Monday, October 28, 2019

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The reason for irregular menstruation: Stress

Care Free Acti-Fresh Body Shaped Regular Pantiliners, Fresh Scented, 54 Count (Pack of 1) , Package may vary

Intense stress during the day is the biggest cause of menstrual irregularity in women.

Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialist Op. Dr. Serdar Aries, listed the causes of menstrual irregularity.

Before defining menstrual irregularity, it is necessary to define normal menstrual patterns. The period from the beginning of one menstrual cycle to the beginning of another cycle is 21-35 days (ideally 28 days). The amount of pads used in one day should be 2-3 pieces, should not contain clots and bleeding period should not exceed 8 days. A slight pain is normal in the first 1-2 days of menstrual onset. Deviations in all these definitions should be perceived as menstrual irregularities.

Frequent, early menstruation: Menstrual cycles of less than 21 days is called polymenorrhea. As a result, the number of menstrual bleeding in one year increases. It should always be kept in mind that in the event of frequent bleeding in a woman who has regular menstrual bleeding, this bleeding may actually be an intermediate bleeding.

Sparse menstruation, delays: Menstrual cycles last longer than 35 days is also called oligomenorrhea. As a result, menstrual bleeding occurs 3-4 times a year. Delayed menstruation is common in fertility.

If there is bleeding less than 21 days and lasting more than 35 days, there may be a problem if there is more than 2-3 pads (40 ml in quantity) and bleeding more than 8 days in total. Since menstrual blood does not normally coagulate, it is unnatural for menstrual blood to contain clots or fragments.

Other hemorrhages that cause problems: One of these is low bleeding or short-term menstruation, the other is excessive bleeding or long-term menstruation. Hypomenorrhea is the decrease in the amount or day of bleeding seen in a menstrual cycle. The amount of bleeding seen during menstruation tends to decrease with advancing age. Hypermenorrhea is defined as menorrhagia.

“Amenorrhea ileri, the most advanced dimension of menstrual irregularities, has no menstruation. If a young girl has reached the age of 15-16 and has not yet had menstruation, the reasons must be investigated. There are olojik physiological amenorrhea ”. There is no bleeding during pregnancy, adolescence, menopause, lactation and pre-puberty.

Causes of menstrual irregularities: Menstrual irregularities are usually caused by organic and hormonal reasons. When the organic cause is mentioned, changes in the anatomical structure of the female reproductive organs should be considered. The most common of these is uterine fibroids, which are considered benign tumors. Adenomyosis, thickening of the uterine wall, polyps originating from the cervix or spirals applied for birth control are other common causes. Organic causes make up 25 percent of menstrual irregularities, but this rate increases when the age exceeds 40 years.

Disorders of hormones secreted from ovaries, birth control pills and so on. hormone-containing preparations and pregnancy are important causes of hormonal menstrual irregularities. Hormonal disorders in the thyroid gland can often cause menstrual delays.

It is not correct to use only menstrual regulating drugs before the problem is presented. Such preparations can make even an 80-year-old woman menstruate, but the actual disease is actually covered. After a detailed examination, if the problem is an anaotomic problem, the preferred treatment modality is surgical approach. In almost all such problems, laparoscopic method called closed method should be preferred.

Treatment: Gynecological examination, ultrasonographic examination (if necessary tomography, MR, hsg) and measurement of hormones secreted from the ovary and other parts of the body (especially thyroid gland) are required to reveal the source of the problem. When performing hormonal measurements, it should be noted that certain periods of menstrual cycle are preferred (2-4 days of menstrual cycle).

Open surgery has been abandoned in modern medicine due to the side and adverse effects it causes. If the problem is spiral, a waiting period of 3 months should be recommended, necessary additional treatments should be arranged and removed in case of failure. It should be kept in mind that there may be intermittent bleeding during the first 1-2 months during the use of birth control pills. Pregnancy and any problems it may cause in any vaginal bleeding should never be forgotten.

Does menstrual irregularity make it difficult to get pregnant?

Since menstrual irregularity may be an indicator of ovulation disorder, it is normal for women with this problem to have difficulties in getting pregnant. A woman with menstrual irregularities should apply to a reproductive health center, especially if she wants to have children. Once the cause of the irregularity has been identified, causal treatment is required. While pregnancy can be achieved with very simple treatments, in some cases it may be necessary to resort to in vitro fertilization techniques called advanced reproductive techniques.

