Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test with Smart Countdown, 3 Pregnancy Tests

I Hamilemiy? How do I know if I'm pregnant? What are the symptoms of pregnancy?

Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test with Smart Countdown, 3 Pregnancy Tests

What are the symptoms of pregnancy? Those who want to learn the answer to the question here ... We have prepared a special news for those who suspect that you are pregnant. We are with you all the information about pregnancy symptoms and pregnancy test.

All information about pregnancy and pregnancy test is here! Those who wonder about pregnancy symptoms can easily reach all the details from our news. Citizens, how the pregnancy test is also researched on Google. Here we are with all the details and more.


Symptoms of pregnancy in women often manifest as nausea, fatigue, increased vaginal discharge or a feeling of tension in the breasts. In addition, darkening of the nipple color and delayed menstruation are among the most common symptoms. Although the symptoms of pregnancy vary in each candidate, the most common ones are;

PRECISION AND PAIN IN THE BREAST: Sensitive and painful breasts, darkening of the nipples and even more pronounced vessels on your chest may become one of the first signs of pregnancy.

Nausea and vomiting: One of the most common symptoms during pregnancy is the feeling of nausea. This symptom begins to manifest from the 6th week. You are most likely to become pregnant, especially if you feel awake in the morning and feel confused and even vomit. The reason for this is the changing hormone secretions in the body.

EMOTIONAL CHANGES: Since the first moments of pregnancy, there are changes in hormones, it is very normal to see emotional changes in pregnant women. Symptoms such as hypersensitivity, crying easily, irritability can be signs of pregnancy.

Dizziness: dizziness is one of the most common symptoms encountered in the first weeks of pregnancy. The reason for dizziness during pregnancy is that the uterus does not pump enough blood as a result of pressure.

ABSTRACT: It is one of the most common features especially in the first 3 months of pregnancy. However, not all pregnant women experience signs of ovulation. If there is an average of 3-4 months of pregnancy, cravings may start. This symptom of pregnancy ends soon.

SMALL BLEEDINGS: This is one of the most definite signs of pregnancy. This situation, which is described as üstüne over-sighting arasında among the public, is not like normal menstrual bleeding. Rather, it manifests itself as "small spots".

CRAMPES: You may experience pregnancy similar to the cramps you have during your period. Because your womb expands and prepares itself for the baby, and such cramps may occur.

FREQUENTLY TOILET: The need to go to the toilet frequently is among the symptoms of pregnancy. Because when you are pregnant, your body produces extra fluids, which makes your bladder work more than usual. In addition, if the color of your urine is dark or dark yellow, this indicates pregnancy.

Breathlessness: Shortness of breath is another symptom of pregnancy. Because the fetus that is growing in your uterus needs oxygen, which means that the mother needs more oxygen.

Fatigue and constipation: Increased progesterone secretion due to pregnancy can affect the digestive system and cause constipation and bloating.

SENSITIVITY AGAINST SMELLS: Sensitivity to odors and food during pregnancy occurs. Therefore, you smell the slightest and your nose becomes extremely sharp and you smell more than normal.

If you have not yet seen your menstrual period in your expected menstrual period, you are very likely to become pregnant. It may also indicate pregnancy when a lighter bleeding is encountered than is normally the case. It is the first and most definite symptom of pregnancy.

Tiredness and fatigue: Due to the increased levels of hormones in the body, you may suddenly feel exhausted. This symptom persists for most women during the first trimester and disappears by the second trimester.

DIFFERENCE IN TATTING: You may feel as if you are tasting more than ever. This is one of the symptoms of early pregnancy. As the hormone changes occur during pregnancy, the nose feels the sense of smell at the highest level. Especially the smell of perfume and cigarettes can increase the nausea of ​​pregnant women.


Pregnancy Test Step 1: Pregnancy tests are sold under the name of different brands in pharmacies. However, when taking a pregnancy test at the pharmacy, it does not matter what the brand is.

If you are unsure about which brand of pregnancy test to buy, you can purchase the pregnancy test recommended by your pharmacist.

When taking a pregnancy test, check that the expiration date printed on the box has passed. Make sure there is no wear and damage to the box and that it is intact.

Women who took the pregnancy test early in the absence of any signs of pregnancy; pregnancy tests with two test strips. This way, when your pregnancy test is negative the first time, you can try the second bar after a week.
Some experts advocate taking a pregnancy test at pharmacies on more busy streets and with continuous customers. Pregnancy tests sold in pharmacies with plenty of customers do not wait on the shelf for months. Likewise, using pregnancy tests that have been waiting at home for several weeks may give you the wrong result. If you do not follow the pregnancy test storage instructions, keep it in a hot and moisture prone place; this may affect the results of the test.

Some pregnancy test brands; They claim that they can detect if they are pregnant at the beginning of the delayed menstrual period. It is true or false that these tests are sensitive enough to detect high levels of hCG in urine; In very early pregnancy, the body may have produced high levels of hCG. At the same time, women who rely on these tests may be disappointed if the test is negative even if they are pregnant. It is useful to try again in the following weeks.

Most pregnancy tests sold in pharmacies and have generic brand names are actually produced in the same factory and using the same technology. If you've taken a pregnancy test to fit your budget, don't worry about brand quality.

Pregnancy Test Step 2: Take the pregnancy test at the time it will give you the most accurate results. Most experts recommend that menstrual delay be waited for at least another Day before taking home pregnancy tests.

If there is a delay in your expected menstrual period, you may want to know with excitement whether you are pregnant. Since hGG levels start to increase rapidly in pregnant women; Waiting for a few more days and being patient will make the pregnancy test give you more accurate results.

After fertilized egg implants in the uterus, women develop the hormone hCG. Implantation of the fertilized egg occurs 6 days after the merger of the sperm and the egg. If you take the test on the first day of menstrual delay; Even if you are pregnant, you may get negative results because your body does not begin to develop hGG.

In the morning, urine is the most intense and hGG level is the highest. If you do your pregnancy test after waking up in the morning, it may give a more accurate result.

Before Pregnancy Test Step 3: Carefully read the instructions on the pregnancy test box you purchased.

Most home pregnancy tests have almost the same instructions. However, brands may also have different instructions on the box and may change details such as the urine collection method.

Pregnancy Test Step 4: Prepare yourself for the result. Pregnancy tests at home can sometimes be a frustrating experience, and you may be worried about performing this test.

If your friend or partner is waiting for you in front of the bathroom door while you are doing the test, you can share your concerns with them after the test. Wash your hands with warm water and soap before performing the pregnancy test. Carefully remove the test strip from its packaging.

Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test with Smart Countdown, 3 Pregnancy Tests

Clearblue Plus Pregnancy Test, 2 Pregnancy Tests

When should a pregnancy test be performed? When is the pregnancy test done?

Clearblue Plus Pregnancy Test, 2 Pregnancy Tests

The question of when to do a pregnancy test is one of the main issues that women research in the pre-pregnancy period. Pregnancy test should be done at the time of the most accurate results. When should the pregnancy test be performed? After 4 days of pregnancy the fertilized egg secretes a hormone called HCG. This HCG hormone is also called human chorionic gonadotropin. HCG hormone, which is released after pregnancy, spreads to the mother's body. HCG, which is found in the blood, then passes into the urine.
When is the pregnancy test done? One of the most important issues for women is when to do a pregnancy test. Home pregnancy tests are based on the logic of determining whether or not the pregnancy hormone (hCG) is present in the urine. HCG, known as the pregnancy hormone, is only found in pregnant women. You can purchase the pregnancy test at pharmacies. So, when is the pregnancy test done, when the most accurate results are obtained?


Pregnancy, there are two known ways to do a pregnancy test. These are blood and urine tests.

Blood test

You can have the pregnancy test determined in accordance with your blood values in hospitals. The hormone sought in the blood test is HCG. If this hormone was found in your blood, you are positive. If HCG is not found, you are not negative. These tests are performed by needle.

Urine test

To perform urine tests, you can obtain materials for testing from pharmacies. Urine pregnancy tests of various brands and prices are just as easy to apply. The best time to perform the test is morning. Put your urine in a container, put the strip from the test box into the container and wait 3-4 minutes.


Pregnancy tests give accurate results up to 90% if your period is at least 1 day delayed, but the exact result is done by blood test. The pregnancy test is used to determine if you are pregnant by the HCG pregnancy hormone excreted in the urine.

According to research to get the most accurate pregnancy test results as far as 1 week must pass your period. One of the details of the pregnancy test's correct results is that you do it when you wake up in the morning. Because urine accumulates all night long, it best reflects the hormone HCG.

Urine pregnancy test cannot give results immediately after intercourse. Generally, it is necessary to wait until the menstrual delay and perform the test in those days to give correct results.

The reason for this is that the pregnancy test in the urine is based on the logic of detecting the pregnancy-induced HCG hormone in the urine from the mother's blood. Pregnancy can occur with the relationship entered in days close to the time of ovulation. Even if pregnancy occurs with a close relationship to the day of ovulation, it will take 6 to 10 days for this pregnancy to progress to the uterus and settle in the uterus.

After placement in the uterus, the hormone HCG secreted from pregnancy can pass into the mother's blood. It may even take a few days for this hormone to pass into the mother's blood and then into the mother's urine after pregnancy has settled in the uterus. In short, if a pregnancy occurs after an intercourse close to the time of ovulation, it should take almost 15 days for the HCG hormone to be released into the mother's urine. This corresponds to the next menstrual period, that is, if pregnancy has occurred, the period will be delayed.

Therefore, if a relationship is suspected to occur during pregnancy, urine pregnancy test should be performed when menstrual delay occurs. If pregnancy does not occur in this test, the test should be repeated after 1 week in order to increase reliability. In this way, the test reliability, which is 90% in the first test, increases to 95% if the second test is performed.

Positive (no pregnancy) test is more reliable than negative (no pregnancy). However, you should consult a doctor regardless of what the test shows for any type of menstrual delay because even if the test shows pregnancy, this may not be a normal pregnancy, but may be an ectopic pregnancy. Even if the test shows no pregnancy, you may become pregnant without noticing.

Clearblue Plus Pregnancy Test, 2 Pregnancy Tests

First Response Early Result Pregnancy Test, 3 count (Packaging & Test Design May Vary)

How to do a pregnancy test at home? Pregnancy test should be considered

First Response Early Result Pregnancy Test, 3 count (Packaging & Test Design May Vary)

If you're wondering if you're pregnant, but you're too excited to dare to take the test, the result can double your joy and excitement! We have listed the methods for you to learn how to make the most accurate pregnancy tests at home and how to get pregnant by this urine test. How to do a blood test for pregnancy? When a pregnancy test should be done? Home pregnancy (urine) testing techniques ...
Regardless of whether your menstrual period has been delayed or not, whether it is planned or unplanned, and you have seen some different symptoms on your body, it is normal to suspect that you are pregnant or not! To find out clearly whether this exciting and stressful expectation is positive or negative, you can come to the right conclusion with pregnancy tests that you can purchase over the counter from the pharmacy. Those who want to have a baby or those who are not yet ready to become a mother can do a pregnancy test at home to satisfy their curiosity rather than having doubts and doubts. We have investigated for you when these tests, which are very simple to do, should be applied and how they can learn the results. You can easily find out if you are a mother with the pregnancy test you are sure of. Is it necessary to see a doctor? How to do a pregnancy test at home? What should be considered when performing the pregnancy test? Here is the step-by-step implementation of the pregnancy test.

FIRST STEP: Urine into the urine compartment on the pregnancy test stick you purchased. However, be sure to drain some urine before pouring urine here.
(Some tests have plastic urine collection containers. It is easier to urinate and transfer them to the stick.)
- If no container is provided near the test, you should read the urine specimen instructions thoroughly. Because some pregnancy test instructions tell you to urinate in the urine compartment for no more than 5 seconds or less. You can get help from the stopwatch.
- Be sure to turn the symbols on the bar so that they are facing up.

STEP TWO: When performing pregnancy test which is a plastic cup; You can use the dropper to drain the urine into the test strip. Flush the urine to the pregnancy test for 5 to 10 seconds. Beware that some brands can be different this time!
STEP THREE: Wait for the result for the time specified in the instruction of the test. Place the test strip on a flat surface with the result window facing up.
Standard time is; 1 to 5 minutes.
STEP FOUR: Check the results. Look at the meaning of the symbols in the Instruction section and find out which signs have a positive meaning.
- If a single red line appears in the screen pane of the test, the pregnancy status is negative. If two red lines appear, you are pregnant. However, if none of these are mentioned, you should reapply with a new test.

