Monday, September 30, 2019

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10 Sleep Rituals That Will Make You Sleep and Succeed

Eye Mask Sleep Masks Sleeping Mask Blindfold Eye Cover Team Building Games Party with Nose Pad and Adjustable Strap for Women Men Kids 4 Layers Black Pack of 30

The better you sleep at night, the better your day will be.

The last thing you do before going to bed determines what your subconscious mind will think about while you sleep, so it has a significant impact on your mental state the next morning. Research shows that studying at bedtime will make it easier to remember this information later.

It is extremely difficult to close your mind when you are stressed or worried. A regular night routine will help you relax, fall asleep and prepare better the next day. At the end of each day, even for just a few minutes, thinking about that day can have a huge impact on your future. These last moments before closing your eyes can determine your success.

Wouldn't you want to succeed? So try the 10 pre-sleep rituals that will help you get through the next day we've prepared for you.

1. Write three things that went well and did not go that day.

Make a quick assessment of the day. Verifying what goes well every day and putting it on paper prevents you from getting stuck in bad things. Taking a moment to realize all the good you do every day will help you to see your progress and appreciate yourself. Think of it as a thankful exercise to remind yourself once again how grateful you are for everything you have.

On the other side of the coin, it is important to accept the wrong situation. To improve yourself further, you need to take a look at yourself and fine-tune before the tiny problems turn into full-fledged disasters.

Thinking about what you can do every day to improve yourself, albeit small, will help you to predict what you will do in the following days. But first, allow yourself a maximum of five minutes to accept both good and bad events.

2. Prepare the next day's to-do list.

Whether you do it at the beginning or at the end of your night routine, the value of getting a clear idea of ​​what tomorrow looks like before the end of the day is unquestionable.

A short, concise and clearly prepared to-do list lets you wake up with a purpose. Doing this before going to bed will relax your mind - you won't worry about the things you need to do the next day, and you won't turn around in your bed. You can relax now. Your list will be waiting for you in the morning.

Making the next day's to-do list before you go to sleep gives your subconscious an opportunity to reflect on these ideas that you have in mind throughout the night. Your sleeping fairy can help you brainstorm while you sleep. And when you wake up, you start the day with a clear understanding of what that day is hiding for you.

3. Determine what you need for the next day.

Some people believe it is a good habit to prepare the clothes they will wear, or a lunch ready to take away the night before. And they're right. These little rituals are like rehearsals to help us relax for a good night's sleep. If you have a busy schedule the next day, or if a critical day awaits you, the tasks you will perform during the night will be extremely helpful in completing the next day.

The more you manage to go beyond time, the more prepared you are to focus on what is important. So you'll have less disruptions because you're ready to go out the door. The smooth progress of your day increases your self-confidence, confronts the world with confidence, with a lunch ready at hand and shoes that fit your belt.

4. Take a hot shower or enjoy a bath.

The purpose of bedtime routines is to relax and relieve stress. A hot shower can do wonders if you think you need extra help to unwind and relax at night.

There is a reason why many people claim to have found brilliant ideas when they bathe. Combination with water is known to have a very therapeutic effect, and can also help you get rid of the addictive technology addiction. Water is an effective way to soothe your mind, so your thoughts can become more fluid and your ideas will have the chance to crystallize and come to life. Try! You may find yourself in a moment of relaxation to come when you swim in the foams.

5. Take a long walk.

Some people believe in the necessity of doing sports before going to bed. Do you believe that this will improve you? What if we told you that a long walk would do the same? Walking at a gentle pace is comforting, not a burdensome and hard work to exhaust your body. It helps to calm your mind and relax your body.

Being out at night can create this personal space you need to break away from technology and return to yourself. This time zone, which is far from the hustle and bustle of everyday business, is often overlooked. Seeing where you live at night and strolling through the streets will help you to see things from a different perspective and revive new ideas. Let your thoughts wander along with your feet.

6. Stretch.

Do you feel like zombies suffering from stiff joints, cramps and sprains at the end of the day? Maybe it's time to try again and again the movements that will loosen and soften you for a good night's sleep. Taking a few moments to stretch allows your body to know when it's time to shut down.