Can menstrual irregularity be due to psychological reasons and is there a possibility of spontaneous recovery over time?

In addition to stress and distress, climate changes can occasionally cause menstrual irregularities. If this is the only reason underlying the disorder, it may resolve spontaneously over time.

What should be done when menstrual irregularities occur?

First of all, every woman should keep her menstrual period regularly from puberty. When menstrual irregularities begin to be observed, attention should be paid to the diversity of the irregularity. If these irregularities repeat and increase for several months, you should consult your physician.

Care Free Acti-Fresh Body Shaped Regular Pantiliners, Fresh Scented, 54 Count (Pack of 1) , Package may vary

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Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

Rael Certified Organic Cotton, Unscented, Natural Daily Panty-Liners, Long, Pack of 2 (36 Count), 6.8 Inch

It is normal for a woman to have her menstrual period up to seven days. If the menstrual period is not regular, the bleeding period is longer than normal and if the bleeding periods vary, abnormal uterine bleeding may occur. This section will explain the causes of abnormal bleeding, how to diagnose, how to treat.

During the menstrual period, the hormone estrogen and progesterone secreted from the ovaries causes changes in the endometrium layer that covers the inner surface of the uterus. Each month, eggs are released from any of the ovaries approximately 12-14 days after the start of menstruation. This event is called ovulation. The egg enters into any of the female canals called the fallopian tube and tries to reach the place where it is fertilized with sperm. If the egg is not fertilized, pregnancy does not occur and hormone levels begin to decrease. This shedding refers to the monthly menstrual period. ** THE Tears of the Womb ... **

The menstrual period begins from the first day of the bleeding period and continues until the first day of the next menstrual period. The menstrual period lasts approximately 28 days, but may be longer and shorter. If the period is more than 35 days or less than 21 days, it should be considered abnormal. It is called amenorrhea that the menstrual period is not during 3 normal periods or for 6 months. If your period is delayed, you should consult a doctor. ** ALARM **

Abnormal uterine bleeding:

Bleeding between menstrual periods
Bleeding after intercourse
Drip-style bleeding at any time during the menstrual period
Menstrual bleeding is more than normal or longer
Abnormal bleeding can occur at any age. There are some periods in a woman's life where menstrual periods are abnormally irregular. Menstrual periods between the ages of 9-16, when menstruation begins first, are not regular. Perimenopausal period, which can start as early as 35 years and lasts up to about 50 years, is also such a process. At the same time, menstrual delay and decreased bleeding may be normal in this period. But excessive bleeding should be investigated in every way. ***ATTENTION**

There are many causes of abnormal bleeding. Your doctor will be able to determine the cause of bleeding more easily by checking the most common causes of abnormal bleeding in your age group. Some of these causes are not serious and can be easily treated. Some may be serious. All must be checked. In some women, the cause of abnormal or excessive bleeding may be hormonal. This may be related to the over or under production of certain hormones. Sometimes it may occur due to problems in the thyroid gland (goiter) or the use of certain medications.

Other Causes of Abnormal Bleeding

Ectopic pregnancy
Problems related to birth control methods (birth control pill, spiral etc.)
Inflammation of the cervix or cervix
Coagulation disorders
Various types of cancers (uterus-uterus, cervix-uterus-vagina-hazne)
Chronic medical problems (troit, diabetes)


The first thing for your doctor to make the diagnosis of abnormal bleeding is to obtain a personal and family history of the patient. For this:

Past or present diseases
Drugs used
Use of birth control pills
Body weight, eating and exercise habits, stress level are questioned.
Your doctor will also ask you about your period. For this purpose, marking the period of menstruation and bleeding on a calendar will help you. You will then have a physical. Blood counts, if there is pregnancy, blood tests will be done. Depending on your symptoms and symptoms, one or more of the tests listed below may be required.

