Saturday, October 5, 2019

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Influenza Infections

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Gribal Infection is a disease caused by a virus called enza influenza olan which causes epidemics especially in the autumn, winter and early spring. Influenza infection; It can be transmitted through the respiratory system after sneezing and coughing in the presence of sick people, and can easily be transmitted to the human body after handshaking.

Influenza infection secretes and transports viruses called microvirus influenza on the mouth and nose secretions of individuals suffering from this disease. This virus is RNA virus and can cause outbreaks, but this virus is not strong against environmental factors and can be easily destroyed by the immune system.

Symptoms of Flu Infection

The flu suddenly begins after an incubation period of 2 days. High fever, headache, muscle pain, fatigue, loss of appetite are frequently observed symptoms. Fever usually lasts 3 days, burning in the throat, runny nose, dry cough, excessive fatigue are other symptoms.

Fever: The body's response to influenza virus in the blood.

Cold: It is seen because of high fever.

Shivering: Chills seen as a result of fever is caused by the sensation.

Weakness: Due to the increased number of microbes in the blood, less oxygen is delivered to the tissues, so patients feel fatigue and fatigue.

Burning and pain in the throat: There is pain in the throat where the virus settles.

Influenza Infection is a virus-borne disease because there is no definite drug. The best treatment is to have regular vaccination every year. Symptomatic treatment is applied according to the patient's complaint. Symptomatic treatments such as bed rest, abundant fluid intake, analgesics and antipyretics, antiviral drugs are recommended. Complications should be monitored closely and treated appropriately.

Transmission of Influenza Infection

Influenza is infectious for up to 2 days before the onset of infection and until one week after the onset of symptoms.

Preventing Influenza Infection

Handwashing habits and the use of masks by sick people or those who come into contact with sick people and share the same environment are among the effective methods of protection. Another method of prevention is vaccination of individuals at risk.

Vaccination: Inactivated vaccines are vaccines that have proven efficacy in preventing influenza. The World Health Organization closely monitors the variability of the virus and makes annual recommendations for vaccine content. Each year, the vaccine content is prepared in accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization. In healthy adults, vaccine-protective antibody levels have been reported to be over 80% for influenza A. The rate of protection was lower in the elderly.

Vaccine; It is recommended for patients with influenza complications, people with a high probability of infection, anyone who is older than 6 months and who does not have egg allergy.

Groups with high risk of complications and mortality associated with influenza infection; People aged 65 and over, people of all ages staying in a nursing home or staying in a chronic care unit, patients with chronic lung and heart disease, chronic kidney and metabolic disease, immunodeficiency, high-risk pregnancies, high-risk individuals with the possibility of infecting influenza, doctors , nurses and other staff working in hospitals, working in chronic health care units, living in the same household as high-risk people are recommended to receive vaccines.

Things to do in influenza infections

Medication supplements recommended by your doctor may be used to strengthen the immune system. In particular, high-protein foods that strengthen the immune system (red / white meat or fish) should be consumed to increase the frequency of meals and fruit consumption in these meals.

Vitamin C, E and B are important for the immune system to work well. Vitamin C antivirus is effective and neutralizes the toxins of bacteria. Vitamin C can be obtained from all vegetables and fruits, especially green leafy vegetables and citrus fruits. Vitamin B prevents body resistance from falling, especially we should consume breads made from whole wheat flour. In addition, a powerful antioxidant that strengthens the immune system vitamin E and zinc for walnuts, almonds, nuts, such as nuts should be consumed. Lactobacillus, Aeidophilus and bifidobacteria bifidum are the most well known and used probiotics. The use of probiotics strengthens the immune system by increasing the number of cells in the body defense system. In order to remove the infection from the body, we should increase fluid consumption and drink 2-3 cups of herbal tea a day.

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Treatment Methods for Neck Headache

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Memorial Hospital Agri Polyclinic Uz. Dr. Mehmet Celik answered many of our questions about neck-related headache and treatment methods that are of interest to many of us.

It is often compared to migraine because of symptoms such as headache, nausea and vomiting from the neck. The most effective treatment for this condition is to block the nerves that transmit the pain.

