Tuesday, November 5, 2019

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Can pregnant women eat at night? Does long-term hunger harm the baby?

Garden of Life Organic Prenatal Multivitamin Supplement with Folate - mykind Whole Food Prenatal Vitamin, Vegan, 90 Tablets

Can women eat during the night during pregnancy? Is it possible to cope with the feeling of hunger that arouses from sleep?

It is normal that you get hungry more often because of hormones that change during pregnancy. If you don't want to experience this feeling, you can consume healthy snacks often, less or less. Those who want to maintain their weight outside the period of pregnancy usually take care not to eat after 19.00. So, is this the same for pregnant women?

What time should the point be placed?
Experts emphasize that pregnant women should be fed a balanced diet so that both the baby and the mother do not suffer from hunger and thirst. Long-term hunger will affect the baby as much as the mother. After 18.00, pregnant women should stay away from carbohydrates. In addition, pregnant women should stop eating at least one hour before sleep.

What to eat when you wake up?
Some pregnant women wake up at night with a feeling of hunger. Drinking only a glass of water in these moments does not sometimes suppress hunger. You can drink a glass of warm milk instead. If you add cinnamon into the milk, you will suppress your hunger. When you wake up from sleep at night, heavy meals, fries, of course you should avoid pastries. Not necessarily if you want to eat something; a piece of wholemeal bread on a piece of cheese and sprinkle flax seeds on the spread. A slice of bread will keep you satiated for hours.

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One A Day Women's Prenatal Multivitamin Two Pill Formula, Supplement for Before, During, and Post Pregnancy, Including Vitamins A, C, D, E, B6, B12, Folic Acid, and Omega-3 DHA, 30+30 Count

10 rules of healthy nutrition during pregnancy

One A Day Women's Prenatal Multivitamin Two Pill Formula, Supplement for Before, During, and Post Pregnancy, Including Vitamins A, C, D, E, B6, B12, Folic Acid, and Omega-3 DHA, 30+30 Count

As soon as you hear that you are a mother, you decide to change many things in your life. You review your responsibilities for your baby, which is a part of you, and even matters that aren't important to you until now are getting your attention. Of course, one of your primary concerns is nutrition during pregnancy. With the thought of mu I wonder if my baby is eating enough beslenme, you can change your diet. However, with this concern, you may consume too much nutrients during pregnancy or you may follow a wrong diet. Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist at Acıbadem Eskişehir Hospital Ramazan Bayırlı, 10 nutrition recommendations for pregnancy period found.

Nutrition tips during pregnancy

For 8-10 glasses of water
Water, which is in charge of the body's transport and immune system, is responsible for transporting the nutrients to the body's cells and removing metabolic wastes from the body. During pregnancy, it is important to consume 2-3 liters of fluid per day for the increased blood volume of the baby and the mother. This should be 8-10 glasses of water. The color of urine goes from light yellow to dark yellow, indicating that the amount of fluid consumed per day may be insufficient.

What to drink, what to drink?
Other liquid drinks consumed outside the water should not contain caffeine, carbon dioxide and high amounts of sugar. Prepare fresh fruit juices, buttermilk, herbal teas and natural sugar-free compotes instead of instant fruit juices and acidic beverages. However, if you are at risk of pregnancy diabetes and pregnancy does not continue within the targeted weight, take care when consuming juice and compote. In order to prevent salt loss due to sweat, salty buttermilk can be preferred. Pregnant women with edema, hypertension and preeclampsia problems especially for the saline separation should be avoided.

Watch out while consuming herbal tea!
Herbal teas are one of the sources that can be used to meet liquid needs. Herbal teas, which do not have laxative properties and will not increase contractions, can be consumed during pregnancy. Herbal teas with fennel, linden, chamomile, ginger, anise and mint can be preferred. In order to preserve the nutritional value of foods and to prevent anemia (anemia) in particular, it is important not to drink tea or coffee with the food.

Probiotic for intestinal health
Probiotics that help regulate intestinal activity and are particularly useful in preventing summer diarrhea are among the products that facilitate fluid intake during pregnancy. With its high calcium content and refreshing properties, mothers can use their preferences in favor of kefir.

Which fruit is useful?
Especially in summer, increasing fruit and vegetable options help to meet the need for fluids as well as a healthy diet. Fruits and vegetables are loaded with vitamins, minerals, fiber, water and other nutrients that are very good for the baby's health. The more and more different colors your table contains, the more nutrients you get and the more you will get. Green peppers, red peppers, strawberries, plums, cherries, parsley; Vitamin A rich in apricots, peaches, tomatoes, carrots; watermelon, strawberry, red plum, cherry with antioxidant content called lycopene; Grape is rich in both vitamin C and folic acid and has anti-carcinogenic properties.

Eat green vegetables for folic acid
You can consume green vegetables, peas, kidney beans and grapes to meet the increased need for folic acid during pregnancy. Thanks to the high pulp it contains, vegetables and fruits can prevent constipation that can be seen during pregnancy.

Prefer fresh milk ice creams
Especially when consumed in the summer months, ice cream, which is considered indispensable food of all seasons, prefer fresh milk instead of cream. In this way, you will consume less fat. Dairy product ice cream is a healthier and relatively low-energy option instead of desserts. For this reason, freezing can be considered as a healthy alternative to meet the increasing calcium requirement during pregnancy.

