Monday, September 30, 2019

Mavogel Cotton Sleep Eye Mask - Updated Design Light Blocking Sleep Mask, Soft and Comfortable Night Eye Mask for Men Women, Eye Blinder for Travel/Sleeping/Shift Work, Includes Travel Pouch, Black

What should I do to fall asleep? Fast falling asleep method

Mavogel Cotton Sleep Eye Mask - Updated Design Light Blocking Sleep Mask, Soft and Comfortable Night Eye Mask for Men Women, Eye Blinder for Travel/Sleeping/Shift Work, Includes Travel Pouch, Black

There are many people who are bored of spending more time trying to fall asleep instead of sleeping. Even hard work during the day can cause (or continue) a worried, frustrating cycle of energy that keeps our minds awake. If you can't sleep, it's hard for your body to fall asleep. However, there are scientific tricks you can try to put your body into a healthy sleep mode by turning the knob. We've compiled some science-based techniques in our news to help you fall asleep faster. Request

What should I do to fall asleep? Fast falling asleep method
Sleeping so fast usually requires a magic spell, but like magic, you can fall asleep in 10 seconds as you practice. The following method takes 120 seconds to complete, but if you repeat this method several times to reach the last 10 seconds, you will be told you will succeed.

Military method
The popular military method first reported by Sharon Ackerman comes from a book called "Relax and Win: Championship Performance".

According to Ackerman, the US Navy Pre-Flight School established a routine to help pilots fall asleep in 2 minutes or less. The pilots took about six weeks, but it worked. They even succeeded in falling asleep after drinking coffee and shooting gunshots in the background.

It is said that this app works even for people who have to sit down!

Military method

Relax your entire face, including the muscles in your mouth.
To relieve tension, release your shoulders and let your hands fall next to your body.
Breathe out, loosen your chest.
Loosen your legs, thighs and calves.
Clear your mind for 10 seconds by imagining a relaxing scene.
If that doesn't work, try the words "thinking" over and over for 10 seconds.
You should fall asleep in 10 seconds!
How to fall asleep in 60 seconds?

These two methods, which focus on your breathing or your muscles, help you to put your thoughts out of bed and sleep.

If you are a beginner trying these attacks, it may take up to 2 minutes for these methods to work.

4-7-8 respiration method
This method of breathing, which combines the forces of meditation and visualization, becomes more effective in practice.

To prepare, place the tip of the tongue on the roof of your mouth, behind the two front teeth. Always keep your tongue there and clean your lips if necessary.

How to make a cycle of 4-7-8 respirators:

Gently spread your lips and make a suffocating sound while breathing through your mouth.
Then close your lips and breathe quietly through your nose. Count up to 4 in your head.
Then hold your breath for 7 seconds.
Then, exhale (with a sound) for 8 seconds.
Avoid being very alert at the end of each cycle. Try to apply carelessly.
Complete this cycle for four full breaths. If you feel relaxation earlier than expected, allow your body to sleep.

Mavogel Cotton Sleep Eye Mask - Updated Design Light Blocking Sleep Mask, Soft and Comfortable Night Eye Mask for Men Women, Eye Blinder for Travel/Sleeping/Shift Work, Includes Travel Pouch, Black

Sleep Mask, 3D Contoured Sleep Eye Mask, Comfortable & Super Soft Sleeping Mask with Adjustable Straps for Women, Men, Luxury Pattern Eye Mask for Sleeping with Ear Plugs Carry Pouch for Travel Naps

Watch out if you can't sleep at night! The formula to sleep as soon as you put your head on the pillow!

Sleep Mask, 3D Contoured Sleep Eye Mask, Comfortable & Super Soft Sleeping Mask with Adjustable Straps for Women, Men, Luxury Pattern Eye Mask for Sleeping with Ear Plugs Carry Pouch for Travel Naps

Sleep is a great need both psychologically and physiologically. But insomnia is an important problem that is sometimes experienced in a period of life and sometimes chronic. We have compiled the "easy sleep" methods, which became the subject of research by those who want to sleep as soon as they put their heads on the pillow at night ...

