Monday, October 28, 2019

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How should we be fed to prevent menstrual irregularity?

Carefree Acti-Fresh Thin Panty Liners, Soft and Flexible Feminine Care Protection, Extra Long, 93 Count

Answering the question “What is a period? Dır is a necessary step to identify menstrual irregularity. Menstrual bleeding, also known as menstrual: intrauterine tissue through bleeding is to be thrown out. This process is regulated by the hormones estrogen and progesterone. When the cycle starts, the intrauterine walls thicken with the help of estrogen hormone. Then, due to the decreasing progesterone hormone, the inner walls of the uterus are poured and bleeding occurs.

How long does it last?
menstrual irregularity solution

A normal menstrual cycle lasts 28 days plus or minus seven days. Menstruation is considered irregular if it occurs more frequently every 21 days or if it lasts longer than 8 days. Loss, early or late periods are also considered as signs of an irregular cycle (1).

Long or short cycles; In case of bleeding outside the normal range, a physician should be consulted. Besides, 30 plus minus two days mentioned as public menstrual delay is not counted as irregularity.

Causes Menstrual Irregularity?
There are many different causes of menstrual irregularity. We can list them as follows;

1. Menopause
Regardless of the age of the person, the first issue to be investigated in case of menstruation is the possibility of menopause. Menopause can be seen in people under the age of 20, contrary to what is commonly known. This may change according to genes and family structure (2).

2. Adolescence
During puberty, the body undergoes a major change and the regulation of estrogen and progesterone hormones may take up to two years.

3. Pregnancy
are you pregnant

Bleeding is not expected in a normal pregnancy. Minor bleeding in the first trimester of pregnancy is not very important. Of course, provided that it is under physician control hekim

4. Birth Control Pill
More frequent bleeding, less bleeding, menstrual period is longer or shorter than normal birth control pill is among the effects of menstrual period.

5. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
When this medical condition occurs, normal ovulation can be prevented and small cysts may form in the ovaries. Women with PCOS often have irregular menstrual periods. This may lead to infertility as well as increase the risk of diabetes and heart disease (3).

6. Heavy and Exercise Exercise
Causes of menstrual irregularity

Irregular menstrual cycles can be seen in women who exercise more and endurance athletes.

7. Heavy Diets
Heavy diets made affect the menstrual cycle along with the body. Incomplete and irregular nutrition, excess weight, excessive weakness, aneroxia, bulumia, obesity, high fat ratio trigger menstrual irregularity.

Made works; 75.51% of women with a body mass index of 14-24.9 (normal) have a normal menstrual pattern. Menstrual irregularity was found in women with a body mass index of 25- 29.9 (obesity) (4).

8. Stress
Chronic stress and even short-term worry about a particular problem can damage your hormone balance, which can lead to a missed period and an irregular menstrual cycle.

How to Feed in Menstrual Disorder?
Menstrual irregularity is a diagnosis made after abnormal menstrual symptoms for several months. You should consult your physician for the hormonal tests that need to be done before and then you should start to change some points in your life that need to be changed. What will you change? Let's sort for you:

1. Excessive Fatty Unhealthy Foods
Causes of menstrual irregularity

The origin of weight-based diseases is often caused by sugar and fat. You must stop eating fast food!

2. Refined Sugar
Everything that is natural is already with you! Can't you just leave the packaged food aside?

Acidic beverages
Heavy exercises
Anything that is too heavy and unnecessary is unhealthy. It's not just food that's unhealthy!

3. Unconscious Diet
unconscious diet doing menstrual irregularity

If your goal is not to lose or lose weight, but to solve any irregular menstrual irregularities, you should check whether your diet is healthy!

In a scientific study of 1147 adolescents aged between 14 and 20, the variability of some menstrual cycle indicators was found to be associated with weight loss. Approximately 40% of adolescents tried to lose weight and the results showed that weight loss attempt was significantly associated with increased menstrual irregularity and menstrual pain frequency. This finding is independent of body mass index (5).

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How can women with menstrual disorders become pregnant?