Find a quiet corner in your home and try to understand how you feel physically here. If you are sitting in an office chair all day; your shoulders, back and legs will need a few minutes of care. Stretching not only removes all of your tension, it also prevents injuries and helps you really feel your body.

7. Spend time with your loved ones.

It is often recommended that you talk to someone who is important to you about the day you spend. Spending time with your relatives is one of the great ways to reduce stress, think, exchange ideas and recharge yourself.

Talking about what is happening in your life is an important part of developing deep and lasting relationships. Make time to be together with friends, family or spouse. It'il calm us to know we're loved and cared. Playing with only one pet can help reduce your tension and lower your blood pressure. And is there anything better than spending your day with the people you really care about?

8. Meditate.

Meditation allows us to find peace even in the chaos of our passing day. You see, it is not in vain that the rapid expansion of meditation in the challenging world of business and entrepreneurship.

Meditation allows you to fend off all thoughts that get you out of a good night's sleep and give you new perspectives.

It takes time and patience to master meditation. Consistency is a sine qua non of meditation - our brains are very open to distraction, will have difficulty focusing automatically at some point and will continue to focus on the moment you are in. So meditate - this mind-calming practice is the perfect way to end your day.

Be sure to read: How to Meditate?

9. Imagine.

Successful people have the ability to visualize their success. After clarifying where they want to go, they bury that image deep into their minds.

Doing this before going to bed will solidify this goal in your subconscious while you sleep. This is called Tasar Designing the Primary Goal ”.

It is necessary to visualize your main goal, to realize your greatest goals and dreams and to give them legitimacy. Doing this before going to bed activates your creative subconscious while you sleep. When you wake up to new and exciting ideas, keep a notebook next to your bed so you can write them down!

Be sure to read: Rules for Waking Up Early and Following Your Dreams

10. Plan for plenty of sleep.

Finally, successful people plan their days and nights well and make time for enough rest. They know that sleeping four or five hours a day will leave them cranky, exhausted and brain-dead. Lack of sleep is closely related to high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke.

Experts recommend that adults sleep between seven and nine hours a day. Going to bed at the same time every night helps your body create a sleep rhythm, so you can get a healthier and better quality sleep. If you follow the same sleep routine every night, your body will get used to it over time and will know when to relax. This means that it will be easier to fall asleep.

Feeling sleepy already? What is that, you're starting to stretch? We wish you a good night's sleep…

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Women's sleeping habits

100% Handmade Cotton Sleep Mask Blackout - Comfortable & Breathable Eye Mask for Sleeping Adjustable Blinder Blindfold Airplane with Travel Pouch - Best Night Companion Eyeshade for Women Men Kid

One-third of human life goes to sleep. If your sleeping habits are not good, your body will be damaged, so the following habits should be abandoned.
1, Be angry before bedtime

Before going to bed, an angry man's heart beats faster, breathing gets faster, he thinks a lot in his head, and it's hard to fall asleep.

2, Eat more before sleep

Before going to bed at night, someone who eats too much does not work much in the stomach and intestines, his brain full of food runs his brain. He can't sleep easily when he's excited. Chinese medicine's "stomach is not compatible, sleep will not be good quality" approach, suggests not to eat much food.

3, Drink tea before sleep.

The bicohem (an alkaloid which is the isomer of caffeine in tea) excites the central nervous system. Therefore, if someone drinks tea, especially dark tea, before night's sleep, the central nervous system gets very excited and cannot fall asleep easily.

4, Severe sports before night's sleep

The nerve cells that control the movements of the muscles in the brain of a person who is engaged in severe sports before night's sleep become extremely excited. This kind of excitement does not calm down in a short time, and one cannot fall asleep. Therefore, before night's sleep, one should maintain the calmness of his body. Of course slight movements, for example, walking is harmless.

5, Pillow too high

Physiologically, the cushion is suitable to be 8 to 12 inches thick. If it was too low, headache and eyelid swell the next day because of too much blood in the brain; Though too high, the respiratory system is forced. If this condition lasts long, neck and waist discomfort will occur.