Developing with protein
The daily intake of 70 g protein and 150 mg omega 3 during pregnancy is important against the risk of development of the baby's brain-immune system and the mother's depression. beans with vegetable protein sources in Turkey due to low intake of animal protein, lentils, dry beans, such as chickpeas can be. If it can be taken daily, it is important to support the intake of 2 glasses of milk, 1 egg, 70 grams of red meat (2 meatballs or 1 fillet steak) and fish (1 bream or 1 mackerel or 90 grams of tuna). Especially during pregnancy, additives such as salami, sausage, sausage and foods containing excessive salt should be eaten as little as possible. Frozen-thawed meat-fish and canned foods should not be preferred because they may cause food poisoning due to the bacteria they carry.

Consume dried fruits metered
Dried fruits and nuts should be consumed because they are rich in minerals such as iron and calcium as well as their intensive energy. However, it may be beneficial to consume controlled consumption as it can cause weight. In the evening, 2 walnuts or 10 nuts and 2 dried apricots or 1 date palm can be consumed.

Let your salt be iodized
The salt you will use in the dishes should be iodized. Because iodine can easily pass from breast milk to the baby. In addition, vegetables, pastas (noodles), lentils, chickpeas and boiled water should not be spilled. These foods should be pre-washed and soaked and then cooked.

One A Day Women's Prenatal Multivitamin Two Pill Formula, Supplement for Before, During, and Post Pregnancy, Including Vitamins A, C, D, E, B6, B12, Folic Acid, and Omega-3 DHA, 30+30 Count

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What should be the nutrition during pregnancy?

New Chapter Prenatal Vitamins, 270 Ct, Organic Non-GMO Ingredients - Eases Morning Sickness with Ginger, Best Prenatal Vitamins Fermented with Wholefoods for Mom & Baby

Pregnancy is one of the most important periods of nutrition in human life. Feeding during pregnancy greatly affects the health of the mother and the baby to be born. The growth of your child in the womb, physical, mental development, closely related to your diet during pregnancy.

Anadolu Health Center Nutrition and Diet Specialists convey the following information about the most curious subjects of mothers and relatives during pregnancy:

1. How should pregnant women with excessive nausea be fed?

Digestive system complaints during pregnancy or pregnancy is one of the most common problems. Nausea in 50-90 percent of pregnant women and vomiting is seen in 25-55 percent. It is known that being young, obesity, first pregnancy and smoking increase these problems. 90 percent of pregnancy in the first trimester of pregnancy, and especially 4-10. nausea occurs between weeks.

To prevent nausea during pregnancy
Frequent and small portions should be preferred to eat,
Nutrition; the content of the diet should be low-fat and bread should be consumed by frying,
Factors such as cigarette, food and perfume smell that trigger nausea should be avoided,
By increasing the number of meals to 6, the stomach should not be allowed to remain empty,
After waking up, before getting out of bed (such as toast, toast), eat something dry and rest in bed for a while, then get up,
Enough fluid should be taken between meals,
It should be rested by taking small breaks in daylight.

2. How should pregnant women be fed to avoid gas problems?

Bloating and gas problems during pregnancy need to be eaten little by little and frequently. In addition, eating fast food causes bloating. Another thing that can be done for the gas problem during pregnancy is to stay away from the foods that make gas. In general, food that makes gas to every person; dried legumes (red beans, chickpeas, lentils), cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli and onions.

3. How should pregnant women with reflux feed?

One of the most common problems in pregnancy is the condition that we call reflux and the acid in the stomach escapes into the esophagus. Approximately two-thirds of pregnant women suffer from reflux symptoms. Pregnant women feel a burning sensation behind the breastbone. In some cases, this feeling can be felt even near the throat as a result of acidic gastric fluid escaping further. In order to reduce reflux during pregnancy, you need to eat less frequently, raise your head and avoid eating in the last three hours of bedtime. Drinks such as alcohol and coffee, chocolate and fat-intensive foods should be consumed in a more limited way. Cigarettes, as well as many damages in pregnancy, by increasing the stomach acid will contribute to reflux should not be forgotten.

4. What should pregnant women pay attention to while drinking herbal tea?

It is recommended to drink herbal tea during pregnancy because of the risk of fluid loss and miscarriage.

5. How much weight should be gained during pregnancy?

Monitoring weight gain during pregnancy is important. Overnutrition as well as malnutrition in pregnancy is harmful to mother and baby health. Pregnant women in the first three months; 0.5-1 kg per month. in the following months it should gain an average weight of 1.5-2 kg per month. The total weight increase (10-14 kg) of the mother during pregnancy should be 12.5 kg on average.

Healthy nutrition recommendations during pregnancy
To prevent excess weight gain sugary, floury fatty foods should be consumed less
White meat (chicken, fish) should be preferred
Red meat should be lean when consumed
Consumption of products such as delicatessen products, sausages, salami, sausage, bacon should be left
Instead of frying, roasting, boiling, grilling, baking should be preferred.
Food should be less salty, salt should not be used on the table, salt should be iodized.
Vegetables / fruits, legumes and cereals should be washed thoroughly as they may contain some chemicals (pesticides).
Coffee and tea consumption should be reduced and meals should be at least 45 min. to drink before or after
In cases of nausea and vomiting; meals should be consumed gradually and frequently and foods such as toast, breadcrumbs and grissini should be consumed before getting out of bed in the morning. After consuming these foods should be rested for 15 minutes.