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Under normal circumstances, a woman of reproductive age should have a menstrual bleeding every 28 days. In women, two menstrual periods of less than 21 days or more than 35 days are defined as “menstrual irregularities.. This period between menstrual bleeding is calculated by counting the days from the beginning of the previous menstruation to the day of the next menstruation. Menstrual irregularity is mentioned in women who menstruate at intervals of less than 21 days or more than 35 days, and these women may have problems such as hyperprolactinemia, polycystic ovary syndrome, premature ovarian failure, and perimenopause, which lead to infertility. In addition, problems such as pregnancy, weight loss, eating disorders, intensive exercise program, excessive stress and systemic diseases that the woman has recently experienced may cause menstrual irregularity. In such a case, it may be infertility, that is, not being able to conceive naturally. Because it is very important that women who want to get pregnant regularly have regular menstruation and ovulate regularly.

How is the spawning period calculated?

In order to become pregnant, the woman must know the ovulation period and have unprotected sexual intercourse or assist reproductive treatments in this period. In this context, if a woman of reproductive age who wants pregnancy has menstrual periodically, the period between the first day of menstruation and the next menstrual period is important in calculating the ovulation period. With this calculation, if the woman sees her period every 28 days, 14 days are removed and the ovulation period is calculated. In another calculation, a woman who has a menstrual period every 30 days subtracts 14 from this day, and the remaining time, the 16th day, is known as ovulation.

Women who want to have a planned pregnancy by calculating the ovulation period and paying attention to this, should have unprotected sexual intercourse every two days for a week starting from 3 to 4 days before the calculated ovulation day. This increases the chance of conceiving.

Women who have irregular menstruation and thus ovulation should first ensure that the eggs ripen regularly by using expertly controlled medications. Following this, the most accurate period for sexual intercourse can be planned by monitoring with ultrasound examination.

How is ovulation monitoring performed in women with menstrual irregularity?

Ovulation periods are irregular in women who have irregular periods. Here are some tests used to determine the time of ovulation in such cases, different calculations, there are methods. These are LH measurement, calendar method and follow-up of changes in woman's own body.

Luteinizing hormone (LH) measurement

In the event of menstrual irregularities, the eliza test, which can be obtained from pharmacies, can be performed to calculate the day of ovulation. In the Eliza test, the LH (luteinizing hormone) peak in the urine can be measured. With the devices that measure the LH value, the female ovulation day can be estimated and calculated. When this test is performed regularly, the time of ovulation at home can be calculated with urine tests.

Calendar method

Anovulation (inability to ovulate) may be suspected in women who menstruate at intervals that are longer or shorter than normal. The calendar method is used to calculate the period of ovulation and whether the period and ovulation periods are regular. In the calendar method, women; it counts from the first day of menstruation for the next few months to the next period of menstruation and marks it on the calendar. Thus, it can determine the duration of the menstrual cycle and calculate the ovulation period. According to the calendar, the day of ovulation is estimated 14 days before the next menstrual period.

Changes in the body

When women approach menstrual period; swelling and tenderness in the breasts, crotch and abdominal cramps, pain, mild irritability, irritability, such as changes. However, changes in the color, odor and amount of vaginal discharge occur. Women who experience such changes may understand the approach of ovulation.

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What is Menstrual Disorder? Why? How is it treated?

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Factors such as hormone disorder, some systemic diseases and stress can cause menstrual delay. We have written the causes and treatment of menstrual irregularity.

With hormones working regularly, women have menstruation every month. After the first few years of menstruation, hormones may occasionally work irregularly, so menstrual irregularities may occur. This situation can be seen before the “perimenopause” and “menopause ğı periods when menstruation is nearing its end. Certain systemic diseases can also cause menstrual irregularities. The end of menstrual period is called fizy amenorrhea tıp in medical language except for physiological conditions such as menopause, breastfeeding and pregnancy. What is this menstrual disorder? How is it treated? Here are the answers:

1. Women's menstrual cycle is usually 21 to 35 days

2. 15 to 25 percent of women have irregular menstrual cycles

You can review the reasons for menstrual delay and solution suggestions here.

3. Menstrual irregularity; Menstrual pain is an abnormal period that can be characterized by symptoms such as bleeding twice a month or no bleeding.