Sleep is not an interruption or wasted time in everyday life. It is an active period that covers one third of our lives, which is important for renewing our mental and physical health every day. We need to be asleep at certain times a day for good physical and mental health. Sleep is an indispensable part of your life. But in recent days, almost everyone has problems sleeping at some point in their lives. So what causes sleep problem? How to put the pillow put his head sleep? If you have a sleep problem, here are the solutions ...


Use of alcohol, nicotine and caffeine
Short-term sleep disorders
Excessive stress
Drug use
Disruption of biological clock order
Psychological disorders

1) Do not sleep during the day. If you sleep during the day, your body may not be tired enough to sleep at night.
2) Set the room temperature. If the room you are sleeping in is too hot or too cold, it will make it difficult for you to fall asleep.
3) Have a sleep time set. According to experts, sleeping at the same time every day makes it easier to fall asleep.
4) Use your bed only for sleeping. For example, do not watch TV, talk on the phone or eat in bed while in bed. So your brain will only associate the bed with sleep. It will be easier to fall asleep when you go to bed. The only exception is reading boring books when you go to bed. Reading boring books before going to sleep will make your sleep easier. But avoid reading adventure - detective books before you go to sleep.
5) Do not exercise before sleeping. Stop exercising a few hours before your sleep time. Doing sports speeds up your heartbeat and makes it harder to fall asleep. Slight relaxation exercises before sleep will help you fall asleep.
6) Ventilate your room before going to sleep.
7) Relax. Avoid worrying activities such as watching television and checking your mails when your sleep time approaches.
8) Write down your concerns and dreams. Write down the things that keep your mind busy about half an hour before bedtime.
9) Get out of bed if you can't sleep. If you still can't sleep half an hour after going to bed, get up instead of turning around in bed.
10) Avoid bright light. If you woke up in the middle of the night and did not fall asleep again for half an hour, get up but avoid light as much as possible.

The most important indicator of quality sleep is that one feels vigorous when he wakes up. The rested mind of the body is clear. There is a feeling of congestion in the nose and fatigue. Under the influence of the dream seen in sleep, there is a restless mood. In REM sleep, dreams occur and are the resting state of the soul, and in the so-called deep sleep, physical purification occurs.
In quality sleep, no matter how long you sleep, you will feel refreshed. Your perceptions are clear and you are ready to receive new information and adapt. After waking up, taking a few deep breaths and stretching will help stimulate your energy.

Sleep Mask, 3D Contoured Sleep Eye Mask, Comfortable & Super Soft Sleeping Mask with Adjustable Straps for Women, Men, Luxury Pattern Eye Mask for Sleeping with Ear Plugs Carry Pouch for Travel Naps

JEFlex Natural Silk Sleep Mask Blindfold, Super-Smooth Eye Mask

Healthy and quality sleep in 10 steps

JEFlex Natural Silk Sleep Mask Blindfold, Super-Smooth Eye Mask

Healthy and adequate sleep is one of the most important factors that make it vigorous both physically and mentally. Sleeping less, sleeping more, waking up frequently, and not being able to get up vigorously can be caused by simple reasons that can resolve spontaneously, as well as heralding a psychiatric or other medical problem.

Not to increase the risk of disease, spend the day more efficiently, to protect physical and mental health quality sleep is very important to emphasize Psychiatrist. Uğur Hatıloğlu, March 17, World Sleep Day, told the tricks of healthy sleep.

Here are 10 things you need to do to wake up to vigorous and energetic mornings by sleeping quality:


Trying to keep your hospitalization and take-off times as similar as possible is important in keeping your sleep rhythm. At least for our brain to adjust the sleep time, weekdays, weekends or holidays, regardless of the same time should be up.


It is necessary to keep your mind at rest during the falling asleep phase. An active or thinking person cannot be expected to fall asleep. So if you did a hard workout just before you go to sleep at night, if you go to bed before you're done or have problems and thoughts in your mind, your sleep time will increase. It may be useful to exercise in the morning or during the day. For the fullness of mind; you can organize your work according to your sleep patterns. If problems, everyday things and things to do turn in your mind, you can write them down on a sheet of paper and enter the bed. If the problems are interpersonal, future or past, you can tell yourself that you can't deal with it immediately by stealing it from your sleep. With a healthy and adequate sleep, your chances of finding a solution will increase.