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New Chapter Perfect Prenatal Vitamins, 96 ct, Organic Non-GMO Ingredients - Eases Morning Sickness with Ginger, Best Prenatal Vitamins Fermented with Wholefoods for Mom & Baby

Nutrition in Pregnancy

New Chapter Perfect Prenatal Vitamins, 96 ct, Organic Non-GMO Ingredients - Eases Morning Sickness with Ginger, Best Prenatal Vitamins Fermented with Wholefoods for Mom & Baby

Pregnancy; It is a period that shapes the baby's physical development, intelligence and body system. The importance of 9 months affects an entire lifetime.

A balanced and healthy diet is important in all periods of life and is essential in pregnancy.

Nutrition during pregnancy should not begin with pregnancy; for a woman to be pregnant, to carry the baby to the end of pregnancy, before pregnancy, it must be fed regularly and healthy. In addition to raising the unborn baby, the expectant mother should also have adequate and balanced nutrition to meet the energy and nutrients of the milk that will be fed after giving birth. Adequate and balanced nutrition during and after pregnancy is important for healthy physical and mental growth and development of the child.

If there is not enough and quality food intake during pregnancy; the baby begins to consume the food stores in the mother's body, and the health of the mother and the baby is compromised. Inadequate and unbalanced nutrition may cause permanent retardation in the mental development of the baby, especially in the first trimester when the brain structure is shaped.

Diversity in nutrition should be provided by consuming food from each food group at each meal. Milk and dairy products must be in daily nutrition and should be consumed regularly every day. The important thing is to consume foods that contain protein, fat and carbohydrates at a balanced rate every day.

Drinking 2.5-3 liters (10-15 glasses) of water per day is very important during this period. In addition to water, milk, buttermilk, fruit juices can also be consumed. Abundant fluid consumption prevents urinary tract infections, decreases the baby's water, the risk of premature birth, respiratory infections, constipation and diarrhea and helps to treat them.

Pregnancy is not a period of unlimited food, quality and balanced nutrition provides both a comfortable pregnancy and a healthy birth.

According to experts, the words can you carry two lives, you have to eat twice ”are very wrong. The important thing is not the weight gain of the pregnant woman, but the baby is taking the necessary nutrients.

The developing baby in the womb needs some basic nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Calcium, iron, iodine, zinc and magnesium are the most important ones.

Healthy eating; helps to improve maternal health and congenital anomalies.

Physical activity during pregnancy

Physical activity in pregnancy is beneficial unless there is a risky condition and with the consent of the doctor. From the first 3 months of pregnancy, a regular exercise program should be added to balanced and disciplined nutrition. Sports such as walking, swimming, maternity yoga and pilates can be done at least 2 days a week for one hour, regularly and not tiring. Exercise during pregnancy reduces back and back pain, sleep problems, bloating and edema due to pregnancy. It also makes the mothers feel better both physically and psychologically.


Calcium and vitamin D are found in the main structure of the bones and keep them strong. Vitamin D is also required for the use of calcium in bone and tooth structure.
Iron is essential and vital for blood production in mother and baby.
Iodine is necessary for the production of thyroid hormones; deficiency negatively affects the intelligence of the baby.
Zinc affects the formation of bone and nervous system.
Magnesium provides relaxation of nervous system and muscles.
Milk and dairy products: protein, calcium and vitamin source; Supports baby's bone, eye and tooth development.
Meat, eggs, legumes group: rich in protein, iron, vitamin B and calcium; Infant muscle, blood and brain development positively affects.
Vegetable and fruit group: Contains vitamin A and C; It is important for the formation of eyes, skin and blood cells.
Cereal group: is rich in energy and vitamin B, supports the growth of the baby and the development of the immune system, is important for blood clotting and cell communication.
Fat group: contains essential fatty acids, provides energy, supports the development of the baby's brain cells and forms the building blocks of the nervous system.
WATER CONSUMPTION 2.5-3 liters (10-15 glasses) of water should be drunk.
PHYSICAL ACTIVITY At least 2 days a week, 1 hour walking, swimming, pregnant yoga, pilates can be done.
Weight gain of 10-14 during pregnancy is normal.

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Nutrition in Pregnancy

Rainbow Light Prenatal Daily Duo: Prenatal One Mulitvitamin and Prenatal DHA- 30 Tablets and 30 Softgels

In our country, "insufficient and unbalanced nutrition before and during pregnancy" has an important place in maternal and infant mortality. There are approximately 1 million 400 thousand births in our country every year. Inadequate and unbalanced nutrition before and during pregnancy brings many health problems leading to maternal and infant mortality.

There is a close relationship between the type of feeding before and during pregnancy and the birth weight, brain development and health of the baby. In our country, due to nutritional disorders, 58% of pregnant women have iron deficiency anemia (anemia) and folic acid, which is necessary for the production of blood cells, iodine and calcium deficiencies that play a role in the development of physical and mental development.

In our country, approximately 154 thousand babies are born with low birth weight every year. One of six babies born every year in the world is born under 2500 grams and with low birth weight. This rate is between 10-12 percent in Turkey. One of the most important causes of low birth weight is nutritional disorders in pregnant women. The need for energy and nutrients increases during pregnancy. If this need is not met, the nutrients needed for the growth and development of the baby are obtained from the mother's own tissues. As a result, various diseases occur in the mother and resistance to infections decreases.

