Wednesday, October 2, 2019

6 Days Ahead Pregnancy Test - 3 Pregnancy Tests (10mIU/ml) - Early Detection: as Early as 6 Days Before Your Missed Period - Over 99% Accurate on The Expected Period - One Step HCG Urine Tests

How much magnesium should be taken during pregnancy?

6 Days Ahead Pregnancy Test - 3 Pregnancy Tests (10mIU/ml) - Early Detection: as Early as 6 Days Before Your Missed Period - Over 99% Accurate on The Expected Period - One Step HCG Urine Tests

Our body needs vitamins and minerals. So it is recommended to consume plenty of vegetables and fruits. During pregnancy, vitamins and mineral supplements may be required according to some conditions. One of them is magnesium. Acıbadem Kadıköy Hospital Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist Wonderful Bodur Ozturk, told about the need for magnesium in pregnancy.

Benefits of Magnesium

All organs in the human body, especially the heart, muscles, kidneys, need this mineral for normal functions. 50 mg of magnesium which is 25 mg in adult body is in bone tissue. Only 1 percent is found in the systemic blood circulation. The rate of magnesium in the blood is also controlled by the kidneys. Magnesium is also found in the structure of bones and teeth. It activates the enzymes involved in energy production and controls the levels of calcium, copper, zinc, potassium minerals and vitamin D levels. It also takes part in the control of blood sugar and blood pressure.

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency
Magnesium deficiency may include loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, weakness, agitation, anxiety, sleep disturbance, heart rhythm deterioration, low blood pressure, restless leg syndrome, muscle spasms and weakness. Magnesium is associated with calcium and potassium metabolism. Therefore, in magnesium deficiency, calcium and potassium blood levels may also be affected. Pregnant women can usually present with cramps that arouse from sleep in the legs during the 2nd trimester.

Under what conditions should it be used?
The daily magnesium requirement during pregnancy is 350 mg, while during lactation it is 320-360 mg per day. Magnesium supplementation is not routinely recommended during pregnancy. However, magnesium deficiency may occur in pregnant women with gastrointestinal diseases such as intestinal disease (IBS), ulcerative colon, diabetes, pancreatitis, hyperthyroidism and kidney disease. Consuming too much caffeine, drinking soda, sodium-rich diet and stress are other risk factors for magnesium deficiency. In such cases, treatment under the supervision of a doctor may be recommended. In pregnancy, magnesium sulfate treatment is given intravenously in the clinical picture characterized by high blood pressure and protein leakage from the urine due to pregnancy called preeclampsia and in the prevention of premature contractions. However, these treatments must be performed under close supervision of the doctor under the control of the hospital. There is no scientific evidence that magnesium in oral form prevents premature birth. Magnesium may also be present in gastric medications given as antacid treatment for stomach problems such as reflux, which are frequently encountered during pregnancy. Pregnant women with heart and kidney disease should not use magnesium unless given by their doctor.

More suppresses breathing
The level of magnesium in the bloodstream is under control. Therefore, magnesium supplementation does not reach toxic levels except for specific intravenous treatments for magnesium deficiency. There is no evidence that the fetus or pregnancy is adversely affected in the event of magnesium deficiency. If the blood level of magnesium increases, a clinical picture leading to respiratory suppression may occur.

Foods containing magnesium

A healthy-nourished individual can get enough magnesium from the nutrients. Especially green leafy vegetables are an important source. Of these, spinach can meet 20 percent of the daily magnesium requirement. Grain plants, seeds, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, chestnuts such as nuts are foods rich in magnesium. Mineral waters can also be a good source of magnesium. Soy milk, black beans, raw bread, avocado, potatoes, bananas, milk and yogurt are among other magnesium sources.

6 Days Ahead Pregnancy Test - 3 Pregnancy Tests (10mIU/ml) - Early Detection: as Early as 6 Days Before Your Missed Period - Over 99% Accurate on The Expected Period - One Step HCG Urine Tests

Right Time Prank Joke Pregnancy Test/Always Turns Positive (Pack of 2)

What is an early pregnancy test? When and how?

Right Time Prank Joke Pregnancy Test/Always Turns Positive (Pack of 2)

People who are facing pregnancy can have early pregnancy and normal pregnancy tests. We have compiled the answers to the questions of normal pregnancy and early pregnancy test, when and how.