Hormone levels
Endometrial biopsy: Evaluation of the part taken under the microscope after gently scraping the inside of the uterus with the aid of a catheter.
Ultrasound: The evaluation of pelvic organs through images generated by sound waves. This device is used through the hopper or through the abdomen.
Sonohisterography (SIS): Vaginal ultrasonic evaluation after filling the uterus with sterile fluid using a small plastic catheter.
Hysteroscopy: Direct visual examination of the uterus through the vagina and cervix with the help of a thin instrument similar to a telescope
Dilatation and curettage (D&C): The opening of the cervix is ​​enlarged, the inside of the uterine layer is taken by scraping or vacuum samples. Subsequently, the removed part is examined under a microscope.
Hysterosalpingography - X-ray demonstration of contrast agent introduced into the uterus and fallopian tubes
Laparoscopy: Abdominal look through a thin incision in the abdomen just below the navel by inserting a thin telescope into the abdomen
Most of these tests can be performed in the doctor's office, while others can be performed in hospital conditions.

The treatment of abnormal bleeding depends on many factors, such as the cause, the age of the patient, the severity of the bleeding, whether the child wants it. Hormone therapy or other drug therapies can be used as well as surgery. The doctor can only assess the effectiveness of his treatment after several menstrual periods. If you think you are pregnant, your doctor may need to repeat the necessary tests before starting any treatment.

Your doctor may prescribe birth control pills to make your menstruation more regular. This approach helps to improve other complaints. Progesterone provides treatment and prevention of intrauterine thickening called endometrial hyperplasia. It takes a few months for the hormones to control the bleeding. Excessive bleeding in the first months, the following months will be less. Hormone treatment will be given according to whether you want pregnancy.

Other Drug Treatments
Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs similar to ibuprofen can help us control severe bleeding. They also reduce menstrual pains. Another treatment option is medication (tranexamic acid), which acts on clotting. If there is infection, antibiotics will also be given.

Some women may require surgery to remove abnormal structures such as fibroids or polyps that cause abnormal uterine bleeding. Endometrial ablation is also used to treat abnormal uterine bleeding. Endometrial ablation is the destruction of the uterus by any means of electricity, laser, heat, or freezing. This is preferred when permanent removal of bleeding is desired. Endometrial biopsy should be taken before treatment. After this procedure, a woman cannot become pregnant.

Hysterectomy is another procedure commonly used in the treatment of abnormal bleeding. The woman can no longer conceive. These options should be considered before deciding on treatment.

As a result;
If you notice that your period is irregular, consult a doctor. There are many causes of abnormal bleeding. Your doctor will not be able to tell you the cause of the abnormal bleeding without examining you. If the cause of bleeding is found, abnormal bleeding will be treated successfully. If treatment continues or recurs despite treatment, we recommend that your doctor see you again.

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Poise Daily Incontinence Panty Liners, Very Light Absorbency, Long, 264 Count (Pack of 1)

How to distinguish between a residential bleeding and a menstrual bleeding?

Poise Daily Incontinence Panty Liners, Very Light Absorbency, Long, 264 Count (Pack of 1)

Implantation hemorrhage, also known as settling bleeding, cannot be seen in every woman and does not show any signs of pregnancy in every bleeding. These hemorrhages, which occur when the embryo is placed in the uterus, can often be mistaken for menstruation. So, what are the differences between settlement bleeding and menstrual bleeding? How does settlement bleeding occur? Is placement bleeding (implantation) a sign of pregnancy? Here's what you need to know about settling bleeding.
Settlement bleeding (Implantation) occurs when the embryo reaches the uterus as a result of the physical association of couples who want to have a baby and settles there and bleeding. It may occur in intense bleeding similar to that of the menstrual period, as can be seen in patches of patches. These short and painless bleeds, which are not seen in every woman, may be the first herald of a long-established imaginary baby gospel. However, this journey, which lasts from a few hours to a few days, is not a definite sign of pregnancy. It should be noted that there are a large number of expectant mothers who are pregnant but do not have settled bleeding. Bleeding during pregnancy can be mistaken for menstrual bleeding and spotting, mild or painful bleeding. However, menstrual bleeding that can replace fertilization and bleeding during pregnancy is not one. What about the bleeding during pregnancy? What is a site bleeding? How to distinguish between residential bleeding and menstrual bleeding? Here's what you need to know about pregnancy bleeding ...