6, Lie down on your arm while you sleep.

This way of sleeping prevents blood circulation, causes pain in both arms, also increases the pressure in the abdomen and causes esophageal inflammation. Therefore, this habit should be prevented.

7, Cover the duvet

Covering the head with a duvet leads to shortness of breath; in addition, re-ingesting the carbon dioxide discharged by itself is not beneficial to human health. Especially infants and young children should not do so, there is a danger of suffocation.

8. Breathing in the mouth

Keeping your mouth shut is a good health benefit. When breathing with mouth, dust is taken to the body, trachea, lungs and ribs are affected by cold weather. If you breathe with the nose, the nasal hair blocks some of the dust, and the cold air heats up in the nose.

9, Sleep in wind current

Asleep, the ability to adapt to the environment decreases and the patient becomes ill from the cold. In the past, the Chinese argued that the wind was one of the top 100 causes of the disease. According to this approach, one should avoid wind flow while sleeping, the bed should be at a certain distance from the window and door.

10. Sitting down

Some sit on the couch after they are full, turn on the TV, watch series, drink tea. Maybe he gets tired of his work, falls asleep while watching a show. But this is a dangerous habit. While sitting, the heart rate slows down, the vessels dilate, the blood to the internal organs remains low. The stomach also needs blood to digest food. Thus, the lack of oxygen in the brain becomes heavier, dizziness is seen.

In short, the wrong ways of sleep, such as wrong sitting patterns are harmful to human health. There are three lying positions, including sleeping on your back, lying face down and sleeping on one side. The best sleeping position for people is sleeping on the right side.

Before going to bed, people should brush their teeth and take a shower; Since there are many acupuncture points on the head, it should comb the hair and improve the blood flow in the brain. This habit improves blood circulation in the brain, protects the hair, prevents hair loss, relieves the fatigue of the brain. Those who drink a glass of honey with milk before night's sleep do not wake up early. In addition, the windows should be left open, the air at home should be kept clean.

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Sleep Disorders

Sleep Eye Mask for Men Women, 3D Contoured Cup Sleeping Mask & Blindfold with Ear Plug Travel Pouch, Concave Molded Night Sleep Mask, Block Out Light, Soft Comfort Eye Shade Cover for Yoga Meditation

What is Sleep?
Sleep does not only affect an area confined to the night, it is a form of life that we do not think much about as a result or reason at every hour of the day. a functional process. Although science and technology have advanced rapidly to explain sleep, there are still unexplained questions and secrets.

So what are the questions or problems that we can explain or come to us?

I never sleep,

I'm over asleep. Can't I just get some sleep?

I wake up all night… Why?

Even as I sit,

I can't rest no matter how much I sleep,

My wife snores can not sleep,

I wake up leaping,

I have bad dreams and nightmares,

My brother is delirious or asleep while sleeping,

What's going on in sleep?

For our health, eating is as important as drinking. In particular, toxic wastes accumulated in the nervous system cause sleep. Sleep provides the removal of these toxic substances from the body and resting. It is a need for relieving physical and mental fatigue, relaxing and energetic. Heart rate decreases during sleep. Blood pressure drops. Respiratory rate decreases. Body temperature drops. Operation of internal organs is reduced. Nervous system and sensory organs are in a state of relaxation. Fatigue reduces the resistance of the body.

We have all experienced a sleep-related problem for a long or short time at a time in our lives. If the problem is resolved within a few days, we will survive that period without professional help.

How long should we sleep?

Normal sleep time is the period in which a person feels well and can be energetic when he wakes up. The need for sleep varies from person to person. It is known that the duration of sleep varies from person to person and even according to the age period and this period is between 4 hours and 11 hours.

What happens if we don't sleep?

The effects of insomnia on the body:

The number of white blood cells decreases. The body's resistance to diseases decreases,

Resistance to psychiatric diseases decreases,

Muscle strength weakens,

Blood sugar balance is impaired,

The breathing rhythm is broken,

Body temperature drops,

Visual and speech disorders begin,


Stress hormone is secreted. Irritability is intolerance.

