Sunday, October 6, 2019

Toenail Fungus Stop Nail Repair Pen 2 Pcs, Nail Fungus Stop, Fingernail Fungus,Fungi Nail Fungus Remover, Fungus Nail Care Solution

Hand and Feet Head Enemy: Nail Fungus

Toenail Fungus Stop Nail Repair Pen 2 Pcs, Nail Fungus Stop, Fingernail Fungus,Fungi Nail Fungus Remover, Fungus Nail Care Solution

Atasehir Memorial Medical Center Dermatology Department Experts, "Nail fungus and treatment" gave information about.

Nail fungal infection; Of dermatophyte ”called fungi, yeasts and molds are formed by fungi. Fungal nail is a cosmetic problem, as well as an infection involving the nail bed and plaque and needs treatment.

Pointed toe shoes and false manicure pedicure applications attention!
Scouring, crumbling, thickening, discoloration under the nails are some of the findings of fungi. Fungus tends to settle on damaged nails rather than solid nails. In the case of traumatic conditions such as small or pointed shoes compressing the feet, unconsciously manicure and pedicure operations and blows to the nails, the structure of the nail deteriorates and becomes more susceptible to infections.

Public areas pave the way for nail fungus formation
Fungi are very common organisms in nature. They are especially concentrated in warm, humid places that are open to common use. In addition to contamination from the external environment; fungal infections can occur without external contamination, such as fungi found in spore on the skin under appropriate reproductive conditions. Outdoor environments are usually pools, shared showers, dressing rooms, non-sterile manicure and pedicure instruments. In cases where the contamination does not play a basic role, housewives whose hands do not come out of the water, leaving feet wet after bathing, such as sweating, increase the humidity and heat.

Nail fungal infection should be treated immediately
When a nail fungus is seen, a dermatologist should be consulted as soon as possible. In addition to oral medication; Drugs are also available on the nail. The choice of oral or topical treatment (direct application of drugs to the skin by various methods) is made according to the rate of fungal retention of the nail and the type of fungus. Oral treatment is continued for 3 months for foot nails and 2 months for hand nails. However, this time is less than the time it takes for the nail to fully regain its normal appearance. For example, the complete nail change time of the toenails varies depending on the age, but on average is 9-12 months. The duration of topical treatment may be up to 6 months. Side effects compared to oral treatment are very few.

Other considerations:
In addition to treatment; The reasons that facilitate the formation of fungi should be eliminated as much as possible. In this way, the same condition can be prevented after recovery. General approaches such as not leaving the feet wet, preventing sweating and protecting the nails from impacts will be beneficial in this regard. Additional measures include using slippers in public areas, taking care of personal belongings such as slippers and foot towels, and using a personal manicure set.

Toenail Fungus Stop Nail Repair Pen 2 Pcs, Nail Fungus Stop, Fingernail Fungus,Fungi Nail Fungus Remover, Fungus Nail Care Solution

FunguCept Nail. Fungal Nail Solution. Nail Fungus Solution For Fungal, Discolored, Thickened and Crumbled Nail. Visibly results in 4 weeks.0.33 oz

Foot fungi and ingrown toenails

FunguCept Nail. Fungal Nail Solution. Nail Fungus Solution For Fungal, Discolored, Thickened and Crumbled Nail. Visibly results in 4 weeks.0.33 oz

Foot fungus formation is a common problem. It occurs on the skin of the feet and nails. The airless, humid and dark feet in the shoes provide a very suitable environment for the formation of fungus. Mushrooms are infectious, says Uzm. Dr. Serap Öztürk Durur shares his views on the subject.

We are inviting almost all of our feet into shoes, and we invite almost the mushrooms with the wrong shoe selection and wrong socks. For example; synthetic socks, air-preventing, sweaty shoes, sports shoes, such as side elements invites mushrooms.
Of course there is a contagious feature of the fungus says Uzm. Dr. Serap Öztürk Durur shares his views on the subject. Therefore, common areas (such as gyms, swimming pools, wet floors), other shoes, slippers, nail clippers and foot care in unhygienic environments can easily spread the fungus. Of course, some diseases are effective in the formation of fungi. Skin diseases, such as diabetes, sweating, psoriasis and eczema, also accelerate the growth of fungi. '

How is fungus treated?

