Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Clearblue Pregnancy Test Combo Pack, 4ct - Digital with Smart Countdown & Rapid Detection - Value Pack

What symptoms do I experience when I get pregnant?

Clearblue Pregnancy Test Combo Pack, 4ct  - Digital with Smart Countdown & Rapid Detection - Value Pack

Although the only and best way to be sure of pregnancy is by performing a pregnancy test and getting positive results, your body gives you some symptoms beforehand. Although most women do not notice these symptoms at the beginning of pregnancy, some of them experience signs of pregnancy. These symptoms can be a valid reason to conduct a pregnancy test.

Darkening of the nipple: Due to changing hormone levels in the body during pregnancy, the circular areas around the nipple may become darker and wider.

Sensitive breasts and nipples: Painful, whining, swollen and tender breasts are the first signs of pregnancy. This starts a few days after fertilization and may increase during pregnancy.

Small bubbles around the nipple: Small bubbles in the circular area around the teats, which have not previously attracted much attention, may become more pronounced. These bubbles are fat-producing glands to relieve the nipples and their surroundings, and their prominence indicates that the body is preparing for breastfeeding.

Mild bleeding: Mild vaginal bleeding may occur earlier than menstruation, usually 5 to 10 days after fertilization. Unlike menstruation, this bleeding is pink in medium darkness.

More frequent urination: Changing hormone levels not only in the amount of blood, but also increases in the amount of urine and urine too often causes. In addition, kidney productivity increases during pregnancy and the body is cleaned faster than waste materials. The enlargement of the uterus also presses the bladder and reduces the volume of the bladder. With the shrinkage of the bladder, there is a need to go to the toilet more frequently.

Fatigue: As your body focuses on having a baby, it will have less energy for other functions. It will take until the end of the first 3 months to build and complete the placenta in the first place, during which the hormone levels and blood production of the woman will increase significantly. Because the heart rate is faster, the blood sugar is lower, the metabolism is faster, the body will spend more energy. As such, it will need more nutrients and water. When these conditions are considered, the feeling of weakness in the body will become inevitable. After the completion of the placenta and the accustomed to the changing hormonal and emotional order, the body will revive a little more.

Nausea: Nausea and vomiting complaints can be experienced at the beginning of pregnancy, usually begins to feel like the sixth week. According to research, about three quarters of pregnant women experience nausea and vomiting. Although the cause of nausea has not been clearly identified, it is thought that high levels of pregnancy hormone, elevated estrogen level and increased smell sensitivity of pregnant women cause nausea. Not all pregnant women have the same nausea and vomiting.

Odor sensitivity: The sharpening of the sense of smell is one of the first changes that new pregnant women feel.

Bloating: The feeling of bloating may begin from the very early stages of pregnancy, but it may be difficult to distinguish it from premenstrual bloating. The feeling of bloating may be related to the changing hormone level.

Increase in body temperature: With pregnancy, the body temperature can rise by as much as 1 degree and remain high during pregnancy. This may vary from person to person.

Delay in menstruation: You may start to suspect that you are pregnant, especially if your menstruation is normally very regular and your menstruation does not start on the expected date.

How is pregnancy diagnosed?
While modern medicine is the most accurate way to diagnose pregnancy, there are many ways to understand it.

Home pregnancy tests:
All such pregnancy tests are performed by measuring the level of pregnancy hormone (human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)) produced by the placenta in the urine. Within 6 to 12 days after fertilization, this hormone begins to be observed in the blood and urine, and as soon as it can be measured, a positive result can be obtained from the tests. But you have to wait a certain time for such tests. If you are patient until the menstrual day, the probability of getting the correct results from these tests is up to 90%. The point to note is that these tests should be confirmed by a medical test or control.

Blood analysis:
With the help of a blood test, close to 100% can be diagnosed even one week after fertilization. Since the pregnancy hormone in the blood increases as the pregnancy progresses, the start date of the pregnancy can also be determined according to the hormone level.

Medical examination:
In addition to home tests or blood tests, which are highly accurate, a doctor's examination may be unnecessary. However, even if everything is fine, it is absolutely correct and necessary to go to the doctor for a first check-up and to use health services on site.

Monthly Baby Development in the Womb
The development of the baby in the womb is examined in three trimesters (three months, three periods). The last menstrual date is accepted as the first day of the beginning of pregnancy. According to this calculation, pregnancy lasts approximately 40 weeks (9 months and 10 days).

First Trimester - First Quarter
In this period, the organ development of the baby begins and is completed. The expectant mother begins to adapt to the pregnancy. In the first 8 weeks of the womb, cell and organ drafts occur. Exposure of the mother to harmful substances during this period is extremely dangerous and dangerous. Vaginal hemorrhages and cramps can be a harbinger of miscarriage. In such cases, consult a doctor immediately.

Week 4
Menstruation is delayed, physical and mental changes occur. Premenstrual changes (such as weakness, fatigue and fullness of the breasts) symptoms are close.

Week 8
The length of the baby is around 15-20 mm. Although he began to move, these movements, but only 16-20. weeks. This week, the baby's tongue, lips develop and teeth begin to form. The esophagus and the trachea are separated. The development of the lungs will accelerate further this week. Heart valves and 4 chambers begin to be noticed, intestines become prominent and eyelids appear as a fold. The cartilage skeleton of the baby will now begin to harden. In this period, the uterus grows as an orange may contractions. Mother's skin may have problems, acne and fat. These changes usually disappear at the end of the first trimester.

Week 12
Babies' kidneys are now working better and the baby starts producing urine from the 10th week. The urine produced is discharged into the amniotic fluid and ensures the continuity of the fluid. At the end of the 12th week, all organs of the baby have completed their development and have started to grow in volume. The length was approximately 70 mm. The face begins to become clear, the nails emerge, hair and nails begin to grow. The baby's bowels begin to move. External genitalia has not completed its development; but lips in girls and penis in boys can be distinguished. The growing uterus will not disturb the mother as much as before, and the complaints of frequent urination and burning in the stomach will decrease, but these complaints will reappear in the last period of pregnancy. Again in this week, there may be complaints such as dizziness and headaches due to the increase in blood volume. In contrast, nausea and fatigue complaints will be reduced.

Second Trimester - Second Quarter (Week 14-26)
It is the most comfortable period during pregnancy. In this period, complaints that occurred in the early stages of pregnancy disappeared significantly and the body adapted to pregnancy.

Week 16
As the muscles develop, the baby can open and close the mouth and move the eyelids. The face is more pronounced, the eyes and ears are in place. Feces began to accumulate in the intestines and the circulatory system began to function fully. The umbilical cord has matured and the placenta, the wife of the infant, has reached the same size as the infant. The baby's reflex to breathing and light begins. Towards the end of this week, the baby's gender can be learned on ultrasound. The baby will be even more active this week.

Week 20
The baby has a height of 25 cm and a weight of approximately 400-450 grams. The skin becomes thicker, and the senses of smell, taste, hearing, sight and touch begin to become active. Hair covering the body is seen intensively in the head and neck area. While the testes of the male babies progressed from the abdomen to the bag, the egg cell production process of the female babies was completed. In the mother, the upper part of the uterus reaches the level of the navel and the darkness begins to form between the navel and the groin. This is called a linea nigra ve and will disappear after birth. Due to the enlargement of the uterus, pressure on the stomach, kidneys and lungs will increase, and it may be difficult to breathe and urinate frequently.

Week 24
The baby is about 28-30 cm tall and weighs around 550-650 grams. From this week onwards, the baby has the chance to live independently of his or her mother's body. In this week, the vascular structures of the baby's lungs mature and almost all organs begin to function. In this period with the effect of hormones in the mother bleeding gums, gingival recessions, even in the advanced stages of tooth loss may occur. In case of such complaints, a dentist should be consulted.