What is a neck-related headache?
Contrary to popular belief, headaches do not always arise from the brain or other disorders of the head. It was thought for a long time that headache might be caused by the neck and in 1983, the International Headache Association defined ”neck-related headache”. In this type of pain, disorders of various structures in the neck cause headaches.

What are these structures?
Muscles in the neck region, cervical vertebrae, disc cushions between the vertebrae, facet joints that play an important role in the movement of the neck; in short, all the structures in the neck can be at the origin of the neck-related headache. Excessive contraction of muscles, disruption of the vertebrae and discs, herniated discs, ie neck hernia and joint calcification can cause these pain.

Who usually has neck-related headache?
The neck part of our body is the most moving part of our body that carries the weight of the head. Therefore, neck headache can be seen at any age and in both sexes because it is very susceptible to the harmful effects of external factors. Especially patients who have had a traffic accident before should be evaluated very carefully. Even after years of a traffic accident, headache can occur. Although this accident is not a large-scale traffic accident, it may cause micro traumas in the neck and pain in the neck when the head makes a whip motion in the front and back. In addition, with aging, calcifications in the bones and joints in the neck invite an headache from the neck. In addition, due to various rheumatologic diseases, problems may arise in the neck joints and manifest as headache. In addition, some of these patients may have a history of hard sports in the past.

What are the symptoms of neck-related headache?
The pain starts from the back of the head and from the back of the neck, and spreads upwards. This is rarely seen, although it sometimes spreads to the eye area. It is usually unilateral. However, sometimes the right side, sometimes the left side can change. The pain is not characterized by compression or throbbing, but is usually described as a contraction that begins and goes up the neck. There is usually no sensitivity to light and sound. Nausea or vomiting may occur. It can easily be mistaken for migraine when accompanied by nausea or vomiting. Unfortunately, as with many types of headache, neck headache patients have been mistakenly treated for migraine and treated with migraine.

How is the diagnosis made?
As with all headaches, it is necessary to listen to the patient's complaints in detail for the diagnosis of headache originating from the neck. The location, frequency, extent, severity and other characteristics of pain are questioned. Physical examination gives important clues. In addition, examination of the neck by radiological imaging methods may reveal the underlying discomfort. Cervical hernia with MRI of the neck and tomographic examination of the vertebrae of the neck may cause deterioration of the facet joints and calcification.

What are the treatment methods?
Patients with headache from the neck often attempt many painkillers after applying to the outpatient clinic. However, these pains do not end because they do not respond well to pain medications. It is known that physiotherapy provides benefit by relieving neck movements and removing muscle contractions in the neck. The most effective treatment method is the blocking of the nerves in the neck that transmit pain by radiofrequency thermocoagulation. The most prominent of these is the nerves of the joints, which are called facet joints between the neck vertebrae, which provide neck movements and are lined up on both sides of the back of the spine.

How many sessions is this procedure usually performed?
Blockage is a one-time procedure that is not performed during the sessions. The process is accompanied by a special computer-assisted imaging method. The patient is gently anesthetized to avoid any pain or discomfort during the procedure. However, general anesthesia (narcosis) is not required. After the procedure, the patient can resume normal daily life after several days of rest. The calcification of the facet joints is then opened with a regular exercise program to prevent recurrence of pain.

What other methods are available?
There are several other methods of cause after the cause has been put forward. For example, if headache occurs due to excessive contractions in the neck muscles, pain can be eliminated by making trigger point injections to these contractions. In the case of a hernia that spreads to the head due to neck hernia, drug injections are applied to the herniated disc region, if this hernia is not within surgical limits.

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Tension Headache Loves Young Women Most

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Girdi There was a pain in my head when I stopped and stopped ”
“My workplace was very stressful this week, so I have a constant headache”
Orum I can't tolerate light or sound, my head is boiling like a boiler kazan

If you make similar sentences with or without reason in certain periods, this may indicate tension-type headache. One of the most common illnesses in the hustle and bustle of daily life and stressful work is tension type headache. Dr. Abdullah Özkardeş gave information about the headache and made important recommendations.

