Chewable Tablets for Heartburn Relief 330ct, Extra Strength, Assorted Fruit

Heartburn is a condition that can occur at any age, even in adults. If you suffer from this disease, you should first be able to answer the question of heartburn and avoid foods and beverages that will touch your stomach. If you know the foods that are good for stomach burning, you can produce a natural solution at home. So what causes heartburn? What are the reasons? What good is it to stomach?

Heartburn is a condition that people of all ages and segments can live with. If you experience this condition frequently, you should first see a physician. But if you experience heartburn in a situation you cannot go to the doctor, you can produce a natural solution at home with good food. In this case, the first thing you should do is to touch your stomach, uncomfortable food and drink to find and stay away from them should be. In our news, heartburn causes, what is good for heartburn with the answers to the questions and causes of heartburn and stomach prevention methods examined in detail.

Heartburn is defined as a burning sensation in the stomach or throat and is caused by the high amount of gastric acid. Stomach, digestible and digestible due to nutrients start to produce more acid. This acid, which is secreted to break down nutrients, damages the stomach wall. In this case, burning sensation occurs in your stomach. The chronic state of heartburn is called reflux. In this case, the muscle between the stomach and the esophagus can not do the task. Thus, stomach acid, esophagus and throat to the chest area of ​​the burning sensation occurs.

The stomach-side

Heartburn brings reflux. If reflux progresses, it causes gastritis. Gastritis causes the formation of ulcers. In order not to progress to this degree of heartburn, food and beverages that may cause first should be avoided. The main foods that will cause stomach acid are; spicy and fried foods, caffeine and alcohol.

Among the main causes of heartburn are psychological reasons. Stress, sadness and depression in cases of gastric acid secretion and heartburn are common. In addition, spicy and fatty foods, eating without chewing too much bite, some medicines, milk and dairy products are allergic conditions.

If you know which foods are good for heartburn you can produce a natural remedy for relaxing your stomach. It is known that some herbal teas are good for stomach burning. Foods that keep the stomach acid, which causes heartburn, are good for this disease.


Cereals are food sources rich in vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, iron and selenium and vitamin B. With its rich fiber content, cereals such as barley, wheat, bulgur and brown rice both protect general health and relieve stomach burning.


With a teaspoon of carbonate dissolved in a glass of water, the acid effect in the stomach is reduced. This will alleviate heartburn soon. But if you have blood pressure, this mixture can be dangerous for you.


One or two sips of milk during heartburn will alleviate burning. Unless you are allergic to milk and dairy products. Likewise, those with lactose intolerance should drink lactose-free milk in this case. A mixture of a glass of milk and a teaspoon of carbonate for stomach burning is also good for burning stomach with double effect.


If you are constantly experiencing heartburn, we can recommend tahini, which is a natural solution. For this, two tablespoons of tahini in the morning and evening make a great contribution to stomach repair. With this use, you will feel a decrease in your stomach burning within a week.


Foods that are not too heavy and easy to digest are always friendly with the stomach. Therefore, vegetables are ideal nutrients to support stomach health and prevent stomach burns. Vegetables, which are both a source of vitamins and minerals, help to stabilize stomach acid and thanks to their high fiber content, they provide more frequent and easy toilet needs. Especially green leafy vegetables and tuberous plants such as potatoes, which are recommended to be consumed raw or boiled, are effective against stomach burns, while acidic and gaseous vegetables such as tomatoes show triggering effects against stomach burns.


Eating a handful of almonds that neutralize gastric acid with the ingredients in it, heartburn or heartburn will help reduce discomfort. But not to overdo the consumption of almonds ...


Fiber-rich fruits should be preferred more in terms of good for stomach burning. Because fiber-containing fruits help the stomach during digestion and break down more easily. Fruits that are easy to digest thus help to stabilize stomach acid and prevent stomach burning. However, it is important to note that kiwi, pineapple, strawberry, grapefruit, mandarin and orange-containing fruit is not consumed. Fruits such as peaches, melons and pears help digestion and prevent digestion of stomach acid easily.


The apple, which is effective in the treatment of digestive system problems, is also good for stomach burning. If you drink freshly squeezed apple juice during the heartburn, you can instantly see the effect. But consuming the ready-made apple juice will not have the same effect.


Anise, which has a sedative effect on the stomach, helps in the digestion of food and is good for stomach and intestinal problems. After each meal, one teaspoon of eaten anise seeds, heartburn passes. Another use of anise is brewing in hot water. Infuse dry anise leaf or ground anise leaf for 10 minutes, then drink by draining.


Some herbal teas can help to reduce and prevent heartburn. Especially thyme tea and ginger tea are important herbal teas that are stomach friendly and help regulate stomach acid. However, it may be more appropriate to consume it after a little warm-up, because too hot drinking of herbal teas may damage the stomach tissues and esophagus.


Honey, which helps to stabilize stomach acid, is not only good for burning stomach, but also helps to relieve stomach pain caused by ulcers. Regular consumption of a mixture of honey and cinnamon helps to relieve heartburn.

A mixture of honey, lemon and hot water is one of the natural remedies for stomach burning. To prepare this mixture, add a teaspoon of honey and half a lemon juice into a glass of hot water. This mixture, which prevents excessive production of stomach acids, also prevents stomach burns.

Melon and bananas

Although many fruits have a high acid content, fruits such as bananas and melons do not have acid content. Therefore, bananas and melons prevent the increase of stomach acid and help to calm the burning of stomach. In the same way, watermelon and sweet melon are good for burning the stomach.


Green vegetables generally contain less acid in terms of acid content than other vegetables. Therefore, green vegetables are good for stomach burning. Green leafy vegetables such as asparagus, green beans, celery and cauliflower have beneficial effects on heartburn.


Egg, which is a very good source of protein, especially the white part, contains a very low percentage of acid. Therefore, egg yolk increases gastric acidity and increases the complaints of heartburn, while egg white prevents burning of the stomach.