Inadequate and unbalanced nutrition before and during pregnancy brings the risks of birth for the mother and causes pregnancy poisoning and maternal deaths. In infants, it causes physical and mental developmental retardation, a significant increase in the risk of illness and stillbirth. Long-term insufficient and unbalanced nutrition of the expectant mother leads to maternal and infant mortality. Nutrition before and during pregnancy significantly affects the health of both the mother and the baby to be born. At least 2 glasses of milk or yogurt should be consumed each day.

Instead of these nutrients, 2-3 matchboxes of cheese or 1-2 spoon sediments should be consumed. Since raw milk and cheese made from it contain harmful microbes, pasteurized milk and cheeses made from these milk should be preferred. In addition, the mother should eat one egg or the same amount of meat, chicken and fish in addition to what they normally eat. If these foods cannot be consumed, care should be taken to eat legumes, lentil or chickpea soups. Fresh vegetables and fruits that are rich in vitamins should be consumed regularly at every meal. It should be fed gradually and frequently and should not be starved for a long time.

Oils should be preferred in meals. Care should be taken to consume olive oil during the day. In addition to dried legumes such as beans, chickpeas, lentils, lemon salad, fresh onions or fruit should be consumed. Iodized salt must be used in meals. Thus, the baby is protected from goiter disease and mental retardation. Iodized salt should be stored in a dark glass jar and protected from light, sun and humid environments. Thus, loss of iodine is prevented. If you have high blood pressure (hypertension), meals should be cooked without salt or with low salt. Excess salty foods should not be consumed.

Smoking and alcohol should never be used. Smoking should be avoided. Fluid requirement increases during pregnancy. To meet this, drink more water or milk, buttermilk, freshly squeezed fruit juices should be increased fluid intake. Drink at least 10 glasses of water every day. Anemia (anemia) is more common in pregnancy. To prevent anemia; more food such as eggs, red meat, legumes, molasses and fresh fruit and vegetables should be taken into consideration. Tea and coffee consumption should be minimized. Tea and coffee should not be drunk until one hour before and one hour after meals.

Foods, especially vegetables and fruits, should be washed thoroughly before consuming to remove harmful residues from agricultural products. The best way to wash these foods is; to leave the food in a bowl full of water for 5-10 minutes, repeat this process several times, and then wash the water under the fountain. Craving during pregnancy is known to occur as a result of hormonal effects. For this reason, not every food that is needed, but what is necessary for the body should be consumed in a moderate way. During pregnancy, weight gain should be controlled to a total of 7-14 kg, 1-1.5 kg per month. Boiling and cooking juices should not be poured as the boiling water of vegetables and legumes will cause loss of vitamins and minerals. When buying fresh foods should be preferred.

The expiry date and contents of packaged foods should be considered. Foods of unknown content should not be consumed during pregnancy. Vitamin D deficiency in pregnant women adversely affects brain and bone development of unborn babies and brings risks of congenital cataract and infection. All pregnant women should go out in the sun for 10-15 minutes a day, except at noon in summer.

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These nutrients increase the chances of becoming a mother

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According to scientific data, one out of every seven women is having difficulty in getting pregnant and it is predicted that this ratio will be doubled in the following years because of malnutrition and eating habits such as obesity, smoking, alcohol and excessive coffee consumption.

The reason for having difficulty in getting pregnant; the number and quality of the eggs are negatively affected by factors such as obesity, smoking, alcohol, excessive coffee consumption. The news that makes you laugh is that although it is not possible to change the age and genetic factors that are considered among the causes of infertility, besides medical treatments, couples planning pregnancy can increase their chances by eating healthy and proper.

According to the studies conducted by Harvard University and Cleveland Clinic; With proper nutrition and lifestyle regulation, the chances of pregnancy can increase by as much as 70 percent. Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist at Acıbadem Bakırköy Hospital Semavi Ulusoy emphasized the importance of healthy and balanced nutrition in order to increase the quality and number of eggs. These ingredients are abundant in cereals, fresh fruits, vegetables and nuts, which are our daily foods, which we generally consume. ”

Dr. According to Ulusoy, the foods that add to the chance of getting pregnant are as follows:


Green leafy vegetables: Spinach, chard and other dark green leafy vegetables increase the quality of eggs thanks to the rich folic acid they contain. They also reduce the risk of miscarriage due to genetic abnormalities.

Broccoli: A vital nutrient rich in vitamin C and folic acid, which is vital for ovulation. Vitamin C helps the progesterone hormone to penetrate into the cell and reduces the risk of luteal phase failure.

Brussels sprouts: Brussels cabbage, which is rich in folic acid, helps the fertilized egg to settle in the uterus.

Cabbage: Cabbage is rich in di-indole methane. This substance has a protective effect against endometriosis and uterine fibroids which are common causes of infertility.

Potato: Rich in vitamin C and is useful in women with luteal phase failure.

Carrots: Rich in beta-carotene, carrots increase ovulation rates and reduce the risk of miscarriages.


Pomegranate: It contains plenty of vitamin C makes it easier for the hormone progesterone to penetrate into the cell and helps to prepare the endometrium, the innermost layer of the uterus, for the placement of the fertilized egg. It also increases sexual desire.

Avocado: A fruit rich in folic acid, vitamin E, fiber, unsaturated fatty acids and minerals. Vitamin E, the inner layer of the uterus contributes to the maturation of the endometrium helps the fertilized egg to settle in the uterus.

Banana: A fruit rich in vitamin B6 and potassium. Improves the quality of the egg.

