Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Wondfo Pregnancy Test Strips Early Detection 25 Pack - Extra Sensitive HCG Urine Test Strip 10 MIU

Which Tests and Examinations Are Performed During Pregnancy?

Wondfo Pregnancy Test Strips Early Detection 25 Pack - Extra Sensitive HCG Urine Test Strip 10 MIU

What are the examinations during pregnancy?
Low-risk pregnancies are the ones that do not have any disease before and / or during pregnancy, have not given birth before, or have given one or more healthy births, have no family disease, and have no problems with her baby or herself during pregnancy. It is given. The course of these pregnancies is unlikely to be abnormal during and after delivery. In the follow-up of these pregnancies, the same basic examinations and tests are generally applied. These examinations are called routine examinations during pregnancy.

For risk factors that exist before and / or occur during pregnancy, in addition to routine examinations, some different examinations are performed. These are also called advanced investigations.

Gynecological (pelvic) examination
In general, pelvic examination is performed during the first antenatal examination and possible genital mass, infection, congenital genital anomalies, cancer and pre-cancerous lesions that may adversely affect pregnancy are revealed. Ultrasound and papsmear examination is added to the examination to complete the evaluation.

Recently, gynecological examination has become increasingly neglected. One reason for this is the kork fear of miscarriage due to gynecological examination ında in mothers, and the other reason is the güv trust doktor given to doctors by the increasing use of ultrasound. First of all, the error that needs to be corrected is the idea that gynecological examination is a low risk. Medically, there is no information to support the view that gynecological examination leads to miscarriage.

Although the first antenatal examination has been replaced by ultrasound in most cases, pathologies such as infection and cervical changes cannot be understood on ultrasound. Therefore, ultrasound should never be seen as an alternative to examination. It is especially important for mothers who have complaints indicating a gynecological pathology to accept the gynecological examination recommended by their doctor.

Vaginal examination is performed in case of suspicion of preterm birth in the later stages of pregnancy, in order to reveal the stage of the mother's labor at birth when the pain starts, to obtain information about the part of the baby entering the pelvis or to learn about the maturation of the cervix when the birth should be started with artificial pain.

System examinations
These examinations may not always be performed. In general, the first antenatal examination is performed by a gynecologist about the complaints and general examination of the digestive system, heart and circulatory system, respiratory system, locomotor system (muscles and joints) and nervous system and mental state. In case of pathological finding, the obstetrician will consult the specialist.

In the first examination, breast examination is performed when necessary, and a possible mass, congenital breast anomalies and abnormal conditions that may prevent postnatal breastfeeding are detected and necessary precautions are taken.

Blood pressure measurement
By using a suitable cuff length from the right arm of the expectant mother, the blood pressure value obtained while sitting in a calm state is recorded on the tracking card. Blood pressure measurement is repeated at each pregnancy examination. Blood pressure value is the most important criterion in the early diagnosis of preeclampsia.

Weight measurement
It is more appropriate for the expectant mother to make her own weight measurement at home on an empty stomach in the morning and to inform her doctor at the examination.

Excess weight gain, especially in a short time, may be a precursor to preeclampsia. Excessive weight gain over the long term (weeks) may be due to unnecessary intake of carbohydrate and fat-rich foods or may be a precursor to diabetes. Of course, a large baby that grows very fast can cause the mother to gain weight fast.

Some doctors believe that it is not necessary to closely monitor weight gain during pregnancy follow-up. According to my opinion, the weight gain criterion in the health of the expectant mother and the baby is in the last place. What is in the foreground are the development of the baby and the blood pressure and general health status of the expectant mother. Since the doctor following the pregnancy sees the expectant mother at regular intervals, she easily recognizes weight changes that may cause problems from one examination to another.

Weight monitoring in this way "doctor's eye", "gram gram" weight tracking is likely to occur in mothers who are likely to occur psychological problems and unnecessary worries.

Evaluation of abdominal growth
At the beginning of the second half of the pregnancy, the uterus is exactly at the level of the navel and can be felt by hand. Then, the measurements made when the bladder is empty, the distance between the pubis bone and the highest height of the uterus is measured in centimeters and gives the gestational week with little margin of error. Factors such as twin pregnancy, overweight, bladder overload, inexperienced person contributing to misleading results.

Today, this evaluation is increasingly being abandoned because most of the physicians perform ultrasound at each antenatal evaluation.