4. The irregular menstrual cycle means that the menstrual cycle lasts longer or shorter.

5. Other problems, such as abdominal cramps, may be encountered in menstrual cycles that are more painful or lighter than normal.

Let us take you here for yoga movements that ease menstrual pains and cramps.

6. Premature bleeding due to menstrual period is called im polymeneorrhea ”and sonra oligomenorrhea sonra after it is expected.

7. Inter-menstrual bleeding is called “metrorajia”.

8. Since there are no clot cells in the menstrual blood, the blood does not normally clot, but due to abnormal processes that may occur during the menstrual period, the blood may be clotted and this is called “hypermenorrhea“.

9. It is called “dysmenorrhea en, which can occur due to organic or non-organic reasons, when menstrual period is more painful than normal.

Click here for 11 simple yet effective tips from spices to body workouts for those with severe menstruation.

10. Menstrual bleeding normally lasts from 2 to 8 days, while bleeding over 8 days is known as or menorrhagia ”.

11. It may be healthier to see a doctor because there may be many causes of menstrual irregularities.

12. Herbal treatment methods may be preferred in addition to medical assistance

13. Foods containing high amounts of iron may be consumed or iron supplements may be taken as tablets.

Click here for menstrual foods and menstrual movements.

14. Hormone replacements can be treated to eliminate hormone disorders

15. Oral contraceptives can shorten menstrual irregularity by regulating your cycle

16. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or naproxen can reduce bleeding

17. If your menstrual irregularity is due to the medications you are currently using, you can contact your doctor to find alternative solutions.

18. In herbal remedies that are good for menstrual irregularity, shepherd's purse can be used if menstrual period is prolonged and bleeding is exacerbated.

19. You can benefit from other medicinal plants with good irregularity

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Hormone Replacement Therapy

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Definition of menopause
Menopause, the word meaning is the name given to the last menstruation. It is a natural period in women's life between the ages of 45-55, which starts with irregular menstrual bleeding and ends with complete cessation of menstruation.

Menopause, in fact, is a term used after the period when women are cut off from menstruation, but the most important event in this period is the termination of the reproductive ability and the end of the reproductive period.

Transition to menopause affects estrogen deficiency symptoms, irregular hemorrhages, concerns about conception or non-conception, and increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, as well as accelerating bone loss according to studies, affecting women both physically and socially and psychologically. Some women experience very severe, various symptoms during the perimenopausal period, while some women do not have any symptoms or the symptoms are minimal.

Age of menopause
While the average life expectancy of women was 81-82 in developed countries, this rate was 72.2 in our country. On the other hand, the average age of menopause to enter and change again showed the average age of menopause in Turkey between 46 and 52 years of age was found to be 46.5 by sophistication.

Since menopause is known to be roughly 45-50 years old, it is clear that a woman who is expected to live an average of 75 years will spend one third of her life during the menopause. For this reason, every aspect of menopause should be examined in every aspect, and this period of women should be tried to ensure a healthy and quality life.

Menopausal changes: Epidemiology
Some physiological changes that start to occur before menopause have some undesirable and disturbing acute symptoms, as well as consequences that may affect the quality of life of a woman in a long time.

Irregular menstruation
Vasomotor symptoms include hot flashes, palpitations, excessive sweating, insomnia and night sweats, gastrointestinal spasm, tingling sensations and paracetesis. Approximately 75% of women experience bas hot flashes döneminde during transition to menopause. “Hot flashes ir is a feeling of warmth that suddenly develops and spreads from the face and neck to the chest. It'il take a few minutes.
Estrogen deficiency in menopause causes atrophic changes in vaginal and urogenital mucosa after menopause occurs in real terms.
Osteoropause is an increase in the risk of fracture by decreasing bone mass. Osteoropausal fractures are usually post-menopausal, respectively, vertebra, hip and forearm. In women, menopausal hormone replacement therapy essentially helps reduce the rate of bone resorption from the elderly.
Frequency of menopause symptoms
Menopause can be spent without any other symptoms or discomfort except menstrual disorders and eventually complete menstruation. However, the proportion of these women was only 24% compared to the number of women in all menopause. Menstrual irregularities are due to decreased hormone production in the ovaries. As decreasing hormone production affects the heat centers, disorders such as hot flashes and night sweating usually occur following menstrual irregularities.