If pregnancy tests at home through urine give negative results, but are pregnant, it is not because there is a mistake in the test, but because of the wrong application of the test. However, there is no explanation for the negative results of the Beta HCG test. If the result is negative, there is neither ectopic nor normal pregnancy. Pseudopregnancy, which can be seen among the public, occurs with the desire of dominant motherhood that women desire.
Even if the test result is negative, the person sees himself as pregnant. In fact, this condition, which is a psychological disorder, progresses so much that in the 9th month, the abdomen can grow as much as during a normal pregnancy. This rare condition is purely psychological.

It is common to see a negative result in the test despite pregnancy, which is the exact opposite of the situation mentioned above. In such cases, perform another brand test and re-apply.
Failure to do the pregnancy test at the right time may cause the test to go wrong. Ovulation of a woman who regularly menstrual period occurs on average 14 days after the first day of menstrual period. Ovulation may occur soon in this case, which is not the case in every woman. In this case, the post-menstrual test results in an incorrect result.
Another reason for the wrong test is that the pregnancy test is not of good quality or the urine cannot detect the hormone during production.

- The most suitable interval for the pregnancy test is during the day. A late pregnancy test during the day may cause the urine to become negative due to excessive water consumption due to drinking too much water.
- Check and apply the expiration date before performing the pregnancy test.
- Liquid intake should not occur 2 hours before the pregnancy test.

Perform this test at home within 14 days without delay.
You can easily perform a pregnancy test in the hospital according to the blood values ​​in the body. Women who want to learn how to become pregnant will look for HCG in this test. If you have this hormone in the blood, you're pregnant or you're not. The blood test for pregnancy shows a clearer result than the test at home. The reason is that the pregnancy hormone first appears in the blood and then spreads to the body. (Tests are performed with a needle.)

If the test at home gives you the good news that you are now two living things, the first thing you do is go to the doctor. If your doctor has given your consent, it is time to give your wife this good news! There are many fun and interesting ways to explain your baby, the fruit of the love and communication bond between you and your partner. Those roads ...

- You can catch your wife coming home from work at a convenient moment and give them lentils in the moment she doesn't expect, and you can say, "Our baby is now as tiny as a lentil." You can share your joy in the face of your spouse who is surprised at what he has suffered in a moment.
- You can choose a special book for the father-to-be and put it in a nice box and add various objects related to baby care.
- Before preparing the table, you can give a good news with a small change of presentation! You may surprise your wife by placing a bottle, a spout instead of a fork and a spoon instead of a plate ...

The most exciting moment to expect after receiving the baby gospel is when you learn your baby's gender. You may want to try ways of predicting gender in old traditional ways, although it is not certain how long this wait will take. For this, the most common scissors or knives method from the past to the present day comes. 2 pillows or cushions are determined in a place where the mother is not present. Under these objects, a scissor and a knife are placed separately.
Then, when the expectant mother is called, the gender will be determined wherever she sits. If the pregnant person sits on the cushion / pillow with the scissors underneath, the girl becomes the boy if the knife sits on the floor. This playful gender prediction, which has no scientific content, is also sometimes based on gender and sometimes wrong.

First Response Early Result Pregnancy Test, 3 count (Packaging & Test Design May Vary)

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Gel Eye Mask with Eye Holes- Hot Cold Compress Pack Eye Therapy | Cooling Eye Mask for Puffy Eyes, Dry Eyes, Headaches, Migraines, Dark Circles, Sinus - Reusable Eye Face Mask | Ergo Gel Bead (Pink)

Sleeping disorders

Gel Eye Mask with Eye Holes- Hot Cold Compress Pack Eye Therapy | Cooling Eye Mask for Puffy Eyes, Dry Eyes, Headaches, Migraines, Dark Circles, Sinus - Reusable Eye Face Mask | Ergo Gel Bead (Pink)

Sleep is a period that is very important for the rest and renewal of the body.

Sleep disorders cause deterioration of physical and mental health and decrease quality of life. It is an important public health problem because it can cause accidents. Sleep disorders can be asleep, difficulty in maintaining, problems with the body's biological clock or excessive daytime sleepiness, walking in sleep, wetting diapers, nightmares.

Many medical problems and psychiatric disorders can disturb sleep

It is quite common in patients with early waking, insomnia, or depression asleep. Treatment of the underlying disease may help to improve your sleep.

Periodic Leg Movements: Leg splashes occur during sleep for one to two seconds. Constant nightly splashing of the legs causes sleep interruptions and restless sleep. It can become more severe with age. Treatments are provided with medications, evening exercises and hot baths. If the iron level is low, iron treatment is beneficial.

Gastro-esophageal reflux: There is pain and stiffness in the middle of the chest and is called heartburn. During sleep, the stomach contents come back to the throat and awaken the person many times with a coughing and choking sensation. If you have reflux, raise the head of the bed 15-20 cm or lift your head with pillows. If it still persists, the appropriate medication is given to treat reflux.

Sleep Respiratory Disorders: The most common symptom in this group of diseases is snoring caused by narrowing of the throat during sleep. This disturbs individuals sharing the same bed. In addition to the causes of narrowing of the throat, excessive weight, alcohol intake, fatigue also increases the snoring conditions. When the narrowing of the throat increases, it causes complete blockage and stops breathing. Stopping breathing (above 10 seconds) among noisy snores, followed by breathing again and continuing with noisy snoring is called obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. . Sleep disturbance affects the metabolism, the rate of oxygen in the blood, the heart and vessels, sexual functions. The person wakes up in the morning not resting, not resting. Due to insomnia, attention deficit disorder, forgetfulness, sleepiness may develop during the day. Therefore, it is an important health problem affecting all physical and mental activities. The use of unprescribed medication and the use of sleep-related medications without knowing the underlying problem may be harmful. For the diagnosis of 'obstructive sleep apnea syndrome', sleep and breathing recordings and examination are required in the sleep laboratory. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is a treatable disease. The aim of treatment is to keep the upper airway open by giving positive pressure from outside, which has an increased tendency to close during sleep. For this purpose, pressure therapy is applied through the nose through the mask. Surgical treatment may be appropriate in patients with anatomic stenosis of the upper airway and moderate disease. The other treatment method that can be selected in these patients is the intraoral device placed in the mouth which is arranged by dentistry. Treatment with psychological support can reduce and eliminate negative outcomes.


It is an important health problem seen in one out of three people in case of difficulty falling asleep or maintaining sleep. It is seen at any age. It is most commonly seen in women and older people.

Insomnia due to adjustment disorder

It is a problem of falling asleep or sustaining for several nights due to excitement or tension. It takes less than three months. For example, when you are away from home, journeys beyond the time frame are often seen before starting a new job, before an important exam or sports activity, before an important business meeting or after a discussion. Sleep returns to normal when the stressful situation ceases or the person begins to adapt.