Mapping the baby in the abdomen
With special examination methods called Leopold maneuvers, the doctor determines the position of the baby's head, back and legs. These methods determine how the baby enters into the pelvis towards the end of pregnancy.

Note: Ultrasound gives much more accurate information than the measurement obtained by measuring the abdomen with tape measure and Leopold maneuvers.

Pregnancy tests
Tests based on the detection of HCG, a pregnancy-specific hormone in urine or blood. They can determine pregnancy without delay in menstrual period and delays between three and ten days depending on the sensitivity of the test in urine.

Determination of blood groups
Blood groups of the mother and father candidates can be determined in the blood taken from the finger. Rh incompatibility is mentioned when the blood type of the mother is Rh (-) and the father is Rh (+).

Complete blood count
A wide range of parameters are determined by the instruments that automatically count the blood taken from the vein. Leukocytes (white blood cells), the number of erythrocytes (red blood cells), the average hemoglobin content of erythrocytes, size, platelet count, hemoglobin and hematocrit value is determined more than a number of parameters. The diagnosis of anemia is a general idea of ​​whether it is due to iron deficiency, B12 and / or folic acid deficiency or an inherited disease.

When the leukocyte count increases above the physiological increase (12,000 or more), it may indicate infection and, in the case of overdose, a disease that disrupts white blood cell production. When the platelet count is found to have fallen below the physiological decline in pregnancy, a disease is suspected which causes unnecessary consumption of these cells responsible for stopping bleeding.

Wondfo Pregnancy Test Strips Early Detection 25 Pack - Extra Sensitive HCG Urine Test Strip 10 MIU

First Response Rapid Result Pregnancy Test

How to Do Pregnancy Test at Home?

First Response Rapid Result Pregnancy Test

The function of home pregnancy tests is to detect the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the administration of women. HCG, known as the pregnancy hormone, is only found in pregnant women. Pregnancy tests that you can use at home can be found in most pharmacies and online. You can read our article to learn step by step how you can do the pregnancy test at home.

Before Testing

Buy pregnancy test. There are many different pregnancy test brands on the market, but it doesn't matter which one you choose. All the pregnancy tests you can do at home have the same function, they detect the level of hCG hormone in your urine. When purchasing a pregnancy test, check the expiration date on the box and make sure it is intact, with no wear or tear in the box, as these may affect the results of the test. Especially if you are testing at an early time, choose brands with two test strips inside the box. Thus, if you get negative results on the first try, you can wait a week and try again. [1]
Some experts recommend taking a pregnancy test at larger pharmacies with a high volume of work because they are more likely to receive a new pregnancy test than a test that has been on the shelf for months. Likewise, if you have taken a pregnancy test and have been waiting in a corner for a few months, especially if it has been waiting in a hot and humid place, you may need to discard the old one and take a new test, as this may affect the test results. [1]
Some brands claim that their products can detect pregnancy on the first day of menstruation, or even earlier. It is true that these tests are sensitive enough to detect high levels of hCG hormone in the urine, but perhaps you are at the very beginning of your pregnancy and the body does not produce high levels of hCG. In this case, there is a risk of getting negative results even though you are pregnant. [1]
Most of the equivalent pregnancy tests of different brands sold in pharmacies are actually produced in the same factories with the big brands, using the same technologies. Therefore, if you intend to make an affordable shopping, you do not have to doubt about the quality of equivalent products. [2]

Decide when to run the test. Many experts recommend waiting for at least one day after noticing that the menstrual day is delayed to do a pregnancy test, but it is best to do it after waiting a week. If you are worried about whether you are pregnant or not, it can be a bit difficult to wait, but because pregnant women have a high level of hCG hormone, it is possible to expect a higher level of accuracy when testing. [3]
The hormone hCG begins to secrete only after the fertilized egg is placed in the woman's uterus. This settling usually occurs six days after the sperm and egg have joined, or on the sixth day. Therefore, if you do the test too early, the test may not detect any gCG hormone even if you are pregnant. [4]
It is best to do the test as soon as it gets up in the morning because it is the most intense urine and the highest level of hCG hormone in the morning. [1]
If you want to keep this in mind as a practical information or if your period is irregular, you should wait three weeks after the intercourse to do the pregnancy test. However, if you are in a hurry, you can do most tests after 2 weeks (ie, when you have your period).