Red fruits (mulberries, raspberries, blueberries): A large amount of vitamin C and folic acid containing red fruit helps the progesterone hormone penetrate into the cell and reduces the risk of luteal phase failure.


Lean meat (chicken, red meat): They are rich in iron and essential fatty acids. Iron deficiency can cause egg formation and ovulation problems in women. You need to consume twice a week.

Egg: Rich in vitamin D, choline, omega-3 fatty acids and folic acid. Thanks to these contents Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and uterine fibroids, such as uterine fertilization problems that contribute to overcome. It also improves the quality of eggs. 1 or 2 eggs per day should be consumed in different ways.

Shellfish (Shrimp, Oyster, etc.): This is very rich in vitamin B12 seafood helps fertilize the egg to settle in the uterus.

Salmon: Salmon, which is very rich in omega 3 fatty acids, improves egg quality.


Milk and yogurt, an excellent calcium, vitamin D and probiotic store, help to overcome fertilization problems due to the presence of benign uromas such as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and fibroids.


Turmeric: Turmeric, rich in vitamin C, vitamin E and antioxidants such as folic acid, beta carotene and lutein, increases fertility by providing benefits in preventing menstrual irregularities. Antioxidants improve the quality of eggs by neutralizing harmful free radicals that are formed in the body.

Garlic: Rich in antioxidants and selenium. Selenium improves egg quality.


Olive Oil: It contains high levels of unsaturated fatty acids with antioxidant activity. It contributes to increasing fertility by reducing insulin resistance in women.

Pumpkin and sunflower seeds: They contain a high percentage of zinc, which is necessary for a healthy reproductive system. Zinc increases the blood flow in the reproductive organs due to its antioxidant effect.

Flax Seed: Very rich in Omega 3 and lignin. Lignin contributes to the reduction of uterine fibroids and helps to increase fertility. Omega 3 fatty acids, antioxidant action by reducing cell destruction and increasing the blood flow in the uterus to play a role in the placement and continuation of pregnancy.

they NUT

Almond: Contains vitamin E and omega 3 fatty acids and improves egg quality.

Walnut: Walnut rich in omega 3 fatty acids, magnesium and fiber improves egg quality with antioxidant effect.


Lentils and beans: They are rich in vegetable protein, fiber and vitamin B. With these ingredients, they increase ovulation rates and decrease the risk of miscarriage in women.

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Pregnancy Considerations

Garden of Life Organic Prenatal Multivitamin Supplement with Folate - mykind Prenatal Once Daily Whole Food Vitamin, Vegan, Organic, Non-GMO & Kosher, 90 Tablets | Color May Vary

Pregnancy Considerations In our department, you can find a wide range of information about exercise, healthy eating, common diseases during pregnancy and many other subjects.

Healthy eating
Healthy eating:
You don't have to give up all your favorite foods while you're pregnant. You should only eat properly and choose healthy foods by making the right choices. In general, most women need an extra 300 calories per day during pregnancy. However, exactly how many extra calories you need depends on your pre-pregnancy weight. Follow the recommendations below. Pay attention to your portions; You may be eating more than you think. Avoid too much sugar and fat.
Safe Foods
Not all foods are safe for pregnant women. Some contain high levels of chemicals that can affect the baby's development. Some may cause you to get an infection that could harm the baby.
Stay away from:
- Swordfish and glass eyes. These fish have a high percentage of mercury. Mercury can pass to the growing fetus and cause serious health problems.
- Shellfish such as oysters and mussels
- Raw meat, poultry and seafood. Cook them thoroughly to kill all the bacteria.
- If you are going to eat foods such as ham, turkey and salami, heat it and eat it.
- Frozen meat. Canned people are safer.
- Smoked seafood frozen without cooking. Canned people are safer.
- Scrambled eggs or raw - all dishes made with undercooked eggs.
- Unpasteurized milk and all foods made of milk.
- Unpasteurized fruit juices
- Raw vegetable sprouts such as legumes, radishes and mung beans
- You should not eat too much liver. The liver contains a large amount of Vitamin A, which can cause birth defects.
Some studies; If you, your spouse or a member of your family has food allergy, your baby may have this kind of allergy in the future. Therefore, you can talk to a specialist about what to do when planning or breastfeeding your pregnancy diet.

Mercury and Fishes
Fish is an easy meal to prepare. It is rich in protein and low in fat. However, pollution in our seas increases the mercury level of some fish, which can damage the brain and nervous system of the developing baby.
What is Mercury? Mercury is an element present in nature. It is used in many products such as thermometer, battery, dental fillings. If a mother is exposed to excessive levels of mercury before or during pregnancy, her and her baby's health may be compromised.
What are the health consequences of mercury exposure? Mercury damages many parts of the body, such as the nervous system, lungs, kidneys, vision and hearing. The severity of the risk depends on how much mercury is exposed. The risk is mostly for fetuses and children. Severe damage to the nervous system of the fetus exposed to mercury while still in the womb may occur. Brain damage, learning disorders and hearing loss may occur.
Omega 3 Fatty Acids During Pregnancy
It is very important to follow a healthy diet during pregnancy. During pregnancy, your baby gets the nutrients and vitamins he needs from the foods you eat. Omega 3 fatty acids are one of the most important nutrients that mothers should take.
Omega 3 Fatty Acid Types:
- Alpha-linolenic Acid (ALA)
- Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA)
- Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)

Each type of Omega 3 fatty acid has a different function. ALA is not produced by the body. It should be taken from foods such as walnuts, flax seeds and soy sprouts. Our bodies can convert small amounts of ALA to EPA, then DHA, but this process is not very efficient. The best way to get enough EPA and DHA is to eat the food that hosts them. But only a few nutrients contain DHA and EPA.

