Thursday, November 7, 2019

Circadian Optics Luxy Light Therapy Lamp | As Seen On Shark Tank | 10,000 LUX Ultra Bright LED | Ultra Compact Portable | Full Spectrum UV Free | Turn On Your Day

The Effect of Lighting on Mood and Sleep

Circadian Optics Luxy Light Therapy Lamp | As Seen On Shark Tank | 10,000 LUX Ultra Bright LED | Ultra Compact Portable | Full Spectrum UV Free | Turn On Your Day

Future Designs consultant, sleep specialist The test, conducted by Neil Stanley, took place on a midsummer day to analyze the effects of light on the circadian rhythms of two volunteers and to record how different types of light affect human waking and sleep functions.

According to the results of an experiment, the power of lighting to influence mood, alertness and sleep under real-world conditions may seem limited as a result of different personalities and motivations.

Future Designs consultant, sleep specialist The test, conducted by Neil Stanley, took place on a midsummer day to analyze the effects of light on the circadian rhythms of two volunteers and to record how different types of light affect human waking and sleep functions.

Two separate areas were planned to be at the extremes of the Kelvin range (warm light against cold). One side was illuminated with 6000K cool white light and the other side with 2700K warm white light for an entire day and night.

Two different lighting tones were created with digitally controlled ceiling-to-wall panels. Two volunteers of the same age, height and weight worked and slept for 24 hours in the showcase of the Future Desings Technology Center in London. Those who came in front of the center were encouraged to read about the experiment called Light, Work, Sleep and observe the spaces.

Volunteers' memories, response times and attention during the working day created. It was regularly measured by Stanley and the volunteers were questioned about their mood and alertness. Cognitive functions were tested and evaluated the following morning.

Surprisingly, during the whole experiment, 2700K produced a lower level of drowsiness, while a 6000K “psychomotor attention task ((a timed response task that measures the response to a series of stimuli and requires the subject to be alert and alert to the appearance of the stimulus) has a negative response on stimulus response time. it seemed to have the effect.

The report, sponsored by the British lighting fixture manufacturer Future Desings, states that deney the reality that an experiment such as Light, Work, Sleep is being carried out in the showroom showcase has some limitations and it is not possible to control all variables at the clinical level ”.

Du Considering this, we should not put too much significance on the results of psychological tests, although the evaluations indicate that there are obvious differences between the two conditions in some tasks. ”

Despite the lack of test environment, it was understood that different lighting conditions could have a significant impact on performance, feelings of being alert, and in particular subjective mood.
The subject exposed to 6000K cold white light in the Light, Study, Sleep experiment felt less awake during the day, especially in the afternoon and evening. This result may be considered to be contrary to the theory that blue light has the power to produce wakefulness and improve performance.
This may be the case in an ideal environment under more “real-world” conditions, but as can be seen in this experiment, many other elements may also have an impact.

The researchers concluded that long-term exposure to 6000K of cold white light, especially in the afternoon and in the evening, can be tiring in itself, given the fact that it is counterproductive to natural changes in sunlight at that time. “In addition, exposure to sunlight can eliminate the relaxing effects of artificial 2700K warm white light reflected from above.

“Personality and motivation can play a big role. For example, a summer sunshine on a summer's day can lead some people to the mountains for a walk, while others can lie on the beach and lie down. Therefore 6000K cold white light has a paradoxical effect.

“People not only use light as zeitgeber, but we also react to other situations such as social interactions and food intake. Although we checked the timing of eating in our experiment, people's response to nutrition, for example, the pleasure of a pleasant meal compared to an ordinary meal, could play a role in their response to the situation.

“Perhaps this is the most important output of the Light, Work, Sleep experiment. The crucial element that contributes to the reactions of the volunteers is individual differences. Subjects were sex, age, structure, etc. In terms of equivalent, except light conditions, the differences between subjects' mood and sleep level will seriously affect the results. ken

“For example, when we look at the CSR raw scores instead of looking at the changes in the reference value, we can see that our volunteer in the 2700K warm white light was quite drowsy at the beginning of the study compared to our volunteer in the 6000K cold white light. Therefore, it gave less opportunity to change the sleepiness score under conditions thought to be more comforting. That is, the effect would have to be proportionally larger in order to realize a measurable change in its condition. This may also explain why it has changed less in the Line Analog Rating Scale measures associated with waking. ”

Sleep consultant Stanley concludes: beyaz Adjustable white light may have the power to lead to changes in wakefulness and performance, but this is only one of many factors that affect our daily lives. The relative contribution of light to the impact on daily performance and alertness needs to be clarified. ”