Click here for detailed information about migraine!

Due to headaches, more than 10 million people go to a doctor or emergency room annually. There are more than 300 medical illnesses known to cause headaches. Headaches can be divided into 2 groups in general:

Primary headaches: Migraine, tension headache and cluster headache. More than 90% of headaches fall into this group.
Secondary headaches: Headaches caused by another disease (Infections, tumors in the head, vascular diseases)

Tension type headache is the most common type of headache

Tension type headache (GBA) affects 69% of men and 88% of women at any time in their lives. Although it can be seen at any age, it is mostly seen in young adults. It can be divided into two groups called “episodic” and “chronic::

Episodic pain is a pain that lasts for 30 minutes-7 days and has a suppressing and compressive character and holds both sides of the head. There should be at least 10 attacks. Pain may spread to the forehead and neck. They occur less than 180 times a year and are not severe pain. It is pain that does not increase with physical activity and does not cause nausea. There may be sensitivity to either light or sound.

In chronic tension headaches, the patient suffers at least 15 times a month and at least 6 months a year.

Pain comes after stress

There may be stress or tension at the onset of the disease. Although these factors do not cause muscle contraction or decrease in blood flow, they may cause sensitivity to the muscles surrounding the head. Depression in chronic tension headache can be sought as a underlying cause.

When should you go to the doctor?

Patients with increased frequency and severity of pain
Patients with pain after 50 years of age
Patients with pain, fever, stiff neck, skin rash
If a headache has started in patients diagnosed with HIV infection or cancer, a doctor should be consulted.

Emergency situations

Patients who have never had a headache or have suffered severe pain, the worst he has ever experienced. If the headache is explosive and very sudden, it is necessary to differentiate bleeding that may occur in or around the brain.
Patients with headache, loss of vision, loss of strength in the arm or leg, impaired speech and understanding.
Patients who have been traumatized before headache should go to hospital emergency services.
The diagnosis of tension headache is based on the patient's history and normal examination. If you are in doubt about other causes of headache, CT or MRI can be taken. Laboratory investigations may also be necessary for other suspected reasons.

Be careful when using painkillers

Many patients with GBA relieve pain with drugs such as aspirin and paracetamol. Irregular use of these analgesics may change GBA from episodic to chronic. For pain that does not go away with simple painkillers, stronger pain medications may be given. Preventive treatments such as antidepressants, beta-blockers and anticonvulsant drugs may be given for pain that cannot be controlled by painkillers. These drugs may be useful, even if the disease is migraine. New and fast-acting antidepressant medications are often used, with few side effects. Antidepressant drugs should be used for at least 1-2 months to decide if they are effective. If the patient has depression or anxiety disorder, or if the medication is over-used, all medications may be discontinued before starting effective treatment.

Measures to be taken against tension headache

Avoid busy work
Take your time
Take plenty of walking
Get short-term warm showers
Do not read books or watch movies of this kind to increase your tension

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Don't say headaches!

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You be the headache. See a specialist without losing time, especially in headaches that last for more than a few days and are increasingly associated with health problems elsewhere in the body.

We all have headaches from time to time. These pains are usually caused by ordinary things. But in principle, he doesn't think “Headache is anyhow, geçer especially when it comes to recurring headaches with increasing frequency and severity!
Keep in mind that headaches can sometimes be really unsolved and turn into a problem that creates a sense of despair.
If you are suffering from chronic, recurring headaches, the most important thing you should do is to seek help from specialized neurologists.
If your headaches are accompanied by nausea, vomiting, impaired balance, loss of strength in hands and feet, and fever, it is better to seek medical attention. These are considered emergency signs that accompany headaches.
He has a lot of expertise in dealing with headaches. But personally, if I'm suffering from a headache, I'll ask for help from a neurologist first. Note that there are also neurologists, especially those who specialize in headaches.
So, you guys do not say headaches. Headaches lasting more than a few days, increasing in severity, changing character, and thought to be associated with health problems elsewhere in the body should benefit from medical assistance without wasting much time.