Implantation, which is often confused with menstrual bleeding, may degrade with regard to its structure and color on the laundry. Implant bleeding is slightly pinkish and small. The difference between menstrual bleeding occurs between 10 and 14 days after intercourse. In the first three months, some mother-to-be settled with the bleeding of the settlements, low bleeding can be mixed with a great fear. However, the baby is trying to settle in your uterus during this time.
Slight spotting or bleeding may also occur after the activity. If this condition, which we call implantation bleeding, is very frequent, then a doctor should be consulted.


Settlement bleeding is pale pink or pale brown, while menstrual bleeding is more vivid red.
Settlement bleeding is thick and flowy, while menstrual bleeding is fluid.
Settlement bleeding lasts at least 3 hours and maximum 3 days, while menstrual bleeding can last for 10 days.
Settlement bleeding occurs before menstrual period, while menstrual bleeding occurs at certain times each month.

Distinguishing point: If the bleeding is initially very dark brown and then turns red, this bleeding is nothing but menstrual bleeding.

It is highly likely that a pregnancy test will be positive 3 days after implantation bleeding. However, a pregnancy test should be performed on the day of complete bleeding to obtain clear information.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, when physical and mental changes are observed, the condition described as unma holding bleeding 'may occur due to the placement of the sac in the pregnancy and the size of the pregnancy sac, sometimes bleeding and sometimes bleeding similar to the menstrual period. Bleeding, which is seen mostly due to placental problems in the middle of pregnancy, may occur as a result of early removal of the placenta due to tension or trauma.
Bleeding problems that may occur to mothers may occur more frequently in the near-birth interval. If the bleeding occurs in the first weeks, recovery may be observed with rest and drug treatment, but the termination of pregnancy may be requested by the doctor as a result of recent bleeding.

When the placenta is close to the cervix, there may be a small amount of bleeding and resting until the baby grows long enough to perform labor.

Brownish spotting, especially in the early days of the baby's gospel, occurs when the embryo attaches to the uterine wall. However, when a condition other than this staining occurs, such as bleeding, this is definitely a matter that should be within the knowledge of the doctor. In the first trimester, which is the most important period of pregnancy, extra care must be taken in everything from feeding to health controls to health care of both the mother and the mother.
One of the most common conditions in favor of health problems is bleeding during pregnancy. Which bleeding is caused by pregnancy? Here are the most common reasons ...

DISCHARGE HEMORRHAGE: Bleeding that occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy is accompanied by back pain, pain in the pelvis and cramps. Pain and sensations are similar to pain in menstruation.

PLACENTA HEMORRHAGE: Failure to place the placenta in the right place may lead to vainal bleeding. In this case, defined as placenta previa, pregnancy bleeding may occur. Standing the placenta on the cervix may trigger bed rest, induction or cesarean section.

SUPERIOR VISION BLEEDING: Bleeding that occurs due to problems seen due to implantation problem.

LOW BLEEDING: Bleeding occurs as a result of the embryo's inability to hold onto the uterus sufficiently.

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Always Xtra Protection Dailies Feminine Panty Liners for Women, Extra Long, Unscented, 92 Count - Pack of 4 (368 Count Total)

Don't be shy, things like that happen in pregnancy

Always Xtra Protection Dailies Feminine Panty Liners for Women, Extra Long, Unscented, 92 Count - Pack of 4 (368 Count Total)

In pregnancy, mild or moderate nausea and vomiting are considered physiological and normal

Pregnancy is a period when there are many physical and psychological changes in the mother. While there is usually no major problem, sometimes these changes can be so disturbing that the mother-in-law can remain in a difficult situation in the community due to a situation she cannot control.

Dr. Gynecology and Obstetrics Department of the American Hospital. Ebru Alper, listed the ailments during pregnancy:

Frequent Urination and Urinary Incontinence

Frequent urination (pollakiuria) is a major complaint during pregnancy. Hormonal changes and vascular enlargement affect the bladder function and cause this complaint. As the gestational week progresses, complaints of frequent urination and incontinence increase, especially in the last three months due to the enlarged uterine mass and the decrease in the capacity of the bladder trapped between the incoming part of the fetus (mostly the head) and the symphysis pubis. Conditions that increase intra-abdominal pressure, such as laughing, sneezing, and coughing, cause loosening of the bladder sphincter, causing urinary incontinence.

In addition to all these physiological changes, increased daily water intake will increase the frequency of urination.

Pregnant women with burning and pain complaints should be examined for urinary tract infection. Regular toileting at frequent intervals will reduce the likelihood of an unwanted situation.