Read the instructions carefully. Although most pregnancy tests are generally the same, it is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions. In each pregnancy test, details such as the method of collecting urine, the length of time you need to urinate on the stick, and symbols indicating whether or not you are pregnant may vary. [4]
When the results of the test come out, it is best to familiarize yourself with the symbols used in order not to look for the results in the instructions.
You should have a toll-free hotline number on the box or in the instructions that you can call if you have problems with the test or with the product. [4]

Prepare yourself. If you are worried about finding out if you are pregnant or not, doing a pregnancy test at home can be extremely annoying. Do the test on your own and ask your partner or a close friend to wait at the toilet door to give you as much time as you need or support you. Wash your hands with warm water and soap and carefully remove the test strip from the package.


Ready and go! Sit on the toilet and urinate in the box provided on or near the stick, depending on the type of test. When taking a urine sample, you should first pee and then urinate on the can or stick.
If you need to urinate directly on the rod, be sure to follow the instructions carefully. In some tests, there is a certain amount of time for you to urinate on the stick, for example for five seconds, no more or less. Use a stopwatch to keep time if necessary.
When urinating on the swab, make sure it coincides with the swab of the swab and flip the screen where the result will appear.

Use a dropper to drip a small amount of urine into the test strip. You only need to do this if a plastic container is provided next to the test. Drip your urine into the container indicated above the bar. On some markers, you must alternatively dip the absorbent end of the swab into the urine sample you are taking. Immerse and soak for 5 to 10 seconds or for the time specified in the instructions.

Wait for the specified time. Place the bar on a clean, level surface with the result screen facing up. The waiting time is usually between 1 and 5 minutes, but with some tests you may have to wait 10 minutes to get the correct result. See the instructions to find out how long you should wait for the test you are using.
Wait and watch the bar at the beginning of the bar during the waiting time, because when you wait, the time goes very slowly and you get more agitated and tense. Pay attention to other things, drink a cup of tea, stretching movements or exercise.
Some tests have a small timer icon or a line to indicate that the test is working. If these should be in the test you are using, but nothing appears on the screen, the test is probably not working correctly and you may need to use another test.

Check the results. After waiting for the time specified in the instructions, check the test strip to see the results. Icons indicating whether you are pregnant may vary from test to test, so if you are not sure, read the instructions again. Most pregnancy tests use a plus or minus sign, a color change occurs, or "pregnant" or "not pregnant" appears on the digital display. [4]
Sometimes the line or icon appears on the screen very lightly. If this happens, you can evaluate the result positively because it indicates that the test has found hCG in the urine. False positive results are rare. [5]
If the result is positive: you should see your doctor and have your pregnancy confirmed. Doctors usually confirm their pregnancy with a blood test. [6]
If the result is negative: Wait a week and if you are still not periodic, do the test again. False negative consequences are common, especially if you miscalculated the date of ovulation and you did the test too early. This is why most pregnancy tests have two bars in the box. If you get negative results on the second test strip, see your doctor to see if there is a problem that affects your period or causes pregnancy symptoms. [4]

If the test is positive, do a few more tests to make sure they are positive.
Consuming too much fluid consumes excessive fluid before performing the test, as this will cause watering of the urine and a false negative result. [4]

Delay in menstruation, gaining weight, nausea and other symptoms associated with pregnancy may be signs of other serious conditions that require treatment. Don't ignore these symptoms based on your results at home and consult your doctor.
In rare cases, false positive results may occur from time to time. If you have recently experienced a chemical pregnancy (egg fertilization but no development), if you have used a drug containing the hormone hCG or have used an incorrect or outdated test, you are more likely to have a false positive result. [1]

First Response Rapid Result Pregnancy Test

Pregnancy Test Strips, Home Pregnancy Test Kits - 55-Piece Pregnancy Test Strips with Bonus 55-Piece Urine Collection Cups - Quick and Reliable Early Pregnancy Test Detection - Over 99% Accuracy

Horrible Methods Used by Physicians Before Inventing Modern Pregnancy Tests!

Pregnancy Test Strips, Home Pregnancy Test Kits - 55-Piece Pregnancy Test Strips with Bonus 55-Piece Urine Collection Cups - Quick and Reliable Early Pregnancy Test Detection - Over 99% Accuracy

Let's say you think you might be pregnant. Naturally you go to the pharmacy, you get a urine test; and the result: You can immediately find out if there is a growing person in you.