Foot and nail fungus is a very common skin problem. Many people develop athlete's foot at least once in a lifetime. It is mostly seen in adult and adolescent males, but less rare in women and children under 12 years of age. Although the fungus can be easily treated, it can be repeated even after successful treatment. The causative germs are small plant-like organisms called fungi. Mushrooms grow best in dark, damp and warm environments.

Athlete's foot treatment should begin immediately after diagnosis. Mild anti-fungal creams are effective and relieve burning sensation and itching. Anti-fungal drugs should be taken orally if more severe or fungal disease does not go away with the use of the drug. Herbal creams and capsules can also be used in the treatment of foot fungus.

Treatment of nail fungus is difficult, requires oral medication for months. It is important that oral medications and creams are used regularly and for the time prescribed by the doctor so that the fungal disease does not recur. Because even though the appearance of the skin improves, fungal disease may remain active and may reappear after a period of cessation of treatment. Therefore, it is a disease that should be given importance to prevention as well as treatment.

How can we protect from foot fungus?

• We should choose natural leather when choosing shoes. Shoes should not be too narrow so that there can be air circulation. Plenty of shoes is not a healthy choice because it will rub.

• Cotton or wool socks should be preferred.

• After removing our feet from the shoes, it is necessary to wash and dry them to clean them from bacteria accumulated during the day. This ensures daily hygiene. Afterwards, leaving our airless feet open all day long will provide air.

• Open shoes in summer should be preferred.

• Particular attention should be paid to moisture accumulated between the fingers, between the fingers should be cleaned and dried thoroughly. Other socks and shoes or slippers should not be used.

• Household tools such as nail clippers and nail files should be personal.

• If family members have fungi in bathrooms and similar wet floors, care must be taken and hygiene should be ensured.

• In order to ventilate the shoe, the other person can be ventilated throughout the day by wearing different shoes every other day.

If it is a sweaty foot, wipe it off with a soapy cloth and leave it for ventilation.

• Avoid spreading cream between fingers, instead of using special powders or spray protective products.

Ingrown toenail

Ingrown toenail is a problem that is seen in many people and may cause discomfort and pain to the extent that it prevents the person from walking or working. Ingrown toenail can occur on all toes, but usually occurs on the thumb. As the nail grows, it tends to sink into the skin on one or both sides, while the tissue on the nail edge advances towards the nail as a result of inflammation.

Causes of ingrown nails:

1- Faulty and deeply cut toenails

2- Narrow and pointed toe shoes that do not fit well

3- Continuous exposure to impacts

4- Pregnancy and postpartum period

5- Obesity

6- Fungal infection of nails

To prevent nail sticking, it is necessary to cut the toenails straight, not to cut too short and to nail well and remove edge sharpness.

In addition, patients should pay attention to the shoes they wear. They have to stay away from shoes that are narrow in front and squeeze their feet. It is important that the feet do not remain damp in any way and that there are no small cracks on the fingertips due to drying and crusting. Otherwise, the fungus settling here will cause finger toe and accompanying nail fungus, which will cause the deformed and thickened nail to sink. Choosing suitable shoes is very important when doing sports, tightening or hard shoes cause damage to the nails and sink. Sneakers should be preferred. Elongated nails should be cut as straight as possible.

What is the treatment of ingrown nail?

For treatment purposes, we divide the nail into two parts. Mild cases of nail ingrowing that do not yet require surgical intervention or withdrawal, or chronic cases that persist for more than a few weeks. In case of slight stinging, warm water baths repeated 2-3 times a day, cleaning the sinking part of the nail with antibiotics, applying antibiotic cream or oral antibiotics in the presence of infection may be good results. Again, in the case of slight stinging, the nail is kept in hot water between the nail bed for a while and it may be curative to put a cotton swab following antiseptic application and change it daily. This creates a buffer zone between the nail and the skin, allowing the nail to grow from there without sinking into the meat.