Circadian Optics Luxy Light Therapy Lamp | As Seen On Shark Tank | 10,000 LUX Ultra Bright LED | Ultra Compact Portable | Full Spectrum UV Free | Turn On Your Day

Verilux HappyLight VT32 Touch 10,000 Lux LED Bright White Light Therapy Lamp with Adjustable Color and Brightness Controls

Colors are Change Agents Triggering Emotions

Verilux HappyLight VT32 Touch 10,000 Lux LED Bright White Light Therapy Lamp with Adjustable Color and Brightness Controls

Man and change make us many connotations. Change is a definition of a process that is reminiscent of a change in work, relationship, emotion, space, and even a total lifestyle change. What do we want to change in what direction, or what changes are expected of us? These questions, which attracted the attention of scientists, constituted research topics.

We know that two powerful features that govern the preferences and attitudes of the brain are feelings and thoughts specific to the individual. However, the rules of working together and overcoming each other are different. Is it the part of the brain that governs thoughts, or the part that governs emotions, that drives people's choices by mobilizing them? There is the amygdala, which is located in the central part of the brain and governs emotions, against the brain shell and gray matter that governs thought. Thought is guided in the context of causality based on knowledge. Emotion is influenced by basic motives and needs.

Influencing emotions is influencing people. Psychology therefore examines the factors that affect emotions. The relationship between emotion and color has found a response in everyone's life. The whiteness of the wedding dress, the use of red at birth, the identification of death with black and so on. Artists, especially painters, are the ones who understand and experience the relationship between emotion and color. “Colors play a key role in following the change of emotions, P says Pablo Picasso. With this word, he puts a strong emphasis on the change of emotion and color relationship.

Goethe Newton, Romanticism Against Realism

Color is a perception that occurs when different wavelengths of light reach the retina of the eye. When light strikes an object, the object absorbs the seven colors of light other than its own color and reflects its own color. The human eye sees the color in which it reflects the object1. Black and white reflecting all colors in the light are therefore not considered color.

The color circle was first developed by Sir Isaac Newton in 1666. The main colors in the circle are yellow, red, blue; intermediate colors include green, purple, orange and blend colors. These colors are also grouped as cold and warm colors. A hundred years later, the colors of the physical world were expressed in many different dimensions in Goethe's poems. Today, Goethe focuses on understanding the meaning that psychology finds in colors in those days, recognizing the links between human reactions and colors. He defined colors with emotions that they thought matched. Johannes Itten (1888-1967) tended to understand the symbolic and semantic properties of colors2. He does not treat color as a physicist or chemist, but as a representative of aesthetics and symbolism.

Figure 1: Color perception region in the brain

As we have seen in our previous articles, the fastest leaps in science emerge in the contribution of different disciplines to each other. The waves of light and sound have led physics scientists to become interested in behavioral sciences. The light wavelength is transmitted from the eye retina to the brain by two different neural networks. The resulting great coloration connects us with different ties to the world, events and products (Picture 1). The results obtained by examining these bonds allowed us to obtain information that could be used in different fields. Based on the data obtained, information to be used in treatment, training, production, marketing and institutionalization has been gained.

Functions of Color

The effect of color on human is examined in two dimensions. Its physiological dimension is the physiological response that develops with color perception. Examples include increased brain activity and heart rate. On the other hand, the psychological dimension includes emotions that color evokes as a stimulus. Changes in perception and attitude. According to neuroscience studies, we begin to learn to match the information from the visual stimulus with our different experiences and knowledge at an early age. This allows us to survive and make quick decisions3. In addition to physical stimulus properties; cultural, historical and political features also play a role in the sense of color.

In psychology, there is a mechanism that works between emotions and colors. As colors stimulate human emotions, emotions are reflected in colors. I had this experience in the first years of my professional life in the art workshop of the Psychiatry Clinic of Istanbul Medical Faculty. From my teacher Süleyman Velioğlu, we listened to how the patients reflect their inner world with the colors and shapes used in their canals. Different colors evoke different emotions. Some colors calm people and excite others. While warm colors awaken warm and close feelings, cold colors awaken a sense of distance, coldness and calmness. Eva Heller, a psychologist and sociologist, was one of the first to say that the connection between color and emotion and thought is not coincidental, reflecting a common international taste and unity of thought. His book has been a rich source of information on colors4.