However, pregnancy tests that you have in mind right now are relatively new discoveries. But how did women learn that they were expecting a baby before? It seems that the old “pregnancy tests çok were far more strange and unreal than you might have imagined. If you're eating right now, you might want to take a break, and things will get a little weird.

Al News From “Small”
Let's first look at some basic information. When a woman becomes pregnant, her hormone levels change. At the beginning of pregnancy, human chorionic gonadotropin hormone (hCG) is secreted by a portion of the placenta. This hormone works together with other parts of the body to maintain the presence of the corpus luteum at the beginning of each menstrual cycle. It also triggers the production of progesterone, a multipurpose hormone that contributes to the maintenance of pregnancy, especially in the early stages.

A contemporary pregnancy test may detect signs of elevated hCG levels in the urine of the woman from six days after fertilization. These tests produce very little pozitif false positive ”results and are incredibly accurate (99%). Some types control more than one hormone produced during pregnancy rather than pure hCG.

Urine Pre-Cogs
At one time, the urine of women thought to be pregnant was examined by ”seers yerine instead of physicians or advanced technology pregnancy tests. European women in the 16th century; they were tricked by the “experts eden who looked carefully at the disgusting yellow currents and evaluated the color, tone and smell of the urine to determine whether they were expecting a baby.

As part of this practical method, the more advanced seers used to mix urine with wine. Although they probably didn't know how, there was a scientific fact behind this: that alcohol reacted with some special proteins produced during pregnancy, and the urine consistency changed.

This urine examination technique, also called “uroscopy ır, dates back to ancient Babylon and was transferred to Byzantine medicine thanks to the progress of the Eastern Roman Empire from the 5th to the mid-15th century.

Egyptian Recruitment
In fact, urine tests appeared much earlier than the Protestant Reformation and Copernicus. The ancient Egyptians, who lived in the 14th century BC, that is approximately 3,350 years ago, also had their own methods.

During the reign of Pharaoh Akhenaten, the husband of the notorious Queen Nefertiti, the Egyptians sprinkled her urine on wheat and barley seeds. If the seeds germinated, she was said to be pregnant. If the wheats germinated the daughter, the barley would have a son.

Remarkably, it has been shown that this method really works, at least as a general pregnancy test. Although probably unknown at that time, hormones produced during pregnancy caused these seeds to germinate.

Wind Tunnel
Hippocrates, the father of “modern” medicine, made the wrong assumption that pregnancy can be detected by placing onions in the female vagina. If the woman's breath smelled onions the next morning, she wasn't pregnant: the idea was based on the idea that if there was no growing baby, the female uterus would be open and create a wind tunnel extending from the rectum to the mouth. If there was a baby-shaped obstacle in the womb, the woman's breath would not smell onions.

Suffice it to say that this is not medically correct.

The hCG hormone was first described by medical researchers in the 1920s, and the present invention provided the opportunity to detect pregnancy by detecting hCG. The high-tech urine sticks we had today were not yet there, so what did they use instead? Unfortunately, some members of the animal kingdom would be used as a cruel tester for the job.

The urine sample from the woman was injected into an undeveloped female mouse. If there was hCG in the urine, the mouse would heat up and become sexually active and ready to mate. Initially, only mice were used, after injection the ovaries were cut and opened for examination. In a few years, the rats were replaced by rabbits. This test was called Aschheim-Zondek test, also called A-Z test.

The test was incredibly 98 percent accurate. However, the results lasted for several days and the test was unable to distinguish between a rapidly growing type of cancer called chorioepithelioma and hCG. Thus, this test was used, unintentionally, as a method of cancer diagnosis; If the patient was not pregnant, it was not cancer.

In front of everyone
A South African scientist from Cape Town, Lancelot Hogben, who developed the method further, spent his time experimenting with the hormones of humans and other creatures on clawed frogs. Amphibians have shown that they are more advantageous than mice and rabbits since their eggs can be examined much more easily.

Eventually, the South African clawed frog, whose scientific name was Xenopus laevis, turned out to be particularly convenient for human pregnancy tests. When a female frog was injected with the urine of a pregnant woman, the frog lay eggs before the end of the day. In contrast, the male frog responded to the injection by producing sperm. This much faster and more successful test spread to Europe in the 1930s and frogs became standard carriers.