Third Trimester- Last Quarter (Week 27-41)
Week 28
The baby has a height of about 35-38 cm and a weight of about 1100-1200 grams. In the baby, hair grows and eyebrows are completed. The baby opens and closes his eyes and goes through the stages of sleep and wakefulness. The body has begun to store fat and this oil will play an important role in regulating body temperature after birth.

In the mother, the upper point of the uterus is almost as far as the ribs. In this period, cramps in the legs, varicose veins, skin dryness, waist, back pain, palpitations and indigestion may increase. If present, the hemorrhoid problem may worsen. Since high blood pressure can be dangerous for pregnant and baby, blood pressure should be monitored more closely from this week onwards. Usually from 26 weeks of age, such as menstrual pains and abdominal contractions can be felt at irregular intervals. These contractions prepare the uterus for delivery. These cramps should be taken into consideration as they may be a precursor to preterm birth. To determine if contractions are regular, place them on the palm of the stomach and measure the frequency and duration of contractions. If cramps become more frequent, consult a doctor.

Week 32
The baby now weighs almost 1800-2100 grams and is 40-42 cm tall. It can detect external warnings better. Growth rate decreased compared to previous periods. During this period, as the baby grows further, the baby's place is narrowed, so his legs and knees are fully bent, his feet are crossed, his arms and his neck are bent forward. The baby's feet can put pressure on the mother's ribs because the uterus grows well and the baby is upside down.

Week 36
The baby weighs about 2500-2900 grams and is 46-48 cm tall. The baby's cheeks, fingers, arms become more pronounced as they continue to store fat. All organ systems have completed their development. In this week, mother's insomnia may increase. This is because the baby slowly comes down and increases the pressure on the bladder. Therefore, it may be necessary to go to the toilet frequently.

Week 38
The baby weighs approximately 3000 grams and is 49 cm tall. The baby's feces, called ında meconium baş, begin to accumulate in the intestines and the baby removes the feces within 24 hours after birth. There is a bloody slimy discharge in the cervix that protects the inside of the uterus and the baby from microbes that may come from the outside, and the arrival of this slimy discharge is called ‘engagement coming.. This situation is also a sign of birth.

Week 40
The baby is approximately 50-52 cm tall and weighs around 3000-3500 grams. The length of the baby cord is up to 50 cm. Creamy substance and hairs covering the baby's skin begin to decrease. As of this week, the baby has completed its development and the baby's head has settled at the entrance of the birth canal and is ready for birth. Some babies may also reach 41 weeks.

Pregnancy Tracking:
Pregnancy, which lasts approximately 280 days, is one of the most important periods in a woman's life. Examination, sonography and some diagnostic tests under the supervision of a physician are important and necessary for both mother and baby to have a healthy period.

Pregnancy follow-up; This course covers the tests that are required and recommended by the physician according to the weeks, what kind of medicines will be used, in which situations a health institution should be called without waiting for the control day and the tests performed to determine the good health of the baby in the womb.

Sonographic examination, maternal blood pressure and body weight measurements and laboratory tests are recommended to the patient in certain periods. At the beginning of pregnancy, cervical cytological examination (cervical examination) should be recommended under appropriate laboratory conditions. Sonographic measurement (NT measurement) and blood tests from the mothers are recommended in the presence of appropriate ultrasonography and laboratory conditions in order to determine whether the baby has chromosomal abnormalities.

Which tests should I have during pregnancy?
Pregnancy follow-up is performed for the birth of the mother and baby with the least risk. For this purpose, it is necessary to identify the patient who is at risk of complications, to evaluate the health status of the mother and fetus and to intervene in the problems and minimize them.

Pregnancy Follow-up:
Topics in pregnancy follow-up: education, physical examination, counseling, laboratory tests, etc. are issues.

In order for the expectant mother to recognize the risky conditions in the early period and maintain her health, a health check-up is required at least 4 times during pregnancy.
During the first 14 weeks of pregnancy follow-up, 18-24. between weeks, 30-32. between weeks and 36-38. between weeks should be done strictly.
Laboratory Tests:
1. Follow-up: Urine analysis, blood count, blood group determination and Hepatitis B assay should be performed.
2. Follow-up: Urine analysis and blood count as well as glucose screening test and basic pregnancy ultrasound should be performed.
3. Follow-up: Urine analysis and blood count should be performed.
4. Follow-up: Urine analysis and blood count should be performed.

If the pregnant woman has chronic disease or health problems during pregnancy, she should have additional urine analysis or extra analysis depending on her problems and complaints.

Other recommended tests in pregnancy include:
Toxoplasmai rubella, CMV and TSH can be performed at the first examination.

Binary test (week 11-14): A screening test for early detection of infants with Down syndrome or other chromosomal abnormalities.

Triple test (16-20 weeks): This is a screening test for early detection of infants with Down syndrome or other chromosomal abnormalities.

Invasive tests for the diagnosis of suspected anomalies in infants and in some other cases:
AS (Amniocentesis): This is the most commonly used invasive test. Usually advanced maternal age and 16-18. done during the week. It is also performed in cases where there is a suspected neural tube defect and some suspected metabolic disease.

CVS (Chorionic villus biopsy): In the early stages of pregnancy, the placenta is the process of taking a vaginal or abdominal biopsy at an early stage of development (villi) and is performed for chromosomal anomaly screening. It is preferred because it is a method that can obtain sufficient material for DNA studies and does not directly interfere with the fetus and does not harm fetal membranes.

Glucose screening test: To determine whether diabetes is due to pregnancy 24-28. weeks.

Clearblue Pregnancy Test Combo Pack, 4ct - Digital with Smart Countdown & Rapid Detection - Value Pack

AccuMed Pregnancy Test Strips, 25-Count Individually Wrapped Pregnancy Strips, Early Home Detection Pregnancy Test Kit, Clear HCG Test Results, Over 99% Accurate

How do I know if I am pregnant?

AccuMed Pregnancy Test Strips, 25-Count Individually Wrapped Pregnancy Strips, Early Home Detection Pregnancy Test Kit, Clear HCG Test Results, Over 99% Accurate

I'm a 21-year-old reader. I did the necessary research on the internet, but I couldn't find an answer.

As a last resort I've been trying to learn from your writings for years, so I decided to ask you. I've been menstruating sooner than I should have. Could this be a sign of pregnancy? I had sex with my boyfriend five days before my period. But ejaculation never happened near my genitals. Five days after this event, I had menstruation just in time, with normal symptoms such as swelling in my chest, abdomen. But after 16 days, I had my period again. I, and my boyfriend is studying at the best universities in Turkey, researching, working on self-improvement are the people. However, even on the websites of doctors, there is no precise information about pregnancy symptoms and in which situations the risk of pregnancy will increase. Among the problems of hundreds of people who wrote to you, mine is a tiny dot. You've taught us a lot in your writing for years. Thanks for everything.

RUM: Fussy

Pretty girl, there's nothing to worry about. It is usually far away to get pregnant a week before menstruation. The most risky days of pregnancy, if you have a regular menstruation, for example, if you are a woman who has menstruation every 28 days, almost the middle of it, that is the 13-14 days. Since sperm have a chance to live in the uterus for 3 days, it is considered risky 3 days before and 3 days after these days. If you have irregular menstruation, the middle days between the shortest period and the longest period are considered risky, which is a bit longer. But you say you're not having a real relationship. Right after that, you got your normal period. Then it shouldn't be a problem. Sometimes during periods of season, or as a result of stress, menstrual bleeding may occur a little early. On the contrary, the delay in menstruation may cause suspicion of pregnancy. Still, my daughter, a college student, couldn't she have ever heard of simple pregnancy tests sold in pharmacies? You can take such a test and use your urine in accordance with your recipe to quickly find out if you are pregnant.