The effects of colors on human beings are used in the treatment of various diseases, especially mental and nervous diseases. Changes in the level of hormones occur in patients exposed to daylight with color filters. Nowadays, bipolar depression and bright light treatment are seen as one of the positive outcomes.

In marketing, the evaluation of colors is used to guide our evaluation. The idea that unconscious psychology can be used as a powerful tool in marketing has become the main starting point for advertisers. The Censydiam Model says, “We humans are the subject of need, emotion and motivation”. Therefore, it investigates the relationship between colors and human motivation.

In education, the features of light and colors that facilitate learning are utilized. The educational institution, its environment and educational materials are handled with an interdisciplinary approach.

One of the studies that shape and color are decisive for learning designs that arouse positive emotions in the learner belongs to Plass et al. Accordingly, round shapes similar to the human face, when used alone or in combination with warm colors, give rise to positive emotions. This leads to less compelling learning activities by the learner and an increase in motivation levels.

Figure 1: The effect of color and shape preference on learning

As shown in Figure 1, instead of sharp-line shapes and cool colors such as gray, round shapes similar to human faces with warm colors such as yellow and orange affect the learning process positively5.

Colors and Descriptions

We said that there are three main colors in the color circle, which are yellow, red and blue. The intermediate colors, orange, green and purple, consist of the same mixing of these primary colors in pairs. The rapid rotation of the color circle reflects all colors and makes white visible. White is associated with purity, cleanliness, simplicity, hygiene, openness, peace and happiness. If the color that holds all colors is black, it is considered a sophisticated color. Therefore, it evokes attraction, power, reputation and grandeur. Taking into account the emotions evoked by the primary colors and a few intermediate colors6, we will discuss in which aspect they are used to highlight the corporate mission.

Red; Research shows that long wavelength colors (red, orange, yellow) evoke excitement because they are stimulating. Although one of the main colors of red is also referred to as the color of life, it contains mainly mixed emotions. Red, a color of passion, can be positive or emphasize negativity. Symbolizes the power of life. It refers to violence as well as reflecting vitality as the color of blood. Freedom, passion, adventure exacerbate feelings of anger and violence. It embraces innovation and brings new emotions that nurture individuality. With this feature, it became the flag color of the revolutionary parties and the left.

Coca-Cola is one of the leading brands that announce this color as life equivalent. Illy, Budweiser, Fijutsu, Emirates, CNN keep the ties with life strong and connect the message of pleasure with the different structural features of the institutions.

Blue; Blue, one of the three primary colors, is considered a security color. People basically need to be protected and safe. Sense of trust; It is a feeling that makes one feel safe and gives comfort and peace. Those who face the threat sometimes avoid the struggle and withdraw. From an analytical point of view, this withdrawal is the need to meet the protected, safe and cared lives of the childhood world. It is a tendency to get away from the stress and tension of daily life. Blue is the indicator of intelligence. It has been the color of invention and innovative technologies. The fact that technology is a product of knowledge and logic transfers the relationship of responsibility, trust and productivity with strong ties. As in IBM, Dell, Samsun, Philips, Volvo etc.

Yellow; The yellow color is associated with optimism, extroversion, friendship, joy and happiness and defines belonging. Even the borders are drawn and the frame is determined. The person has secured himself against the others and has gained the opportunity to be in entertainment, hubbub and festivity. The person who knows his / her own safe boundaries socializes, shares and spends a good time with his / her relatives within the boundaries. It establishes close friendships that encourage interaction.

Yellow shine and radiant warm colors. It offers abundance and wealth as the color of the sun and gold. It's like bringing people in search of opportunities and yellow page ads. Orange and yellow are the expressions of optimism, joy and warmth.

Some institutions draw another boundary on the outer periphery of the yellow to make the belonging more distinct. Just like brown in McDonalds and Shell and red in Lipton. They emphasize the color of being safe and not taking risks.

Orange; Orange, which is an intermediate color, is also a color of interest for institutions. This color, which evokes vitality, energy, extroversion and sociality, is defined as the color of pleasure. It is the preferred color of nutrition, health and travel companies. Fanta, Hard Rock Cafe, GlaxoSmithKline and so on. One always needs to maximize the feeling of satisfaction physically and emotionally. In the face of pleasure; frustration, self-control and social restraints have no chance. The purpose of consumption is to provide a sense of abundance and pleasure. To provide a sense of pleasure is the choice of some institutions; because this emotion is referred to as impulsive, intense, and sometimes even madness.