Radioactive Targets
A pharmaceutical company called Warner-Chilcott in 1976; she developed a test that women could get for $ 10, which they could apply in the comfort of their own home, which resulted in 2 hours and most importantly, it didn't require frogs. The test gave 97 percent accurate results in positive results, was inexpensive and easy to use. This was a revolutionary development for the sector and provided the basis for pregnancy tests that are currently being used all over the world. The production of this test is a significant improvement from the early 1970s when radioactive labeling was used to detect hCG.

As a result, although technology has come a long way since the time of Queen Nefertiti, we still detect pregnancy by peeing on something.

Pregnancy Test Strips, Home Pregnancy Test Kits - 55-Piece Pregnancy Test Strips with Bonus 55-Piece Urine Collection Cups - Quick and Reliable Early Pregnancy Test Detection - Over 99% Accuracy

6 Days Ahead Pregnancy Test - 3 Pregnancy Tests (10mIU/ml) - Early Detection: as Early as 6 Days Before Your Missed Period - Over 99% Accurate on The Expected Period - One Step HCG Urine Tests

How much magnesium should be taken during pregnancy?

6 Days Ahead Pregnancy Test - 3 Pregnancy Tests (10mIU/ml) - Early Detection: as Early as 6 Days Before Your Missed Period - Over 99% Accurate on The Expected Period - One Step HCG Urine Tests

Our body needs vitamins and minerals. So it is recommended to consume plenty of vegetables and fruits. During pregnancy, vitamins and mineral supplements may be required according to some conditions. One of them is magnesium. Acıbadem Kadıköy Hospital Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist Wonderful Bodur Ozturk, told about the need for magnesium in pregnancy.

Benefits of Magnesium

All organs in the human body, especially the heart, muscles, kidneys, need this mineral for normal functions. 50 mg of magnesium which is 25 mg in adult body is in bone tissue. Only 1 percent is found in the systemic blood circulation. The rate of magnesium in the blood is also controlled by the kidneys. Magnesium is also found in the structure of bones and teeth. It activates the enzymes involved in energy production and controls the levels of calcium, copper, zinc, potassium minerals and vitamin D levels. It also takes part in the control of blood sugar and blood pressure.

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency
Magnesium deficiency may include loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, weakness, agitation, anxiety, sleep disturbance, heart rhythm deterioration, low blood pressure, restless leg syndrome, muscle spasms and weakness. Magnesium is associated with calcium and potassium metabolism. Therefore, in magnesium deficiency, calcium and potassium blood levels may also be affected. Pregnant women can usually present with cramps that arouse from sleep in the legs during the 2nd trimester.

Under what conditions should it be used?
The daily magnesium requirement during pregnancy is 350 mg, while during lactation it is 320-360 mg per day. Magnesium supplementation is not routinely recommended during pregnancy. However, magnesium deficiency may occur in pregnant women with gastrointestinal diseases such as intestinal disease (IBS), ulcerative colon, diabetes, pancreatitis, hyperthyroidism and kidney disease. Consuming too much caffeine, drinking soda, sodium-rich diet and stress are other risk factors for magnesium deficiency. In such cases, treatment under the supervision of a doctor may be recommended. In pregnancy, magnesium sulfate treatment is given intravenously in the clinical picture characterized by high blood pressure and protein leakage from the urine due to pregnancy called preeclampsia and in the prevention of premature contractions. However, these treatments must be performed under close supervision of the doctor under the control of the hospital. There is no scientific evidence that magnesium in oral form prevents premature birth. Magnesium may also be present in gastric medications given as antacid treatment for stomach problems such as reflux, which are frequently encountered during pregnancy. Pregnant women with heart and kidney disease should not use magnesium unless given by their doctor.

More suppresses breathing
The level of magnesium in the bloodstream is under control. Therefore, magnesium supplementation does not reach toxic levels except for specific intravenous treatments for magnesium deficiency. There is no evidence that the fetus or pregnancy is adversely affected in the event of magnesium deficiency. If the blood level of magnesium increases, a clinical picture leading to respiratory suppression may occur.