3- Feel yourself comfortable in the room you sleep

You must ensure that the room and conditions are suitable for sleeping. Noise, temperature, humidity, comfort of your bed, even the quality of the pillow can affect your sleep patterns. Try to adjust for you.


Although this sleep time is generally known as 6-9 hours in adults, personal differences may occur. When we get our sleep, our eyes open and we feel very vigorous at that moment. After that, ‘Earlier’, ne What if I get a little more sleep? ’,‘ I was asleep yesterday, I'll make up ’to continue to sleep with sentences, will not make us more vigorous and rested as we intended.


It is important to sleep where we sleep and not to engage in activities other than sexual life. So; behave like watching television in bed, eating, reading books, using computers and mobile phones, and coming to bed as neutral as possible. Because these activities will revive the mind and activate the brain will extend your time to fall asleep.


If you have not been able to sleep for 15 minutes, spend more time in bed and don't make yourself an environment of grind. Instead, you can get out of bed and engage in activities that will not make you very alert and more alert. For example; you can take a warm shower, watch something that doesn't require much evaluation, read a book or listen to relaxing music. When your sleep comes back to bed, close your eyes and picture a calm and peaceful situation or you will feel comfortable. If you still can't sleep for at least 15 minutes, get up again.


Caffeine, nicotine, thein and so on. containing stimulants such as; coffee, tea, energy drinks, smoking, alcohol, some painkillers and acidic beverages, especially people with insomnia should be careful not to consume as much as possible. If used, it should be consumed during the day. Because the more active the brain works, the harder it is to sleep.


Not sleeping during the day, not resting a little eye, not sleeping in a short beauty sleep is important to establish the order of sleep. Unfortunately, short sleeps can play long hours from your night sleep.


Teas, plants and roots that are commonly used to give sleep are not as effective as they are thought to be. Although these types of tea and herbs have a soothing effect, these recommendations should be followed for a healthy sleep.


If your sleep is getting worse despite these suggestions, you should consult a psychiatrist if you have additional complaints. Because sleep disorders are often not alone, they can be part or herald of a different psychiatric or other medical condition.

JEFlex Natural Silk Sleep Mask Blindfold, Super-Smooth Eye Mask

Kimkoo Gel Eye Mask Cold Pads&Cool Compress for Puffy Eyes and Dry Eye,Cooling Eye Ice Masks Gel

5 scientific facts about sleep

Kimkoo Gel Eye Mask Cold Pads&Cool Compress for Puffy Eyes and Dry Eye,Cooling Eye Ice Masks Gel

June 21st, Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. That is the longest day and shortest night of the year. Learn how to improve your sleep quality, although this is not the ideal time to sleep.

Some people say that four to five hours of sleep is enough for them. With so much sleep, these "super people" claim to be ready for the day. Given that sleep is healthy, it does not reflect the truth. Our bodies need more rest to rest.

Why sleep?
The average person spends a third of his life sleeping. Sounds a bit of a waste of time, doesn't it? Just the opposite! Even though we don't realize it, when we're in the realm of dreams, our bodies run a feverish work.

REM sleep, known as Deep Sleep and Fast Eye Movement, repeats every 90 minutes. In deep sleep, our bodies run updates in the background just like a computer. For regeneration, it secretes growth hormone and activates the immune system. Thus, our immune cells fight against viruses and bacteria.

In REM sleep, our brain processes the events of the day and makes room for our short-term memories for the next day. This is where we dream! But in our dreams, we don't see random events that have been happening to our subconscious within the last 24 hours. Dreams can also contain images that are completely strange and distant from our own lives. When riding a unicorn or tracking someone as a private detective, our brain strives to make unused areas available for use.

Without sleep, both our body and brain are deprived of the necessary working hours.

How long do we have to sleep?
It depends entirely on our age. The US National Sleep Foundation recommends sleeping 14 to 17 hours per day for newborns. Of course, you can tell that little puppies do not sleep uninterrupted by looking at sleepless parents.

Elementary school children need nine to 11 hours of sleep per day, while adults need seven to nine hours of sleep. Of course they are only recommended, because each individual needs to sleep varies from person to person.