Another nutrient that neutralizes stomach acid is potato. Therefore, it is an effective solution for heartburn and heartburn. If you suffer from heartburn in the morning


Fennel consumed by mixing with licorice can be consumed by adding spices to salads and dishes. Fennel helps digestion properly and stabilizes stomach pH values ​​by reducing acid in the stomach.


Ginger, which has been used for the treatment of stomach deterioration since ancient times, is good for stomach diseases such as reflux and helps to regulate the acid in the stomach and helps to eliminate stomach burns.


The benefit of parsley sprouting in the form of a thin branch is not limited to being decorative to food. So much so that parsley has been used for centuries to treat stomach deterioration. On the other hand, acid reflux parsley, which has proof that it is good for stomach disease, regulates stomach acid and prevents stomach burning.


Aloe vera, which has been used in both stomach and intestinal problems since ancient times, prevents the stomach acid from damaging the stomach tissue and helps to prevent and eliminate stomach burning.

TUMS Antacid Chewable Tablets for Heartburn Relief 330ct, Extra Strength, Assorted Fruit

Tums Ultra Strength 1000 Antacid, Assorted Berries, 72 tablets

Reduce Reflux Complaints with Simple Measures

Tums Ultra Strength 1000 Antacid, Assorted Berries, 72 tablets

Spicy food, chocolate and freshly squeezed fruit juice after consumption, from your stomach to your throat burning occurs? Do you have hoarseness, sore throat and chronic cough? If the answer to these questions is “yes ız, you are facing the reflux problem that affects 20 out of every 100 people in the community. Living with reflux can not only reduce the quality of life, but can also bring about important problems such as ulcers and esophageal cancer. Minimizing reflux symptoms is possible with simple measures that change your lifestyle and healthy eating habits. Memorial Dicle Hospital Department of Gastroenterology Uz. Dr. Remzi Beştaş gave information about the causes and treatment of reflux.

Asthma, chronic cough and hoarseness!
Spreading from the stomach to the throat and rather after the meal is the most common symptom of reflux. This is followed by symptoms such as stomach contents coming into the mouth and difficulty swallowing. In some patients; Painful swallowing, belching, hiccups, nausea and vomiting may also be rare. Reflux can be manifested by some symptoms not only in the esophagus, stomach and intestinal system, but also in other organs and systems. Chest pain, asthma-like symptoms, sore throat, hoarseness, chronic cough and tooth decay may also develop due to reflux.

Increases complaints of spices and tomato paste
In patients suffering from reflux, especially when spicy foods, oily and paste dishes, chocolate, freshly squeezed fruit juices are consumed, the complaints increase significantly. In addition, consumption of tea and coffee causes discomfort to the patient. Reflux symptoms are more pronounced especially in patients who are overweight and obesity problems, and it should not be forgotten that weight problem is an important cause of obesity. It has been observed that this problem is significantly reduced when people suffering from reflux complaints lose weight.

May cause serious health problems
Classical reflux symptoms reinforce the patient's diagnosis of reflux. More rational findings can be determined by endoscopic examination and by measuring the gastric acid coming to the esophagus with a device for 24 hours. After the diagnosis of reflux, the patient should be treated with appropriate treatment methods. Significant health problems may arise if the disease is not controlled and progresses. Bleeding due to reflux, ulcers, esophageal puncture or stenosis may develop. The most feared complication of reflux is cancer. A cellular transformation called “Barrettosophagus hazır prepares the ground for this. The frequency of Barrettosophagus varies between 3-20% in reflux patients. The annual incidence of cancer in these patients is around 0.5%. Therefore, although cancer is not a very common condition, the disease should be treated and complaints should be controlled.

Lifestyle changes are important in the treatment of reflux
Changes in lifestyle should be recommended to every reflux patient. Reflux patients should first take simple measures that improve the quality of life and reduce complaints. For example; such as raising the head of the bed, avoiding tight and tight clothes, ensuring weight control, not sleeping immediately after dinner and within 3 hours. Dietary change is also very important in controlling reflux symptoms. A special diet program should be applied to the patient, portions should be reduced, fatty foods should be avoided and chocolate consumption should be reduced. The best response in treatment is obtained by the use of acid suppressants and tissue preservatives. Surgical options are also applied in patients who cannot get results from drug treatments and successful results are obtained.

Tums Ultra Strength 1000 Antacid, Assorted Berries, 72 tablets

Pepcid AC Maximum Strength with 20 mg Famotidine for All-Day Heartburn Prevention & Relief, 50 ct.

Natural treatment of reflux

Pepcid AC Maximum Strength with 20 mg Famotidine for All-Day Heartburn Prevention & Relief, 50 ct.

Gastroesophageal reflux (GER) is the name given to the food in the stomach and acid back to the esophagus (esophagus). Because of the burning in the chest among the public? Chest burn? known as. Reflux is very common in our country and all over the world. It is said that at least 20% of those who feed on industrial, refined foods have reflux, and this figure exceeds 50%.

Acid-reducing drugs are the first or second among the best-selling drugs in many countries as a group. Although there are those who claim otherwise, these drugs do not have a cure for the disease. Despite the tremendous advances in medicine, despite the discovery of a pile of modern stomach medications, the number of people suffering from reflux complaints is rising to one side with rocket speed !!

Professor Dr. In this article, written by Ahmet Aydın, you will learn how the treatment of complaints such as heartburn (reflux) and heartburn without medication that uses acid-reducing drugs can be improved without diet.

There are great advances in medicine. Discovering a pile of modern stomach medicine. Despite this, reflux is increasing? Why is that?

Gastroesophageal reflux (GER), or reflux, is the name given to food and acid in the stomach to recoil to the esophagus. Because of the burning in the chest among the public? Chest burn? also known as.