Early pregnancy test is a test that can be done before pregnancy test for women who neglected to get pregnant. Normal pregnancy test at home is done after menstrual irregularity. It is done 6 days before the menstrual period. A woman who thinks it is night should do the test one week after the intercourse. It is necessary to wait for the appropriate time to perform the pregnancy test because the fertilization of the egg results in hormonal changes. HGC hormone increases rapidly after fertilization. The test price varies from 1.5 TL to 15 TL.

How to do an early pregnancy test?
The early pregnancy test starts by holding the urine through the cup and touching the test into the cup. Double line; indicates that the person is pregnant, that a single line is not pregnant, and that the test is incorrect if it is empty.

Is early pregnancy testing reliable?
Although the correct pregnancy rate of the early pregnancy test is higher than 90 percent, it does not necessarily mean that the test is always accurate. It is possible that the correct results cannot be obtained due to hormonal imbalances starting with fertilization. Therefore, a blood test should also be performed to ensure the accuracy of the result. It is recommended that people who have an early pregnancy test perform the test within two days.

How to do a pregnancy test?
People who are not sure of early pregnancy test results can have normal pregnancy test in the following days. The difference between early pregnancy test and normal pregnancy test are the criteria used. HCG is measured in early pregnancy test. Normal pregnancy test is performed when the menstrual period is delayed. Accordingly, people who have irregular menstruation will test after 7-10 days.

How to do a pregnancy test with a blood test?
Pregnancy with blood test is the test that gives the best results. However, the date of the blood test should be considered. This process should be two days before the earliest period. The test is performed two days after the menstrual delay and the pregnancy status is checked by examining the status of the hormones in the blood. Hormone measurement lasts between 3-8 hours. There is a delay in the menstrual period, but if your test is negative, it means that you are not pregnant. In this case, the next day pill, psychological causes, factors such as nutrition comes into play.

What are the symptoms of pregnancy?
Thickening of the nipple, more sensitive nipples, sensitivity to taste and taste, bleeding in the vagina, frequent urine, nausea, fatigue, menstrual delay, abdominal swelling and weight increase, such as high body temperature factors are signs of pregnancy.

Right Time Prank Joke Pregnancy Test/Always Turns Positive (Pack of 2)

ClinicalGuard? HCG Pregnancy Test Strips (Individually-Sealed, Pack of 50)

PREGNANCES and Those Who Want to Stay Pregnant !!

ClinicalGuard? HCG Pregnancy Test Strips (Individually-Sealed, Pack of 50)

Pregnancy Symptoms

Now that you've decided to become a mother, you feel very ready. You shared this with your partner and agreed to bring a child into the world as parents. It may not be possible to predict how this decision will actually change your life. When the baby is in mind, it is always pink, dreams and dreams are shaped.

However, the responsibility and difficulty of having a baby is not negligible. Those who consider these difficulties in a calm way and accept all these difficulties and decide to still have a baby can now begin by experiencing the first stage of sexual intercourse.

First of all, the most important thing for a woman to get pregnant is that there is no disturbance in the female's ovulation system or the male's sperm production system and sexual intercourse takes place during ovulation.

Generally, women who have regular menstrual cycles enter ovulation 10 to 15 days after menstruation. Pregnancy may occur after a period of one month following sexual intercourse on these dates. After the fertilization, the fetus reaches a certain size and after the pregnancy, the pregnancy becomes definite after the hormonal changes in the expectant mother.

The wide variety of pregnancy symptoms experienced by the expectant mothers makes the pregnancy a completely individual structure. Most of the pregnancy symptoms are difficult for the expectant mother, it is a very unpleasant experience and distress. However, all women who wish to become mothers are eager to get their pregnancy symptoms as soon as possible.

Probably the symptoms of pregnancy, such as vomiting, dizziness, nausea and constant sleep, are just as desirable for pregnancy.

The only thing that all women who want to get pregnant look forward to are the signs that they are pregnant as soon as possible. As all people are different, all women have their own biological, metabolic, physical and physiological differences.