But adults should definitely not sleep for less than six hours. On the other side of the scales are those who can't get to sleep without sleeping for 10 hours.

Sleeping can be as bad as it is good. If we need more than 10 hours to get our sleep, there may be a serious impairment in our sleep quality. Cambridge University researchers in the UK say that more than eight hours a day sleepers are at greater risk of stroke.

What if we don't sleep?
There are tests in which volunteers participating in scientific experiments do not sleep for up to 10 days. However, there is a reason why deprivation of sleep is also used as a method of torture.

As our body's need for sleep increases, we face more problems: our body temperature drops, we get distracted, we become insensitive, our mental and motor skills are gradually decreasing. If we don't sleep two nights in a row, our body control and reaction time are equal to that of someone who's had a bottle of beer.

Researchers are divided over whether serious insomnia can cause death. It depends on how you define the cause of death. For example, patients with fatal insomnia (insomnia) died between six and 30 months. However, the cause of death in these cases is recorded as multiple organ failure

What's keeping us awake?
Many people know what prevents them from falling asleep, but the number of those who consider these elements is very small: Cell phones should be switched off early in the night and electronic devices should be brought close to the bed.

Blue light emitted from electronic devices is the enemy of the sleep command. Our exposed eyes send our brains to stay awake. Therefore, melatonin hormone, which regulates our 24-hour body rhythm to a great extent and enables us to have a good quality sleep, is not secreted.

In addition, when we write an email or spend time on social media, our brain does a lot of work. The brain that makes the process becomes difficult to fall asleep.

Other things we shouldn't do before we go to sleep are drinking coffee or drinking alcohol. The general rule of drinking coffee for the last time before going to sleep is at least six hours before entering the bed. The noise and light in our bedroom are other elements that may prevent us from falling asleep.

How does it sleep well?
We already told you there shouldn't be a phone at the bedside. In addition, if we have enough space in our house, we should use different areas for different activities. For example, we should work in the office, watch TV in the living room and use our bedroom only for sleeping and resting.

It is known that people who go to bed at the same time every day, including weekends, do not have difficulty falling asleep. Pillows and the bed is suitable for our body to pay attention to.

A dark and quiet bedroom around 15 to 18 degrees Celsius provides ideal conditions for a nice deep sleep. Good night and sweet dreams!

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Luxury Patented Sleep Mask, Nidra? Deep Rest Eye Mask with Contoured Shape and Adjustable Head Strap, Perfect for Side Sleeper, Light Blocking, Sleep Deeply Anywhere, Anytime, Wake Up Refreshed

Suggestions for a Comfortable Sleep

Luxury Patented Sleep Mask, Nidra? Deep Rest Eye Mask with Contoured Shape and Adjustable Head Strap, Perfect for Side Sleeper, Light Blocking, Sleep Deeply Anywhere, Anytime, Wake Up Refreshed

Does anyone in the world like to sleep? Beyond love or dislike, sleep is as important to our physical and mental health as our activities when we are awake. Regular and healthy sleep is indispensable for many systems of human body as well as quality of life.

Regardless of how much we love to sleep, in some periods of our lives, we may suffer from insomnia due to stress in life and other health reasons. Experts say the quality of sleep is more important than the duration.

Although the duration of sleep generally varies depending on age, each person has his own sleep time. Some people need 12 hours of sleep, while others can be fit with only 4 hours of sleep per day. On the other hand, while some people like to sleep early, wake up early in the morning, others are used to sleep late at night and sleep in the morning, and only then awaken to sleep. Knowing how many hours we need for sleep and arranging our sleep accordingly makes our lives easier.

When a person doesn't have enough time to sleep and doesn't sleep between the right hours, he also appears to have sleep problems during the day, as well as mental problems. In everyday life and at work it becomes difficult to decide, starting and learning something new is becoming slower.
To have a comfortable night asleep:

Important sleep positions for a comfortable sleep. Although the position in which it seems to be more comfortable varies from person to person, according to experts' recommendations, some positions may be more relaxing for our body. The most recommended form of hospitalization is to lie on the right side. It was observed that the digestive system was relaxed and the stomach and intestines were more comfortable when placed on the right side. As the heart rate slows down, it is easier to fall asleep.