Reflux is very common in our country and all over the world. It is said that at least 20 per cent of people in industrial countries have reflux, and even more than 50 per cent. That's what the drug sales show. Stomach acid-reducing drugs are the first or second best-selling drugs in many countries as a group. These drugs have no cure for the disease, they only save the day. It was already therapeutic though they wouldn't be sold that much.

Could you tell us a little about the formation mechanism of the reflux?

Where the lower end of the esophagus joins the stomach, there is a muscular valve-like structure called the lower esophageal pusher (sphincter). During this swallow, the food relaxes and opens as the food descends to the stomach, while other times it shrinks and closes. Food that normally enters the stomach through the esophagus rarely escapes from the stomach up to the esophagus. Although this takes very short time.

The reflux esophagus loosens when the lower pucker needs to be closed and the stomach content escapes back into the esophagus. Stomach swelling exacerbates the current state. Retrieval rarely depends on the inadequacy of the tone of this pucker (certain contraction), ie its laxity.

The cells lining the stomach surface are resistant to the strong acid secreted by the stomach. However, the floor of the esophagus has no property to be protected from this strong acid. If it is exposed to gastric acid for a long time, a germ-free inflammation develops; this is called esophagitis in medical language. Esophagitis can cause esophageal cancer in the long term.

What symptoms and side effects have reflux?

Patients with reflux usually have a "burning" under the breastbone. and? printing? Sometimes, this burning sensation is reflected towards the throat. These symptoms, which are in the form of burning and pressure, increase after a meal and sometimes last for hours. Sometimes sour water may come into the mouth. Asthma, laryngitis (hoarseness), difficulty swallowing.

If reflux is not treated, it can lead to stenosis and bleeding in the esophagus. At least one third of asthmatic patients have reflux as the cause. Esophageal cancer can develop in a person with long-term reflux.

How is reflux diagnosed? How's the treatment?

If the patient's complaints are evaluated well, the diagnosis of reflux is generally made easily without resorting to any laboratory methods. If there is no other suspicious condition, radiological examinations and endoscopy are rarely needed.

Three groups of drugs are used in the treatment of classic reflux; anti acids, H2 receptor breakers and proton pump inhibitors. Antacids are alkaline substances such as bicarbonate which neutralize stomach acid. Others are drugs that reduce stomach acid. These drugs are ranked first or second among the best-selling drugs in many countries as a group.

Although these drugs reduce the burning of the esophagus in the acute phase, they do not have any therapeutic properties. If used for long periods of time, there are a lot of serious side effects.

Contrary to popular belief, there is no excess of acid production of the stomach in patients with reflux. Even in many reflux patients (especially the elderly), gastric acid secretion is low (1). Stomach acid has many tasks. Reducing this with medication causes a lot of side effects.

Tell me a little about those side effects. Because so many people are taking these drugs?

Yeah, you're right. Moreover, the majority of physicians do not explain these side effects to their patients. For example, that patient may have pneumonia due to stomach medicine, but he does not know it himself. Probably even a doctor.

So we're having lung disease because of the stomach medicine?

For example, according to a study conducted on 364,683 patients who applied to health centers in the USA, it was found that there were 4 times more pneumonia (pulmonary inflammation, pneumonia) in patients who used acid-reducing drugs than those who did not use it (2).

Because one of the important functions of gastric acid is to kill the germs we take with our food. So stomach acid is one of the most important members of our immune system. For example, helicopter bacteria that cause ulcer disease (helicobacteria) have the chance to live in low-acid environments. The underlying cause of many microbial diarrhea is the same.

Another disadvantage of gastric acid reduction is that it leads to vitamin B12 deficiency. Vitamin B12 deficiency is very important because it can lead to anemia, fatigue, poor concentration, disturbance of perception and even severe symptoms of dementia. Vitamin B12 deficiency has increased tremendously in recent years. Rates ranging from 20 percent to 30 percent are reported. The main reasons for this are the prohibition of eating red meat by the doctors and the stomach medications prescribed to their patients! (3)

Gastric acid has two main benefits to vitamin B12 absorption. Stomach acid, dietary vitamin B12 taken from dietary proteins allows separation. Otherwise it is very difficult for the vitamin to be absorbed from the intestine and passed into the blood. In order to absorb vitamin B12 again, it has to be combined with a structure called intrinsic factor in the stomach, which secretes the decrease in acidity.

A downside of stomach medications is that it disrupts protein digestion. Not enough digested protein particles pass into the blood. As a result, a mass of allergic, psychiatric (autism, depression, hyperactivity) inflammatory or autoimmune disease (Hashimoto thyroiditis, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, ulcerous colitis, asthma, etc.) can develop.

Reduction of stomach acid also reduces the absorption of minerals such as calcium and iron from the diet. Since the drugs that reduce stomach acid are used so much, esophageal cancers had to be reduced. What travels? On the contrary, the last 15-20 esophageal cancers increased by 3-4 times (4).

Is there a relationship between our feeding habits and reflux?

Most fat people have reflux. Therefore, it has been suggested that excess fatty foods cause reflux. However, reflux has been shown to be related to obesity, not to the amount of fat in the diet (5).

On the other hand, the excess of refined sugars in the diet causes reflux. In a study, it was shown that when foods with high glycemic index in the diet of patients with reflux were removed, symptoms of disease improved within a week (6). Even the patients who participated in this study continued their bad habits such as alcohol, smoking and coffee, but their reflux symptoms improved. The aforementioned patients discontinued all the stomach medications. Unfortunately, this is the only research on this subject.

Our observations are the same. Reflux disappears spontaneously in a few days (almost all) in a low-sugar diet, the Stone Age diet. The mechanism by which a low sugar diet reduces reflux is not well known.

At this stage, Batmanghelidj's statements are important. As I have told you about water before, due to the secret thirst found in many of us (that is, if we do not get enough fluid) your body increases histamine secretion (already stomach drugs such as acid ranitidine, cimetidine also reduce histamine secretion). Histamine prevents the loss of fluid by contracting the lung vessels and the vessels in our limbs. So it gives more blood to the brain. But in return, histamine increases gastric acid secretion.