When the nail grows, it is not curved but also straight. In the case of light stinging, instead of cotton application, nail wire application has recently been introduced. Specially prepared nail strings made many nail extraction processes unnecessary. This procedure, which does not require surgery and often anesthesia, removes the convex structure of the sinking nail and lifts both sides slightly from the nail bed and skin to prevent sinking, thus eliminating the complaints. These wires, which are worn for about 3-4 weeks, become problem solver many times. This method will be increasingly preferred because it is much less painful and does not lead to loss of labor.

FunguCept Nail. Fungal Nail Solution. Nail Fungus Solution For Fungal, Discolored, Thickened and Crumbled Nail. Visibly results in 4 weeks.0.33 oz

Amoresse Thymol

Nail Fungus Treatment

Amoresse Thymol

Nail fungus can arise from the weakened immune system, due to the void arising from circulatory problems, depending on the use of the wrong shoe or can be reproduced for various reasons (). Regardless of the cause, nail fungus, which can be easily treated with simple precautions and drugs without side effects, should be prevented before proceeding.
What Is Nail Fungus An infection called nail fungus is caused by microorganisms called dermotophytes.

Toenail fungus, a common infection problem in the foot skin;
95% dermotophytes and molds,
5% of the yeast is formed by fungi (). Its prevalence is almost 50% of all diseases of the toenails.
This disease can occur alone or at the same time it can occur with diseases that exist in the hands and feet. When the general condition of the patients is examined, the possibility of foot fungus is quite high in people with fungal disease anywhere in the body.

Causes of Nail Fungus
The nail fungus, caused by the formation of difficult moments, is commonly caused by incorrect cut of the nail, that is to say, cutting from the bottom. The nail is shorter than it should be, allowing the fungus to easily penetrate and hold the inside of the nail.
Pointed-toe shoes cause deterioration of the nail's anatomical structure, making the nail vulnerable to attack. Even if shoes with pointed toes are preferred, they should not be worn for more than a few hours for nail health.
Accidentally pressing the toenail causes injury to the nail. The damaged nail creates an effect just like the effect of the pointed toe on the foot and prepares the ground for the nail to be exposed to fungal attack.
Long-term use of antibiotics or cortisone-containing drugs in the treatment of any disease triggers the formation of fungal nails.
Previous infections of the soles of the feet are among the factors that play a role in fungal formation. Although the old condition has healed, this indicates a risk of recurrence.
Another reason for fungal nails is the weak immune system. People with impaired immune system have a higher risk of developing fungal problems. With the support of the immune system nail fungus treatment is accelerated.
Circulatory disorders and some of the problems caused by it increase the likelihood of fungus especially in the toenails. As seen in the toenails, this problem is frequently experienced throughout the foot.
Symptoms of Nail Fungus The first sign of nail fungus is the change in the appearance of the nail. Healthy nail image is a smooth, transparent nail structure that is not too thin or too thick. While this image disappears in the nail fungus, the top of the nail peels, breaks, exfoliation occurs. The occurrence of at least one of these changes is considered a symptom for the diagnosis of the disease (,).

Another sign of nail fungus is the color change that occurs. All nails turn yellowish, greenish or brown. Formerly transparent nail color completely disappears.

Amoresse Thymol

Nail Fungus Cream,Nail Fungus Treatment,Nail Fungus Remover,Nail fungus,Nail Infection Fungus Stop Anti Fungus Nail Treatment Fingernail Toenail Fungus Nail Care

Laser Nail Fungus Treatment

Nail Fungus Cream,Nail Fungus Treatment,Nail Fungus Remover,Nail fungus,Nail Infection Fungus Stop Anti Fungus Nail Treatment Fingernail Toenail Fungus Nail Care

What is Nail Fungus?
Nail fungus is a kind of infection. This infection consists of an organism called dermatophyte. Nail fungus usually occurs in the nail bed and spreads to the nails, causing various problems.

What Are the Symptoms of Nail Fungus?
Symptoms of nail fungus,
- Various deformities in nails
- Knurling and roughness on nail tips
- Yellow nail color and greening at advanced levels
- Breaking of nails, exfoliation
- Odor problem in nail fungi
- Symptoms such as dirt accumulation between the nails.
How to Treat Nail Fungus with Laser?
The treatment is carried out with the help of laser beams. The nail root and nail are scanned with laser beams. No anesthesia is required in the procedure. The process takes approximately 15 minutes. The number of sessions may vary depending on the fungal problem and the number of fingernails experienced by the problem.