These differences are so diverse that one characteristic that is generally generalized, that is, usually a feature of most women, may never be seen in another. Therefore, pregnancy status has a unique characteristic from lady to lady.

To give a simple example of this, for example, in most pregnant women, overrun, nausea, dizziness can be seen in another pregnant woman, none of these may occur. Therefore, do not expect to have the features that appear in all pregnant women. Don't feel any change and keep your spirits up. Just wait patiently and after pregnancy progresses, contact a health care provider for the necessary doctor checks.

The healthiest way to see that pregnancy occurs and progresses in a healthy way is to give blood. Now you can apply to state hospitals or private hospitals for pregnancy follow-ups that are also applied by health centers.

A pregnant woman can usually understand that she is pregnant from some changes in her body. These changes; nausea, heartburn, dizziness, constant sleepiness and fatigue, unjustified irritation, crying spells, or sudden emotional changes such as happiness, fuller breasts, sometimes even touching swollen pain, body swelling of the hands in general, groin in the hands, swelling of the feet, groin a similar feeling to pain, frequent urination, low back pain, eyelashes and pupils growth, increased ruptures, urinary tract infection. In general, complaints described by pregnant women may be very similar to complaints in the same menstrual period. Therefore, it is very common for women who want to conceive to confuse menstrual symptoms with pregnancy.

Apart from physical symptoms of pregnancy, first of all a pregnant woman has to delay her period. Because the egg that occurs every month for pregnancy in women should fertilize that month and form the fetus. If menstruation occurs, none of the eggs in the woman are fertilized and expelled from the body. In addition, there are women who are pregnant and are still menstruating. We usually call this situation 'seeing on top'. Women who experience this are only able to realize that they are pregnant after 3-4 months. This leads to unwanted pregnancies. However, since pregnancy is detected late, necessary tests and follow-up cannot be performed. As a result, the birth of problematic babies may occur.

Pregnancy symptoms include pregnancy tests with a result of 99 percent. These are available in all pharmacies under different brands. If we talk about the method of pregnancy tests, it usually leads to a more accurate result after 10 days of menstruation. In addition, early pregnancy tests are also available, which are more expensive than other pregnancy tests, but can also be performed near the menstrual period. Normal pregnancy tests range from 3 to 5 rubles on the market. Early pregnancy tests are around 15-20 tl. If a healthier result is desired in both pregnancy tests, these tests should be performed with the first urine in the morning. After you urinate on the test strip, you start to wait and if the single line turns to double line over time, pregnancy is positive, but if the single line does not change, pregnancy is interpreted as negative. Pregnancy tests may not always be 99% accurate. A pregnant woman can see the negative in the test and actually become pregnant.

The most definite sign of pregnancy occurs with ultrasound device. When a woman who has had her menstrual day examined by ultrasound, the sac of the fetus should be seen. In addition, the uterus muscles of a pregnant woman with ultrasound should be thickened. Since the fetus is very small in the first weeks of pregnancy, vaginal ultrasound examination is preferred. The condition of the fetus, sac, amniotic fluid, etc. are better evaluated by vaginal ultrasound. Women who abstain from vaginal ultrasound often suspect that it is a painful type of examination that will harm the fetus and do not want to be examined with this ultrasound. But this is definitely a wrong judgment. Vaginal ultrasound is unlikely to cause any damage to the uterus, nor is it a painful examination at all.

ClinicalGuard? HCG Pregnancy Test Strips (Individually-Sealed, Pack of 50)

Wondfo 50 Ovulation Test Strips and 20 Pregnancy Test Strips Kit - Rapid Test Detection for Home Self-Checking Urine Test (50 LH + 20 HCG)

Diabetes and Pregnancy

Wondfo 50 Ovulation Test Strips and 20 Pregnancy Test Strips Kit - Rapid Test Detection for Home Self-Checking Urine Test (50 LH + 20 HCG)

What are the changes in carbohydrate metabolism during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the body's energy needs have increased. More glucose is needed to provide the necessary energy for the child's development. Therefore, blood sugar levels in pregnant women are lower than normal. If sufficient glucose cannot enter the cell as a result of a decrease in carbohydrate intake, energy is primarily supplied from fats and ketone bodies are seen in the urine. Pregnancy, ketosis susceptibility increases due to the lack of sufficient insulin hormone in the blood, but the need for glucose. Ketosis is a condition that has dangerous consequences for both the development of the child and the health of the pregnant woman. In addition, the increase in progesterone, estrogen, cortisone, lactogen, etc. hormones during pregnancy causes resistance to insulin.