Chronic Insomnia

It takes at least a month. Mostly people are worried about their sleep. With psychological support, identifying and eliminating the underlying problem provides treatment.

Learned Insomnia

If you cannot sleep during stressful periods and are trying hard to sleep at night, it may become increasingly learned. Things done before going to bed remind you of sleeping problems and suddenly make you more alert. However, when they are not in bed, they easily sleep on the couch, reading newspapers and watching television. Treatment is provided by "not learning" things that remind you of stressful sleep and learning new sleeping habits.

Life style

If you drink coffee or cigarettes at night, it may prevent you from falling asleep or your sleep will be less relaxing. Weight loss medications, allergy and asthma medications, cold medicines contain stimulants and can disrupt sleep.

It is generally thought that a glass of wine before bedtime helps to sleep. However, although alcohol allows to fall asleep, it causes awakening during sleep for short periods.

In shift workers, sleep disturbances are common. This also occurs in people whose working hours are constantly changing. Programming to sleep at certain times and stay awake at other times helps a good sleep. Waking up at the same time every morning is a way to fix the way you sleep.

Regular exercise provides better sleep. The best time to exercise is in the afternoon. Do not exercise near bedtime.

Sleeping pills should be used under medical supervision. Some sleeping pills become useless if they are used for a long time. If you stop using it all of a sudden, it may break your sleep. Reducing need to cut.

Environmental Factors

The bedroom should be as quiet as possible. The noisy environment causes disruptions in falling asleep and disrupt sleep during sleep.

It is necessary to keep the bedroom dark. You can use thick curtains for this.


Insomnia due to bad sleep habits can only help in providing information and training.

Insomnia should first be recognized correctly and treatment options discussed with a specialist.

If medication is required, talk to your specialist to determine which is the best treatment and medicine. 'Jet lag' develops with flight over many time periods. It can trigger both insomnia and excessive daytime sleepiness. An appropriate sleeping medication that allows you to sleep on a plane during a night flight can reduce your excessive daytime sleepiness by regulating your sleep. Shift workers can sometimes be given medication to help them fall asleep. This can reduce daytime sleepiness and help adapt to the new program. Appropriate drug use during stressful periods may prevent sleep problems in people with insomnia.

Those with insomnia spend more time in bed, which interrupts sleep and creates frustration. Sleep restriction reduces the time spent in bed and makes sleep more effective.

Sometimes the bedroom becomes the place where things are done or where sad thoughts and discussions take place. These activities and thoughts often prevent sleep as a stimulus. Controlling and removing stimuli makes it easier to fall asleep. So try to sleep only when you feel sleepy. If you're not feeling sleepy and can't fall asleep in 20 minutes, get out of your bedroom and start a quiet activity elsewhere. Read books and listen to light music. Go back to your bedroom only when you feel sleepy. Keep a regular wake-up time even on holidays and weekends. Use your bedroom only for sleep and sexual intercourse. Before you go to bed every night, do some activities that help you relax, such as a warm bath or reading. Avoid heavy exercise, alcoholic beverages, cigarettes or other nicotine-containing foods six hours before bedtime. Do not be hungry, but do not eat heavy meals. Share your concerns with a family member or friend. Express your feelings in a diary. Share your feelings with your specialist.

Avoid sleeping during the day. However, take a nap for half an hour after lunch.

Try to focus on pleasant thoughts in a tranquil setting for relaxation and relaxation.

COGNITIVE THERAPY for the purpose of correcting information and correcting thoughts facilitates the initiation of sleep and helps to reduce anxiety during the day, thus helping to relieve insomnia

Excess Daytime Sleepiness

The main symptom of the disease is a short period of unbearable sleep attacks and a constant feeling of sleeplessness when awake.

Although excessive daytime sleepiness is a common symptom for many diseases, one of the most important diseases to remember is "Narcolepsy". In narcolepsy there may also be a loss of muscle power in the form of collapsing where excessive excitement occurs, such as laughing, surprise, fear, so-called 'cataplexy'. The other symptoms of the disease are the inability to move any organs for a short period of time, feeling like a paralysis while awakening from sleep, despite being in place of consciousness. The exact cause of narcolepsy is unknown. In recent years, a hormone called "Hypokretin" has been found to be low and the genetic structure secreting this hormone has been found to be defective. The patient who is thought to have narcolepsy is called "sleep test" called polysomnography. This test is expected to be normal. Daytime sleepiness has subjective (with questionnaires such as the "Epworth sleep scale") and objective (with tests such as MSLT or MWT). The day after the night of the sleep test, the so-called MS MSLT gündüz helps to make a diagnosis. In narcoleptic patients, MSLT test, which takes about 4-5 times 20 minutes of sleep at 2 hour intervals, shows the sleep phase called REM sleep much earlier than normal people in the first 5-10 minutes of sleep.

It is most often confused with the disease called "Idiopathic Hypersomnia". There are no signs and symptoms such as hallucinations, cataplexy and sleep paralysis observed in narcolepsy.

Kleine - Levin Syndrome, a rare disease, should not be forgotten. In this disease, it may show symptoms like sleeping more than 16 hours a day (3 to 15 days), eating too much or being overly eager for sexuality. It is expected to occur at a younger age, after stress or after an infection.

Specialist psychiatry and neurology physician follow-up is important in treatment. 10 - 20 mg / day Clomipramine treatment is used to correct conditions such as cataplexy, hallucinations and sleep paralysis, while Modafinil 100 - 400 mg / day is the most effective treatment for daytime sleepiness.

Also recommendations on sleep hygiene are useful.


Sleep freezes are observed with abnormal behavior during sleep. Sometimes it becomes more frequent, its intensity increases and requires treatment.

Confused awakening, sleepwalking and sleep terror are the most common parasomnias among the wakefulness disorders. It is mostly in the deepest part of sleep, not seen in dreams. Although one can do some complicated behavior, he is actually asleep and does not remember what he has done. It is common in children. Sometimes it can cause fatigue, febrile illness or some medications.

Crying and wandering in sleep are common in infants and children. Sometimes it can be in adults. It is difficult to wake up at this time, it may take up to half an hour. Often when he wakes up, he doesn't remember what happened and wants to go back to sleep.