How Lasers Treat Fungi with an Effect?
The effect of laser in fungal treatment is as follows;
Due to the energy of laser rays, it has a certain degree of heat. This heat energy has the effect of killing fungi and drying infectious bacteria that make up fungi. With this heat energy, the fungi are destroyed in the first sessions. After the fungi have been destroyed, the nail shape color is again corrected by laser treatment. This correction is achieved by the healing power of the laser. After the fungus is prevented by laser, the nail becomes longer and the shape starts to improve. It is necessary to take precautions to prevent the germ from repeating.

Is there any harm to the nails?
No. This treatment is a safe application without side effects. Laser kills only fungi without causing pain and pain in the nails. No other side effects or deformities, scars.

How Many Sessions Are Nail Fungal Treatment Done?
Laser nail fungus treatment; once a week in total 4 sessions.

Fungal Treatment with Laser
This treatment can be applied to all patients with fungal problems. However, in order to take precautions in every situation, you should consult your doctor if you are suitable for treatment.

Is Laser Nail Fungus Treatment Permanent?
The treatment results are permanent if there is no active fungal problem and precautions are taken.

How to Prevent Nail Fungus?
Nail fungus is an infection problem. For this reason, the rules to be followed after treatment will be explained in detail by your doctor, but general rules are to pay attention to nail and foot care, socks preference, quality and daily socks cleaning, personal cleaning order is to pay attention. Besides it is important to regularly apply pedicure and special foot care products, apply antifungal lotions.

What is the price of nail fungus treatment with laser?
Laser nail fungus treatment prices vary according to the number of sessions. Therefore, controls and treatment plan should be clarified. Please call our clinic for price information and appointment.

Nail Fungus Cream,Nail Fungus Treatment,Nail Fungus Remover,Nail fungus,Nail Infection Fungus Stop Anti Fungus Nail Treatment Fingernail Toenail Fungus Nail Care

Fungus Killer 0.25oz Bottle Boxed (3 Pack)

How to treat nail fungus?

Fungus Killer 0.25oz Bottle Boxed (3 Pack)

Nail fungus is a very common infection that usually affects the toenails. In the first stage, fungi cause nail color change. It then changes its texture, thickness and quality until it becomes brittle. How to treat nail fungus? If the question is not answered and untreated, fungi can spread to other nails.

Protection Methods
Nail fungus can be transmitted from person to person or from animal to person. In addition, nail fungi can be transmitted from sand, soil or uninfected towels. It is therefore important to protect your feet and hands when in contact with dirty surfaces. To avoid possible infection, you must follow the basic hygiene rules. You should wash your hands and feet frequently, especially after contact with dirty surfaces. You should always use your own towels. You should wear gloves when washing dishes. You should never walk barefoot in damp areas such as gyms and swimming pools.

Treatment And Natural Methods
There are effective drugs to treat nail fungus. You should first see your doctor at the onset of the disease. The treatment process can be short or long. However, the drugs used may not always work. It is used in natural methods in the treatment of nail fungus. Among the main treatment methods, garlic is the first. Garlic is one of the most effective natural antimicrobial components that you can use to deal with fungi. Another method used is natural yogurt, which contains active bacterial cultures that affect the environment in which yogurt fungus needs to survive. In this way, mushroom formation is destroyed. Vicks is an ointment used to treat the symptoms of respiratory problems. However, people do not know that antimicrobial properties may contribute to the treatment of nail-affected fungi. The main fungal treatment methods are presented for you.