As the activities of the sympathetic nervous system increase when lying on the left side, the heartbeat accelerates and the person feels excited. This can lead to sleep disturbance. As the internal organs are stressed when lying on the prone, there may be a delay in the transition to sleep.
What can be done to fall asleep easily?

• The environment must have appropriate characteristics to facilitate falling asleep. In a very bright and noisy environment, the transition to sleep will naturally be difficult due to the abundance of stimuli surrounding it.
• The sleeping environment should be dark, quiet and cool and not too hot even in winter. It is recommended that the bearing be of suitable hardness. If your bed is too old and you have difficulty moving around while sleeping, it is useful to change it.
• Evening meals are also effective in going to sleep. It is recommended to sleep at least three hours after eating and / or drinking alcohol in order to fall asleep comfortably.
• Not leaving dinner too late, as well as lighter, low-fat meals instead of protein-weighted, heavy and spicy foods can provide a comfortable sleep.
• Caffeine-containing foods such as tea, coffee, cola and chocolate in the evenings can also affect sleep quality.
• If you have difficulty falling asleep at night after a busy and stressful day, or if you have insomnia due to psychological reasons
tea, such as chamomile, lemon balm, or 1 cup of warm milk and add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon will relax you.

Nutrition Tips to Improve Sleep:

Doctors say that tryptophan is effective in our sleep patterns and that the body cannot produce tryptophan itself, so it is necessary to take it with nutritional supplements. Tryptophan, which also plays a very important role in the regulation of sleep, includes turkey, chicken, veal and fish, nuts, milk, cheese, eggs, potatoes, fruits and vegetables.

Banana with a muscle-relaxing effect, calming chamomile tea, warm milk and a teaspoon of honey, tryptophan-containing potato that relaxes the stomach, oats that are stress-relieving, heart-friendly and relaxing muscles, almonds with melons and radishes, known to have a soothing effect and apples are also among the foods that help a deep sleep.

If you are suffering from sleep disorder, it is necessary to investigate the underlying problems and resolve them to return to a comfortable sleep pattern. If you consult a doctor for irregular sleep, you can benefit from your private health insurance. You can talk to our experts about private health insurance and you can ensure the health of yourself and your family.

Luxury Patented Sleep Mask, Nidra? Deep Rest Eye Mask with Contoured Shape and Adjustable Head Strap, Perfect for Side Sleeper, Light Blocking, Sleep Deeply Anywhere, Anytime, Wake Up Refreshed

Sleep Mask Sleepfun Invisible Alar Deep Orbit 3D Eye Mask Ultra Lightweight & Comfortable Sleeping Mask for Travel, Nap, Shift Works, Black & Blue

Sleeping has never been easier!

Sleep Mask Sleepfun Invisible Alar Deep Orbit 3D Eye Mask Ultra Lightweight & Comfortable Sleeping Mask for Travel, Nap, Shift Works, Black & Blue

Is it hard to sleep at night? Can't you wake up in the middle of the night and fall asleep again? Hundreds of scientific studies have shown that stimulus control therapy can be of great help to people who have difficulty sleeping.

Are you having insomnia? Can't you do that at night when you want to fall asleep right now? You are not alone. Numerous studies have shown that sleep has a significant impact on human health.

Among the effects of sleep deprivation; low perceptual and physical performance, lack of memory and attention. In addition, prolonged insomnia triggers anxiety and depression. Sleep problems increase with age; Insomnia is seen in 12% to 40% of people 65 years and older.

Insomnia people use many different methods to combat this problem, including excessive use of medication. However, the fact that the drugs have many side effects that need attention should be observed that they do not offer a healthy treatment. Psychological treatment methods, on the other hand, offer patients more beneficial and effective treatment than medications because they have no side effects.

How does Stimulus control help you sleep faster?
Richard (Dick) R. Bootzin, a professor at the University of Arizona, has spent years researching sleep disorders. He also evaluated many psychological treatment methods used in the treatment of insomnia.