I have a headache all the time, what should I do?

Whether there is a secondary cause of persistent pain should be examined. In patients who have suffered from periodic pain before, if the pain persists, the possibility of using a large number of pain medication or the underlying psychological causes should be investigated.

Are painkillers addictive?

Painkillers that are not morphine-derived are not addictive even when used continuously. However, a new type of pain may be added to existing pain due to overuse of the drug. In this case, the patient should consult a physician and seek help for treatment other than painkillers.

What are the causes of headache in older ages?

Migraine is a disease that decreases with age. The probability of starting at an advanced age is around 2 percent. Two headaches, especially those that start at an advanced age, are usually two health problems: these are either headaches due to vascular inflammation, which is called temporal arthritis, or hypnosis, which occurs only when sleeping at night. Hypnotic pain, especially during advanced ages and during REM sleep, is rarely encountered, but this possibility should be considered. These pains are so severe that they awaken one's sleep. In short, if a patient over the age of 50 has headaches, consult a doctor.

Is botox treatment useful in migraine?

Although these injections, which have been used in the treatment of headache in recent years, are a treatment alternative for frequent and chronic pain, they are not used as a priority treatment method because they are very expensive.

Does hypoglycemia cause headaches?

Yes! If you have headaches, do not forget to have your blood sugar checked. Because hypoglycemia can also cause headaches. It is a serious health problem as the sugar level in the blood is as low as it is high. Blood sugar should be at least 80. If this value is below 80, it means that you have a health problem called hypoglycemia. In addition to headache, if you also complain about sweet fondness, fasting, sudden hunger attacks, fatigue, sweating, sleep breaks, anger attacks, forgetfulness and confusion, the first health problem you should think of should be hypoglycemia. An important note: Hypoglycemia is a health problem that needs to be taken seriously. When blood sugar falls below 80, it deprives your cells of sugar, which is an energy source. Although every organ is affected by this condition, the brain and nervous system is the first.

When's the emergency?

Bul Nausea and vomiting with pain. These are problems that usually accompany migraine, but if the pain does not resemble migraine at all ...
Elde If you have complaints such as pain in the hand, loss of strength and numbness in the arm ...
Sa If the pain started like a violent explosion ... This is a serious condition, usually seen in the rupture of the bundle of blood vessels!
Sertlik If there are complaints such as stiffness, fever with pain in the neck.
◊ The pain has changed its character. If it is severe enough to wake you up from sleep and you start vomiting like a squirt, you should go to a hospital emergency.
Ası Inflammation of the veins in your head for any reason can also cause compelling, severe headaches.
◊ Brain tumors and vasodilation may also cause headaches.
◊ You should take headaches seriously, especially in children. The first and sometimes only symptom of meningitis is severe headache.


Why does the waist circumference expand as you get older?

As the age progresses, a struggle starts between muscle and fat tissue. Muscle loss is replaced by fat tissue. This is the main reason for the change of image around you, even if you stay at the same weight. If you do not implement a specific activity plan for the abdomen, it is certain that one of the first areas where your muscles will be delivered to fat is waist circumference. Especially in menopause with women and men around 60 years of testosterone decreasing this situation may become apparent. Therefore, to reduce the calories you receive in the following ages, to increase the calories you spend is an effective measure.
In this inevitable process, as long as body fat is maintained below 30 percent in women and below 20-22 percent in men, the struggle between muscle and adipose tissue is won.
It is useful to keep this change under control with the help of a dietician.

Recommendations that reduce edema

Natural recommendations for removing edema in your body:
◊ For plenty of water, the more you drink, the more water your body throws.
For cinnamon and clove tea.
◊ Green leafy vegetables prevent the body from holding water.
Kesin Parsley is the most effective greens against payment.
◊ Eat apples, pears.
◊ Consume teas made with corn tassel and cherry stalk.