Acid that will digest protein food in the stomach does not harm the cells in the stomach lining. However, the duodenum cells are not as acid-resistant as stomach cells. Normally, gastric acid increases secretion of the hormone called secretion of bicarbonate increases by increasing the pancreas.

However, when enough bicarbonate is released to neutralize the acid in the stomach, the stomach door (pylor) opens and the stomach acid and food can pass to the duodenum. If it passes, the acid passing into the duodenum destroys the floor (mucous membrane) and makes an ulcer.

Fortunately, pylori spasm often does not allow this situation. But this time the intra-stomach pressure is increasing. As a result, the stomach contents back to the esophagus. This is what we call reflux. In the meantime, if the stomach is chronically swollen, it causes the hernia to the diaphragmatic cleft (hiatus) of the upper gate (hiatus hernia).

In fact, another problem is the reduction of gastric acid secretion. Contrary to popular belief, gastric acid secretion is low in most people suffering from ulcers. When the proteins in the stomach are not sufficiently cleaved with acid, the stomach door does not open and as a result the stomach contents back up to the esophagus.

I think hypoglycemia is similar. During hypoglycemia, our body increases stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol to raise blood sugar. As you know, cortisol is a hormone that increases gastric acid secretion. As I just explained, the pylor is tightly closed, as the pancreas cannot release enough bicarbonate to neutralize this acid, which the cortisol secretes extra. Intra-gastric pressure is increasing, food can not pass to the intestine, and due to increased pressure, the lower esophagus opens. As a result, the stomach acid food and cortisol increased due to increased stomach acid back to the esophagus.

Water is said to be very important in the treatment of reflux and ulcers. How that happens?

It's clear that most of us don't drink enough water. Therefore, our body does not fully fulfill its duties and various chronic diseases emerge. Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj (Feridun Batmangeliç) Water: Not Sick, Thirsty in his book says that the most important cause of all diseases, the body is dehydrated (7). According to this scientist, adequate water consumption can help protect almost all diseases. Adequate water is the most beneficial disease, reflux and ulcers.

Dr. The story of Fereydoon Batmanghelidj is very interesting. Batmanghelidj is imprisoned for a death row in 1979 during the Iranian Islamic Revolution. In the early days of the prison, a prisoner suffering from severe writhing ulcer pain gives two glasses of water because there is no medicine in the prison infirmary. The pain goes away in eight minutes. The patient then continues to drink 500 mL (1 small pet bottle or 2 large glasses) of water every 3 hours. After the acute period has passed, the patient advises him to drink 250mL half an hour before the meal and 2.5m after the meal and drink as much water as he wants. The patient has been suffering from stomach pain for years.

Batmanghelidj treats more than 3000 ulcers with water only until 1982, when he was released from prison after the first patient. When he went to the first hearing a year after his imprisonment, he told the judge that he had made a very important invention for human health, and that he had written an article for publication in Iran and Western medical journals. He wants to hand this over to him before he's executed. The judge is sentenced and reduced his sentence to 3 years. In the following months, he decides to be released early. However, Batmanghelidj refuses to offer early release to complete his investigations, stays in prison for a few more months (2 years and 7 months in total) and completes his work (7).

How do you treat reflux?

I treat reflux and ulcers in similar ways. Let me explain the two together. The first step of the emergency treatment is to give the patient 500 mL (1 small pet bottle or 2.5 large glasses) of water every 3 hours (at least 4 liters per day). After the acute phase has passed, I recommend that the patient drink 250mL half an hour before the meal and 2.5m after the meal and drink as much water as he wants. As we said before, Dr. Batmanghelidj treated thousands of patients in this way.

The second important step is the significant reduction of refined sugars, flour and sugar-made foods. The Stone Age diet is very suitable for this purpose.

Pneumonia-stomach medications

According to a study conducted in the USA, it was performed on 364,683 patients who applied to primary care centers (6). Primary pneumonia (pneumonia) was detected in 5,551 of these patients. The prevalence of pneumonia was 2.45% in patients who used drug that reduced acid secretion for at least one year, and 0.6% in those who did not use such drugs; that is, four times less pneumonia.

One of the important functions of gastric acid is to kill the germs we take with our food.

As well as stomach acid is one of the most important members of our immune system. In the above-mentioned study, the fact that pneumonia is seen 4 times more in users of gastric acid-lowering drugs further emphasizes the importance of this issue.

Vitamin B12-stomach medications

Reduction of stomach acid prevents dietary protein B12 from being separated from dietary proteins. Vitamin B12 deficiency has increased tremendously in recent years. The main reasons for this are the ban on eating red meat and stomach medications (7). Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to anemia, fatigue, poor concentration, and even severe symptoms of dementia.

To prevent B12 deficiency, acid-reducing drugs should be discontinued and fed with a diet rich in vitamin C or other natural acidic foods.

Gastric remedies and indigestion

Protein digestion is greatly impaired because gastric drugs reduce acid secretion or inactivate the existing. As a result, undigested protein particles pass through the blood. As a result, a mass of allergic, inflammatory or autoimmune diseases (Hoshimoto thyroiditis, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, ulcerous colitis, asthma, etc.) may develop.

Stomach drugs and absorption of minerals

Reduction of stomach acid also reduces the absorption of dietary minerals such as calcium and iron. For example, antacids contain much calcium, but they are not a good source of calcium because they reduce stomach acidity.

Cancer and reflux drugs

It is assumed that drugs that reduce stomach acid need to reduce Barett's esophagus, and we would expect the esophageal cancers to decrease in the last 15-20 years. However, esophageal cancers increased by 3-4 times during this period !! (8-10)

Pepcid AC Maximum Strength with 20 mg Famotidine for All-Day Heartburn Prevention & Relief, 50 ct.