What is the effect of pregnancy on diabetes?

The most important difference between diabetic and non-diabetic pregnant women is the increased risk of ketoacidosis in diabetes, and may further aggravate the current insulin resistance. Insulin requirement is higher in pregnant women than non-pregnant women. Insulin requirement increased in diabetic pregnant women compared to pre-pregnancy period, especially after the first 3 months. In diabetic pregnant women, it is important to balance the increased glucose and insulin requirements of the organism for both mother and child. Otherwise, the risk of cardiac skeletal anomalies in infants and preterm birth, miscarriage, large birth or stillbirth in pregnant women increases.

What is gestational diabetes?

Pancreatic cells, which can secrete sufficient insulin before pregnancy, cannot secrete enough insulin with the progression of pregnancy, so blood sugar may increase during pregnancy even if there is no sign of diabetes before. The so-called 'gestational diabetes' usually improves at the end of pregnancy. Overweight pregnant women over the age of 30, who usually have a large number of diabetic people in their family, are at risk for gestational diabetes.

How should birth planning be done in diabetes?

Diabetic mothers who do not have a life-threatening risk of conception should undergo strict control at least 3 months before conception in order to ensure proper health and development of the fetus. The risk of achieving metabolic control in diabetes and preventing or stopping the progression of complications is low in young mothers with low age of diabetes and without diabetes-related organ disorders. Diabetes is older, people with an initial diagnosis of disorders such as the eye or nervous system, or older mothers are at high risk. In diabetic patients with advanced organ disorders, pregnancy is not allowed as pregnancy increases these disorders.

How should blood sugar be monitored during pregnancy?

The ideal fasting blood sugar level is 60-90mg / dl, and the satiety blood sugar level is 120-130 mg / dl. During pregnancy, blood glucose levels should be measured at least 2 times a week before breakfast and 2 hours later, before lunch and dinner and at 11.00 pm. During pregnancy, blood sugar may rise in the urine before it rises (renal glycosuria). Therefore, daily urine glucose monitoring and acetone monitoring should be performed. If acetone is detected in the urine for two consecutive days, the patient should immediately see his doctor.

What should be the treatment of diabetes during pregnancy?

If the metabolic control can be achieved by diet in gestational diabetic patients, treatment is continued with dietary compliance controls. Insulin therapy should be initiated immediately in patients with poor metabolic control but with slightly higher blood glucose values ​​and diabetic patients with poor metabolic control. Pregnant women cannot use oral antidiabetic drugs. Total weight gain during pregnancy should not exceed 10-13 kg.

What should be considered before and after birth in diabetic pregnant women?

Diabetic pregnant women can be delivered preferably from the 38th week. If the duration exceeds 40 weeks or if the fetus is estimated to be over 4000 gr, caesarean section should be preferred.
The baby who is exposed to hyperglycemia in the womb starts to secrete insulin and continues to secrete insulin after birth. Therefore, the most common metabolic disorder in newborn children is low blood sugar. Measurement of blood sugar of the baby following birth and strict blood sugar monitoring for at least two weeks is important for the detection and treatment of hypoglycemia. If hypoglycemia is detected in the baby, it should be taken into an early feeding program or if hypglycemia is heavy, serum containing dextrose should be given.

What should be done to prevent pregnancy?

Although contraceptive methods are not different from diabetic, non-diabetic contraceptives may interfere with the hormonal balance of diabetes and therefore blood sugar control. In a diabetic woman, it is very important that the intrauterine devices (spirals), which are at risk of developing infections, are placed under sterile conditions. The tube fixation technique is the most reliable method.

Wondfo 50 Ovulation Test Strips and 20 Pregnancy Test Strips Kit - Rapid Test Detection for Home Self-Checking Urine Test (50 LH + 20 HCG)

PREGMATE 40 Pregnancy HCG Test Strips (40 HCG)

Which changes during pregnancy are normal and which are pathological?