Enjoy your life

We all have a strong health protection system. If you don't make a serious mistake, your chances go well for years.
On the other hand, health is not something you can always keep under protection.
Even those working in the most powerful medical centers can sometimes succumb to ordinary health problems. In short, staying healthy is a process by which things happen spontaneously. Therefore, there is no need to obsess about staying healthy.
That doesn't mean you don't have to learn how to live a better, disease-free, pleasant and happy life. Those who pay attention to nutrition, exercise, preventive medicine measures, stress management and health problems lead a higher quality life than others.
At this point, the two issues are confused. Being healthy, eating unpleasant, unsalted things, doing strenuous exercises in the morning and evening, going to bed at full time every day is associated with an unpleasant salt-free life. This is a missing approach ...

Edible foods

If the following foods are indispensable to your diet plan, it is inevitable that you will get paid!
◊ All kinds of carbonated soft drinks
Food and beverages containing licorice
◊ Desserts
◊ Bakery and fatty foods
◊ Pickles
◊ Pickled foods
◊ Smoked foods
Ş Deli products such as sausages, salami, sausage and bacon

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9 serious signals in headache

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Headache is usually caused by stress, hard work and insomnia. However, headache can sometimes be the first or even the only symptom of life-threatening diseases such as brain tumors, cerebral hemorrhage and aneurysm.
ISTANBUL - It's hard to find people who have never had a headache in their lives. 95 percent of women and 90 percent of men suffer from headaches at least once a year. Although the incidence rate varies in societies, the most common type of tension headache is 30-40 percent, and the second is migraine, which affects one out of every 4-5 people. Although headaches that are affected by life habits such as emotional stress, working for long periods of stress, eating irregularly and insomnia negatively affect daily life, they are not dangerous. However, there are some types of headaches that can be the first and sometimes only symptom of life-threatening serious diseases such as brain tumors, cerebral hemorrhage or aneurysms. Neurology Specialist Beyza Çitçi Yalçınkaya explained the 9 headache signals that should never be missed.

Dr. Beyza Çiftçi Yalçınkaya warned that the following headache signals should be a harbinger of life-threatening diseases. Here are those signals:

1. Very severe and sudden onset headaches: Subarachnoid hemorrhage is suspected if the person describes headache for the first time in his life, which is very severe and reaches its maximum in about 1 minute. Subarachnoid hemorrhage is caused by the rupture of aneurysms, which can be described as ballooning due to anomalies in the vascular walls of the brain. Headache by some patients, '' something exploded in my head, '' is also expressed as. The patient had no complaints, sudden and severe headache, changes in consciousness, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, light sensitivity, epilepsy (epilepsy) seizures. Approximately one quarter of patients can be lost within the first 24 hours. Therefore, the patient needs to be delivered to the hospital immediately.

2. Increasingly intense and persistent headache: Although headache is common even without an underlying dangerous disease, it should be considered if the pain is increasing. A young woman who smokes and takes birth control pills may be a sign of a rapidly progressive headache, such as cerebral sinus thrombosis caused by clotting in the veins of the brain.

3. Headache caused by sneezing, squeezing, sexual activity or exertion: The occurrence of headache due to increased intracranial pressure such as exercise, sneezing or squeezing suggests a space occupying the head. Brain tumors, aneurysms can cause this type of headache, as well as more common in young-middle-age obese women, cerebrospinal fluid caused by increased pressure, such as pseudotumor cerebri can cause it.

4. Headache after head trauma: Especially after severe head trauma such as traffic accidents, fractures of the bones of the head, bleeding in the brain tissue or between the membranes may occur. Less frequently, hemorrhage in the form of brain membranes does not present at the beginning of the symptoms and days, even months after the trauma, headache and balance disorder may occur with symptoms such as.

5. Headache accompanied by neurological symptoms such as numbness, weakness, visual impairment, and speech difficulties in the arms and legs: The presence of these neurological signs with headache indicates a problem in brain tissue. In addition to the above diseases, for example, 10 percent of stroke patients may have headaches prior to stroke.

6. Headaches that do not improve despite treatment: Structural changes in the brain such as lesions taking place in the head, tumor, increase in intracranial pressure, central nervous system infections, and many irritating diseases can be seen as resistant headaches.