Sleepwalking is common in older children. Sometimes he just gets out of bed and takes a few steps. But sometimes they can even go outside. Sometimes they talk, but they can do things that are incomprehensible, complicated. It may be necessary to take precautions to avoid injuries. Mostly it does not require treatment. It is not a symptom of a serious disease, it can cause tension or fatigue at the time. In children, the frequency decreases with age.

Eating is a rare form of sleepwalking. It is more common in young women.

Sleep Terror: Sleep begins with intense fear and a creepy scream. Pupils are enlarged, breathing is accelerated, sweat and very mobile. Horses from the bed; wanders around the room and even inside the house like crazy. This can harm both themselves and others. Terrified people around him. The person is unaware, he does not remember anything when he wakes up. This is the biggest difference from nightmares or bad dreams, so the event is not related to the dream.

Hypnagogic hallucination is a state of dreaming while awake just before falling asleep. These dreams can be scary because they are real.

Sleep paralysis (nightmare) is the inability to move the arms and legs as if paralyzed when awakened. Mostly after a dream.

Hypnagogic hallucinations and sleep paralysis may occur together. It is common in narcolepsy. There may also be people who have not been able to sleep.

REM Sleep Behavior Disorder: During most of our dreams, during Quick Eye Movements sleep, normally all muscles except the respiratory muscles are paralyzed. When this paralysis is not fully realized, the person plays in a sense the things they do in their dreams. This situation can harm both himself and his relatives. Treatment is done with drugs.

Startled during sleep: Sudden startle occurs as the whole body falls asleep. Sometimes it may also be sudden light or sound detection. Mostly harmless.

Tooth Grinding (Bruxism): In severe cases, some instruments may need to be inserted into the mouth. The underlying causes of tension for treatment should be eliminated.

Rhythmic Movement Disorder: Mostly seen in children. Shaking the head or body or turning the head to the left or right. It occurs just before or during sleep. In some severe cases, treatment may be required.

In case of dangerous situations that may cause harm to oneself or others, eating excessively or disturbing the people around them, excessive sleepiness during the day and if these complaints persist after childhood, treatment should be done with the help of an expert.

Simple measures should be taken to prevent injury to the person with alertness. Preventing injuries in the bedroom, closing the windows, doors, installing a lock or alarm are the precautions that can be taken.

Gel Eye Mask with Eye Holes- Hot Cold Compress Pack Eye Therapy | Cooling Eye Mask for Puffy Eyes, Dry Eyes, Headaches, Migraines, Dark Circles, Sinus - Reusable Eye Face Mask | Ergo Gel Bead (Pink)

Unimi Gel Eye Mask for Puffy Eyes and Dry Eyes, Innovative Cold Therapy Eye Mask for Relieve, Cooling Eye Ice Masks Gel for Headache/Dark Circles/Sinus Pain

How and Why Sleep?

Unimi Gel Eye Mask for Puffy Eyes and Dry Eyes, Innovative Cold Therapy Eye Mask for Relieve, Cooling Eye Ice Masks Gel for Headache/Dark Circles/Sinus Pain

We spend about a third of our lives sleeping, but few of us question why we sleep. Most of us feel like we don't do much in sleep, but a simple rest with the sleep switch turned off.

We spend about a third of our lives sleeping, but few of us question why we sleep. Most of us feel like we don't do much in sleep, but sleep is not a simple rest where the switch is turned off, but an active process, especially when the brain is very busy. It is more common that dreams are told and discussed, so why do we dream? What happens while we sleep and why do we need sleep? Let us put aside the personal developmentists who may argue about sleep and even say it is unnecessary. Why we sleep, what happens while sleeping is still an issue that scientists have not reached a consensus. But like every real sleep, it should be a topic that is talked about with scientific knowledge. In this article, I aim to convey the knowledge and hypotheses that science has about sleep.

Biological Clock
The adaptation process to the inanimate nature is such a powerful factor in the evolution of living things that the heart of living things multiplies with nature and acts in accordance with its rhythm. Day and night, created by the rotation of the earth on its axis, many temporal events such as the seasons caused by the axis inclination have also revealed temporal changes in adaptation. Many trees emerge from harsh winter conditions by shedding their leaves and reducing water transport. Some fish and bird species find food through large seasonal migrations and are protected from the cold. Flowers open and close during the day, some at night emits special scents. All mammals and birds sleep at different times and lengths. Many reptiles, amphibians, fish and even insects are sleeping. Some are nightlife like owls, cats or vampire bats, while others are noted for their short sleep.

Human as a primate is no different. Many hormonal and neurally controlled clocks work in a continuous cycle in our bodies. The structures that control these cycles are called biological clocks. As we all know, women's menstruation cycle of about four weeks can be given as an example of biological hours. For sleep, most of us have a daily cycle (approximately 23.5 and 24.65 hours different cycles have been observed in humans). With our advanced culture, we can illuminate at night, cover long distances and produce technologies that will survive in the worst conditions. This was not the case in most of the history of our species. The nights were when our vision was restricted, the weather was cold, unprotected and we could not find food. That was why large groups of people took refuge in caves, tree caverns, or other safe places. The fact that we and other animals spend their inefficient time sleeping in this cycle has led many scientists to believe that the origin of sleep is an evolutionary process that holds us in place to provide energy savings and safety. Adenosine and melotonin increased sleep. During sleep, the hormone melatonin reaches its highest levels and deepens our sleep. Indeed, the absence of light is a major factor in our sleep, with the first light of the day, the melatonin secretion decreases rapidly and the body revives rapidly if there is no special condition such as excessive fatigue, wear or disease. With the secretion of cortisol, adrenaline and noradranelin, the body is ready for action. In addition to external determinants, the biological clock that complies with these clocks is such a powerful determinant that, in experiments conducted in dark and non-clock rooms, subjects were found to sleep at night. Could that really be the only reason we're asleep? So it just evolved to sleep because there was nothing better to do? Studies reveal that this is not the case.

How Long Can We Stay Sleepless?
Staying sleepless for a long time is a subject of hidden competition among some young people, who like alcohol more resilient race. Staying longer for long periods is really hard work. The longest recorded insomnia record belongs to Randy Gander, a 17-year-old student from San Diego. 264 hours (about 11 days) sleepless Randy's last days were examined by scientists. The longest insomnia with a controlled group of subjects was 205 hours. No insignificant physical collapse was observed in the insomnia experiments and observations, a small decrease in body temperature, slight fatigue and increased appetite were observed. The effect we all notice is mental, other than chilling and sleeping with junk-food during sleepless nights. In the first days, memory and intelligence are slightly affected, but attention-grabbing difficulties begin. In the following days, a decrease was observed in criteria such as learning, memory and logical thinking. In 1966, the 205-hour experiment could not be remembered, the process of thinking and the ongoing process of hallucinations, the reality extended to the distinction between the imaginary. It did not happen to man, but a longer period is expected to bring death. In an experiment with sleepless rats, death occurred within 2 weeks.