PREGMATE 40 Pregnancy HCG Test Strips (40 HCG)

There are many changes in the body of mothers during pregnancy. It is very important to determine whether these changes are normal or pathological.

There are many changes in the body of mothers during pregnancy. It is very important to determine whether these changes are normal or pathological.

Gynecology and Obstetrics Expert Assoc. Dr. Dr. Faruk Abike, common problems during pregnancy and pointed out important issues related to their solutions. Here are the 15 most frequently asked questions of pregnant women counting the days to hold their baby. Abike answers:

1- How can I fight cramps?

Especially during 24-28 weeks of pregnancy, there is a significant calcium transfer for mineralization of the baby's bones. Therefore, there may be painful cramps in the legs and hands during these weeks. Massage during cramps will be beneficial. Since the beginning of pregnancy, it is important to consume plenty of calcium-rich milk and dairy products (especially yoghurt, cheese, buttermilk, kefir). Increasing the consumption of yogurt after the 20th week of pregnancy prevents the formation of cramps. If there are cramps despite consumption of milk and dairy products, the use of calcium or magnesium can also be effective in preventing cramps.
There may be numbness and pain in the middle fingers during pregnancy. Although it is generally beneficial to massage the hand and rest the wrist, it will usually improve after pregnancy without treatment.

2- I'm constantly nauseous, what should I do?

With the effect of increasing hormones in the first 3 months of pregnancy, nausea and vomiting may occur especially in the morning. Generally, nausea and vomiting rapidly decrease from the 12th gestational week and nausea no longer remains at 16th gestational week. Especially in the first 3 months, fat-free, odorless, spice-free, solid food consumption will be effective in reducing nausea. It should be fed frequently and in small amounts. During nausea, do not force yourself to vomit because vomiting does not provide relief. During nausea, salty solid foods (white chickpeas, non-spicy chips, salted potatoes, white cheese sandwiches) should be taken, taking deep breaths from the open area can be relaxing. If nausea and vomiting persists despite all precautions, the use of certain medications under the supervision of a doctor will help to circumvent this process.

3- What will I do for pregnancy sugar?

After 20 weeks, there may be blood sugar problems during pregnancy due to increased hormones. Excessive weight gain during pregnancy and starting with excess weight increases the risk. To determine, all pregnant women should undergo a sugar loading test between 24 and 28 weeks of gestation. First, blood sugar is regulated by the appropriate diet program, if adequate blood sugar is not regulated by the diet, it may be necessary to start insulin. After pregnancy, blood sugar usually returns to normal levels.

4- What to do for hypertensive diseases during pregnancy?

In the first 3 months of pregnancy, blood pressure is lower due to the expansion of blood vessels due to hormones. But 24-28. blood pressure rises from weeks. Pregnancy toxemia may develop with increased blood pressure and increased urinary protein excretion. This is a threatening situation for the mother and the baby, close monitoring is very important.

5- What would you recommend to avoid reflux-gastritis and constipation problems?

Stomach and intestinal movements slow down during pregnancy and the tendency to reflux increases due to the relaxation of the valve between the stomach and esophagus. To prevent reflux, the supine position should not be used immediately after a meal, but a high pillow should be used when lying down. Complications of gastritis are reduced during pregnancy due to a decrease in gastric acid. Due to the slowing of bowel movements, the problem of constipation may increase during the whole pregnancy. Iron and vitamin drugs used in pregnancy may increase the problem of constipation. To prevent constipation, plenty of fluids should be taken, pulp and fiber food should be consumed, fruit should be consumed, a few dried apricots a day can help prevent this problem.

6-Should I have screening tests?

When pregnancy is diagnosed, to reveal risks for mother and baby; thyroid function tests, blood count, urine analysis, hepatitis, iron-vitamin B12 levels, and infections that may lead to abnormalities in the baby should be screened.
Down syndrome screening test between 11-14 weeks of gestation should be done with double test, nuchal translucency and nasal bone examination. 16-18. Down syndrome screening test should be performed in four weeks. 18-22. Second level detailed ultrasonographic screening should be performed between the first and second weeks.
24-28. between the gestational weeks, the sugar loading test should be applied to all pregnant women.

7- Can I exercise while pregnant?