Benefits of Omega 3 Fatty Acids:
Adults: Omega 3 fatty acids improve human health. Studies have shown that especially DHA and EPA omega 3 acids lower blood pressure and help protect our heart health and reduce the risk of heart diseases such as high cholesterol and vascular obstruction. They also reduce the risk of heart attack. DHA is also important for brain health.
During Pregnancy and Lactation: Pregnant and nursing mothers omega 3 acids, especially DHA is very important. DHA is the most common omega 3 in the brain and eyes. It helps the baby's brain development, eyes development and function. Women should take at least 200 mg of DHA per day.
How to Take Omega 3 Fatty Acids? DHA and EPA are found in fatty fish, fish oil, milk, fruit juice, bread and yogurt. However, expectant mothers should pay attention when eating fish. Some fish have very high levels of mercury, which can harm the unborn baby. Other fish are safe if they are eaten in the recommended amounts. ALA is found in foods such as walnuts, flax seeds, soybean sprouts and olive oil. Fish are a source of DHA because of the nutrients they eat in nature. DHA is not found in farm fish. Pregnant women can eat salmon, sardines and trout up to 350 grams per week. Marine fish is a good source of DHA and allows pregnant women to get enough DHA. DHA can also be taken from tuna, but pregnant women should not eat more than 170 grams of tuna a week.

If you cannot get enough DHA from food, you can also take it in the form of pills containing at least 200 mg DHA. Many prenatal supplements are found in DHA, whether from fish oil or other sources.
There are some health risks in fish oil products. Always consult your physician before using these products.
- Fish oil taken for months can cause Vitamin E deficiency. For this reason, Vitamin E is used in addition to fish oil products. Most prenatal vitamins contain Vitamin E. Since the use of vitamin E products increases the level of this vitamin, pregnant women should be careful about the amount of vitamin E they take.
- Omega 3 fatty acids and fish oil can increase the risk of bleeding such as nosebleeds and blood in the urine.
food safety
When preparing food for yourself and your family, you should follow the steps below.
- Wash your hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds before and after meals.
- Do not eat all fruits and vegetables without washing. If the shell is still not cleaned, peel off.
- Extract the outer leaves of leafy green vegetables such as lettuce and spinach.
- After washing the fruits and vegetables, dry them with a paper towel so that the bacteria are reduced.
- Wash all materials and cutting boards with hot soapy water every time. Use other types of cutting boards, as germs can survive more on other types of wood.
- After preparing the meal, clean the counter with hot soapy water.
- Use a cutting board for raw meat, chicken and fish. Use another cutting board for salad ingredients.
- Keep raw meat, chicken and fish separate from other foods.
To bake
- Use a food thermometer. So you can cook food to a safe degree. Remember, you can't tell if food is cooked or not by just looking at it.
- When using a microwave oven, stir the food, turn it and cover the food. In this way, every part of the food becomes hot and bacteria do not grow in cold places.
- Boil the sauce, soup and broth thoroughly while reheating.
- Keep the refrigerator cool enough.
- Keep all cut or peeled food in the refrigerator.
- Cool any excess food within 2 hours. Put food in shallow containers so that it cools more quickly.
- Keep thawed meat, chicken and fish in the refrigerator and do not leave them on the counter.
- Do not overfill the refrigerator, otherwise your food will not cool down sufficiently.
Vitamins and Minerals During Pregnancy

Vitamins and minerals help your body stay healthy by providing the necessary nutrients. You can obtain the necessary vitamins with a healthy diet including:
- Fruit
- Vegetables
- Whole grain bread and pastas
- Dairy products
- Beans
- Lean red meat
- Chicken.
- Fewer varieties of fish

Supplements Some people cannot get enough vitamins and minerals with foods. In this case they need to take vitamin supplements. This supplement is usually in the form of pills or capsules. Some examples of people in need of reinforcement are:
- Pregnant women should take multivitamin containing 400 micrograms of folic acid a day to prevent congenital defects. It is still a good idea to take multivitamins even if the woman wants to get pregnant, even if she is on a pill.
- Pregnant women often take a prenatal vitamin. They contain the necessary nutrients and folic acid needed during pregnancy.