The most successful of these methods was stimulus control therapy. Want to know how the therapy works? First of all, you should know that it is not a very complex therapy. It consists of only 6 simple steps. If you follow these steps, you can get a better night's sleep. Here are those six golden steps:

Only go to bed when you are very tired.
Do not use your bed for any external purpose. Don't lie down and watch TV, eat in your bed or work in bed. The only exception to this rule is sexual activity.
If you've slept and can't sleep, get up and go to another room. Do whatever you want to do until you get tired and come to sleep in your room only when you get tired. No matter what time it shows, get out of bed if you don't sleep right away. Remember, the purpose of this exercise is to pair your bed with sleep. If you have been lying for 10 minutes and you are still awake, you are not following these steps correctly.
Are you still awake? Repeat step 3. Repeat this cycle until you fall asleep, even if you have to do it all night.
Set an alarm to wake up every morning at the same time. It doesn't matter how you slept the night before. This step will allow your body to enter a sleep pattern.
No nap or nap during the day.

How does sleeping get so easy in 6 steps?
The basic logic of this method is that we are behaviorally similar to Pavlov's dog. Because we connect certain environmental stimuli to certain thoughts and behaviors in our brain. When he heard the bell, Pavlov's dog drooled, because he had matched the bell to mama.

After many attempts, the dog's salivation began to flow when he heard the bell, even though there was no food. In our case, our cymbals are bed and our food is sleep. Did you notice the similarity? If you use your bed for other purposes than sleep, it becomes increasingly difficult to achieve that if you really need to sleep. Because your mind matches the bed with many different activities besides sleeping.

We should use this practice for both our thoughts and our actions. The more important it is to avoid watching television in bed, the more important it is that you are not afraid to sleep when you go to bed.

You ask why? Because in this case your mind associates the anxiety with the bed. After that; Thoughts such as kork I am afraid of not being able to sleep… or lazım I have to sleep ”abilir can lead to a problem of anticipatory anxiety.

This means that the therapy strengthens the relationship between your bed and sleep, but also weakens the relationship between your bed and everything else (except sex!).

Sleep Mask Sleepfun Invisible Alar Deep Orbit 3D Eye Mask Ultra Lightweight & Comfortable Sleeping Mask for Travel, Nap, Shift Works, Black & Blue

IMAK Compression Pain Relief Mask and Eye Pillow, Cold Therapy Headache, Migraine, Sinus Pain, Patented, Universal Size

How do you fall asleep in a minute?

IMAK Compression Pain Relief Mask and Eye Pillow, Cold Therapy Headache, Migraine, Sinus Pain, Patented, Universal Size

Falling asleep can sometimes be very difficult. Especially in the evening of sleep is not to keep alive in the morning not work. In such moments, you can apply the rule "4-7-8" to fall asleep quickly.
Sleep is one of the most critical points of everyday life. For a happy and healthy life, regular sleep is very important. However, sometimes there are times when we cannot sleep. Is it possible to overcome such situations? With 4-7-8, many people say they can get through the nights that don't sleep. The method works like this:

1-Breathe through your nose calmly counting up to 4.

2-Count up to 7 of you and hold your breath within this time.

3-Breathe in, but do it slowly while counting to 8.

So how does it work?
Isn't that a joke? But it works. Many people do this exercise over and over again in the morning, sleeping and waking up like a baby. If your body has experienced stress or tension, the amount of adrenaline in your blood increases and your breathing becomes faster. The recommended breathing exercise is a kind of sedative. Because it slows down your heart rhythm and calms you down.

This exercise also helps your mind. In this way, when you breathe your attention increases and feelings such as anxiety disappear. Many neurologists agree on the importance of breathing. Andrew Weil from Harvard says the method "4-7-8" has already been used by many meditators for hundreds of years.

What is good for you?

The “4-7-8” method is ideal for situations where you are deprived of sleep. It will allow you to fall asleep quickly. You will have a more serene mind that will help you concentrate. In addition, if you do 10 minutes each day on a regular basis, you will see the benefits from stress management in everyday life to a serene mood.

IMAK Compression Pain Relief Mask and Eye Pillow, Cold Therapy Headache, Migraine, Sinus Pain, Patented, Universal Size