Purple; Purple is one of the intermediate colors. The power dimension, one of its dimensions, represents achievement and status in life. In the struggle to obtain the power that man wants to obtain; to be recognized as good and important, to be rewarded and respected. The purple color, classically the color of power, is associated with luxury, autonomy, quality, solemnity and splendor. Many people see purple as a representation of excess, fashion, diversity and grace. Purple, which is an indicator of unusualness in elegance, is also referred to as the color of sin. Its use in aristocracy has led to negative meanings and symbolization of the arrogance.

The most interesting corporate story of purple is the branding breakthrough with Milka cow. Since 1901, Philippe Sachard has placed the Alps and milk on top of the Milka cans by incorporating chocolate and milk. However, with the rise of the Art Nouveau movement, he chose purple as a commercial color. Thus, he expressed that Kraft products include the Art Nouveau spirit. Since then, the motto of yarat create value with difference ”is purple and purple cow.

Workplace and Artworks

Science and art are the products of high functions of the brain. Both make a difference in our lives. Science is objective, but art is subjective. The nature of scientific laws does not depend on the personal feelings and beliefs of the scientists who found them. The rules of art depend on the artist's understanding, emotions and passions. Easy to love, difficult to recognize; Because love is the work of emotion and science. What science and art have in common is that neither of them has absolute truth. They rely on observation and experimentation, correcting themselves, renewing and improving as conditions change. At the same time, both are universal. Science offers equal opportunities to all people. Art gives different emotions to all people and adds meaning to life.

Depression and stress levels were investigated in one of the studies investigating how the presence of artworks in the workplace would affect employees in a workplace where a poster with mountains rising behind the lake appears at sunset. The model, which approaches workplace stress in terms of demand and resources, interprets the high perception of job demand as a negative factor. Determines that hanging posters at work places high perception of demand and increases the level of depression. In the same study, it is seen that cold colors, for example “blue din are relaxing / calming and warm colors, for example,“ red 7 are stimulating7.

In another study on art at work, it was found that art positively affected performance. Working in an institution where paintings in different branches of art such as painting, ceramics, sculpture and photography are exhibited on a rotating basis, increases the social interaction and emotion sharing of the employees and positively affects the learning culture. The exhibited works are thought to strengthen the bond established with change, creativity, diversity, quality and corporate mission8.

Office of Borusan Holding Museum "Haunted Mansion - Borusan Contemporary" not only for Turkey, a pioneering initiative for the world. We know that there are unexpected surprises for visitors because of our experiences. I wonder what kind of impact it has on the employees as a scientist since the day it was organized.

Verilux HappyLight VT32 Touch 10,000 Lux LED Bright White Light Therapy Lamp with Adjustable Color and Brightness Controls

Verilux HappyLight Full-Size 10,000 lux Light Therapy Energy Lamp

The effects of colors in our lives

Verilux HappyLight Full-Size 10,000 lux Light Therapy Energy Lamp

Kylie Minogue, a pop singer diagnosed with breast cancer, dreams of healing by painting her hospital room in pink. Famous stars find peace with color therapy. Healthy living expert Işık Kyrgyz commented on healing colors.

Did you know that each color has energy? He said that color therapy started to be applied hundreds of years ago in the Far East. He believes that the right color has a healing effect on many diseases.

Famous pop star Kylie Minogue, who was diagnosed with breast cancer, painted her hospital room pink for surgery and adorned it with pink objects from start to finish. Britney Spears, who was pregnant with her first child, also appeared in pink in her last video. So much so that the seat of the Hummer Jeep was pink. The energy of this color lies beneath the fact that both stars prefer pink.

Pink, the color of emotion and pure love, which reinforces dreams and sense of protection, also has the feature of relieving pain. Color therapy; It provides relaxation in mental, physical, spiritual and emotional sense by establishing the balance and energy of colors with the body. This therapy has a long history.

The therapy, which was introduced in Tibet, hundreds of years ago in the Far East, has moved into a more scientific pot and it has been revealed that color wavelengths have serious effects on the human body. It is determined that the colors that people wear and use in their daily lives reveal their moods and describe their lifestyles.

Healthy living expert Işık Kyrgyz says that in order to benefit from colors, it is necessary to know their meaning and place in life: ız We should look at colors not only as tones in our lives, but as the energy it gives us. Every color has meaning. Because they all have different wavelengths. Since they have different wavelengths, they carry different energy. For example, white, which is the source of all colors, is the unfolding of facts about life. ”

Kyrgyz says that those who have some problems or who do not want to get out from under the quilt should wear orange or red, and they tell us that these colors will load the energy they carry. Depressed, tense, angry in cases of red and orange should not be used.