My family left me in the mosque courtyard when I was a baby

Hi Güzin Sister, after struggling with myself for years, I was defeated and I decided to write to you. I'm an abandoned person who decides to look for his past. In the winter of 1965, I was found by a police officer in Alemdar and handed over to the Child Protection Agency. Although I can't say my family, I want to find those people or those who know them. I would like you to help me in your corner. I kiss your mother, the sweetest in the world.

My dear son, even though you have grown up with the pain and hatred in your heart, there is no direct control of the search for blood. Who knows what story is behind this? Maybe someone in your family hears that call, calls you. I guess then you'il have a family atmosphere you've longed for. When you listen to your stories, you forgive them. Look, you want to see them. This is very natural. No matter how strong you think, every person needs a family. Even if they knew that, babies are no longer left in the courtyard of the mosque.

We can't leave our dog on vacation

Dear Güzin, I am aware that you always have a few lines to devote to animal love. I hope you can help me. We have a 4-year-old dog we love at home. Terrier is a friend of ours. He and my wife, my joy of life, joy, giving us happiness with unrequited love. We live in Moda. Our only problem in these 4 years is not being able to go on vacation! Now this year, we want to go to a hotel in Marmaris for a week with a few close friends. But to whom do we entrust our beloved dog? There's no one among the relatives who can take our dog. They told us a couple of dog ranches, but both on a far away farm and on such a large farm, what if our child goes missing and gets sick? Don't we die of remorse?

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Dear dear Shahika, I understand you very well and I am very glad to see you understand me. Don't I know that these lovely friends are like little children who never grow up in our house? When my dog ​​Kuki got sick, it's like the world collapsed on me. How sad it is to see him grow old. How short the lives of these friends, of course you can not entrust him to anyone. It's very good of you to worry. So I can recommend a small but very reliable dog hostel near you. I can offer you a place in Kiziltoprak where they serve both clinics and pensions under the supervision of 4 veterinarians. You can leave your beloved friend there when you go on holiday with peace of mind.

AccuMed Pregnancy Test Strips, 25-Count Individually Wrapped Pregnancy Strips, Early Home Detection Pregnancy Test Kit, Clear HCG Test Results, Over 99% Accurate

ClinicalGuard? HCG Pregnancy Test Strips (Individually-Sealed, Pack of 25)

How to Tell if You are Pregnant Without Testing

ClinicalGuard? HCG Pregnancy Test Strips (Individually-Sealed, Pack of 25)

If you think you're pregnant, it's important to take a home pregnancy test and make an appointment with your doctor to make sure - it's the only way to be really sure. But before you do, you may notice some symptoms. Some of these symptoms may begin within a week of becoming pregnant, so you may notice that you are pregnant early. Every woman's body is different, and you may encounter all, none, or just a few of these symptoms. Check with your doctor to see if you are pregnant.

Controlling Hormonal Changes

Watch your menstrual cycle. Pregnant women do not menstruate during pregnancy. If you haven't had your period, that's usually the clearest sign that you're pregnant. However, you may not have menstruation for other reasons such as stress and even excessive exercise. [1]
If you haven't yet, make it a habit to keep track of your menstrual cycle so you can better detect when your period is delayed or skips a month.
All you have to do is mark the dates on which the period starts and ends. So you usually see how the loop works. There are also mobile applications that make tracking your menstrual cycle more practical and easy.

Check for breast swelling or pain. Because of the hormones secreted at the beginning of pregnancy, you may notice some changes in your breasts. They may have slight swelling or whimper when touched. [2]
You may also feel your breasts “plump” or heavier. There may be swelling, pain or tingling in the nipples. [3]

Watch for spotting and vaginal discharge. Spotting may occur when the newly fertilized egg is attached to the uterine wall. The laying of the egg usually takes place within one and a half weeks after fertilization. This symptom may last up to 3 months. [4]
Spotting is usually lighter than menstruation.

Check for cramps. You may also experience cramps at first. These cramps often give menstrual pain. However, if cramps are severe or on one side of the body, there may be a sign of complications. If serious cramps start suddenly, call your doctor. [5]

Watch out for the unusual fatigue. Many women feel very tired during the early stages of pregnancy. This symptom is usually attributed to an increase in progesterone level. It can also be caused by the body's production of more blood for the baby. You may notice this symptom even a week after you become pregnant. [6]

Watch how often you urinate. One of the early signs of pregnancy is frequent urination. [7] When pregnant, the body produces more of the hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin. This hormone, which is at the highest level in the first few weeks of pregnancy, causes more blood to enter the groin area. As a result, you should go to the toilet more often. [8]

Observe mood swings. Hormones, like menstruation, can affect your mood. Excessive mood may be a sign of pregnancy. This symptom can be observed between 2 and 3 weeks after conception. [9]

Watch out for dizziness. One of the early signs of pregnancy is dizziness or fainting. This symptom is mostly caused by hormonal changes. However, it may also result from the change in the amount of blood produced by the body. [10]

Watch your headaches. Sometimes headaches are just headaches. However, the increase in headaches may be one of the early signs of pregnancy due to hormonal changes in the body. [11]

Attention to Other Symptoms

Watch the morning sickness. Morning sickness can be seen in early pregnancy. Despite its name, morning sickness is not only seen in the morning. You may feel nauseous at any time of the day. You may also experience vomiting. This symptom may occur as early as 2 weeks after conception. [12] [13]

Watch if the smell or the food bother you. Suddenly you may notice that you don't like certain food or smells. It happens very abruptly and you may not have any problem with these meals and smells in advance. These food or odors may even make you sick. [14]

Look how hungry she is. Usually when you're pregnant, you're more hungry. If you notice that you eat more than usual and still feel hungry, you may be pregnant. Some women describe this symptom as a constant feeling of hunger. [15]

Watch the metal taste. Sometimes women feel a metal taste in their mouths. This symptom is usually seen in the early stages of pregnancy. [16]

See if you have a craving. As you are uncomfortable with certain foods, some foods may start to crave. Of course, everyone is hurting sometimes. Still, pregnancy craving is more intense. [17]

Check for breathing problems. Sometimes you may notice that your breathing stops more quickly in the early stages of pregnancy. This symptom is usually vague. However, if you notice this symptom, it is a sign that you should see a doctor. [18]

If one of these symptoms becomes unbearable during pregnancy, consult your doctor to decide what can be done to alleviate the symptoms safely.
Many of these symptoms may also be symptoms of other health conditions, so it is important to seek medical advice to find out the causes. [19]
Not all pregnant women experience all of these symptoms. In the early stages of your pregnancy, it is possible that you do not experience any of these symptoms, so do a test to make sure you are pregnant.

ClinicalGuard? HCG Pregnancy Test Strips (Individually-Sealed, Pack of 25)

Clinical Guard HCG Pregnancy Test Strips (Individually-Sealed, Pack of 20), Blue

Controls and tests waiting for you during pregnancy

Clinical Guard HCG Pregnancy Test Strips (Individually-Sealed, Pack of 20), Blue

The controls and tests, which will start from the moment you first identify your pregnancy, will continue for 9 months. Being sloppy or ignoring your doctor's warnings may result to you. You will find in our file what reviews await you!

Finally, you received the news from your doctor: You are pregnant! Even though there is still a sesame seed in you, with some symptoms "I'm here!" development of your baby, your stomach will grow when you are curiously mixed with excitement. Of course, your doctor will tell you what to do in due course, but like many curious mothers, we are sure that you want to learn early what tests and tests you will go through during your entire pregnancy. Moreover, please do not deny the importance of first examinations and checks as soon as your pregnancy is determined. Because early examination is very important in terms of detecting negative situations and taking precautions! What controls are waiting for you, Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist. We learned from Kagan Kocatepe. He shared all the details with our readers. Kagan Kocatepe warns the expectant mothers not to interfere with their routine controls even if they have no complaints. Importance of doctor checks during pregnancy Doctor checks performed at regular intervals by a gynecologist and obstetrician during pregnancy are called prenatal examinations. Even if there is no complaint, it is very important for the mother to visit the doctor at regular intervals for both her own health and the health of her developing baby. Most of the mothers have a healthy pregnancy without any problems and have a healthy baby after a completely normal birth. The reason why we gynecologists and obstetricians exist is not to intervene in a problem-free pregnancy, but to detect a possible problem at an early stage and to try to correct it before it reaches an irreversible stage. Mother and baby deaths were attributed to "fate" years ago. Now it; A significant number of cases of congenital defective or stillborn babies have now become controllable.