- People with certain health conditions may need extra vitamins and mineral supplements. Some diseases such as anemia occur because there is not enough nutrients in the body, such as iron. Those with such ailments use extra vitamins.
Important Nutrients in Pregnancy Folic acid is the most important substance found in many prenatal vitamins.
- Folic acid helps prevent birth defects in the brain and spinal cord. It also protects pregnant women against cancer and crisis.
- Pregnant women should take food or supplements containing 600 micrograms of folic acid daily.
- Most prenatal vitamins contain 600 - 1000 micrograms of folic acid.
Iron is also an important nutrient for pregnant women. This is found in prenatal vitamins.
- Iron helps to strengthen the muscles of mother and baby.
- Prevents anemia.
- Reduces the risk of premature birth and low weight birth.
Calcium is also found in prenatal vitamins; Helps strengthen bones and teeth.
- Nerve, muscle and circulatory system provides healthy.
- If the expectant mother doesn't get enough calcium, she will get the calcium she needs from her bones to give the body to the baby.
- Lack of calcium in the bones may cause osteoporosis in later years.
DHA is a kind of omega 3 fatty acid. It contributes to the development of the baby's brain and eyes.
- Women should take 200 mg DHA per day.
- Prenatal vitamins containing DHA can be difficult to find. Besides some prenatal vitamins, only DHA-containing products can be found.
Remember; Before taking any vitamins, discuss with your doctor whether you need it and how much you should take. Some supplements are dangerous during pregnancy. High doses may also be risky. For example, too much Vitamin A intake during pregnancy can cause birth defects in the baby.
Calcium in Pregnancy
Calcium is used all over the body. Provides strong bones and teeth. If a woman doesn't get enough calcium, her body gets it from her bones. This process causes weakening of the bones and osteoporosis over time. As a result of osteoporosis, the bones become weaker and brittle.
Whether or not pregnant between the ages of 19 and 50, the amount of calcium that all women should take is 1000 mg per day. 1300 mg until the age of 18 is.
During the 2nd and 3rd trimesters (3 months) and during the breastfeeding period, your body absorbs more calcium from food than during pregnancy. The baby needs this extra calcium for healthy teeth and bones. If the expectant mother doesn't get enough calcium, she will get the calcium she needs from her bones to give the body to the baby.
Unfortunately, many women do not get enough calcium. Women usually take 700 mg of calcium per day. In addition to eating calcium-rich foods, many women rely on vitamin supplements. These supplements generally have one-third of the recommended daily amount of calcium.

What can you do? Be sure to take sufficient calcium before, during and after pregnancy. Dairy products are the richest in calcium. For example; like skim milk, yogurt, cheese. Other sources of calcium are dark green leafy vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage, orange juice, and breakfast cereals.
If you can't get enough calcium from your diet, you can supplement it with additional supplements. You can use supplements containing calcium carbonate.

Do you take the required amount of calcium per day?
How much calcium do you take every day? Studies show that you are not taking as much as you think. You can understand this by using the tables below.

Some Tips for Choosing and Using Calcium Supplement:
- Take your calcium tablet at meals. Thus, it is perceived as part of the normal routine and is more easily absorbed. The body only absorbs 600 mg of calcium at a time, so you may need to take calcium more than once a day.
- Keep your calcium tablet in a few places such as bathroom, kitchen, bag, so that it catches your eye during the day and don't forget to take it.
- Avoid supplements containing bone powder and dolomite. These products may also contain toxic substances such as lead, mercury and arsenic.

A Few Tips for Healthy Bones:
- Exercise regularly. Even a simple exercise like walking is a good start for strong bones.
- Make sure you get enough vitamin D. Vitamin D helps the body to absorb calcium. Your body obtains vitamin D from sunlight, which is another good reason to go for a walk. Vitamin D-containing foods include vitamin D-fortified milk, egg yolks, salmon and other fish.

Caffeine Intake
Caffeine, taken in small amounts, has no effect on fertility, and is harmless during pregnancy. One and a half cups of coffee can be drunk during pregnancy. The amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee varies. Chocolate, tea, cola, coffee ice cream and some over-the-counter medicines also contain caffeine.
Do not drink more than 1½ cup of coffee per day. It is healthier for you and your baby to drink water, milk or juice. Decaf can consume coffee, cola and tea. But remember, they also contain some caffeine.

Weight Gain in Pregnancy
It is necessary to be careful about the weight gain during pregnancy. Too much or too little weight can be harmful to the baby. How much weight you need to gain during pregnancy depends on how much weight you have before pregnancy. Proper weight gain during pregnancy is important for the baby's health. In women who gain very little weight, there is a possibility that the baby will be born with low weight. In women who have gained too much weight, the baby is premature and very overweight. It may also have diabetes, high blood pressure and varicocele problems.
Usually during pregnancy, most women need an extra 300 calories per day. However, exactly how many calories you need is proportional to your pre-pregnancy weight.
How Much Weight Should You Get? Below are some charts regarding weight gain during pregnancy. However, do not forget to talk to your doctor for your specific weight.
If you started your pregnancy at a normal weight; Can be taken between 11 and 15 pounds in 9 months. 1. If you assume that you will get 500 grams - 2 kilos in 3 months, you can gain up to 500 grams per week in the 2nd and 3rd months.
If You Have Begun Weakly During Pregnancy; It is beneficial to gain a little more weight in 9 months. Because there is a possibility that the babies of the expectant mothers will be born small. It is generally recommended to take 12 to 18 pounds. 1. If you assume that you will gain 500 gr - 2 kilos in 3 months, it is useful to try to gain more than 500 gr in a week in the 2nd and 3rd months.
If you started the pregnancy period with excess weight; Can be taken between 6 and 11 pounds in 9 months. 1. If you assume that you will get 500 grams - 2 kilos in 3 months, you can gain up to 250 grams per week in the 2nd and 3rd months. You may try not to gain excess weight, but you should not try to lose weight during pregnancy because it can harm the baby.
If you started the pregnancy with the problem of obesity; Can be taken between 4 and 9 pounds in 9 months. 1. If you assume that you will gain 500 gr - 2 kilos in three months, you can gain less than 250 grams per week in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters.
It is best to lose weight slowly and regularly. 1. If you gain less than 2 pounds in three months, do not worry and try to make up for it later.