What is Insomnia?
Insomnia, which is characterized by inability to fall asleep or difficulty maintaining sleep during the night, waking up earlier than usual and being tired during the day, is often a symptom of other problems. Most people who have difficulty sleeping do not fall asleep in inappropriate situations (for example, behind the wheel), and if this happens, the cause of insomnia is sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea

Symptoms of sleep apnea:

Extreme daytime sleepiness,


Snoring and / or breathing while sleeping,

Headache in the morning

What is narcolepsy?

Narcolepsy symptoms include excessive tendency to sleep during the day and short-term sleep attacks. Dreaming and dream-like hallucinations during these sleepiness are signs of narcolepsy.

Narcolepsy symptoms: Loss of control of the muscles (cataplexy) associated with feelings such as laughter or anger, and sleep paralysis, which cannot move after waking.

What is Restless Leg Syndrome?
It is defined as discomfort in the legs, restlessness and need to move during sleep or rest (sitting or lying). Numbness, tingling, and sometimes a feeling that is not fully defined. It occurs or becomes worse in restless situations such as sitting or lying down. It partially or completely improves with movements such as walking and stretching.

How is Restless Leg Syndrome treated?

Restless leg syndrome is a treatable condition. Stopping caffeine intake, a hot bath before bedtime, or relaxation exercises can help. Hot or cold bags to apply to your leg can help you relax. There are some effective drugs, but they can have serious side effects.

You should consult your doctor about your sleeping problem if:

When methods such as bathing, caffeine intake, exercise and relaxation techniques do not work,

If you believe that your sleep problem is caused by depression or heart disease,

If you snore excessively while you sleep or you are out of breath,

If you fall asleep while doing normal activities such as talking or driving,

If you are constantly tired when you wake up,

If you think that the medications you use cause sleep disorders,

How is narcolepsy treated?

Mostly, short sleepiness is relaxing. Your doctor may also give you stimulants to keep you alive throughout the day. Some new drugs that are less potent and less likely to make habits than other stimulants have been found to be highly effective in maintaining vigilance. Antidepressants can help treat cataplexy or the feeling of paralysis as soon as you wake up.

What kind of treatments are applied for sleep disorders?

Your doctor may recommend that you go to a sleep clinic to diagnose your sleep problem. Sleep clinics are particularly useful for sleep problems associated with sleep apnea, narcolepsy and heart disease. One or two nights asleep; you may have to spend in a sleep lab where your heart, brain, and breathing are observed. The sleep specialist can review your test results and tell you what you have. Your sleep problem may be caused by stress or illness, excessive caffeine or alcohol intake, physical or emotional problems, medication or lifestyle. The specialist will try to understand why you are having sleep problems, which will help you determine how to sleep better.

What are Circadian Rhythm Disorders?

The use of bright-light therapy has become widespread in the treatment of both delayed sleep phase syndrome (difficulty in falling asleep at night and waking up during the day) and early sleep phase syndrome (sleeping too early and waking up very early in the morning). Researchers are investigating the usefulness of this treatment in the treatment of sleep problems related to jet-lag (disturbance of the body's inability to adapt to the time difference in long-term flights) or shift changes. Melatonin is also used in the treatment of circadian rhythm disorders, however research has shown that bright-light therapy is more beneficial.

For a good sleep:

Stay connected to a regular sleep program. Get up at the same time in the morning, even on weekends and holidays,

Avoid short sleep during the day,

Avoid stressful activities and heavy training two hours before bedtime. Exercise early in the day,

Try relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, yoga and meditation just before bedtime,

Make sure your bedroom is dark, quiet and cool. Use ear plugs and eye masks if necessary,

If you can't sleep, get out of your bedroom, go to another room and read a book or do something quiet and relaxing,

Avoid caffeine, thein, coffee, tea, aperitif or diet pill,

If your snoring is mild, consider the following:

Turn to the side, lie down,

Ask your doctor if you have allergies or nasal congestion,

Avoid caffeine and alcohol,

Avoid sleeping pills and sedatives,

Sleep apnea syndrome:

Weight loss can alleviate sleep apnea, although it does not completely cure it. Avoid alcohol and sleeping medications. Since surgeries only allow to treat mild sleep apnea cases, your doctor may apply CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) to ensure that the airway stays open at night. This nightly procedure prevents the muscles from collapsing during the night by transmitting the air to the airway through the nose mask with the pressure prescribed by your doctor. This ensures that you can sleep uninterrupted all night. In some people, a braces to keep the lower jaw in front may be useful in mild to moderate sleep apnea and snoring.