Foods containing magnesium

A healthy-nourished individual can get enough magnesium from the nutrients. Especially green leafy vegetables are an important source. Of these, spinach can meet 20 percent of the daily magnesium requirement. Grain plants, seeds, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, chestnuts such as nuts are foods rich in magnesium. Mineral waters can also be a good source of magnesium. Soy milk, black beans, raw bread, avocado, potatoes, bananas, milk and yogurt are among other magnesium sources.

6 Days Ahead Pregnancy Test - 3 Pregnancy Tests (10mIU/ml) - Early Detection: as Early as 6 Days Before Your Missed Period - Over 99% Accurate on The Expected Period - One Step HCG Urine Tests

Right Time Prank Joke Pregnancy Test/Always Turns Positive (Pack of 2)

What is an early pregnancy test? When and how?

Right Time Prank Joke Pregnancy Test/Always Turns Positive (Pack of 2)

People who are facing pregnancy can have early pregnancy and normal pregnancy tests. We have compiled the answers to the questions of normal pregnancy and early pregnancy test, when and how.

Early pregnancy test is a test that can be done before pregnancy test for women who neglected to get pregnant. Normal pregnancy test at home is done after menstrual irregularity. It is done 6 days before the menstrual period. A woman who thinks it is night should do the test one week after the intercourse. It is necessary to wait for the appropriate time to perform the pregnancy test because the fertilization of the egg results in hormonal changes. HGC hormone increases rapidly after fertilization. The test price varies from 1.5 TL to 15 TL.

How to do an early pregnancy test?
The early pregnancy test starts by holding the urine through the cup and touching the test into the cup. Double line; indicates that the person is pregnant, that a single line is not pregnant, and that the test is incorrect if it is empty.

Is early pregnancy testing reliable?
Although the correct pregnancy rate of the early pregnancy test is higher than 90 percent, it does not necessarily mean that the test is always accurate. It is possible that the correct results cannot be obtained due to hormonal imbalances starting with fertilization. Therefore, a blood test should also be performed to ensure the accuracy of the result. It is recommended that people who have an early pregnancy test perform the test within two days.

How to do a pregnancy test?
People who are not sure of early pregnancy test results can have normal pregnancy test in the following days. The difference between early pregnancy test and normal pregnancy test are the criteria used. HCG is measured in early pregnancy test. Normal pregnancy test is performed when the menstrual period is delayed. Accordingly, people who have irregular menstruation will test after 7-10 days.

How to do a pregnancy test with a blood test?
Pregnancy with blood test is the test that gives the best results. However, the date of the blood test should be considered. This process should be two days before the earliest period. The test is performed two days after the menstrual delay and the pregnancy status is checked by examining the status of the hormones in the blood. Hormone measurement lasts between 3-8 hours. There is a delay in the menstrual period, but if your test is negative, it means that you are not pregnant. In this case, the next day pill, psychological causes, factors such as nutrition comes into play.

What are the symptoms of pregnancy?
Thickening of the nipple, more sensitive nipples, sensitivity to taste and taste, bleeding in the vagina, frequent urine, nausea, fatigue, menstrual delay, abdominal swelling and weight increase, such as high body temperature factors are signs of pregnancy.

Right Time Prank Joke Pregnancy Test/Always Turns Positive (Pack of 2)

ClinicalGuard? HCG Pregnancy Test Strips (Individually-Sealed, Pack of 50)

PREGNANCES and Those Who Want to Stay Pregnant !!

ClinicalGuard? HCG Pregnancy Test Strips (Individually-Sealed, Pack of 50)

Pregnancy Symptoms

Now that you've decided to become a mother, you feel very ready. You shared this with your partner and agreed to bring a child into the world as parents. It may not be possible to predict how this decision will actually change your life. When the baby is in mind, it is always pink, dreams and dreams are shaped.

However, the responsibility and difficulty of having a baby is not negligible. Those who consider these difficulties in a calm way and accept all these difficulties and decide to still have a baby can now begin by experiencing the first stage of sexual intercourse.

First of all, the most important thing for a woman to get pregnant is that there is no disturbance in the female's ovulation system or the male's sperm production system and sexual intercourse takes place during ovulation.

Generally, women who have regular menstrual cycles enter ovulation 10 to 15 days after menstruation. Pregnancy may occur after a period of one month following sexual intercourse on these dates. After the fertilization, the fetus reaches a certain size and after the pregnancy, the pregnancy becomes definite after the hormonal changes in the expectant mother.