Excessive Salivation

This condition, called ptyalism or sialism, is seen in very few pregnant women but it is quite uncomfortable. The cause and mechanism of formation are not fully understood; in fact, it is thought that the amount of saliva is not increased only because of the difficulty in swallowing because of nausea.

Reducing starch in the diet and drinking more water can improve the situation. Yellow chickpeas, sugar-free chewing gum can be helpful. Medication may be used, provided that it is limited to very severe conditions.

Vaginal discharge, genital odors

Vaginal discharge (leukorrhea), irritation and infections are common in pregnant women. Adhesive, white or pale yellow discharge may persist during pregnancy. The most common problem is candida albicans, that is, fungal infections. Burning, itching, precipitate cheese style is manifested by discharge. It is seen as a severe inflammation in the vagina and inside the vagina and causes extreme discomfort during sexual contact. Such infections should be treated promptly in consultation with a doctor.

In addition, bacterial vaginal infections such as trichomonas and gardnerella may cause odor. Trichomonas vaginalis usually causes a sparkling green color and a smelly discharge. Vagina and cervix ((cervical) mucosa is seen as strawberry and petechiae. Serum physiological added preparations can be diagnosed and treated immediately by direct microscopy.
In addition, personal care will be difficult especially in the following weeks of gestation, which may cause odor in the genital area. Shampoos with a pH of 4.5 or less, specially prepared for the genital area, can be cleaned from the external genital area provided that it is not excessive. Vaginal showers are not recommended.

Excessive Gas Formation

During pregnancy, changes in the placement of the intestines and stomach occur due to the growing uterus. The stomach is pushed upwards, the sphincter between the stomach and esophagus loosens and reflux occurs due to reduced motility.

The intestines are pushed upwards and sideways. In addition, the intestinal passage slows down due to both pressure and progesterone hormone reduction in bowel movements. The time of passage through the small intestine is prolonged and constipation is seen with increased absorption from the colon. Decreased motility also triggers gas formation, causing bloating and distension. Excessive gas formation with increased intra-abdominal pressure may cause unintentional gas release during pregnancy.

In order to prevent this situation, it is useful to consume as little gas as possible, to consume as much fluids, to consume plenty of pulp foods and to act abundantly.

Changes in the function of the large intestine (colon) also occur during pregnancy. Normally, the liquid material from the proximal colon ileum concentrates and this region is the most important part of the electrolyte and water absorption. It has been shown in animal experiments that colon motility decreases in pregnancy and colon transition time is prolonged. During pregnancy, water absorption in colon increases by 59% and sodium absorption increases by 45%. Decrease in motility was attributed to the increase in endogenous opioids in pregnancy with progesterone.

Sudden Vomiting

In the first trimester of pregnancy, nausea and vomiting occur in 70 to 90% of pregnant women. Mild or moderate nausea and vomiting are considered physiological and normal. It is more common in young, obese pregnant women, those who have had their first pregnancy, who have nausea while using contraceptive pills, who have excessive nausea in their previous pregnancies or who have a history of nausea and vomiting in their mother. Low levels of prolactin and high levels of estrogen increase nausea even if there is no vomiting. Usually 4-8 of pregnancy. weeks, 14-16. week ends. It has no negative effect on the baby's development. Especially seen in the morning. It is therefore referred to as morning morning sickness..
Sometimes the smell of a food or an item can trigger vomiting. To avoid this, it may be advisable to be in a well-ventilated, odorless environment, and to take frequent and small amounts of dry food. To prevent vomiting in the morning, it will be effective to get up after defeating a cracker on the bedside. It may be useful to consult with a doctor if necessary to use anti-nausea drugs.

In severe cases such as weight loss (loss of more than 5% of body weight), fluid-electrolyte loss or acidosis, when oral food intake is not possible, hospitalization and intravenous fluid treatment are required. In such cases, differential diagnosis of gastroenteritis, gallbladder inflammation (cholecystitis), pancreatitis, pyelonephritis, liver diseases, hepatitis and thyroid diseases should be made.