Early pregnancy diagnosis
For many diseases that can be easily treated when diagnosed early, actions to be taken in the late period will be limited and situations that endanger the prospective or infant health will arise. Although there are no complaints, there are many examples of an unhealthy pregnancy:

Ectopic pregnancy and mole pregnancy cases may not show any symptoms during early pregnancy. These two conditions are abnormal forms of pregnancy that can be treated successfully when diagnosed early and delayed diagnosis. A simple examination and ultrasound examination during early pregnancy is sufficient to diagnose and take precautions against abnormal pregnancy.
Certain bacteria in the urinary tract, especially during pregnancy, can reproduce insidiously without any symptoms and as a result of this reproduction can cause serious urinary tract infections. It is of great importance to detect this with a simple urine culture test. When this symptom is diagnosed in the non-symptomatic period, bacteria are easily removed from the body and precautions are taken before serious infections occur. Urinary tract infections with fever can present serious hazards to both the infant and the mother.
A baby with a disability that is absolutely impossible to survive at birth or with a physical disability that cannot lead a normal life (as in cases of infant's brain tissue development) can be diagnosed by an early ultrasound examination and this pregnancy can be terminated without risking the expectant mother. Without this examination, the baby may go to the end of pregnancy despite being severely disabled. When the baby is born, it either dies early or may be a serious problem for the family and society as long as it lives.
Preeclampsia (pregnancy poisoning), which is characterized by increased blood pressure, loss of protein in the urine and gradual deterioration of the functions of the organs, has much to be done before the life-threatening condition begins to fully affect and affect the functions of the organs. This condition, which can be detected in early periods by simple blood pressure measurement and some simple tests, is often more difficult to treat as soon as it starts to show symptoms. You should regularly go to prenatal examinations, even if you have no complaints for the early diagnosis of this condition, which seriously puts the life of the mother and the baby at risk.

Controls should begin as soon as your pregnancy is diagnosed
Ideally, if the expectant mother is suspicious of pregnancy, or if the pregnancy test is positive or performed by herself or in the laboratory, the doctor should be checked. The aim of starting the examinations in the earliest period is; The aim of this study is to draw a follow-up chart by revealing risk factors, to diagnose abnormal pregnancy conditions that can be detected in the early period such as ectopic pregnancy and mole pregnancy and to determine whether the gestational week determined by the last menstrual period and the pregnancy week determined by ultrasonography are compatible with each other. The importance of the first doctor check is less emphasized. For example; When the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy is made in the early period, the possibility of drug treatment is extremely high. If surgery is necessary, laparoscopy provides less damaging treatment. In determining the gestational week, especially in the first trimester ultrasonography, the error margin is as low as ± 3 days, which enables the confirmation of the gestational week. This leads to cases where preterm birth should be decided. It provides accurate determination of the date when the labor should be initiated by the physician in cases such as myocardial infarction. Mothers who cannot apply in the early period should also apply for medical examinations as soon as they are diagnosed with pregnancy.

How often are prenatal examinations performed?
The most important factor that determines the frequency of prenatal examinations and the quality of examinations is the risk factors that are investigated and determined in the first examination of the mother. Even if the mother does not have any complaints, she is ideally up to four weeks of gestation until the 28th week of pregnancy, 28-36. between the weeks of two weeks intervals, 36 weeks from birth to weekly medical examination should come. In case of an additional complaint, a new doctor should not be expected and the doctor who follows the pregnancy should be informed about the situation and should be consulted for additional examinations if the doctor deems necessary. In the presence of risk factors in pregnancy, this follow-up scheme changes completely. According to the characteristics of the risk factor or risk factors, doctor checks are performed more frequently and in some cases different examinations are performed than the examinations performed for mothers without risk factors. Keep in mind; you will have the chance to benefit from early diagnosis and treatment methods if you have abnormal pregnancy-related conditions.

Low-risk pregnancies are called low-risk pregnancies that do not have any disease before or during pregnancy, have not given birth before, or have given one or more healthy births, have no family disease, and have no problems with her baby or herself during pregnancy. In the course of low-risk pregnancies, it is unlikely that an abnormal condition will occur during and after delivery. In the follow-up of these pregnancies, the same basic examinations and tests are generally applied. Examinations performed in low-risk pregnancies are called routine examinations. In case of risk factors that exist before or during pregnancy, some different examinations are performed in addition to routine examinations for further examination. These examinations are also called advanced examinations during pregnancy.

Gynecological (pelvic) examination and Papsmear examination
If not performed in the pre-pregnancy period, a pelvic examination is generally performed at the first pregnancy examination and a possible genital mass, infection, congenital genital defects, pre-cancerous lesions and other abnormal conditions that may adversely affect pregnancy are revealed. Ultrasonography and papsmear examination is added to the examination and the evaluation is completed.

System examinations
In general, the first pregnancy examination of the digestive system, heart and circulatory system, respiratory system, muscles and joints, nervous system and mental condition complaints about the question and if necessary, these systems are examined by gynecologists and obstetricians.

In case of abnormal finding, the mother is referred to the relevant doctor. In the first examination, breast examination is performed when necessary and a possible mass, congenital breast defects and abnormal conditions that may prevent postnatal breastfeeding are detected and necessary measures are taken.

Blood pressure measurement
By using a suitable cuff length from the right arm of the expectant mother, the blood pressure value obtained while sitting in a calm state is recorded on the tracking card. Blood pressure measurement is repeated every pregnancy examination. Blood pressure value is the most important criterion in the early diagnosis of preeclampsia.

Weight measurement
It is more appropriate for the expectant mother to make her own weight measurement at home on an empty stomach in the morning and to inform her doctor at the examination. Excess weight gain, especially in a short time, may be a precursor to preeclampsia. Excessive weight gain over the long term (weeks) may be due to unnecessary intake of carbohydrate and fat-rich foods, or it can be a harbinger of diabetes. Of course, a large baby that grows very fast can cause the mother to gain weight fast.

Evaluation of abdominal growth
At the beginning of the second half of the pregnancy, the uterus reaches the level of the navel and is felt by hand. In the following weeks, when the bladder is empty, the distance in centimeters measured by the tape measure between the bone forming the pubis peak and the top level of the uterus in the abdomen gives pregnancy week with little margin of error. Twin pregnancy, obesity, bladder overloaded with urine may cause misleading results. Some doctors prefer ultrasonography for each pregnancy examination and do not do this measurement.

Listening to the baby's heartbeat
During pregnancy examinations without ultrasound, the doctor listens to the baby's heartbeat with the help of special instruments. One of these instruments is a simple plastic or metal instrument called a child's heart sounds (EQS) tube. The doctor puts one end of the device on the mother's abdomen and rests the other end on his ear to hear the baby's heart beat. With this device, the doctor can hear the baby's heartbeat usually from the 20th week onwards. Another instrument used for this purpose is a small battery-powered hand-held device called the Doppler device. This device, which allows the baby's heart to be heard during the weeks of pregnancy, is placed on the stomach of the expectant mother. The speaker can also hear the baby's heartbeat through the loudspeaker.

Determination of blood groups
If it is not known before, the blood groups of the mother and father are generally determined in the first pregnancy examination and recorded on the follow-up card. Blood type can be determined in the blood taken from the finger. Rh incompatibility is mentioned when the blood type of the mother is Rh (-) and the father is Rh (+).