TUMS Antacid Chewable Tablets for Heartburn Relief 160ct, Ultra Strength, Assorted Fruit

It's Time to Break Your Memorization about Stomach Complaints - Part 1

TUMS Antacid Chewable Tablets for Heartburn Relief 160ct, Ultra Strength, Assorted Fruit

The stomach environment is not intended to punish you for being acid. This is a normal, physiological requirement. Perhaps it will be amazing, but if you stay within the physiological limits, it is good for your health to have a high stomach acid.

We realize that what we're saying isn't like what you've been told. Since this subject was too long to fit into a post, we planned a 4-part series of articles. In this article we will talk about why gastric acid is so important, and in connection with that we will tell you about the health risks of suppressing gastric acid. In this context, we will consider the potential dangers of using proton pump inhibitors (PPI), one of the most commonly used drug groups to suppress gastric acid. “Industrial Western medicine savun argues that stomach acid increase is caused by complaints such as heartburn, reflux, ulcers and indigestion and PPI group drugs that suppress gastric acid should be used in its treatment. From this point of view, the reason why gastric acid is necessary is not considered. While the stomach is trying to produce acid with the strength of western medicine, it tries to destroy this acid with drugs with its strength. There is a paradox that cannot be accepted and needs to be rethought. We will examine this paradox from a holistic perspective.

We also want to emphasize this in order not to cause misunderstanding. The subject of this article is related to functional stomach acid elevation. Other than that, organic diseases such as Zolinger Ellison Syndrome (Gastrinoma), which are observed with excessive elevation of gastric acid, are not included.

We have already mentioned above that we will present you in the form of a series of articles due to the long topic. Topics consist of the following sections that are closely linked.

Section 1- Why is stomach acid necessary? Why do many health problems arise with the reduction of stomach acid?

Chapter 2- What are the symptoms and symptoms of stomach acid reduction?

What are the dangers of drugs that reduce gastric acid secretion (proton pump inhibitors PPI)?

Chapter 4 - How does Helicobacter pylori infection occur and what are the harms?


Why is stomach acid necessary? Why do many health problems arise with the reduction of stomach acid?

If you have complaints such as heartburn, burning, or if you have been diagnosed with reflux, you should prescribe a prescription medication that suppresses stomach acid. Because from the point of view of “industrial medicine bu, it is accepted that these diseases are caused by excess gastric acid. But there is a serious contradiction with this theory. Ask me why? Let me answer right away. Statistics show that reflux and gastric complaints increase with increasing age. But we also know that gastric acid secretion decreases with advancing age. So, with age, both acid secretion decreases and the rate of reflux and stomach complaints is increasing. Don't you think it's irrational? At this point, the view of modern medicine about stomach complaints becomes open to discussion.

The graph below shows how much gastric acid decreases with advancing age.

Decrease in gastric acid secretion with the progression of age occurs because of what we call rof atrophic gastritis ”. People with atrophic gastritis are likely to experience many more important problems, including the risk of developing stomach cancer, in the later stages of their lives due to gastric acid deficiency. In other words, the reduction of gastric acid is a disease in itself. Although this situation is known, what can be the explanation of the long-term use of medication to suppress gastric acid? Unfortunately, industrial medicine is not interested in explaining this.

Why is stomach acid necessary?

In order to better understand the subject, we need to give some basic knowledge of anatomy and physiology.

The stomach is the widest part of the digestive tract in the upper left part of the abdominal cavity. It is located between the esophagus and the duodenum. The section where the stomach joins the esophagus is called iya cardia ”and the section where the duo joins with the duodenum is called“ pylorus.. Muscles that surround both the cardor and pylor like a ring and shrink like a bag mouth are called “sphincters.. Of these sphincters, LES (Lower Esophageal Sphincter) controls the passage between the esophagus and the stomach, and pyloric sphincter controls the passage between the stomach and the duodenum. These sphincters perform nervous and stimulated contraction and relaxation movements to provide controlled passage of nutrients.

LES (esophageal sphincter) prevents the food in the stomach and especially the gastric acid from escaping back to the esophagus, while the pyloric sphincter prevents the passage of food from the stomach to the duodenum. To summarize, the direction of food in the digestive system is always one-way. At any stage of digestion, the digested food content cannot return to the previous digestive section, there are mechanisms to prevent it. So why does this system work in one direction? There are, of course, some reasons for preventing backward escape. Because every step of digestion has a certain pH. Thus, the resistance of the cells forming different parts of the gastrointestinal system was also shaped according to their pH properties. For example, the cells lining the inner wall of the stomach are acid-resistant and not alkaline. In contrast to the stomach, duodenum is resistant to alkaline, but not acid-resistant.

What is this pH?

pH is the parameter that determines the acid or alkali property of the medium. The more acid an environment, the lower the pH. A high pH means an increase in alkaline properties. The pH 7 level is neutral. For example, the stomach has a working pH of 3 or less during digestion. So there is a strong acid environment in the stomach.

It is a physiological requirement that the stomach content is highly acidic. It is very important for the digestion that the foods we eat encounter with stomach acid. Digestion of proteins begins in the stomach. When the stomach acid goes below 3, the enzyme that digests the proteins (pepsin) becomes active. Stomach acid dissolves protein foods and makes a soup consistency. If the stomach acid is sufficient, the pylor sphincter at the exit of the stomach is opened when the food is thoroughly dissolved and the stomach content passes to the duodenum. If the stomach acid is not enough, the pylorus will not open and the contents of the stomach will be discharged.

A second benefit of high stomach acidity is the destruction of bacteria, parasites, fungi, toxins and chemicals that enter the digestive tract along with foods. The stomach is the first entrance gate of the digestive system. In many studies, if the gastric acid is pH 3 and below, the majority of the microbes entering the body with the foods consumed cannot survive for more than 15 minutes. It has been found that stomach acid is weakened and some bacteria can survive at pH 5 levels. Aflatoxins are well-known toxins with carcinogenic properties. Aflatoxins in the previous article we have mentioned in our article, when the stomach acid goes below 3, aflatoxins can be destroyed to a large extent as destroyed.