Excessive Sweating

Sweating in the body during pregnancy and secretion of sebaceous glands increases. In pregnant women, there is an increase in blood volume and basal metabolic rate. The minute volume of the heart (Cardiac Output) increases by 30-50% with advancing gestational week and reaches the highest level in 28-32 gestational week. Since increased blood volume causes heat increase, the increase in sweat secretion is activated as a protection mechanism. Sweating is the method of cooling the body. Wearing thin and light clothes, taking a warm shower and using antiperspirant deodorant can be mentioned as a cure.


In pregnancy, the nasal mucosa becomes edematous with the effect of increasing estrogen hormone and mucus secretion increases. Excessive mucus secretion in the nose causes obstruction and may force the pregnant woman to breathe by mouth. Although polyps may form in the nasal mucosa or sinuses in some pregnant women, they usually regress after birth.

Drinking more water, especially before bedtime saline, or saline lavage in the nostrils with saline, lie in the left side position and with a high pillow, it is useful to operate a humidifier in the room when necessary.

Anger and Crying Bouts, Forgetfulness

Pregnancy and birth are important turning points in woman's life. Pregnancy itself is a stress factor in itself, a process of questioning and uncertainty for the mother. It is inevitable that higher levels of anxiety are inevitable especially in pregnant women who have had problems in their previous pregnancies or whose previous pregnancy has resulted negatively.

As the birth approaches, concerns about how the birth will be, whether the child will be healthy or not, whether maternal roles and functions after birth can be carried out adequately are also common. However, in some pregnant women, these reactions may be high enough to disrupt compliance. In addition, the rapid development of the mother's body can cause great anxiety, which may be manifested by discontent, impatience, mood changes, crying and tantrums. This type of reaction is more common especially in pregnant women with severe nausea and vomiting. This is a temporary process and can be easily solved with the support of the family and the spouse. In case of unresolved cases, it will be appropriate to get professional support.

With the effect of progesterone, especially in the first three months of continuous desire to sleep, thoughtfulness, is manifested by forgetfulness. In order not to cause problems in daily life, taking small notes will provide convenience.

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Vaginal drugs on the agenda

Always Ultra Thin, Size 1, Regular Pads, Unscented 44 Count, Pack of 3

One of the topics that have been extensively researched recently is vaginal drug applications. For many years, the vaginal environment was thought to be a completely isolated and impermeable structure.
From here, the idea that drug applications were useless became widespread. Subsequent data showed that the vaginal drugs were absorbed in the same way as in the stomach. Especially after the menopause drugs / hormones used in the blood passes through the vagina easily.

What are the advantages of vaginal drugs?

The absorption of drugs from the patches applied to the skin is affected by the patient's weight. So the absorption of overweight patients is reduced. However, the weight of the patient is not effective in the drugs applied to the vagina. vaginal absorption does not change. At the same time, vaginal drug delivery times are long and more stable without the level of changes they provide in the blood. The doses used are also lower. Considering all this, vaginal drug applications have become more popular.

l Will vaginal drugs damage the vagina? Which medications are administered through the vagina?

Previously, only postmenopausal hormone drugs were intended for vaginal administration, but later they were used as prolactin-lowering drugs (dopamine) and Viagra was used vaginally to thicken the uterine layer. Also called indomethacin and used as a pain medication to prevent premature birth is given vaginally. Drugs have a very low risk of disrupting the acidic structure of the vagina and causing discharge.

l Can solutions be used?

Since the solutions used for vaginal cleaning are acidic, they can be applied for a period of time. However, they need not be used for a long time.

l Is the structure of the vagina suitable for drug intake?

It was found that the vagina showed a structure parallel to the floor when the woman was standing, not perpendicular to the floor. Therefore, the possibility of a drug administered deep into the vagina is very weak. Technically, however, it is natural for some women to have difficulty applying it. But the application technique can be taught.

l Can you give us information about vaginal rings?

It was seen that low dose hormones used as birth control method could be loaded into a ring-shaped plastic tube and applied to the vagina in this way. Silicone rings are placed in the back of the vagina and remain there for 28 days. Then a week's break is taken and replaced with a new one. Men don't feel it during the relationship. Thus, women get rid of the obligation to take medication every day. This method, which has a low incidence of side effects, will become widespread in our country in the near future.

What are the expected improvements in vaginal medications in the future?