Colors play an active role in purifying and cleansing the body and health. For example, if high blood pressure or high temperature blue is used, a decrease in blood pressure and fever is observed. It also reduces blue bleeding in extreme bleeding. Red blood pressure, circulatory disorders, joint pain, weight problems; Helping to think or use yellow in lazing the intestine.

Pink is a soothing color that alleviates pain. You don't have to wear an outfit of that color to take advantage of the energy of colors. According to the Kyrgyz, you can get the energy of that color by thinking of a stone, object or just.

The ”biophoton” treatment filters applied by Işık Kyrgyz also promise to get rid of the problems by using the colors. Biophotons, which use natural light as the mechanism and the body's own energy, are composed of various color waves. Biophotons used by adhering to the body, wrinkles, spots, cellulite, the body provides the disappearance of serious pain. Those with migraine stick to migraine points. The color waves in the biophotons slowly relax the veins and the body relaxes. Thus, for example, migraine pain disappears after a while. Biophotons also give 90 percent success in quitting smoking.

Europeans also carry anti-stress biophotons in their bags and remove them during stressful moments and stick them to stress points. Those who take advantage of the energy of colors and know which color to use in their current situation lead a much easier life. Healthy living specialist Isik Kyrgyz, this application can not substitute for medical treatment; it is just supportive therapy.

All color waves in nature have energy. It is assumed that these energies taken from colors also affect one's psychology.
ORANGE A cheerful color. Extraversion, vitality and excitement stimulate sexuality.

BLUE Color of intuition. It reinforces inner serenity, love, peace, calm and peace.

RED Revitalizing effect. It stimulates motivation, energy, enthusiasm and joy of life, warmth and love, blood pressure and body temperature.

GREEN The color of trust. It is active in sharing, generosity, peace, stability, calmness, mental and emotional self.

BROWN Dignity, leadership color. It reinforces feelings of education, training, culture, art, assurance and solidity.

Navy blue Harmony and success color. It reinforces feelings of calm and calm.

PINK The color of emotion and pure love. It is effective in reinforcing your dreams and sense of protection.

PURPLE Color of the spiritual world. It reinforces nobility, balance, self-confidence, calming and relaxing feelings.

YELLOW Intelligence and intelligence. It reinforces feelings of hope, inspiration and management.

BLACK Color of strength and individuality. It is active in passion, ambition, stubbornness and opposition.

Avoid black at home
When used correctly, colors affect our lives positively. Light warns that Kyrgyz should not be tied to a color for a long time. For example, if you use blue constantly, you will start to feel lazy and stagnant, and using red all the time will cause you to have an aggressive mood. But that doesn't mean you'll be deprived of a favorite color for a long time. For example, if you love blue, you can balance it with orange. It's like using orange accessories with your blue-colored outfit…

Kyrgyz warns that the bedroom should not be decorated with black and red colors. Because after a while, these colors disrupt your soul balance and cause you to have a depressed mood.


Kyrgyz, black and red lovers of these colors trinket, lampshade, paintings, such as objects would be more accurate to use, he says. On the walls, furniture or general decoration of the houses, lilac, blue, green and pink are the most important colors that should be preferred.

Verilux HappyLight Full-Size 10,000 lux Light Therapy Energy Lamp

Verilux HappyLight Compact Personal, Portable Light Therapy Energy Lamp

The amazing effects of colors on us physically and spiritually

Verilux HappyLight Compact Personal, Portable Light Therapy Energy Lamp

Perhaps most of us do not even pay attention to the colors we encounter during the day and the effect they make on us, but the great impact of colors on our mood, behavior and emotions is being applied consciously today by many artists, designers and brands.
Colors, which are a more powerful communication tool than we think, can be used to create psychological reactions and affect mood. For example; in traffic, the yellow light before the red light has a stimulating effect on us; however, there is a specific reason for the use of yellow in signs or direction lines in subways. When we see the yellow color, our brain warns us that there is something we need to pay attention to. But the effect of colors on us is not only linked to universal reasons.

Your feelings about colors are also deeply linked to your personal experience and the culture you come from. For example; In many Western countries, white is the color of purity and innocence, while in some Eastern countries it is considered the symbol of mourning. Or to give an example from history; In the past, purple was considered the symbol of nobility.

Related article: Colors from the eyes of exotic healing: See what you can add to your life

What are the psychological effects of colors?