Most of us know that after nights of sleepless or less sleepy, our sleep will be longer than usual. We call it “sleep debt.. After breaking the 264-hour record, Randy recovered greatly after a 15-hour sleep and paid 24% of his “debt”. Sleep debt is not paid by dividing the sleepless period as it is. For example, a person who sleeps for about seven hours a day divides the extra 4-5 hours of sleep increase on other days after one night of insomnia. This leads us to the idea that a part of sleep is indispensable. At the same time, in the sleep following long insomnia, it is deep, rather than transitional; slow sleep and REM stages were observed to be dominant. What are these phases and what can they do?

Stages of sleep and dreams

Our sleep is divided into stages according to EEG measurements at five different frequencies. They are grouped into two main stages, called REM and N-REM. Much of our sleep is more noticeable in the slow wave of N-REM. In a healthy, long sleep, these phases repeat with five cycles of REM periods. REM (Rapid Eye Movements) is the stage where the eye moves fast as if we were awake and looking at something, even though the eyelids were closed. At this stage, the brain has a high energy consumption, very close to the state we are awake. We see our dreams at this stage. There are many hypotheses about the function of dreams and the REM phase, two of which stand out. Our sleep can be a function of strengthening the important data gained during the day, in particular, of the universe, cleaning the trivial ones, and organizing with the old. The necessary synapses are converged and strengthened, and information links are organized. For example, the fact that you have eaten pasta at lunch is not very important and does not need to be transferred to long-term memory. However, if you've eaten pasta by chatting to someone you love, this information can be scraped off by merging and strengthening it. This view argues that dreams are the spectator of neural activity during these procedures. Another important hypothesis is that our dreams evolved in our primitive ancestors in order to predict different scenarios in nature and to be prepared. Such inheritance is advantageous as it increases the chances of survival and will become widespread in the population over time. The fact that we solve problems, think implicitly and make decisions during sleep is more compatible with this hypothesis. Many famous mathematicians have solved some problems in their sleep. Again, during the exam periods, busy employees may remember that they have solved questions in their dreams. Two hypotheses and more may apply together.

We have a lot of data that sleep is not a choice or just an energy saving method. An interesting example is that two brain hemispheres detected in dolphins sleep at different times. Researchers think that this is an adaptation developed by this mammalian family that needs to surface and breathe. In addition, genetic studies show that some inactive gene regions in the brain cells become awake during sleep.

In this article we could not address many remarkable examples, details and titles; You can follow our suggestions. Although we are not yet fully enlightened about humanity in terms of sleep and dreams, science guides us and enlightens us in spite of all charlatanism.

Some Tips for a Healthy and Relaxing Sleep
When and how much? We need to sleep at night due to our biological clock. It is important that we spend between 12 and 3 nights sleeping, on average, when our metabolism is the slowest and sleep chemicals peak. Im I'll get up early. ”Has a real meaning in this sense because the wake-up hormones are activated between 5 and 7 o'clock. It is important not to expect short sleeps because it takes about one and a half hours to get to REM, the most important stage for the brain. For a short sleep, it is ideal between 110-130 minutes when the first cycle is completed, because waking up in the middle of the loop will bring us a dazed vigilance. Moreover, waking up in the middle of REM sleep can lead to a lucid dream that can be controlled; it can also cause a situation called an black step arasında among the people, where consciousness comes into place, the eye is opened but cannot be moved. For fully rested sleep, an average of 7-8 hours in adults and up to 9 hours in young people is required.

What kind of environment? A quiet, dark and slightly cool environment will improve sleep quality. It is also important that any electronic device does not work and that there is no clock that can be easily and frequently maintained. How much we can sleep, if we can hard to sleep over and over time to look at the time created by the tension will make sleep even more difficult. A light location in the morning will make it easier to wake up.

You can drink teas such as linden, centaury, melissa and chamomile before you go to sleep, or you can prefer yoghurt and buttermilk to provide fatigue with lactic acid. Developing a pre-sleep ritual will also make it easier for you to fall asleep over time and conditioned you. You can have drinks as your ritual, or create other rituals such as listening to music or hugging your loved ones. However, listening to music while sleeping will reduce quality. Ritual reading is not recommended because we don't want you to sleep at another time (for example, this magazine). Do not drink alcohol, sleep in bright and light environments, do not exercise or use a computer if possible.

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I Can't Sleep Fast, How Can I Sleep Now?

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The secret of a quality life is through quality sleep. People who do not sleep well invite many diseases. Our body is not a robot and has to spend approximately one third of the day resting. Intentionally or unwillingly preventing this will cause the body to lose its balance after a while.

Sleep is still not a scientifically defined concept, but the effects of insomnia are well known. During sleep, although our body is still working, our muscles and many organs take it to rest. Even the brain that doesn't stop working even for 1 second works better after sleep. Sleep not only affects our physical health but also positively affects our mental health.

Effects of Smoking and Alcohol Use on Sleep
Cigarettes and caffeinated beverages are the main factors affecting sleep. It is also possible that some medications used may cause sleep loss. People who smoke constantly, often have difficulty falling asleep. The reason for this is that the amount of nicotine in the body decreases and the brain arouses the person to take new nicotine.

inability to sleep

Alcohol is one of the sleep disrupting substances. Despite this, many people drink to sleep and even exude, making himself completely drunk. This, in fact, will only make the situation worse. Just like sleeping medicines, alcohol makes the person unable to sleep without alcohol after a while. During sleep almost all of our bodies are repaired. Cell regeneration and tissue repair are less common in people who fall asleep after alcohol consumption. People who live in this way continuously get older and get sick very quickly.

How many hours per day is required to sleep?
When a person is born, he sleeps two-thirds of the day, 16 hours a day. As age progresses, the need for sleep decreases, and the daily sleep requirement of an adult varies between 6 and 8 hours. Young people should sleep for 8-9 hours.

Mothers who are present in the first months of pregnancy can also sleep for several hours longer than normal adults. The human body loves habits. If you sleep for 10 hours every day, you cannot switch to 6 hours of sleep at a time. Even if you manage to get up and sleep for 6 hours, the body will do what it does to get the remaining 4 hours.