Although the menopausal transition varies from woman to woman, it is completed in 10-15 years and usually 65 years old climacteric symptoms no longer disappear. The following table presents the main symptoms associated with menopause.

Hormone replacement therapy
The periods in women's life, which are caused by hormonal effects, are as shown in the graph above. Hormone Replacement Therapy (shortly referred to as HRT) is a replacement therapy aimed at bringing low estrogen and progesterone levels of the woman in the climacteric period (the period before and after the last menstrual period) to relieve symptoms.

HRT was first designed in the 1930s. However, intensive use in the clinic is from the 1950s. The development of products used today was in the late 70s.

HRT is administered by administering estrogens and progesterones in different combinations and by specific methods. HRT can be administered orally (with oral tablets), transdermal (with skin-adhesive patches, gels applied) or by local route (vaginal cream, tablets). HRT regimens are described below.

Estrogen-only HRT
This treatment is administered at a fixed dose and only by oral administration of estrogen-containing tablets or transdermal products.

However, this treatment is only valid for patients who have received uterine surgery. The results of the studies have shown that women receiving only estrogen for a certain period of time in the uterus end up with some changes that increase the tendency to uterine cancer. Therefore, this method of treatment is suitable for women taken from the uterus.

HRT with combined estrogen and progesterone
The combined treatment can be selected according to the symptoms experienced by the woman in the climacteric period and whether she wants to have menstruation:

Sequential treatment
Progesterone is added to the treatment on certain days as well as continuous estrogen taken for the whole period (28 days). Monthly menstrual bleeding occurs following the termination of tablets of different colors containing progesterone. This type of treatment, in which monthly menstrual bleeding occurs in accordance with the natural menstrual order, is more suitable for perimenopausal women who are not completely menses but have irregular menopausal symptoms. This treatment also allows women whose menstrual periods have completely ceased to regain menstruation.

Continuous combined treatment
Continuous and combined estrogen + progesterone provides a complete cessation of bleeding by regressing the structure that forms the monthly bleeding in the uterus. Tablets containing a balanced amount of estrogen and progesterone, taken for 28 days, prevent both menopausal complaints and prevent monthly bleeding.

Although uninterrupted combined regimens offer bleeding-free treatment, spotting or small bleeding that exceeds staining may occur during the first months of treatment. For less hemorrhage, treatment must be started at least 1 year after the last menstrual period.

This undesirable effect, which disrupts treatment compliance, is greatly reduced in the use of the widely preferred Low Dose HRT preparations which have been widely discussed in recent years.

Local hormone therapy
It is used in the form of creams, ovules, gels or vaginal tablets used to eliminate or prevent the unwanted effects of estrogen deficiency in the vagina and urinary tract (thinning of the vaginal wall, dryness of the vagina, infection of the vagina or urinary tract).

HRT, short and medium-term symptoms during menopause, as well as the removal of post-menopausal women with increased risk of osteoporosis has been shown to be reduced in studies.

Menopause and osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a disease of the skeletal system. It is characterized by a decrease in bone density and mineral content. The risk of fracture increases rapidly due to the decrease in the strength of the skeletal system. The prevalence of osteoporosis in post-menopausal women is high, especially in the elderly population. Bone mineral density during menopause is related to the maximal bone mass that the woman reaches in adulthood and bone loss after 35 years of age.

There are two types of osteoporosis in women. Type I or menopausal osteoporosis occurs within the first 15 to 20 years of menstrual cessation and is characterized by increased bone resorption in which the production destruction cycle deteriorates in favor of destruction due to decreased estrogen levels.

Diagnostic methods of osteoporosis
Studies have shown that bone density measurements are a good method to determine fracture risk.

Some biochemical methods provide information on bone formation and destruction.

Risk factors for osteoporosis
Osteoporosis does not naturally occur in the same way in every individual. Certain factors play a role in the development of osteoporosis. These risk factors are listed below.