After the first 3 months of pregnancy, pregnant women should be encouraged to exercise if there is no medical problem. Aerobic and cardio exercises are recommended. 2-3 days a week, 45-60 minutes walk, swimming, pregnancy-specific yoga or pilates can be done. Exercises should be continued until a few weeks before delivery for weight control and a comfortable pregnancy.

8- I have bleeding, what should I do?

During pregnancy, vaginal bleeding should never be considered normal. Particularly during the first days of pregnancy, staining-type bleeding during embryo placement is not a problem, but should be checked by ultrasonography in case of bleeding. Placenta-induced hemorrhage during the last 3 months of pregnancy is extremely important and can risk the life of the mother and the baby.

9- Is it true to have sex while pregnant?

There is no harm in having sex up to the last 3 weeks unless it is prohibited medically.

10- Can I get rid of the abdominal fractures?

As pregnancy progresses, tension in the skin may cause cracks in the abdomen, legs and breasts. In order to prevent crack formation, weight gain should be taken into consideration during pregnancy, balanced and especially fed with vitamin C-rich diet and after the 20th week of pregnancy special moisturizing creams, olive oil, almond oil, cocoa butter or sesame oil should be applied on the skin every day.

11- Does ultrasound harm my baby?

2-dimensional (black and white) ultrasound, 3 and 4-dimensional ultrasound during pregnancy is safe for the baby and the mother.

12- How often should I be examined?

Every 4 weeks until 32 weeks of gestation, 32-36. There should be an examination every 2 weeks between weeks and once a week from 36 weeks to birth.

13- How will I observe my baby's movements?

Baby movements are first felt in 18-20 weeks, and women who have already given birth can feel movements from 16 weeks. Infant movements are one of the most important parameters showing the well-being of the baby. When the baby has problems or problems, baby movements will decrease. If baby movements are felt after 20 weeks, consult a doctor immediately.

14- How many kilos should I gain?

It is normal for him to gain 11-14 kg in all pregnancy. The first 6 months of pregnancy, 1 kg per month, the next 3 months should take 2 kg per month. Excessive weight gain can lead to problems such as diabetes, hypertension, and prevention of normal birth, while inadequate weight gain can lead to low birth weight infants or preterm births.

15- What are my responsibilities?

Pregnancy can lead to psychological changes as well as physical changes in women. Emotional changes can be sadness, anxiety, susceptibility and mood changes. Men should always be understanding and supportive. Especially in the first 3 months of pregnancy, males should handle the kitchen and food business because of the smell sensitivity. During pregnancy, she should participate in pregnancy related activities and examinations. She must read courses and books on childbirth and baby care and actively participate in the process at every stage.

PREGMATE 40 Pregnancy HCG Test Strips (40 HCG)

Pregnancy Test Early Detection - 5 Pregnancy Tests - One Step HCG Urine Pregnancy Test - Do It Yourself Home Pregnancy Tests - The Easy Way to Monitor Fertility - FMH-139 5-Pack - iProv?n (Pink)

How to determine pregnancy without testing at home

Pregnancy Test Early Detection - 5 Pregnancy Tests - One Step HCG Urine Pregnancy Test - Do It Yourself Home Pregnancy Tests - The Easy Way to Monitor Fertility - FMH-139 5-Pack - iProv?n (Pink)

Faster and easier when using special test strips to determine if you're pregnant: Can be purchased at any pharmacy and is easy to use. Of course, the degree of accuracy of the result is lower than clinical methods (blood test or ultrasound) and in some cases is inaccurate, but more often the test shows the actual condition in the female body. But is it possible to determine the beginning of pregnancy without using it? What are the symptoms that can tell a woman that her body is preparing for motherhood?

How to determine pregnancy without a test

It is a special feature that women pay special attention to the slightest sensitivities and changes in their health status with the expectation of undesirable pregnancy, on the contrary or desirable. Consider in more detail, it is possible to draw conclusions about the onset of pregnancy and how to evaluate them correctly.

Changes in menstrual cycle
The first sign that a woman is the delay of the next menstruation, indicating the onset of pregnancy. Of course, this approach makes sense: as a rule there are no critical days for expectant mothers.