Fungus Killer 0.25oz Bottle Boxed (3 Pack)

Toenail Fungus Stop Nail Repair Pen 4 Pcs, Nail Fungus Stop, Fingernail Fungus,Fungi Nail Fungus Remover, Fungus Nail Care Solution


Toenail Fungus Stop Nail Repair Pen 4 Pcs, Nail Fungus Stop, Fingernail Fungus,Fungi Nail Fungus Remover, Fungus Nail Care Solution

Nail Fungus is seen in 2 out of every 100 people in our country. While some of them are not disturbing, some of them are very painful and can create a very bad image. How to treat nail fungus? Nail Fungus Laser Surgery and Healing Methods Full Details in Our News…

Causes of fungal nails and treatment methods need to know about

Fungal nail fungal infections are quite common in our society and affect the daily life quality of the person, contrary to popular belief. In this article, you can read in detail the causes of nail fungus, how to treat it, and many other necessary information.

What is Fungal Infection in Nail?

Foot skin infections are the main cause of fungal formation. Mushrooms settle in the outermost layer of the skin and start living here. But they can also penetrate into structures that are much harder in terms of keratin, such as nails. Thus, nail fungal infection occurs.

Nail fungus-why-would-be
How does it look?

It occurs very rarely on hand nails. It occurs quite commonly on the toenails. It usually begins to form under the nail and progresses towards the root of the nail over time, thickens and loosens the nail. In the later stages, the nail is highly damaged. A person suffering from nail fungus has 90 percent simultaneous toe or soles.

What Causes This Infection?

Dermatophyte fungi are the most common fungus types that cause nail fungus. Less common type of nail fungus is called yeast. In people with diabetes, feet sweat too much, foot and nail fungus is seen more.

What are the symptoms?

There are no symptoms at the initial stage. Thickening of the nails occurs in later stages. Discoloration, nail deformity, and pain on the nail. Cutting the nail becomes very difficult. The appearance of the nail is quite uncomfortable.

What is the appearance of infected nail?

It consists of a yellowish and white color on the nails. It thickens and crumbles. Very rarely, white spots and streaks appear on the nail surface. Much more infection occurs on the foot or the little toe of the foot. Redness, swelling and pain may also occur on the skin around the nail.

How to Diagnose?

There are many nail diseases other than fungi, and their appearance in the early stages is often similar to each other. It is therefore likely to be mixed. But other infections do not heal with fungicides. Before starting the treatment, it should be confirmed that the nail condition is fungal and the treatment should be started in this way. The doctor takes a small piece of nail and examines it under the microscope and makes a definite diagnosis.

How to treat nail fungus?

Precise diagnosis

MorAmorolfin nail polish can be effective in fungal cases limited to the distal tip of the nail

- Deformed toenails with urea ointment treatment by a podiatrist can achieve good results

- Terbinafintedavide is the most effective drug used. But even this medicine can improve 50% of the fungal foot. The dose to be taken is 250 milligrams per day for 3 or 4 months. The hand nails are 250 milligrams per day for 6 months.

- Drugs applied on the nail are more ineffective than oral medications. Spreading drugs alone cannot cure infections deep in the nails.

- Elderly patients are more difficult to recover.

The disease never heals itself. Treatment must be applied. If left untreated, it may lead to soft tissue infections. Getting rid of the fungus is the main target. The deformation of the nail will gradually disappear and the nails will look as it should be.

Oral Drug Treatment

Terbinafine and Itraconazole are the most effective drugs. These drugs have a treatment rate of 90 percent in hand nails and 80 percent in foot nails. It is taken on a full stomach once a day for 1,5 months for hand nails and 3 months for foot nails.

Itraconazole is cured for one week every month. Two times for hand nails, three times for foot nails, seven days medication, 21 days without medication, and often sufficient. However, the subsequent nail grows very heavy, so it takes 6-8 months for the new nail to be fully formed.

Surgical removal of the nails is not required in most cases. There is little need for nails to be taken because of improvement with medication.

Of course, there are also things to consider. The nails should always be kept dry and clean. Never wear socks and shoes with wet feet. A separate nail clipper should be used for infected nails and a separate nail clipper for other nails. In addition to the treatment of the nail, the use of fungal creams for the foot skin should never be neglected. Care should be taken to wear cotton socks. The socks should be changed every day and the same socks should not be worn for two consecutive days. Breathable shoes should be preferred. Care should be taken not to walk barefoot in swimming pools, baths and changing rooms.