Although the perception of colors is actually subjective, some colors have universal effects. The colors in the red part of the color spectrum are known as warm colors and are composed of red, orange and yellow. These warm colors can stimulate many extreme emotions, from hatred to love, from sincerity to anger.

The amazing effects of colors on us physically and spiritually
The blue part of the spectrum is known as cold colors and consists of blue, purple and green. Although these colors often evoke peace, they also bring to mind feelings of sadness, insensitivity or coldness.

Related article: Psychological effects of colors: Which color should you wear during the job interview?

The use of color psychology in therapy

Many ancient cultures have applied chromotherapy or used color to improve people. Chromotherapy is sometimes called light therapy or color science and it is still used as an alternative treatment today. In this method:

Red is used to stimulate the body and mind and to accelerate circulation,

Yellow is thought to stimulate the nerves and to purify the body,

Orange is used to treat lungs and increase energy levels,

Blue is believed to alleviate diseases and relieve pain,

Indigo tones are thought to reduce skin problems.

Related article: Take advantage of the psychological effect of colors when painting your home

Current research on color psychology and its results

Research has shown that in many cases, the mood-altering effects of colors predominate only temporarily. For example, a yellow room creates tension and stress at first, but this effect is not long-lasting. Nevertheless, research reveals that colors affect people in more ways than one might think:

- Anecdotal evidence suggests a reduction in crime rates in areas where blue lighted street lamps are installed.

- Ambient temperature can be effective in color preferences. People in warm places tend to say that their favorite colors are cold colors, while those in cold places can choose warm colors.

The amazing effects of colors on us physically and spiritually
- Research also indicates that certain colors have an impact on performance. It is observed that exposing students to red light before an exam affects students' success in the exam.

- Recent studies have found that red causes people to move faster and more strongly. Use of information in athletic activities will benefit.

The effects of colors on us are still being investigated in detail by many scientists.

Verilux HappyLight Compact Personal, Portable Light Therapy Energy Lamp

Circadian Optics Lumos 2.0 Light Therapy Lamp | As Seen On Shark Tank | 10,000 LUX Ultra Bright LED | Full Spectrum UV Free | Adjustable Light Panel | Turn On Your Day

How do colors affect us?

Circadian Optics Lumos 2.0 Light Therapy Lamp | As Seen On Shark Tank | 10,000 LUX Ultra Bright LED | Full Spectrum UV Free | Adjustable Light Panel | Turn On Your Day

Do colors really affect our minds and bodies?

How do colors affect us?
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“Red accelerates the heartbeat. Sıklık You often hear these and other claims that different colors affect the human body and mind. Is there any scientific evidence or data to support these claims? We know what the physiological mechanisms underlying human vision of color are, but we also began to understand and discover that colors have separate non-visual effects.

We know that the eye performs two tasks just as we do in our ears that support our sense of balance. Cone cells in the back of the eye, known as photosensitive cells in the retina, primarily transmit electrochemical signals to the visual cortex, the brain region where the images we see are generated. However, we know that some retinal ganglion cells react to light by sending signals to the hypothalamus, a central brain region that has no role in image formation.


The hypothalamus is the brain region responsible for the secretion of a number of hormones involved in controlling the body's self-regulation, such as temperature, sleep, hunger, and circadian rhythms. Exposure to light in the morning, and particularly exposure to blue / green light, suppresses melatonin secretion by triggering the secretion of the hormone cortisol, which stimulates us and allows us to wake up. In the evening, since the amount of blue light from the Sun is diminished, we start melatonin secretion and feel sleepy.

The retinal cells that form a visual pathway between the eye and the hypothalamus are selectively sensitive to the low wavelengths (blue and green) of the visible spectrum of light. This means; color and light; It is clearly the existence of an existing physiological mechanism in which it can affect mood, heart rate, alertness, and impulsivity.

For example, this visual pathway that does not create an image in the hypothalamus is thought to be the cause of seasonal mood disorder, a mood disorder that affects some people during the dark winter months.

Similarly, there is scientific research that exposure to bright, short wavelength light, especially at bedtime, can increase wakefulness and ultimately affect sleep quality. Decreases in sleep quality are now common and are associated with increasing risk factors such as obesity, diabetes and heart disease. It is known that smartphones and tablets, which are used at night and emit blue / green light with wavelengths that suppress melatonin secretion, can affect sleep quality and prevent us from sleeping. This is an effect of blue / green light, but we need more research to support the claims of other colors.


A survey conducted in 2015 found that colored light had a small effect on heart rate and blood pressure. According to research data, the red light accelerates the heartbeat while the blue light slows down.