When a woman has a regular menstrual cycle, this indicator can be directed, eg. it always starts after a certain day. If the time usually changes, then it is wrong to talk about the delay, because only the previous thing may be delayed.

Among other things, even in a complete cycle, there are delays not related to pregnancy. The causes of this phenomenon can be quite numerous:

hormonal changes;
take any medication;
nerve shock, depression, stress;
various diseases and so on.
In some cases, at first, at first glance, small actions can lead to the delay of the next critical days, for example, overheating in the sun, an unusually high physical effort, a strict diet.

We should also talk about implant bleeding. Such discharges may appear in the underwear as a few brown drops in the middle of the cycle or up to the second half 5-10 days before the start of the next menstruation. The insertion of the fertilized egg in a place suitable for attachment to the uterus is associated with the fact that a small “wound inde is formed on its surface. Such bleeding can be correctly called early sign of pregnancy, but it is quite rare.

Basal temperature
Measurement of basal temperature (CT) is another way to learn the onset of pregnancy. However, there are some special features:

Basal temperature

Measurement of CT first of all receives information about the possible change in the body's hormonal background. A successful understanding can be used to diagnose pregnancy as long as it causes increased production of certain hormones.
In order to conclude about the onset or absence of pregnancy, the basal temperature should be measured in advance 2-3 days before the start of the next menstrual cycle and the values ​​obtained should be recorded in a book.
How to monitor the baseline temperature correctly?
The menstrual cycle can be divided into two parts before and after ovulation. It rises from the beginning of the body (about 36.6 degrees) to the stage of maturation and release of the egg and reaches its maximum level with the time of ovulation (about 37 degrees). If the clutch takes place, in the second period of that cycle, the indicators will go up. Where there is a gradual decrease in temperature, we can assume the absence of pregnancy.

Basal temperature is usually measured at least in the rectum in the mouth and vagina. Indicators should be recorded every day in the morning, still awake and still in bed at the same time (the difference is 30 minutes). For measurement, you can use a normal mercury thermometer with the tip placed about 2 cm in the rectum for about 5-7 minutes.

The disadvantage of this method is relatively complex: not everyone can monitor their temperature for a month, not strictly following the rules.

In addition, fluctuations in CT are not always the answer to changes in hormonal levels. Sometimes the disease may remain elevated due to the inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system, stress and even drinking alcohol at night. Therefore, it is possible to rely on CT measurement data only when two conditions are met:

Factors that may lead to higher values ​​are excluded.
The absence of acute or chronic diseases that falsely distort the accuracy of CT measurement results.

Changes in health: irritability, drowsiness, nausea
Most of the time, pregnancy is completely optional in most women, but with varying degrees of symptoms.

Changes in well-being

These include:

Changes in the emotional field: irritability, crying, or conversely, unusual serenity;
Changes in general well-being: drowsiness, increased or decreased appetite, fatigue;
Physiological symptoms: Pain in the chest, feeling of weight and bloating, slight pain in the lower abdomen, weakness and some others.
Is it possible to draw conclusions about the occurrence of pregnancy on the basis of these symptoms? Indeed, in some women, from the first days of pregnancy, there is toxicosis, shortness of breath, mild dizziness, appetite and digestive disorders and pigmentation. These and other symptoms may improve over time or otherwise intensify.

In reality, however, the body rarely responds to pregnancy with similar symptoms before 1-2 weeks delay. While listening to the slightest changes in the state of their bodies, women often exaggerate their emotions and make hasty assumptions about the onset of pregnancy.

So try to really and adequately assess your well-being: is it really nauseating in the morning, or what you really don't want (or vice versa)?

Home laboratory
There are several ways to determine pregnancy in women based on biochemical changes in the composition of urine.