Pregnancy and Overweight
If a woman is overweight or obese before pregnancy, she faces some health risks. However, it can follow some steps to protect the health of itself and the baby.
Health Risks for Pregnant Women with Overweight or Obesity Problems: Women with a high body mass index may have problems such as high blood pressure and diabetes during pregnancy. They may have problems during childbirth and their babies may develop serious health problems.
Gestational Hypertension: Gestational hypertension occurs when a pregnant woman has a sudden increase in blood pressure during the second half of her pregnancy. If a pregnant woman has high blood pressure, she may need to use medication and prenatal routine check-ups can be done more frequently. Gestational high blood pressure usually goes away spontaneously after the baby is born. High blood pressure during pregnancy may be a sign of preeclampsia.
Pregnancy-related High Blood Pressure and Seizure (Preeclampsia and Eclampsia): Preeclampsia is a serious condition that can manifest itself with high blood pressure and protein in the urine. If left untreated, it can become a life-threatening condition called eclampsia. Eclampsia can lead to stroke and coma. Fortunately, this disease is a rare condition in women who take care of regular prenatal care. A patient with preeclampsia may need to stay in hospital for a while after delivery. This is necessary for the health of both the baby and the mother.
Pregnant women should be careful about the following symptoms;
- Headache
- Disorder of vision
- Fast weight gain
- Swelling in hands and percent
- Pain in the upper right abdomen
Gestational Diabetes: Gestational diabetes occurs when a pregnant woman's body has problems controlling glucose (sugar) levels in the body. Glucose is the main fuel source of the body. If your glucose level is too high, serious health problems may occur for you and your baby. Gestational diabetes may develop in 3 or 5 out of every 100 pregnant women. Gestational diabetes goes away after birth, but 50% of women may experience diabetes later in life.
Birth: An overweight or obese mother may have problems during or after childbirth. The higher the body mass index, the higher the cesarean section rate. Compared to other pregnant women, there is a problematic process in the recovery of overweight pregnant women after cesarean section.
Babies of Overweight or Obese Mothers: These babies will have their own problems. E.g;
- Premature
- Having some birth defects
- Need extra attention in preterm delivery intensive care unit
- Childhood obesity

What You Can Do / Pre-pregnancy: Regular check-ups before getting pregnant are important to avoid these health problems. If you are overweight or obese; you can lose weight with the help of a dietitian, you can follow a healthy diet and do sports.
What You Can / Pregnancy Order: If you are overweight at the beginning of pregnancy, do not start dieting. Meanwhile, diets prevent your baby from getting the nutrients it needs for growth and development. In general, it is normal for overweight mothers to gain 7-12 kg during pregnancy. Obese women can gain 5 to 9 pounds.

Exercise During Pregnancy
In the past, pregnant women were asked to sit and stretch their feet. But time has changed. Healthy pregnant women should do aerobics for at least 2 ½ hours per week. This means that at least 30 minutes of sports should be done per day. Aerobics include walking, swimming and dancing.
Why Exercise Is Good for You? Exercise in the short term prevents you from feeling physically and emotionally and burning excess calories. Those who exercise regularly develop strong muscles, bones and joints. In the long term, the benefits of regular exercise are more impressive; premature birth, heart problems and other serious diseases. There are also benefits to exercising for pregnant women. Helps prevent the development of gestational diabetes. In pregnant women with gestational diabetes; This discomfort is controlled by regular exercise and changes in the diet. Stress is reduced by exercising; increases the stamina for labor and the moment of birth. It also helps to cope with the postpartum period. Exercise also makes it easier to be energetic and to lose weight after birth.
Before You Begin: Be sure to talk to your doctor before you start exercising. It may not be right for all pregnant women to exercise, especially those at risk of preterm birth. The next step is to decide what type of exercise to do. You should choose the things you will enjoy. You might want to try different things. For example, you can walk, jog or dance for 30 minutes. Swimming is also a very good sport, especially during pregnancy. You can also attend yoga classes and aerobics classes for pregnant women.
Be careful when choosing activities. Avoid sports such as horseback riding or skating that are at risk of injury. Stay away from exercises that require you to lie on your back, especially after 3 months. Lying on your back may endanger the baby by blocking blood flow to the uterus. As a result, never do scuba diving. This activity can cause very dangerous bubbles in the baby's circulatory system.
While exercising, pay attention to your body and how you feel. Do not overdo the exercise. Increase your fitness by level. If you experience serious problems with vaginal bleeding, dizziness, headache, chest pain, fetal movement or contraction, stop exercising and contact your doctor immediately.
Warning Signs to Stop Exercise and Call Your Doctor
If any of the following symptoms occur, stop exercising and call your doctor;
- Bleeding from the vagina
- Forced or painful breathing before exercise
- Dizziness
- Headache
- Chest pain
- Muscle weakness
- Pain or swelling in the calves
- Early birth
- Reduction of fetal movement
- Fluid leakage from the vagina
Conditions that make exercise dangerous during pregnancy
If you have any of the following conditions, do not exercise and consult your doctor;
- Heart disease
- Lung disease
- Insufficient cervix: The cervix is ​​the narrow and outer part of the uterus. If it is weak, it may not keep the fetus inside the uterus.
- Preterm labor (before 37 weeks of gestation)
- Multiple pregnancies are in danger of premature birth.
- Bleeding from the vagina during 4 - 9 months of pregnancy
- Placenta Previa: Placenta is located in the lower part of the uterus or cervix.
- Hypertension

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