As one gets older, they need less sleep. Insomnia is therefore more common in older people.

What are the harms of under-sleeping?
Insomnia people have to face the negative side effects after a while. First, a person's mental state will deteriorate. If you have had a chance to see a patient suffering from depression, you will notice that they wake up very early. This is not because they get their sleep, but rather the problem of insomnia. They want to go back to sleep, but they can't. The reason for not being able to fall asleep may be that the thoughts of stress and depression keep the brain constantly occupied.

Depression and manic depressive persons may cause insomnia after a while. Although they are very tired, they may be overactive. Of course there is an end to this, after a few days they can be completely exhausted. This situation is definitely in need of treatment.

What is Sleep Apnea?
Sleep apnea occurs in people who snore, and snoring is called stopping breathing. This leaves the person deprived of oxygen at night, which naturally causes headaches. Oxygen is the reason we sleep all night and get up vigorous in the morning. People with sleep apnea wake up very tired in the morning because they can't get enough oxygen.

People who experience sleep apnea are also reluctant sexually because their performance decreases. Blood pressure increases, heart rhythm disturbances are seen and mental problems begin to emerge. Sleep apnea is a very dangerous disease and increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. Even breathing in sleep may cause death if the patient lasts longer. Attention loss due to mental blur causes sleep apnea patients to have more traffic accidents than normal people.

How Can I Sleep Now?
Now let's get back to our original position. First of all, people who have insomnia should consult a doctor. This may not be a simple problem. A very powerful disease may be behind the insomnia. Such cases are actually symptoms and should be considered.

In addition to your treatment, you can go to sleep faster by browsing the following items.
Avoid gas-producing foods. Excess gas in the body increases organ activity and bothers you.
Get rid of your excess weight. The fatter you are, the more uncomfortable you get. Overweight people can wake up with the urge to eat at night. This prevents fat people from sleeping deeply, just like smokers.
Avoid unnecessary medication. Even the most useful drug has side effects. Do not use any medicines that your doctor does not require.
Music is the food of the soul, eat from there. In the room you use to sleep, listen to beautiful instrumental music that blows your soul when your sleep time comes. I suggest you turn on these music about 30 minutes before sleep, so it's already playing before you go to bed.
If your feet get cold, wear a thin bed socks. Do not put your socks on the bed during the day, as this will cause bacteria to grow. Some people are awake because their feet are cold, even if they are not aware. A thin bed socks that will not disturb you will increase your comfort.
Cut off your relationship with the world 2 hours before bedtime. Keep away from electronic devices such as phones, televisions, tablets and computers. Stop eating and drinking and read a book or chat with your loved ones.
Start reading 30 minutes before going to bed, and reading naturally brings to sleep due to eye movements. Do not resist when you sleep, and immediately curl up on the bed without doing anything else.
Your stay and departure times are always the same. As we say, the human body loves habits very much. If you make radical changes in hospitalization and departure times and do this almost every day, you are far from a chance of quality sleep.
Use the bed only for sleeping and do not sit on it even during the day. Go to bed before your bedtime. For example, you can read your 30-minute book lying down on your bed.
Efficient sleep time accepted worldwide is 23.00 at the latest. Be sure to be in bed between 22.00 and 23.00, the most efficient regeneration times for the body is determined between 23.00-02.00.
In the above time zones, poisons are excreted from the body, if you are awake during these hours, they are sent to the liver without being thrown away.
Keep your phone or TV at least 2-3 meters away from your sleeping area. When these devices are very close to you, your brain constantly unwittingly waits for a message from them.
Your bedroom should be asleep. It must be rich in oxygen and should not contain any electronic devices.
Your bed linen, bed and bedding should be clean. The bedroom must always be cool. So if your living room temperature is 24, the bedroom should be 21 degrees. The low heat makes the body more comfortable to sleep and also provides a little fat burning throughout the night.
Do not talk to your troubled friends or family members before sleeping. Even stop talking with any people 1 hour in advance.
A warm shower will work before sleep.
Exercising exhausts the body and empties the mind, allowing you to sleep more comfortably. Exercise at least 2 hours before hospitalization.
Stop caffeine intake at least 3 hours before sleep, and drink your last cigarette 3 hours in advance.
Avoid sugary foods and fatty foods.
Do not sleep during the day, if you are very tired you can take a nap for a maximum of 30 minutes.

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What's the secret to a healthy sleep? Practical solutions and recommendations against insomnia

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One of the three people in Turkey, struggling with the problem of sleep disorders. Some of us complain about not being able to sleep because of snoring and breathing problems while others are having trouble falling asleep. Those who are napping in the office or even at the wheel during the day are at risk of dangerous accidents other than job loss. If you are one of those who are in bed in the morning, you can get rid of your insomnia problem with some precautions. It is of great importance to maintain a good sleep, which is a period of time during which the tired body and worn-out nervous system takes care of itself for renewing and resting, and for maintaining mental and physical balance.
Yet for some of us to sleep without a hole at night is literally a dream. Için Make sure your room is compact and quiet for a comfortable sleep. When you come to sleep, go to bed, be sure to sleep in the dark. ”Asst. Assoc. Dr. Emir Rusen shared tips to help you sleep comfortably:

Criteria of healthy sleep
If you wake up rested in the morning, spend the daylight hours in an energetic mood before your sleep comes, your thoughtfulness, the problem of focusing on a subject, forgetfulness, if you do not feel frustrated, do not feel yourself sluggish, do not have difficulty falling asleep at night, then do not wake up to sleep is healthy. .

Things to do for a quality sleep

The biggest problem is not falling asleep
The most common sleep disorder is falling asleep, another way to wake up frequently at night. There may also be problems such as snoring and frequent breakdown of sleep due to sleep breathing. People who experience these problems, people get up very hard in the morning and have trouble sleeping during the day. They're nervous, nervous.

Distraction, forgetfulness, somnolence at the wheel and headaches during the day; They struggle with the problem of ‘insufficient sleep.. Sometimes several types of insomnia can coexist. Separation of insomnia types; To understand the cause of insomnia and to apply the right treatment is of great importance.

7- 7 and a half hours ideal time
Sleeping an average of 7-7.5 hours is sufficient for adults. But this is not the standard for everyone. While the duration of sleep in childhood is long, the duration of sleep decreases with age. You should practice getting up at the same time in the morning. Even if you sleep 1-2 hours at night, wake up at the same time in the morning! After a while, within days, your brain will fit into this program and it will become clear at what time you should sleep at night.

