Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Vitafusion Simply Good Prenatal Essential Multivitamin, 80 Count

Foods to be consumed by pregnant women

Vitafusion Simply Good Prenatal Essential Multivitamin, 80 Count

Healthy nutrition of pregnant women during pregnancy is of great importance. During pregnancy, the body needs to consume additional nutrients. As a priority, pregnant women should consume between 300 and 500 calories each day in terms of the health of their babies and their own health. But I'm not supposed to eat too bad because I'm going to get extra calories. There are foods that pregnant women should consume. Pregnant women can create a nutrition program with the help of a dietitian. In this way, pregnant women who will be fed regularly and healthily lose weight more easily and quickly after their pregnancy. Smoking and alcohol should not be used while doing all this. In particular, women who smoke during pregnancy should never smoke in their mouths. Because this will cause their babies to become very unhealthy in the future. It should be remembered that healthy mother means healthy baby. The basis of being a healthy mother is through healthy nutrition. As a result of interactive man’s research, we have listed the foods that pregnant women should consume.

Milk and milk products
Unborn babies need protein. Pregnant women get the best protein from milk. The calcium that babies need is in milk. In addition, one of the most important problems for mothers during pregnancy is digestive problems, milk helps to relax the digestive system. Another benefit of milk for the mother is that it reduces the risk of gestational diabetes, vaginal infections and allergies.

Foods to be consumed by pregnant women, nutrition during pregnancy, what to eat during pregnancy, foods to be eaten during pregnancy, list of nutrition during pregnancy

Legumes are an important source of fiber for pregnant women. It contains calcium just like milk. Legumes include calcium, as well as protein, iron folic acid, which is useful for pregnant women. Folic acid is very important in early pregnancy (first 3 months). Pregnant women cannot produce folic acid, which can cause infants to develop poorly and become susceptible to child infections. Legumes; lentils, peas, beans, chickpeas, soy and peanuts.

Sweet potato
Sweet potato causes vitamin A to form in the body. Vitamin A is essential for growth and regeneration of cells and tissues. It is one of the foods that pregnant women should consume for healthy baby development. It is important that pregnant women increase vitamin A intake at a high rate. Since vitamin A excess produces toxins, it is not recommended to take from animal products.

Salmon is an omega-rich food. Many people, including pregnant women, are not getting enough omega. Consumption of omega during pregnancy is very important for the baby's eye and brain development. It is sufficient for pregnant women to consume salmon twice a week. Because there is mercury in the fish. Excess mercury can harm both the mother and the baby. In addition to omega, salmon contains vitamin D. Vitamin D also has benefits such as strengthening bone health and immunity.

Pregnant women should also consume eggs as every individual wants to live healthy. Since it contains less than a lot of food in the egg, the baby and mother will have a lot of return. It contains high quality protein and fat. It is also the source of many vitamins and minerals. The most important part for pregnant women is choline. Choline helps brain development.

Broccoli and green leafy vegetables
In broccoli and green leafy vegetables; It contains vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin A, calcium, iron, folate and potassium. They are of great importance for the immune and digestive system. They prevent constipation, which is one of the biggest problems for pregnant women. In addition, green leafy vegetables prevent miscarriages. Foods to be consumed by pregnant women, nutrition during pregnancy, what to eat during pregnancy, foods to be eaten during pregnancy, list of nutrition during pregnancy

We know how important protein is in pregnancy. Chicken and beef are two of the largest sources of protein. Beef contains iron, choline and B vitamins. Iron deficiency may occur in many women during pregnancy. This is caused by not getting enough iron. Iron is especially important in the first three months. Iron deficiency can lead to premature birth or miscarriages in later pregnancy.

Fish oil
Fish oil has the most important place among the foods that pregnant women should consume. Fish oil is produced from the liver of fatty fish. Just like salmon, it is very important for the baby's brain and eye development. It also contains vitamin D. Low vitamin D intake may cause pregnancy poisoning (preeclampsia).

There is vitamin C in the strawberry. Vitamin C is important for pregnant women for skin health and immune function. Also vitamin C helps the absorption of iron.
Foods to be consumed by pregnant women, nutrition during pregnancy, what to eat during pregnancy, foods to be eaten during pregnancy, list of nutrition during pregnancy

Whole grains
Whole grains are very rich foods to meet the increasing calorie needs of pregnant women. Whole grains contain more fiber, vitamins and plant combinations in comparison to other cereals. There are many things that pregnant women need.

Vitafusion Simply Good Prenatal Essential Multivitamin, 80 Count