Pregnancy and sleep:

Women who suffer from insomnia during pregnancy can relax in the afternoon with short-term sleep, drinking hot milk or taking a warm bath before going to bed. Exercise can also help. Mothers who are expecting a baby can sleep more comfortably by turning sideways, supporting their heads, bellies and knees with a pillow.

Nightmares and Nightmares:

If your child has nightmares, the best remedy is to relieve him. If these nightmares or nightmares occur frequently, talk to your child's doctor about this problem.


Research has shown that active seniors who exercise regularly regularly sleep better than others. The elderly who cannot sleep well at night can close this gap with their afternoon sleep. Nevertheless, it should not be forgotten that excessive sleepiness will disrupt night's sleep. During the day, especially in the morning, sufficient sunlight can be beneficial.

Life style

If you have a good sleep pattern, do not use alcohol, caffeine and nicotine and do not eat heavy meals before going to bed at night, you will sleep better. Regular exercise is also beneficial for sleep, but the training should be finished no later than 2 hours before bedtime.


Drugs that you should take every day can disrupt your sleep patterns. If this occurs, contact your doctor. New dose adjustments or drug change may be the solution.

Depression and anxiety

If you have been deprived of sleep for more than a few days due to depression or anxiety, contact your doctor for treatment.

Heart diseases and lung problems

If you are lying on your bed and you are out of breath or if you wake up hard at night, see a doctor immediately. There may be a problem with your heart or lungs.

Facilities in our Hospital:

Sleep Laboratory

Sleep Laboratory: Although the definitive diagnosis of sleep diseases is made in places that we have special equipment for sleep, the complaints of people who complain of bad sleep cannot be confirmed in the laboratory, or pathology can be revealed by investigations when there is no significant complaint.

Providing EEG (electroencephalography), eye movements (EOG = electrooculography), chin EMG (electromyography), respiratory recordings (Airflow, chest and abdominal muscle movements, oximetry), ECG (electrocardiography), leg EMG records in sleep laboratories and sleep stages are revealed and sleep studies are performed.
The patient is put to normal sleep in this laboratory and examined by making the above-mentioned records. These records are evaluated after the patient wakes up.

NPİSTANBUL Brain Hospital Sleep Laboratory
It consists of two sleeping rooms, a phototherapy room, a sleep deprivation room and a central digital examination system.

Sleep laboratories are an activity that requires the joint disciplinary approach of neurology, ENT, chest and psychiatry specialists. Psychiatric approach to treatment is often required. Laboratory responsibility is carried out with this awareness.

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How Do I Sleep Fast?

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Insomnia has become a problem in which every human being is able to live and seek solutions to the question of how to sleep quickly. Both the stress and fatigue of daily life, as well as a comfortable sleep caused by personal circumstances can be very difficult for many people. Especially the feeling of exhaustion and fatigue in the morning of those days when insomnia is experienced decreases the rate of personal productivity and can poison that day.

Sleeping pills are not the solution
Most people find the remedy for the problem of insomnia using various drugs or sleeping pills and the negative side effects of these drugs are ignored. Can't a correct solution method to open a door to different problems to eliminate a problem? Especially when there are various natural methods to sleep fast and eliminate the problem of insomnia.

In this article, we aimed to create awareness about reducing the use of pills and drugs by referring to those natural methods. So let's address the answers to the question of how to sleep quickly without further ado.

How Fast Can You Sleep?

To develop a sense of sleep, you must create a routine every night. For example, x people brush their teeth every night before going to bed, read books and make a rain sound from their television or phone and then go to bed to sleep. To summarize, identify yourself with routine behaviors. After repeating the behavior that will prepare you for sleep for a certain period of time, you will provide the basic infrastructure for a fast sleep. Just performing those routine behaviors will increase your sense of sleep and allow you to sleep quickly.