To summarize, the pH of the stomach is below 3 is very important both for digestion and for protection from bacteria and toxins. The cells lining the inner wall of the stomach have been created to withstand these highly acidic conditions. In addition, the secretion of mucus secreted by the stomach effectively protects the inner wall of the stomach against the effect of acid and thus, no problems occur. However, the structure of the esophagus and duodenum (duodenum) is not so high acid resistant.

We have said above that the progress of food in the digestive system is always one-way, that food digested at any stage of digestion cannot return to the previous digestive section, and that sphincters provide it. Pyloric sphincter is more powerful than esophageal sphincter (LES). This point that we emphasize is very important. We want you to keep this sentence in mind while reading our article. Because in the later part of the article, when the internal pressure of the stomach increases, you need to know this detail to understand why the stomach content is backing towards the esophagus.

What are the factors that cause stomach acid reduction?

1- Stress: It is the most important factor that reduces stomach acid. When we say stress, as is often the case, only psycho-emotional stress should not be understood. In addition, changes in environmental conditions such as physical stress, poor living conditions, insomnia, chronic alcohol use, extreme cold, extreme heat, noise caused by excessive fatigue, especially in the wrong diet, diseases, major accidents and surgical operations, economic problems etc. Many reasons such as stress factors. The functioning of the digestive system is also controlled by the autonomic nervous system, which regulates the functioning of all internal organs. We know that the digestive system works under the control of the parasympathetic nervous system, and especially that the gastric acid is secreted and increased by parasympathetic stimulation. Stress is a response to stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system. In fact the sympathetic system is the system of combating stress and adapting to the body to these situations. When sympathetic activity comes to the fore, stomach and bowel movements slow down or stop. Stomach acid secretion and other digestive secretions are also reduced. Because there is danger and vital situations that need to be adapted, the body does not devote time and energy to digestion. Digestion can wait. For example, in acute infections such as flu and diarrhea, the appetite closes while the body struggles with viruses and bacteria. A body struggling with infection should not waste time with digestion and should focus on winning this struggle with all its strength. I suggest you read our article n What are the tricks of controlling stress and cortisol release?..

The factors that create stress due to today's living conditions have increased and sustained so much that the stress becomes chronic. The human body is therefore deprived of gastric acid protection, which is an important defense mechanism. As a result of stomach acid reduction, many other health problems that may be vital may arise. I will talk about them below.

2- Stomach acid suppressant drugs (PPI): Stomach pH during digestion is between pH 1-3 values. This is a very strong acid degree. In people using PPI drugs, it was found that gastric acid remained above pH 4 for 12-16 hours, in other words it decreased acidity (1), (2), (3), (4). Gastric acid does not reach the physiological value even during digestion. The damages of PPI group drugs will be explained in Chapter 3 of our article series.

So, what are the symptoms and symptoms of gastric acid reduction?

I stated at the beginning of the article that it is a physiological requirement that the stomach become acid during digestion. If this physiological event cannot occur and gastric acid is reduced, this can cause many health problems. So, what are they?

1- Diseases of the digestive system: reflux (gastro-esophageal reflux), duodenal ulcer, heartburn, indigestion, gallbladder stones

2- Stomach cancer

3- Lack of macro and micro nutrients

4- Autoimmune diseases (Hashimato thyroiditis, Basedow Graves disease, rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune gastritis, ulcerative colitis, celiac disease, Crohn's disease, psoriasis, Type 1 diabetes, SLE, vasculitis, etc.), Allergic diseases (dermatitis, eczema, urticaria)

5- Irritable bowel syndrome

6- Depression, anxiety, variable mood, sleep disorders, forgetfulness

7- Reduced resistance to infections and increased risk of infectious diseases. For example pneumonia, tuberculosis, typhoid and dysentery. In addition, increased risk of contamination with certain bacteria and parasites (salmonella, campylobacter, cholera, listeria, giardia, C.difficile, etc.).

8- Asthma

9- Anemia

10- Osteoporosis

11- Helicobacter pylori infection

Let's examine respectively how these problems occur when stomach acid decreases.

1- Gastro-esophageal reflux, duodenal ulcer, heartburn, indigestion and gallbladder stones: During digestion, the pH of the stomach should be 3 or lower, I have already stated. The insufficiency of gastric acid causes the following negativities.

- Bacteria entering the body with food cannot be destroyed

- Pepsin enzyme that digests proteins cannot be activated

- Pylor sphincter that closes the gastric outlet cannot be opened

- Stomach discharge is delayed.

As a result of this, undigested food waits too much in the stomach. Bacteria that come with food are not destroyed by gastric acid, but on the contrary, they encounter a nutrient medium with very favorable conditions for their reproduction. This environment is a reproductive environment that is not available to bacteria. They grow rapidly in this environment where all kinds of food are needed for their needs. Bacteria cause protein and carbohydrate foods to decompose and produce gas. The gas released by the decomposition increases the stomach pressure. As the stomach pressure increases, it causes recoil on the weak side of the stomach. As I mentioned above, pylor is stronger and spesific LES is weaker than sphincters located at both ends of stomach. Increased gastric pressure is not enough to open the pyloric sphincter, but the LES opens easily. As a result, the stomach content escapes back into the esophagus.

This condition is called “gastro esophageal reflux” or “reflux”. Stomach tissue is acid-resistant. Does not cause any damage to the stomach, even if the acid degree is high. However, the esophagus is not acid-resistant. Even weak acid causes damage to the esophagus. I would like to underline again that even if the acid secretion of the stomach is reduced, the contents of the weakly acidic stomach escaping backwards can cause damage to the esophagus and cause burns. It also causes belching gas escaping from the stomach to the esophagus. Indigestible carbohydrates and stinking proteins can cause indigestion and heartburn, as well as bad breath.