How to check pregnancy at home without a test

Collect urine in a clean and dry container and add a teaspoon of baking relief regularly.If it falls to the bottom in the form of a median, it can be assumed that pregnancy comes. Otherwise, the soda reacts with uric acid to form bubbles on the surface of the liquid.
Make half a liter of weak solution of pale pink manganese. Then add a little morning urine. If the color of the solution becomes lighter and slightly yellower, no fertilization has occurred. However, the appearance of small scales and the preservation of the previous color in the liquid indicate the onset of pregnancy.
A drop of iodine added to the freshly collected urine can help diagnose pregnancy. Pregnancy can occur if it remains briefly on the surface of the fluid. Fertilization has not occurred in cases where the fall spreads immediately.
Moisten a strip of white paper in the urine and drop iodine on it. If there is a pregnancy, the lilac or purple color will change and if there is no pregnancy, it will turn blue.
In the morning, mix the collected urine with wine in equal proportions. If the resulting fluid becomes cloudy and has catarrh spots, we can talk about the beginning of pregnancy.
Bring some urine to boil in a metal plate and immediately pour into a glass bowl. If you see the cereal settling down, you can talk about pregnancy. But remember, the heat-curled protein can enter the urine and it is very difficult to separate it from the flakes.
From the supernatural world
If desired, you can choose a group of pregnancy symptoms that are not based on observations of changes in your own body and various studies. These include:

fish dreams, water, children, small animals;
intuitive prerequisites;
Signs: a pregnant woman can drink water from a cup, sit in her place, etc.
Of course, some women coincide with the onset of pregnancy and some signs or dreams. However, in most cases this is not just a coincidence and more. Trusting such methods in the diagnosis of pregnancy is not worth it.

Some are eagerly awaiting pregnancy, others don't want it to be uncomfortable, but in any case she has to give a timely and accurate answer to the question of whether she expects a baby. Of course, it is better to do a blood test and use a test to get an accurate result or diagnose pregnancy.But if you do not have such an opportunity, then a few popular methods and pay attention to changes in your own body, help you draw a close to real situations It will be.

Pregnancy Test Early Detection - 5 Pregnancy Tests - One Step HCG Urine Pregnancy Test - Do It Yourself Home Pregnancy Tests - The Easy Way to Monitor Fertility - FMH-139 5-Pack - iProv?n (Pink)

Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test with Smart Countdown, 5 Pregnancy Tests

5 interesting pregnancy tests from date

Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test with Smart Countdown, 5 Pregnancy Tests

There are many ways to find out if you are pregnant today, both scientifically and easily.

WALL - There are so many interesting methods used to understand pregnancy throughout history…

Here are just 5 of them…


One of the oldest pregnancy tests comes from Ancient Egypt to the present day. B.C. In 1350, women are advised to urinate on wheat and barley seeds for several days; if wheat sprouts, you will have a girl, and if barley sprouts, you will have a boy. If none of the barley and wheat has sprouted, you are not pregnant.
The most interesting thing about this test is that in 1963, 70 percent of pregnant women in the wheat and barley test in the laboratory really sprouted the seeds; however, it was found that the urine of men and non-pregnant women had no effect on the seeds.
This ancient Egyptians knew everything!


In ancient Egypt, when testing wheat and barley, in ancient Greece, Hippocrates advised women suspected to be pregnant to put onions or other strong-smelling vegetables in their vaginas at night. If the woman's breath smelled of onions the next morning, she was not pregnant; this showed that her uterus was open, so that the smell of onions reached her mouth. If she was pregnant, the uterus would be closed and there would be no tunnel to bring the smell.


Another ancient Egyptian papyrus suggests that you spread mashed dates and beer and record the number of times the woman sitting on the carpet vomits. If the recorded vomiting is high, it probably means she's pregnant. The thought behind this test comes from odor sensitivity, one of the signs of early pregnancy.

4- Look inside my eyes… YOU CAN NOW DO THIS TEST DE

A 16th-century physician Jacques Guillemeau claims that the woman's eyes can tell if she is pregnant. Guillemeau, an important work on ophthalmology (a medical science that deals with visual pathology and surgery), says that in the second month, a pregnant woman's pupils shrink, eyelids sagging and small veins swelling around the corner of her eye. It may not be convincing, but one thing is true: Eyes change during pregnancy to affect vision.


In the Women's Bible, which can be thought of as an encyclopedia of medical information about women in the late 15th century, “If you want to know if a woman is pregnant, ask her to pee in a basin and then put a peg in it; leave this latch in the urine for three or four hours. Pour urine out of the basin and raise the latch. If there are latch marks on the basin, the woman is pregnant ”. (Source: Bread and Roses)

Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test with Smart Countdown, 5 Pregnancy Tests