In 2009, blue lights were installed at the end of platforms on Tokyo's Yamanote railway line to reduce suicide. Following the placement of these lights, suicides decreased by 74%, and similar practices were applied at the train stations at Gatwick Airport, England. These practices were based on the claim that blue light can make people less stimulated and calmer, but there is little scientific evidence to confirm these claims, and the three-year study of the effect of colored lighting on impulsivity has not been reached. On the other hand, the colors; Similar studies are underway to explore creativity, impact on students' classroom learning and sleep quality.

Circadian Optics Lumos 2.0 Light Therapy Lamp | As Seen On Shark Tank | 10,000 LUX Ultra Bright LED | Full Spectrum UV Free | Adjustable Light Panel | Turn On Your Day

(New) Verilux HappyLight VT31 Lumi 10,000 Lux LED Bright White Light Therapy Lamp with Adjustable Brightness

The Invisible Effect of Light (Colors) on Our Body

(New) Verilux HappyLight VT31 Lumi 10,000 Lux LED Bright White Light Therapy Lamp with Adjustable Brightness

We can often feel that colors have different effects on the human body and mind. For example, red color excites people or blue calms. Is there data or scientific research to support this claim?

We've known for a long time how the physiological mechanism that makes man see nature in color works for a long time, but in recent years we have begun to discover a new pathway that can illuminate the invisible effect of light.

Just as the ears have an effect on maintaining our balance, our eyes have two different functions. Cone and rod cells in our retina are responsible for our vision. Stick cells allow us to see around us and cone cells allow us to perceive colors. Our cone cells produce electrochemical signals for the light it perceives to go to the brain region where visual images will occur, and these signals are transmitted to the brain through the nerve cells (Ganglion cells) in our eyes. However, some ganglion cells in the retina also signal to the hypothalamus, which has no role in visualization. It is through this non-visual pathway that we can understand how light affects our psychology and physiology. But we are at the beginning of this road yol

There Is Light But Not The Image

The hypothalamus plays a role in regulating body temperature, sleep and hunger, as well as in the secretion of hormones.

If we were exposed to morning light (especially if it is a light with blue / green color), this light allows us to awaken cortisol hormone secretion, but it prevents melatonin secretion. Melatonin is the hormone secreted in the dark and regulates the body's sleep patterns. In the evening, the opposite effect occurs with the decrease of blue light and melatonin hormone is released and the person enters sleep.

Retinal cells between the eye and the hypothalamus, which do not form an image, are sensitive to the wavelengths of visible light. With this, we can say that light or color can affect our mood, speed up the heartbeat, or activate us. For example, as a result of these stimuli to the hypothalamus, we may enter into different moods periodically or even indirectly affect our own health. For example, we may be in a depressed mood when the weather is closed. Spending time in short wavelength lights can increase our alertness and adversely affect our sleep quality. The fact that technological products such as smartphones, tablets and computers emit more blue / green light may prevent our sleep by preventing the secretion of the hormone melatonin. Poor sleep quality is known to increase the risk of obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

Color Experience

A group of researchers at the University of Leeds conduct research to understand the effects of light on human behavior and psychology in their research on color experience. In this system called Experience Design, a room is filled with a colored light of any wavelength.

This group of recent research has found that colored light has a small effect on heart rate and blood pressure. It showed that red light accelerates the heart rate slightly and blue light slows the heart rate. Prior to this, blue lights were installed to reduce suicides on railways in Tokyo, and suicides were reduced by 74% in these areas.

Such measures on some railways are based on the claim that blue light is less disturbing and soothing to people, but there is not enough scientific evidence to support this claim. Although a study conducted by Nicholas Ciccone from the same university did not find any definite evidence of the effect of colored light on people's psychology, similar studies continue on creativity of colors, better learning of students in class and improving sleep quality. Light, especially colors, can carry us beyond normal vision.

Thanks to the discovery of this visual pathway that does not create an image, the research that tries to understand how we react psychologically and physiologically to the colors around us has gained momentum.

(New) Verilux HappyLight VT31 Lumi 10,000 Lux LED Bright White Light Therapy Lamp with Adjustable Brightness

Verilux HappyLight VT22 Lucent 10,000 Lux LED Bright White Light Therapy Lamp

Color Psychology and Its Effects on People

Verilux HappyLight VT22 Lucent 10,000 Lux LED Bright White Light Therapy Lamp

Color psychology is the study of how colors affect human behavior, mood or physiological processes. Colors are thought to affect our buying options, feelings and even memories. Ideas related to color psychology are applied extensively in marketing and design. Companies choose colors that they believe will motivate customers to buy their products and increase brand awareness.