7. Headache is always in the same area: It can occur as a result of the lesion occupying space.

8. High fever, drowsiness, confusion or body rash accompanied by: Meningitis is an inflammatory disease caused by infectious agents of the membranes surrounding the brain and encephalitis. Almost all of these patients have headaches with increasing severity. Headache with high fever, weakness, drowsiness must necessarily suggest that the brain is affected by infection. Infections of the central nervous system are also diseases that can be fatal or cause disability.

9. New headaches in advanced age: Temporal arteritis, a dangerous disease affecting individuals over 50 years. Moderate or severe headaches may be accompanied by symptoms such as weakness, joint pain, decreased vision, fatigue while chewing. Failure to treat early may cause permanent vision loss and brain damage. Again, headaches that occur in advanced ages should bring to mind brain vascular diseases and brain tumors.

Headaches caused by dangerous diseases do not respond much to painkillers. However, it may temporarily improve or reduce the severity of pain in some of the pains and delay the diagnosis and treatment. Another important danger is brain hemorrhage, for example, some blood-thinning drugs that exacerbate the bleeding. Therefore, instead of looking for a solution for this type of headache, people should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Today's modern technological devices can easily identify the causes of headaches.

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How does headache without medication go?

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Do these if you suffer from headaches or migraines while fasting!

1 Lemon aromatherapy properties are good for headaches. Rub a piece of lemon in your hand and bring it to the consistency of paste and apply it to your face and forehead.
2 How does headache without medication One of the main causes of headaches is stress. Because of stress, our muscles become stiff and can start with the pain of the neck and turn into headache. Try the small exercises by moving your neck and shoulder. Make sure that your seat is comfortable.

3 In case of stress-related headaches, you can drip a few drops of lavender oil and sleep on your pillow.
4 How to relieve headaches without medication When your head hurts, there are points where you can relieve it by applying pressure. These are the joint points between your thumb and forefinger. Lightly press this point and apply pressure in round motions.
5 How to relieve headaches without medication In migraine-induced headaches, prefer to rest in a dark room as the sensitivity to light will increase.
6 The hot shower creates a feeling of relaxation. If you cannot enter the shower, you can wait for your feet in a bowl full of hot water. Putting an ice pack on your head can also cause headaches.

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Headache in Children

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Headache, which we usually encounter in the adult age group, is frequently seen in children with age. Do not underestimate headaches that may be a sign of serious illness in children. Headache is a very common complaint in society. Approximately 91% of men and 96% of women have headaches at least once a year. The frequency of headache in children increases with age. While it is 20-24% in preschool period, it reaches 75% in adolescence. 8-10% of the patients admitted to pediatric neurology for the first time consist of headache patients. 12% of children cannot go to school at least once a year due to headache. Studies show that migraine is the most common type of headache and occurs in 3-10% of children. The frequency of headache is higher in males between 3-5 years of age, but increases in girls after 5 years of age and is seen equally in both sexes between the ages of 9-11.

Why does headache occur?

Headaches occur as a result of physical, chemical or inflammatory effects of pain-sensitive structures of the head. The brain and most of the membranes that cover the brain do not have structures that perceive pain, which are called “pain receptors.. Pain-sensitive structures of the head; membranes covering the inner surface of the skull in the head, periosteum, vessels inside the brain, especially the vein walls, while outside the head; scalp and arteries, gums and muscles. Diseases of the paranasal sinus, eyes, teeth, head and face bones can also cause headaches.

Risk factors leading to headache

Infections (Meningitis, “encephalitis”, inflammation of brain membranes and brain tissue, sinusitis, mastoiditis, ear-eye-mouth-neck infections)

Intracranial hemorrhage, head trauma

Space occupying formations (tumor, cyst, hematoma)
Systemic diseases (cancers, fever, hypertension, brain edema, hemorrhages, “hypoxia”, oxygen deficiency, düşük low blood sugar and blood sodium ”hypoglycemia and hyponatremia)

Epilepsy attacks and post-seizures

Procedures (long-term stretching of the head during surgery, brain-spinal cord, etc.))
Increased intracranial pressure (Drugs, vascular inflammation, hypo-hypervitaminosis)
Tension, depression, anxiety, stress, psychogenic causes

Types of Headaches

Acute Headaches: Sudden onset, increasing headaches; If local, it may be sinusitis, ear, eye, dental infections or an initial migraine attack. If there is widespread pain; systemic infection, fever, trauma, hypertension, hypoglycemia, central nervous system infection, electrolyte disorder, or first migraine attack.