In the future, vaginal applications (in monthly capsules) of the depot form of medications that need to be continuously administered (eg cardiac medicines, sugar-lowering medications, etc.) will also be on the agenda. In addition, the prevention of urinary incontinence drugs, AIDS-causing viruses or drugs that prevent the transmission of Herpes virus is also being studied for vaginal use.

l How should vaginal cleaning be provided?

Millions of bacteria live together in the vagina. The acid of the medium prevents one of them from overgrowing. In addition, the defense system in the vagina is very advanced. This also reduces the risk of germs contamination during sexual intercourse. But it does not reduce to zero. It is not suitable to apply soap to the inner parts for vaginal cleaning as this will damage the environment. The most convenient application to be wiped only with warm water.

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Carefree Acti-Fresh Body Shape Pantiliners Extra Long Unscented - 93 Count

Women are ashamed of these questions!

Carefree Acti-Fresh Body Shape Pantiliners Extra Long Unscented - 93 Count

It is not difficult to get answers to questions that women are afraid to ask, perhaps because they are said to be ‘disgraceful küçük from an early age, perhaps because they do not have the courage to face the facts. You can recognize your body with a little confidence.

How do I know if I have an orgasm?

This is one of the questions that women are afraid to ask. Women who are constantly hearing stories of orgasms from other women around them begin to doubt themselves and think that they have a problem. However, firstly, it is necessary to accept; It is not something that has an orgasm immediately. According to experts, it takes a certain time to learn orgasm, because orgasm is considered a learned reflex. Especially in women, the clitoris is very rich in nerve structure. But not every woman can reach orgasm in every sexual intercourse. In women, orgasm, clitoris or other sensitive areas of the pressure, the body tension and vagina, uterus and rectum to create contractions, these contractions is caused by increased heart and blood pressure. Like the duration of orgasm, its intensity varies from person to person. In fact, women do not understand whether orgasm or not, such as the situation is not very much because a woman can easily understand these changes in the body.

Can I have an orgasm in a row?

Women are ashamed of these questions

Women are warned more slowly and harder than men. But the biggest chance of women is to have orgasm in a row. The woman takes longer to ejaculate and can have consecutive sexual intercourse. Therefore, it is possible to experience orgasm in a row.

Sometimes I get hurt after sexual intercourse, why?

When vaginal fluid is insufficient, pain can be felt after sexual intercourse. These pains do not usually mean anything, but if the pain has become permanent and recurs during each intercourse, you should definitely see a doctor. Because this type of pain can be a herald of vaginal cysts and wounds.

Does cleaning the genital area after sexual intercourse prevent pregnancy?

Women are ashamed of these questions

Cleaning the genital area after sexual intercourse does not prevent pregnancy because sperm can enter quickly and initiate pregnancy. If ejaculation occurs outside the genital area, the sperm is cleaned and the chance of pregnancy is reduced. But it should not be trusted too, because sperm can survive for a long time without losing its effect.

Is there any harm to having sex during menstruation?

Women are ashamed of these questions

Some experts argue that it is harmful, while others say that menstrual sex can be entered. The vagina is more susceptible to infections during menstruation, so it is necessary to pay more attention to cleanliness and protection. However, some women may be willing during this period and if their spouses do not feel uncomfortable with them, there is no harm in being together.

Is it necessary to use special products for vaginal cleaning?

Women are ashamed of these questions

Women are hesitant about vaginal cleansing, especially in recent years about cleansing gels, creams, handkerchiefs and even sprays. In fact, some experts say that these products should be used, while others argue that they should not. In short, experts have not reached a consensus on this issue. But there is a known fact that the vagina region has its own flora and its degradation by externally applied substances makes it weak to bacteria. There is an acidic environment inside the vagina and there is a possibility that products such as soap and gel may disrupt the acidic environment. Washing the vagina with soap can cause a burning sensation as well as the destruction of benign bacteria and body defenses in this area. This leads to serious infections. It is important to note that the cleaning fluids produced for the vagina are used only on the outer genital area, not into the vagina.

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What is vaginal suppository and how to use it?

U by Kotex Security Ultra Thin Pads, Heavy Flow, Long, Unscented, 56 Count

Main topics of this content
What is suppository?

Healing can enter your body in several different ways. You can swallow a pill, drink medicine in liquid form or take suppositories. A suppository is another way of using a medication. A small, round or cone-shaped object that you often put on your body. Once inside, it melts and releases its medication. Suppositories may not be the nicest products you'll ever use. However, they may make it easier for you to take medicines that you cannot swallow or that your stomach or intestines do not absorb well.