Removal of the ovaries
Early Menopause
Low Body Weight
Osteoporosis in Family
Calcium Absorption Disorder
Life style
Excessive Alcohol Use
Estrogen Deficiency
Long Term Corticosteroid Use

The role of HRT in the treatment of osteoporosis
The purpose of antiresorptive drugs used to treat postmenopausal osteoporosis is to reduce and stop destruction. The main effective drug in this group is estrogen.

In studies on bone density, it was observed that women receiving HRT had higher bone density than those who did not.

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What is Menopause? When does Menopause Start? What are the symptoms of menopause?

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The question of what is menopause is beginning to take place in the minds of many older women. However, answering the question of what menopause means may not be enough to correctly understand the menopause process, which is one of the most important periods in women's lives. For this reason, a much broader research is needed on menopause. The most curious issue for women is the age of menopause. What are the main points about menopause? Here's the answer ...

Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist at Yeditepe University Hospital Dr. Rukset Attar , menopause is a very important period in women's lives, a milestone, he says.

Menopause is not the Beginning of Old Age!

Menopause of the meaning of the word “the end of menstruation veren that gives information that Yeditepe University Hospital Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist Prof.. Dr. Rukset Attar states that menopause is simply a permanent discontinuation of menstruation.

“In most patients, the menstrual interval is opened before permanent menstruation is stopped. Patients begin to menstruate at longer intervals. A group of patients complain of excessive menstruation. Prof. Dr. Rukset Attar, although rare in some patients, menstruation can be stopped at one time, he says.

Symptoms Can Decrease Quality of Life

Menopausal patients in this period may reduce the quality of life of the patient's complaints that said. Dr. Rukset Attar lists the complaints as follows: sıcak Typically, hot flashes that start from the neck and chest and spread over the face, night sweats, irritability, insomnia and palpitations are the most common complaints we encounter in this period. These symptoms are seen in approximately 50 percent of menopausal patients in the natural way, and 90 percent of menopausal patients who undergo surgical intervention as a result of ovarian removal. ”

Appearing to the physician in the first year is very important

The main event in menopause is the depletion of follicles in the ovaries and the ovaries no longer work. Dr. Rukset Attar states that it is very important for the patient to see a doctor as soon as he enters menopause.

If the patient is controlled by a physician and does not start menopause treatment when necessary, he may be exposed to some risks due to estrogen deficiency; Urogenital symptoms may occur in the medium to long term due to estrogen deficiency.

Because there are estrogen receptors in the vulva, vagina, bladder and urethra. As a result of atrophy and changes due to estrogen deficiency in these organs after menopause, painful sexual intercourse, vulvar pruritus, frequent urination, urine burning may occur.

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Causes Menstrual Irregularity, How is it Treated?

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Menstrual irregularity is one of the most common problems women face throughout their lives. One of every 10 women is one of the main symptoms of early menopause, the underlying factors in menstrual irregularities vary in the 20s and 40s.

Menstrual irregularities are caused by hormonal causes in young people, organic causes are seen to be effective in older ages. Obstetrics and Gynecology, menstrual irregular causes, symptoms of menstrual irregularities and gave information about the treatment of menstrual irregularities.

Menstrual irregularities vary according to the person. For most women, a normal menstrual cycle lasts between 24-35 days and lasts an average of 5-7 days. In terms of quantity, changing 3-4 pet per day is considered normal. Everything else goes into menstrual irregularity. However, a significant proportion of women have irregular menstrual cycles. This means that the loops are shorter or longer than normal. The menstrual cycle being less than 21 days is defined as “frequent menstruation,, whereas the menstrual cycle more than 35 days is called adet rare menstruation”. The absence of menstruation is considered a problem in itself. Menstrual irregularities occur in women in their 20s due to hormonal reasons, but in older ages they can be caused by organic causes such as hyperplasive, polyp, cancer. Underlining that menstrual irregularity is a symptom such as cough and necessarily a reason, the doctor said that the treatment methods also differ according to the underlying cause and age.

The main problem is the loss of blood and anemia due to frequent menstruation, the physician said, “Iron deficiency is a very important factor in reducing the efficiency of women. The presence of a mass in uterine fibroids, polyps or ovaries may be manifested by frequent menstruation. It occurs most frequently in the reproductive and menopausal women. If the underlying cause is intra-uterine thickening, menopause can also be seen frequently in menstrual period, ”he says.