Newly washed sheets and pillows
Newly washed sheets and pillows surprisingly accelerate the transition to sleep. The person moves to sleep more quickly by loosening and relaxing. You can spray the smell of lavender on the bed to increase the effect rate of the method. Because the scent of lavender has a structure that brings sleep, increases the feeling of sleep.

Eliminate light sources
Eliminate electronic devices that emit light in the room, and even choose a curtain as thick as possible. Because even the smallest light source can miss your sleep and extend your sleep time. By minimizing or completely eliminating light sources, you provide the basic infrastructure for faster sleep.

Most people use sleep bands to sleep faster. Because it accelerates the transition to sleep due to providing a completely dark environment. You can buy a sleeping band.

Choosing the right pillow
Ideal for a good quality sleep, the pillow is a kind of soft and non-fluffy pillow. The pillow that you are using should have a neck support and should not sweat you during sleep and it should be washable. Feature size support is the main feature that determines the sleep transition process.

Reinforcement intake before sleep
You can take magnesium supplements every night before sleep. Because magnesium is a natural mineral source for bones, it also has a natural soothing properties. As a result of regular use the benefits will begin to become visible.

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Fast Sleep Technique

Kimkoo Moist Heat Eye Compress&Microwave Hot Eye Mask for Dry Eyes?Natural and Healthy Therapies?Purple

Sleep problem, which is one of the biggest problems of our age, is seen quite a lot. Because of the stress of the day, people have a big problem especially when they go to sleep. In this case, we will tell you about the technique of quickly falling asleep.

Some people turn to sleep in the bed while others turn to sleep as soon as you put the head on the pillow. We have always cared for such people we often see around us, but for this problem, Dr. Andrew Weil developed a method.

Dr. Andrew Weil has developed an effective exercise method to save those who have trouble falling asleep. With the 4-7-8 tactic used in this method, you will be able to go to sleep in 1 minute. This exercise is as follows:

Empty all your breath before you start exercising.
We breathe through our noses for four seconds.
We hold our breath for 7 seconds.
We're breathing our breath out in eight seconds.
Repeat this exercise 3 times.

In this method, also called breathing exercise, your body is completely filled with oxygen. So your body will relax and your sleep will come. This exercise will also save you some of the thoughts that revolve around your brain.


Written and visual content in our news is compiled from different sources, suggestion and information letter. There is no definitive diagnosis and treatment. In case of any health problems, consult your doctor.

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If you want to sleep, how to fall asleep quickly: 5 ways

Sleep Mask 3 Pack, Upgraded 3D Contoured 100% Blackout Eye Mask for Sleeping with Adjustable Strap, Comfortable & Soft Night Blindfold for Women Men, Eye Shades for Travel/Naps, Black/Purple/Red

When a person has a sedentary lifestyle, he begins to have difficulty sleeping inadvertently. The same problem arises for those who have had a good rest during the day as a result of the loss of the biological clock. But what to do if an important meeting, a difficult exam or a long driving journey is at stake? True, you need to take effective ways to help you fall asleep quickly without hesitation.