Color Perception

Color psychology is a relatively new field of study that faces various challenges. An important challenge when investigating this issue is to determine the actual measurement of the effects of color. The perception of color is very subjective, because there are different ideas and reactions about the colors of different people. Some factors that affect color perception make it difficult to determine whether color alone affects our emotions and actions.

Most psychologists point out that the claimed effects of color are often extremely exaggerated. Colors have different meanings in different cultures. Research has shown that in many cases, the mood-altering effects of color can only be transient. A blue room may initially cause you to feel calm, but the effect will soon dissipate.

However, current research has found that colors can affect people in a variety of surprising ways. For example;
One study found that warm colored placebo pills were more effective than cold colored placebo pills.
Another study suggested that the installation of blue street lamps could lead to reduced crime in these areas.
Researchers have discovered that red causes people to react faster and more demanding, something that can be useful during sporting activities.
Factors affecting color perception include age, gender, and culture. In some cultures, e.g. white is associated with happiness and purity. This is why the effect of white wedding dress. For someone from a different culture, wearing white can mean sadness. Because in this culture, white is associated with grief and death. These and similar factors should be considered when investigating the effect of colors on human emotions and behaviors.

Color Relations

While there is no direct cause and effect relationship between color and behavior, there are some generalizations that colors and symbolize. Colors such as red, yellow and orange are considered warm colors and arouse exciting emotions.


It is the longest wavelength of light in the light spectrum. In Western cultures, red is associated with power, control and power. It also indicates danger and triggers alertness. The red on the traffic lights signals the drivers to trip and stop. Some animals have red colors to show that they are dangerous and deadly.

Red points to aggression as well as passion. Red is thought to increase the metabolism and blood pressure needed to prepare for action in an alarming situation.


It is associated with calmness and tranquility. Logic is the symbol of communication and intelligence. It is associated with low stress, low temperature and low pulse rate. Blue is often chosen as the most popular color in research surveys worldwide.

In addition, blue light resets our sleep-wake cycles. They are blue wavelengths from the sun that prevent the pineal gland from releasing melatonin during the day. Melatonin tells the body that it's time to sleep. The blue light warns us to stay awake.


It is a bright color and most visible to the eye. Happiness is associated with friendship and expresses competence. Yellow is the color of optimism and creativity. It draws our attention and shows attention when black is often used along with yellow on traffic signs, taxis and school buses. Interestingly, yellow is also associated with fear, cowardice and disease.


It is located between yellow and blue in the light spectrum and represents the balance. It is the color of spring and is often associated with growth, life, fertility and nature. Green represents security and is linked to prosperity, wealth, good fortune and finance. It is considered a relaxing, soothing color that is thought to have a calming effect and relieve stress. Green and negative connotations include greed, jealousy, apathy and drowsiness.


It is found between red and yellow in the light spectrum. The combination of high-energy color red and emotionally rising color yellow is thought to symbolize the qualities. Orange is associated with warmth, enthusiasm and courage.

It is also thought that orange increases hunger and increases appetite and increases mental activity. Studies have shown that exposure to orange light increases cognition and alertness. Orange is the main color of autumn and is also associated with summer. Dark tones are fraudulently defined, while light orange tones are welcome.


It is the shortest wavelength in the light spectrum. It is a combination of blue and red. It represents nobility, power and copyrights. Purple conveys value, quality and sense of value. It is also associated with spirituality, holiness and elegance. Light purple colors represent romance and refinement, while dark purple symbolizes sadness, fear and attention.


It is the color most associated with femininity. It depends on the ideas of happiness, love, volatility and warmth. Pink is also about harmony and intimacy. Light pink represents sensitivity and kindness, while hot pink represents passion and flirtatiousness. Pink is thought to have a calming effect. Negative associations with pink color include immature, physical weakness and low self-confidence.


Absorbs all wavelengths of the light spectrum. It does not reflect color and adds different shades of color by adding black to a color. Black is seen as mysterious and associated with fear, death, unknown and evil in many cultures. It also represents power, authority and sophistication. Black expresses seriousness and independence and is often associated with sadness and negativity.


It is anti-black and reflects all wavelengths of visible light spectrum. In Eastern cultures, white is associated with grief and death. It represents purity, innocence and infertility in Western cultures. White is also associated with security, spirituality and belief. Negative associations with white, isolation, gap and inaccessibility.

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