Stop chasing sleep
Another mistake made is to stay in bed longer. However, if you stay in bed so that your sleep does not turn on, it becomes even more difficult to fall asleep. Keep in mind; the longer you wait for sleep, the more you chase him, the more he escapes you. So to make your sleep come again; getting out of bed, distracting yourself from the idea of ​​sleeping, and dealing with a few things you like.

Sleep problems
Most people may have trouble sleeping at least during their lifetime.
During the university period, you may have to work until morning, especially during exam times, and your sleep patterns may deteriorate. However, these problems should not be underestimated if they are experienced for a long time and become negative.

Things to do for healthy sleep in 10 steps! Remedy for insomnia

These problems can be caused by weakening of the physical and psychological resistance of the human being and getting sick more quickly, increasing accidents, decreasing the quality of life as it affects energy, concentration and memory, and death in very advanced cases.

Here are some sleep problems you may encounter:

What is insomnia?
Insomnia can be defined as having difficulty falling asleep, maintaining or both. If you have been sleeping at least 3 times a week for more than a month, you may have chronic insomnia. You may not feel rested when you wake up because you will be sleeping less than you need and / or of poor quality. Some physical illnesses, psychological problems, stress, improper diets, journeys and many other factors can cause insomnia.

What is hypersomnia?
It is the feeling of excessive need for sleep, which may affect the daily life negatively. Hypersomnia can be defined by excessive drowsiness during the day or by prolonged sleep at night. Even if the person sleeps well enough at night, even if he has a daytime nap, he still needs to sleep.

What is narcolepsy, sudden sleep attacks?
At various times in daily life, even if the person has taken a normal sleep is experienced sleep attacks. They can fall asleep during any activity, such as driving a car, listening to a lesson, talking to people. Unlike hypersomnia, sleepiness is not continuous, it comes as a sudden attack and the person feels rested after sleeping and waking up. It is usually genetic but may also be related to brain damage. It can be controlled with some drugs.

What is sleep apnea syndrome, is there any treatment?
Occasionally, breathing stops during sleep. As a person tries to breathe, it causes awakening and snoring. This problem can also cause restlessness, depression, high blood pressure, heart attacks and death. The person does not wake up feeling rested, he can always experience a state of sleepiness.

What is Restless Leg Syndrome?
Discomfort in the legs during sleep or rest, restlessness, numbness, need to move and tingling. Depression may be caused by anxiety, sugar problems, iron deficiency, drugs used or menstrual periods.

Parasomnias: These are unexpected and often sleep-disrupting conditions that occur suddenly during sleep. Problems in the central nervous system or psychological causes are effective. Night terror; It is a seizure that starts with sudden shouting or crying, which may cause palpitations and frequent breathing.

Speech in sleep and sleepwalking
This can happen when the person is in deep sleep, with his eyes open, talking or wandering. Nightmares; they are dreams that scare the content and are likely to have a psychological infrastructure. Nightmare; Although physiological paralysis in REM sleep is continued, although it is awakened from sleep.

Tooth grinding; it can be related to the occurrence of daytime sleep during the night and the effects of unexplained emotions and internal conflicts.

REM sleep behavior disorder; According to the content of the dream as a result of the effectiveness of the muscles that need to relax during sleep kicking or punching, running is the state of our body to accompany the content of the dream. All of these situations should be taken seriously, as they are likely to harm themselves or others.

Parasomnias should listen to these recommendations for a good sleep
It should not be laid before bed.
The bed should only be used for sleeping. Watch TV in bed, book
activities such as reading should be avoided.
If you cannot fall asleep within 20-30 minutes after bed, you should get out of bed. Again
sleep should be expected to come back to sleep. This operation success
should be repeated until
No matter how little he slept at night, he should always wake up in the morning,
Staying in bed should not be extended with the excuse of fatigue. Awake
although in the mornings for a long time in bed, especially in the elderly the next night
sleep is an important factor to delay the arrival.
Even when feeling very tired, daytime nap should be avoided.
Thus, it should be ensured that sleep is intensified at night. Very fly
for example, overwork or long trips.
A shortcut of 20–30 minutes is allowed.
Possible during the day, not close to the evening hours
exercise or walking should be done as much as possible.
Dinner should be light and not close to bedtime.
Stimulants such as tea, coffee and cigarettes should not be taken during the day, especially in the afternoon and evening.
Light Therapy (phototherapy):
Staying outdoors for two hours at noon,
is very effective in reducing. It is assumed that there is not enough light in the room
It is. Especially in the elderly with “early sleep phase” syndrome
should be exposed towards the evening or evening. Evening
Approximately 2500 lux with lamps lasting 1–3 hours of treatment is done. Light
The positive effects of treatment occur in 1–8 weeks.

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Do them for a healthy sleep
Don't let your bedroom be messy: The bedroom is noisy, very furnished and the bed is not comfortable, which affects sleep negatively. Therefore, do not keep too much in your room and simplify.
Don't have a TV in your bedroom: Watching TV in the bedroom all of a sudden disrupts the quality and period of sleep.
Don't go to bed until you get to sleep: go to bed when you're tired enough to sleep, not with the idea that you need to sleep.
What to do before going to bed for a good quality sleep

Sleep in the dark: If you are not in the habit of sleeping with the light on, turn off the lights immediately after bedtime.
Wake up at the same time: Get out of bed at the same time every day.
Take a warm bath at bedtime: start to relax slowly in the second half of the evening. Perform relaxation movements on the bed. Realize that you relax your muscles, imagine you're in a place you like, or take a warm bath.
Exercise in the morning: Exercise regularly every morning in the morning, even for a short time. Regular exercise has the benefit of providing a restful sleep.
Adjust the temperature of the room: Adjust the temperature of your bedroom so that you feel comfortable. Make sure it is not too hot or cold.
Keep your bedroom quiet: Keep your bedroom quiet while you sleep.
Keep your feet warm: Keep your feet and hands warm. Wear socks and / or gloves to keep warm in bed, if necessary.
Watch and phone out: Do not bring appliances such as a sounding watch and mobile phone.
Do not exaggerate coffee: Do not drink too much tea, cola and coffee during the day.
Milk and jasmine tea: A few hours before bedtime, drink jasmine tea, linden and take a few light biscuits; because being hungry before going to bed also affects the dive asleep.
Correct bed and pillow: The quality of the bed, comfort is very important. Bed and pillow should be chosen according to the situation of the person (hard or soft, but the comfort should be suitable for the person).

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