Complete blood count
In general, blood counts are performed once during the first pregnancy examination and once or twice during the following weeks of pregnancy. If necessary, this examination may be carried out in a larger number. In its simplest form, a blood count determines the hemoglobin concentration of the blood, and thus determines whether the mother has anemia. In addition, blood red blood cell density, white blood cell count, platelet count, the size of the red blood cells and some other features that automatically determine the speed of blood can be informed about the various features. White blood cell count gives important information about the diagnosis of infectious diseases, hemoglobin density, hematocrit and red blood cell count in the diagnosis of anemia, red blood cells' average hemoglobin content and size determine the cause of anemia, and platelet count provides important information about the adequacy of these cells to stop bleeding.

Complete urinalysis (TIT)
Urine is a mirror of the body. Therefore, urine analysis is frequently used during pregnancy, and perhaps this is the most commonly used examination throughout the entire pregnancy. In the complete urine analysis, as well as the density of the excreted substances from the body, the urine sediment called urine sediment looks for living cells such as white blood cells, red blood cells and bacteria, and substances that may indicate urinary tract stones. Urine protein (albumin), acetone (ketone), the presence of bilirubin, urodynogenesis to be found to be extremely increased always requires further examination. The presence of glucose in urine is considered normal to a certain degree in pregnancy, but requires further examination. With full urinalysis in pregnancy:

Urinary tract infections may be detected (more than normal red blood cells or white blood cells are seen in the urine sediment) and this is confirmed by urine culture.
The general nutritional status of the expectant mother with excessive nausea and vomiting during early pregnancy can be evaluated (acetone (ketone) output in the urine indicates hunger and ketone positivity increases in proportion to the degree of hunger).
Preeclampsia can be diagnosed with the presence of protein in the urine with the rise of blood pressure in the later stages of pregnancy.
It can be assessed whether the mother is drinking enough water (when insufficient water is drunk, the color of the urine becomes darker and the density increases).

Urine culture and antibiogram
Pregnancy facilitates the development of urinary tract infections. The presence of white blood cells, red blood cells and bacteria in the urine sediment indicates urinary tract infection and requires antibiotic treatment. However, since antibiotics do not affect all kinds of bacteria, it is more appropriate to treat the infection by determining the genus of the bacteria by urine culture. The bacteria present in the urine sample taken under appropriate conditions are produced by adding special nutrients ("cultured") and the sensitivity of the bacteria to some antibiotics is measured. If there is no growth in culture, it is referred to as "sterile", that is, urine that does not contain bacteria to require treatment.

Blood infection screening tests
Blood toxoplasmosis, rubella and syphilis screening tests, if necessary, are preferably performed at the time of pregnancy. For this purpose, IgG and IgM type antibodies specific for toxoplasmosis in blood taken from mothers; Rubella-specific Rubella IgG and IgM antibodies and syphilis are usually referred to as VDRL. When these three types of infection are passed during pregnancy, it is more appropriate to identify them in the pre-pregnancy period because they can cause birth defects.

If the above examinations are not performed in the pre-pregnancy period, some of the doctors believe that the same examinations can be performed at the beginning of pregnancy, while some doctors believe that these examinations should only be carried out for mothers with symptoms specific to the above disease. Which opinion is more valid is still controversial. Some doctors will examine TORCH to expectant mothers ("Torch" and toxoplasma, others ("others"), Rubella (rubella), CMV (cytomegalovirus) and HSV (Herpes simplex virus) is a word under the name of a review) recommended. This examination, which was conducted to identify the abovementioned infectious agents in the blood of the expectant mothers, has become more and less frequently applied since it is expensive and its interpretation is full of contradictions. HIV (AIDS) causative screening tests should be performed towards the end of pregnancy in prospective mothers with hepatitis B and risk.

Triple Test and the new version Quad Test
Your pregnancy is 16-20. is a blood examination between the weeks. The risk of Down syndrome, Trisomy 18 and neural tube defect is determined in the baby by determining the level of various substances in the blood taken from the mother. The most important point to note is that the triple test does not diagnose the risk of carrying babies with NTD, Trisomy 18 and Down syndrome by screening only. The purpose of screening tests is to identify people at high risk for a particular disease, that is, to determine who is required to apply the test to establish a true diagnosis of a disease. The definitive diagnosis of Down syndrome is made by examining the chromosomes of fetal cells obtained by amniocentesis. Since we cannot apply amniocentesis to every expectant mother, we need to know who we should apply. Here the triple test helps us to distinguish it. In recent years, in order to increase the sensitivity of the Triple Test, the Quadruple Test, which was developed by adding one more hormone to the Triple Test, has been introduced. This test is expected to replace the Triple Test quickly.

Comparison of triple test and 11-14 test (Binary Test)
In determining the risk of Down syndrome, especially the most important features of the 11-14 test, which has been applied with increasing frequency since the end of 2000, are 11-14. The second important feature is that the sensitivity of the test is significantly higher than the Triple Test.

Diabetes screening test
Pregnancy is a condition that increases the risk of developing diabetes, especially in sensitive individuals (overweight mothers, mothers who have diabetes in their families). That is why mothers are 24-28. they are subjected to a sugar screening test between weeks of pregnancy. In this test called PPG (postprandial glucose = satiety blood sugar), the mother is given 50 grams of glucose ("pure sugar") regardless of whether she has eaten or not at any time of the day and after one hour the blood sugar is measured. If the test result is found above a certain value, then a sugar loading test with 100 grams of glucose is performed. In the presence of some risk factors, the sugar screening test with 50 grams may be performed at an earlier stage of pregnancy or the sugar loading test may be used directly instead of the sugar screening test.

Blood biochemistry
Many approaches to requesting blood tests to evaluate the functions of organs, especially the liver and kidney, during pregnancy, especially in the early stages of pregnancy, are common among doctors. It is still a matter of debate whether it is necessary to request these examinations from a mother who does not have a specific disease. Once the pregnancy begins, blood biochemistry has undergone significant changes. Consequently, the normal values ​​of the substances in the blood vary and may be difficult to interpret, and even misinterpretations can be made. In my opinion, "blood biochemistry measurements" should preferably be performed in the pre-pregnancy period. Measurements made during pregnancy should be interpreted very carefully. The examinations should be in the form of blood counts (described above), creatinine (to assess renal function), SGOT and SGPT (to evaluate liver function), blood glucose at any time taken into account when eating, and TSH (to evaluate thyroid gland function). will be enough.

IDC (Indirect Coombs Test)
It is an examination conducted only for mothers with blood mismatches. Antibodies that are likely to develop against the red blood cells of the baby at regular intervals are determined by this method. When antibodies are positive, further investigation may be required.

The importance of ultrasonography during pregnancy
Nowadays, it is recommended that every prospective mother should undergo an ultrasound examination at least twice, but in most cases the entire pregnancy is performed several times. Ultrasonography is of great importance in the first pregnancy examination and preferably in the first weeks of pregnancy. This ultrasound confirm the accuracy of the "last menstrual (menstrual) date" (SAT); Determining the week of pregnancy among mothers who do not know SAT; ectopic pregnancy; early detection of conditions such as mole pregnancy; It is extremely important to detect genital mass lesions such as uterine fibroids or ovarian cysts that may have a negative effect on pregnancy and to reveal a possible multiple pregnancy. Some doctors prefer to perform an ultrasound examination at each pregnancy examination. This application is not absolutely necessary and is not possible in our country's economic conditions, but the first ultrasound scan for birth defects in babies 19-23. It is important to perform a detailed ultrasound examination once between weeks of pregnancy. Determination of abnormal pregnancy conditions (ectopic pregnancy, mole pregnancy, etc.), detection of congenital defects incompatible with life (such as anencephaly (absence of brain tissue)), monitoring of the development and well-being of the baby, and monitoring of pregnancy detection, leading to a placenta diagnosis that does not allow for normal birth) and the baby's health. Therefore, pregnancy and ultrasonography are now inseparable. In all cases where the baby is suspected to have survived, except routine ultrasound examinations (such as the threat of miscarriage, no baby movements being felt, stopping the growth of the abdomen); when intrauterine growth retardation is suspected; ultrasound examination is repeated in all cases (feverish infection, high blood pressure, pain). Ultrasonography is part of the training of obstetricians and gynecologists, and therefore, in most cases, each specialist prefers to perform the ultrasound examination of the pregnancy she is following. Since it works with sound waves, no harmful effect of ultrasound examination on living tissue has been detected so far.