The wide variety of pregnancy symptoms experienced by the expectant mothers makes the pregnancy a completely individual structure. Most of the pregnancy symptoms are difficult for the expectant mother, it is a very unpleasant experience and distress. However, all women who wish to become mothers are eager to get their pregnancy symptoms as soon as possible.

Probably the symptoms of pregnancy, such as vomiting, dizziness, nausea and constant sleep, are just as desirable for pregnancy.

The only thing that all women who want to get pregnant look forward to are the signs that they are pregnant as soon as possible. As all people are different, all women have their own biological, metabolic, physical and physiological differences.

These differences are so diverse that one characteristic that is generally generalized, that is, usually a feature of most women, may never be seen in another. Therefore, pregnancy status has a unique characteristic from lady to lady.

To give a simple example of this, for example, in most pregnant women, overrun, nausea, dizziness can be seen in another pregnant woman, none of these may occur. Therefore, do not expect to have the features that appear in all pregnant women. Don't feel any change and keep your spirits up. Just wait patiently and after pregnancy progresses, contact a health care provider for the necessary doctor checks.

The healthiest way to see that pregnancy occurs and progresses in a healthy way is to give blood. Now you can apply to state hospitals or private hospitals for pregnancy follow-ups that are also applied by health centers.

A pregnant woman can usually understand that she is pregnant from some changes in her body. These changes; nausea, heartburn, dizziness, constant sleepiness and fatigue, unjustified irritation, crying spells, or sudden emotional changes such as happiness, fuller breasts, sometimes even touching swollen pain, body swelling of the hands in general, groin in the hands, swelling of the feet, groin a similar feeling to pain, frequent urination, low back pain, eyelashes and pupils growth, increased ruptures, urinary tract infection. In general, complaints described by pregnant women may be very similar to complaints in the same menstrual period. Therefore, it is very common for women who want to conceive to confuse menstrual symptoms with pregnancy.

Apart from physical symptoms of pregnancy, first of all a pregnant woman has to delay her period. Because the egg that occurs every month for pregnancy in women should fertilize that month and form the fetus. If menstruation occurs, none of the eggs in the woman are fertilized and expelled from the body. In addition, there are women who are pregnant and are still menstruating. We usually call this situation 'seeing on top'. Women who experience this are only able to realize that they are pregnant after 3-4 months. This leads to unwanted pregnancies. However, since pregnancy is detected late, necessary tests and follow-up cannot be performed. As a result, the birth of problematic babies may occur.

Pregnancy symptoms include pregnancy tests with a result of 99 percent. These are available in all pharmacies under different brands. If we talk about the method of pregnancy tests, it usually leads to a more accurate result after 10 days of menstruation. In addition, early pregnancy tests are also available, which are more expensive than other pregnancy tests, but can also be performed near the menstrual period. Normal pregnancy tests range from 3 to 5 rubles on the market. Early pregnancy tests are around 15-20 tl. If a healthier result is desired in both pregnancy tests, these tests should be performed with the first urine in the morning. After you urinate on the test strip, you start to wait and if the single line turns to double line over time, pregnancy is positive, but if the single line does not change, pregnancy is interpreted as negative. Pregnancy tests may not always be 99% accurate. A pregnant woman can see the negative in the test and actually become pregnant.

The most definite sign of pregnancy occurs with ultrasound device. When a woman who has had her menstrual day examined by ultrasound, the sac of the fetus should be seen. In addition, the uterus muscles of a pregnant woman with ultrasound should be thickened. Since the fetus is very small in the first weeks of pregnancy, vaginal ultrasound examination is preferred. The condition of the fetus, sac, amniotic fluid, etc. are better evaluated by vaginal ultrasound. Women who abstain from vaginal ultrasound often suspect that it is a painful type of examination that will harm the fetus and do not want to be examined with this ultrasound. But this is definitely a wrong judgment. Vaginal ultrasound is unlikely to cause any damage to the uterus, nor is it a painful examination at all.