What are the types of suppositories?

Suppositories, also known as suppositories in medicine, have a base made from substances such as gelatin or cocoa butter surrounding the drug. When the temperature of your body melts outward, the drug slowly releases. There are different types of suppositories that can be inserted into the rectum, vagina, or bladder drainage channel called the urethra. Sometimes the suppositories treat the area where you put them in, or the medication is sucked into your blood and goes to other parts of your body.

Rectal suppositories enter from the bottom. They are about one centimeter long and have a round or bullet shaped tip. You can get rectal suppositories to treat the following problems:

Motion sickness
Pain and itching
Mental health problems such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder
Vaginal suppositories are oval shaped and you can use them for the following problems:

Bacterial or fungal infections
Vaginal dryness
Birth control
Urethral suppositories are rarely used. There is only one type of suppository that can be used by those with erection problems to take alprostadil. The suppository is the size of a grain of rice.

Why use roving?

You may need a suppository if:

The suppository you get will break down in your digestive system much faster than when you use it as a pill or as a liquid.
If you can't swallow a drug.
If you're vomiting and can't hold pills or fluids.
The drug leaves a bad taste in your mouth.
What is vaginal suppository?

Vaginal suppositories are solid drugs that are thrown into the vagina with a special applicator. The body quickly absorbs medicines from vaginal suppositories. They work faster than oral medications. This is because the suppositories melt in the body and are absorbed directly into the bloodstream.

How to use vaginal suppositories?

What you will need: In addition to suppositories, you will also need soap, water and towels. You can also use a sanitary napkin.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

You can use these instructions to give yourself a vaginal suppository. If you are a medic, you can also use these steps to give suppositories to another person.


Wash your vaginal area and hands with warm soap and warm water and dry thoroughly with clean towels.
Remove the dressing from the wick.
Place the wick at the end of the applicator. If you are using a pre-made roving applicator, skip this step. A pre-prepared applicator already contains the drug.
Hold the applicator up to the wick-free tip.
Placing the wick:

It is possible to lie on your back with your knees bent or to bend your knees and open your feet with a few centimeters apart and stand.
Gently insert the applicator into the vagina as far as it will go.
Press the applicator pin fully.
This pushes the wick back into your vagina.
Then remove the applicator from your vagina.

If the applicator is to be reused, clean the package according to the packaging instructions. If not, discard in the trash.
Discard all used materials.
Wash your hands immediately with soap and warm water.
Useful Tips

Vaginal suppositories may leak, so it may be more convenient to place them before bedtime. You can wear a sanitary napkin to protect bed linen or clothing.
Rapid immersion of the wick into the water before use can help. This may facilitate dissolution and absorption.
Store the wicks in a cool place to avoid melting before use. If the drug suggests a label, you can store it in the refrigerator.
Use your medication for as long as directed by your doctor or according to the instructions of the product.
You can use a vaginal suppository during your period.
Do not use tampons when using a vaginal suppository. Buffers can absorb part of the drug. This may prevent good performance of the wick.
General Problems Related to Using Wick

Suppositories are generally safe. However, you may experience some problems when you take the medicines as follows:

Some medications may leak.
Sometimes your body doesn't absorb the medicine as well as you take it in your mouth
The drug may irritate your location.

Consult your doctor before using a suppository if:

If you have irregular heart rhythm
If you have just undergone surgery in your rectum
If you recently had prostate surgery
If you have undergone surgery or radiation therapy in your vaginal area
Vaginal Suppository as a Birth Control Method: Spermicide

The spermicide may be in the form of foam, tablet, cream and suppository. Chemicals in the sperm kill prevent sperm from fertilizing an egg. Most spermicides use nonoxynol-9 chemicals.

Although spermicides can be used alone, they are more effective when combined with condoms or diaphragms. Spermicides used alone are about 70 to 80% effective, but when used together and properly, spermicides and condoms are about 97% effective in preventing pregnancy. The use of nonoxynol-9-containing spermicides may cause irritation of the genital tissue, making it easier to transmit HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. If irritation of the vagina or penis develops, it is recommended that you stop using it and talk to your doctor.

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