Pregnant women should inform their doctor before starting treatment. In addition, if there is a drug taken for various reasons, in this case must be notified to the doctor.

Toenail Fungus Stop Nail Repair Pen 4 Pcs, Nail Fungus Stop, Fingernail Fungus,Fungi Nail Fungus Remover, Fungus Nail Care Solution

Arishine Toenail Fungus Treatment, Fungus Stop, Maximum Strength Anti-Fungal Nail Solution, Effective Against Nail Fungus, Anti-Fungal Toenails, Fingernails Solution, 4pcs


Arishine Toenail Fungus Treatment, Fungus Stop, Maximum Strength Anti-Fungal Nail Solution, Effective Against Nail Fungus, Anti-Fungal Toenails, Fingernails Solution, 4pcs

Nail fungus; is a fungal infection of the hand or toenails. Thickening of hands or toenails causes discoloration and discoloration. Several types of fungi can be caused by nail fungus. Fungus develops in a damp and airless environment inside the shoes. Toenail fungus can prepare the appropriate environment for nail fungus.

What are the symptoms of nail fungus?

Nail color turns yellow or brown. The nail thickens and grows excessively. There may be a smelly buildup under the nails. As the infection progresses, the nail may become crumbly and spilled, or it may become thick enough to cause discomfort or pain in the shoe.

How is nail fungus diagnosed?

Your dermatologist can diagnose by looking at the appearance of your fingernails and hands. Sometimes small samples can be taken from your nails. These samples are sent to the laboratory for testing and the diagnosis is definitive.

What are the factors that can increase your risk of nail fungus?

• Professions whose feet remain moist for a long time (soldiers, athletes, miners, etc.)

• A history of illness (diabetes, circulatory disorder, HIV) that may reduce your resistance to infection or prevent blood flow to your toes.

• Nail injury, trauma

• Wearing narrow and pointed shoes that pinch the fingers,

• Use of common areas such as changing rooms, swimming pool and shower

• Wearing the same shoes in a row

• Manicure and pedicure in non-hygienic environment with non-sterilized instruments

• Pressing the soil with bare feet

• Humid environment caused by excessive sweating of feet

• Poor foot hygiene

What is the expected duration of nail fungal disease?

Nail cork rarely heals itself. It is usually a chronic (long-lasting) condition. It may worsen and affect other nails. Although the affected nail falls, the new nail may be infected with fungus.

How is nail fungus protected?

To protect from nail fungus:

• Wear comfortable shoes and socks that allow your feet to breathe.

• No shoes, sandals or slippers belonging to others should be worn in common shower and dressing rooms.

• Wash your feet every day. Dry thoroughly and use a quality foot powder.

• Wear clean socks every day.

• Keep your nails short.

• Disinfect pedicure instruments before use.

How to treat nail fungus?

Treatment may begin with the removal of the infected nail as far as possible by your physician. This can be done as follows:

• Cutting the nail with scissors

• Rasping

• Melt with a cream containing urea

If your infection is mild and limited to a small area of ​​your nails, your dermatologist may give you an antifungal cream or medicated nail polish. If the infection is on a large area of ​​your nail or a few nails, your doctor may give you oral antifungal therapy such as terbinafine or itraconazole. Both drugs can sometimes cause distressing side effects. Itraconazole may cause serious drug interactions. If the nail fungus is resistant to treatment in very severe cases, it may be necessary to remove the entire nail surgically.

How does the nail look after treatment?

Many individuals can be treated with oral antifungal drugs for several months. However, even after the fungus has died, the nail may not return to its normal appearance. Some individuals may relapse even after successful treatment with oral antifungal medication.


Nail fungal disease - onychomycosis constitutes 3 Te 1 of skin fungal diseases and 50% of nail diseases. It is frequently observed in adults. It affects the nail plate (the nail itself), the nail bed and the nail matrix (root), the nail-making center. Fungal diseases of nail are a serious health problem because of the development of pain, causing other infections and being contagious. Particular attention should be paid to elderly patients, diabetics and patients with defensive problems. It also causes serious aesthetic problems in hands and toenails.

Treatments in nail fungal diseases can be grouped into 4 groups.