Migraine: The most common cause of acute-recurrent headache in children. The incidence of migraine in children has increased in the last 20 years. Headaches are accompanied by attacks, restlessness, nodding, malaise, discomfort from light and sound. The pain is often bilateral and throbbing behind the eyes, forehead, behind the ears. Nausea, vomiting may accompany pain. Pain, stress, fatigue, insomnia, exercise, hunger, noise, journey, cold weather, various odors, caffeine, nitrite, monosodium glutamate can initiate foods containing.

Migraine with aura: Sensory, visual and motor symptoms seen 30-60 minutes before headache.

Migraine-Simple Migraine: It constitutes 85% of migraine attacks in children. Pain may include excessive mobility, restlessness, depression, excessive thirst and pallor. Headaches can last for 1-72 hours. Light and sound may be uncomfortable. The patient can sleep 8-10 hours after severe pain.

Tension Type Headache: It is caused by muscle contractions. Exacerbations may be short-lived for 30 minutes or pain for 1 week. It is the most common type of headache in the community. It is usually double-sided, compressive, compressive, does not increase with physical activity, can spread to the back of the head and neck. It is mild and moderate.
Chronic, Daily Headaches: Headaches lasting all day long for 15 days or more in a month. It was found that 45% of these headaches were accompanied by psychological causes.

Chronic Progressive Headaches: Pain with the worst prognosis of all headaches. Causes of intracranial pressure increase, mass lesions, tumor, abscess, hydrocephalus, etc. should be investigated.

Cluster Type Headache: It is rare in children and adolescents. Unilateral and pain behind the eyes. Together with the eyes flushing, live and runny nose is observed.

In which situations is brain imaging performed in children with headache?

• Very sudden onset of severe headache
• Chronic, progressive headache
• Abnormal neurological examination findings
• Abnormal eye movements
• Sleep-waking headache, vomiting when waking up
• Pain and balance disorder
• Under 3 years

How is headache treated?

Patients with headache usually present when the pain becomes more frequent, increases in severity or disrupts daily activity. History, examination and necessary investigations should be performed to show that headache is not related to an underlying cause (secondary headache such as infection, tumor, bleeding, etc.). Showing that headache is not a serious cause relieves parents and children.

Occasional, short-term, and mild pain in children is common, usually does not require treatment. Headaches with moderate or recurrent or progressive adverse effects on daily activity, social life and school are required.

The education of the patient and family is important in controlling headache. The headache diary with the family should be created.

Non-Drug Treatments
Especially in migraine, it is necessary to avoid the factors known to initiate pain, to detect foodstuffs known to trigger migraine, and to remove the fabricated foods containing additives from the diet.

Regular sleep, school and homework times should be set, meals should not be skipped, the school bus should be prevented from being hungry.

School and friend problems are an important factor that causes headaches in children. Collaboration with school and teacher is necessary.

During a headache, especially in migraine attacks, children want to sleep in a dark and quiet room, and their attacks can be resolved with sleep, which should be known as a treatment.

Behavioral therapies, relaxation exercises, cognitive therapy, stress management are effective in pain control up to 80%.

Drug Treatments
When headache attacks occur 3-4 times a month and / or start to affect school and other activities, preventive medications may be used to reduce the frequency and severity of pain. If more than three prophylactic drugs have been used and have not benefited, they should be investigated for psychological factors and depression.

At the onset of acute pain, pain medication and nausea-vomiting medication should be started and the child should be allowed to rest or sleep in a quiet room. Pain medications should not be given more than 2-3 times a week. In most patients, medication and non-medication may need to be combined.

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