Method number one. Set the operating mode and relax
It is strongly recommended not to sleep during the day after 4:30 pm. Relax for 1 hour at most between 12.00 and 16.00. The same is true for the weekend, try to wake up at your normal time, do not roll until dinner, so do not violate biorhythm. Otherwise, you run the risk of starting your work week in a depressed situation because you cannot sleep again.
Make it a habit to sleep at the same time every day, create a solid program for yourself and stick to the plan. If you're an owl, you don't have to go to bed at 21:00 and wonder why sleep doesn't come. It is necessary to progress gradually in cases where restructuring in different ways is necessary due to the nature of the service. First, wake up one hour before normal, then 2.3, etc. The first week, starting from day 8, fatigue builds up, you can fall asleep earlier.
Do not exercise for 1 hour before bedtime. Of course, daily loads are taking place, otherwise the lack of activity will adversely affect the rest. In the evening the body is set to relax at home and the gym only arouses it. There are many legends about it: some do not recommend insomnia before bedtime, while others do not categorically recommend it. Start with your own state.
Method 2. Watch your daily diet.
Avoid food that activates the nervous system. Leave salty, fried, spicy and oily food 4 hours before bedtime. Limit sauce consumption, canned foods, desserts. A bad option would be raw vegetables eaten 2 hours before bedtime. Always fill salads with natural oil, lemon juice or vinegar so they are better absorbed.
Not everyone knows, but legumes excite the body so they are not recommended for dinner. In addition, foods based on such products are digested for a long time. You can rest with a weight in your stomach, start to throw and you can not sleep by throwing and turning for a long time.
The advice above does not mean that you should be hungry. It is necessary to know the extent of everything and observe basic food hygiene. Before bed, drink a glass of sweet natural yogurt, eat an apple (not on an empty stomach), nuts (especially walnuts and almonds). Honey and cinnamon blend perfectly with insomnia green tea. Optionally, the beverage can be replaced with a spoonful of warm warm milk with honey.
Due to the high protein and phosphorus content in seafood, the feeling of drowsiness arises. For dinner, fish, octopus, squid and other delicacies to eat daily menu. Season with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar, eat with vegetables (no starch). Cook food in the oven so it doesn't stay too greasy.
Method 3. Create conditions for sleeping

Scientists have repeatedly proved that the brain is actively awake while watching TV, listening to MP3s and other sounds. For these reasons, experts do not recommend falling asleep under working devices for complete relaxation.
It is not uncommon for a person to be distracted by the sound of a working refrigerator, the noise of vehicles outside the window, and other "vital" sounds. From this situation, there is only one way out - headphones. Think of this option as they are sold in a pharmacy and cost a penny.
Equip the bed: hang the curtains or curtains, install a night light to make the room more comfortable. Wash bedspreads regularly and become starchy; Add softener with a slight pungent odor during washing.
Ventilate the room before going to bed. Fresh air relaxes the body and causes sleep to come faster. If it is winter outside, bring a pillow to the balcony, wash them and leave for 15 minutes.
Maintain the optimum temperature in the sleeping area. Use the air conditioner in the summer months, be careful not to overheat the radiators in winter. Every day go out for a 10 minute walk to an evening.
If you do not fall asleep due to stress, consult your doctor for prescription antidepressants. You can also use over-the-counter medications.
Particular attention should be paid to sleeping pillows. It should not be too soft, but not hard. The best option is considered to be products that are firmly stuffed with feathers, reaching a maximum height of 10 cm in the initial state.
If obsessed thoughts about work or other immediate problems keep you awake, write them down in a notebook. Keep a diary on the bedside table, do the following: steady, calmed down, silence all your ideas against the morning.

Method 4. Use breathing technique
When a person doesn't fall asleep, he starts thinking. The thoughts about the future hard bottom emerge, the subconscious breathing gets faster, panic comes. The heart starts beating faster, the blood chases, the pressure rises. All this leads to insomnia.
Researchers studying sleep problems call the breathing technique a kind of sedative. The body is full of oxygen and causes the brain to focus on breathing. The body slows down and the body relaxes. Anxiety and stress are drawn to the background.
Lie on a hard couch or bed. The diaphragm should be free and the movement should not be restricted.
Open your mouth, touch your tongue with the upper palate, place it next to the front teeth, close your mouth. The language must be in this position throughout the process.
Take a deep breath, then breathe with your nose and hold your breath. Lie in this position for 5-6 seconds, count slowly.
Breathe with your mouth, repeat the previous steps, do not breathe for 8 seconds now.
Exhale with your nose, then draw in the air, so that the aperture rises, stay in that position for 10 seconds. Repeat the entire technology 3-5 times in one apartment.
This is important!
When you do breathing relaxation for the first time, dizziness may occur. Don't be afraid, it will pass after 2-3 procedures. Then, comfort will be the norm for you. The procedure can be performed not only at bedtime, but also during the emergence of stressful situations.