Negative events do not stop there. With the pressure of increased pressure in the stomach, the pylor is also opened after a while. Food passes to the duodenum. In normal digestive physiology, gastric acid needs to go below 3 to stimulate pancreatic secretions. When the stomach acid goes below 3, the following events occur in a sequence that triggers each other:

- The pancreas produces bicarbonate and digestive enzymes (chemotrypsin, amylase, lipase) and secretes it into the duodenum.

- Stimulate the gallbladder and allow the bile to flow into the duodenum.

The secretion of bile and the pancreas are bicarbonate alkali substances. Acid-containing foods from the stomach to the duodenum are mixed with bicarbonate and bile and neutralized without damaging the duodenum. Thanks to the digestive enzymes secreted by the bile and pancreas, digestion continues in the duodenum after the stomach.

When the gastric acid secretion is reduced, the mechanism described above is rendered inoperable and the normal digestive function described is impaired. When there is little acid in the stomach, the pancreas does not go into stimulation and does not secrete enough bicarbonate and digestive enzymes and the flow of saffron to the duodenum stops. Since the bicarbonate is not made and there is no bile flow, the acidic content from the stomach cannot be neutralized. Even if the degree of acid is reduced by using the drug, bicarbonate and bile to neutralize it are still not enough release, thus creating problems in the duodenum. Just like esophageal cells, cells covering the inner face of the duodenum are acid-resistant. Even if the stomach acid is reduced, this weak acid can still cause damage to the duodenum (ulcer).

Continuous suppression of gastric acid is not only a problem for the duodenum and esophagus, but also provides the basis for gallbladder problems. If bile flow fails, bile stagnation (bile stasis) occurs. Bile stasis leads to the formation of gallstones in the long term. Carbohydrates and proteins that cannot be digested sufficiently continue to smell in the duodenum, small intestines and large intestines. Hydrogen gas released as a result of decomposition causes noise, swelling and tension in the intestines and causes intra-abdominal pressure to increase. Increased pressure in the intestines is a second reason for increased reflux by compressing the stomach from bottom to top. Hydrogen gas, which is caused by insufficient digestion in the intestines, is also excreted through the lungs after absorption, causing bad breath. As a result of the research, it is stated that 10 grams of hydrogen gas can be produced in one day as a result of the decomposition of 30 g carbohydrate which cannot be absorbed because it cannot be digested. When you think about the volume of your digestive system this is a huge amount.

A bacterium called helicobacter pylori and settled in the stomach is accepted to play a role in the formation of ulcers and gastritis. 90% of duodenal ulcers and 65% of gastric ulcers develop due to helicobacter pylori. When the stomach acid is low, this bacteria settles in the stomach mucosa and causes inflammation. Another interesting situation was found in the researches. Helicobacter pylori creates some effects on the body in order to reduce stomach acid in order to maintain its living environment once it has the opportunity to settle in the stomach. Duodenum and gastric ulcers develop as a result of decreased gastric acid and inflammation. In Chapter 3, we will discuss more about Helicobacter pylori.

To summarize briefly the above: Gastric acid, reflux, ulcers, indigestion, swelling, gassing, the main cause of complaints such as stomach acid excess, but vice versa is the lack of acid. The discourse of “excess acid ıştır is wrong for the stomach, but true for the esophagus and duodenum. However, the increase in the acid content of the esophagus and duodenum is not because of the high acid content of the stomach, but rather because it is low. If the stomach were acid enough, the digestive function would proceed in normal flow, bicarbonate and bile buffering systems would work properly, no digestion and gassing would occur in the digestive system and many digestive system problems would not arise from reflux to ulcers, from souring to belching and bad breath.

I have been closely witnessing these situations that I have told you about my patients who have been treated with this perspective for years. When I stop the drugs that suppress gastric acid secretion in my patients experiencing the complaints I mentioned in my article and I increase the gastric acid naturally by various methods, I observe that my patients' complaints improve rapidly and permanent recovery takes place.

Low stomach acid does not only cause reflux and ulcers. Gastric cancer is another problem that may arise. This issue will be continued in Chapter 2. 2.Click for the section.

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How to Reduce Reflux?

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"Specialist Doctor Merve Tığlı; nowadays it is becoming fashionable reflux disease caused by heartburn and offers to reduce the feeling of discomfort ..."
Did you know that a person who lives on average for 75 years passes 30 tons of food and 50 thousand liters of liquid through his digestive system? What about the effect of your digestive system on your mood?
Having a healthy digestive system; it provides a quality life both physiologically and psychologically. When there is a problem in digestive functions; It can cause biological problems such as bloating and gas, as well as negatively affect your social life. The most common digestive problems are; indigestion and reflux.
Gastro esophageal reflux, known as ‘reflux ası, is defined as the escape of gastric contents into the esophagus. Stress and changing living conditions, with the shift of food to late hours, excess weight, cigarette, spicy, bitter and caffeine with increased consumption of food, reflux is common in one out of every five people.

Here are 10 tips to reduce heartburn, discomfort and pain caused by reflux:

1. Relax and eat slowly

Instead of eating more than you need at a time and increasing stomach acid, slowly; but eat until saturated. Take time to eat and enjoy every bite. A tiny tip for slow food; Try to leave your fork on the table between the bites.

2. Limit drinks during meals

If you have reflux problems, you should reduce fluid intake during meals. The lower esophageal sphincter (valve between the stomach and esophagus), which prevents food from escaping to the esophagus, is under high pressure when the stomach is full and this increases the risk of reflux. To reduce stomach volume, you can take a small sip of water during meals, or you should choose to drink your water before meals, not during meals. Pre-meal water will prevent you from eating more than you need.

3. Get rid of your excess weight

Excess weight is one of the main causes of heartburn. Reflux is seen 2 times more in overweight individuals than in those with ideal weight. Excess weight increases abdominal pressure and makes it easier for nutrients to escape. Body fat also secretes chemicals that will interfere with digestive functions. According to research, weight loss, albeit slightly, relieves the symptoms and helps to control the burning of the stomach.