Removal of fungal nail areas from the nails by mechanical methods and / or medications. As these treatments are long lasting and laborious, patient compliance is not very good. The success of the treatment is low and the recurrence rate of the disease is high.

Apply fungicides to the nails for 3-6 months; The absorption of drugs from hard tissue such as nails is quite low. Treatment duration and daily use reduce patient compliance. In addition, the success of the treatment is low and the recurrence rate of the disease is high.

The use of oral fungicides for 3-6 months; Daily or weekly medications are used throughout the treatment. Its use is limited due to incompatibilities of its side effects and concomitant use with other drugs.

Laser and light treatments; systemic and local treatment resistant nail fungal diseases or patients who can not receive systemic treatment (elderly, children, liver problems, etc.) is preferred. Such as CO2 lasers, Nd: YAG lasers, 870/930-nm IPL systems, UV and photodynamic treatments.

Nail is a slowly growing skin patch. Treatment of nail fungus provides new healthy nail development. Therefore, regardless of the treatment, the clinical improvement of the nail varies depending on the involvement of the nail, but lasts for 3-12 months.

Laser treatments; With its low risk and wide safe usage, high patient compliance and clinical improvement, it is among the first treatment options in nail fungi.

The first laser system used in nail fungi is the long-shot Nd: YAG laser. When laser radiation is applied to the nail, it is absorbed by the tissues in the nail and nail bed and heat is generated. In clinical studies, it has been shown that nail laser increases the temperature to 48-51 C after application and this heat destroys fungal agents and bacteria. The laser does this without damaging the nail bed, the nail and the surrounding soft tissue.

Laser is applied on the nail with fungal infection covering the entire area of ​​the nail. This application is repeated 1-3 times with 2-3 minutes intervals in the same session according to the nail fungus clinic. The following figure shows the application of the laser, the 48-51 C temperature rise in the nail with the thermal imager during the application.

Treatment of nail fungus 2

This heat that occurs during the application causes warming and tingling sensation in many patients during the session. During the application, there is a slight pain that the patient can tolerate easily. Cooling systems are often not preferred when it is considered that our aim is to heat the nail in the laser structure with the support of cold air without the need for local anesthesia. However, it can be used in people who cannot tolerate heat. There is no need for painkillers, dressings and medication. There is no need for rest since there is no limitation of pain and daily activity on the days after the session. There is no restriction for nail manicure, pedicure and nail polish use after laser treatment.

There is no change in the nail fungus clinic during and immediately after treatment. Elimination of fungal agents in the nail after laser healthy nail elongation occurs over time. After laser treatment, there is clinical change in hand nails 2-6 months and toenails 3-12 months.

The sessions are 2-4 sessions with 1 week intervals for a nail.

Laser application time varies between 15-45 minutes depending on the number of nails to be treated.

The superior side of laser treatment in nail fungus treatments is that it is effective against both fungal agents and bacteria. Because in nail fungal diseases, some bacteria can multiply in the nails.

Another used laser system in nail fungal diseases is Q switched lasers. When fungi and bacteria settle in the nail, some of the pigment substances they secrete can give the nail a green, black or even yellow color. Q switched lasers can also be used by targeting these pigment materials.

If the patient does not take protective measures after the fungus, the disease may recur in the same nail or others.

Fractional Co2 lasers have recently been used in the treatment of nail fungi. Clinically, fungal areas of fungal nails are treated with 3 sessions of fractional Co2 laser at 4 weeks intervals. Since this application is painful, local anesthesia is needed beforehand.

Between the sessions, the patient should use creams or nail solutions on these nails. The aim of this application is to open micro tunnels on the nail with Co2 laser and increase the absorption of drugs from the tunnels.

Laser treatment of nail fungus; should not be done in patients who have used isotretionin in the last 6 months, in those who use vasodilator drugs, who use permanent or semi-permanent paint on the fingernail (even if the nail polish is removed).

Arishine Toenail Fungus Treatment, Fungus Stop, Maximum Strength Anti-Fungal Nail Solution, Effective Against Nail Fungus, Anti-Fungal Toenails, Fingernails Solution, 4pcs