11-14 test
In Turkey, Trisomy 21 (Down's Syndrome) is still the most common test used to predict the risk of Triple Test. However, the baby's 11-14. The risk of Down Syndrome can be determined more precisely than Triple Test by measurement of nuchal translucency thickness and bladder distance (BPM) between the weeks of pregnancy, measurement of some substances in blood taken from the mother and accompanying by entering the values ​​obtained from them into a computer and using a special program. 11-14 test is a new study that has just started to be used in our country. Although it is expected that the Triple Test will replace the risk of Down Syndrome in the following years, it is not possible to perform this test for all mothers in our country for the time being. Nowadays, some doctors only perform the 11-14 test, while some only perform a Triple or Quadruple test, and some perform both the Dual Test and the Triple or Quadruple test together.

Second level ultrasound
In cases where there is a high risk of congenital defective babies (eg: having a baby with a birth defect, having diabetes, having a history of birth defect in close relatives) or in cases of suspected birth defect or congenital defect on first level ultrasonography ultrasound examination performed in an upper center to confirm the diagnosis. In this upper center, a definite diagnosis is made after the evaluation or evaluations made by the perinatologist. In some cases, additional diagnostic procedures (such as amniocentesis) may also be required for diagnosis.

Doppler screening test
Made works; 20-24. In the following weeks, preeclampsia, intrauterine growth retardation, premature separation of the placenta and sudden death of the baby in the uterus can be identified. Based on these data, blood flow of both uterine arteries ("uterine artery") is measured by Doppler device and visualized blood flow waveforms are visualized on the ultrasonography screen.
Should the Doppler screening test be applied to every expectant mother?
Doppler examination requires the presence of a special and expensive device connected to the main unit of the ultrasound device and the examination probe, and the person performing this examination must be trained. Therefore, it is not possible to apply Doppler screening test to all expectant mothers either in our country or in other countries. For the time being, the most sensible one is to apply the Doppler screening test to mothers who are at high risk for the development of the abovementioned abnormalities.

Interventional diagnostic tests
These methods are used to confirm the diagnosis, especially in the presence of suspected chromosomal defects in the baby and in some other cases. Amniocentesis is the most common procedure.
Amniocentesis is the most common diagnostic test that requires intervention. Most often for advanced maternal age, the diagnosis of Down's syndrome and 11-14 test or triple test when the risk of further investigation and diagnosis is usually to 16-20. weeks. Amniocentesis is also used in cases where neural tube defect is suspected, in the diagnosis of some infectious diseases in the infant, in cases where some metabolic diseases are suspected in the infant and in the measurement of some substances in amniotic fluid.

What is amniocentesis?
Amniocentesis (AS) is the name given to the process of reaching the uterus and the amniotic fluid in which the baby is swimming with a needle through the abdominal skin of the expectant mother. In addition to the above reasons, AS can be used for therapeutic purposes in cases where the amniotic fluid is more than normal in order to relieve the expectant mother, or for diagnostic purposes such as investigating the lung maturity of the baby. With the development of genetic science, not only obvious chromosome number defects but also diseases related to single gene defects can be recognized in the baby and the number of single gene diseases that are recognizable is increasing.

When is amniocentesis performed?
Diagnostic AS is usually 16-22. applied between weeks of pregnancy. The reason that the diagnostic AS is administered between these weeks of gestation and is not suitable for further weeks of pregnancy is that the result can be reported from the genetic laboratory in as long as 2-3 weeks. Because the small number of cells belonging to the baby in the liquid taken (cultured) and the number that can be examined requires reaching this period. In this case, when the diagnosis of genetic disease comes from the laboratory, pregnancy also progresses. In recent years, a chromosome analysis technology called FISH can provide information about the chromosomes of the baby in amniotic fluid within 24-72 hours. However, FISH technology is relatively expensive and cannot give definite results. Therefore, FISH is not used as a definitive diagnostic method, but as a pre-diagnostic method. For the final result, the results of the examination of the infant cells obtained from amniotic fluid cultures are expected.

Chorionic villus biopsy
It is the process of taking a biopsy from the structures called the villus of the baby either vaginally or from the abdomen in the early stages of pregnancy. It is used in the diagnosis of chromosomal anomaly. The advantage of amniocentesis is that it can be performed much earlier in pregnancy and thus can be diagnosed earlier.

KS (Cordocentesis)
15-17. It is the process of reaching the baby 's cord with a needle from the mother' s abdomen and taking the blood. It is often used for the diagnosis of rapid chromosomal defect in cases that are late for amniocentesis. In addition, cordocentesis is also used in the early diagnosis of infant's blood and metabolic diseases and infections, and in assessing the anemia of the infant in cases of blood incompatibility. Blood flow can also be applied to infants who are highly bloodless due to blood incompatibility by entering the baby's vein through cordocentesis.

Fetal echocardiography
Second level ultrasonography is a special form of ultrasonography used in cases where there is a suspicion of a heart defect in the infant or when there is a high risk of developing a heart defect in the baby (such as when the mother is a diabetic). It is usually applied from the 22nd week.

These tests are used to determine whether the baby is in good condition before birth. In general, they are used to examine whether it is inconvenient for the baby to continue to live in the uterus.

Non Stress Test
It is a test used as a first step in determining whether the baby is in distress based on the course of the baby's heartbeat and its relationship with the baby's movements (Non stress: a concept used to mean no labor).

In which cases is it applied?
Although NST is currently a candidate for routine testing, it is used as a first-line test in the assessment of infants who are likely to become distressed, and in all cases where the baby is suspected of having distress (such as decreased baby movements). Usually it is administered weekly, but once every three days when the baby is at high risk of distress, such as lapses, intrauterine growth and preeclampsia, and when the baby's condition changes rapidly, such as early arrival of the water, and often in all these cases, amniotic fluid can be used for examination. Volume evaluation is also added.

Four-dimensional ultrasound
Four-dimensional ultrasonography is a type of ultrasound developed in recent years. The operating principle is the same as with conventional ultrasonography.

Methods on the horizon
Detection of the baby's cells in the mother's blood: During pregnancy, very few of the baby's cells pass into the blood of the expectant mother and this is normal.
A method in the maturation stage: The purpose of the amniocentesis and other interventional diagnostic tests mentioned above is to obtain the cell of the baby. Although these methods are highly effective in obtaining detectable cells, each has a risk of losing the baby at various rates. In order to reduce this risk to zero, the baby's cells are tried to be obtained from the blood of the expectant mother. However, this method is not as easy as it seems. First of all, the current technology is insufficient to investigate and investigate these cells, which are present in a very low number of mothers. Another problem is that the cells passing from the baby to the expectant mother can sometimes remain in the mother's blood for years. This is a serious problem that can lead to a misdiagnosis if the cell obtained belongs to one of the previous pregnancies, not the current baby. Another problem is the ability of the expectant mother to effectively distinguish between her own cells and the baby's cells. To summarize briefly, this method, which is expected to replace the interventional diagnostic methods in the future, is still in its maturity stage and is not currently available for clinical use.

Clinical Guard HCG Pregnancy Test Strips (Individually-Sealed, Pack of 20), Blue

Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test with Smart Countdown, 3 Pregnancy Tests

I Hamilemiy? How do I know if I'm pregnant? What are the symptoms of pregnancy?

Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test with Smart Countdown, 3 Pregnancy Tests

What are the symptoms of pregnancy? Those who want to learn the answer to the question here ... We have prepared a special news for those who suspect that you are pregnant. We are with you all the information about pregnancy symptoms and pregnancy test.

All information about pregnancy and pregnancy test is here! Those who wonder about pregnancy symptoms can easily reach all the details from our news. Citizens, how the pregnancy test is also researched on Google. Here we are with all the details and more.


Symptoms of pregnancy in women often manifest as nausea, fatigue, increased vaginal discharge or a feeling of tension in the breasts. In addition, darkening of the nipple color and delayed menstruation are among the most common symptoms. Although the symptoms of pregnancy vary in each candidate, the most common ones are;

PRECISION AND PAIN IN THE BREAST: Sensitive and painful breasts, darkening of the nipples and even more pronounced vessels on your chest may become one of the first signs of pregnancy.

Nausea and vomiting: One of the most common symptoms during pregnancy is the feeling of nausea. This symptom begins to manifest from the 6th week. You are most likely to become pregnant, especially if you feel awake in the morning and feel confused and even vomit. The reason for this is the changing hormone secretions in the body.

EMOTIONAL CHANGES: Since the first moments of pregnancy, there are changes in hormones, it is very normal to see emotional changes in pregnant women. Symptoms such as hypersensitivity, crying easily, irritability can be signs of pregnancy.

Dizziness: dizziness is one of the most common symptoms encountered in the first weeks of pregnancy. The reason for dizziness during pregnancy is that the uterus does not pump enough blood as a result of pressure.

ABSTRACT: It is one of the most common features especially in the first 3 months of pregnancy. However, not all pregnant women experience signs of ovulation. If there is an average of 3-4 months of pregnancy, cravings may start. This symptom of pregnancy ends soon.

SMALL BLEEDINGS: This is one of the most definite signs of pregnancy. This situation, which is described as üstüne over-sighting arasında among the public, is not like normal menstrual bleeding. Rather, it manifests itself as "small spots".

CRAMPES: You may experience pregnancy similar to the cramps you have during your period. Because your womb expands and prepares itself for the baby, and such cramps may occur.

FREQUENTLY TOILET: The need to go to the toilet frequently is among the symptoms of pregnancy. Because when you are pregnant, your body produces extra fluids, which makes your bladder work more than usual. In addition, if the color of your urine is dark or dark yellow, this indicates pregnancy.

Breathlessness: Shortness of breath is another symptom of pregnancy. Because the fetus that is growing in your uterus needs oxygen, which means that the mother needs more oxygen.

Fatigue and constipation: Increased progesterone secretion due to pregnancy can affect the digestive system and cause constipation and bloating.

SENSITIVITY AGAINST SMELLS: Sensitivity to odors and food during pregnancy occurs. Therefore, you smell the slightest and your nose becomes extremely sharp and you smell more than normal.

If you have not yet seen your menstrual period in your expected menstrual period, you are very likely to become pregnant. It may also indicate pregnancy when a lighter bleeding is encountered than is normally the case. It is the first and most definite symptom of pregnancy.

Tiredness and fatigue: Due to the increased levels of hormones in the body, you may suddenly feel exhausted. This symptom persists for most women during the first trimester and disappears by the second trimester.

DIFFERENCE IN TATTING: You may feel as if you are tasting more than ever. This is one of the symptoms of early pregnancy. As the hormone changes occur during pregnancy, the nose feels the sense of smell at the highest level. Especially the smell of perfume and cigarettes can increase the nausea of ​​pregnant women.


Pregnancy Test Step 1: Pregnancy tests are sold under the name of different brands in pharmacies. However, when taking a pregnancy test at the pharmacy, it does not matter what the brand is.

If you are unsure about which brand of pregnancy test to buy, you can purchase the pregnancy test recommended by your pharmacist.

When taking a pregnancy test, check that the expiration date printed on the box has passed. Make sure there is no wear and damage to the box and that it is intact.

Women who took the pregnancy test early in the absence of any signs of pregnancy; pregnancy tests with two test strips. This way, when your pregnancy test is negative the first time, you can try the second bar after a week.
Some experts advocate taking a pregnancy test at pharmacies on more busy streets and with continuous customers. Pregnancy tests sold in pharmacies with plenty of customers do not wait on the shelf for months. Likewise, using pregnancy tests that have been waiting at home for several weeks may give you the wrong result. If you do not follow the pregnancy test storage instructions, keep it in a hot and moisture prone place; this may affect the results of the test.

Some pregnancy test brands; They claim that they can detect if they are pregnant at the beginning of the delayed menstrual period. It is true or false that these tests are sensitive enough to detect high levels of hCG in urine; In very early pregnancy, the body may have produced high levels of hCG. At the same time, women who rely on these tests may be disappointed if the test is negative even if they are pregnant. It is useful to try again in the following weeks.

Most pregnancy tests sold in pharmacies and have generic brand names are actually produced in the same factory and using the same technology. If you've taken a pregnancy test to fit your budget, don't worry about brand quality.

Pregnancy Test Step 2: Take the pregnancy test at the time it will give you the most accurate results. Most experts recommend that menstrual delay be waited for at least another Day before taking home pregnancy tests.

If there is a delay in your expected menstrual period, you may want to know with excitement whether you are pregnant. Since hGG levels start to increase rapidly in pregnant women; Waiting for a few more days and being patient will make the pregnancy test give you more accurate results.

After fertilized egg implants in the uterus, women develop the hormone hCG. Implantation of the fertilized egg occurs 6 days after the merger of the sperm and the egg. If you take the test on the first day of menstrual delay; Even if you are pregnant, you may get negative results because your body does not begin to develop hGG.

In the morning, urine is the most intense and hGG level is the highest. If you do your pregnancy test after waking up in the morning, it may give a more accurate result.

Before Pregnancy Test Step 3: Carefully read the instructions on the pregnancy test box you purchased.

Most home pregnancy tests have almost the same instructions. However, brands may also have different instructions on the box and may change details such as the urine collection method.

Pregnancy Test Step 4: Prepare yourself for the result. Pregnancy tests at home can sometimes be a frustrating experience, and you may be worried about performing this test.

If your friend or partner is waiting for you in front of the bathroom door while you are doing the test, you can share your concerns with them after the test. Wash your hands with warm water and soap before performing the pregnancy test. Carefully remove the test strip from its packaging.

Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test with Smart Countdown, 3 Pregnancy Tests

Clearblue Plus Pregnancy Test, 2 Pregnancy Tests

When should a pregnancy test be performed? When is the pregnancy test done?

Clearblue Plus Pregnancy Test, 2 Pregnancy Tests

The question of when to do a pregnancy test is one of the main issues that women research in the pre-pregnancy period. Pregnancy test should be done at the time of the most accurate results. When should the pregnancy test be performed? After 4 days of pregnancy the fertilized egg secretes a hormone called HCG. This HCG hormone is also called human chorionic gonadotropin. HCG hormone, which is released after pregnancy, spreads to the mother's body. HCG, which is found in the blood, then passes into the urine.
When is the pregnancy test done? One of the most important issues for women is when to do a pregnancy test. Home pregnancy tests are based on the logic of determining whether or not the pregnancy hormone (hCG) is present in the urine. HCG, known as the pregnancy hormone, is only found in pregnant women. You can purchase the pregnancy test at pharmacies. So, when is the pregnancy test done, when the most accurate results are obtained?


Pregnancy, there are two known ways to do a pregnancy test. These are blood and urine tests.

Blood test

You can have the pregnancy test determined in accordance with your blood values in hospitals. The hormone sought in the blood test is HCG. If this hormone was found in your blood, you are positive. If HCG is not found, you are not negative. These tests are performed by needle.