Method number five. Apply to popular recipes

Geranium ether is considered a miraculous sleeping drug, calms the nervous system, increases drowsiness. Buy a product from a cosmetics store or pharmacy, put 1 drop on your finger and rub the area between your upper lip and your nose. In cases where this odor is not suitable for you for some reasons, consider the essential oils of rosewood, bergamot, lavender, sandalwood, marjoram. The working principle is the same, but geranium "cuts" you faster
This is important!
Aromatherapy esters should not be used very often. Otherwise, you can not make skim later characterizing a partial dependence. Even folk remedies should be applied wisely.
A less effective way to fight insomnia is the scented baths. You can use plants that you like and are open to the public. Thyme, geranium, eucalyptus, chamomile, rose, ginseng are considered to be the most effective retarders. To prepare the solution appropriately, infuse 300 g. Plants in 5 liters of water are boiled, brewed for half an hour. Strain, pour into a predetermined bath, perform the procedure for at least 30-40 minutes.
Prepare a comfortable bed: whip the pillows, ventilate the room (turn on the air conditioner), starch the sheets. Ensure food hygiene, do not eat heavy foods, beans, raw vegetables (without spices) before going to bed. Relax with medicinal herbs or oil esters.

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7 effective ways to easily fall asleep to those who have difficulty sleeping right away

Sleep Eye Mask for Men Women, 3D Contoured Cup Sleeping Mask & Blindfold with Ear Plug Travel Pouch, Concave Molded Night Sleep Mask, Block Out Light, Soft Comfort Eye Shade Cover for Yoga Meditation

Om Insomnia olduğun has an important place in medical literature. To date, there are many studies on the problem of insomnia, which is divided into three groups: temporary (less than one week), acute (less than one month) and chronic (long-term). According to various articles published between 1999 and 2009, 10 to 15 percent of the population regularly suffer from falling asleep or maintaining quality sleep; 25 to 35 percent face this problem from time to time.

The problem is not just physical fatigue or reduced cognitive functions due to sleeplessness. Distraction, concentration problems, forgetfulness, and even increased risk of heart disease are just a few of the discomforts triggered when insufficient sleep is taken.

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Those who have a really serious problem are advised to go to sleep clinics where there are doctors who specialize in this area. However, I wanted to share these with you Uplifers readers, considering that a few tactics that anyone can easily implement at home can also be very useful.

60 minutes head unloading
When you go home tired after a busy day, this time your brain is too tired to sleep because you could not have felt. Experts find it quite normal, and instead of worrying about why you can't fall asleep in such a situation, they suggest you give yourself 60 minutes to clear your head and get ready for sleep.

Taking a warm shower
Clinical psychologist Janet Kennedy draws attention to the effect of coming out of a warm or hot shower to lower the body temperature. This decrease also makes you feel sleepy by decreasing the pulse.

Wear socks
It may seem difficult at the beginning and you may feel strange; but wearing socks at bedtime, balancing the body temperature again makes it easier to fall asleep.

Do 4-7-8 exercise
Those who have trouble falling asleep often think that if they find a more comfortable position, they will go away immediately. However, one of the tricks of falling asleep is finding the right breathing position. Pulse-regulating breathing exercises can be utilized to make it easier to fall asleep:

- Breathe through your nose, feeling your lungs are full. (3-4 seconds)
- Breathe out slowly. (7-8 seconds)

Don't go to bed until you sleep
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Unless you are asleep as soon as you put your head on the pillow; you know that going to bed early and then turning inside is no good. If you haven't come to sleep, you may not be able to go to bed or get out of bed when you see that you can't sleep, or even change places, and engage in a job like folding laundry.

If you have sedative techniques, try them instead of day and night
If you are familiar with techniques for visual support, such as relaxing the brain or loosening the muscles, do not expect to be able to fall asleep to apply them. Because the pressure and anxiety caused by insomnia can override these techniques.

Get away from the phone
Now that we use the phone for alarm, it is not very accurate to say may Don't look at the clock in the room dur. However, the phone that you put on your bedside is a condition that breaks the sleep especially of those who have a light sleep, such as beeping at every notification and lighting the light. If possible, keep the phone as far away from you as possible.

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