ClinicalGuard? HCG Pregnancy Test Strips (Individually-Sealed, Pack of 50)

Wondfo 50 Ovulation Test Strips and 20 Pregnancy Test Strips Kit - Rapid Test Detection for Home Self-Checking Urine Test (50 LH + 20 HCG)

Diabetes and Pregnancy

Wondfo 50 Ovulation Test Strips and 20 Pregnancy Test Strips Kit - Rapid Test Detection for Home Self-Checking Urine Test (50 LH + 20 HCG)

What are the changes in carbohydrate metabolism during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the body's energy needs have increased. More glucose is needed to provide the necessary energy for the child's development. Therefore, blood sugar levels in pregnant women are lower than normal. If sufficient glucose cannot enter the cell as a result of a decrease in carbohydrate intake, energy is primarily supplied from fats and ketone bodies are seen in the urine. Pregnancy, ketosis susceptibility increases due to the lack of sufficient insulin hormone in the blood, but the need for glucose. Ketosis is a condition that has dangerous consequences for both the development of the child and the health of the pregnant woman. In addition, the increase in progesterone, estrogen, cortisone, lactogen, etc. hormones during pregnancy causes resistance to insulin.

What is the effect of pregnancy on diabetes?

The most important difference between diabetic and non-diabetic pregnant women is the increased risk of ketoacidosis in diabetes, and may further aggravate the current insulin resistance. Insulin requirement is higher in pregnant women than non-pregnant women. Insulin requirement increased in diabetic pregnant women compared to pre-pregnancy period, especially after the first 3 months. In diabetic pregnant women, it is important to balance the increased glucose and insulin requirements of the organism for both mother and child. Otherwise, the risk of cardiac skeletal anomalies in infants and preterm birth, miscarriage, large birth or stillbirth in pregnant women increases.

What is gestational diabetes?

Pancreatic cells, which can secrete sufficient insulin before pregnancy, cannot secrete enough insulin with the progression of pregnancy, so blood sugar may increase during pregnancy even if there is no sign of diabetes before. The so-called 'gestational diabetes' usually improves at the end of pregnancy. Overweight pregnant women over the age of 30, who usually have a large number of diabetic people in their family, are at risk for gestational diabetes.

How should birth planning be done in diabetes?

Diabetic mothers who do not have a life-threatening risk of conception should undergo strict control at least 3 months before conception in order to ensure proper health and development of the fetus. The risk of achieving metabolic control in diabetes and preventing or stopping the progression of complications is low in young mothers with low age of diabetes and without diabetes-related organ disorders. Diabetes is older, people with an initial diagnosis of disorders such as the eye or nervous system, or older mothers are at high risk. In diabetic patients with advanced organ disorders, pregnancy is not allowed as pregnancy increases these disorders.

How should blood sugar be monitored during pregnancy?

The ideal fasting blood sugar level is 60-90mg / dl, and the satiety blood sugar level is 120-130 mg / dl. During pregnancy, blood glucose levels should be measured at least 2 times a week before breakfast and 2 hours later, before lunch and dinner and at 11.00 pm. During pregnancy, blood sugar may rise in the urine before it rises (renal glycosuria). Therefore, daily urine glucose monitoring and acetone monitoring should be performed. If acetone is detected in the urine for two consecutive days, the patient should immediately see his doctor.

What should be the treatment of diabetes during pregnancy?

If the metabolic control can be achieved by diet in gestational diabetic patients, treatment is continued with dietary compliance controls. Insulin therapy should be initiated immediately in patients with poor metabolic control but with slightly higher blood glucose values ​​and diabetic patients with poor metabolic control. Pregnant women cannot use oral antidiabetic drugs. Total weight gain during pregnancy should not exceed 10-13 kg.

What should be considered before and after birth in diabetic pregnant women?

Diabetic pregnant women can be delivered preferably from the 38th week. If the duration exceeds 40 weeks or if the fetus is estimated to be over 4000 gr, caesarean section should be preferred.
The baby who is exposed to hyperglycemia in the womb starts to secrete insulin and continues to secrete insulin after birth. Therefore, the most common metabolic disorder in newborn children is low blood sugar. Measurement of blood sugar of the baby following birth and strict blood sugar monitoring for at least two weeks is important for the detection and treatment of hypoglycemia. If hypoglycemia is detected in the baby, it should be taken into an early feeding program or if hypglycemia is heavy, serum containing dextrose should be given.

What should be done to prevent pregnancy?

Although contraceptive methods are not different from diabetic, non-diabetic contraceptives may interfere with the hormonal balance of diabetes and therefore blood sugar control. In a diabetic woman, it is very important that the intrauterine devices (spirals), which are at risk of developing infections, are placed under sterile conditions. The tube fixation technique is the most reliable method.

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