Urine test

To perform urine tests, you can obtain materials for testing from pharmacies. Urine pregnancy tests of various brands and prices are just as easy to apply. The best time to perform the test is morning. Put your urine in a container, put the strip from the test box into the container and wait 3-4 minutes.


Pregnancy tests give accurate results up to 90% if your period is at least 1 day delayed, but the exact result is done by blood test. The pregnancy test is used to determine if you are pregnant by the HCG pregnancy hormone excreted in the urine.

According to research to get the most accurate pregnancy test results as far as 1 week must pass your period. One of the details of the pregnancy test's correct results is that you do it when you wake up in the morning. Because urine accumulates all night long, it best reflects the hormone HCG.

Urine pregnancy test cannot give results immediately after intercourse. Generally, it is necessary to wait until the menstrual delay and perform the test in those days to give correct results.

The reason for this is that the pregnancy test in the urine is based on the logic of detecting the pregnancy-induced HCG hormone in the urine from the mother's blood. Pregnancy can occur with the relationship entered in days close to the time of ovulation. Even if pregnancy occurs with a close relationship to the day of ovulation, it will take 6 to 10 days for this pregnancy to progress to the uterus and settle in the uterus.

After placement in the uterus, the hormone HCG secreted from pregnancy can pass into the mother's blood. It may even take a few days for this hormone to pass into the mother's blood and then into the mother's urine after pregnancy has settled in the uterus. In short, if a pregnancy occurs after an intercourse close to the time of ovulation, it should take almost 15 days for the HCG hormone to be released into the mother's urine. This corresponds to the next menstrual period, that is, if pregnancy has occurred, the period will be delayed.

Therefore, if a relationship is suspected to occur during pregnancy, urine pregnancy test should be performed when menstrual delay occurs. If pregnancy does not occur in this test, the test should be repeated after 1 week in order to increase reliability. In this way, the test reliability, which is 90% in the first test, increases to 95% if the second test is performed.

Positive (no pregnancy) test is more reliable than negative (no pregnancy). However, you should consult a doctor regardless of what the test shows for any type of menstrual delay because even if the test shows pregnancy, this may not be a normal pregnancy, but may be an ectopic pregnancy. Even if the test shows no pregnancy, you may become pregnant without noticing.

Clearblue Plus Pregnancy Test, 2 Pregnancy Tests

First Response Early Result Pregnancy Test, 3 count (Packaging & Test Design May Vary)

How to do a pregnancy test at home? Pregnancy test should be considered

First Response Early Result Pregnancy Test, 3 count (Packaging & Test Design May Vary)

If you're wondering if you're pregnant, but you're too excited to dare to take the test, the result can double your joy and excitement! We have listed the methods for you to learn how to make the most accurate pregnancy tests at home and how to get pregnant by this urine test. How to do a blood test for pregnancy? When a pregnancy test should be done? Home pregnancy (urine) testing techniques ...
Regardless of whether your menstrual period has been delayed or not, whether it is planned or unplanned, and you have seen some different symptoms on your body, it is normal to suspect that you are pregnant or not! To find out clearly whether this exciting and stressful expectation is positive or negative, you can come to the right conclusion with pregnancy tests that you can purchase over the counter from the pharmacy. Those who want to have a baby or those who are not yet ready to become a mother can do a pregnancy test at home to satisfy their curiosity rather than having doubts and doubts. We have investigated for you when these tests, which are very simple to do, should be applied and how they can learn the results. You can easily find out if you are a mother with the pregnancy test you are sure of. Is it necessary to see a doctor? How to do a pregnancy test at home? What should be considered when performing the pregnancy test? Here is the step-by-step implementation of the pregnancy test.

FIRST STEP: Urine into the urine compartment on the pregnancy test stick you purchased. However, be sure to drain some urine before pouring urine here.
(Some tests have plastic urine collection containers. It is easier to urinate and transfer them to the stick.)
- If no container is provided near the test, you should read the urine specimen instructions thoroughly. Because some pregnancy test instructions tell you to urinate in the urine compartment for no more than 5 seconds or less. You can get help from the stopwatch.
- Be sure to turn the symbols on the bar so that they are facing up.

STEP TWO: When performing pregnancy test which is a plastic cup; You can use the dropper to drain the urine into the test strip. Flush the urine to the pregnancy test for 5 to 10 seconds. Beware that some brands can be different this time!
STEP THREE: Wait for the result for the time specified in the instruction of the test. Place the test strip on a flat surface with the result window facing up.
Standard time is; 1 to 5 minutes.
STEP FOUR: Check the results. Look at the meaning of the symbols in the Instruction section and find out which signs have a positive meaning.
- If a single red line appears in the screen pane of the test, the pregnancy status is negative. If two red lines appear, you are pregnant. However, if none of these are mentioned, you should reapply with a new test.

If pregnancy tests at home through urine give negative results, but are pregnant, it is not because there is a mistake in the test, but because of the wrong application of the test. However, there is no explanation for the negative results of the Beta HCG test. If the result is negative, there is neither ectopic nor normal pregnancy. Pseudopregnancy, which can be seen among the public, occurs with the desire of dominant motherhood that women desire.
Even if the test result is negative, the person sees himself as pregnant. In fact, this condition, which is a psychological disorder, progresses so much that in the 9th month, the abdomen can grow as much as during a normal pregnancy. This rare condition is purely psychological.

It is common to see a negative result in the test despite pregnancy, which is the exact opposite of the situation mentioned above. In such cases, perform another brand test and re-apply.
Failure to do the pregnancy test at the right time may cause the test to go wrong. Ovulation of a woman who regularly menstrual period occurs on average 14 days after the first day of menstrual period. Ovulation may occur soon in this case, which is not the case in every woman. In this case, the post-menstrual test results in an incorrect result.
Another reason for the wrong test is that the pregnancy test is not of good quality or the urine cannot detect the hormone during production.

- The most suitable interval for the pregnancy test is during the day. A late pregnancy test during the day may cause the urine to become negative due to excessive water consumption due to drinking too much water.
- Check and apply the expiration date before performing the pregnancy test.
- Liquid intake should not occur 2 hours before the pregnancy test.

Perform this test at home within 14 days without delay.
You can easily perform a pregnancy test in the hospital according to the blood values ​​in the body. Women who want to learn how to become pregnant will look for HCG in this test. If you have this hormone in the blood, you're pregnant or you're not. The blood test for pregnancy shows a clearer result than the test at home. The reason is that the pregnancy hormone first appears in the blood and then spreads to the body. (Tests are performed with a needle.)

If the test at home gives you the good news that you are now two living things, the first thing you do is go to the doctor. If your doctor has given your consent, it is time to give your wife this good news! There are many fun and interesting ways to explain your baby, the fruit of the love and communication bond between you and your partner. Those roads ...

- You can catch your wife coming home from work at a convenient moment and give them lentils in the moment she doesn't expect, and you can say, "Our baby is now as tiny as a lentil." You can share your joy in the face of your spouse who is surprised at what he has suffered in a moment.
- You can choose a special book for the father-to-be and put it in a nice box and add various objects related to baby care.
- Before preparing the table, you can give a good news with a small change of presentation! You may surprise your wife by placing a bottle, a spout instead of a fork and a spoon instead of a plate ...

The most exciting moment to expect after receiving the baby gospel is when you learn your baby's gender. You may want to try ways of predicting gender in old traditional ways, although it is not certain how long this wait will take. For this, the most common scissors or knives method from the past to the present day comes. 2 pillows or cushions are determined in a place where the mother is not present. Under these objects, a scissor and a knife are placed separately.
Then, when the expectant mother is called, the gender will be determined wherever she sits. If the pregnant person sits on the cushion / pillow with the scissors underneath, the girl becomes the boy if the knife sits on the floor. This playful gender prediction, which has no scientific content, is also sometimes based on gender and sometimes wrong.

First Response Early Result Pregnancy Test, 3 count (Packaging & Test Design May Vary)