Polycystic ovary syndrome is an important problem caused by frequent menstruation. Polycystic ovary syndrome seen in 1 out of every 10 women experiencing this problem, cysts secrete male hormone-like hormones disrupt the menstrual order. Symptoms such as hair growth, acne, acne formation and weight gain occur in women. Depending on weight gain, the disease is constantly deepening. Polycystic ovary-like symptoms are seen in early menopause in 1 out of 10 women. If the woman is in her 20s or 30s, which we call reproductive age, there is a possibility of polycystic ovary or early menopause. The cyst is not caused by fibroids. So the problem is a hormonal disorder; either ovarian reserve is too much or ovarian reserve is too low.

The amount of menstruation is also the first sign for some diseases. In the case of insufficient quantity, the masses in the uterus, menopause, diseases that reduce the ovarian reserve may be the underlying causes. If the amount is high, it may indicate the presence of hypothyroidism, polyps, fibroids and cysts. Menstrual irregularity has different causes at reproductive age and at different age at menopause. Treatment methods for this also vary according to age.

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How does menstrual irregularity go through?

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Menstrual irregularities, which are one of the issues of women's health, can occur due to many reasons.

How does menstrual irregularity go through?
Medical Park Fatih Hospital Obstetrics and Gynecology Department Op. Dr. Hurşide Cevlan stated that one of the most common problems of women is menstrual irregularity and gave important information on the subject.

Menstruation, ie menstruation; It is the regular discharge of intrauterine tissue from the body when pregnancy does not occur.

Menstruation is part of the female reproductive cycle. Kiss. Dr. Hurşide Cevlan, menstrual menstrual period that began until the menstrual period, the so-called menstrual cycle between the two menstrual period between 21 to 35 days, on average, said 28 days. Cevlan said the following about menstrual irregularities that may arise for different reasons;

As we get closer to puberty and menopause…
Irregular period
It can take up to two years for menstruation. After puberty, in most women, menstruation begins to come regularly. Menstrual bleeding normally lasts between two and seven days, with an average of 5 days.

However, some women have irregular menses. The irregularity can be observed during the period between the menses, the amount of bleeding and the time it continues. The menstrual order may also be impaired by changing the birth control method.

In addition, due to the imbalance of the hormones estrogen and progesterone, which regulate the menstrual cycle, menstrual order may be disrupted. There are many reasons for the imbalance in hormones. Menstrual irregularity is common in adolescence and when approaching menopause. Treatment is usually not needed at these times.

No swimming obstacles
There is no medical basis for the widespread belief that swimming during the menstrual cycle is inconvenient. It is possible to swim while menstruating. You will not swim from the pieces, your blood will not clot or your stomach will not hurt.

The main causes of menstrual irregularity are as follows;
Birth control pills,
Uterine polyps or fibroids,
Inflammatory pelvic disease,
Polycystic ovary syndrome,
Premature ovarian failure,
Excessive weight gain or weight loss,
Uterine cancer,
Thyroid disease,
Liver cirrhosis,
Pregnancy complications,
Estrogen supplements,
Use of blood thinners,
Use of spirals for birth control,
Estrogen or progesterone imbalance,

Did you know these?
Menstrual bleeding outside the normal period: Menstrual bleeding is expected to be “polymenorrhea”, and after the expected month period is called “oligomenorrhea ası. Inter-menstrual bleeding is known as ror metroraji ”.

Menstrual clot: Normally excessive menstruation is defined as “hypermenorrhea.. The fact that the menstrual cycle is more clotted indicates that the hypermenorrhea is more than normal. Because normally there are no clot cells in menstrual blood, menstrual blood does not clot.

Heavy and painful menstrual periods: Menstrual periods are painfully passed “dysmenorrhea” is called. Dysmenorrhea has many organic or non-organic causes.

Menstruation lasts longer than normal: Normally menstrual bleeding lasts between 2 and 8 days and is discontinued. Menstruation lasting longer than 8 days is described as or menorrhagia ve and is not normal.

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