4. Start training

Severe exercise, such as jogging, can damage your digestive tract and provoke reflux. However, moderate and low-impact exercises, such as walking, are useful. At the same time, walking upright helps gravity help digestion. To reduce symptoms, you can start walking for 30 minutes at least 2 hours after meals 4 days a week. How to Reduce Reflux5. Reduce oil

It delays gastric emptying as it takes a long time to digest fatty foods. It also causes relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter and increases reflux. Instead, you should choose lean proteins such as skinned chicken products, beans, lean red meat and whole grains of fiber source.

6. Recognize triggering nutrients

Certain foods have been shown to trigger reflux in some individuals. The most common culprits are fried and fatty foods, caffeinated beverages such as alcohol, tea and coffee, chocolate, mint foods, citrus, tomato and sauce, spicy foods, onions, garlic and carbonated beverages. But the nutrients that trigger reflux can be different for everyone. The right thing to do is to listen to your body after every different food you eat and to determine the recidents. Don't let them disturb you again when you notice these nutrients. Don't lie down after dinner

If you are at risk of reflux, do not lie down for at least 2 hours after a meal. So what do you have to do? Let your gastric secretions find the right way when you get up and walk. For the same reason, keep your upper body up while you sleep.

8. Wear plenty

Avoid tight clothing that will squeeze your body. Because tight clothing triggers reflux by increasing abdominal pressure. Choose flexible and comfortable clothing until your symptoms are controlled.

9. Chew cinnamon gum

Chewing gum after a meal balances stomach acid by stimulating salivary secretion. It provides clearance of acid secretion which damages esophagus by increasing swallowing. But since mint will increase symptoms, choose cinnamon and fruit gum.

10. Stop Smoking

Do you need another reason to quit smoking? Cigaret; slows down digestion, increases gastric acid and also limits saliva production. Besides damaging the esophagus, smoking; It also damages the digestive system. It causes weakening of the lower esophageal muscle which is the cause of direct reflux.

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What's good for stomach acid?

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Excess stomach acid may cause indigestion and heartburn. In addition, gastric acid, which serves to break down food, is considered to be one of the underlying causes of peptic ulcer and gastritis.

Some foods are good for stomach acid and balance production, but others can increase acid production and discomfort. Fibrous vegetables, legumes and fruits help reduce stomach acid levels, while fatty and spicy foods, citrus fruits are among the foods that increase stomach acid.


Raw vegetables rich in fiber care help to lower stomach acid. In addition, if you are trying to lose weight fiber vegetables last longer will create a feeling of satiety. Broccoli, eggplant, lettuce, cabbage, turnip, artichoke and cabbage are rich sources of dietary fiber. Note, however, that some of the high fiber vegetables increase the gas. These vegetables also contain important vitamin B for the health of your stomach.


Fresh fish, legumes, beans and other lean proteins provide you with the energy you need while balancing stomach acid production. High-fat protein sources, such as beef, can increase acid production. By limiting the consumption of beef, consuming foods such as trout, salmon, herring, tuna, mackerel, kidney beans, lentils and red beans will prevent overgrowth of stomach acid.


Fruits rich in vitamins A, C, E and other antioxidants prevent excessive stomach acid production. However, although rich in antioxidants, fruit such as orange, grapefruit and tangerine, which are acidic, can have a negative effect. Instead, you can consume fruits such as raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, apples, avocados, papaya, kiwi and watermelons.

Snacks and Drinks

If you keep the amount of fat per meal less than 3 g, you can prevent the excess production of gastric acid. It is also important to avoid spicy foods, ready-to-eat foods such as hamburgers, pizza with high saturated fat. Caffeinated beverages, carbonated beverages such as cola and alcohol are known to trigger gastric acid production.

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What is stomach acid? Foods that reduce stomach acid

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Beware if your stomach starts to boil after every meal!
What is stomach acid? Our stomach secretes a special acid component to digest the food we eat, making food digestible in the intestines. However, if the acid content increases, gastritis and ulcers occur in the stomach. Although the acid content decreases, indigestion problems begin this time. If the acid escapes from the esophagus, this time the disease begins to be seen, such as reflux. If you have an excess of stomach acid, stomach problems such as burning, pain will occur. In the meantime, the pH of the gastric acid is in the range of 1.0 to 3.5. If you go over this range or fall below some of the problems will begin to open the door. Inflammation of the stomach, duodenal ulcer: pain that begins shortly after eating. Gastric ulcer: Pain that starts 2-3 hours after eating treatment. If your stomach acid is low, you will start to experience complaints such as bloating, indigestion and constipation. How is stomach acid removed? If you think you have an excess of acid in your stomach, the first thing you should do is consult a doctor and use the medications he recommends. The doctor's anti-acid and acid-absorbing drugs in the stomach will give you a lot of comfort. In addition, some of the things you need to pay attention to to control the stomach acid are as follows:

- Start a meal with raw salad or fresh fruit.
- Food should be chewed thoroughly and eat slowly.
- You should leave the table before filling the stomach completely.
- Do not drink too much water during and after meals.
- The temperature of our food is also important, so the food should be neither too hot nor too cold.
- You should rest for about 1 hour after a meal.

Foods that reduce stomach acid All vegetables rich in fiber will help your stomach. These vegetables will also create a feeling of lasting satiety and help you lose weight. Vegetables rich in fiber can be listed as broccoli, eggplant, lettuce, turnip, cabbage and artichoke. In addition, lean protein intake balances stomach acid. But if you eat fatty veal in the presence of protein, the situation will reverse and your stomach acid will increase this time. For protein, fish and cereals such as lentils, dried beans will be more healthy to turn to. grapefruit, oranges, mandarins such as fruits will harm you, apples, raspberries, blackberries, kiwi, watermelon will relax your stomach as well.
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